ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 302 / C &RL News through college, adults, and special education stu­ dents. Regular updates will review approximately 100 additional educational programs. An indepen­ dent software review board, the Evaluation Com­ m ittee, spent over 1,000 hours researching and evaluating the programs and writing product sum­ maries. The book is available for $39.95, plus $3 shipping and handling, from Allenbach Industries, 2101 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008; (800) 854-1516. • S t a n d a r d C h a n g e - M a k e r s , In d ian a p o lis now offers a series of wall or floor-mounted coin changers operated by a microprocessor with a self­ diagnostic, 6-digit, LED read-out programmed to control all change-making functions. Through the electronics board, the changer adds, subtracts, ac­ cumulates, audits all transactions, and diagnoses problems easily. A single overpayment will auto­ m a tic a lly cause th e c h an g er to sh u t dow n. Multiple-hopper models can change $5 bills and feature a control panel with switches th at enable the owner to vary the number of coins to be dis­ pensed from each hopper as return change. For further inform ation, contact Standard Change- Makers, Inc., 422 E. New York St., Indianapolis, IN 46202; (317) 639-3423. • S u p e r i n d e x , a new interdisciplinary database consisting of back-of-the-book indexes of nearly 2,000 professional-level reference books in science, , engineering, and medicine, is available online through BRS at $1 per connect minute. The several million index entries provide rapid access to spe­ cific pages in im portant reference books and will be updated and expanded as new books are published and new publishers are selected for inclusion. For further inform ation, contact Superindex, Inc., 2000 C orporate Blvd., N .W ., Boca Raton, FL 33431; (305) 994-6553. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS NOTICES •Academic Library Development Program: A Re­ port o f the Self-Study, University o f Miami (225 pages, January 1983) describes the management self-study developed by the ARL Office of Manage­ ment Studies and undertaken by the staff of the University of M iami’s O tto G. Richter Library from December 1981 through November 1982. Copies may be ordered for $20 (prepaid) from ARL/OMS, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. •An Annotated Catalog o f Unpublished Film and Television Scripts at the University o f Illinois Li­ brary at Urbana-Champaign, by Nancy Allen and Robert L. Carringer (125 pages, July 1983), de­ scribes the nearly 300 items in this collection, for which every item has been selected either for its im­ portance as a script or for its significance in a film genre or in a director’s or performer’s career. Full bibliographic descriptions of each script are ar­ ranged by script title. Indexes of personal and cor­ porate names and alternate script titles and source titles facilitate access. Copies may be purchased for $15 from the Graduate School of Library and In ­ formation Science, Publications Office, 249 Ar­ mory Bldg., 505 E. Armory St., Champaign, IL 61820. •Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Question­ naire Design, by Seymour Sudman and Norman M. Bradburn (397 pages, 1983), is a very useful and easily understandable summation of techniques for designing survey questionnaires. Sample chapters are: Questions for Measuring Knowledge; Using Standard Demographic Terms; and Form at of the Q u estionnaire. Copies m ay be p u rch ased for $18.95 from Jossey-Bass, Inc., 433 California St., Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94104. •CASE Currents (vol. 1, 1975- ), published 10 times a year by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, received the 1982 G rand Award for Distinguished Editorial Accomplish­ ment at the 1983 Publications Management Con­ ference sponsored by the Society of National Asso­ ciation Publications. This journal contains many items of interest to those involved in issues of higher education. CASE is dedicated to helping profes­ sionals at colleges, universities, and independent schools in fund raising, public relations, publish­ ing, and alumni affairs. Subscriptions are $30 for non-members. Write: CASE, Suite 400, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036. •Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions: Bibliography No. 11, by Joel M. Douglas and Lisa Flanzraich (114 pages, January 1983), has been published by Baruch College’s Na- Septem ber 1983 / 303 tional Center for the Study of Collective Bargain­ ing in Higher Education and the Professions. In ad ­ dition to 705 bibliographic entries, this publication has a list of acronyms and abbreviations and a glos­ sary of terms. Copies are $15 and may be ordered from the C enter, Baruch College, CUNY, 17 Lex­ ington Ave., Box 322, New York, NY 10010. •Conserving and Preserving Library Materials, edited by K athryn L uther Henderson and W illiam T. H enderson (207 pages, May 1983), contains eleven papers presented at the 27th Allerton Park Institute, November 15-18,1981, sponsored by the University of Illinois G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Science. A copy may be ordered for $15 from the G raduate School, Publications O f­ fice, 249 Armory Bldg. ‚ 505 E . Armory St. ‚ C ham ­ paign, IL 61820. •D irectory o f Minnesota Academic Librarians 1983-1984‚ edited by Allen L. Dollerschell (47 pages, April 1983), has been published by the Aca­ demic and Research Division of the Minnesota Li­ b rary Association, A CRL’s M innesota C hapter. T he p rim ary arragem ent is by institution, b u t there is also an alphabetical listing by last nam e which includes title, institution, and phone num ­ ber. Copies are $5 from A.L. Dollerschell, God­ d a rd L ib ra ry , Rochester C o m m u n ity College, Rochester, MN 55904-5197. •Faulkner: The Frank A. Von der Haar Collec­ tion, com piled by Susan M. L aH aye (82 pages, 1983), includes an inventory of Faulkner m aterial recently donated to the University of New Orleans Library by Frank Von der H aar as well as items previously owned. Copies are available for $6 (plus $1 shipping and handling) from the Friends of the UNO Library, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148. •Fee-Based Research in College and University Libraries (155 pages, 1983) contains the proceed­ ings of a conference at the C .W . Post Center of Long Island University on June 17-18, 1982, spon­ sored by the University’s Center for Business Re­ search and the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Li­ b r a r y . T o p ics in c lu d e p o lic y a n d leg al considerations of charging for research services and case studies on the C enter for Business Research, H arvard Business School, and Cornell University. Copies may be ordered for $28.50 (prepaid, w ith checks payable to the Center) from the Center for Business Research, Box 121, C .W . Post Center, Greenvale, NY 11548. •Fund Raising in A R L Libraries, SPEC Kit #94 (103 pages, May 1983), discusses trends in funding sources and library development activities. The kit contains SPEC survey results, a list of inform ation sources on non-profit fund raising, 10 ARL mem ­ ber reports on fund raising activities, nine exam­ ples of specific-need library campaigns, and seven examples of joint university-library cam paigns. Single copies m ay be p u rch ased for $15, w ith 304 / C &RL News checks made payable to the ARL Office of Manage­ ment Studies, from the SPEC Center, ARL/OMS, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W ., Washington, DC 20036. •Guide to Manuscript Collections o f Friends His­ torical Library o f Swarthmore College (1982) de­ scribes the holdings of the Friends Library, a col­ lection of source materials on the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Free, single copies are avail­ able for distribution to libraries, historical soci­ eties, and archives, from the Friends Historical Li­ brary, Swarthm ore College, Swarthm ore, PA 19081. Additional copies may be purchased for $4. Swarthmore still has copies of its 1981 Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection avail­ able. A free, single copy can be ordered from Jean R. Soderlund, Curator, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA 19081. •The Intellectual Freedom Manual, compiled by ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom (210 pages, 2d ed., July 1983), provides all the new or revised ALA policies and interpretations adopted since the CE Courses in Los Angeles Six continuing education courses were pre­ sented by ACRL as pre-conferences to this year’s ALA Annual Conference in Los Angeles. The courses were held June 23 and 24 and were presented to 83 participants. A range of subjects of interest to academic librarians was p re­ sented. Library management issues were addressed in courses on supervisory skills, staff perform­ ance evaluation, time management skills, and conducting effective meetings. Bibliographic instruction was represented by two courses— one examined the considerations essential to es­ tablishing a BI program, and the other consid­ ered effective te ach in g m ethods for BI librarians. For those interested in survey re­ search, CE 503 provided participants with the methodology involved in conducting survey re­ search. A new aspect of this series of courses was the aw arding of C ontinuing E ducation Units (CEUs) and Certificates of Completion. While records of each participant’s attendance at the courses have been kept at ACRL headquarters since the CE program began, Los Angeles marked the first time that ACRL has awarded CEUs. Though intensive, two-day CE courses can be wearing, participants did not seem daunted by the fact that the ALA Conference was just beginning as the courses were concluding. Commented one attendee: “I feel more enthusi­ astic now than I did before I took the courser'— Barbara Macikas, ACRL Headquarters staff. publication of the first edition in 1974. Retrospec­ tive information is updated and important new procedural recommendations are included. Part Seven, “Working for Intellectual Freedom,” is a new section concerning the organization of state­ wide support groups, coalitions, and lobbying ef­ forts. Copies are $15 from the Order Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. •Library Materials Cost Studies, SPEC Kit #95 (121 pages, June 1983), examines methods used by ARL libraries in analyzing library materials cost trends, allocating funds, planning for future bud­ gets, and determining the impact of materials cost increases on other library programs. The kit con­ tains four local studies, two examples of local justi­ fication using national data, three examples of au­ tom ated local cost studies, and a bibliography. Single copies may be purchased for $15, with checks made payable to the ARL Office of Manage­ ment Studies, from the SPEC Center, ARL/OMS, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. •A free List o f Statistical Publications (40 pages, 1983), excerpted from Congressional Information Service’s 1982 Statistical Reference Index Annual, lists more than 1,800 statistical publications pub­ lished by nearly 1,000 American associations, busi­ ness organizations, research organizations, univer­ sities, and state governments. A free copy may be obtained from SRI Source List, CIS, 4520 East- West Highway, Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20814; (800) 638-8380. •Paper Preservation Within the Academic Li­ braries o f the Utah College Library Council, by Gretchen M. Hanson (43 pages, 1983), has been published as Occasional Research Paper No. 4 of the Brigham Young University School of Library and Information Sciences. The cost is $3 prepaid, or $3.50 if billing is required. Order from Brigham Young University SLIS, Provo, UT 84602. •The Resource Notebook on Staff Development, by Jane A. Rosenberg and Maureen Sullivan (309 pages, June 1983), will assist academic libraries in developing, expanding, or improving staff devel­ opment activities. Included in the book's four doc­ uments sections are data-gathering instruments and descriptions of alternative approaches to col­ lecting information; current comprehensive staff programs; approaches to program change and de­ sign; and resource lists. The notebook is available for $25 (prepaid), from the ARL Office of Manage­ ment Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. •The 16mm Motion Picture Film Maintenance Manual, by Craig Jones (160 pages, 1983), includes basic facts about film; information on splicing, in­ spection, storage, handling, cleaning, and lubrica­ tion; correcting various types of film damage; and procket repair and the use of blooping tape. Cop­ ies may be ordered for $19.95 from Research Tech­ nology In te rn a tio n a l, 4700 Chase Ave., Lin- s September 1983 / 305 colnwood, IL 60646. •Su pplem en t to Russian/Soviet L iteratu re: Se­ lected Resources a t UC-B, compiled by Veronica Wakeman (1983), covers the years 1980-1982 and updates the original volume published in 1980. The supplement has 85 pages and constitutes a selective list of 536 titles under 27 subject headings. A copy of both supplement and original volume may be or­ dered for $7 from Mrs. V. Palomino, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. •The W. H ugh P eal C ollection at the University o f K en tu cky (237 pages, 1982) is a special number of the K en tu cky R eview devoted to the large collec­ tion of English, American, and French books and manuscripts donated to the Library by a Kentucky alumnus in 1981. A copy may be ordered for $3.50 from the K en tu ck y R ev iew , University of Ken­ tucky Libraries, Lexington, KY 40506. NONPRINT NOTICES •The first voice-indexed dictionary for blind and physically handicapped people has been produced by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped at the Library of Con­ gress. This cassette dictionary, recorded from Houghton Mifflin’s C oncise H eritag e D ictionary, contains all of the 55,000 entries of the print edi­ tion. NLS/BPH has entered into an agreement with the American Printing House for the Blind in Lou­ isville, Kentucky, to duplicate, package, and sell the dictionary at cost. It should be available for purchase by handicapped individuals by late fall 1983 at the production cost of $82.54. The dictio­ nary will also be available for use at each of the 160 co o p era tin g lib ra rie s n atio n w id e serving NLS/BPH readers. To find a word the reader listens to spoken index terms audible when the cassettes are played in fast­ forward speed. The tape is stopped when the de­ sired index word is heard, and the full dictionary entry can then be heard at the normal playing speed. The dictionary is contained on 219 sides of 55 cassettes and is recorded in the stand ard NLS/BPH 4-track, 15/16 ips format. It can be or­ dered from American Printing House for the Blind, P.O . Box 6085, Louisville, KY 40206. ■ ■ C A L E N D A R September 19— Online Catalogs: Conference on Online Pub­ lic Access Catalogs, sponsored by the University of Iowa School of Library Science, Iowa Memo­ rial Union, Iowa City. Fee: $25. Contact: Ethel Bloesch, School of Library Science, University of Iowa, 3087 Library, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 353-3644. 1 9 -2 1 — Videodiscs: Third Annual Videodisc/Op­ tical Disk Conference, sponsored by Meckler Publishing, New York Hilton. A broad range of topics and information related to the design, technology, publication, and storage applica­ tions of these technologies will be presented. Fee: $225 per day. Contact: Meckler Communi­ cations, Dept. D, 520 Riverside Ave., Westport, C T 06880; (203) 226-6967. October 6 - 7 — Libraries and Education: “A Colorado Re­ sponse to the Information Society: The Chang­ ing Academic L ib rary ,” co-sponsored by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education and the Colorado State Library, W riter’s Manor, Denver. The keynote address, “Educating Peo­ ple for the Information Society,” will be given by Harold Hyman, Rice University. Contact: Maj. Reiner H. Schaeffer, Director, The Academy L i­ brary, USAF Academy, CO 80840; (303) 472­ 2590. 6 - 7 — Ohio Chapter: Annual Preconference and Conference, Academic Library Association of Ohio, Athens, Ohio. Preconference: “Staffing the Professional Position— The Personal Job Search,” Burr Oak State Park, Athens, October 6. Conference: “The Ohio Academic Library Collection in Perspective,” Ohio University Inn, A thens, O cto b er 7. C o n ta c t: E d w ard D . Starkey, ALAO President, Roesch Library, Uni­ versity of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469. 1 0 -1 2 — Security: “Crime Prevention and Security for College and University Library Facilities,” sponsored by Campus Crime Prevention Pro­ grams, held in Louisville, Kentucky. Topics will include dealing with problem patrons, emer-