ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1996/613 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN ^ State University of New York L ■j Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome f t R e porting to the Library Dim;tor. the aucreasful candidate will be one of three public service libriana who share references duties; bibliographic instruction; on-line and CD- ROM Marches; act as a liaison to an academic department, and aaaist in collection development. In addition, he or she will be responsible for acquisition! and other dutiea as needed. Duties may also included nights, weekends and holiday coverage. The library has a collection of 160,000 volumes, 50,000 government documents, 2,000 serial titles. Automated resources include: SI RSI Unicorn automated library system, Internet, First Search, and a CD-ROM Local Area Network. Q u alific atio n s: An earned MLS from an ALA accredited institution is required; 2-5 years experience is preferred; salarv to be commensurate with experience. This is a 12- monui tenure track position. A review of applications w ill begin October 4, 19%. Send a letter of application, resume, and names addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Mr. D aniel Schabert D irector o f Libraries and L SU e a N r Y ni n In g s R ti e tu so te u r o c f e T s echnology a t Utica/Rome Draw er 6113, P.O. Box 3060 Utica, New York 13604-6060 Women and umlenrprrariUed minorities a it tn co u nyp d to apply. An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative AdUm Employer THE CLASSIFIED ADS D e a d lin e s : O rders fo r regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on o r before the second o f the month preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f the month. R a t e s : Classified advertisem ents are $8.45 per line for institutions that are AC R L members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices are $20.25 per line fo r institutions that are AC RL members, $24.25 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their mem bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G u id e lin e s : For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no soonerthan the 20th day o f the month in which the notice appears (e .g ,, O ctober 20 fo r the October issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. In t e r n e t : C&RL N ew s classified ads are accessible on AC RL's hom epage on the W orld W ide W eb a t http:// w w w l. Ads will be placed approxim ately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL N ew s\s published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et access the A C R L homepage (http://w ww l), select C&RL News, and then chose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title- C o n t a c t : Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL Ne wsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig@ P o lic y : ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications o r placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states th a t“ALA is com m itted to equality o f opportunity fo r all library em ploy­ ees or applicants fo r em ploym ent, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, o r national origin." By advertising through ALA se r­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL BOOK CENTER. 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000’s of new/current books. All subjects. No second hand/remainders, POSITIONS OPEN ACADEMIC CENTER LIBRARIAN. Provide library user education and reference assistance to students and faculty engaged in the off- campus undergraduate and graduate degree programs in California, Washington, and Colorado. Act as liaison with academic depart­ ments, evaluate information needs, and collection development. MIS (or degree pending/ALA-accredited) and seconds master’s in another subject discipline. Professional experience in public service settings, experience with electronic resources, strong organizalional and com­ munication skills, and ability to travel and work some evenings and weekends. Application process. Submit application and resume to: Chapman U n iversity Library, Sharon Hybki Kerr, 333 N. Glasse!!, Orange, CA 92866. An EOE employer. ARCHIVIST/SPECIALCOLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Auburn Univer­ sity at Montgomery Seeks qualified individual for tenure-track posi­ tion. Faculty rank. Required: An ALA/MLS degree or equivalent; formal training in archival theory and practice; ability to communicate and work effectively with donors, colleagues, and a diverse clienteie. Desirable: Familiarity with MARC cataloging for archival and manu­ script materials; additional advanced degree in history or another relevant subject field. Responsibilities: Collect, appraise, organize, preserve, and provide reference to primary source and printed mate­ rials relating to the university and identified collecting areas of the unit. Will also assist in the provision of general reference duties at the central reference desk of the library; serve as liaison to the teaching faculty for the development of the library collections in designated subject areas. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references by Novem­ ber 15, 1996, to; Rickey Best, Chair, Archivist/Special Collection Search Committee, A uburn U n iversity at M ontgom ery Library, 7300 University Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117-3596. An AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT TO THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Reporting to the University Librarian, this position will work with the University Librar­ ian and the Library’s Executive Council to advance the Library’s mission and to become acquainted with a broad spectrum of issues related to the management of a large research library. Responsibili­ ties include: Coordinating special library-wide projects, such as identifying standard statistics to be collected by each department; conducting statistical analyses; drafting and revising reports, studies, and other documents; coordinating the continued development of the Library’s long- and short-range strategic planning; writing grant pro­ posals; assisting in the management of the Library’s public relations program; and providing support to the staff development program. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS and two or more years profes­ sional experience in an academic or research library. Ability to plan, organize, and implement projects; understanding of the service philosophy of a university library to users at all levels; broad knowl­ edge of library, information services, and technologies; specific knowledge of statistics; excellent communication skills, both written 614/C&RL News TWO POSITIONS Harvard Law School Library B IB LIO G R A P H E R FOR IS LA M IC LAW RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary responsibility includes building and organizing the Library’s Islamic Law collections. Selects new and retrospective materials in Islamic Law in vernacular and Western languages. Analyzes collection in strengths; recommends programmatic changes. Orders and processes materials. Catalogs using AACR-II Library of Congress subject headings, LC classification systems, RLIN. Contributes authority via NACO. Primary liaison with Islamic Legal Studies Programs. Middle Eastern divisions of Harvard College Library and other Islamic institutions. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited school or equivalent degree/experience required. Fluent reading knowledge of Arabic required. Excellent oral and written English communication skills, ability to work effectively in complex environment and flexibility to manage change required. Three years academic, research, or law library experience preferred. Knowledge of Islamic law and the positive law of countries of Islamic world preferred. H EAD OF C O PY C A TA LO G IN G AND D A TA B A S E M A N A G E M E N T RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervises Library Assistants in copy cataloging of English and foreign language materials with Library of Congress copy and contributed copy from RLIN bibliographic utility. Supervises searching, production, maintenance of RLIN bibliographic records, University Library’s integrated processing system, and on-line catalog. Trains staff. Catalogs new materials using AACR2, LC subject headings, 1C classification, local classification system, RLIN bibliographic utility. Participates in general management of Department; serves on committees in Department, Law Library, Harvard University Library System and national professional organizations. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited school required. Two years professional cataloging experience, minimum one year demonstrated successful supervisory experience, proven working knowledge of two foreign languages, familiarity with automated cataloging and authority control proce­ dures required. HOLLIS or other NOTIS-based system familiarity, RLIN or OCLC bibliographic utility familiarity preferred Send resume to: Harry S. Martin III Harvard Law School Library 1525 Mass. Ave. Cam bridge, MA 02138 and oral; experience in analyzing com plex system s; ability to bring people o f different backgrounds together to achieve m utually desired objectives. Interest in participating in a dynam ic environm ent. M ini­ mum salary: $33,000. Excellent benefits including academ ic status. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Appli­ cants should send a co ver letter, resume, and the nam es of a t least three references to: Phyllis Barrow, Head, Adm inistrative and Finan­ cial Services, Lauinger Library, Georgetown University, 3700 O St., NW, W ashington, DC 20057-1174. G eorgetown U niversity is an Affirm ative A ction/Equal O pportunity employer. ASSISTA N T UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DE­ VELOPM ENT. The U niversity of Nevada, Las Vegas is seeking an Assistant U niversity Librarian fo r Collection D evelopm ent to direct collection developm ent and m anagem ent activities for the Libraries. Reports to the Dean o f the Libraries and serves as a m em ber o f the Dean's Cabinet. R esponsibilities: M anages an annual m aterials acquisition budget in excess of $3.5 million and a current collection o f approxim ately 800,000 volum es, 7,250 serial titles, and over one million microforms; supervises bibliographers and coordinates col­ lection developm ent and m anagem ent activities in oth e r divisions; evaluates collections and directs acquisition activities to enhance research collections; m aintains effective com m unication with a ca­ dem ic departm ents and to the wider university com m unity; under­ stands the interaction of traditional and electronic resources and translates that understanding into an aggressive collection policy w hich supports both, within the context o f the university’s overall planned growth. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Minim um of seven years of increasing professional responsibility and leadership with collection-related activities in an academ ic o r research library. Broad knowledge and experience w ith academ ic/research collection developm ent and m anagem ent issues, inform ation technology, and automation. Knowledge of trends in publishing and research. W orking knowledge o f standard selection and evaluation methods and tools and autom ated acquisition system s. Supervisory and budget m an­ a gem ent experience. Strong leadership, com m unication, and deci­ sion-m aking skills. Evidence o f professional and scholarly activity. C om m itm ent to fostering a collaborative work environment. Pre­ ferred: A second master’s degree or an earned doctorate, and working knowledge o f at least one non-English language. Twelve-m onth, tenure-track position, faculty status, 24 days annual leave, retirement options, health insurance, no state incom e tax. S alary range: $45,000- $50,000. Send letter of application, curricula vitae, a brief (250 word) statem ent o f yo ur philosophy of collection d evelopm ent and manage­ ment, and nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Peter Michel, Search Committee Chair, Jam es R. Dickinson Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 457001, Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001. For m ore infor­ mation, see the Jam es R. Dickinson Library’s home page at: http:// www libhom e.htm l. All positions are con­ tingent upon funding. R eview o f a pplications begins on N ovem ber 4, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. AA/EOE. CATALOGING LIBRA RIAN. Responsible fo r the classification, cata­ loging, and processing of m aterials in all form ats (including elec­ tronic), using O C LC and NOTIS databases. Full-tim e faculty appoint- October 1996/615 MUHLENBERG COLLEGE LIBRARY – Reference Team Coordinator Creative, enthusiastic, energetic individual sought for this position as a member o f a team o f three full-time reference librarians and three part-time paraprofessionals. The coordinator will be a subject specialist in the social sciences and, under the general direction o f the library director, will be responsi­ ble for all reference services. Responsibilities include service development, expansion o f outreach and instruction, staff supervision, departmental budget management, and policy and practice formulation for a vigorous information literacy program. Accredited ALA, MLS, minimum o f two years academic library experience, and ability to plan, implement and supervise a multifaceted reference program required. Extensive knowledge o f electronic resources necessary. Background in psychology, education or business preferred, second master’s in a social science preferred. The College is a selective, private, liberal arts college o f 1,700+ students, located in a suburban setting within easy driving distance o f Philadelphia and New York City. Trexler Library is a modern 76,000 sq. ft. facility holding over a quarter o f a million volumes. Fully automated, the library subscribes to over 20 CD-ROM databases. W e offer a comprehensive benefits package and competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Expected starting salary in the low $40’s. To apply, send letter of application, 1–2 page statement o f your philosophy o f reference in the liberal arts college, resume and names/phone numbers o f three professional references to M y r n a M c C a lliste r, D ire c to r, T r e x le r L ib r a r y , M u h le n b e r g C o lle g e , A lle n t o w n , P A 18104. Application review begins October 31, 1996 and will continue until the position is filled. EOE. MUHLENBERG C O L L E G E m ent. M a ster’s deg re e in L ibrary S cie nce from an ALA-a ccre dite d institution. M inim um o f o ne ye a r o f cata lo ging e xpe rie n ce using O CLC. NO TIS e xpe rie n ce d esirable. Kno w le d ge o f co p y a nd original cataloging, auth ority w ork, s u bje ct analysis, and e ffe ctive b iblio ­ g ra p h ic co ntro l o f lib ra ry co lle ction s. K no w le d ge o f p rin cip le o f bibliographic organization through cataloging and classification. K now l­ edge o f cu rre n t tre n d s in tech n ical se rvice s o pe ra tion s. Kno w le d ge o f AAC R 2, LC cla ssifica tion , LCSH, M AR C form ats, and O CLC. Send le tte r o f application, resum e, and list o f th re e references to: C arol G arey, C h a ir o f S earch C o m m itte e, U nive rsity Library, G rand V alley S ta te U niversity, Alle nd a le, Ml 49401. App lica tio n dea dlin e d ate is D e cem be r 1, 1996. E EE O /AA/AD A. C O LLE C TIO N M A N A G EM EN T LIB R A R IA N FOR S O C IA L AND BEH A V IO R A L SC IEN C E S. Virg in ia C om m o n w ea lth University, Uni­ ve rsity L ibrary Services. Position: C o lle ction M a n ag em en t Librarian fo r Social and B ehavioral Sciences. D escription: V irg in ia C o m m o n ­ w ealth U nive rsity se eks an energetic, kn ow ledgeable, and forw ard- looking individual to co ordin a te the se lectio n o f m o n ograph, serial, non-print, and e le ctro n ic m a terials in th e social and b eh avioral sciences. A re a s o f resp on sib ility in clu de a nthropology, education, p olitical scie nce , p sycho lo gy, pub lic a d m inistratio n , social work, sociology, and o th e r related d isciplines. D u ties include: 1) m onitoring b ud ge t a llo catio n s fo r a ssign e d areas; 2) review ing a pproval m a teri­ als, m onitoring plans, and assisting in pre pa rin g profiles; 3) e valu a t­ ing gifts; 4) assessing co llection n eeds throu g h form a l e valuations; 5) m aking pre serva tio n decisions; 6 ) co lla bo ra ting w ith lib ra ria n s and fa cu lty in deve lo ping co lle ction goals, policies, p rogram s, and b ud ­ gets; 7) preparing a ccre dita tion reports and e valu a ting library su pp ort fo r new courses and program s; and 8 ) w o rkin g clo sely w ith depart- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended fo r governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minim um salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual A R L Salary Survey, o r the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. C on necticu t $31,273 D elaw are $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* M assachusetts $27,554* N ew Je rse y $30,128 N ew Y ork varies* N orth C aro lin a $24,367+ O hio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 R ho de Island $29,800 S ou th C aro lin a varies* S ou th D akota $22,000 Texas $26,000 V erm o nt $26,464 W e s t V irg in ia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 *R a th e r tha n e sta b lish o ne s ta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , so m e s ta te a s s o c ia tio n s h a v e a d o p te d a fo rm u la b a se d on such va ria b le s as co m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic sch o o l te a c h e rs in e ach co m m u n ity o r th e g ra d e le vel o f a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n p ost. In th e se ca ses, yo u m a y w ish to c o n ta c t th e sta te a s s o c ia ­ tio n fo r m in im u m s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . + S a la ry m inim um s fo r public lib ra ria n s only. # O ption fo r local form ula. 616/C&RL News THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY LIBRARIAN III ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL RESOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL The Milton S. Eisenhower Library is launching an expanded program to digitize, network, and provide bibliographic control for a wide variety of textual materials and images. The Cataloging Department is responsible for cataloging materials in all formats and is actively engaged in activities that enhance intellectual access to electronic resources. The Library is seeking an experienced professional cataloger, familiar with a variety of electronic formats and Internet resources, who can provide leadership in developing our bibliographic control program for electronic resources. Reporting to the Head of Cataloging, the incumbent will work with staff from the Computer-Based Resources and Services Team/Digital Knowledge Center, the Resource Services Department, and the Library Systems Office to develop plans and methods for providing appropriate intellectual access to digital resources added to the Library’s collections, to resources locally digitized, and to those made available through the campus network. The successful candidate for this position will have demonstrated ability to work in a changing environment where responsibilities will evolve in response to development opportunities. The Eisenhower Library prizes initiative, creativity, professionalism, and teamwork. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: • Coordinate the creation of authoritative headings and HTML mark-up of online table of contents for Project Muse, the Johns Hopkins University electronic publishing initiative; • Perform original cataloging of materials in a variety of formats; • Collaborate with library staff in mapping metadata from external resources to accepted standards and formats; • Collaborate with library staff in developing the organizing principles and logical arrangement of the library’s Web home pages; • Work cooperatively with all areas of library staff to implement a new integrated library system and to define indexing needs for the library’s virtual catalog of Z39.50 resources; • Participate in local and national discussions relating to providing bibliographic access to electronic resources through professional development and service activities. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; three years original cataloging experi­ ence; knowledge of standards relating to metadata, cataloging electronic resources, and fall-text retrieval; knowledge of AACR2r, LC Subject Headings, USMARC formats, HTML, SGML, TEI, Z39.50; reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages; experience with computer applications in libraries including a local automated system; familiarity with the bibliographic utilities; strong communication, organizational, and training skills; ability to write and implement procedures; demonstrated problem­ solving skills; flexible; ability to prioritize work to ensure that departmental and library goals are realized; ability to work independently as well as part of a team. Previous project management and supervisory experience desired. The starting salary range is $33,000 - $41,950 depending upon experience and education. To be considered for this position, please send letter of application, resume,. and three letters of reference indicating Job #S96-539, by O ctober 31‚ 1996, to: THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Homewood Human Resources 119 Garland Hall 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Excellent benefits including life and health insurance, dental and tuition plans for staff member, spouse, and dependent children. Smoke free and drug free. AA/EOE. October 1996/617 HEAD OF REFERENCE C a l if o r n ia St a t e U n iv e r s it y , F r e s n o C alifo rnia State University, Fresno, seeks an experienced, d ynam ic leader in reference and in ­ form ation services to guide and manage a department o f six fu ll-tim e and fo u r part-tim e lib ra r­ ians, three fu ll-tim e library assistants, and student assistants. The departm ent provides trad i­ tio n a l reference assistance, electronic inform ation access (including a C D -R O M LAN), library instruction, ILL, and m u lticu ltu ra l services. C alifornia State University, Fresno is one o f the 22 campuses o f the California State University system. The current enrollm ent is approxim ately 18,000 students. The campus, w h ich has been designated as an arboretum, is spread over 1,400 acres. M etropolitan Fresno is located on the western edge o f the Sierra Nevada M ountain Range w ith in easy driving distance o f Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and the Monterey Peninsula. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages all activities o f the Reference Departm ent; develops departm ental goals and objectives; directs the coordinators o f library instruction/inform ation literacy pro­ grams, and m u lticu ltu ra l services; oversees reference c o lle ctio n developm ent and interlibrary loans; fosters a w e lco m in g service environm ent; provides leadership in evaluating existing ser­ vices and de ve lo ping new services for on-site and off-cam pus locations; participates in the Library's management as a member o f its A dm inistrative C ouncil. Reports to the Associate U n i­ versity Librarian. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school (or equivalent); five years increasingly responsible professional experience in an academic library reference depart­ ment; experience in traditional reference services and in the use o f emerging technologies and electronic resources. Experience in library instruction. Evidence o f planning, organizational, prob­ lem-solving, and management skills; evidence o f initiative, creativity, and strong oral and w ritten communication skills. Collegiality and the ability to work productively and cooperatively with others. PREFERRED: Management experience in an academic library; experience w ith distance learning programs. SALARY/BENEFITS: Salary: $47,940 or higher, commensurate w ith qualifications and experience. This is a 12-month tenure track position. Librarians have faculty rank, status, privileges, and re­ sponsibilities. DEADLINE: To ensure fu ll consideration, submit a letter of application and resume w ith names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses o f three references by 2 December 1996 to: Michael Gorman, Dean Henry Madden Library California State University, Fresno 5200 N. Barton, Fresno CA 93740-8014 California State University, Fresno is an EO/AA employer. mental facu lty to id entify priorities, coordinate collection growth, and m aintain effective com m unication. Position m ay include providing inform ation and instructional se rvice s in the U se r S ervices division. Position reports to the head o f the C ollection M anagem ent Services. Qualifications: A LA -accredited MLS required. T h e follow ing qua lifica ­ tio ns are preferred: a cadem ic background in a social science d isci­ pline, with an advanced degree stro ng ly desired; tw o o r m ore years experience d eveloping collections in a research library; a w areness of n ational tre n d s in sch ola rly p ublishing; kn ow ledge o f e lectron ic resources in the social and b eh avioral sciences; kn ow ledge of approval plans; ability to com m unicate a strong library im age to university facu lty and a dm inistrators; experience w ith library autom a­ tion and tech n olo g y a pplications in a cadem ic lib raries; strong service orientation and /or public services experience; e xcellent oral and written com m unication skills; positive interpersonal style; ability to wo rk in dependently as well as part o f a team ; sensitivity to the co nce rn s of a research library and its users; initiative and creativity; strong analytical skills; fle xibility and the a bility to a ccept and manage change; ability to organize tim e and d e live r w o rk on deadline; in volve­ m ent in professional activities; ability to m eet requirem ents fo r faculty a dvancem ent, including professional service and publication. Expe­ rience w orking in a culturally diverse e nvironm ent highly preferred. Environm ent: Virginia Com m onw ealth U niversity is a p ublicly-sup­ ported urban, research u niversity in R ichm ond, Virginia, serving a pproxim ately 22,000 students w ith 2 ,000 full-tim e facu lty on both the a cad em ic ca m p us and a t the M edical C ollege o f V irginia. The University aw ards doctoral d egrees in 20 fields, and has recently e stablished a School o f Engineering. VCU is a m e m b er of the 618/C&RL News ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES University of Oregon RESPONSIBILITIES: The University of Oregon is seeking an experienced, dynamic individual to share leadership of the UO Libraries, including coordination of technical services functions. Manages five departm ents (Acquisitions, Serials, Catalog, Preservation & Binding, and Interlibrary Loan) with a total of approxim ately 49 staff, plus student assistants. Monitors expenditures of materials budget of approxim ately $4 million. Overall responsibility for bibliographic control of library materials in all languages and in all formats, including scores, sound recordings, microforms, videotapes, software, maps, manuscripts, and electronic resources. Overall responsibility for the Library’s participation in OCLC, which includes CJK and union listing, overall responsibility for the Library’s preservation activities, including in-house and comm ercial binding, physical processing, conservation, and repair. Overall responsibility for the Library’s interlibrary loan activities. Library-wide responsibilities: collabo­ rates with other m embers of library administration in budgetary and personnel policy decisions; and development, implementation, and evaluation of library programs and services. May participate directly in library instructional and collection developm ent programs. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; six years post-M LS progressively responsible technical services experience in an academ ic library, including adm inistrative responsi­ bility for at least one m ajor technical services function; awareness of current issues in technical services m anagem ent and in the application of technology to library programs and services; experience with OCLC and fam iliarity with integrated library systems; superior oral and written communication skills; substantial record of contribution to the profession; excellent interpersonal skills; collaborative m anagem ent style; and demonstrated ability to initiate and manage rapid change in a complex organizational setting. Preferred: additional graduate degree. SA LAR Y: $57,500 minimum. Appointment beyond the minimum salary will be dependent upon qualifications, prior experience, and academ ic rank. Benefits include a choice of m edical/dental plans (Blue Cross/Blue Shield or HMO options), several retirement options, 22 vacation days, and low staff tuition rates for continuing education. Partial funding and release tim e provided for participation in regional and national conferences, and o th e r professional developm ent opportunities. EMPLOYMENT: Librarians have faculty status and privileges, academ ic rank (Assistant Professor- Professor), and are, non-tenure track, with fixed-term, renewable contracts (two or three years, depending on rank). Professional growth and service in keeping with university and library standards for promotion and retention is expected. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Applications received by 5 :0 0 p .m ., N o v e m b e r 27, 19 9 6 will receive priority consideration. TO AP PLY: Send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four references (including your most current supervisor) to: Laine S tam ba ug h P erso n ne l L ibrarian 1299 U n iv e rs ity of O reg o n Library E ugene, O R 97 40 3 -1 2 9 9 Phone: (54 1) 3 4 6-1 895 Fax: (54 1 ) 3 4 6-3 485 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: The University of Oregon is an ARL library which serves over 17,000 undergraduate and graduate students and 760 full tim e and 430 part-time faculty members. Its two million volume collection serves as an im portant research facility for scholars throughout the Northwest. The Library participates in OCLC, NACO, and SACO, and a statewide union catalog, and uses the Innopac integrated system for all its operations. The Knight Library (main library) recently was expanded and renovated, and includes a state-of-the-art electronic classroom and a fully-equipped information technology center. For more information about the University and the Library, consult the following Web states: (UO); (UC Library) For more information about the library staff and the com m unity of Eugene, Oregon, consult: http:// October 1996/619 CATALOGER/DATABASE MAINTENANCE LIBRARIAN Skidmore College, a strong liberal arts college located in Saratoga Springs, NY, seeks a cataloger/database maintenance librarian who is both a traditionalist and a futurist. This is a non-tenure track, 10 month faculty position at one of the librarian ranks. All faculty are expected to show evidence of professional accomplishment and service to receive continuing appointment. The position reports to the Head of Technical Services. Position includes overall responsibility for: creation, maintenance, quality control of the library’s bibliographic records; supervision of the Cataloging Unit, consisting of two full time staff and several part time student workers; original cataloging and the resolution of cataloging problems; and, under the direction of the Head of Technical Services, the development of new procedures and the implementation of new systems to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in bibliographic processing. The person in this exciting position will help plan and implement new information management systems in the library that will provide the Skidmore community with access to electronically-based information resources in support of both the curriculum and scholarship. All librarians are expected to participate in the staffing of the reference desk as well as perform some liaison work with an academic department. Skidmore has recently completed a major renovation and expansion of its library. The library is currently using the Dynix system, but the campus will be evaluating the system. It is possible that the library will be migrating to a new system by 1998. The successful candidate will play a leadership role in any migration. Other issues to be addressed: conversion of brief serial records to MARC records; possible classification of journals; cataloging government documents; authority control; providing access to electronic information. Required qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; 2 years’ professional cataloging experience; experience with automated bibliographic utility and with an integrated library system; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC formats. Strong oral, written, organizational and interpersonal skills. Strong problem solving skills, flexibility, and a sense of humor. PC proficiency and current awareness of developing technologies. Preferred qualifications: Experience with music cataloging. Experience with OCLC. Supervisory experi­ ence. Evidence of professional service and/or research. Subject masters. Position to begin January 1 , 1997. Consideration of applications will begin October 15, 1996. Please send a current vita and the names of three references to: Peggy Seiden, College Librarian, Scribner Library, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. People from diverse racial, ethnic and S c K ultural ba I ckg D rounds ar M e especially e O ncouraged R to apply. C O L L E G E E Association of S outheast R esearch Libraries, the C ente r fo r Re­ search Libraries, and the N ational N etw ork o f Libraries o f Medicine. The L ibrary has o ve r 1.1 m illion volum es, 10,000 current serials, and a m aterials budget in the cu rre nt fisca l y e a r of over $4.5 m illion. The library is highly autom ated w ith 300 w orkstations, all NOTIS m odules operational, centralized a ccess to over 100 databases and other electronic resources, a grow ing p resence on the Internet (http:// l), and active leadership in the Virtual Library o f Virginia (VIVA). Salary: $30,000 m inim um with a co m p eti­ tive benefits p ackage including rem uneration fo r U niversity courses. A pplication: Subm it resum e and the nam es and phone num bers fo r three cu rre nt references to: S usanna Bartm ann Pathak, Head, C ollec­ tion M anagem ent Services, U niversity L ibrary Services, Virginia C om m onw ealth University, VCU Box 2 033, Richm ond, VA 2 3284- 2033; e-m ail: sbpathak@ gem (fo r inform ation only). Re­ vie w o f a pplications will begin in N ovem ber 1996. Virg in ia C o m m o n ­ w ealth U niversity is an Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Em­ ployer. M inorities, w om en, and p ersons with disab ilities are e nco ur­ aged to apply. CO PY CA T A LO GIN G C O O R D IN A TOR , B IB LIO G R A PH IC SER ­ VIC ES D EPA R TM EN T. Te m p le U niversity Libraries. Assigns, trains, and revises w o rk o f co py cata lo ge rs and data entry staff. Assists in quality control and problem solving. C rea tes original and adaptive b ibliographic records in a va rie ty o f subjects, languages, and form ats. Participates in the form ulation o f local cataloging policies and p roce­ 620/C&RL News THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY LIBRARIAN III CATALOGING PROJECTS COORDINATOR/ ORIGINAL CATALOGER The Milton S. E isenhow er Library is seeking an experienced professional c ata loger to provide original cataloging fo r m aterials in a variety of form ats; to coordinate special cataloging projects; and to serve as a library-w ide resource on cataloging policy and practice. In 1997, the Johns Hopkins U niversity will im plem ent a new integrated library system fo r the libraries of the university. U nde r the general direction of the Head of C ataloging, the incum bent will play an active role in im plem enting the new system and in effecting associated w orkflow changes in the C ataloging D epartment. The successful candidate will be a creative problem -solver with the ability to flourish in a changing w ork environm ent. The Eisenhow er Library prizes initiative, creativity, professionalism , and team work. M AJO R R ESPO N SIBILITIES: • Perform original cataloging of m aterials in a variety of formats, including serials and nonprint formats, follow ing current national standards fo r bibliographic description, authority work, and subject analysis; • Supervise one full-tim e serials copy cataloger and p art-tim e student employees; • Design and coordinate special cataloging projects; • S erve as departm ental liaison with S erials A cquisitions and with Special C ollections archives and m anuscript catalogers; • W ork cooperatively with library staff to im plem ent a new integrated library system; • Keep abreast of national and international cataloging issues and serve as library-w ide resource for cataloging policy and standards; • Participate actively in local and national professional developm ent and service activities. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: MLS from an A LA -accredited library school; three yea rs original cataloging experience including som e serials cataloging experience; knowledge of AAC R 2r, LC S ubject H ead­ ings and classification, and U SM ARC form ats; knowledge of issues and standards fo r cataloging archives and m anuscript materials; reading knowledge of at least tw o foreign languages; experience with O C LC and a local autom ated system ; excellent com m unication and organizational skills; project m anagem ent experience; ability to w rite and help im plem ent procedures; dem onstrated problem ­ solving skills; flexibility; ability to prioritize w ork to ensure tha t departm ental and library goals are realized; ability to w ork independently as w ell as part of a team . N onprint cataloging experience and previous supervisory and training experience desired. The starting salary range is $33,000 - $41,950 depending upon experience and education. To be considered fo r this position, please send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference indicating Job #S96-627, by O ctober 3 1 , 1996, to: THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Homewood Human Resources 119 Garland Hall 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Excellent benefits including life and health insurance, dental, and tuition plans for sta ff member, spouse and dependent children. Smoke free and drug free. AA/EOE. dures, and serves on library com m ittees and task forces. Q ualifica­ tions: MLS from ALA-accredited library program. Two to three years o f recent professional cataloging experience in a large academ ic or research library. Bibliographic knowledge of one o r more foreign languages, preferably German and/or Italian. Strong interpersonal, analytical, and problem -solving skills; effective oral and written com m unication skills. Ability to work well with staff, both individually and in groups. A bility to work independently and to exercise initiative. Thorough knowledge o f AACR2, MARC formats, LC classification and subject headings, and RLIN o r equivalent national bibliographic system. Experience with integrated library systems. Salary: $29,000; may be higher depending on qualifications and experience. Position is 10-month work year. Additional month may be required for an added 9.6% o f annual salary. Fringe benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; TIAA-CREF. Application procedure: Send letter addressing all qualifications stated above, resume, and names of three references to: Laila El Zein, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Adm inistrative Services Department, Paley Library 017-00, Tem ple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Closing date fo r applications: O ctober 18, 1996. An AA/EO employer. October 1996/621 THREE POSITIONS University of Michigan University Library SO C IA L S C IEN C ES LIBRARIAN & H U M A N ITIE S LIBRARIAN (2 PA RA LLEL POSITION S) The U niversity of Michigan boasts top-ranked academ ic departm ents and preem inent scholars in many areas of the S ocial Sciences and Humanities. The U niversity Library m aintains outstanding international collections in support of these program s and has developed a position of international leadership in developing digital data and text resources. D UTIES O F S O C IAL S C IEN C ES LIBRARIAN: • P rovide R esearch and Instructional s upport fo r the ir constituencies. • C ontribute to C ollection Developm ent and Liaison responsibilities. • Contribute to the developm ent of netw ork inform ation resources with particular em phasis on num eric and spatial data. • S pecial em phasis on C am pus O utreach; w orking closely with several departm ents. REQ U IR ED Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S FOR SO C IA L SC IEN C E S LIBRARIAN: A LA -accredited MLS. G radu­ ate degree in a social science discipline or research library experience in collection developm ent/user services related to the social sciences. R eference skills: excellent oral and w ritten com m unication, fam iliarity with current bibliographic and reference resources in the social sciences. A bility to w ork effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. D em onstrated facility w ith statistical inform ation resources including num eric data in electronic form at. Know ledge of com puter based analytical tools fo r social science research. Know ledge of HTM L and experience in the developm ent of W orld W ide W eb resources. D UTIES O F H U M A N ITIE S LIBRARIAN • Provide Research and Instructional support fo r their constituencies. • Contribute to Collection Development and Liaison responsibilities. • Contribute to the developm ent of netw ork inform ation resources with particular em phasis on the use of full text. • Special e m phasis on providing A dm inistrative support for the H um anities Team . REQU IR ED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S FOR THE H U M AN ITIES LIBRARIAN: ALA-accredited MLS. M inim um tw o years of research library experience in collection developm ent/user services w ith significant responsibility for support of hum anities program s. G raduate degree or significant advanced graduate study in a hum anities discipline with preference fo r em phasis in history or language and literature. R eading knowledge of one or more W estern European languages. D em on­ strated reference and instructional skills; excellent oral and w ritten com m unication; and fam iliarity with current b iblio grap hica nd reference resources in the hum anities. Ability to w ork effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. D em onstrated facility in the use of electronic inform ation resources in the hum anities. S uccessful experience in planning, coordinating, and facilitating group activities. RANK, SALARY, AN D LEAVE: For each position: rank of A ssociate Librarian; m inim um salary of $31,500, final salary dependent on previous relevant experience; 24 w orking days of vacation/year; 15 days of sick leave/year with provisions fo r extended benefits. TO A PPLY: S end cove r letter and resum e fo r each position to: Karen Downing Library Human Resources 404 Hatcher North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 APP LICA TIO N DEADLINE: Applications received by O ctober 31‚ 1996 will be given first consideration. P lease see our ad in regular ad section of C & R L N ew s fo r Science Inform ation Technologies Librarian in the Shapiro Science Library at the U niversity of M ichigan. F o r com plete position descriptions, please see: The University o f Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. 622/C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN Whitman College Penrose M em orial Library at W hitm an C ollege invites applications fo r the position of A ssistant Librarian. R E SPO N SIBILITIES: Supervises and provides reference service to students, faculty, adm inistration and com m unity m em bers on w eekdays, scheduled evenings, and som e w eekends. Develops, m aintains, and teaches courses in traditional and electronic inform ation resources. E dits library publications— hom epage, newsletter, finding aids, etc. S upervises interlibrary loan office. Conducts on-line bibliographic searches and teaches bibliographic Internet searches. Must be willing to perform varied professional responsibilities according to the dem ands of the academ ic calendar. S erves on cam pus com m ittees as required. Acts fo r the Library D irector during his absences. Tw elve month appointment. Q U A LIF IC AT IO N S: A LA -accredited MLS required; S ubject m aster's degree preferred; experience a n d /o r training in on-line data base searching, Internet, HTML, hom e page construction. M ust be able to com m unicate clearly, effectively, and tactfully— orally and in writing. D em onstrated record of adm inistrative experience and success— 5 years preferred. C O LLEG E : W hitm an C ollege is an independent, residential, nonsectarian, liberal arts and sciences college of 1,300 students and m ore than 100 faculty. T he 1996 first-year class had an a verage high school G.P.A. of 3.8 and average S A T scores of 1280. W hitm an is an ideal place fo r learning and scholarship and fo r prom oting personal grow th, character, and responsibility. TO A PPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and nam es of three references to: Henry M. Yaple Library Director Penrose Mem orial Library W hitm an College Walla W alla, WA 99362 e-mail: yaple@ whitm Initial s creening of applications begins O ctob er 2 5 , 1996, but will continue until the position is filled. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING RESOURCES. Edm onds Community College invites applications fo r the position of Director o f Learning Resources. Edm onds Community College is located 15 m iles north of Seattle in the center o f the growing south Snohomish County. Edm onds is a public, tw o-year, coeducational state com m unity college which w elcom es about 11,000 students each year. The Director reports to the V ice President fo r Instruction and is expected to provide strong leadership in guiding the library and m edia services into the 2 1st century. The Director has a dm inistrative responsibilities fo r long-range planning, budgeting, personnel m anagem ent, and team building. C andidates w ill need to dem onstrate an understanding of information technologies and the need to integrate them with the delivery o f traditional services. C andidates must be com m itted to serving the needs of students, faculty, staff, and the community. Candidates m ust have an ALA-accredited MLS and five to seven years of experience, including two years o f adm inistrative e xperi­ ence; extensive knowledge o f library automation; creative problem solving skills; ability to work in partnerships; conflict managem ent skills; excellent oral and written com m unication skills; knowledge of technology trends and issues related to com m unity college libraries; and sensitivity to diversity and cultural pluralism issues. Salary w ill be based on the current adm inistrative/exem pt salary schedule; place- /n e n t is based on education and related experience. The current range is $49,823-$56,940 annually fo r a 12-month appointm ent. The college p rovides an excellent benefits package w hich includes medi­ cal, dental, and life insurance, and a retirement plan. Applicants must subm it a com pleted college application form, a supplem ental applica­ tion, a resume, tw o current letters o f recommendation, and tran­ scripts. Please call the Job Line, (206) 640-1510, fo r specific applica­ tion information. A pplications m ust be received in the Human R e­ sources Office by 5:00 PM, O ctober 24, 1996. Interviews are ten ta ­ tively scheduled during the week of N ovem ber 18-22, 1996 and the start date of the position is January 2 , 1997. Edmonds Com m unity College is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirm ative Action Employer. HEAD, INFORMATION, RESEARCH, AND INSTRUCTIONA L SER­ VIC ES (IRIS). U niversity o f Iowa Libraries. Position description: The Head o f IRIS supervises the IRIS M anagem ent Team consisting of fou r professional team leaders (Research Services, Information Ser­ vices, Libraries-W ide Information System and Multim edia, and Elec­ tronic Services). Total IRIS staff consists o f 7-25 FTE librarians, one FTE professional technologist, fou r FTE support personnel, as well as a num ber of graduate assistants and student employees. The Head of IRIS has system -wide responsibility fo r provision o f innovative information and research services including advancem ent and plan­ ning o f user education and outreach programs. The Head of IRIS also provides cam pus-w ide leadership fo r the collaborative application of learning technologies; leadership fo r the Libraries’ advancem ent in technology-based inform ation and research services; information and instructional services fo r distance education; and Internet-based applications. Q ualifications: Required: Graduate degree from an A LA-accredited library and inform ation science program, or the equivalent; an understanding o f the mission of research institutions and libraries and the role of information and instructional technology in these settings; professional experience providing reference ser­ vices, including user education activities, in a research library; general knowledge of the nature of scholarly research; fam iliarity with state-of-the-art multim edia, full-text databases, and im age technol­ ogy; general knowledge o f local area networks, Internet-based ser­ vices, applications, and issues surrounding the creation and ex­ change of networked in formation; experience with e lectronic inform a­ tion resources and services; experience with electronic texts o r data and interactive teaching tools in the hum anities o r social sciences; dem onstrated adm inistrative, supervisory, and leadership abilities; October 1996/623 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN University of North Carolina at Wilmington The U niversity of North C arolina at W ilm ington invites applications and n o m inatio ns fo r the position of U niver­ sity Librarian. The position reports to the provost and vice chancellor fo r academ ic affairs and provides plan­ ning and policy lead ersh ip f o r the university’s print and electronic inform ational resources, oversight of 13 librarians and 23 support staff, and adm inistration of an annual budget in excess of $2.5 million. The Librarian also serves on the D irector’s C ouncil, D ean’s Council, and U NCW Planning C om m ittee, as well as the system -w ide U niversity Library A dvisory Council. A 128,000 -square-foot facility, the W illiam M adison Randall Library contains m ore than 400,000 hardbound volum es, subscribes to m ore than 5,000 serial titles, m aintains extensive journal backfiles in bound volum es and m icroform at, as well as a large collection of audiovisuals in a variety of form ats, and is a full depository fo r all N orth C arolina docum ents and a partial depository fo r United States governm ent publications. C onnected to a high-speed fiber optic cam pus data network, the library provides access to the Internet and is a m em ber of a three-cam pus consortium designed to facilitate resource sharing and docum ent delivery. A long with libraries at its sister institutions, it is currently defining its role in new state­ w ide initiatives to increase distance learning, off-cam pus sites, and com m unity outreach at the 16 cam puses o f The U niversity of N orth Carolina. A young, dynam ic, and grow ing regional u niversity com m itted to total quality, UNC-W ilm ington currently enrolls m ore than 8,600 undergraduate and graduate students in arts and sciences, business, education, and nursing. Its location in an historic A tlantic seaport in southeastern North Carolina offers an outstanding quality of life with m any natural and cultural am enities. The successful candidate w ill have a dem onstrated record of leadership and m anagem ent in advancing innovative program s tha t respond to a changing technological and inform ation environm ent, an under­ standing of the instructional and scholarly needs of students and faculty in a regional university setting, strong interpersonal and com m unication skills, and the ability to serve effectively as an advocate and spokesperson fo r the library’s educational mission. Minimal qualifications include an A LA-accredited MLS degree, and eight years of professional experience in an academ ic library, including five years of upper- level m anagem ent experience. O ther qualifications tha t m ay be considered include a second m aster’s degree in an other subject field, evidence of ongoing professional developm ent, and experience in library fund-raising. For priority consideration, applications and nom inations should be subm itted by January 1‚ 1997. The position w ill remain open until filled, with an expected appointm ent effective July 1, 1997. Salary is com petitive. Applicants should subm it a le tte r of application, a cu rren t resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three professional references to the follow ing: University Librarian Search Comm ittee Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academ ic Affairs The University of North Carolina at Wilmington W ilm ington, NC 28403 UNCW is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. excellent oral and written com m unication skills; and dem onstrated commitm ent to an active program of professional involvem ent at the national level. Preferred: Familiarity with electronic scholarly publish­ ing and communication, experience with application of information services in a distance education environment; experience building successful collaboration with university teaching faculty and com put­ ing center professionals; fam iliarity with program planning/adm inis­ tration o f multim edia laboratories and electronic classrooms; gradu­ ate studies in hum anities o r social sciences; and working knowledge of a foreign language. The University o f Iowa Libraries: The University of Iowa Library system consists of the Main Library (including the Information Arcade) and 11 departmental libraries (Art, Music, Busi­ ness, and the Sciences), the largest of which is Hardin Library fo r the Health Sciences. W ith some three million volum es, the collections of the UI Libraries rank 29 out o f 107 in the Association of Research Libraries. The University is a m em ber o f the Research Libraries Group and OCLC, and its staff members are actively engaged in national cooperative efforts. The U niversity of Iowa Libraries makes use o f a NOTIS-based autom ated system called OASIS. The University is a m em ber o f the Research Libraries Group, OCLC, and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). The Libraries provide a program of support fo r professional developm ent activities. Environment: The U niversity and Iowa City: A m ajor research and teaching institution, The University o f Iowa offers recognized programs in a wide variety of areas. The University consists o f a faculty o f some 1,600 serving over 28,000 students, 9,000 o f whom are registered in graduate degree programs. Iowa City is a com m unity with excellent educa­ tional, recreational, and cultural advantages, and is readily acces­ 624/C&RL News TWO POSITIONS The National Opinion Research Center (NORC) The National O pinion Research C enter (N O R C ) located on the U niversity of C hicago cam pus is seeking to hire a Librarian and a R ecords C ontrol M anager. LIBRARIAN The Librarian w ill be responsible fo r the m anagem ent of N O R C ’s internal library. T h is person will m aintain a collection of survey research and social science materials, inform ation on N ORC research and surveys and m anage the data archives o f past surveys. The ideal candidate will be a take-charge individual, focused on c usto m er orientation and who will bring expertise in the areas of project/inform ation archival tech nique s and m echanism s. H aving a solid understanding of o r experience in the social science research field w ill easily enable the incum bent to select the type of library m aterials (such as books and periodicals) tha t are required. A noth er part of this function involves m aintaining the com pany’s bibliography, m anaging survey files and storage and data archiving. O ther duties include m aintaining the library’s software, and adm inistrative responsibili­ ties such as b udget preparation, s taff selection, and supervision. In addition to the above, the qualified candidate will be expected to possess a m aster’s degree in library science o r its equivalent, experience with library-based softw are and database m anagem ent and the ab ility to conduct on-line searches. R E CO RD S C O N TR O L MA N A G ER The Records C ontrol M anager will coordinate activities that deal with archiving inform ation pertaining to NORC projects and contributions. The incum bent w ill w ork closely with staff on identification of this initiative, suggesting im provem ents, additions, changes, and guidance on the m anagem ent of sam e. In addition, the ideal candidate will have the ability t o create database system s t o c ontrol NORC project inform ation, records, and archives. He/she will inventory and describe ongoing archival and record­ keeping system s and m onitor these system s to ensure they are active and up to date as well as making all m aterials produced and delivered accessible to the com pany’s various audiences. O ther responsibilities include the system atic m aintenance of stored inform ation (both paper and electronic m aterials), on- and off-site, ensuring consistency and system com pliance; creating and im plem enting retention schedules and som e supervisory responsibility. An educational background in records m anagem ent/archivist/library science and 3-5 years experience in records m anagem ent or related area is required. CRM (C ertified R ecords M anager) certification is preferred and database creation experience desired. For consideration, send, fax, or e-m ail a resum e and cove r letter (including salary history) to: D. Daniels 1155 E. 60th St. Chicago, IL 60637 phone: (312) 753-7808 e-m ail: daniels@ norcm eoe/m/f/d/v sib le via interstate highways and a m ajor airport only 30 minutes away. Salary and Appointment: Appointm ent rank and salary w ill be based on relevant experience and educational background. Salary range: $44,000-54,000. Application Procedures: Applications must be received by N ovem ber 15, 1996. Q ualified individuals should subm it a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Janice S imm ons-W elburn, Coordinator, Personnel and Diversity Programs, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242-1420; phone: (319) 335-5871. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action em­ ployer. W omen and m inorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, O NLINE RECORDS CATALOGING SEC TION. Ekstrom Li­ brary. A pplications and nom inations are invited for the position of Head, O nline Records Cataloging Section, Ekstrom Library. The position is responsible fo r copy cataloging operations; revising ca ta ­ loging records fo r all m aterials types except serials; assisting the departm ent head in planning cataloging and authority work; m onitor­ ing w orkflow of the section; developing and m aintaining the depart­ ment W eb page; perform ing original cataloging; assigning LC call num bers and subject headings; supervises, trains, and evaluates five FTE support staff. Reports to Head, Monograph Department. Qualifi­ cations include MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate program; two years experience in cataloging, with a t least one ye ar professional experience; knowledge o f a m ajor bibliographic utility; bibliographic knowledge of at least one foreign language; strong interpersonal and com m unication skills; ability to meet faculty criteria fo r promotion. Preference w ill be given to candidates with supervisory experience; strong com puter skills, including knowledge of HTML; experience with NOTIS; dem onstrated com m itm ent to staff developm ent; and an understanding of current library technical services issues. This is a faculty position (non-tenure track). Excellent benefits. Salary range: $25,000-$28,000. Application review will begin Novem ber, 1996. Send letter o f application, resume, and nam es and telephone num ­ bers of three professional references to: Margo Smith, Ekstrom Library, U niversity of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. INFORM A TION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. A ssists library users through general and specialized reference work (both print and electronic), instruction, and lectures. Serves as liaison with October 1996/625 LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS MANAGER (HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT) Howard University H ow ard U niversity Librarie s see ks an exp erien ced individual to m a nage its N O T IS -based on -line c ata loging s ystem a nd o ve rsee a broad range of c ata loging a ctivities, including th e m a nage m en t o f the bib lio g ra p h ic d a taba se. U sing O C LC , A A C R 2, and LC c lassificatio ns, th e H ead of th e C ata lo ging D epa rtm e nt pe rform s som e orig inal cataloging. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : M LS fro m an A LA -accredited library program , at least th re e ye a rs cataloging exp erien ce w ith m onographs, serials, and non-print m aterials In an aca dem ic library. W orking know ledge of a fore ig n lang uag e is desirable. S A L A R Y : M inim um $ 3 8,14 6 annually. H ow ard U niversity is a H B CU Institution; m em bership in A R L. O v e r 1.8 m illion vo lu m e s includ ing over 13,000 serial titles, 2 .5 m illion m icro form s, and a v a rie ty o f film , video , an d o th e r m edia. The Libraries S ystem m a in tains s ta te -o f-th e -a rt fac ilitie s providing ne tw orked acce ss to ele c tro n ic re source s on ca m p u s and w o rld w ide. H ow ard is an O C LC /N O T IS Library. B E N E FITS : A s pa rt of o u r staff you w ill en jo y a com p re h e n sive be nefits package, w hich Includes life and health Insurance, paid annual and s ick leave, cre dit union, and rem ission of tuitio n and de pend ent children tuitio n benefits. A P P LIC A N T S : Position is ava ila b le im m e diate ly. P lease, send letter, resum e, an d n a m es of three re fere nces to: Attention: Jam es K. K. No A ssociate Director Technical Services Division How ard U n iversity Libraries #L-166, U ndergraduate Library 500 How ard Place, NW W ashington, DC 20059 Phone: (202) 806-5669 A pplicatio ns a c ce pted until position is filed. EOE/ AA faculty and d eve lo ps the collection in the su bje ct areas o f inform ation science & te ch n olo g y and engineering. A ssists in the d evelopm ent of library policies and p rocedures and p articipates in special activities and p rojects. Fu lfills re q uirem en ts o f fa cu lty statu s in a reas of co ntribu tion s to librarianship, scholarship, and service. Required: ALA-a ccre dite d MLS. Acad e m ic background, w orking experience, or strong interest in inform ation science & technology. Strong written, oral, and in terpersonal skills. Preferred: Tw o ye ars of e xperience in public services with fle xibility, initiatives, and d edication to public services. Know ledge o f reference sources in inform ation science & tech n olo g y and engineering. Experience with Innovative Interfaces and m icroco m p u te r applications. Salary/benefits: Salary is co m p eti­ tive, tenure track, T IA A/C R E F , 2 4 days vacation, fle xible benefits package. R eview o f applica tio ns will begin O ctob er 13, 1996, and co ntin ue until a ca nd id ate is selected. Send letter o f application, re sum e, and the nam es o f th re e referen ces to: Jan Boyer, University Library, U niversity of Nebraska at O m aha, Om aha, NE 68182-0237; e-m ail: jb o ye r@ un o m a ha .ed u ; fax: (402) 554-3215. AA/00E. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . W e s te rn Illin o is U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry (http://w w w .w iu .e d u/u sers/m ilib o /w iu/) seeks an in novative reference librarian to p rovide general reference and research service to the cam pus com m unity. Som e evening and w eeke n d desk hours are required. O the r m a jo r resp on sib ilitie s in clu de the coordination and enh an ce m e nt o f the library W e b p ages and form al u ser instruction in electronic and traditional classroom s. Q ualifications: ALA accredited m a ster’s degree; an a dditional a dvanced degree; reference e xpe ri­ ence; substantial kn ow ledge o f and expe rie n ce with the Internet and W W W ; e xcellen t oral and w ritte n co m m u nicatio n skills. T h is te n - m onth, ten u re -tra ck position in cludes a flexible sch ed ule (see C&RL N e w s vo lum e 57, n um ber 5 (M ay 1996): page 278), standard benefits package, and a sa lary range b etw een $ 3,200-$3,600 p e r m onth, d epending on qualifications. Library fa cu lty are e valuated fo r tenure and prom otion on the p erform ance o f p rim ary duties, research, and p rofessional univ e rsity/co m m u n ity service. W IU is a com prehensive unive rsity e nrolling 12,000 u ndergraduate and g raduate students, located in a rural com m unity. W ith o ve r 1,000,000 catalogued vo l­ um es, the library em p loys 16 facu lty and o ve r 4 0 su pp ort staff. Application: S end co ve r letter, resum e, copies o f transcripts, and nam es and telep ho n e n um bers of three cu rre nt references to: C indy Johnson, A dm inistrative Assistant, U nive rsity Library, O ne University Circle, W e s te rn Illinois U niversity, M acom b, IL 61455-1390. R e­ view of a pplications w ill begin on N o vem be r 4 , 1996 and w ill continue until an a ppointm ent is m ade. Anticipated starting date is January 1997. W IU is an affirm ative action, equal o pp ortun ity e d u cato r and e m p loye r and enco urag e s applica tio ns from w om en, m inorities, and persons w ith disabilities. RE FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N /PS Y C H O LO G Y. Provide user education and reference assistan ce in the areas o f psycho lo gy and education including co llection d e ve lo pm en t and e valuating d e p artm en t’s in for­ m ation n eeds in the S chool o f P sychology and Education. MLS (or deg re e p en ding /AL A -a ccre dite d) and second m a ster’s in psychology o r related field. Experience w ith e lectron ic library resources, library instruction, and co llection developm ent. Strong c o m m unication skills required. A pp lica tio n process: Subm it application and resum e to: Ref. Job #08-96, C hapm an U niversity, H um an R esources Departm ent, 3 33 N. G lassell, O range, C A 92866. A n EOE em ployer. 626/ C&RL News THREE POSITIONS OPEN Long Island University Brooklyn Campus A S SIS T A N T DEAN O F TE C H N IC A L SER V IC E S Reporting to the Dean of the Library, the Assistant Dean of Technical Services will evaluate, plan, and direct the operations of the Technical S ervices divisions, including acquisitions, cataloging, serials, and autom ated systems. R esponsiblef or planning, budgets, current and future technologies, personnel, quality control. O versee rapidly grow ing m aterials budget. Im plem ent A m eritech-H orizons integrated library system. Q U A LIFIC ATIO N S: Five years post-M LS experience w ith increasing adm inistrative and supervisory responsibility, preferably in an autom ated academ ic library. R EQUIRED: M anaging an ILS, experience with original cataloging, cataloging of nonprint and serials, solid knowledge of MARC, DDC, AAC R 2r, OCLC, LCSH, authority control. A utom ated acquisitions experience highly desirable, H EAD OF A C Q U IS ITIO N S Evaluate, plan, and direct staff and operations of acquisitions including serials and m ultim edia to ensure quality control and fiscal accountability. C oordinate collection developm ent activities; im plem ent autom a­ tion of departm ent, staff training. R EQ U IR ED : Three ye a rs’ experience in autom ated Technical S ervices en vironm ent w ith som e supervi­ sory experience. A bility to m eet tenure requirem ents. P R EFER R ED : Five years w ith three years s upervisory experience in academ ic library. E V E N IN G /W E EK E N D LIBR A R IA N R esponsible fo r operations of public services w eeke nds and som e evenings. Duties include providing reference services in an autom ated environm ent, special projects, collection developm ent. R EQ U IR ED : Five years post-M LS experience with increasing supervisory responsibilities, preferably in academ ic library. S trong com pute r skills, including C D -R O M , Internet, online searching. E xpertise in business sources desirable. A bility to m eet tenure requirem ents. A LL TH R EE PO SITIO NS: A LA -accredited MLS, excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills, good com pute r skills required. The B rooklyn C am pus of Long Island University, founded in 1926, occupies a 10-acre site in dow ntow n Brooklyn, one subw ay stop from M anhattan. It serves a population of 10,000 students with ove r 60 undergraduate and 55 graduate program s, including doctoral program s in C linical P sychology and P harm acy. The library contains ove r 250,000 volum es and 1,536 journal subscriptions w ith a staff of 14 librarians. Send letter of application, tw o copies of c.v., and three references to: Long Island University Terri Campo, Personnel Officer 1 University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201 SC IEN C E IN FO R M A TIO N TE C H N O LO G IES LIB R A R IA N . Shapiro S cie nce Library, U n ive rsity o f M ichigan. R e cen tly e sta b lish ed throu g h the m erg er o f fo u r d ivisio na l libraries, the Shapiro Science L ibrary serves ca m p us in form ation needs in a stronom y, biology, chem istry, g eology, m athem atics, natural resources, physics, and statistics. It has m ore than 25 pub lic w o rksta tion s, 400 ,00 0 print vo lum es, six librarians, and 10.5 FTE su pp ort staff. D uties: Under the d ire ction o f the Head, Sha p iro S cience L ibrary and in c o lla bo ­ ration w ith Science L ibrary colleagues, the in cum be n t will: sp ea r­ head the a pp lica tio n o f e lectron ic tech n olo g ie s serving inform ation needs in the basic sciences; help guid e and prom ote the integration of new inform ation tech n olo g ie s into the lib ra ry's services; su pp ort research and tea ch ing by deve lo ping inform ation resources, as­ sisting users in kn ow ledge navigation, in stru cting clie n ts in re ­ source id en tifica tion /acce ss/use , and p articipa te in the d elivery of sch ed uled re feren ce services; su pe rvise the S cie nce L ib ra rys C o m p ute r S ystem Spe cia list; do liaison w ork; d evelop collections (p rin t and e lectron ic) and d e live r se rvice s in a sp ecific s u bje ct area. Q ua lifica tio ns: Required: ALA-a ccre dite d MLS. Sub stan tive know l­ edge o f e lectron ic and m ultim edia resources, expe rie n ce in using a va rie ty o f c o m p ute r platform s, se lf-d ire cte d le arning style, and in terest in e xpa nd in g kn ow ledge in the se areas. Enthusiasm fo r and evide n ce o f cre a tive a pp lica tio n o f inform ation tech n olo g ie s to meet u ser needs a s part o f a u ser-cen tered vie w o f library services. E xcellen t in terpe rso na l skills, in clu din g tho se in oral and w ritten co m m u nicatio n and user instruction. A bility to w o rk e ffe ctively with c u lturally diverse facu lty, stud e nts, and staff. A b ility to w o rk as a team m em b er and to p ursue m ultiple pro jects concu rre n tly. Fam il­ ia rity w ith a b asic science, and co m m itm en t to develop expertise. A b ility to su pe rvise stu d e n t and sa larie d su pp ort staff. Rank, Salary: Rank of A ssistan t L ibrarian. M inim um sa lary o f $28,000; 24 w o rkin g days and leave: va catio n p er year; 15 days s ick le ave /yea r w ith pro visio ns fo r exte n de d benefits. T o Apply: Send co ve r letter and resum e to: Karen Downing; L ibrary H um an Resources, 404 Hatche r G ra du a te L ibrary North, U niversity of M ichigan, Ann A rbor, Ml 4 8109-1205. A pp lica tio n Deadline: App lica tio ns received by O ctob er 31, 1996, w ill be given first consid e ra tion . Th e U niver­ sity o f M ichigan is a non -d iscrim in ato ry, a ffirm a tive action e m ­ October 1996/627 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY Oregon Institute of Technology (Search Reopened) O regon Institute o f T e c h n o lo g y (O IT) invites a p plica tio n s fo r the po sitio n o f D irecto r of the Library. O IT, located in K lam ath Falls, O regon, is th e o n ly accredited fo u r-y e a r pu blic institu te o f te c h n o lo g y in the P acific N orthw est. O IT has o v e r 2 ,0 0 0 stu d e n ts and a b o u t 150 fa c u lty offering ba c h e lo r degree p rogra m s in e n ginee ring, health, an d m a n a g e m e n t tech nolog ies. R ecently, a m a ster of s cience in e n ginee ring te c h n o lo g y w ith e m phasis in c o m p u te r e n ginee ring te c h n o lo g y w a s added. T h e O IT Library fea ture s o v e r 100,000 vo lu m e s and m ore than 2 ,0 0 0 periodical sub scription s including a ne tw ork of 11 C D -R O M databa ses. T h e O IT Library has an integrated c ata log (In nova tive Interfaces) and p a rticipate s in O R B IS , a union c ata log o f ac a d e m ic libraries. S ta ff num bers 13 FTE including five fa c u lty m em bers. R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S : T h e D ire cto r of th e Library is th e c h ie f a d m in is tra to r o f th e Library, Learning R esources C e n te r (A cad em ic S up p o rt and M edia), an d the historical a rch ive s of th e cam pus. The D ire cto r sits on th e P rovo st’s staff, th e Inter-Institutio nal Library C ouncil, and o th e r c om m ittee s. The D irecto r is re sponsib le fo r lead ersh ip a n d overall m a n a g e m e n t of libra ry p lan ning and de velopm ent; library fina ncial planning; library s e rvice s fo r cam pus, extension, and com m unity; c ollectio n d e v e lo p ­ m ent, a cq uisitions, and o rganiza tion; libra ry a u tom a tion and fac ilitie s p lan ning ; a n d libra ry personnel m a nagem ent. T h e D irecto r re presents the college on library and related m atters at local, regional, state, and national m e etings and to go ve rn m e n t an d corp o ra te agencies. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : A LA -accredited M LS an d fo u r ye a rs ’ progre ssively responsible a d m inistra tive and sup ervisory experience in a fou r-ye ar aca dem ic library required. A cle a r understanding of the application o f info rm atio n tech n o lo g ie s in h igh er ed uca tio n including dista nce learning and a ca dem ic sup port services, library autom ation, and bu dget m a nage m en t are required. T h e successful can didate w ill have d e m o n stra te d c o m pete nce in pe rsonnel relations, an inclusive leadership style, and exce lle n t inte rper­ sonal com m u n ic a tio n skills. A seco nd m a sters in a related fie ld is preferred. A ddition ally, th e can didate should be fa m ilia r w ith the c u rre n t litera ture in libra riansh ip, enginee ring, c o m p u te r science s, health, business, a nd tech n ica l ed ucation. S a la ry and rank are com p e titive and com m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lific a ­ tions. A pp lic a tio n s m ust be received by N o v em b er 3 0 , 1996. To apply, s u b m it a c o v e r letter, resum e, and nam es, addresse s, and ph one num bers of three p rofession al re fere nces to: Personnel O ffice 5F43 O regon Institute of Technology 3201 C am pus Drive Klam ath Falls, OR 97601 O IT is an Affirm ative A ction/Equal Opportunity/ADA employer. plo ye r. F o r a co m p le te p ositio n d e scrip tio n , p lea se see: h ttp :// w w w .lib .u m ic h .e d u /lib h o m e /s ta ffd e v /p o s itio n s .h tm l STATE, FO REIGN , A N D IN TE R N A T IO N A L D O C U M EN TS L IBRA R­ IAN. U niversity o f Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. Position Descrip­ tion: In the M ain L ibrary at the U niversity of Iowa, the G ove rn m e nt Publications D epartm ent p rovides services and user education fo r in form ation so urces from all levels o f governm ent, and in all form ats, including print and n on-print p rim a ry source collections and local and networked a ccess to inform ation. Th e Foreign, State, and Interna­ tional D ocum ents Librarian w ill participate in a wide range o f re fer­ ence, instructional, and p rom otional activity w ithin and outside o f the G ove rn m e nt P ublications Departm ent, and w ill play a le adership role in exploiting electronic resources fo r research in the area o f g ove rn ­ ment publications. T he position has prim a ry re sponsibility fo r co lle c­ tion developm ent, m anagem ent, and m aintenance of n on-U S federal gove rn m e nt publica tio ns (city, county, state, foreign , and interna­ tional) in all form a ts (print, m icroform , and e lectronic), and m anages depository arra ng e m e nts (State o f Iowa, U nited N ations, European Union). Th e Foreign, State, and International D ocum ents Librarian directly supervises one o r m ore full-tim e library assistants and in di­ rectly supervises assigned stud e nt em ployees. Q ualifications: R e­ quired: A g raduate degree from an ALA-a ccre dite d library and in for­ mation science program , o r the equ iva le nt successful com pletion of governm ent d ocum ents course work; fam ilia rity w ith a wide range of printed and electronic in form ation sources in the social sciences, including the Internet; e xcellen t oral and w ritten com m unication skills; facility fo r u ser se rvices, problem solving, and team w ork; dem on­ strated c o m m itm en t to p rofessional involvem ent; w orking know ledge of a m odern foreign language. Preferred: E xperience providing gov­ ern m en t docu m e nts reference services, including user education, in a research library; p articula r expe rie n ce with research use o f state, foreign, and in ternational docum ents; d em onstrated m anagerial and leadership abilities; supe rviso ry experience; g raduate stud ie s in a social scie nce dis cip lin e. T he U n ive rsity o f Iow a Libraries: The U n ive rsity o f Iow a L ibrary system co n sists o f th e M ain Library (including the Inform ation Arcade) and 11 departm en tal lib ra rie s (Art Music, Business, and the Sciences), the la rg est o f w h ich is Hardin L ibrary fo r the H ealth Sciences. W ith so m e three m illion volum es, the co lle ction s o f the UI L ibraries rank 29 o ut o f 107 in the A ssociatio n o f Research Libraries. T h e U niversity is a m e m b er o f the Research Libraries G roup and O CLC, and its staff m em b ers are actively engaged in national cooperative efforts. Th e U nive rsity o f Iowa L ibraries m akes use o f a N O TIS -based autom ated system called O ASIS. Th e U niversity is a m em b er o f the Research Libraries G roup, O CLC, and the C om m ittee on Institutional C ooperation (CIC). The L ibraries provide a program o f su pp ort fo r professional developm ent activities. Environm ent: Th e U n ive rsity and Iowa City: A m ajor re­ 628/C&RL News HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT Howard University Howard U niversity Libraries seeks an experi­ enced individual to manage its NOTIS-based on­ line cataloging system and oversee a broad range of cataloging activities, including the man­ agem ent of the bibliographic database. Using OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications, the head of the C ataloging D epartm ent perform s som e original cataloging. Q ualifications: MLS from an A LA -accredited li­ brary school, at least three years’ cataloging experience with monographs, serials, non-print materials in an academ ic library. W orking knowl­ edge of a foreign language is desirable. Salary: M inim um $38,146 annually. Howard U niversity is a HRCU Institution m em ­ bership in ARL. O ver 1.8 million volum es includ­ ing over 20,000 serial titles. 2.5 million m icro­ form s, and a variety of film , video, and other media. Howard is an O C LC /N O TIS Library. Benefits: A s part of our staff, you w ill enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, which includes life and health insurance, paid annual and sick leave, credit union, and remission of tuition and dependent children tuition benefits. A pplicants: Position is available immediately. Please, send letter, resume, and names of three references to: Attention: Jam es K. K. Ho Associate Director Technical Services Division Howard University Libraries #L-166, Undergraduate Library 500 Howard Place, NW W ashington, DC 20059 Phone: (202) 806-5669 A pplications accepted until position is filled. EOE/AA LIBRARIAN TO CATALOG IBERO MATERIALS University of New Mexico General Library Ibe ro C atalog Librarian, General Library, U niver­ sity of New Mexico. Full-tim e visiting appoint­ ment, renewable annually fo r a maxim um of three years, beginning January 1997. S A LA R Y : $30,000 - $34,000 a year, depending on experience. Level of appointm ent: Visiting A ssistant Professor. R EQUIRED: M aster’s degree in Library Science from an A LA -accredited program o r its foreign equivalent. A m inim um of one cataloging course fo r academ ic credit, or, if lacking cataloging coursew ork tow ard the MLS degree, one year cataloging experience in an academ ic research or large public library. Strong reading knowledge of S panish o r Portuguese languages and effec­ tive w ritten and oral com m unication skills in En­ glish. Know ledge of cataloging tools and stan­ dards, as w ell as the basics of the machine readable cataloging (MARC) formats. P REFERRED: E xperience w ith a bibliographic utility (OCLC, RLIN, o r their equivalents) and the use of personal com puters. Cataloging experi­ ence in an academ ic library. Spoken S panish/ Portuguese skills. Experience in Ibero American cultures. APP LIC A TIO N S: S ubm it a letter of interest and resum e (including names, telephone/fax num ­ bers, and addresses of three references) to: Rita Critchfield General Library University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 A pplications received by N ovem ber 1‚ 1996, will be given priority consideration; applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. UNM is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. search and teaching institution, The U niversity of Iowa offers recog­ nized programs in a wide variety o f areas. The University consists of a faculty of some 1,600 serving over 28,000 students, 9,000 o f whom are registered in graduate degree programs. Iowa City is a community w ith excellent educational, recreational, and cultural advantages, and is readily accessible via interstate highways and a m ajor airport only 30 m inutes away. Salary and Appointment: Entry-level appointment. Salary range: $26,000-$29,800. Application Procedures: A pplica­ tions must be received by Novem ber 1, 1996. Qualified individuals should subm it a letter of application, resume, and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Janice Sim m ons-W elburn, Coordinator of Personnel and Diversity Programs, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242; phone: (319) 335- 5871. The U niversity o f Iowa is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. W omen and m inorities are encouraged to apply. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Saint Joseph’s University se eks a fo r­ w a rd -lo o kin g U n ive rsity L ibrarian w ith an u n d e rstan ding o f the in form atio n and re search n ee ds o f stu d e n ts and fa cu lty and the e vo lu tio n o f te c h n o lo g y in to d a y ’s a cad em ic lib ra ry e n viron m e n t. Th e su ccessfu l ca n d id a te w ill h ave a d em on strate d re co rd of e xce lle n ce in le a d e rsh ip and m a n ag em en t o f a cad em ic lib ra rie s. E ffe ctive co m m u nicatio n skills and e vide n ce o f the a b ility to fu rth e r co o p e ra tive re la tio n sh ip s w ith in the lib ra ry and th ro u g h o u t th e u n iv e rs ity are re q uired . A stro n g record o f p ro fe ssio na l p a rtic i­ p atio n and the a b ility to fo s te r c o lla b o ra tive e ffo rts w ith o th e r a ca d e m ic in stitu tio n s are e sse n tia l. M inim al q ua lific a tio n s in ­ c lu de an A L A -a ccre d ite d M LS d eg re e and fiv e ye a rs of p ro g re s­ s iv e ly re sp o n sib le a d m in is tra tiv e e xp e rie n ce in an a cad em ic lib ra ry. Th e U n ive rsity L ibrarian p ro vid e s le ad e rsh ip and a d m in ­ istra tio n fo r a lib ra ry se rvin g a co m m u n ity o f 6 ,7 0 0 s tu d e n ts and October 1996/629 DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Illinois State University Illinois S tate U niversity is seeking a forw ard-seekin g and exp erien ced le a d e r to guide its library and info rm atio n service s into th e next century. Illinois S tate U niversity, fou nde d in 1857 as the firs t pu blic institution of high er learning in Illinois, is a m u lti-purpose U niversity w ith ove r 19,000 s tud ents and a full-tim e fac u lty of a p proxim ately 700. A c a d e m ic progra m s and cou rses are offered in th irty -fiv e de partm ents organize d into fiv e colleg es w ith m a ster’s de gree progra m s in m ost fields and doctoral degree progra m s in biological sciences, school p sych ology, curriculum and instruction, ed ucation a d m inistra tion a nd fo u nda tions, special education, English, history, and m athem atics education. T h e U niversity is located in B loom ington- N orm al, a co m m u n ity of 100,000 pe ople situa ted h a lfw ay betw een C hicag o and St. Louis. In s up port of Illinois S tate U niversity’s p rim ary m ission as the p re m ie r un derg rad uate institu tion in Illinois, M ilne r Library provides the central library fa c ility f o r th e U niversity com m unity, w ith a s ta ff of 110, including th irty -fo u r faculty, ove r 1.3 m illion volum es, and an annual bu dget of nearly $6 million. T h e Library is em barkin g on de ve lo p m e n t o f a c a m p u s libra ry a nd inform ation service s program utilizing a cam pus fib e r o p tic ne tw ork and th e statew ide c oo pera tive union catalog. R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S : T h e D ean of U niversity Libraries reports directly to th e U n ive rsity’s chief a ca dem ic officer, the V ice P reside nt and Provost m eets w ith th e P rovost’s A dvisory C ouncil and oth er ap prop riate a ca dem ic and ad m inistra tive councils. T h e D ean of U niversity Libraries has a d m inistra tive re sponsib ility fo r libra ry-w ide planning and policy direction: fo r cen tralized library service s such as budget, personnel, system s de velopm ent, and inform ation services; and f o r fun d- raising initiatives. T h e D ean of U niversity Libraries plays a un ive rsity-w ide leadership role in the de ve lo p m e n t and im ple m en tation of inform ation te ch nolog ies, and re presents M ilner Library w ithin th e U niversity and th ro u g h o u t the larg er library and h igh er ed ucation com m unities. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : An earned do ctorate and an A LA -accredited M LS are preferred. T h e candidate should possess a m inim um o f five yea rs o f progre ssively responsib le ad m inistra tive e xp erien ce in a m edium to large academ ic library, and a strong record of professional participation and scholarship. C and idate s m ust also de m onstrate a c le a r un derstanding of the evo lvin g role of the aca dem ic research library‚ and provide evidence of strong and innovative leadership skills in a shared decision­ m aking environm ent. C andidates m ust have excellent com m unication skills and be able to establish and m a intain effective re la tionsh ips w ith U niversity a d m inistra tors, faculty, staff, students, a nd the e xtended com m unity. S A LA R Y , RANK, A N D N O M IN A T IO N /A P P LIC A T IO N P R O C E D U R E : S alary is com petitive and c o m m ensu rate w ith qu alification s. R ank w ill be asso cia te o r full professor, and a ca dem ic ten ure upon ap poin tm e n t is possible. C and idate s are required to send a curriculum vitae: a le tte r of a p plication o u tlin ing ap prop riate experien ces; and the nam es, addresse s, and tele phon e num bers o f at least three references. W h ile the starting date w ill be not la te r than July 1‚ 1997, an e a rlie r starting date is preferred. T h e search w ill rem ain open until the position is filled. To assure full consideration, s end n o m inatio ns and a p plication s by O cto b er 1 6 , 1996, to: Shelly W eiss Storbeck M anaging Director and Vice President A. T. Kearney Education Practice 222 W. A dam s Street Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 223-6029 Fax: (312) 223-6369 e-m ail: storbeck1@ Further inform ation c on cernin g Illinois S tate U niversity: h ttp ://w w w .ils tu .e d u . Illinois State is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity university encouraging diversity. 630/C&RL News NETWORK COORDINATOR UCLA Library The Pacific S outhw est R egional M edical Library (PSR M L) of the N ational N etw ork of Libraries of M edicine (N N /LM ) at the UCLA Louise Darling Biom edical Library seeks a talented and innovative librarian as N etw ork C oordinator. The C oordinator is responsible fo r the resource sharing, netw ork m em bership, and com m unication functions of PSRM L. R esource sharing fun ctions include: serving as the D O C LIN E C o o rd in a to r fo r the region; facilitating the updating of regional serials in N LM ’s S ER H O LD database; coordinating regional ILL policies and procedures, and prom oting Loansom e D oc service am ong netw ork libraries. Network mem bership functions include: maintaining the Network M embership Database (NMD) and the database of regional expertise; prom oting m em bership am ong regional libraries; ensuring th a t regional data is current and accurate in the D O C U SE R file; and coordinating the Library Im provem ent Program to increase access to M ED LA R S databases and other inform ation resources at regional hospital libraries. C om m unications activities include: contributions to the bim onthly FSR M L newsletter, Latitudes; produc­ ing a directory from the NMD and m aintaining a current and accurate version of directory inform ation on the regional W W W homepage; developing factsheets and other information fo r regional libraries through the hom epage and in print form al; advising libraries on grant applications and consortia activities; m aintaining com m unications with the National Library of Medicine and other Regional Medical Libraries; and generally prom oting N etw ork activities w ith health sciences libraries in the region. The N etw ork C oordinator also assists with outreach activities to prom ote inform ation access to health professionals in the region. Q U A LIF IC AT IO N S: M LS from an accredited library school norm ally required. C andidates m ust exhibit know ledge of resource sharing activities w ithin the N N /LM including a thorough understanding of D O CLINE, S ER H O LD, and other interlibrary loan and docum ent de live ry activities. C andidate must have excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills and show evidence of a thorough knowledge of the Internet and related technological applications, and of com puter hardware and software. Tw o to three years experience in a health sciences library setting is desirable. Salary range: $30,420-$55,568. A nyone w ishing to be considered fo r the position should w rite to: Rita Scherrei Associate University Librarian Personnel & Adm inistrative Services UCLA 11354 URL, Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 T h e application letter should include a com plete statem ent of qualifications, a full resum e of education and relevant experience, and the nam es of at least three persons w ho are know ledgeable a bout the a p plicant’s qualifications f o r this position. C andidates applying by O ctob er 1 8 , 1996, will be given first consideration. 180 fu ll-tim e fa cu lty. Th e F ra n cis A. D rexe l L ib ra ry co n ta in s o ve r 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 vo lu m e s and 1 ,800 cu rre n t p e rio d ica ls, and p ro vide s a cce ss to a w id e ra n ge o f o n lin e a nd C D -R O M d a ta b a se s. T he L ib ra ry s ta ff c o n sists o f nine lib ra ria n s a nd 13 FTE su p p o rt staff. T h e U n ive rsity L ib ra ria n re p o rts to the C h ie f A ca d e m ic O ffic e r and is a m e m b er o f th e A ca d e m ic C a bine t. He o r she w o rks c lo s e ly w ith th e A s s is ta n t VP fo r In fo rm a tio n T e c h n o lo g y in the d e ve lo p m e n t and u se o f te c h n o lo g y in s u p p o rt o f a cad em ic p ro gra m s. S a la ry c o m m e n su ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s a nd e x p e ri­ e nce . P le ase fo rw a rd a C V and th re e le tte rs o f re co m m e nd a tion in clu d in g p h o n e n u m b e rs to: J u d ith C h ap m a n , C h air, Search C o m m itte e , S a in t J o s e p h ’s U n iv ers ity , 5 60 0 C ity A ven u e, P h ila ­ d e lp h ia , PA 19131. D e ad lin e fo r a p p lic a tio n s is N o ve m b e r 4, 1996. S a in t Jo s e p h ’s U n iv e rs ity is an equ al o p p o rtu n ity e m ­ p loye r. V is it S a in t Jo s e p h ’s on th e W o rld W ide W e b a t h ttp :// w w w .s ju .e d u . V IC E P R E S ID E N T FO R IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S . C a lv in C o lle g e s e e k s a p p lic a n ts fo r th e o ffic e o f V ic e P re s id e n t fo r In fo rm a tio n S e r v ic e s . T h e V ic e P re s id e n t w ill m a n a g e a nd p ro v id e th e le a d e rs h ip , s tra te g ic p la n n in g , a nd c o o r d in a tio n fo r b o th a c a d e m ic a n d a d m in is tr a tiv e c o m p u tin g , th e lib ra ry , a nd te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s . W ill e n s u re th e p ro m o tio n o f n ew p a r a d ig m s fo r in s tru c tio n , s c h o la rs h ip , s tu d e n t r e c ru itin g , o ffic e a u to m a tio n , a n d fo r a ll o th e r a re a s o f in fo r m a tio n te c h n o lo g y . C a lv in C o lle g e is a C h ris tia n c o lle g e in th e R e fo rm e d tr a d itio n . T h e p o s itio n re q u ir e s a r e lig io u s c o m m it­ m e n t c o m p a tib le w ith th e m is s io n o f th e c o lle g e . T h e s u c ­ c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill h a v e a m a s te r’ s d e g re e in an a p p ro p r i­ a te a re a ; a n e a rn e d d o c to ra te is p re fe rr e d ; c o m p u te r e x p e r ­ tis e a n d e x p e rie n c e ; e x p e rie n c e in le a d e rs h ip , m a n a g e m e n t, a n d s ta ff d e v e lo p m e n t; s e n s itiv ity to p e o p le a n d a b ility to b u ild m o ra le a n d lo y a lty . W r itte n a n d o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills a re e s s e n tia l. C a n d id a te s s h o u ld s u b m it a re s u m e , in c lu d in g th e n a m e s a nd te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe r ­ e n c e s by O c to b e r 15, 1 9 9 6 , to : C o n n ie B e llo w s , D ir e c to r of H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , C a lv in C o lle g e , 3201 B u rto n S t. SE, G ra n d R a p id s , M l 4 9 5 4 6 . E O E . October 1996/631 SPEC IA L C O LLEC TIO N S LIBRARIAN B ates C o llege T h e G e o rg e and H elen Ladd Library B a te s C o lle g e s e e k s n o m in a tio n s a n d a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n o f S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s L ib ra ria n . R e p o rtin g to th e A s s o c ia te L ib ra ria n , th is lib ra ria n a d m in is te rs th e S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s d e p a rtm e n ts ; p ro v id e s le a d e rs h ip in th e L ib ra ry in c o lle c tin g , o rg a n iz in g , p re s e rv in g , a n d m a k in g s p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s a v a ila b le ; a n d p ro v id e s re fe re n c e an d in s tru c tio n a l s e rv ic e s in S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s . T h is lib ra ria n a ls o acts a s c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t lia iso n in a s s ig n e d s u b je c t a re a s . T h is a s s ig n m e n t w ill in c lu d e e v e n in g an d w e e k e n d h o urs. R e q u ire d q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e a m a s te r’s d e g re e fro m an a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m in lib ra ry o r in fo rm a tio n s c ie n c e , k n o w le d g e o f o r e x p e rie n c e w ith s p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s , a n d a s tro n g c o m m itm e n t to p u b lic se rv ic e s . D e s ire d q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e c o u rs e w o rk in ra re b o o k s , m a n u s c rip ts , o r a rc h iv e s a d m in ­ is tra tio n ; p re s e rv a tio n tra in in g o r e x p e rie n c e ; re fe re n c e o r b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n e x p e rie n c e ; an d fa m ilia rity w ith e le c tro n ic c o lle c tio n s a n d s e rv ic e s . B ates C o lle g e is an u n d e rg ra d u a te c o lle g e of th e liberal a rts an d s c ie n c e s n a tio n a lly re c o g n iz e d f o r th e q u a litie s of e d u c a tio n a l e x p e rie n c e it p ro v id e s . It s e rv e s s o m e 16 0 0 s tu d e n ts a n d 175 fa c u lty . T h e G e o rg e a n d H e le n L a d d L ib ra ry s e rv e s all a c a d e m ic p ro g ra m s o f th e C o lle g e a n d is n o te d fo r its h igh q u a lity s e rv ic e s a n d a ttra c tiv e p h y s ic a l e n v iro n m e n t. T h e S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s d e p a rtm e n t h o u s e s a rare b o o k c o lle c tio n an d B a te s ia n a ‚a c o lle c tio n o f o rig in a l m a te ria ls re la te d to th e h is to ry o f th e C olleg e, O th e r s p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s in c lu d e th e J o n a th a n S ta n to n N a tu ra l H is to ry C o lle c tio n , th e P h e lp s C o lle c tio n o f s ig n e d firs t e d itio n s , th e R ic e C o lle c tio n o f n in e te e n th -c e n tu ry w o rk s in F re n c h an d G e rm a n , b o o k s fro m th e lib ra ry o f M a in e a rtis t a n d p o e t M a rs d e n H a rtle y , a s ig n ific a n t c o lle c tio n a b o u t th e F re e w ill B a p tis ts , th e B e re n t C o lle c tio n o f J u d a ic a , a n d a c o lle c tio n o f M a in e s m a ll p re s s pu blication s. S a la ry is c o m p e titiv e . A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld s u b m it a le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , a re s u m e , a n d n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e c u rre n t re fe re n c e s to: S p ec ia l C o lle c tio n s S e a rc h C o m m itte e B a te s C o lle g e P e rs o n n e l O ffic e 2 1 5 C o lle g e S tre e t L e w is to n , M E 04 2 4 0 A fu ll p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n , a n d in fo rm a tio n a b o u t B a te s C o lle g e , a n d th e L ib ra ry c a n b e fo u n d o n th e W o rld W id e W e b (h ttp ://w w w .b a te s .e d u /L ib ra ry /). R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in on O c to b e r 11‚ 1996. T h e p o s itio n w ill re m a in o p e n until fille d . B ates C olleg e values a d ive rse co lle g e c o m m u n ity a n d se eks to a ss ure e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity through a co ntin u ing a n d e ffe ctive A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n program . Late Job Listings TECHNICAL SER V IC E S/SYSTE M S L IB R AR IAN . Wagner College Library. A d­ minister Technical Services Department; manage, develop, and maintain library’s hardware and software. OPAC system and OCLC database in use. Requirements; ALA-accredited M LS or MIS. Second master’s degree or course work in computer technology preferred, with three years cataloging experience. W orking knowledge and one year o f experience with Netware, DOS, Windows 95, TCP/IP, and L A N technology. Salary; Up to $40,000 plus excellent benefits. Please send resume and list of three references to: John Auh, Director/Wagner College Library, Howard Ave. & Campus Rd., Staten Island, N Y 10301; phone: (718) 390-3406; fax: (718) 390-3107; e-mail: Applications accepted until the position is filled. EOE/AA. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Hunter Library, Western Carolina Univer­ sity. Provide leadership for reference, instruction, electronic information access, circulation and document delivery. Important elements of this leadership include: Support o f an environment in which delivery of quality service is the pre-eminent 632/C&RL News CURATOR OF PERFORMING ARTS COLLECTIONS University of California, Santa Barbara The C urator of Perform ing A rts C ollections will have responsibility fo r the Special C ollections Departm ent's Perform ing A rts collections, w hich include audio tape, disc, videotape, film , a nd oth er related form ats— produced both com m ercia lly and in the field— in the areas of dance, dram a, film , m usic, and theatre. The successful candidate will: be responsible fo r the selection, through donation and purchase, of appropriate archival and com m ercia lly produced perform ing arts m aterials; select, m aintain, and supervise use, of audio, visual, and com pute r hardw are; supervise archival processing of m aterials; w o rk w ith library staff to develop and im plem ent policies and practices fo r use of m edia and provide appropriate access to m aterials; provide prim ary reference and instructional s upport f o r the collections; be responsible fo r the preservation o f sound and im age m aterials; engage in outreach a ctivities and special projects. R E Q U IR EM EN TS: MLS from an A LA -accredited library school o r m asters de gree in archival ad m inistra­ tion or m edia-related field. Training a n d /o r experience with audio and m oving image materials, formats, and equipm ent. Technical know ledge of audio preservation and sound engineering. K now ledge o f archival practices, pa rticularly fo r sound recordings and m oving im age form ats. C om p uter literacy. S trong interpersonal skills, excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills. D esired qualifications: D egree in m usic-related field. Professional e xp erien ce in an archival o r s im ilar research facility. S ALAR Y R ANG E: $3 5,916 to $47,604. A pplicatio ns w ill be review ed starting D ecem ber 1 , 1996. Send resum e and nam es and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead A ssistant University Librarian-Personnel Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 The University o f California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. shared value; communicating to the campus the library’s vision of its role in teaching and learning; maintaining a cooperative and consultative environment within the library as well as with other segments of the university, particularly those with instructional technology responsibilities; strategic planning, policy development, and budgeting. The Director of Public Services will participate in reference staffing (including evenings and weekends), bibliographic instruction, and will also serve as a subject liaison to at least one academic department. Public services includes five full­ time and two part-time librarians, eight full-time support staff (including the Head of Circulation), and three part-time support staff. The position reports to the University Librarian. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. Strongly preferred: five years of reference experience which demonstrate a strong commitment to customer-oriented service; experience in, teaching and assisting in the use of the full range of printed and electronic reference sources and online services; the ability to work collegially and communicate effectively with internal and external constituencies. Preferred: Basic understanding of the use of computer technology in reference and circulation services; demonstrated capacity to lead and manage professional and support staff. This is a twelve-month, faculty rank, tenure-track position. Salary range: $40,000-$43,400. Applications received by November 15, 1996, will be given first consideration. Position available June 1, 1997. Please send a letter of application, resume, and names and phone numbers of three references to: Sandra Klein, Hunter Library, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Hunter Library has an operating budget of $2.4 million, a staff of 43, including 16 librarians, and serves a student body of approximately 6,000. Through the Western North Carolina Library Network, the libraries of Western Carolina University, Appalachian State University, and The University of North Carolina at Asheville share an online system, a common biblio­ graphic and patron database, a delivery system (ABC Express), and other services. Western Carolina University, located between the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains approximately 55 miles west of Asheville, North Carolina, is one of the sixteen senior institutions of the University of North Carolina and an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer; Structure Bookmarks October 1996/613 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN^ State University of New York L ■j Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome ftReporting to the Library Dim;tor. the aucreasful candidate will be one of three public service libriana who share references duties; bibliographic instruction; on-line and CD- ROM Marches; act as a liaison to an academic department, and aaaist in collection development. In addition, he or she will be responsible for acquisition! and other dutiea as needed. Duties may also included nights, weekends and holiday cove Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.45 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices Chapman University Library, Sharon Hybki Kerr, 333 N. Glasse!!, Orange, CA 92866. An EOE employer.ARCHIVIST/SPECIALCOLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Auburn Univer­sity at Montgomery Seeks qualified individual for tenure-track posi­tion. Faculty rank. Required: An ALA/MLS degree or equivalent; formal training in archival theory and practice; ability to communicate and work effectively with donors, colleagues, and a diverse clienteie. Desirable: Familiarity with MARC cataloging for archival and manu­script materials; ad 614/C&RL News TWO POSITIONSHarvard Law School LibraryBIBLIOGRAPHER FOR ISLAMIC LAWRESPONSIBILITIES: Primary responsibility includes building and organizing the Library’s Islamic Law collections. Selects new and retrospective materials in Islamic Law in vernacular and Western languages. Analyzes collection in strengths; recommends programmatic changes. Orders and processes materials. Catalogs using AACR-II Library of Congress subject headings, LC classification systems, RLIN. Contributes authority via NACO. Primary liaiso and oral; experience in analyzing complex systems; ability to bring people of different backgrounds together to achieve mutually desired objectives. Interest in participating in a dynamic environment. Mini­mum salary: $33,000. Excellent benefits including academic status. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Appli­cants should send a cover letter, resume, and the names of at least three references to: Phyllis Barrow, Head, Administrative and Finan­cial Services, Lauinger Librar seven years of increasing professional responsibility and leadership with collection-related activities in an academic or research library. Broad knowledge and experience with academic/research collection development and management issues, information technology, and automation. Knowledge of trends in publishing and research. Working knowledge of standard selection and evaluation methods and tools and automated acquisition systems. Supervisory and budget man­agement experience. Strong leadership, communicat October 1996/615 MUHLENBERG COLLEGE LIBRARY – Reference Team CoordinatorCreative, enthusiastic, energetic individual sought for this position as a member of a team of three full-time reference librarians and three part-time paraprofessionals. The coordinator will be a subject specialist in the social sciences and, under the general direction of the library director, will be responsi­ble for all reference services. Responsibilities include service development, expansion of outreach and instruction, staff supervision, departm ment. Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited institution. Minimum of one year of cataloging experience using OCLC. NOTIS experience desirable. Knowledge of copy and original cataloging, authority work, subject analysis, and effective biblio­graphic control of library collections. Knowledge of principle of bibliographic organization through cataloging and classification. Knowl­edge of current trends in technical services operations. Knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, MARC formats 616/C&RL News THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARYLIBRARIAN III ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL RESOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROLThe Milton S. Eisenhower Library is launching an expanded program to digitize, network, and provide bibliographic control for a wide variety of textual materials and images. The Cataloging Department is responsible for cataloging materials in all formats and is actively engaged in activities that enhance intellectual access to electronic resources. The Library is seeking an experienced pr October 1996/617 HEAD OF REFERENCECalifornia State University, FresnoCalifornia State University, Fresno, seeks an experienced, dynamic leader in reference and in­formation services to guide and manage a department of six full-time and four part-time librar­ians, three full-time library assistants, and student assistants. The department provides tradi­tional reference assistance, electronic information access (including a CD-ROM LAN), library instruction, ILL, and multicultural services.California State University, Fresno i mental faculty to identify priorities, coordinate collection growth, and maintain effective communication. Position may include providing information and instructional services in the User Services division. Position reports to the head of the Collection Management Services. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. The following qualifica­tions are preferred: academic background in a social science disci­pline, with an advanced degree strongly desired; two or more years experience developing collections written communication skills; positive interpersonal style; ability to work independently as well as part of a team; sensitivity to the concerns of a research library and its users; initiative and creativity; strong analytical skills; flexibility and the ability to accept and manage change; ability to organize time and deliver work on deadline; involve­ment in professional activities; ability to meet requirements for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Expe­rience working in 618/C&RL News ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICESUniversity of OregonRESPONSIBILITIES: The University of Oregon is seeking an experienced, dynamic individual to share leadership of the UO Libraries, including coordination of technical services functions. Manages five departments (Acquisitions, Serials, Catalog, Preservation & Binding, and Interlibrary Loan) with a total of approximately 49 staff, plus student assistants. Monitors expenditures of materials budget of approximately $4 million. Overall resp October 1996/619 CATALOGER/DATABASE MAINTENANCE LIBRARIANSkidmore College, a strong liberal arts college located in Saratoga Springs, NY, seeks a cataloger/database maintenance librarian who is both a traditionalist and a futurist. This is a non-tenure track, 10 month faculty position at one of the librarian ranks. All faculty are expected to show evidence of professional accomplishment and service to receive continuing appointment. The position reports to the Head of Technical Services.Position includes overall responsibil Association of Southeast Research Libraries, the Center for Re­search Libraries, and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. The Library has over 1.1 million volumes, 10,000 current serials, and a materials budget in the current fiscal year of over $4.5 million. The library is highly automated with 300 workstations, all NOTIS modules operational, centralized access to over 100 databases and other electronic resources, a growing presence on the Internet (http://, and act Commonwealth University, VCU Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284- 2033; e-mail: (for information only). Re­view of applications will begin in November 1996. Virginia Common­wealth University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em­ployer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encour­aged to apply.COPY CATALOGING COORDINATOR, BIBLIOGRAPHIC SER­VICES DEPARTMENT. Temple University Libraries. Assigns, trains, and revises work of copy catalogers and data entry staff. Assists i 620/C&RL News THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARYLIBRARIAN III CATALOGING PROJECTS COORDINATOR/ ORIGINAL CATALOGERThe Milton S. Eisenhower Library is seeking an experienced professional cataloger to provide original cataloging for materials in a variety of formats; to coordinate special cataloging projects; and to serve as a library-wide resource on cataloging policy and practice. In 1997, the Johns Hopkins University will implement a new integrated library system for the libraries of the university dures, and serves on library committees and task forces. Qualifica­tions: MLS from ALA-accredited library program. Two to three years of recent professional cataloging experience in a large academic or research library. Bibliographic knowledge of one or more foreign languages, preferably German and/or Italian. Strong interpersonal, analytical, and problem-solving skills; effective oral and written communication skills. Ability to work well with staff, both individually and in groups. Ability to work indepen system. Experience with integrated library systems. Salary: $29,000; may be higher depending on qualifications and experience. Position is 10-month work year. Additional month may be required for an added 9.6% of annual salary. Fringe benefits include health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; TIAA-CREF. Application procedure: Send letter addressing all qualifications stated above, resume, and names of three references to: Laila El Zein, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Administrative Services Depar October 1996/621 THREE POSITIONSUniversity of Michigan University LibrarySOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN & HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN (2 PARALLEL POSITIONS)The University of Michigan boasts top-ranked academic departments and preeminent scholars in many areas of the Social Sciences and Humanities.The University Library maintains outstanding international collections in support of these programs and has developed a position of international leadership in developing digital data and text resources.DUTIES OF SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN:• Pr 622/C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARIANWhitman CollegePenrose Memorial Library at Whitman College invites applications for the position of Assistant Librarian.RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervises and provides reference service to students, faculty, administration and community members on weekdays, scheduled evenings, and some weekends. Develops, maintains, and teaches courses in traditional and electronic information resources. Edits library publications—homepage, newsletter, finding aids, etc. Supervises interlibrary loan office. Con Initial screening of applications begins October 25, 1996, but will continue until the position is filled. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING RESOURCES. Edmonds Community College invites applications for the position of Director of Learning Resources. Edmonds Community College is located 15 miles north of Seattle in the center of the growing south Snohomish County. Edmonds is a public, two-year, coeducational state community college which welcomes about 11,000 students each year. The Director reports to the Vice President for Instruction and is expected to provide strong leadership in guiding the library and media services in start date of the position is January 2, 1997. Edmonds Community College is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.HEAD, INFORMATION, RESEARCH, AND INSTRUCTIONAL SER­VICES (IRIS). University of Iowa Libraries. Position description: The Head of IRIS supervises the IRIS Management Team consisting of four professional team leaders (Research Services, Information Ser­vices, Libraries-Wide Information System and Multimedia, and Elec­tronic Services). Total IRIS staff consists of 7-25 FTE librarians, o October 1996/623 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANUniversity of North Carolina at WilmingtonThe University of North Carolina at Wilmington invites applications and nominations for the position of Univer­sity Librarian. The position reports to the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs and provides plan­ning and policy leadership for the university’s print and electronic informational resources, oversight of 13 librarians and 23 support staff, and administration of an annual budget in excess of $2.5 million. The Librarian also excellent oral and written communication skills; and demonstrated commitment to an active program of professional involvement at the national level. Preferred: Familiarity with electronic scholarly publish­ing and communication, experience with application of information services in a distance education environment; experience building successful collaboration with university teaching faculty and comput­ing center professionals; familiarity with program planning/adminis­tration of multimedia laboratories an the UI Libraries rank 29 out of 107 in the Association of Research Libraries. The University is a member of the Research Libraries Group and OCLC, and its staff members are actively engaged in national cooperative efforts. The University of Iowa Libraries makes use of a NOTIS-based automated system called OASIS. The University is a member of the Research Libraries Group, OCLC, and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). The Libraries provide a program of support for professional development activi 624/C&RL News TWO POSITIONSThe National Opinion Research Center (NORC)The National Opinion Research Center (NORC) located on the University of Chicago campus is seeking to hire a Librarian and a Records Control Manager.LIBRARIANThe Librarian will be responsible for the management of NORC’s internal library. This person will maintain a collection of survey research and social science materials, information on NORC research and surveys and manage the data archives of past surveys.The ideal candidate will be a take-charge i sible via interstate highways and a major airport only 30 minutes away. Salary and Appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Salary range: $44,000-54,000. Application Procedures: Applications must be received by November 15, 1996. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Coordinator, Personnel and Diversity Programs, Unive numbers and subject headings; supervises, trains, and evaluates five FTE support staff. Reports to Head, Monograph Department. Qualifi­cations include MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate program; two years experience in cataloging, with at least one year professional experience; knowledge of a major bibliographic utility; bibliographic knowledge of at least one foreign language; strong interpersonal and communication skills; ability to meet faculty criteria for promotion. Preference will be given to candida October 1996/625 LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS MANAGER (HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT)Howard UniversityHoward University Libraries seeks an experienced individual to manage its NOTIS-based on-line cataloging system and oversee a broad range of cataloging activities, including the management of the bibliographic database. Using OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications, the Head of the Cataloging Department performs some original cataloging.QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library program, at least three years cataloging faculty and develops the collection in the subject areas of information science & technology and engineering. Assists in the development of library policies and procedures and participates in special activities and projects. Fulfills requirements of faculty status in areas of contributions to librarianship, scholarship, and service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Academic background, working experience, or strong interest in information science & technology. Strong written, oral, and interpersonal skills. Pr month, tenure-track position includes a flexible schedule (see C&RL News volume 57, number 5 (May 1996): page 278), standard benefits package, and a salary range between $3,200-$3,600 per month, depending on qualifications. Library faculty are evaluated for tenure and promotion on the performance of primary duties, research, and professional university/community service. WIU is a comprehensive university enrolling 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students, located in a rural community. With over 1,000,000 626/ C&RL News THREE POSITIONS OPENLong Island University Brooklyn CampusASSISTANT DEAN OF TECHNICAL SERVICESReporting to the Dean of the Library, the Assistant Dean of Technical Services will evaluate, plan, and direct the operations of the Technical Services divisions, including acquisitions, cataloging, serials, and automated systems. Responsiblef or planning, budgets, current and future technologies, personnel, quality control. Oversee rapidly growing materials budget. Implement Ameritech-Horizons integrated library s SCIENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES LIBRARIAN. Shapiro Science Library, University of Michigan. Recently established through the merger of four divisional libraries, the Shapiro Science Library serves campus information needs in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, natural resources, physics, and statistics. It has more than 25 public workstations, 400,000 print volumes, six librarians, and 10.5 FTE support staff. Duties: Under the direction of the Head, Shapiro Science Library and in collabo­r edge of electronic and multimedia resources, experience in using a variety of computer platforms, self-directed learning style, and interest in expanding knowledge in these areas. Enthusiasm for and evidence of creative application of information technologies to meet user needs as part of a user-centered view of library services. Excellent interpersonal skills, including those in oral and written communication and user instruction. Ability to work effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and s October 1996/627 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARYOregon Institute of Technology (Search Reopened)Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) invites applications for the position of Director of the Library.OIT, located in Klamath Falls, Oregon, is the only accredited four-year public institute of technology in the Pacific Northwest. OIT has over 2,000 students and about 150 faculty offering bachelor degree programs in engineering, health, and management technologies. Recently, a master of science in engineering technology with emphasis in comp ployer. For a complete position description, please see: http://, FOREIGN, AND INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS LIBRAR­IAN. University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. Position Descrip­tion: In the Main Library at the University of Iowa, the Government Publications Department provides services and user education for information sources from all levels of government, and in all formats, including print and non-print primary source collections and local and net government documents course work; familiarity with a wide range of printed and electronic information sources in the social sciences, including the Internet; excellent oral and written communication skills; facility for user services, problem solving, and team work; demon­strated commitment to professional involvement; working knowledge of a modern foreign language. Preferred: Experience providing gov­ernment documents reference services, including user education, in a research library; particular experienc 628/C&RL News HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENTHoward UniversityHoward University Libraries seeks an experi­enced individual to manage its NOTIS-based on­line cataloging system and oversee a broad range of cataloging activities, including the man­agement of the bibliographic database. Using OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications, the head of the Cataloging Department performs some original cataloging.Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited li­brary school, at least three years’ cataloging experience with monographs, serials, n LIBRARIAN TO CATALOG IBERO MATERIALSUniversity of New Mexico General LibraryIbero Catalog Librarian, General Library, Univer­sity of New Mexico. Full-time visiting appoint­ment, renewable annually for a maximum of three years, beginning January 1997.SALARY: $30,000 - $34,000 a year, depending on experience. Level of appointment: Visiting Assistant Professor.REQUIRED: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited program or its foreign equivalent. A minimum of one cataloging course for academic c search and teaching institution, The University of Iowa offers recog­nized programs in a wide variety of areas. The University consists of a faculty of some 1,600 serving over 28,000 students, 9,000 of whom are registered in graduate degree programs. Iowa City is a community with excellent educational, recreational, and cultural advantages, and is readily accessible via interstate highways and a major airport only 30 minutes away. Salary and Appointment: Entry-level appointment. Salary range: $26,000-$29,80 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Saint Joseph’s University seeks a for­ward-looking University Librarian with an understanding of the information and research needs of students and faculty and the evolution of technology in today’s academic library environment. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated record of excellence in leadership and management of academic libraries. Effective communication skills and evidence of the ability to further cooperative relationships within the library and throughout the univ October 1996/629 DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESIllinois State UniversityIllinois State University is seeking a forward-seeking and experienced leader to guide its library and information services into the next century.Illinois State University, founded in 1857 as the first public institution of higher learning in Illinois, is a multi-purpose University with over 19,000 students and a full-time faculty of approximately 700. Academic programs and courses are offered in thirty-five departments organized into five colleges with m 630/C&RL News NETWORK COORDINATORUCLA LibraryThe Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library (PSRML) of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) at the UCLA Louise Darling Biomedical Library seeks a talented and innovative librarian as Network Coordinator.The Coordinator is responsible for the resource sharing, network membership, and communication functions of PSRML. Resource sharing functions include: serving as the DOCLINE Coordinator for the region; facilitating the updating of regional serials in NLM’s S consideration. 180 full-time faculty. The Francis A. Drexel Library contains over 300,000 volumes and 1,800 current periodicals, and provides access to a wide range of online and CD-ROM databases. The Library staff consists of nine librarians and 13 FTE support staff. The University Librarian reports to the Chief Academic Officer and is a member of the Academic Cabinet. He or she works closely with the Assistant VP for Information Technology in the development and use of technology in support of academic programs. Salary Information Services. The Vice President will manage and provide the leadership, strategic planning, and coordination for both academic and administrative computing, the library, and telecommunications. Will ensure the promotion of new paradigms for instruction, scholarship, student recruiting, office automation, and for all other areas of information technology. Calvin College is a Christian college in the Reformed tradition. The position requires a religious commit­ment compatible with the mission of the October 1996/631 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIANBates College The George and Helen Ladd LibraryBates College seeks nominations and applications for the position of Special Collections Librarian. Reporting to the Associate Librarian, this librarian administers the Special Collections departments; provides leadership in the Library in collecting, organizing, preserving, and making special collections available; and provides reference and instructional services in Special Collections. This librarian also acts as collection manag Late Job ListingsTECHNICAL SERVICES/SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Wagner College Library. Ad­minister Technical Services Department; manage, develop, and maintain library’s hardware and software. OPAC system and OCLC database in use. Requirements; ALA-accredited MLS or MIS. Second master’s degree or course work in computer technology preferred, with three years cataloging experience. Working knowledge and one year of experience with Netware, DOS, Windows 95, TCP/IP, and LAN technology. Salary; Up to $40,000 plus excel 632/C&RL News CURATOR OF PERFORMING ARTS COLLECTIONSUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraThe Curator of Performing Arts Collections will have responsibility for the Special Collections Department's Performing Arts collections, which include audio tape, disc, videotape, film, and other related formats— produced both commercially and in the field—in the areas of dance, drama, film, music, and theatre. The successful candidate will: be responsible for the selection, through donation and purchase, of appropriate archival a shared value; communicating to the campus the library’s vision of its role in teaching and learning; maintaining a cooperative and consultative environment within the library as well as with other segments of the university, particularly those with instructional technology responsibilities; strategic planning, policy development, and budgeting. The Director of Public Services will participate in reference staffing (including evenings and weekends), bibliographic instruction, and will also serve as a subject