ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 189 Procedures Exchange C en ter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire A ve., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the A RL Office of Management Studies. L i­ brary members o f ARL receive kits for $7.50. • Specialty Positions in ARL Libraries (133 pages, January 1982), S P E C Kit # 8 0 , has been published by the Association of Research Librar­ ies. It includes 49 documents with position de­ scriptions covering the role of technical and man­ agerial specialists in large libraries. S P E C kits are available by subscription from the Systems and Procedures Exchange C en ter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. Individual kits may be purchased for $15 (prepayment required) with checks made payable to the ARL Office of M anagement Studies. L i­ brary m embers of ARL receive kits for $7.50. • Travel and Tourism Bibliography and Re­ source H andbook‚ by Jean n e Gay (3 volum es, 1981), lists books, articles, notes, maps, reports, and similar information about every conceivable travel destination, including the polar regions. A list of resources provides names and addresses of tourism organizations, a subject bibliography, and an alphabetical list of tourism-related periodicals. The volumes are available for $50 from Travel Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular cla ssifie d ad ve rtise m e n ts m ust reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $ 4 .0 0 per line for ACRL m em bers, $ 5 .0 0 for others. Late job notices are $ 1 0 .0 0 per line for m em bers, $ 1 2 .0 0 per line for others. Organizations su b m ittin g ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typew ritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $ 1 0 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the m onth in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncem ents m ust include a salary figure. Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in m eaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (3 1 2 ) 9 4 4 -6 7 9 5 fo r la te -b re a k in g jo b ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m . the previous day. Each listing s u b m itte d will be carried on th e re co rd in g for two weeks. The charge for each tw o-w eek lis tin g is $ 3 0 for ACRL m em bers and $35 for non-m em bers. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads w hich, because of narrow application deadlines, will not a p ­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-m onth subscription is $ 1 0 for ACRL m em bers and $15 for non-m em bers. and Tourism Press, P .O . Box 1188, Santa Cruz, CA 95061. • The Vieux C α rré Survey, by F lo ren ce M. Jum onville (31 pages, 1981), is a description o f the preparation and a guide to the use o f th e major New Orleans architectural study located in the Historic New Orleans Collection Library. The pamphlet summarizes the types of research mate­ rial to be found in the survey and suggests how it may be used to learn more about the history of th e h isto ric F r e n c h Q u a rter. C om p lim en tary copies may be obtained from the H istoric New O rleans C o llectio n L ibrary, 533 Royal S tr e e t, New Orleans, LA 70130. ■ ■ Anthro-Minutes A C RL’s Anthropology and Sociology Section wishes to keep its m embers more up-to-date by providing copies o f the m inutes o f their meetings. I f you would like to be placed on the mailing list, send your name and address to: Sandra S. K erbel, Secretary, Anthropology and Sociology S ectio n , G raduate School of Business L ibrary, U niversity o f Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep’t, ACRL, Am erican Library ssociation, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . FOR SALE ARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 0 7 0 5 . G overnm ent ublications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No epayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 93 7 -8 8 4 6 . RIC M ICROFICHE COLLECTION. ED 0 1 0 0 0 0 ED 2 0 5 6 7 0 9 6 6 -1 9 8 1 ) Complete incl. indexes, cabinets. Contact: Director, mbassador College Library, 3 0 0 W. Green Street, Pasadena, CA 1129; (213) 5 77 -5 544. HELFMARK ORIGINAL CATALOGING saves tim e and money on o-copy items. AACR2. 277 Valley View Road, Ukiah, CA 95482. POSITIONS OPEN FRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN, provides specialized ference services designed to reach m inority students and in su p ­ ort of African-Am erican Studies Department. Participates in gen­ al refe ren ce services in th e social scie nces and hum a n itie s. elects materials in field of African-Am erican studies. Participates fa cu lty m eetings of the A frica n -A m e rica n Studies D epartm ent nd serves as liaison with Office of African-A m erican Student Af­ irs. MLS from accredited library school required; either courses in frican-Am erican studies or a master's degree in an appropriate cial science or hum anities d iscipline highly desirable. Experience ith either online searching or bibliograph ic in stru ctio n desired, specially the latter. Ability to work independently and to initiate ontacts with faculty m em bers and students is essential. Reading nowledge of French or Spanish is desired. Salary is $15,000 plus ep ending on qualifications. Available im mediately. Applications re­ eived by June 15, 1982, will be considered. Send letter of app lica ­ on, resum e, and nam es o f three references, and have library chool credentials, in cluding transcripts, sent to: Lance Query, Per­ onnel Librarian, N o rthw e ste rn U niversity Library, Evanston, IL 0201. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. SIAN COLLECTION CURATOR/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Faculty posi­ on in the Collection Development Division. Curator of East Asian e rn a cu la r c o lle ctio n of over 3 0 ,0 0 0 volum es. Responsible fo r nalyzing existing collection, updating collection developm ent policy, A M p pr E (1 A 9 S n A re p er S in a fa A so w e c k d c ti s s 6 A ti v a 190 and coordinating selection of materials. Provides specialized reference service. Requires MLS or post-graduate education in the history, literature, and culture of East Asia. Ph.D. is preferred. Must be fluent in Chinese or Japanese and be able to read in at least one other East Asian language. Must be willing to abide by the standards of the Mormon Church and abstain from alcoholic bev­ erages, tobacco, tea, and coffee. M inimum salary $15 ,0 0 0 and up depending on qualifications. Submit resume and names of three references to Randy Olsen, Assistant University Librarian, Lee Li­ brary, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. ASSISTANT CHIEF-MONOGRAPHIC ACQUISITIONS. Stanford U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s . R e s p o n s ib le fo r th e S e a rc h /O rd e r and Processing/Receipts Division w ithin the Acquisition Department. Supervises 13 FTE support staff and one FTE librarian. Works with vendors. Reports to Chief, Aquisition Department. MLS or equiva­ lent in background and experience. Knowledge of cataloging prin­ ciples, bibliographic description, book trade and automated sys­ tems required. Experience in managing large unit, good com m u ni­ cation skills. Knowledge of a foreign language, highly desirable. As­ sociate Librarian: $19,800—$ 2 4 ‚600; Librarian: $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 9 ,0 0 0 . Please cite #231 on all correspondence to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. The University of Georgia Libraries seek an experienced librarian with strong leadership qualities to assume responsibility for the overall ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES University of Miami Libraries (Search extended). Reports to the Director of Libraries. Administers and coordinates the ac­ tivities of the operational units of the Public Services Division; reviews, evaluates, and plans new services as needed; initiates the develop­ ment of goals and priorities for the Division; participates with other members of the library administration in the elaboration of general li­ brary policy. Qualifications: MLS from an ac­ credited library school; at least 7 years related experience in a large academic library; strong leadership qualities to motivate staff to provide positive, responsive, and innovative services; ability to work effectively with teaching faculty; empathy with the library needs of students and fa culty at each level of research. Twelve months faculty tenure-track appointment. Sal­ ary dependent on qualifications with a starting range of $26,000-$30,000. Position available October 1, 1982. Benefits include moving allowance, university assistance with house financing, tuition remission, non-contributory TIAA/CREF, partially paid insurance plans, one month vacation. To ensure consideration, please send, be­ fore June 11, 1982, a letter of application, re­ sume, and the names of three references, to: Ronald P. Naylor Assistant Director for Administrative Services University of Miami Libraries P.O. Box 2 4 8 2 1 4 Coral Gables, FL 3 3 1 2 4 Interviews may be arranged at ALA in Philadelphia. The university of Miami is an EEO/AA employer. coordination of collection development. Responsible to the Director of Libraries, the Assistant Director manages and allocates a $2.4 million materials budget; supervises the Collection Development Di­ vision comprised of Fine Arts, History, Humanities, and Social Sci­ ences Departments with a staff of 11 professionals and 12 support; and coordinates collection development with other units in the Li­ braries. Selection procedures utilize an in-house automated system. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; additional advanced degree strongly preferred; 5 years experience with collection development activities, preferably including budget preparation and control, in large academ ic or research library; public services experience pre­ ferred; knowledge of national trends in collection m anagement and the acquisition of library materials; demonstrated administrative and supervisory ability; ability to deal sensitively with co-workers and to develop cooperative interaction with other library units; experience with or knowledge of automated library systems; understanding of the role of the library in academ ic research; ability to work posi­ tively with university faculty and administrators; knowledge of the principles of bibliographic control; flexibility in planning and im ple­ menting library programs; effective oral and written com m unication skills. Salary com petitive and negotiable, m inim u m of $25,000. Closing date for applications June 7, 1982. Send letter of applica­ tion addressing the above qualifications, resume, and names of three references to Bonnie Jackson Clemens, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. Search reopened. The position will not be fille d unless suitab le cand ida tes are fo u n d . An equ al- opportunity/affirmative-action employer. ASSISTANT DOCUMENTS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, position open April I, 1982. Duties include reference assistance and biblio­ graphic control of international documents collection and some ref­ erence assistance with federal and state documents. Prefer person who has had experience with United Nations documents. Share tim e on general reference desk with night and weekend rotation. ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. Salary with experience $13,500 m inim u m . Tw elve-m onth contract. TIAA/CREF and many other fringe benefits. Send application and resume to: Royal V. Pope, Di­ rector of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer, welcomes applications from all qualified individuals. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Reports to the Director of Library Ser­ vices. General responsibilities: assist the Director of the Library in the development of the library collections and the delivery of library services to a largely Native American population. Specific respon­ sibilities: (I) provide assistance to the Technical Processing De­ partment by providing original cataloging for materials which do not have such in form ation provided by the Library of Congress or OCLC; (2) perform research and construct bibliographies in specific areas of interest as requested by persons, institutions and organiza­ tions; (3) develop programs of orientation for students and faculty throughout the year; (4) conduct classes in the use of the library and its facilities, both as a separate course and in collaboration with other instructors and departments; (5) be available for supervi­ sion and instruction of staff, reference inquiries, serials manage­ ment, audio-visual utilization and other areas of professional ser­ vices as required. Qualifications: master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution. Two years of professional library experience, preferably in an academ ic/tw o year library. Special capabilities in data processing, Native American materials, educa­ tional technology and public relations. Salary $ l6 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 be­ ginning. Health and life insurance group plan, retire m en t plan pending. 20 days of paid vacation in addition to certain school holidays. Starting date: no later than June I, 1982. Required infor­ mation: letter of application expressing interest in and qualifications for position; resume; college transcripts; three letters of recom m en­ dation; Navajo Community College application for em ployment. Mail to: Marvin E. Pollard, Jr., Director of Library Services, Navajo Com­ m unity College-Tsaile, Navajo Nation, AZ 86556; (602) 724-3311. ASSISTANT SCIENCE SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Northern Illinois University has an anticipated, part-time, October, 1982, opening for an Assistant Science Subject Specialist. MLS from an accredited li­ brary school required; second master’s or substantial graduate work expected, preferably in the sciences. At least two years’ experience as a librarian preferred. Duties include: providing reference service (including online searches), bibliographic instruction, and collection development in science section of a subject divisional library; fu n c ­ tio n as fa c u lty lia iso n to som e d e p a rtm e n ts served. $ 7 ,8 0 0 m inim um for 12 month contract; Illinois Retirem ent System; one m onth va ca tio n ; a c a d e m ic status. A p p ly by s e n d in g resum e, placement file, official transcripts, and three letters of recom menda­ tion, by July 15, 1982, to: George Nenonen, Personnel Director, U ni­ versity Libraries, N o rthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. Northern Illinois University is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, University of California, San Diego. Salary range: $ 2 9 ,4 0 0 -$ 4 6 ,6 0 0 . Available September I, 1982. Is responsible for planning, leadership and evaluation of pro­ grams and services of both Biomedical and Medical Center Librar­ ies. Reports to Assistant University Librarian for Sciences, and in­ formally to School of Medicine and academ ic departm ents served 191 by libraries. Directs and develops staff of seven academ ic FTE, 20 supp ort staff, and 6 .6 student assistant FTE. Has adm inistrative re sponsibilities for p ub lic services, technical services and collection developm ent in both Biom edical and Medical Center Libraries. Re presents UCSD Library in Regional Medical Library Network and other m edica l lib ra ry organizations. Q ualifications: considerable health/life sciences library experience in an academ ic environm ent. Demonstrated skills in adm inistration, planning and interpersonal relations. Thorough understanding of concepts of health service and operations and tren ds in their developm ent at local, regional and national levels; fam iliarity with research trends in health and life sciences, com plete understanding of biom edical library service and the ability to form ulate, advocate and relate goals and pro grams to discipline s served; demonstrated ability to work effectivel with m edical faculty and students, with research-oriented academ ic faculty and students, with health care professionals in varied spe cialties, and w ith library staff. MLS from an ALA-accredited librar school is required. UCSD is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action em ployer. Applications accepted through June 30, 1982. Subm i applications, enclosing a resume and a list of references, to: Phylli S. Mirsky, Assistant University Librarian, Sciences, Central Univer sity Library, C-075-G3, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. BUSINESS/ECONOMICS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Full tim e ten­ ure track position effective September. General and specialized ref erence duties, collection developm ent and in struction . MLS and undergraduate degree in business or econom ics with two years reference experience or social science degree with three years’ ex perience. Salary $ l7 ,0 2 8 -$ 2 7 ,2 8 8 . Request full ann ounce m en t and apply to: Chair, Library Faculty Personnel Committee, c/o Universit Librarian, H u m b o ld t State University, Areata, CA 95521. CATALOG EDITOR. Directs the library’s m onographic copy catalog ing effort and catalog m aintenance, a manual authority control sys tem, and integration of AACR2 headings into a unified dictionar catalog. Assists in planning futu re catalog access. Supervises si paraprofessional catalogers. Reports to Head, Autom ated Proces sin g D e p a rtm e n t. M a s te r’s degree fro m A L A -a ccre d ite d lib ra r school, or equivalent, required. Good oral and written com m u nica tion skills required. Prefer previous experience with AACR2, author Assistant Director for Technical Services and Automated Systems Assume responsibility for the overall plan­ ning and coordination of the library’s technical service operations and all library automation activities. Direct scheduled procedures for an online catalog and provide leadership in the implementation of other library computer oper­ ations. Graduate degree from ALA-accredited library school. Substantial progressive experience at the professional level in library technical ser­ vices including some years with administrative responsibility and experience in the application of computer technology to library procedures. Comprehensive knowledge of technical ser­ vices and computer operations, organization and practices in bibliographic control in a major research library. $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 m inim um . Faculty rank with good fringe benefits. Begin­ ning date September 1, 1982. Applications should be received by June 15, 1 98 2 . Submit letter of application with resume including names of three references to: Roscoe Rouse University Librarian Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 7 4 0 7 8 An AA/EO Employer. ­ ­ s s ­ y ­ y t s ­ ­ ’ ­ y ­ ­ y x ­ y ­ ity work, a research library catalog, and OCLC or other automated cataloging systems. T en ure -tra ck position, in stru cto r or assistant professor (depending on qualifications), salary $14,000-$ 18,000. 12 month appointm ent, 2 4 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference or placem ent folder by June 15, 1982, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action/Title IX, Section 504, employer. CATALOGER. A newly-created position for the cataloging and re­ classification of the Jean Outland Chrysler Library. Will participate in selection of an online cataloging system. Supervision of one to two clerks. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; BA in art history; two years’ relevant professional experience; reading knowledge of German and a second foreign language; knowledge of OCLC, RLIN, or another online cataloging system; fam iliarity with AACR2. Background in conservation/preservation desirable. Salary: $14,000 m inim u m . Send resume and names of three references, to: Amy Navratil Ciccone, Librarian, Jean Outland Chrysler Library, The Chrysler M useum , Olney Road and Mowbray Arch, Norfolk, VA 23510. CATALOGER, EIG H TEEN TH CENTURY S H O R T-TITLE CATALOGUE for North America. Two positions anticipated. Partici­ pates in the processing of catalogue records of 18th century British im p rin ts , m a tc h in g re c o rd s w ith th e base file and p re p a rin g m achine-readable entries for new titles. MLS required; advanced degree in history or English with relevant specialization desirable; k n o w le d g e o f c o m p u te r c a ta lo g in g d e s ira b le . S alary $13 ,50 0 m inim um , depending upon qualifications. Beginning date: October I, 1982. Prelim inary interviews at ALA. Preference given to ap p lica ­ tions received by July 15, 1982. Send resume to: Judith Singleton, ESTC/NA, College of Arts and Sciences, 2 6 0 Allen Hall, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. LSU is an equal oppor­ tunity employer. CATALOGER, HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS, D epartm ent of Spe­ cial Collections. Two-year, grant-funded appointm ent, available July I. Will help process collections of 16th—19th century British m anu­ scripts as m em ber of project. Requires training and professional experience in processing British historical and literary m anuscripts, in clu d in g governm ent records; ability to decipher d iffic u lt handw rit­ ing; knowledge of British history and law; basic knowledge of Latin; typing ability. Prefer library/archival degree or diplom a; knowledge o f 19th c e n tu ry English lite ra ry fig u re s; fa m ilia rity w ith AACR2 form -of-entry rules and with automated data bases; experience in m anuscripts conservation. Salary $15,000 first year; $16,200 second year. Apply by June I, to: Mary Hawkins, Assistant Dean, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045. An equal-opportunity/ affirm ative-action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, ARIZONA & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The University of Arizona is seeking a professional cataloger for original cataloging of m aterials fo r Special Collections D epartm ent, w ith emphasis on Arizona and Western Am ericana collections. Super­ vises one library assistant and acts as a liaison between the Catalog and the Special Collections Departments. May involve trainin g and supervising Special Collections staff in their duties involving catalog­ ing. The University of Arizona is a large academ ic research library with more than two million volumes and four m illion holdings. The Catalog Departm ent is one of four departm ents w ithin the Technical Services Division. Requirem ents include: ALA-accredited degree and working knowledge of LC classification. Strong background in cataloging, the ability to com m unicate that knowledge and supervi­ sory expe rience preferred. W orking know ledge o f Spanish and fam iliarity with OCLC is desirable. Position available July I, 1982. Salary is $ I5 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 per year. Professional librarians have faculty status but 12-month appointm ents, earns 22 days vacation plus 12 days of sick leave as well as a standard package of holidays and other fringe benefits. Deadline for application is June I, 1982. Send resume, in clu d in g the names of three referees, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The University is an EEO/AA employer. FIELD ARCHIVIST (3 POSITIONS). Seton Hall University seeks candidates for the positions (3) Field Archivist. The individuals selected will report directly to the University Archivist based on our South Orange Campus. These are one year positions and the suc­ cessful applicants will co n d u ct on-site surveys of Roman Catholic parish and institutional records throughout New Jersey. Q ualifica­ tions: master of arts in Am erican history with trainin g and/or experi­ ence in archival m anagem ent and techniques required. The a p p li­ cant m ust evidence the ability to evaluate the physical condition of materials, knowledge of archival preservation and techniques, and dem onstrate skills in inter-personal relations. $14,000. Send resume with three (3) letters of recom m endation by May 20, 1982, to: Peter J. Wosh, University Archivist, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079. An EO/AA employer. FINE ARTS LIBRARIAN. MLS or equivalent from ALA-accredited school and two years’ experience in a fin e arts library required. Re­ sponsible for supervision o f Fine Arts Library (m usic, architecture, 192 art), catalog maintenance, reference, and bibliographic instruction. Supervise one full-tim e staff, 10 to 12 student assistants. Liaison be­ tween departm ental faculty and library. Ability to supervise and work with public essential. Music or architecture background pre­ ferred. Salary range $17,000 m inim um , 12 month contract. Available July I, 1982. TIAA/CREF and many other fringe benefits. Address application and resum e to: Royal V. Pope, Director of Libraries, U n iv e rs ity o f A rk a n s a s , F a y e tte v ille , AR 72701. An e q u a l- opportunity/affirm ative-action employer and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals. HEAD LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER, PHYSICS LIBRARY. Stanford University Libraries. Responsible for directing the program of service and collection developm ent in the Physics Library. De­ fines goals, sets policies, develops, manages and evaluates the re­ search collection. MLS or equivalent, BS or equivalent in one of the physical sciences. Supervisory experience. Two to three years in p ublic services. Work with autom ated data bases and reference services highly desirble. Associate Librarian: $ I9 ,8 0 0 -$ 2 4 ,6 0 0 ; Li­ brarian: $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 9 ,0 0 0 . Apply by May 24, 1982. Contact: Caro­ lyn J. H e n d e rso n , S tanford U n ive rsity L ib ra rie s, S ta n fo rd , CA 94305, citing # 2 3 2 on all correspondence. EOE. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Undergraduate Library (half-tim e). Provide reference service and participate in course- integrated library instruction program reaching 8,0 0 0 lower division students yearly. Development, revision, and evaluation of printed instructional materials emphasized. Participates in policy-making. Extensive liaison work. Full job description available on request. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school; 2 years’ post-MLS pub­ lic service experience; em phasis on library instruction; strong com ­ m unication skills. Preferred: curricu lu m planning and instructional materials production, reference experience with undergraduates. Temporary position through August 31, 1983— continued perm a­ nent fu nding anticipated. Salary: m inim um $8,000. Send applica­ tion letter, resume, names of three references, and writing samples, including instructional materials produced, by May 31, 1982, to Robert Treppa, General Libraries, PCL 3.200, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. Equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. R esponsibilities in clu d e c o o rd in a tin g user in s tru c tio n p ro g ra m , p e rfo rm in g c o m p u te riz e d d a taba se searches, assisting with general reference service. Library serves Colleges of Health, M edicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and health pro­ fessionals in Utah. Qualifications: MLS, knowledge of biomedical bibliography, MEDLINE training, public relations and teaching skills required. Background in life sciences preferred. Salary m inim um $15,000 for one to two years’ experience in health sciences library and MLS certifications. Excellent benefits. Academ ic rank. Tenure track. 12 month contract. Submit application, resume, and refer­ ences by June 30, to: Elene Eyzaguirre, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. AA/EEO. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. U niversity of Georgia, Main Library. Entry level position (salary $ 1 4 ,2 0 0 m inim um ). The Reference De­ partm ent includes 11 librarians and two support staff reporting to the Head of Reference. Duties: general reference service in social sciences and hum anities with some weekend and evening work; preparation of bibliographies and guides; participation in biblio­ graphic instruction programs and library orientation tours; reference collectio n b u ild in g in assigned su b je ct areas; on lin e searching. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; em phasis on academ ic librar­ ianship preferred; undergraduate degree in the social sciences or humanities, advanced reference courses in the hum anities or social sciences, or relevant experience; working knowledge of basic refer­ ence sources; ability to com m unicate effectively; interest in biblio­ graphic instruction; reference experience and knowledge of online searching desired. Application procedure: send letter of application by June 4, 1982, including resume and names of three references to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Assistant Director for Adminstrative Services, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position w ill be fille d only if suitable a p p lica n ts are fo und. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Bibliographic instruction, traditional ref­ erence, supervision of circulation-reserve. Proven skill in biblio­ g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n and w o rk in g w ith te a ch e rs essential. ALA- accredited MLS. Social science background and further graduate study desirable. Faculty status, 10 month schedule. Begin Septem­ ber. M inim um salary: $16,000. A college of the American Lutheran Church. Send resume by May 31, to: Forrest Brown, Librarian, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, UMD Health Science Library. MLS from an accredited library school; three to five years' reference experi­ ence, preferably in a health science library, but equivalent experi­ ence in a strongly life-sciences function acceptable; experience in online searching on NLM and BRS and in library instruction. Back­ ground in biom edical sciences and MLA certification preferred. Demonstrated ability in interpersonal com m unications and relations desirable. University of Minnesota Civil Service 12-month appoint­ m ent of Librarian. Salary base: $17,292. Position open I July 1982. Resume and three references should be sent to: The Director, Library and Learning Resources Service, University o f Minnesota, D u lu th , MN 55812, by 31 M ay 1982. An e q u a l- o p p o rtu n ity / affirm ative-action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN WITH SPECIALIZATION IN ENGINEER­ ING. Provides general reference service with staff of other subject specialists. Particular responsibilities include bibliographic instruc­ tion for students in engineering and applied sciences, participation in collectio n developm ent, and c o m p u te r search service. ALA- accredited MLS, or equivalent, required. Previous training or ex­ pe rie n ce w ith o n lin e data bases and a know le dge of s c ie n ce / engineering terminology preferred. Undergraduate major and/or ad­ vance study in a physical science, m athematics, or com puter sci­ ence desirable. Available September, 1982. Tenure-track position. Twelve-month appointm ent, 24 days annual leave, tuition rem is­ sion, usual benefits. Salary ranges, dependent upon qualifications; Instructor: $ I4 ,000-$I6,0 00; Assistant Professor: $I6 ,0 0 0 -$ I8 ,0 0 0 . Applicants should subm it letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference or placem ent folder by August I, 1982, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, K n o x v ille , TN 3 7 9 9 6 -1 0 0 0 . UTK is an e q u a l- o p p o rtu n ity / affirm ative-action/Title IX, Section 504, employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Northern Illinois Univeristy has an a ntici­ pated September, 1982, opening for a Science Librarian. MLS from an accredited library school required; a second master’s or sub­ stantial graduate work expected, preferably in the physcial sci­ ences. At least two years’ experience as a science librarian pre­ ferred. Duties include: providing reference service (including online searches), bibliographic instruction, and collection development in science section of a subject divisional library; function as faculty liaison; coordinate activities with other science subject specialists (1.0 FTE) and supervise a branch library (chem istry and physics). $16,200 m inim u m for twelve month contract; Illinois Retirem ent System; one month vaction; academ ic status. Send resume, place­ ment file, official transcripts, and three letters of recom mendation, by June I, 1982, to: George Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. Northern Il­ linois University is an equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona is seeking a pro­ fessional librarian responsible for the re-cataloging and reclassifica­ tion of serials publications. Includes original and copy cataloging of serials, supervision and training of a library assistant, processing cessations, liaison between the Serials and Catalog Departments in matters of serial identification and AACR2 entry changes, and cor­ rection of GEAC circulation records for serial material. Require­ ments include: ALA-accredited degree, working knowledge of LC classification and AACR2 as applied to serials. Supervisory experi­ ence and the ability to com m unicate effectively preferred. OCLC experience and knowledge of at least one Western European lan­ guage is desired. Position is available July 1, 1982. Salary is $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 7 ,0 0 0 . Send resume and names of 3 referees to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, T uc­ son, AZ 85721. The University is an EEO/AA employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Assistant Professor (one year substitute). Responsible for all aspects of serials operations. Required: accred­ ited MLS, second master’s; experience serials control academ ic li­ brary; knowledge OCLC, AACR2 re serials. Salary: $17,985. Position a va ila b le S e p te m b e r I. A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e Ju n e 30. E q u a l­ opportunity/affirm ative-action employer. Resume, three references to: Gladys W. Jarrett, Chief Librarian, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY 11451. SPECIALIST IN BOOK SELECTION, Harvard College Library. Re­ sponsible for Widener Library collection developm ent for materials published in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, Rumania, Albania, and the Philippines, in the hum anities and the social sciences, both new and retrospective. Selects monographs and serials; supervises searching and order preparation process; initiates and oversees correspondence and records of exchange programs with about 100 institutions; and makes preservation decisions. Works with faculty and students on bibliographic problems and research needs; works closely with Serials Department in resolving com plex receipt prob­ lems; coordinates collection program with other units of the Univer­ sity Library in this field. Qualifications: fluency in Spanish and Por­ tuguese; strong knowledge of literature and culture of the major as­ signed areas; several years of library experience; and an interest in com puter applications to library acquisition process, required. MLS or equivalent, graduate degree in Iberian or Latin American studies, knowledge of Rumanian, and knowledge of the book trade, highly desirable. Available: I S eptem ber 1982. Rank: Librarian I or II, dependent on qualifications. Salary: $16,000+. Resumes to: Philip E. Leinbach, Assistant University Librarian for Personnel, Harvard University Library, Cambridge, MA 02138. An e q u a l-opp ortun ity/ affirm ative-action employer. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST. Faculty position in the Special Collec­ tions Division. A d m inisters the university archives and records m anagement programs. Responsible for establishing policies, de­ veloping budgets, hiring and supervising personnel. Acquires, pro­ cesses and catalogs archival materials. Develops finding aids and 193 provides reference services. Requires graduate degree in archival scie n ce , history, library science or related discipline. M ust have know ledge of principles and practices of archival science. M ust be w illin g to abide by the standards of the Mormon Church and abs­ tain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, and coffee. M inim um salary $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 and up depending on qualifications. Subm it resume and names of three references to Randy Olsen, Assistant University Librarian, Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo. UT 84602. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER‚ Central University Library Reference Department. Assistant or Associate Librarian, University of California, San Diego. Salary range: $17,4l2-$22,284 or $21,288-$30,648. Available: July 1, 1982. Under Head of Reference Department, participates in Departments programs of reference, collection development, faculty liaison, instruction and information services; serves at reference desk, including some evening and weekend hours, provides specialized reference assistance in assigned subject areas in the humanities; provides computer assisted reference service; participates in instruction services; is responsible for collection development and faculty liaison in the assigned areas; UCSD librarians are expected to participate in such activities as library wide planning; expected to be active professionally. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Training and/or experience in collection development and reference service in large research library preferred. Advanced degree in humanities or social sciences desirable. An appointee at Associate level expected to bring to position well-developed reference and collection development skills and substantial previous academic library experience. Applicants at this level should possess leadership skills as evidenced by previous experience; demonstrated ability to work effectively with research-oriented faculty, library staff, and other members of the academic community; evidence of participation in professional activities. UCSD is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. Applications accepted until June 15, 1982. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references, to: Jacqueline Coolman, Personnel Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library Personnel Office, C-075-H2, La Jolla, CA 92093. CENTRAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Arizona. Duties include reference, Hispanic American and Chicano Studies subject specialization, online searching, orientation/instruction and collection development. ALA-accredited library degree, an academic background or academic library reference experience in Hispanic American or Chicano Studies, and ability to speak, read, and write Spanish required. Good communications skills essential. Online search skills preferred. Position available September 1, 1982. Salary minimum: $15,000. Faculty status; 12-month appointment; 22 days vacation; fringe benefits. Send resume, including list of three references, by June 15, 1982, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library-Tucson, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal-opportun- ity/affirmative-action/Title IX, Section 504 employer. LATIN AMERICAN/GENERAL CATALOGER. Original cataloging and classifying of monographs, serials and microforms in Latin American Studies, and of materials published in Spain and Portugal; cataloging of English language and other monographs, depending on language ability. Duties include searching and preparing cataloging for input to OCLC, using AACR and LC classification and subject headings. Reports to Head, Catalog Division. Library faculty are expected to meet University requirements for tenure and promotion, including research, publication and service. Available 1 July 1982. $15,000-$17,040. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program; reading knowledge of Spanish; knowledge of AACR and LC classification and subject headings. Highly desirable: Reading knowledge of Portuguese and working knowledge of additional Western European language; 1-2 years’ cataloging experience in an academic or research library, including knowledge of MARC tagging and OCLC cataloging system. Apply by June 15 to: Sharon A. Sullivan, Personnel Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. Include detailed resume with names and addresses of three 194 references. An AA/EEO employer. Qualified women, minority and handicapped persons, as well as others, are encouraged to apply. INFORMATION SERVICES/VETERINARY MEDICINE LIBRARIAN. Full-time position combining half-time service to the School of Veterinary Medicine and half-time service to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the School of Family Resources and Consumer Sciences. ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library Science and at least one year of reference experience in an academic or research library required. Preference will be given to candidates with subject expertise in the life sciences or veterinary medicine, experience with the selection and organization of audiovisual software and hardware, experience with computerized database searching including OCLC and experience in bibliographic instruction. Candidates should also have interpersonal skills effective in faculty, student and colleague interactions. Minimum salary: $15,800 (depending on qualifications); 22 working days vacation; sick leave and health insurance. Apply by June 15, 1982. Send letter, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references, to: Daisy T. Wu;‚ Director, Steenbock Library, 550 Babcock Drive, Madison, WI 53706; (608) 263-6864. UW-Madison is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR ENGLISH (Search reopened). University of Cincinnati Libraries. Responsible for building library collections in English, comparative literature, linguistics and journalism and maintaining effective liaison with the faculty of the Department of English and Comparative Literature. Provides general reference and research assistance as well as instruction in library use. Receives general direction from the head, reference/bibliographic services department, and consults with the director of collections and information services. The department, with a staff of ten librarians and eight support staff plus student assistants, provides reference services and includes government documents. Members of the department are also responsible for collection development. The Central Library is a spacious, user-oriented building, three years old, housing 0collections in the humanities, social sciences, business, and education. The University of Cincinnati is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and is the recipient of an NEH challenge grant totalling $2 million. The city of Cincinnati is located in the hills of southwestern Ohio along the Ohio River bordering Kentucky. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program and a graduate degree in English (ABD acceptable). One to three years of relevant professional library experience, reading knowledge of one modern European language in addition to English, and ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, required. Ability to meet reappointment and promotion criteria established by librarians. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Minimum: $15,400. Please send resume with cover letter and names of three references postmarked by June 19, 1982, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati Libraries, 640 Central Library, Mail Location #33, Cincinnati, OH 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN for library serving two colleges. MLS from ALA-accredited school, experience with OCLC cataloging, knowledge of LC classification required. Minimum salary $14,500. Position available July 1. Send resume and references by May 20 to: Jack Ray, Assistant Director, Loyola/Notre Dame Library, 200 Winston Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21212. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR. Work with other library faculty in further development and coordination of bibliographic instruction programs, general reference desk work, online information retriev­ al, collection development, and bibliographic control. Oualifications: MLS 195 from ALA-accredited school, plus MA or equivalent in life sciences and/or social sciences; five years* general reference experience in academic library; background to assess, develop, evaluate library instruction programs; strong commitment to public service and bibliographic instruction. Supervisory and online data services experience highly desirable. $20,000-$22,000 range. Faculty rank; 12 month tenure track appointment. Application should include evidence of specific qualifications and statement of philosophy of library instruction. Submit letter of application, resume, and names of three references by July 15, 1982, to: Hiram L. Davis, Director of Libraries, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211. EO/AA employer. Interviews at ALA in Philadelphia. PROCESSING ARCHIVIST, R.W. Woodruff Library, Emory University. Available September 1, 1982. Responsibilities: plan, supervise, and participate in processing of manuscript and archival collections. Provide assistance in reference service and collection development. Specific duties include estab­ lishing processing priorities and procedures, supervising processing staff, maintaining processing manual. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited de­ gree; formal archival training; strong background in history or literature, preferably American; 2 years experience in processing manuscript collections desirable; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Demonstrated ability to write, communicate, and work effectively with all segments of academic community. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experience; salary for beginning librarian not less than $13,500. Letter of application, resume, and names of three references, to: David E. Estes, Head, Special Collections Department, Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Application deadline June 11, 1982. AA/EO employer. Librarians, booksellers, publishers, wholesalers­ all turn to Gale for information packed books that help them perform their work more efficient­ ly and more effectively. Highlighted here are selected titles from Gale’s extensive collection of unique reference tools. Write for the complete catalog of Gale titles. G a l e ’ s Unique Information Sources for Librarians and Other Book People Book Publishers Directory International Books in Print, 3 r d e d . P r o f i l e s 5 ,7 0 0 p u b l i s h e r s , i n ­ 1981-82 c l u d i n g m a n y n o t l i s t e d e l s e w h e r e . 2 n d ed. L is ts 9 0 ,0 0 0 E n g l i s h - l a n g u a g e 1 ,1 9 3 p p . 1981. $ 1 7 0 .0 0 . (S O ) A ls o a v a i l­ t it le s f r o m p u b l i s h e r s in 94 c o u n t r i e s a b le : S u p p l e m e n t . $ 80 .0 0. (S O ) o t h e r t h a n th e U.S. a n d th e U .K . 1 ,2 0 0 p p . in 2 v o ls . K .G . S a u r , 1981. $ 2 0 0 .0 0 /s e t. (S O ) j International Directory of Booksellers International Bibliography 1 st ed. C o v e r s 6 3 ,0 0 0 b o o k s t o r e s , b o o k ­ of the Book Trade and s e lle rs , a n d w h o le s a l e r s in 134 c o u n t r ie s . Librarianship, 1976-79 9 4 8 p p . K .G . S a u r, 1978. $ 1 2 0 .00 . (S O ) 12 th ed. O v e r 9 ,0 0 0 e n t r ie s . 6 9 2 p p . K .G S a u r, 1981. $ 9 5.00. (S O ) Publishers’ International Directory ( S O ) These t it le s are a v a ila b le at G a l e ’ 5 % s t a n d i n g o r d e r d i s c o u n t .9 th e d . N a m e , a d d r e s s , t e l e p h o n e a n d t e le x f o r 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 p u b l i s h e r s a r o u n d th e A l l G ale b o o k s are s e n t o n 9 0 - d a y a p w o r l d . 1 ,0 0 0 p p . in 2 v o ls . K .G . S a u r, p ro v a l. 1982. $ 1 7 5 .0 0 /s e t. (S O ) D e d u c t 5% i f y o u s e n d c h e c k w i t h o r d e r . ( S a m e r e t u r n p r i v i l e g e . ) Bookman’s Price Index C u s t o m e r s o u t s i d e th e U.S. a n d C a n a d aa d d 10%. A n n u a l p r ic e g u i d e t o o u t - o f - p r i n t a n d ra re b o o k s . E a c h v o lu m e c o n t a i n s 3 5 - 5 0 ,0 0 0 l i s t i n g s f r o m c a t a l o g s o f le a d in g d e a le r s . V o ls . 1-22 in p r in t . $ 9 8 .0 0 /v o l. Gale Research Co. (S O ) Book Tower • Detroit, M14822 . s ­ 6