ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 186 New Technology • T h e A m e r i c a n M a t h e m a t i c a l S o c i e t y ’ s Mathematical Reviews database, M A T H F IL E , will soon be available on Bibliographic Retrieval Services and D IA L O G . The database contains bibliographic and subject access to material cov­ ered in Mathematical Reviews since 1973, full text of reviews published since 1980, and more than 400,000 entries on pure and applied math published throughout the world, including cover­ age of over 1,500 journals. • T h e tw enty-six m em ber co u n tries of the E u r o p e a n C o n f e r e n c e on P o st s a n d T e l e c o m ­ m u n i c a t i o n s (CEPT) have agreed on a standard for the next generation of videotex (or viewdata) terminals which incorporates the best of the dif­ ferent European systems. This standard is the re­ sult of three years work and is considered a major achievement in European cooperation. The new standard opts for an alpha-mosaic mode, where displays are constructed using a mosaic of dots, but it has a high degree of compatability with the alpha-geometric mode, where geometric elements such as diagonal lines, arcs, and circles are used. A terminal built to the new standard will be able to receive codes from the still widely-differing B ritish P r e s te l, F re n c h T é lé te l, and G erm an B ild s c h ir m te x t s e rv ic e s , and w ill also have ca p a b ilitie s for six te e n co lo rs, d ou ble w idth characters, and underlining. • The G o v e r n m e n t P r i n t i n g O f f i c e has an­ nounced the availability of D IA L O R D E R service for those customers who are among the 13,000 subscribers to Lockheed’s D IA LO G Information Retrieval Service. G PO ’s Publications Reference F ile , which contains over 2 0 ,0 0 0 governm ent publications, is available to D IA LO G users. The D IA L O R D E R service will greatly reduce order processing time for the documents. • I n f o r m a t i o n R e s o u r c e s P r e s s , Arlington, V irg in ia, has m ade available a new database called E IS : D igests o f E n v iro n m en ta l Im pact Statements which is searchable online via Biblio­ graphic Retrieval Services. The E I S /database con­ sists o f approximately 12,000 detailed abstracts covering all final environm en tal im pact sta te ­ ments issued by the U .S. government between 1970 and 1976 and all draft and final statements issued from 1977 to date. Current subscribers to EIS will be charged a royalty fee of $25 per hour; nonsubscribers will be charged $75 per hour. • J o h n W i l e y & S o n s , New York, and the H arvard Business Review have entered into an agreement for Wiley to market and distribute the H arvard Business Review database, which has been in production since April 1981. The H BR database now consists of a bibliographic file with H B R ’s own abstracts and in-depth citations of all articles published by the Review from 1971 to the present, plus approximately 400 earlier articles of particular importance. Full-text retrieval is slated for mid-1982. The anticipated royalty fee for ac­ cessing the database through Bibliographic R e­ trieval Services is $40 per hour. • The M i n n e s o t a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Sy s t e m P r o j e c t f o r A u t o m a t e d L i b r a r y S y s t e m s (MSUS/PALS) is now making its online catalog access system software available for sale. The sys­ tem , which operates on UNIVAC 1100 series hardware and utilizes O C L C archival tapes for data input, is a comprehensive, integrated biblio­ graphic access system with provision for keyword and boolean searching; format, date and language d e lim ito rs; tr u n c a tio n ; b ib lio g ra p h ic co n tro l number searching; multiple institution holdings and d isp lay s; p rin to u t c a p a b ility ; and C O M catalog and offline special listing capability. F u r­ ther information may be obtained from Dale Car­ rison, Dean of the Library, Mankato State Uni­ versity, Mankato, MN 56001; (507) 389-6201. • N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y Library now of­ fers s u b je c t search in g cap ab ility on its L U IS computer catalog, in addition to its author and title access. The vocabulary is based on the LC S u b je c t H eadings, th e N LM M edical S u b je c t H ead in g s, and sp ecia l h ead in g s d ev ised by Northwestern’s Transportation Library for their holdings. All items processed by the library since 1970 are retrievable on the L U IS system. For those unfamiliar with any of the three systems of headings, L U IS g enerates a nutshell guide to each at the request of the user. • T h e P a c i f i c N o r t h w e s t B i b l i o g r a p h i c C e n t e r ’s board of directors has asked the Pacific N orthw est L ibrary A ssociation and th e W LN Com puter Services Council to participate in a joint venture to convene a team to plan for the esta b lish m e n t of a P acific N orthw est L ib rary Network incorporating WLN as an integral seg­ ment. The Joint Planning Team would be com­ posed o f seven m em bers, one o f whom would represent an O C LC library in the region. B e ­ cause of changing conditions, decreasing funds, and economic instability, the PN BC board d e­ cid ed in F e b ru a ry th at th e C e n te r would no longer provide access to the University of Wash­ ington Library’s collections, nor would it provide bibliographic searching and verification services after June 30, 1982. The board also announced its intention to change its emphasis from operating a switching and document delivery center to focus­ ing on the support of a joint planning venture to establish in the region an institution-based r e ­ source sharing network. • P e r g a m o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n C o r p o r a t i o n , M cLean, Virginia, has announced that its PATSEARCH database is now available in 187 the U .S . via the London-based Pergam on In ­ foLine com puter. Previously available through Bibliographic Retrieval Services, the database is now exclusively accessed from the Pergamon In ­ foLine. PATSEARCH contains front page infor­ mation from all U .S. patents issued since 1971. • T h e C o u n cil on L ib ra ry R e s o u rc e s has awarded a grant of $394,886 to the R e s e a r c h L i ­ b r a r i e s G r o u p for the next phase of its Linked System s P ro je c t which is called the “ Standard Network Interconnection.” This nationwide n et­ work will be based on a diversity of systems but linked by standard protocols. The work to be per­ formed will cover the design, development, and implementation of the standardized telecomm uni­ cations link betw een the systems at R L G , the Washington Library Network, and the Library of Congress. After the interconnection is installed, users of either WLN or RLIN and the Library of Congress will be able to access the bibliographic resources on the other systems. This may be the first dramatic step towards creating a nationwide bibliographic database. • S U N Y / O C L C , th e New Y ork S ta te L i­ brary, and O C LC have agreed to work in close cooperation for the com pletion o f O C LC -based union list projects in New York State. The library will be an O C L C union listing agent in New York, and SUNY/OCLC will provide technical data and expertise on m agnetic tape products from the O C LC system. The SUNY/OCLC net­ work has 214 institutions, making it the third largest network and the largest network within O C LC in terms of catalog input. • T y m s h a r e , I n c ., Cupertino, California, is in­ troducing a new line of compact, personal infor­ mation terminals usable to access catalog, circula­ tion, and interlibrary loan information. Called Scanset, the terminals feature six multifunction programmable keys which are capable of up to twelve user-defined tasks. The screens display 24 lines of text, 4 0 -8 0 character line lengths and lim­ ited graphics capabilities. • UTLAS (University of Toronto Library Au­ tomation Systems) has launched the two branches o f a newly configured system called the Dual Catalogue Support System. Consisting of identi­ cal parallel databases and systems in online op­ eration, Dual CATSS has been able to improve term inal response tim e, system reliability, and the quantity and timeliness of cataloging informa­ tion. UTLAS users now have access to over 13 million records. ■■ N E W CHOICE s t a f f m e m b e r F ran cin e G raf has b een appointed assistant e d ito r for s c ie n c e and te c h n o lo g y at C h o ice magazine, A C RL’s review journal for college li­ b ra rie s p u b lish e d in Middletown, C onnecti­ cut. G raf was formerly ead of the C ollection D e v e lo p m e n t D e p a rt­ ment at the University of C on n ecticu t H ealth C enter Library. She has also h eld p o sitio n s as head of the Acquisitions D epartm ent and refer­ e n c e lib ra ria n at th e same institution. Graf received a bach­ Francine G ra f e lo r ’s in p o litic a l s c i­ ence from the U niver­ sity of Connecticut and an M LS from the Univer­ sity of K entu cky. She has b een active in the M edical L ib rary A ssociation and re ce n tly d e­ veloped and taught a course on monograph selec­ tion and management as part o f the association’s continuing education program. ■ ■ h