ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/August 1999 / 567 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart A ir A p p a re n t: H ow M e te o ro lo g ists Learned to Map, Predict, and Dramatize Weather, b y Mark M onm onier (309 pages, April 1999), traces the history of w eath er m aps from th e earliest (d raw n by H einrich W ilhelm Brandes in 1816 for th e A n n a le n d er Physik) to th e latest colorful com puter simulations o n the W e a t h e r C h a n n e l. C a llin g m e t e o r o l o g y “to d a y ’s single m ost m ap-intensive scientific enterprise,” Monmonier emphasizes h o w devel­ opm ents in telegraphy, aviation, forecast m od­ eling, satellites, radar, a n d th e In tern et have revolutionized w e a th e r m aps. In the process, he identifies th e role a n d resourcefulness o f new spaper w eather m aps in educating th e pub­ lic. $27.50. University o f Chicago. ISBN 0-226- 53422-7. A ll M usic G uide to the Blues, e d ite d by Michael Erlewine, et al. (658 pages, 2d ed., April 1999), contains som e 6,100 reviews an d ratings o f blues recordings— more than twice the num ­ b e r in th e first edition o f 1996 an d w ith nearly twice as m any musicians described, w ith many gospel singers a d d e d in this edition. A vast am o u n t o f in­ f o r m a t i o n is densely packed i n t o s m a ll type, w ith n o sp a c e w a ste d o n illustrations o t h e r t h a n “m usic m a p s” th a t d ia g r a m r e l a ti o n s h ip s betw een m usi­ c ia n s , sty le s, a n d reco rd la­ bels. Separate sections o n jazz recordings w ith a strong blues content, historical essays o n genres an d instru­ m ents, an d re c o m m e n d e d blu es b o o k s m ake this an essential purchase for music collections. $22.95. Miller-Freeman. ISBN 0-87930-548-7. G eorge M . E b e rh a rt is associate e d ito r o f A m e rica n Libraries; e-m ail: g eb e rh art@ ala .o rg Sharony A ndrew s G re e n ’s G ra n t Green: Rediscovering the Forgotten G enius o f J a z z G ui­ ta r (274 pages, April 1999) resurrects th e life an d talent o f th e B lue N ote R ecords jazz gui­ tarist G rant G reen (1931-1979), w h o se m usic has recently influenced acid-jazz a n d hip -h o p recordings. A fine tribute to a n eg lec ted artist by his daughter-in-law. $22.95. Miller-Freeman. ISBN 0-87930-556-8. Catholic Shrines of Central and Eastern Europe, by Kevin J. Wright (317 pages, March 1999), is a pilgrim ’s g u id e to R om an Catholic sacred sites from the C zech R epublic to T ur­ key. Many o f these places— such as th e church in A bsam , A ustria, th a t c o m m e m o ra te s a M arian ap p aritio n in 1797— are little k n o w n outside E urope. D etailed descriptions o f th e sites are provided, along w ith directions, nearby tourist a n d travel offices, a n d tips a n d trivia ab o u t the shrines. This is th e latest in a pilgrim­ ag e series (o th e r volum es co v er W estern Eu­ ro p e, th e U nited States, a n d th e H oly Land) that will b e h andy for students o f religious his­ tory as w ell as pilgrims. $16.95. Liguori. ISBN 0-7648-03344. The East A sian C h alle n g e fo r Human Rights, edited by Jo an n e R. B auer and Daniel A. Bell (394 pages, February 1999), consists o f research p a p e rs th at cam e o u t o f a four-year C arnegie Council o n Ethics a n d International Affairs’ study that ex p lo red h o w th e p e o p le o f East Asia are com ing to term s w ith h u m an rights issues. Much o f th e b o o k centers o n the “Asian v a lu e s” th eo ry th at W estern co n cep ts cannot b e im posed on cultures that value social coh esio n higher th an th e rights o f individuals. O th er topics include th e rights o f w o m e n in Islam ic countries, C onfucianism a n d h u m a n rights, a n d th e right to a clean environm ent. $57.95. C am bridge University. ISBN 0-521- 64230-2. A Guide to World Language Dictionaries, by Andrew Dalby (470 pages, D ecem ber 1998), critically review s m ore th a n 1,600 dictionaries an d special vocabularies for 295 languages, an­ cient a n d m odern, from A bkhaz to Zulu. D e­ 568 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1999 scriptions o f th e arrangem ent, features, an d shortcomings of each book are provided, along w ith alphabets for non-Roman scripts. $105.00. Fitzroy D earborn. ISBN 1-57958-069-6. F o reig n -p h rase d ro p p e rs will w an t th e W orld D ictionary o f Foreign Expressions, by G abriel G. A deleye an d Kofi A cquah-D adzie (413 pages, July 1999), w hich defines m any phrases u sed by lawyers, doctors, academ ics, an d journalists. T he majority are Latin, an d the dictionary does not discriminate betw een bor­ row ed phrases an d a d o p ted w ords like “ogre” o r “a u ra,” b u t this reference will com plem ent similar works. $70.00. Bolchazy-Carducci P ub­ lishers, 1000 B row n St., W auconda, IL 60084. ISBN 0-86516-422-3. The In d ia n S o u th w e st, 1580-1 830 : Ethnogenesis and Reinvention, by Gary Clayton A nderson (376 pages, April 1999), ex­ am ines th e social m echanism s that various In­ dian groups in th e S outhw est ad o p ted to deal w ith w hites, especially th e Spanish. A nderson focuses o n the role o f Spanish m issions in re­ s t r u c t u r i n g I n d i a n s o c i e t y , th e “A pacheanization” o f the region in th e early an d mid-18th century, the poaching-and-raid­ ing econom y o f th e Southern Plains Apaches, an d th e rise o f th e C om anches w h o cam e to the area late but w o u n d up assimilating many other groups. $39-95. University o f O klahom a. ISBN 0-8061-3111-X. Interpreting and Negotiating Licensing A g re e m e n ts, by A rlen e B ielefield an d Lawrence Cheesem an (162 pages, April 1999), steers a path through th e com plex legal issues involving contracts. Especially relevant is the ch ap te r o n “W hat D o Licensing A greem ents Really Mean?” w here specific legal wordings are decip h ered w ith their ramifications identified. A ppendices include a checklist for evaluating licenses, library-related portions o f the Digital Millennium Copyright Act o f 1998, a statem ent o n preferred practices by a coalition o f library c o n s o rtia , a n d a g lo ssary . $55.00. N eal- Schuman. ISBN 1-55570-324-0. Latin Jazz: The First of the Fusions, 1880s to Today, by Jo h n Storm Roberts (286 pages, April 1999), exam ines the influence o f Latin rhythm s an d form s o n th e com plicated fabric o f American jazz—perhaps as early as th e rag­ time era. Much as h e did for American popular music in The L atin Tinge (O xford University, 1979), Roberts takes a d ecade-by-decade a p ­ p ro ach an d explains th e role that habanera, ta n g o , r u m b a , s w in g , m a m b o , C u b o p , bossanova, funk, fusion, an d Afro-Latin music in general have had upon mainstream jazz. Rob­ erts peppers his narrative with such little-known facts as Jelly Roll M orton’s com m ent that if it d o e sn ’t have a “Spanish tinge,” it isn’t jazz. An excellent glossary and discography complement th e text. $29-95. Schirmer Books. ISBN 0-02- 864681-9. For o th e r Latin music, check ou t M usic in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions, ed­ ited by J o h n M. S c h e c h te r (496 pages, May 1999), w hich exam ines m a r i a c h i a n d conjunto jarocho m usic in Mexico, m a r i m b a a n d o th e r m u sic o f Central America, C a r i b b e a n c a ­ lypso a n d o th er genres, as well as A ndean, A rgen­ tinian an d Brazil­ ia n t r a d i t i o n s , an d th e pan-Latin n u e v a canción. Very little analysis o f this music has ap p eared in English, a n d this b o o k is a w elcom e addition, w ith its num erous maps, lyrics, transcriptions, and p h o ­ tos. $40.00 (an audio CD is available for an ex­ tra $20.00). Schirmer Books. ISBN 0-02-864750- ( “Preseruation News ” cont.from p a g e 564) program s, su ch as LARS an d ABLE, an d li­ brary online system s, su ch as Voyager, H ori­ zon, an d III. Such a softw are link w ould make possible the transfer o f bibliographic and bind­ ing shipm ent information w ith m inim um key­ ing. 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