ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1983 / 289 . P E O P L E . PROFILES E a r l e C. F e r g u s o n has been appointed director of libraries for the University of Manitoba, W inni­ peg. He has been at Manitoba since 1970, serving as cataloger in the Law Library, acting director for public services, associate director of libraries, and since July 1982 acting director of libraries. A graduate of the Universities of Windsor and Toronto, Ferguson earned his B.A. and B.L.S. de­ grees respectively. He has served on committees of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, the Canadian Association of College and Univer­ sity Libraries, the Canadian Association of Law Libraries, and the American Association of Law Libraries. J o s e p h H . H o w a r d , assistant librarian for pro­ cessing services at the Library of Congress since 1978, has been named director of the National Ag­ r ic u ltu r a l L ib ra ry , Beltsville, Maryland, ef­ fective July 11. Howard came to LC in 1967 as assistant chief of the De­ scriptive Cataloging Di­ vision and became chief of th at division the fol­ lo w in g y ear. He was named chief of the Serial Record Division in 1972 and assistant d irec to r (cataloging) of the de­ p a rtm e n t in 1975. He became director of the Joseph H. Howard Processing D epartm ent in 1976 and assistant librarian for processing ser­ vices during a 1978 reorganization. He has served as acting director of the National Agricultural Li­ brary since last December. Howard holds both a bachelor’s degree in music education and an MLS from th e University of O klahom a. He served w ith the U.S. Army in 1952-1954 and subsequently held positions with the libraries of the University of Colorado and Washington University, St. Louis. T h o m a s M. G a u g h a n has been named director of library services at High Point College, North C arolina, effective in June. G aughan comes to High Point from Bard College in Annandale-on- Hudson, New York, where he was library director. He was previously personnel librarian at the Uni­ versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, assistant to the personnel librarian at the same university, and social sciences information specialist at Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gaughan holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Trenton State College, a master’s degree in personnel services from Montclair State College, and an MLS from the Rutgers G raduate School of Library Service. J o n a t h a n A . L i n d s e y has been appointed coor­ dinator of library affairs at Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Lindsey has served as college librar­ ian at Meredith College, R aleigh, N orth C a ro ­ lina, since 1977 and as associate dean for the past two years. He has an MLS from the Uni­ versity of A labam a, a B .D . an d P h .D . from Southern Baptist Theo­ logical Seminary, and a bachelor’s from George Washington University. Lindsey served as di­ rector of library services at Judson College, Ma­ Jonathan A. Lindsey rion, Alabama, prior to his appointment at Meredith. Among his publica­ tions are Change and Challenge: American Reli­ gious Experience 1955-1977‚ and articles in L i­ brary A cq u isitio n s: P ractice and T h eo ry, Tennessee Librarian, and N orth Carolina L i­ braries, of which he was editor. Lindsey c u rre n tly serves on ALA’s C ouncil Committee on Professional Ethics and its Commit­ tee on Accreditation, Approval Visitation Teams. He has also been a very active m em ber of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. R u t h M. K a t z has been appointed director of li­ brary services at East Carolina University, Green­ ville, North Carolina, effective June 15. She has served as associate director since September 1980 and now succeeds Eugene A. Brunelle who re- 290 / C &RL News signed as director last fall to resume teaching and research. Katz holds a Ph.D . in library science and an MLS from Rutgers University, and a bachelor’s de­ gree in chem istry from C lark U niversity. At Rutgers she served as assistant university librarian for academic personnel, systems, and special proj­ ects in 1973-1974. She came to East Carolina in 1980 after six years at the University of Denver where she served as a senior research scientist with the Denver Research Institute. She also was assis­ ta n t professor and director of the Center for Com­ munication and Information Research in the uni­ versity’s G raduate School of Librarianship. The author of many articles, Katz also published a 1981 monograph entitled, Technology As a Fac­ tor in L ibrary D evelopm ent and E ducational Change. She currently serves on the ALA Council and the Reference and Adult Services Division’s Board of Directors. C h a r le s R . M a r t e l l , JR . h a s-w a s appointed associate university librarian for public services at California State University, Sacramento, effective st May 2, He-c a m e to CSU after‚having served as ac­ quisitions librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago since 1981. From 1976 to 1981 he was as­ sistant to the university librarian and reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Berkeley. Martell has served as consultant to the Swedish National Board for Technical Development, the University of California at San Francisco, Califor­ nia State University at San Jose, and the Smithso­ nian. He has taught library administration courses at Berkeley and the University of Illinois-Urbana. A graduate of Brown University, Martell holds an MLS from Syracuse University and a doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley. He-iś the author of The Client-Centered Academic L i­ brary: A n Organizational M odel‚ published by Greenwood Press, and a number of articles on li- brary management, staff development, and copy- right. He is currently the series editor for a “Quality of W orkX ife” column th a t appears in the Journal of Academ ic Librarianship. D a v i d L. P a u l u s has been named head librarian at the Vassar College Library, Poughkeepsie, New York, effective February 1. He succeeds Barbara G. LaMont, who retired from th at position on Jan­ uary 31, 1983. Paulus previously held the position of head ac­ quisitions librarian at Vassar, beginning in 1970. Prior to th at time he served at Rutgers University as assistant order librarian from 1966 to 1970. His MLS is from Rutgers, as is his master’s in French literature. A m ember of the Southeastern New York Library Resources Council Board of Trustees from 1979 to 1981, Paulus also served as its trea­ surer. P a t r i c i a A . P i t k i n has been nam ed director of W allace Memorial Library at the Rochester Insti­ tute of Technology, New York. Pitkin has been act­ la ing d ire c to r of th e li­ b rary since Novem ber 1981. She has been associ­ ated w ith the W allace L ib ra ry since 1974, when she became its first database manager, and has served as head of li­ brary systems develop­ ment and head of auto­ m a te d a n d te c h n ic a l services. Pitkin holds an MLS Debbie Bowden (1974) with a computer Patricia A. Pitkin ap p licatio n s specialty from the School of Library and Information Sci­ ence, Geneseo, New York, and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the same institution. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS K a t h e r i n e C v e l j o , associate professor at the North Texas State University School of Library and Information Sciences, Denton, has been appointed to the IFLA Division of Special Libraries’ Standing Committee of Science and Technology Libraries. R o b e r t B . D o w n s , dean emeritus of library ad­ ministration at the University of Illinois, Urbana, has been honored by the Japanese government for his help in establishing a modern library system in Japan 35 years ago and for his contributions to li­ brarianship everywhere. The Japanese consul gen­ eral in Chicago presented Downs w ith a Second Class O rder of the Sacred Treasure decoration and scroll. In 1948 Downs was a consultant to the U.S. military government in Japan and wrote a report on organizing the Diet Library, Japan’s national li­ brary. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th at your appointm ent appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. For inform a­ tion on positions open, see the classified advertising in th e back of th is issue or call th e ACRL JOBLINE, (312) 944-6795.) E l a i n e M c C l a y A l b r i g h t has been named di­ rector of libraries at the University of Maine at Orono. S h a r o n G r i e g g s A l m q u i s t has been appointed assistant catalog librarian (monographs) at North Texas State University, Denton. C e l i n e A l v e y has been appointed manager of information systems at the J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities in Santa Monica, California. September 1983 / 291 C o n n i e J . B a t s o n is now chairperson of Refer­ ence Services at Texas Tech University Library, Lubbock. B e t h A n n B e h r e n s has been appointed cata- loger at the Memphis State University Libraries, Tennessee. J a c q u e l i n e L . B e l l o w s has been appointed technical services librarian at the Francis Bacon Foundation Library, Clarem ont, California. J a m e s B e n s o n has joined the faculty of the Divi­ sion of Library and Inform ation Science, St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, as associate pro­ fessor. J u l i e t A B i d i a n u has been appointed head of re­ sources at the Colum bia University Law Library, New York City. A l e x a n d e r T . B i r r e l l has been appointed head of the Catalog D epartm ent at W ichita State Uni­ versity, Kansas. S a r a h G . B i s h o p has been nam ed deputy direc­ tor of the National Commission on Libraries and Inform ation Science (NCLIS), W ashington, D .C . J u l i e M. B l a t t n e r has been appointed chief documents librarian in the H arvard College Li­ brary. J a n e t L . B l u m b e r g is now chief of the Technical Services Division at the W ashington State Library, Olympia. P a u l e t t e B o c h n i g is t h e n e w a s s i s t a n t g o v e r n ­ ment publications librarian at the University of Ne­ vada, Reno. B e r t R . B o y c e has joined the faculty of the School of Library and Inform ation Science at Lou­ isiana State University, Baton Rouge, as associate professor. B o r i s B r u d e r has assumed the position of head of the M aterials Acquisition D ep artm en t at the University of W aterloo Library, O ntario. K e v i n C a r e y is now assistant reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. R o b i n M . C a r l a w is the new curatorial assistant in the H arvard University Archives, Cam bridge. P a t r i c i a M i l e s C a r l e has been appointed head librarian of the Buhl Library of Social W ork, Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A p r i l C a r l u c c i has been appointed m ap project librarian in the D epartm ent of Special Collections and Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, New Jersey. K a t h y M . C a r r has been appointed assistant li­ b ra ria n of the Fisheries-O ceanography L ibrary and Friday H arbor Library, University of W ash­ ington, Seattle. J a m e s B . C a s e y has been appointed head lib rar­ ian in the Archives/Library Division of the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. E l f r e d a A . C h a t m a n has joined the faculty of the School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science at 292 / C &RL News Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, as assis­ ta n t professor. Y o n g -J a C h o has been appointed head of the Science Library at the University of Manitoba Li­ braries, Winnipeg. She also holds the position of Public Services Coordinator for the Science, Engi­ neering and Agricultural Libraries. P a t s y C l i c k is now assistant catalog librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. G e r a l d i n e C o l l i n s has been appointed interli­ brary loan librarian for the University of Florida, Gainesville. W i l l i a m C o o n s has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. E d w i n M . C o r t e z has joined the faculty of the P ratt Institute Graduate School of Library and In ­ formation Science, Brooklyn, New York. J a m e s R . C o x has been named university librar­ ian of Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. V a l e r i e D a r s t has been appointed librarian at Moberly Junior College, Missouri. K a t h y D a v i d s o n is the new catalog librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. J a m e s D a v is has been appointed librarian of the Special Collections Departm ent at the University of California, Los Angeles. J e a n D e L a u c h e has been appointed director of the Alverno College Library Media Center, Mil­ waukee. M a r v a D e L o a c h has been named head of the Cataloging and Records Maintenance Division at Milner Library, Illinois State University, Normal. B a r b a r a D u k e is the new head of the Education and Psychology Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles. E l e a n o r e R . F i c k e has been appointed special projects officer in the Shields Library, University of California, Davis. B r u c e E. F l e u r y has been appointed head of the Science-Engineering Departm ent at Tulane Uni­ versity, New Orleans. D a n i e l A. F o l e y has been appointed L atin American cataloger at the Howard-Tilton Memo­ rial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans. J u d i t h F o r t s o n -Jo n e s has assumed the respon­ sibility of conservation officer for the Hoover Insti­ tution Library and Archives at Stanford Univer­ sity, California. D o n a l d A. Fox has joined the faculty of the School of Librarianship at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. S u z a n n e O . F r a n k ie has been named dean of the library at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. S t e p h a n B . F u l l e r has been appointed head of Cataloging Services in the Hilles and Lamont Li­ braries, Harvard University. S t e p h e n G a ss is now assistant engineering li­ brarian in the Barker Engineering Library, Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. S y l v i a G e i g e r is now head of the Cataloging D epartm ent at the University of Notre Dame Li­ braries, Indiana. P e t e r G e r d i n e has been appointed acquisitions librarian at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. E m i l y G i l l u l a has been appointed m anage­ ment reference librarian at Northwestern Univer­ sity, Evanston, Illinois. L o r i G o e t s c h has been appointed assistant ref­ erence librarian at the University of Illinois at Chi­ cago. M a r g a r e t A d a m s G r o e s b e c k is now instruction and online bibliographic retrieval lib ra ria n at Amherst College Library, Massachusetts. L a u r a H a r r is has been appointed to the position of head of the Real Estate Institute Library, New York University. M a r y H a w k i n s has been appointed assistant dean for public services at the University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence. K a t h l e e n M . H e im has been named dean and associate professor in the School of Library and In ­ formation Science, Louisiana State University, Ba­ ton Rouge. W i l l i a m HEPFER has been appointed head of the Serials D epartm ent, State University of New York at Buffalo. R i c h a r d L . H o p k in s has joined the faculty of the School of Librarianship at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. N o r m a n H o r r o c k s is the new dean of the Fac­ ulty of Administrative Studies at Dalhousie Uni­ versity, Halifax, Nova Scotia. He will continue his duties as director of the School of Library Service. J o a n H u l l a r is now interlibrary services librar­ ian at Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. N a n c y C a r o l H u t c h i n s has been appointed head of Swain Hall Library, Indiana University, Bloomington. B a r b a r a H u t c h i n s o n has been appointed public services librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno. F r a n k I m m l e r is now principal bibliographer at the University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago. T i m o t h y J o h n s o n is a new assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. M a r y K ay has been appointed science reference and collection development librarian at Columbia University, New York. G e r a l d i n e C . K a y e has been named librarian of the Farlow Reference Library at H arvard Univer­ sity. S a n d r a S a n d o r K e r b e l was appointed head li­ brarian of the Engineering and Mathematics Li­ braries at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylva­ nia. C o s e t t e N. K ie s has been appointed professor and chair of the D epartm ent of Library Science at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. 294 / C &RL News T o m K i n g is the new head of the Oral History Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. G u n n a r K n u t s o n has been appointed assistant catalog librarian at the University of Illinois at Chi­ cago. A l l a n S . K o v a n has assumed duties as university archivist at the University of Wisconsin, Milwau­ kee. R o b e r t A l l e n K r u p p is now librarian at West­ ern Conservative Raptist Seminary, Portland, Ore­ gon. J o a n A . K u n s e l m a n has been appointed chair of the Processing Services D epartm ent at California State University, Fullerton. M a u r e e n B e c k L a m b e r t is now reference li­ brarian in the Rusiness Library at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. J a n i c e L a n g e has been appointed serials librar­ ian at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. C a r o l A . L a w r e n c e has been appointed associ­ ate librarian of the M offitt U ndergraduate L i­ brary, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. C r a ig L ik n e s s has been appointed head bibliog­ rapher and humanities librarian at Trinity Univer­ sity, San Antonio, Texas. M i c h a e l W e s c o t t L o d e r is now senior assis­ ta n t librarian at Pennsylvania State University, Schuylkill Campus. C h a r l e s R. L o r d has been appointed assistant W EST FO R N ET lib ra ria n at th e U niversity of W ashington, Seattle. J a m e s R . L o w r e y is now systems librarian at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. M a ija M . L u t z has been appointed cataloger in the Tozzer Library at Harvard. E l e a n o r M a c D o n a l d has been appointed assis­ tan t librarian in the University Elem entary School Library, University of California, Los Angeles. S y l v i a A . M c D o w e l l has been appointed ad­ ministrative librarian at the Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology, Cambridge. R o l l a n d H . M c G i v e r i n has been appointed head of teaching materials and special services at Indiana State University, Terre Haute. G a r y J . M a r c h i o n i n i has joined the faculty of the College of Library and Information Services at the University of Maryland, College Park, as assis­ ta n t professor. I z z o r a M a y n a r d has been appointed reference librarian in the Littauer Library at H arvard Uni­ versity, Cambridge. C o n s t a n c e M i l l e r is a new assistant reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. J e r o m e K. M i l l e r , assistant professor of library and information science at the University of Illi­ nois, U rbana, left the university in August to estab­ lish a consulting firm, Copyright Inform ation Ser­ vices. M a r g o M i l l e r has been appointed assistant sci­ ence librarian for processing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. V i c k i M i l l s has been named assistant head of the Catalog D epartm ent, University of Arizona, Tucson. J a n is M o r a r i u has joined the faculty of the Col­ lege of Library and Information Services at the University of M aryland, College Park, as assistant professor. J i l l M o r i e a r t y has been appointed night librar­ ian at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. P a t r i c e M o s k o w has been appointed reference librarian in the G utm an Library at H arvard Uni­ versity. M i c k e y M o s k o w i t z has been named librarian of Emerson College, Roston. J a m e s M ouw has been appointed acquisitions li­ brarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. W a y n e M u l l i n has accepted a position as instal­ lation consultant w ith CLSI in its Western office. T o b y F i s h b e i n M u r r a y has been appointed a r­ chivist/preservation officer at the University of Tulsa Libraries, Oklahoma. S u s a n M y e r s o n is a new cataloger in the H ar­ vard Law School Library, Cambridge. W a d e N e w h o u s e has been appointed director of the Law Library at the State University of New York, Buffalo. M a r i e - T e r e s a O ’C o n n e l l has been appointed reference librarian at the Christian Broadcast Net­ work University Library, Virginia Beach. J o h n M . O ’G o r m a n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Delaware, New­ ark. B r e n d a P e t e r s o n has been appointed catalog li­ brarian in the English language unit of the Univer­ sity of British Columbia, Vancouver. O p r i t s a P o p a has accepted the position of assis­ ta n t librarian in the Government Documents De­ partm ent of the Shields Library, University of Cal­ ifornia, Davis. B e g o n a P r a d o has begun a one-year internship w ith the University of Nevada, Reno, as Basque Collection cataloger. M a r g a r e t P r i c e is the new reference librarian in W oodward Library, University of British Co­ lum bia, Vancouver. M i c h a e l P r o b s t has been appointed director of fiscal affairs for the Libraries, NYU Press and Ar­ chives at New York University. H o w a r d R a s k i n is now circulation/reserve li­ brarian at the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. R a y m o n d R e e c e is now reference librarian in the Art Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. J a m e s R e t t i g is a new reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. L isa R . R i d e n o u r has been appointed audiovi­ sual assistant librarian at the Roberts Memorial Li­ brary at the Middle Georgia College, Cochran. J . T h o m a s R i m e r has been nam ed chief of the Asian Division of the Library of Congress, W ash­ Septem ber 1983 / 295 ington, D .C . B a r b a r a R o b i n s o n has been appointed head of acquisitions at the University of C alifornia, River­ side. M a r i a n n e R o u g h has joined th e staff of th e L e a rn in g Resources C en ter a t P rince G eorge’s C om m unity College, Largo, M aryland. J u d i t h M . S a l t m a n has joined the faculty of the School of Librarianship at the University of British Colum bia, Vancouver. M y r a S a u n d e r s is now associate law librarian for public services at the University of California, Los Angeles. J o r d a n S c e p a n s k i has been nam ed acting direc­ tor of V anderbilt University Library, Nashville. H a r o l d B . S c h l e i f e r has been appointed act­ ing director of the University Library, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. J a n e t E. S h e e t s has been nam ed head of Refer­ ence Services at Moody Memorial L ibrary, Baylor University, W aco, Texas. Jo h n A. S h u l e r is the new documents librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. G a i l S . S h u r g o t has been appointed head of the Autom ated C ataloging Section and science cata- loger, M onograph C ataloging Division, University of W ashington, Seattle. R o b e r t J . SIv i g n y has been appointed head of th e C a ta lo g in g D e p a rtm e n t a t th e C h ris tia n B roadcast N etw ork University, V irginia Beach, Virginia. J e a n R . S o d e r l u n d has been appointed curator of th e Peace C ollection, S w arth m o re College, Pennsylvania. K a r e n C . S t a b l e r is now head of the Reference D epartm ent at T ulane University, New Orleans. R i c h a r d S t a n l e y is now academic policy and resource analyst in the Provost’s Office, New York University, New York. M i l t o n G . T e r n b e r g has been appointed asso­ ciate librarian in the Social Science L ibrary of C or­ nell University, Ithaca, New York. J o n a t h a n T h o m a s has been appointed circula­ tion librarian in the H arvard Law School Library. P h i l i p T o m p k i n s has been nam ed library direc­ tor of Brooklyn College, New York. M e g a n T y n d a l l has jo in ed th e sta ff of th e L e a rn in g Resources C en ter of P rin ce G eorge’s C om m unity College, Largo, M aryland. S u s a n M . V a c c a has been appointed career re­ sources librarian in the Office of C areer Services and Off-Campus Learning of H arvard University, C am bridge. E n i d W a t e r m a n has been appointed collections research librarian at the University of W aterloo, O ntario. M a r l e n e W o n g has been nam ed librarian at the W erner Josten L ib rary of the Perform ing Arts, Smith College, N ortham pton, Massachusetts. P a t r i c k D . W r i g h t has been appointed head of the St. John’s College L ibrary at the University of M anitoba Libraries, W innipeg. C h a r l o t t e X a n d e r s has joined the C atalog D e­ partm en t of the University of Stanford, California, as associate librarian ERNthe Early American Im ­ prints D epartm ent. M e i - h w a Y a n g has been appointed visiting assis­ ta n t librarian, East Asian Area Studies specialist, at Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. RETIREMENTS M a r y B l a k e l e y , head m ap librarian at the Uni­ versity of Arizona L ibrary, Tucson, is retiring fol­ lowing 30 years of service. E l i z a b e t h B o a r d m a n retired from the Shields Library at the University of California, Davis, at the end of May. M a r t i n M . C u m m i n g s , has announced his retire­ m ent as director of the National Library of Medi­ cine effective October 1. His career in the federal government spans 40 years, the last 20 of which have been as head of the library. S h e i l a E g o f f retired from the faculty of the School of Librarianship at the University of British C olum bia, Vancouver, at the end of June. R . D e a n G a l l o w a y retired on August 15 as li­ brary director at C alifornia State College, Stanis­ laus, after more th a n 36 years of library service. M a r y E l l e n G l a s s retired at the end of June as head of the O ral History Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. W i l l i a m K . G r a i n g e r retired June 24 after 24 years as College L ibrarian at Pasadena City Col­ lege, California, and 36 years in the profession. He has also served as assistant librarian at Com pton and Bakersfield Colleges. A n n a D a n u t a K a c z y n s k a retired as librarian for French, Italian and Polish collections in the Main L ibrary of the University of California, Berkeley, on June 14. She had come to UCB in 1963 after working as a cataloger at the University of Vienna L ibrary, Austria, and M ount Saint M ary’s College, Los Angeles. D o r o t h y P . L a d d retired as associate director on June 30 after 34 years of service at Boston Uni­ versity Library. L o r r a i n e M a t h i e s , head of the E ducation and Psychology Library, retired in January after 31 years at the University of California, Los Angeles. She was recently aw arded the librarian emeritus ti­ tle. J a m e s M i n k , head of the Special Collections D e­ partm en t and university archivist, retired in June after 31 years at the University of California, Los Angeles. R o b e r t a N i x o n , head of the L ibrary Task Force, retired in January after 36 years at the University of California, Los Angeles. S y l v i a O l i v e r has retired as library director of Moberly Junior College, Missouri. G e o r g e P i t e r n i c k retired from the faculty of the School of Librarianship at the University of 296 / C &RL News British Columbia, Vancouver, on June 30. E l a i n e R e a m a n retired from the position of head of the Arts Circulation D epartm ent at the Univer­ sity of Waterloo, Ontario, on April 30. D a v id T h o m a s , entomology librarian at Mann Library of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, retired on July 8 after 24 years of service. R e b e c c a E. T i l d e s l e y , director of the library at Roger Williams College, Bristol, Rhode Island, re­ tired on May 30. She had held that position since 1975 and had been with the library since 1969. Si l v i T r e i e r retired from the position of senior assistant cataloger in the Materials Acquisition De­ partm ent of the University of Calgary, Alberta, on June 30th. G e r h a r d V a s c o is retiring September 21 as co­ ordinator of collection development and interim assistant director for technical services at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. R o b e r t V o s p e r retired this summer from his po­ sition as professor in the University of California, Los Angeles, G raduate School of Library and In ­ form ation Science. He retains the title of uni­ v ersity lib r a r ia n an d professor emeritus. V osper cam e to UCLA in 1944 to serve as head of the Acquisi­ tions Departm ent after serving briefly on the li­ brary staff of the Uni­ v ersity of C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley, and Stanford University. He was di­ rector of libraries at the Norm Schindler University of Kansas in Robert Vosper 1952-1961, b u t r e ­ turned to UCLA as university librarian from 1962 to 1973, and as professor until this year. He also served as director of UCLA’s William Andrews Clark Memorial Library from 1966 to 1981. Vosper was awarded bachelor’s and master’s de­ grees in classics from the University of Oregon in 1937 and 1939. He then went to Berkeley for his certificate in librarianship in 1940. In 1967 Hofstra University awarded him the honorary LL.D. An active member of ALA, Vosper was ACRL’s 18th president in 1955-1956 and president of ALA in 1965-1966. He also served as chairman of the As­ sociation of Research Libraries in 1963 and as vice president of the International Federation of Li­ brary Associations in 1971-1977. In 1974 the Li­ brary Association of Great Britain named him an honorary vice president, and in 1977 IFLA ap­ pointed him an H onorary Fellow and he was aw arded the medal of an officer in the Order of the Crown of Belgium. The international scope of his career is marked also by service as a member of the U.S. National Commission to UNESCO in 1968-1973 and of the U.S. State D epartm ent’s Government Advisory Comm ittee on International Book and Library Programs in 1970-1976. Earlier he had investi­ gated the growth of modern British university li­ braries as a Guggenheim Fellow in 1959-1960, and in the spring of 1960 he served the United States In­ formation Service as a Fulbright Senior Lecturer, speaking on modern library developments at uni­ versities throughout Italy. In 1973-1974 he re­ turned to England as Honorary Research Fellow in the Library School of University College, London, and during the same year again served USIS as lec­ turer in library schools in Scandinavia. In this country Vosper has served as consultant or advisor to th e A m erican C hem ical Society ('Chemical Abstracts) ‚ the American Council of Learned Societies, the Bibliographical Society of America, the National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ ministration, the National Library of Medicine, and the National Science Foundation. Since 1968 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Library Resources. Over the years Vosper has w ritten or edited over 140 professional books and articles. P a u l W . W i n k l e r , senior descriptive cataloging specialist in the Office for Descriptive Cataloging Policy, retired on June 24 after 20 years of service with the Library of Congress. DEATHS C . F ‚ W . ( F r e d ) C o k e r , head of the Reference and Reader Service Section of the Library of Con­ gress Manuscript Division since 1978, died of can­ cer on June 20. He was assistant state archivist (1963-1970) and state archivist (1970-1973) in the North Carolina D epartm ent of Archives and His­ tory, Raleigh, before joining the staff of the Na­ tional Archives and Records Service, where from 1974 to 1978 he was in charge of the Printed Docu­ ments Division. While at the Archives he served as director of the Modern Archives Institute, associate editor and then editor of the American Archivist, and as editor for the Society of American Archivists basic manual series. Coker received a Meritorious Service Award in 1981 for his plan to relocate the manuscript collec­ tions from LC ’s John Adams Building, and the fol­ lowing year he served as chair of SAA’s Philip M. Hamer Award Committee, established to recog­ nize the efforts of new and relatively inexperienced editors. J o s e p h i n e M. C o w l e s , associate professor emer­ itus and head of the Catalog Departm ent at W i­ chita State University, Kansas, died on July 26. Af­ ter her retirement in 1976, Cowles returned to the library to help with the cataloging of rare books. She received her bachelor’s degree from O ttaw a University and her MLS from the University of Illi­ nois. September 1983 / 297 D a v i d G. E s p l i n , book selection and acquisi­ tions lib rarian at the University of T oronto L i­ brary, died after a long illness on July 10. A n d r e w H . H o r n , dean of the University of C al­ ifornia, Los Angeles, School of Library and Infor­ mation Science from 1959-1978, died on May 25. He also served as collection librarian at Occidental College (1957-1959), university librarian at the U niv ersity of N o rth C a ro lin a a t C h a p e l H ill (1954-1957), and assistant associate university li­ brarian (1951-1954), archivist (1950-1957), and assistant head of the D epartm ent of Special Collec­ tions (1948-1951) at UCLA. Horn held a Ph.D . in history from UCLA and a degree in librarianship from the University of California, Berkeley. J a n e R . M o r h a r d t , assistant librarian at H ar­ v ard ’s Lam ont Library, died on May 29. She had served at Lam ont Library for 15 years. A d a h M ay O b e n h a u s , chief cataloging librarian at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, died on April 19, after eighteen years of service at th a t library. J a y R a s i e l , of the Science and Engineering Li­ brary, State University of New York, Buffalo, died on June 23. H e r m a n F. R o b i n t o n , c u ra to r em eritus and former business librarian of the New York Univer­ sity G raduate School of Business Administration, died on March 7. G e o r g e H . V r o o m a n , hum anities bibliogra­ pher at the Yale University Library since 1966, died on June 12. C o n s t a n c e M . W i n c h e l l , au th o r of the 7th (1951) and 8th (1967) editions of Guide to Refer­ ence Works, died on May 23 at the age of 86. W in­ chell joined the staff of the Columbia University Libraries in 1925 as a reference assistant and be­ cam e chief reference lib rarian at C olum bia in 1941. She held this position until her retirem ent in 1962. She had previously worked at the University of Michigan Libraries and the American Library in Paris. Long active in the American Library Associ­ ation, W inchell was aw arded the Isadore Gilbert M udge C ita tio n for d is t i n g u i s h e d service in 1960. ■ ■ News from the fie ld ACQUISITIONS • I l l i n o i s S t a t e H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y Library, Springfield, has acquired a collection of the letters and manuscripts of U.S. Senator Lyman Trum bull (1813-1896) to add to their existing collection of T rum bull family papers. Included are letters from T rum bull and his brothers and sisters to family m em bers in Jackson, M ichigan, m ostly d atin g from the 1840s and 1850s. • N e w Y o r k P u b l i c L ib r a r y has purchased a col­ lection of im portant papers and documents by and about H erm an Melville (1819-1891), including the first d raft of a portion of the author’s first published novel, Typee (1845), as well as hundreds of family letters and memorabilia. O ther rarities are a frag­ m ent from the short story “Bartleby the Scrivener,” three letters signed by Melville, and over 500 letters from Melville’s m other, wife, and other family members. The collection also contains three large family trunks and other artifacts. New York Public Library possesses one of the largest collections of Melville m aterial in the world. • O k l a h o m a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Library, Stillwa­ ter, has received the papers of Paul Miller, now chairm an emeritus of the G annett Company. The papers, which record the beginnings and growth of news networks in America, include writings, pho­ tos, documents, news stories, and personal corre­ spondence th a t reflect Miller’s early career and his term as president of the Associated Press. •T h e P u b l i c A r c h i v e s o f C a n a d a , O ttaw a, re­ cently acquired the historical papers of the Mon­ treal Am ateur Athletic Association. The collection, dating from 1861 to 1934, comprises m inute books, annual reports, correspondence, posters, and sou­ venir programs. Established in 1881, the Associa­ tion was im portant in the history of am ateur sports in C anada. •T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f D e n v e r ’s C enter for the Study of Library Architecture has received, as a gift from David Kaser, his architectural consulta­ tion papers, plans, and program s for the years 1958-1975. Kaser, a former president of ACRL, has advised in the development of over 60 college and university lib ra ry buildings in th e U nited