ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 566/C&RL News Call for p articip atio n in the Show case of Id eas— 1 9 9 7 ACRL P resid en t’s Program The 1997 ACRL President’s Program Plan­ ning Committee invites you to participate in a Showcase of Ideas as part of the program, “Imagining the Learning Library.” The program will be held Monday, June 30, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco. The Showcase of Ideas promises to be an integral and exciting part of this program, whose speakers will include members of the Disney Imagineering Team. The program is being jointly sponsored by six ACRL sections: the Instruction Section, the College Libraries Section, the Community and Junior College Libraries Section, the Extended Campus Li­ brary Services Section, the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, and the Asian, African, and Middle East Studies Section. The committee envisions the Showcase of Ideas as a forum in which librarians from all types o f college, university, and research li­ braries can present some of the forward-think­ ing and innovative ways they are communi­ cating the teaching mission of the library and creating learning environments in their insti­ tutions. Areas that may be of high interest to the ACRL community include: • collaborative learning initiatives and teaching projects; • integrated learning environments, either virtual or physical; • innovative tutorials or services, elec­ tronic, Web-based, or other; • marketing or public relations activities; • distance learning or reference services. Proposals that describe other ways of ex­ pressing the teaching and learning mission of the library are also welcome. The Showcase of Ideas will consist of informal presentations that can take the form of poster sessions or demonstrated papers. Presenters should be prepared to repeat the presentation several times. Each presentation should last about ten minutes, including time for questions. These interactive sessions will be a spectacular con­ clusion to the President’s Program. To submit a proposal, send a 250-word ab­ stract with your name, address, phone num­ ber, and e-mail address by December 31, 1996. If you would like to include photographs or other visual materials to support your proposal, please do so (indicate if your presentation will require access to electricity). Proposals will be accepted by mail, e-mail, or fax. The re­ view panel will consist of representatives from each of the sponsoring sections. The commit­ tee is looking forward to broad representa­ tion from the sections of ACRL. Send proposals to: Patricia Lovett, Biology Library, Jordan Hall A304, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 855-9792; fax: (812) 855-6612; e-mail: unique and innovative library-based projects with important lessons for the academic and research library commu­ nity. Submit a 250-word abstract and a completed program application (available on the World Wide Web at http://ala. org.acrl.html or in the “Call for Participation” insert in the January 1996 C&RL News) by N ovem ber 1, 1996, to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Coordinator, Per­ sonnel & Diversity Programs, Univer­ sity of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 8 t h N a A t i o n C R a l C o L n f e r e n c e 52242-1420; e-mail: j-simmons- R e g is te r fo r N a s h v ille n o w a n d s a v e ! The advance registration package for ACRL’s 8th National Conference in Nashville, April 11-14, 1997, has been mailed to all ACRL members as well as additional academic librarians. You should receive your copy this month. A copy of the brochure and registration form have also been mounted on http://ala