ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ JulyI A u g u st 1999 / 569 Ann-Christe Young Brandeis University has been awarded a $150,000 g rant from th e H ew lett F o u n d atio n to e n h a n c e its g en eral e d u c a tio n p ro g ram by stren g th en in g interdisciplinary teaching. T he H ew lett F o u n d atio n w ill pro v id e th e grant for a three-year period w ith m atching su p p o rt from Brandeis. T he g rant will s u p p o rt a series o f faculty w o rk s h o p s d e sig n e d to stim ulate discussion o n cam pus o f teaching specific topics o r issues across th e disciplines. F unding will also su p p o rt innovative faculty projects that are multidisciplinary an d teach students to question inform ation from a variety o f sources. Texas A&M University has been awarded a $500,00 grant from the Ford Motor C om pany to su p p o rt the d ev elo p m en t a n d o p eratio n o f th e T exas A&M Digital Library (TAMUDL) project— a joint project w ith Silicon G raphics, Inc. (SGI). TAMUDL is d ed ica ted to th e p res­ ervation o f rare an d fragile collections. A n­ c h o re d b y th e SGI O rigin 2000 server, th e li­ brary will p ro v id e m em b ers o f th e university com m unity w ith a highly accessible, co m p re­ hensive, a n d sh ared resource that will address their individual digitization needs. U n iversity o f Sou th C aro lin a fa cu lty m em bers— B ob Skinder, C aroline Eastm an, Rich S how m an, an d D avid W ethey— have re­ ceived a Bell South G rant for $4,930. T he grant will fu n d th e project “A utom ated C ollection and Exploitation o f Internet-based D atabases.” This project will u se intelligent search agents to target th e num erous biological databases on the Internet. T he biologists will th e n analyze the databases according to their scope, variety, an d o th er variables. Finally, th e databases will b e p lace d o n th e TCL E lectronic S cience Li­ brary page, w h e re th ey will b e in teg rated for classroom an d laboratory use. The University of Maryland was awarded $477,000 to su p p o rt th e p reserv atio n o f the G o rd o n W. P range Collection. F unds will b e earm ark ed fo r th e n e w sp a p e r m icrofilm ing project, w hich has b e e n in progress for several years. T h e P ran g e N e w sp a p e r C ollection in­ cludes 16,000 n e w sp a p e r an d new sletter titles p u b lish e d in J a p a n du rin g th e years im m edi­ ately follow ing W orld W ar II (1945-49). Indiana University Libraries have received a $1 million bequest from Johanna Lenz Mendel to create the M endel Visiting Fellowship at the Lilly Library. T h e p ro g ram will p ro v id e s u p ­ p o rt for visiting scholars w h o se research will b enefit from access to th e M endel Collection. T he collection includes materials from th e Eu­ ro p e a n p resen ce in th e Americas, th e Spanish colonial empire, the independence movem ents in Latin America, m usic, a n d G erm an history an d literature. Mendel, an accom plished singer, em igrated from Austria w ith h e r husband (book collector B ernardo M endel) to Bogata, Colum ­ bia in 1928. B e rn a rd o ’s p u rch ase o f th e anti­ q u a ria n b o o k firm L athrop C. H arper, Inc., ob lig ed th e M endels to m o v e to th e U nited States in the 1950s. The U n iv e rsity o f P e n n sy lv a n ia has receiv ed a $77,720 grant, w hich includes a $15,000 m atching req u irem en t that the library m ust raise, from th e N ational E ndow m ent for the Humanities. T he grant will catalog an d pre­ serve th e p ap ers, recordings, a n d p erso n al m em orabilia o f th e L o n don-born c o n d u c to r L eopold Stokowski. Stokow ski h e lp e d to lead th e P hiladelphia O rch estra to international p ro m in e n c e du rin g his te n u re as c o n d u c to r from 1912 to 1941. H e is m ost w id ely rem em ­ bered as the musical inspiration behind the 1940 D isney classic “Fantasia,” a n d as the orchestra- to r o f som e o f J. S. Bach’s greatest organ works. A m ultim edia exhibition, “Leopold Stokowski: M aking Music M atter,” is lo cated o n th e W eb a t h t t p ://w w w .lib ra ry .u p e n n .e d u /s p e c ia l / gallery/stokow ski. The U n iversity o f Illin o is at C h icag o (UIC) has receiv ed a $64,910 Library Services an d T echnology Act (LSTA) grant for a project E d . n o t e : Send y o u r new s to : G rants & A cq u isitio ns, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H u ro n S t, Chicago, IL 606 11-2795; e- m a il: a you n g @ ala .o rg . G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s 570 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1999 to a d d catalog records for 35,500 m edical m onographs in its collection to the university’s online catalog (UICCAT), ILLINET Online, and OCLC’s WorldCat database. T he aw ard will enable the UIC library to com plete the trans­ fer o f records from the card catalog to UICCAT and to other online databases. UICCAT cur­ ren tly in clu d es ap p ro x im ately 1.4 m illion records for books, journals, new spapers, mi­ croforms, documents, theses, and AV resources. The U n iversity o f G eorgia (UG) has received a $40,000 gift from the Thom as M. Kirbo an d Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Trust to assist in the preservation o f hom e movies that sp an three decades o f life in southw estern Georgia. The movies, filmed by th e late An­ drew Avery Sr., an educator from Bainbridge, capture educational, social, agricultural, busi­ ness, a n d religious history from the 1930s through the 1950s. The 25 rolls w ere donated by the Avery family in 1996 to the UG Librar­ ies’ Media Archives. A c q u i s i t i o n s First and early editions of Mozart and B eethoven have b een acquired by W ashington University, formerly the property o f British musicologist Alan Tyson. Tyson is k n ow n for his studies o f music from the classical period, especially the compositional practices o f Haydn, M ozart, B e e th o v e n , a n d C lem en ti. T h e collection is cataloged an d is part of the G aylord Special Collections. While the 168 Mozart editions are all posthum ous, m any o f them are first editions, since m uch o f his music w as still unpublished at his death. The 100 B eethoven editions contain many first editions as well, especially of the orchestral w orks and string quartets. The collection also provides valuable material for the study o f music printing at the time. To view the catalog, visit h ttp :// and search “Tyson, Alan Form er O w ner” as a n author. Tw enty-one volu m e s o f 17th- and 18th-century astronom y b ooks have b een acquired by the Milton S. Eisenhow er Library at Johns H opkins University. Put on deposit in the Special Collections D epartm ent by Ethan T. Vishniac, professor of Physics and Astronomy, an d Ilene Busch-Vishniac, dean of the School o f Engineering, the collection includes Peter A pian’s 1540 C osm ographia re p le te w ith volvelles— m ovable p a p e r circles u se d to calculate planetary activities. A nother volum e is Nicolaus Copernicus’s 1566 second edition o f D e Revolutionibus O rbium Coelestium, in w hich he mathematically resolves planetary orbits and shifts understanding o f the rotation o f the universe from the Earth to the sun. Also included in the collection are books by Brahe, Gassendi, Huygens, Galileo, Ptolemy, and Sacro Bosco. J o h n G a y ’ s B e g g a r ’s O p e ra w a s donated to th e Illinois W esleyan University Library. The gift w as the w orking collection o f Professor William Eben Schultz, author o f G a y’s Beggar’s Opera: Its Content, History a n d Influence, an d given to the university by his daughter June E. Schultz. The collection consists o f virtually every printing of the Beggar’s Opera through I960, first editions o f m any of Gay’s other w orks, an d first editions o f the w orks of o ther im portant authors for the British Theatre in the 18th century. General W illiam Westmoreland, who served in W orld War II, Korea, an d Vietnam, has left the bulk o f his lifetime papers to the University o f South Carolina. T he papers, dated from 1917 to the present, include letters to the general from four U.S. presidents, books about the w ars he participated in, a draft of his autobiography, comm unications from soldiers w h o served u n d er his com m and, and legal docum ents concerning his libel suit against the Colum bia B roadcasting System. O nly th e general’s Vietnam papers are missing, as these w ere previously d o nated to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas. ■ C o rre c tio n In th e Ju n e 1999 “A bout th e cover” (p. 433), a painting o f “T he Louisiana State­ ho u se in 1882,” w e stated that the paint­ ing: “… attracted the derision o f Mark T w ain, w h o c o n d e m n e d it as a ‘sham castle’ inspired by th e m edieval rom ances o f Sir Walter Raleigh.” It should have b een the rom ances of Sir W alter Scott. The edi­ tors regret the error. C&RL News ■ July/August 1999 / 571 M issed T hese R ecent, Live S atellite T eleconferences? S ee T hem on V ideo! De-Mystifying the Licensing of Electronic Resources Kit Videotape (90 minutes) and participant materials (40 pp.) • March 1999 • $300; please specify VHS or PAL format Learn the legal bases of license agreements, how to prepare for licensing electronic resources, and identify key user, access, and legal terms. Practice with a mock license. Videoconference sponsored by Association o f Research Libraries and Special Libraries Association and held March 4,1999. Copyright in the New Millennium: The Impact of Recent Changes to U.S. Copyright Law Kit Videotape (135 minutes; closed captioned) and participant materials (70 pp.) •M a y 1999 • $300 Listen to the implications for libraries and educational institutions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act from five prominent authorities in the field. Hear about unresolved issues and actions librarians should take. Sponsored by American Association o f Law Libraries, American Library Association, Association o f Research Librar­ ies, Medical Library Association, and Special Libraries Asso­ ciation and held May 21,1999. ARL Distribution Center, P.O. Box 531, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0531 phone: 301-362-8196; fax: 301-206-9789; email: <> < http: / / pubscat / index.html>