ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1983 / 305 colnwood, IL 60646. •Su pplem en t to Russian/Soviet L iteratu re: Se­ lected Resources a t UC-B, compiled by Veronica Wakeman (1983), covers the years 1980-1982 and updates the original volume published in 1980. The supplement has 85 pages and constitutes a selective list of 536 titles under 27 subject headings. A copy of both supplement and original volume may be or­ dered for $7 from Mrs. V. Palomino, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. •The W. H ugh P eal C ollection at the University o f K en tu cky (237 pages, 1982) is a special number of the K en tu cky R eview devoted to the large collec­ tion of English, American, and French books and manuscripts donated to the Library by a Kentucky alumnus in 1981. A copy may be ordered for $3.50 from the K en tu ck y R ev iew , University of Ken­ tucky Libraries, Lexington, KY 40506. NONPRINT NOTICES •The first voice-indexed dictionary for blind and physically handicapped people has been produced by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped at the Library of Con­ gress. This cassette dictionary, recorded from Houghton Mifflin’s C oncise H eritag e D ictionary, contains all of the 55,000 entries of the print edi­ tion. NLS/BPH has entered into an agreement with the American Printing House for the Blind in Lou­ isville, Kentucky, to duplicate, package, and sell the dictionary at cost. It should be available for purchase by handicapped individuals by late fall 1983 at the production cost of $82.54. The dictio­ nary will also be available for use at each of the 160 co o p era tin g lib ra rie s n atio n w id e serving NLS/BPH readers. To find a word the reader listens to spoken index terms audible when the cassettes are played in fast­ forward speed. The tape is stopped when the de­ sired index word is heard, and the full dictionary entry can then be heard at the normal playing speed. The dictionary is contained on 219 sides of 55 cassettes and is recorded in the stand ard NLS/BPH 4-track, 15/16 ips format. It can be or­ dered from American Printing House for the Blind, P.O . Box 6085, Louisville, KY 40206. ■ ■ C A L E N D A R September 19— Online Catalogs: Conference on Online Pub­ lic Access Catalogs, sponsored by the University of Iowa School of Library Science, Iowa Memo­ rial Union, Iowa City. Fee: $25. Contact: Ethel Bloesch, School of Library Science, University of Iowa, 3087 Library, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 353-3644. 1 9 -2 1 — Videodiscs: Third Annual Videodisc/Op­ tical Disk Conference, sponsored by Meckler Publishing, New York Hilton. A broad range of topics and information related to the design, technology, publication, and storage applica­ tions of these technologies will be presented. Fee: $225 per day. Contact: Meckler Communi­ cations, Dept. D, 520 Riverside Ave., Westport, C T 06880; (203) 226-6967. October 6 - 7 — Libraries and Education: “A Colorado Re­ sponse to the Information Society: The Chang­ ing Academic L ib rary ,” co-sponsored by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education and the Colorado State Library, W riter’s Manor, Denver. The keynote address, “Educating Peo­ ple for the Information Society,” will be given by Harold Hyman, Rice University. Contact: Maj. Reiner H. Schaeffer, Director, The Academy L i­ brary, USAF Academy, CO 80840; (303) 472­ 2590. 6 - 7 — Ohio Chapter: Annual Preconference and Conference, Academic Library Association of Ohio, Athens, Ohio. Preconference: “Staffing the Professional Position— The Personal Job Search,” Burr Oak State Park, Athens, October 6. Conference: “The Ohio Academic Library Collection in Perspective,” Ohio University Inn, A thens, O cto b er 7. C o n ta c t: E d w ard D . Starkey, ALAO President, Roesch Library, Uni­ versity of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469. 1 0 -1 2 — Security: “Crime Prevention and Security for College and University Library Facilities,” sponsored by Campus Crime Prevention Pro­ grams, held in Louisville, Kentucky. Topics will include dealing with problem patrons, emer- 306 / C &RL News gency response procedures, staff training pro­ grams, protection of rare books, and measures to minimize periodical mutilation. Contact: D an­ iel P. Keller, Executive Director, Campus Crime Prevention Programs, P.O. Box 204, Goshen, KY 40026; (502) 588-6111. 14-15—Buildings: Conference on College and Ac­ ademic Library Buildings, Inn America, New Stanton, Pennsylvania, and Seton Hill College, G reensburg, Pennsylvania. CEUs available. Fee: $75. C o n ta c t: T. R om anow ska- Lakshmanan, Library Director, Seton Hill Col­ lege, Greensburg, PA 15601; (412) 838-4291. 20-21—M edical L ib ra rie s: “ K now ledge Explosion—Financial Implosion,” Annual Con­ ference of the New England Regional Council on Library Resources for Nursing, Durham , New Hampshire. Fee: $75. Contact: Dorothy Noftle, L ib ra ria n , St. Joseph H ospital L ibrary, 172 Kinsley St., Nashua, NH 03061; (603) 889-6681, ext. 2255. 20-22—Medical Video: “Television and Health C are,” Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Specific areas to be covered include diversity of facilities, a hospital administrator's perspective on TV, state-of-the-art and future television technology, and TV production. CEUs: 20 Med­ ical Library Association contact hours. Contact: Television D epartm ent, Massachusetts General Hospital, Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114; (617) 726-8121. November 7-8—Security: “Crime Prevention and Security for College and University Library Facilities,” sponsored by Campus Crime Prevention Pro­ grams, held in Long Beach, California. See Oc­ tober 10-12 entry. 1 4 _ 1 7 —Management: ARL/OMS Library Man­ agement Skills Institute, sponsored by the Uni­ versity of Oregon Library, will be held at the River Valley Inn, Eugene, Oregon. The institute is devoted to advancing the supervisory skills of library staff and the overall performance of the library organization. Fee: $300. Contact: ARL O ffice of M an ag em en t S tudies, 1527 New H am p sh ire A ve., N .W ., W a sh in g to n , DC 20036; (202) 232-8656. D ecem ber 8-9—Africana: Fall meeting, Archives-Libraries Committee, African Studies Association, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Held as p art of the An­ nual Meeting of the African Studies Association. There will also be a meeting of the Cooperative Africana Microform Project (CAMP). Contact: Maidel Cason, African Documents Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Jan u ary 5-7—Library Schools: Annual Conference, Asso­ ciation for Library and Information Science E d­ u c a tio n , W ash in g to n H ilto n H o tel, D .C . Theme: “Educating Future Information Profes­ sionals: Strategies and Options.” Contact: Janet Phillips, Executive Secretary, ALI SE, 471 Park Lane, State College, PA 16801; (814) 238-0254. 20-23—New Technology: Second Annual COM- MTEX International Exposition, co-sponsored by NAVA and AECT, held at the Dallas Con­ vention Center. This is the first U.S.-based Com­ munications Technology Exposition, encom­ passing the products of the total communications industry, including AV, video, microcomputer equipm ent, and inform ation, education and tr a in in g m a te ria ls an d so ftw a re . C o n ta c t: NAVA, The International Communications In ­ dustries Association, 3150 Spring St., Fairfax, VA 22031; (703) 273-7200. F ebruary 19-22—Art Libraries: Twelfth annual conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Stouffer’s Inn on the Square, Cleveland. Regular sessions include documentation of women art­ ists, oral history, library resources for interior designers, cataloging oriental slides, and many other topics. The Cleveland Museum of Art will host the convocation and reception. Contact: Pam ela Jeffcott P arry, Executive Secretary, ARLIS/NA, 3775 Bear Creek Circle, Tucson, AZ 85749; (602) 749-9112. M arch 21-24—Serials: International Serials Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K., held in conjunction w ith the annual m eeting of the United Kingdom Serials Group. A special char­ ter flight will be available for all registrants and family members along with a travel package. Contact: Nancy Jean Malin, Periodical Special­ ists, Inc., 103 High St., Armonk, NY 10504; (914) 666-4099. ■ ■ Ad E rratu m The Head of General Reference position at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas advertised in th e Ju ly /A ugust issue erroneously read: “Send resume and names of three references be­ ginning August 31, 1983.” It should have been “by August 31.” There has been no extension of this deadline.