ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1983 / 307 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE ELSEVIER ANTIQUARIAN DEPARTMENT. Periodicals and rare books on Life- and Earth Sciences. Over 1 million volumes on stock. Catalogues available on demand. Please write to: Lippijn- straat 4, 1055 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, Harvard Law School Library. As as­ sistant head of the Collection Development Dept., plans, organizes and directs the operations of the acquisitions unit which includes searching, ordering, receiving, serial records, documents, gifts and exchanges and fiscal functions. Supervises 2 professionals, 11 sup­ port staff and casual assistants. Under the general supervision of the Assistant Librarian for Collection Development (dept, head), partici­ pates in developing and implementing policies and procedures for the acquiring and processing of library materials; works with selec­ tors, reference/bibliographers, faculty and others in selection and acquisition of materials. Monitors $800,000 materials budget. Re­ sponsible for implementing Harvard’s new automated acquisitions system. Harvard Law Library has a staff of 80, a 1.4 million volume research collection, extensive special collections and is a special member of the Research Libraries Group. Qualifications: ALA ac­ credited MLS, supervisory ability demonstrated by relevant experi­ ence, and substantial knowledge of acquisitions in an automated en­ vironm ent acquired through 3-5 years experience in a large research library are required. Significant experience with serials, knowledge of automated library systems, ability to work with a wide variety of languages and familiarity with legal materials preferred. Ef­ fective communication skills and evidence of professional creativity and in itia tive e xp e cte d . Rank: L ib ra rian II; salary range: $19,950-$29,610. Generous benefits. Position available January 1984. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three refer­ ences before Sept. 30th to: Barbara Lianides-Chin, Personnel Office, Harvard Law Library, Langdell Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138. ARCHIVIST. Richard B. Russell Memorial Library, University of Georgia Libraries (Salary minimum $14,800). The Russell Library, a department of the Special Collections Division, functions as a center for the study of recent Georgia politics and houses the papers of U .S. Senator Richard B. Russell and other 20th century U.S. Congress­ men, state officials, and political figures. The staff of four acquire, pre­ serve, and process permanent historical records according to archi­ val procedures and standards and provide reference assistance to patrons. The Archivist reports to the Head of the Russell Library. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; formal archival training or con­ siderable professional experience in an archival setting; advanced degree in history or political science; effective communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, donors, and patrons; interest in computer applications for archival collections. Application procedure: Send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and names of three references by October 14,1983 to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. To assume responsibility for administra­ tive services, special projects, and one department of a library serv­ ing 13,000 students and 700 faculty members. Library staffing in­ cludes 22 faculty, and 54 support staff positions. East Carolina is part of a 16-campus University of North Carolina system. Minimum quali­ fications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; four years of profes­ sional experience that reflects increasing supervisory responsibility in a library of comparable size and complexity or other evidence of interest in administrative work; evidence of involvement in profes­ sional association activities on the state, regional or national level; and experience in research and/or creative activity. Preferred: sec­ ond graduate degree. Twelve-months appointment. Faculty rank AFRO-AMERICAN SPECIALIST Library of Congress Specialist in Afro-American history and culture, GS-13 ($34,390-$45,406 a year). The Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C. As senior specialist in Afro-American history and culture, recommends manuscript acquistions, ne­ gotiates with potential donors, represents the Li­ brary officially in professional associations and scholarly enterprises, conducts research and pre­ pares articles on the manuscript collections for pub­ lication, and assists scholars and researchers in the field. In addition to a master’s in library science, Ameri­ can studies, or American history with concentration in Afro-American history and culture, or equivalent experience, position requires one year of special­ ized library or research work in a field beyond grad­ uate study. To obtain a copy of Vacancy Announce­ ment 30406 and application form (SF-171) write: Library of Congress Recruitment and Placement Office Washington, DC 20540 (202) 287-5627 The application form (SF-171) must refer to An­ nouncem ent 30406, include a list of relevant courses, and be received in the Recruitment and Placement Office not later than September 30, 1983 308 / C &RL News and fringe benefits. Minimum salary $22,000. Send letters of applica­ tion with resume and names of three references to: Ruth M. Katz, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27834. Ap­ plications must be postmarked on or before October 15,1983. East Carolina University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. A SSISTA N T HEAD, REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHIC SER­ VICES, AND BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES IN­ CLUDING AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES, Central Library, Univer sity of Cincinnati. Assists the Head of Reference/Bibliographic Services in the management of the Department and is responsible for building library collection in subject specialties and maintaining liaison with faculty in appropriate departments and for reference as- CHIEF LIBRARIAN City University of New York (Search reopened) Herbert H. Lehman College invites applications and nominations for a major appointment as Chief Librarian in the rank of Professor. Responsibilities: The Chief Librarian reports directly to the Provost and is responsible for all library operations includ­ ing long-range plannning, budget preparation and administration, innovations in service, policy devel­ opment, and cooperative efforts with other re­ search libraries. Qualifications: master’s degree from an ALA- accredited library school and a doctorate or a sec­ ond master’s degree in another discipline; strong administrative experience and academic orienta­ tion; skills in management and personnel supervi­ sion; knowledge of library automation; and record of professional participation and, preferably, publi­ cation. Salary: up to $50,144 dependent upon qualifica­ tions; generous fringe benefits. Lehman College is a senior college of The City University of New York situated on a 37-acre, tree-lined campus on the Bronx-Westchester border. Its campus features Gothic-style buildings, Marcel Breuer architecture, a $50 million Center for the Performing Arts, and a new library opened in 1980. More than 9,000 stu­ dents from every borough of New York City, West­ chester, and Long Island attend Lehman. The Col­ lege. offers 74 undergraduate areas of specialization, 28 programs leading to the master’s degree, and through the Graduate Center a doc­ toral program in plant sciences in conjunction with the New York Botanical Garden. The full-time fac­ ulty numbers over 400; part-time faculty, over 150. The library has a professional staff of 17, a support­ ing staff of 20, and more than 410,000 volumes, 1,600 periodicals, and 250,000 microforms. Please send resumes by November 1 ‚ 1983, to: Johanna Meskill Chair, Search Committee Herbert H. Lehman College The City University of New York Bronx, NY 10468 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. sistance in subject specialties. Receives general direction and re­ ports to the Head, Reference/Bibliographic Services. Receives guid­ ance from and consults with the Director of Collections and Information Services in collection development activities. Supervises designated support staff members in the Reference/Bibliographic Services Department. The Department, with a staff of twelve librari­ ans and seven support staff plus student assistants, provides refer­ ence and information services in the social sciences, humanities, ed­ ucation, business, and government documents. The University of Cincinnati is a member of the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries. The University Li­ braries is in the second of a projected six-year total automation proj­ ect. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, undergraduate or graduate degree in one or more social sciences, or relevant combination of education and experience; demonstrated supervisory experience required; relevant library experience re­ quired; ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, re­ quired; reading knowledge of a foreign language in addition to En­ glish desirable. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience, minimum $16,615. Please send resume with cover let­ ter, salary requirement and names of three references postmarked by October 31, 1983, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati, ML #33, Cincinnati, OH 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES (reopened). University of Arizona Library. The assistant university li­ brarian has administrative responsibility for ten public services de­ partments, including three branch libraries, with a total staff of 32 professionals and more than 50 FTE of career staff and other support personnel. The University is located in Tucson, 60 miles north of the Mexican border, and currently enrolls some 32,000 students. The area offers a variety of cultural and recreational activities— symphony, opera, theater, hiking, skiing, and 330-plus sun-filled days a year. Required: ALA-accredited degree and five years of pro­ fessional library experience in a supervisory or administrative posi­ tion in public services. Experience coordinating a large staff will be given special consideration. Familiarity with library/faculty liaison, li­ brary orientation and training programs, computer-assisted refer­ ence service, and collection development work is desirable. Position available March 15, 1984. Salary: $33,000 minimum. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona are voting members of the fac­ ulty, have 12-month appointments, 22 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send resume, including list of three references, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. Application deadline: October 15, 1983. An equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University. Performs original descriptive and subject cataloging of both serials and monographs (also works with member-contributed copy). Sub­ jects include many areas in agriculture, life sciences, and the social sciences. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of two years professional cataloging experience; thorough knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, and subject headings; experience in the use of an automated cataloging system, preferably RLIN; subject background in agriculture and/or life sciences; knowledge of West­ ern European languages desirable. Rank and salary dependent upon experience and qualifications. Salary: $18,900—higher salary negotiable dependent on additional qualifications. Apply by October 7, 1983. Available January 1984. Send resume listing three refer­ ences to: Carolyn Pyhtila, 235 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. CATALOGER. The Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Research Library is seeking a librarian to catalog a wide variety of book and non-book material (monographs, serials, documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, ephemera, photographs, maps) using OCLC where appropriate. This material will be housed in a newly created western history special collection. The cataloger will be re­ sponsible for descriptive cataloging using AACR2, subject catalog­ ing using Library of Congress subject headings and other thesauri, and classification using LC and other retrieval systems. Some refer­ ence work required. In addition to cataloging skill the position re­ quires flexibility and self-direction, coupled with the ability to work closely with Museum staff. Minimum qualification: ALA-accredited MLS. Second master’s degree in American history desirable. Salary: $18,000+ depending on qualifications. Three year appointment. Send resume, letter of application, and 3 references, by 30 Septem­ ber 1983 to: Library Search Committee, Research Library, Museum of Natural History, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGERS (2). Entry level new positions with responsibilities for original cataloging, editing and inputting of MARC records. First position. Catalogs materials for Nonbook and Special Collections ar­ eas. Includes printed and manuscript materials relating to Nevada, gaming and culinary arts; maps; and audiovisual materials with em­ phasis on music. Second position. Creates serials analytics, and cat­ alogs materials in all subjects. Requirements for both positions: ALA- Septem ber 1983 / 309 accredited library school degree, knowledge of AACR2 and LC classification and subject heading, ability to work with broad range of subjects. Knowledge of one European language and familiarity with MARC formats preferred. Salary: $16,000. Tenure-track, faculty sta­ tus, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits, TIAA/ CREF. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 references to: Mary Dale Palsson, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. Appli­ cation deadline: September 30,1983. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, 504, 402 employer. CHINESE AGRICULTURE SUBJECT SPEC IA LIST, Albert R Mann Library, Cornell University (search extended). Selection, ac­ quisition, and cataloging of Chinese-language materials in the field of agriculture. Includes expanding an active exchange program and all aspects of cataloging monographs and serials. Provides reference service and acts as liaison with faculty and students; hosts visiting scholars. Additional responsibilities include selection and subject cataloging of Western language materials in selected areas of agri­ cultural and life sciences. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; 3 -5 years cataloging experience, which includes LC classification and subject headings. Fluency in Chinese speaking (Mandarin/Putonghua), reading and writing. Subject background or demonstrated interest in agriculture or life sciences essential. Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications. Salary: up to $23,400. Apply by October 7, 1983. Available January 1984. Send resume listing three references to: Carolyn Pyhtila, 235 Olin Li­ brary, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CURATOR, UTAH AND AMERICAN WEST ARCHIVES, Lee Li­ brary, Brigham Young University. Responsible for collection devel­ opment, processing, cataloging and reference service for archival materials dealing with Utah and the West. Requires strong back­ ground in history of the West. Must have master’s degree in archival science, history, library science or liberal arts. Ph.D. preferred. Fac­ ulty position with 12-month contract, one-month vacation. Salary: $16,300 and up. Brigham Young University is a private institution. Applicants must be willing to abide by highest standards of honor, integrity, and morality as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, including abstinence from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references by September 30, 1983, to: Randy J. Olsen, Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. DATA COLLECTION COORDINATOR/SOCIOLOGY BIBLIOG­ RAPHER. Creates a Data Collection in the library of numeric and textual-numeric databases and documentation. Coordinates its ac­ tivities with other units in the University and serves as ICPSR liaison. Evaluates and recommends purchase of data files, develops policy and provides reference service for Data Collection. Serves as Bibli­ ographer for Sociology: selects, develops and evaluates subject col­ lection; serves as liaison with Sociology Department and provides in- depth library instruction; provides reference service including computer searching of sociology-related bibliographic and non- bibliographic databases. Reports to the Head, Collection Develop­ ment. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; gradu­ ate degree or equivalent in sociology; strong backgro u n d in statistics; minimum two years experience in academic library and/or data archive; at least one years experience with data files of numeric or textual-numeric databases and demonstrated com petency therein. Ability to communicate effectively with students, faculty, and library staff. Salary and rank: commensurate with education and ex­ perience; salary from $19,000 depending on qualifications. Library faculty at SUN YA are expected to fulfil faculty obligations in the areas of contribution to the advancement of the profession and university service as well as specific library assignments. To apply send letter of application, current resume and names of three references to: Kevin McCarthy, Library Personnel Officer, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by October 10, 1983. The State University of New York at Albany is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. Applications from women, minorities, and the handicapped are especially welcome. DIRECTOR OF THE BIO-MEDICAL LIBRARY, University of Min nesota Libraries-Twin Cities. The Bio-Medical Library supports the teaching, research, and service programs of the Health Sciences on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota. These pro­ grams span the full array of health sciences disciplines and include strong outreach and service activities. The Bio-Medical Library has a total operating budget of more than $1,000,000, approximately one- half of which is devoted to acquisition. It has a staff of 42 FTE, includ­ ing 11 professionals. It has a collection of over 300,000 cataloged volumes and receives approximately 4,000 serials. The Bio-Medical Library is located in the health sciences complex on the University’s Minneapolis campus and is physically consolidated, with the excep­ tion of the Natural History Library. The Bio-Medical Library includes a learning resources center, a major history of medicine collection, and its own processing unit. It participates in the RLIN cataloging system and utilizes its own, locally-developed serials and acquisition DEAN AND DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Northeastern University Northeastern University invites applications and nom inations fo r the position of Dean and Director of the University Libraries. The D irector is re­ sponsible for adm inistering the total operation of the University Libraries and is expected to provide creative and effective leadership on all levels. Northeastern University is a private, coeduca­ tional university located in Boston, Massachusetts with graduate and undergraduate programs in nine colleges. Total enrollm ent of all programs both day and evening is over 56,000 students. The present libraries at Northeastern University consist of the Robert G. Dodge Library, three divisional libraries on campus, and two libraries on separate suburban campuses. The total staff consists of 35 professionals and 49 support staff. The Northeastern University libraries are desig­ nated as a depository for U.S. Government publi­ cations. Northeastern University is a member of the Boston Library Consortium and NELINET. A new library will be built in two phases with groundbreaking for the first phase planned for late 1984. M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s : 1) Accredited MLS, plus a second graduate degree, preferably a doctorate; 2) Dem onstrated success in directing a major unit in an academic or research library for a minimum of five y e a rs ; 3) Demonstrated strong leadership and com m unication skills and ability to work well with staff, faculty, students, alumni, and adm inistration; 4) Knowledge of and demon­ strated initiative in current libraryand inform ation technology; 5) Evidence of p rofessional and scholarly achievement; 6) Demonstrated success as an advocate within a University or related community, w ithin the Library community, and with potential donors; 7) Fund raising experience and experience with library building consultants and architects desirable. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Position available on o ra fte r January 1 ‚ 1984. Send letters of nomination or application with resume and five names and addresses of references to: D ea n C h r is to p h e r F. K e n n e d y , C h a ir , D e a n a n d D ire c to r o f L ib ra rie s S e a rc h C o m m itte e , 1 2 6 H a y d e n H a ll, N o rth e a s te rn U n iv e rsity, 3 6 0 H u n t in g t o n A v e n u e , B o s to n , M A 0 2 1 1 5 . D e a d lin e fo r re c e ip t o f n o m in a tio n s a n d a p p li­ c a tio n s is O c to b e r 1 5 , 1 9 8 3 . Northeastern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. 310 / C &RL News DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES University of Minnesota-Twin Cities The Director of the Institute of Technology Libraries is responsible for administering six libraries (Architec­ ture, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics) with a budget of over $1,000,000, staff of 21 FTE, and a collection of 300,000+ cataloged volumes. The Director of the I.T. Libraries reports to the University Librarian and participates in University Libraries-wide planning and policy development, to­ gether with the Directors of the other major University Libraries departments. A minimum of five years experience in a science or technology library is required, as is either a master’s degree in library or information science or an appropriate advanced degree in a relevant field. Experience in a large research or academic library and an academic degree in the physical or applied sciences is desirable. Applicants for this position must also have demonstrated skills in administration, planning, and interper­ sonal relations. They must have a sophisticated knowledge of information science and its application in the physical and applied sciences. They must be able to work effectively with faculty, students, academic ad­ ministrators, library colleagues, and staff. Salary for this academic-administrative position is negotiable, with a minimum of $37,500. A full array of fringe benefits, including a retirement system and medical-dental coverage, is provided. Applications must be postmarked by November 1 ‚ 1983. Nominations should be received by October 1 ‚ 1983. If interested in applying, please send a letter of application, vita, and names of four references to: Robert Wright, Personnel Officer, University Libraries, 499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. systems. It has extremely strong database searching and informa­ tion delivery programs. The Bio-Medical Library participates in a number of national, regional, and statewide cooperative medical li­ brary programs, including the Greater Midwest Regional Medical Li­ brary Network, the Minnesota Council of Health Science Libraries, and the RLG Medical and Health Sciences Program Committee. Recognized as one of the outstanding bio-medical libraries in the country, the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library has been a national leader in cooperative developments, information services, audiovisual applications, and interlibrary cooperation. It has one of the strongest collections among bio-medical libraries in the country. These emphases are expected to continue in the future, with particu­ lar priority on continued collection strengths, electronic information delivery, network participation, bibliographic instruction, and closer interaction with the health sciences academic programs. The Direc­ tor of the Bio-Medical Library reports to the University Librarian and participates in University Libraries-wide planning and program de­ velopment together with the other directors of the major University Libraries departments: Central Administrative Services, Central Technical Services, Institute of Technology Libraries, St. Paul Cam­ pus Libraries, Walter Library, and Wilson Library. The Bio-Medical Library Director is an ex-officio member of the Bio-Medical Library Committee, which meets regularly to advise regarding the program­ matic directions of the Bio-Medical Library. Applicants for this posi­ tion must have a minimum of five years experience in a major bio­ medical library or libraries, demonstrated successful management experience, and MLS or appropriate equivalent academic prepara­ tion. In addition, applicants should have demonstrated skills in ad­ ministration, planning and interpersonal relations. They should have sophisticated knowledge of the library services requirements of the health sciences and be able to work effectively with faculty, students, academic administrators, library colleagues and staff. Highly desir­ able: an academic background in a health sciences related field; Medical Library Association certification; leadership potential in the areas of library automation; networking; continuing education and outreach activities; electronic information delivery; knowledge of and participation in research projects; scholarly publishing and pre­ sentations. This is an academic administrative position. Salary is ne­ gotiable, with a minimum of $40,000. Applications must be post­ marked by September 30, 1983. Please send letter of application, vita, and the names of four references, to: Robert Wright, University Libraries Personnel Officer, 499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Frostburg State College, a four- year college offering twenty-nine undergraduate majors and seven master’s degrees in liberal arts and professional studies, seeks a di­ rector to provide creative leadership in keeping the library at the cen­ ter of the educational program. Excellent facilities, 200,000 volumes plus government document depository and multi-media materials, staff of 31 and annual budget approaching $800,000. Twelve month appointment, salary $24,714-$32,462, open January 1 ‚ 1984. ALA- accredited MLS and seven years administrative experience in aca­ demic librarianship required. Commitment to library use promotion and working familiarity with library automation, networking and budgeting required. Full description available upon request. Send application letter, resume, and three confidential reference letters by October 1 ‚ 1983, to: James Cotton, Library Director Search Commit­ tee, Frostburg State College, Frostburg, MD 21532. Equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES CATALOGER (search extended) Ball State University. Reports directly to the senior educational re­ sources cataloger. Responsible for: descriptive and subject catalog­ ing of all non-print formats using AACR2 rules and OCLĆ/MARC for­ mats and Library of Congress subject headings and practice, assisting in staff training and supervision, cataloging revision of tech­ nical and cataloging assistants, participation in planning, develop­ ment, policy-making, and evaluation within the Educational Re­ sources Technical Services area. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent in instructional media. Preference will be given to applicants with: a minimum of two years of cataloging experience, including one year of audiovisual catalog­ ing; experience in using AACR2, OCLC/MARC and Library of Con­ gress subject and educational technology; broad range of experi­ ence with non-print media. Desire evidence of strong commitment to media/library services and potential for scholarly and professional achievements. Academic year appointment with possible additional summer appointment, good fringe benefits; salary negotiable from $13,000. Possible tenure and faculty rank and status. Applications must be postmarked no later than September 30, 1983. Send re­ sume and list of references to: Nyal Williams, Chairman of the De­ partment of Library Service, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Ball State University practices equal opportunity in education and employment. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DIVISION. Responsible for planning, pol­ icy, procedures, supervision, and administration of the Acquisitions Division that includes all serials activities, OCLC automated acquisi­ tion system, and binding operations. Monitors State book and bind­ ing contracts. Participates in decision making with other division heads. Acquisitions Division is composed of four units: Binding De­ partment, Serials Records, and Monographic and Serial Ordering and Receiving. The Division staff consists of three librarians and 24 classified staff. The Library has a materials budget of $2.3 million; a staff of 54 librarians and 141 classified staff; and holdings consisting of 1.3 million volumes, 15,347 subscriptions, and 1.2 million micro­ forms. Texas A&M University has an enrollment of 36,000 and is lo­ cated in the Bryan-College Station Community of 90,000 residents; 90 miles from Houston and Austin. Qualifications: ALA/MLS and a Septem ber 1983 / 311 minimum of seven years of relevant post-MLS professional library experience, preferably in an academic library. Familiarity with OCLC acquisitions subsystem or other automated acquisitions systems preferred. Open September 1, 1983. Salary: $23,000 minimum for 10.5 mos,, negotiable. Benefits include insurance package, retire­ ment plan options, 88% of social security paid on first $16,500 of sal­ ary, no state or local income taxes, 13 state holidays, faculty rank. To apply contact: Kristen M. Dahlen, Head, Personnel Operations, Uni­ versity Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. An AA/EEO employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN (search reopened), Director of the Library Learning Center and Chairperson of the Library Science Depart­ ment. fw elve-m onth, tenure-track appointment. Salary range, $22,000-$26,0QQ for appointment at rank of Assistant or Associate Professor of library science, dependent upon qualifications. Excel­ lent fringe benefits. Kentucky Wesleyan College offers a bachelor’s degree in library science. Six years of college library experience re­ quired. Must hold a master’s degree in library science from an ac­ credited ALA library school. Preference will be given to the doctoral candidate. Appointment to become effective September 1 ‚ 1983, if candidate is available; if not, January 3, 1984. Send resume, tran­ scripts, and letters of recommendation by September 30, 1983, to: Donald D. Douglass, Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY 42301. Equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF MONOGRAPHS. Position available approximately Jan. 1984. Responsible to Asst. Director of Technical Services for all monographic activities, including cataloging, catalog maintenance, acquisitions and physical processing (over 600,000 volumes). Major emphasis: cataloging (Asst. Director retains supervision of acquisi­ tions for about first year), development of written procedures, subject catalog maintenance, performance of original cataloging, supervi­ sion of 3.5 professional and 11 support staff. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 5 years varied, recent professional experi­ ence in cataloging in academic or research library; supervision of HEAD, SCIENCE LIBRARIES Berkeley Administer 14 life and physical science branch li­ braries in the General Library system, UC Berkeley, with responsibility for personnel and fiscal manage­ ment including a $1 million acquisition budget. Su­ pervise public service, technical processing, and collection development. Responsible for develop­ ment of automated programs, faculty relations, and outside funding sources. Requires MLS degree, extensive and increas­ ingly responsible experience in a scientific, biome­ dical, or engineering academic library, and demon­ strated effective management skills. Experience with library instructional programs, computer litera­ ture searching, automated catalog processing, and experience in collective bargaining highly desir­ able. Full job description mailed on request. Salary range from $26,608 per annum to start, depending on qualifications. Starting date 1 November 1983, as soon thereafter as possible. To apply send re­ sume, including names and addresses of three pro­ fessional references, by 30 September 1983 to: William E. Wenz Library Personnel Officer Room 447 General Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. full-time staff; experience with AACR2, LC subject headings; original cataloging and OCLC cataloging subsystem. Preferred: experience in monographic acquisitions; two foreign languages of bibliographic importance. Salary: $19,200 minimum. Rank and salary commensu­ rate with experience and qualifications. Deadline: Oct. 15, 1983. Send resume and 3 names of reference to: Brian Ruddick, Chair, Search Committee, Cleveland State University Libraries, 1983 E. 24th St., Cleveland, OH 44115. Equal opportunity employer, M/F/H. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Selective liberal arts college seeks a multi-talented and experienced librarian to head its acquisi­ tions/cataloging operations and to make a significant contribution to its automation planning. Includes responsibility for some original cat­ aloging, supervision of 3 support staff and 8 -1 0 student assistants, and a retrospective conversion project. The head of Technical Ser­ vices also does some reference work, some bibliographic instruc­ tion, and some liaison work with academic departments. Qualifica­ tions: A LA -accredited MLS, three years experience, w orking knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, and LC classification. Preference given to candidates with some combination of: knowledge and/or experience with library automation, reading knowledge of foreign language(s), interest in bibliographic instruction, background in business, computer sciences, or natural sciences. Faculty status; ex­ cellent fringe benefits. Salary competitive, minimum $18,000. Send resume and three current letters of reference to: Peter Dollard, Direc­ tor, Alma College Library, Alma, Ml 48801. Application deadline is October 3. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. INTERLIBRARY SERVICES LIBRARIAN. 12 month, tenure track appointment, available October 18. Responsible for interlibrary bor­ rowing and lending activites of the University of Kansas Libraries. Supervises staff of 4 plus approximately 90 hours per week of stu­ dent hourly help. Includes some reference desk duty. Requires ALA- accredited MLS; at least one year of academic library experience (paraprofessional or professional level); ability to work effectively with library patrons, staff, and ILS personnel at other institutions. Pre­ fer broad knowledge of bibliographic tools and of Western European languages; interlibrary services or related experience; and supervi­ sory experience. Salary: $16,000-$18,000, dependent upon qualifi- 312 / C &RL News cations. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 refer­ ences, to: Mary Hawkins, Assistant Dean, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045. Postmark deadline for applications: September 30. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. JUDAICA CATALOGER. Begin October 1983. Requirements: MLS/ALA, LC classification, OCLC and AACR II and two or more years cataloging experience. Hebrew a must. $14,000 minimum. Send resume to: Sarah Levy, Librarian, Dropsie College, Broad & York Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19132. MANUSCRIPT CURATOR FOR PAUL MILLER PAPERS with fac­ ulty rank. Process the papers in accordance with recognized princi­ ples for preserving and providing access to manuscript collections; provide assistance to users of the collection; develop machine- readable indexing to the materials. Master’s degree from an ALA- accredited library school; training and practical experience in the care and administration of manuscript collections and in preparation of machine-readable indexes; demonstrated competency in skills necessary to communicate, supervise, organize, analyze, and plan effectively. This is a specially funded appointment. Good fringe ben­ efits; 22 w orking days vacation and 8 holidays. Salary: $16,500-$22,500 depending upon experience. For full consider­ ation, applications should be received by October 1, 1983. Submit letter of application with resume including names of three references to: Roscoe Rouse, University Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. AA/EO employer. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN, anticipated vacancy. Responsible for acquisition of periodicals, evaluation and maintenance of collection including cataloging/classification of new/changed titles in all sub­ ject areas, union listing of holdings online and supervision of binding. Required: master’s ALA-accredited degree, 3-5 years experience with periodicals collection and serials cataloging using OCLC, AACR2, LC class schedules and subject headings. Preferred: knowledge of union-listing; supervisory experience; good interper­ sonal skills. Salary: $15,786-$20,719. Send letter of application, re­ sume, placement file and three letters of reference by October 1 ‚* 1983, to: John Zimmerman, Director of the Library, Frostburg State College, Frostburg, MD 21532. AA/EOE. PUBLIC SERVICES C O O RDINATO R. The U niversity of Wisconsin-La Crosse is seeking applications from experienced li­ brarians for the position of public services coordinator, to begin Jan­ uary 9, 1984. Duties include working on daily basis with library per­ sonnel in reference, circulation, bibliographic instruction, special collections, interlibrary loan, and government documents to coordi­ nate planning and to implement new services. Will assist in reference desk service with some night and weekend assignments. The pro­ fessional librarians are organized as a department of the faculty. Ap­ plicants must be prepared to participate in collegial governance af­ fairs of the library department. ALA-accredited MLS degree required, additional graduate work and science background desir­ able. Minimum of five years professional experience in an academic library with demonstrated experience and knowledge of public ser­ vice, database searching and library computer automation. Salary from $25,000 depending on qualifications and experience, for aca­ demic year, tenure track faculty position. Deadline for submission of applications, October 20, 1983. Send resume, names of three pro­ fessional references and credentials to: Edwin Hill, Department Chairperson, Murphy Library, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wl 54601. An affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer. RARE BOOK CURATOR for privately-endowed historical society. Requirements: MA in history or equivalent; MLS from ALA- accredited institution with concentration in bibliography and rare books; 2-5 years experience in rare book acquisitions and catalog­ ing; knowledge of conservation and microfilming techniques. Salary range: $16,000 minimum. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Christopher P. Bickford, Director, The Connecticut Historical Society, 1 Elizabeth St., Hartford, CT 06040. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell Univer­ sity. Under the direction of the Head of Reference, provides the full range of reference services using print and online sources and pre­ pares library publications. Develops collegial interactions with fac­ ulty which form the basis for participation in bibliographic instruction and collection development in assigned subject areas. Instruction in­ cludes teaching end-users to utilize bibliographic databases. Qualifi­ cations: ALA-accredited MLS. Interest in the development of an ac­ tive public services program required. Experience in reference, bibliographic instruction, computer searching, and collection devel­ opment desirable. Subject expertise or demonstrated interest in agri­ culture or life sciences highly desirable. Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications. Salary: $16,688—higher salary negotiable dependent on additional qualifications. Apply by October 7, 1983. Available January 1984. Send resume listing three refer­ ences to: Carolyn Pyhtila, 235 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. In addition to the duties outlined in the reference position described above, is responsible for managing a small branch library in entomology. Includes hiring, training, and su­ pervising student assistants, providing information services to ento­ mology students and faculty. Qualifications: minimum of two years reference experience required, in addition to those listed for above position. Demonstrated knowledge of the information requirements of scientists, and supervisory experience highly desirable. Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications. Salary: $18,900—higher salary negotiable dependent on additional qualifi­ cations. Apply by October 7, 1983. Available January 1984. Send resume listing three references to: Carolyn Pyhtila, 235 Olin Library, LIBRARIAN FOR GERMANIC COLLECTIONS University of California, Berkeley Develop and maintain Germanic publications in the humanities, social sciences and interdisciplinary sci­ entific fields. Consult with faculty and provide reference service and bibliographic assistance to users. Per­ form original cataloging of monographs in German. Will use database searching techniques for both refer­ ence and cataloging. Requires MLS degree and fluent knowledge of German. Substantial knowledge of Germanic language, literature, culture, publishing and book trade highly desirable. Candidates should have successful previous experience in reference and cataloging relevant to this assignment. Full job description mailed on request. Salary range from $21,288-$24,984 per annum to start depending on qualifications. Starting date 1 No­ vember 1983 or as soon thereafter as possible. To apply send resume, including names and addresses of three professional references, by 20 September 1983, to: William E. Wenz, Library Personnel Officer Room 447 General Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. September 1983 / 313 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides reference and computer search services to library users during scheduled hours, including evening and weekend hours. Conducts online searches of biblio­ graphic and non-bibliographic databases. Participates in policy de­ velopment and contributes to the development and improvement of reference services. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; at least two years recent reference experience in an aca­ demic library. Preferred: experience with online bibliographic data­ bases; business or science background. Salary and rank: commen­ surate with education and experience; salary from $16,500 depending on qualifications. Library faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in the areas of contribution to the advance­ ment of the profession and university service as well as specific li­ brary assignments. To apply send letter of application, current re­ sume and names of three references to: Kevin McCarthy, Library Personnel Officer, State University of New York at Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by October 10,1983. The State University of New York at Albany is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minorities and the hand­ icapped are especially welcome. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsibili ties: Reference service (with evening and weekend rotation), online bibliographic searching, library orientation/instruction, collection de­ velopment and faculty liaison work. Areas of specialization: science and technology. ALA-accredited library school degree required. Good communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work well with public and staff essential. Undergraduate courses in the sci­ ences and familiarity with online searching desired. Hiring salary: $16,000. Tenure-track, faculty status, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits, TIAA/CREF. Submit letter of applica­ tion, resume, names of three references by September 30,1983, to: Mary Dale Palsson, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The Univer­ sity of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. 12 month, tenure track appointment. Primary responsibility is general reference ser­ vice to undergraduate and graduate students and faculty in the hu­ m anities, social sciences, and related professional fields. Participates in library orientation and instruction and conducts online searches. Also responsible for cooperative collection development projects in the social sciences as well as the continuing development of a major collection supporting an active academic program in women’s studies. Reference Department offers collegial environ­ ment with independent working situations and flexibility in future as­ signments. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, strong subject back­ ground in social sciences other than history, ability to work effectively with library users and staff, and knowledge of at least one foreign lan­ guage (Western European). Prefer research library experience in reference, collection development, and online searching; advanced study in social sciences or related field, particularly women’s studies. Salary: $15,000-$20,000 dependent upon qualifications. Send let­ ter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: Mary Hawkins, Assistant Dean, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045. Postmark deadline for applications: September 30, with starting date as soon as possible thereafter. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SOCIAL WORK LIBRARIAN. The position of librarian, Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Library of Social Work, reports to the chief of the Social Science Division and has primary responsibility for formulat­ ing and implementing policies regarding the development and pres­ ervation of the Social Work Library collection, a major research facil­ ity of some 120,000 printed volumes, and for providing all levels of reference and consultation services to students and faculty, includ­ ing orientation and instructional services. The incumbent will also serve as liaison between students, faculty and administration of the School of Social Work and the Libraries, participate in the Social Sci­ ence Division planning and policy activities and provide input into the formulation and implementation of access and technical services policies of the Lehman/Social Work library complex. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are previous relevant professional experience in a large academic or research library and a strong background in the literature of social welfare and of the social sci­ ences. Previous experience in searching bibliographic databases is highly desirable. Ability to function independently and to work effec­ tively with faculty and students is essential. Submit resume, listing 3 references and salary requirements to: Box 35, Butler Library, Co­ lumbia University Libraries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Salary ranges: Librarian II, $20,000-$26,000; Librarian III: $23,000-$33,350. Deadline for applications is September 30,1983. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. STATE LIBRARIAN, Library of Michigan. Master’s degree in library science with a minimum of 4 years’ experience in library work in an administrative capacity required. The Library of Michigan, with a staff of 105 and over 1,500,000 volumes, serves the legislature and all of state government and local and school libraries and includes a law library. Send resume to: Legislative Service Bureau, Elliott Smith, Secretary, Legislative Council, P.O. Box 30036, Lansing, Ml 48909, prior to October 3, 1983. An equal opportunity employer. L A TE J O B L I S T I N G S COORDINATOR, INFORMATION SERVICES« Depauw University is seeking ‹. an experienced and innovative public services librarian to work with faculty and students to expand reference and information services in its main and branch libraries. Responsibilities include management of the reference department (3 F T E 1s‚ 2 professional) and the continued development of reference/information services, online searching, interlibrary loan, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. The position will also coordinate the library’s departmental liaison/information specialist program, in which each professional on the library staff works with several academic departments to assist with collection development and provide library support for individual classes. Required: an ALA-accredited MLS; substantial professional experience (5+ years) in public/information services; proven reference and supervisory capability; leadership ability with strong interpersonal and communication skills; demonstrated competence in assessing needs and designing and implementing services; and online searching experience. Desirable qualifications include a science academic background or strong experience with scientific information sources and collection development experience. The position is available January 2, 1984, and offers faculty rank and status, $22,000, and excellent fringe benefits. Send a letter of application, a resume, and the names of three to five references to; Jana Bradley, Director of Libraries, P.O. Box 137, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Deadline for applications: November 1, 1983. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 314 / C &RL News REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/INFORMATION SPECIALIST. DePauw University is seeking an innovative public services librarian to participate in the development of expanded information services. Responsibilities will include providing both traditional and outreach reference and information services, online searching, and user instruction. The position also serves as an information specialist to several academic departments, assisting with collection development and providing library support for individual classes. Required: an ALA-accredited MLS, reference experience in an academic library, experience with online searching, and strong interpersonal and communication skills. A second masters degree or a strong subject speciality is highly desirable. The position is available January 2, 1984, and offers faculty rank and status, $16,000, and excellent fringe benefits. Send a letter of application, a resume, and the names of three to five references to: Jana Bradley, Director of Libraries, P.O. Box 137, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Deadline for applications: November 1, 1983. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Duties will include cataloging A/V materials, music scores, and original cataloging and classification of monographic publications; general departmental duties such as revision of filing in shelflist and card catalog; materials selection. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited graduate school; reading knowledge of at least one modern European language; knowledge of LC classification and AACR2; experience with OCLC online procedures. Twelve-month appointment, rank of lecturer (non-tenure track). Usual fringe benefits including 23 days annual leave. Beginning salary range: $ 1 4 ,400-$14,700. Apply with current resume including names of at least three references to Eugene W. Huguelet, Director of Library Services, Randall Library, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 South College Road, Wilmington, NC, 28403-3297. For further information related to the position, call Director of Library Services, (919) 791-4330, ext. 2271. Closing date for applications: October 14, 1983. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties will include general reference service, bibliographic instruction, online bibliographic searching, and materials selection. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited graduate school and ability to interact effectively with all library users. Ability and interest in online searching and some experience in academic library reference service and instruction desirable. Some night and weekend hours necessary. Twelve-month appointment, rank of lecturer (non-tenure track). Usual fringe benefits including 23 days annual leave. Beginning salary range: $14,400-$14,700. Apply with current resume including names of at least three references, to: Eugene W. Huguelet, Director of Library Services, Randall Library, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 South College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403-3297• For further information related to the position, call Director of Library Services, (919) 791-4330, ext. 2271. Closing date for applications: October 14, 1983. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN required for reference position with special emphasis on information service in the sciences and engineering. Duties and responsibilities include general reference work on a staff with six other librarians, liaison with faculty, planning and conducting online computer- based literature searches with other science and engineering reference librarians and bibliographic instruction to class and seminar groups in those academic fields. Qualifications: applicants must possess an MLS degree and an undergraduate education in science or engineering. Previous experience in reference and online computer literature searching of science databases is required. Salary: $17,000-$18,000 depending on experience and September 1983 / 315 qualifications. Position carries academic status, non-tenure track. The D.H. Hill Library is an ARL Library. Applications for this position must be received by October 15, 1983, in order to receive consideration. Apply with resume and names of 3 references to: William C. Lowe, Assistant Director for Reference Services, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, P.O. Box 5007, Raleigh, NC 27650. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIANS. Two positions available to assist Head of federal Documents Department at the D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University. 1) Documents librarian with 2 or more years experience in a federal documents depository library. Duties include reference service, technical processing, class instruction and online bibliographic searching involving federal documents, microforms, U.S. patents, technical reports, and maps. Strong communication skills required. Some supervisory experience preferred. Salary: $ 1 7 ,000-$18,000‚ depending upon experience and qualifications. 2) Documents librarian who must be familiar with the federal depository System and possess basic knowledge of documents reference sources. An entry level position. Salary: $ 1 5 ,000-$16,000‚ depending upon qualifications. Both positions require MLS degree and will be available January 1, 1984. Positions have academic status, non-tenure track. The D.H. Hill Library is an ARL library. The Documents Department contains over 650,000 items and nearly 2 million microforms. It is a patent depository library. Send letter of application with resume by October 15, 1983, to: William C. Lowe, Assistant Director for Reference Services, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, P.O. Box 5007, Raleigh, NC 27650. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS CATALOGER (new position). Duties are to assist in original/shared descriptive cataloging and classification of print and microform serials in all subjects and languages for the general collection and five school libraries, using AACR2‚ LC classification and subject headings, and OCLC guidelines; to assist in authority control work; and to share in the supervision and training of serials cataloging paraprofessionals. The D.H. Hill Library is a large, academic research library and an 0CLC/S0LINET/TRLN participant. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school, working knowledge of at least one foreign language, good communication skills, adaptability to change. Experience in supervision and the cataloging of serials highly desirable. Salary: $14,500. Liberal state benefits and leave. Deadline for applications: October 15, 1983. Apply with resume and the names of 3 references to: Gloria W. Houser, Head, Serials Department, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, P.O. Box 5007, Raleigh, NC 27650. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD, SERIALS U N I T . Primarily responsible for management and organization of serials, check-in, serials records, serials invoice payment, Periodicals Reading Room, and microfiche serials listing. Reports to Head of Acquisitions Department. Requirements: ALA-accredited masters degree, two years experience with serials and/or acquisitions, supervisory and OCLC experience. Desired: knowledge of a foreign language, academic library experience, experience with serials automation and retrospective conversion. Salary: minimum $17,040, negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. 12-month tenure track appointment, faculty rank, TIAA/CREF. Kansas State University is a land-grant institution located in north central Kansas with an enrollment of approximately 19,000 students. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses and phone numbers of three current references, to: Ann Scott, Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Application deadline: October 1, 316 / C &RL News 1983. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Position open now. Responsible for cataloging library material in all formats with emphasis on media. Knowledge of automated library systems, OCLC, AACR2‚ LC classification, and one foreign language required; subject master's desirable. Some evening and/or Saturday work probable. Benefits: faculty rank, TIAA/CREF, paid Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical, tuition remission plan, 40 vacation/professional/personal days. Salary: $1 6 ,000-$17,000. Send resume and names of three current references by September 26, to: Howard Graves, Search Committee Chairman, Catalog Department, Hofstra University Library, Hempstead, NY 11550. Hofstra is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION SERVICES. The Milton S. Eisenhower Library invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Director for Collection Services. The responsibilities include oversight and direction of collection development policies and procedures, as well as allocation of the materials budget (currently $1.4 million). Maintains close contact with campus-wide academic planning in order to relate library collection development policy to ongoing research and instruction. The Associate Director for Collection Services is responsible for the daily operations of the Collection Development Center, the Collections Maintenance Office (preservation), and the Collections Organization Unit. In addition, the Associate Director for Collection Development coordinates the collection development activities of librarians with responsibility for particular areas of the collection. The Associate Director for Collection Services reports to the Director of the Library and works closely with the Director and the Library*s Administrative Committee in the overall administration of the library. Candidates must have an MLS from an accredited library school, or its equivalent. A strong academic background and a broad bibliographical knowledge are needed. Applicants must have a minimum of five years experience in positions of increasing responsibility in collection development or reference/book selection. Excellent benefits. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send resume by September 26, 1983, indicating position applied for to: Edward S. Warfield, Johns Hopkins University, Office of Personnel Services, Room 146 Garland Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND SUPERVISOR OF ONLINE DATABASE SEARCHING. Primarily responsible for coordination and active development of database searching program to include searching, training, marketing, evaluating, selecting material and equipment and records keeping. Provide daily reference services in Reference Department, teach effective library use in scientific and agricultural literature, participate in collection development, assume bibliographic instruction and liaison responsibilities. Required: ALA-accredited masters, three years academic library experience, extensive database searching experience, demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students. Undergraduate degree in agriculture or life science desirable. Salary: $17,400 minimum, negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience. 12-month tenure appointment; faculty rank, TIAA/CREF. Kansas State University is a land-grant institution located in north central Kansas with an enrollment of approximately 19,000 students. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses and phone numbers of three current references, to: Ann Scott, Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Application deadline: October 1, 1983. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. September 1983 / 317 BUSINESS/ECONOMICS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties: Under the general direction of the Head of Reference this position provides reference and bibliographic service in fields of business and economics; provides general reference service at the Library’s Main Reference Desk; participates in collection development activities in the above subject areas; performs online bibliographic searches; and participates in library instruction including general tours and specific subject-oriented presentations. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; academic background in business, economics, or related field or library experience in business or economics; knowledge of database searching and library instruction concepts and methods. Preference may be given to cadidates with MBA or subject masters in business, economics, or related field. Deadline for applications: October 15, 1983. Available: December 1, 1983. Salary: $1 6 ,000-$20,000. Applications: Send letter of application with resume and names of three references including current supervisor, to: Rodney M. Hersberger, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University Library, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. The University of Oklahoma is a equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Michigan Technological University is on the OCLC system. The collection is predominantly in the sciences and engineering. Responsibilities include: classifying and cataloging of library materials, including microforms and audio-visual material, using AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, preparing and tagging cataloging data for input into OCLC; verifying and preparing authority records, and assisting in retrospective conversion. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Salary: $16,000 minimum. Application deadline: October 1, 1983. Send resume and three letters of reference to: Lee J. Lebbin, Director, University Library, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931. Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity educational institution, equal opportunity employer. COORDINATOR, TECHNICAL SERVICES, Eastern Michigan University Library. Coordinate all functions of the Technical Services Unit, including acquisitions/processing and cataloging; coordinate planning for technical services automation; coordinate staff of five faculty and 16.5 clerical employees. Required: MLS (ALA-accredited); graduate work in a subject discipline; seven years of applicable professional experience, including three years in a leadership role; substantive knowledge of, and direct or closely- related experience with all aspects of technical services, including current cataloging, acquisitions, library accounting, and automated systems planning; thorough current knowledge of OCLC or other major bibliographic utility; demonstrated problem-solving and communications skills; record of scholarship and professional service consistent with faculty promotional requirements. Tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. Starting Salaries: Assistant Professor— $17,800; Associate Professor— $21,000 academic year. Possible Spring or Summer Session appointment at 22% of base salary. Deadline date for the receipt of completed applications is October 1, 1983. A standard application is required in order to be considered. The form may be obtained from and must be returned to: Eastern Michigan University, Personnel Office, 310 King Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197; (313) 487-3430. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educational institution. HEAD PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Manages the circulation, reserves, and information functions, and provides general directions for stacks maintenance operations. Supervises 10 FTE support staff; writes policy and procedural documents; interprets and implements library rules; selects, trains and guides personnel; provides direct service as working supervisor, including some 318 / C &RL News nights and weekends. Serves on the library’s reference team providing regular back-up reference service, including database searching. MLS or equivalent training and experience; demonstrated administrative/managerial ability; working familiarity with academic/business library procedures; successful supervisory experience; superior public relations skills; effective oral and written communication ability; experience with circulation and public service; positive public service and staff relations attitude; ability for independent judgment and action yet acceptance of directions are needed. Salary: $2 6 ,000-$30,000 (depending upon qualifications). Associate Librarian/Librarian academic staff rank. Apply to: Search Committee, J. Hugh Jackson Library, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. An equal employment opportunity through affirmative action. HEAD, COPY CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Responsible for coordinating and directing work of the Copy Cataloging Department in processing materials with LC and OCLC member-input copy. Interviews, selects and evaluates staff, develops training programs and supervises training of staff, and facilitates the flow of materials through Copy Cataloging. Formulates and interprets cataloging policies and procedures in consultation with the Original Cataloging Department and the Processing Division Head. The Processing Division consists of 33 classified employees (27 of which are in Copy Cataloging) and 11 librarians. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Requires demonstrated supervisory and management skills; a minimum 3 years post-MLS professional cataloging experience; practical knowledge of OCLC or a similar bibliographic utility, LC classification and subject headings, AACR and A A C R 2 . Benefits: Package includes $70/month paid on health, life, and disability insurance; 88% of social security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement plans including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income taxes; 10.5 month appointment, faculty rank; 13 state holidays. Salary: $18,000 minimum, negotiable. Contact: Kristen M. Dahlen, Head, Personnel Operations, Texas A&M University Library, College Station, TX 77843. An AA/EEO employer. ******************** REMINDER ******************** A Tri-Chapter ACRL meeting, sponsored by the Delaware Valley, New Jersey, and Greater New York Metropolitan Area chapters, will be held in Princeton on October 28. A keynote address on the theme, ”Life on the Technology Express," will raise questions about technology's influence in the affairs of humans and academic institutions, and help conferees establish a common framework for examining the assumptions and values implicit in technological develop­ ments. Conferees will then be asked to apply their knowledge and insights in the analysis of a case study commissioned for the program. Fee: $25 for- chapter members, $35 for non-members. Contact: Caroline Coughlin, Associate Director, Rose Memorial Library, Drew University, Madison, NJ 07940; (201) 377-3000, ext. 322. A ll Gale R eferen ce B ooks ArROM GALESNEW BOOK Fe Sent on 60-D ay Approval G o v e r n m e n t P r o g r a m s an d P r o je c ts D ir e c to r y ... A G uide to N a ti o n a l P ro g ra m s a n d P r o j e c t s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n b y t h e E x e c u t i v e D e p a r t m e n t s a n d I n d e p e n d e n t A g e n c i e s o f th e U .S. G o v e r n m e n t. 1 s t ed. p u b lis h e d in 3 s o ftb o u n d p a r ts . E d ite d b y A n th o n y T. K ru z a s a n d K a y G ill. A b o u t 500pp. C u m u la tiv e n a m e a n d k e y w o rd in d e x . G ale, 1983-84. IS B N 0-8103-0422-8. Sub., $85.00. (SO ) (P a rt 1 in p r in t) M eeting a long felt need, th is new directory provides facts a n d figures on 1,200 p ro g ra m s im p lem en ted , m a n a g ed , a n d supported by exec­ utive d ep artm en ts of th e F ederal G o v e r n m e n t . T r a in in g an d D e v e lo p m e n t O r g a n iz a tio n s D ir e c to r y ... 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