ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 7 4 / C&RL N e w s viding broader access to the un in d ex ed five- volum e set. A facsimile o f each page will also be included for researchers w h o w ish to com ­ pare the original to the new ly edited text. The conversion o f texts to CD-ROM should reduce the w ear and tear o n rare books and m anu­ scripts. Proposals for using the lab are invited. Contact Faye Phillips, Louisiana and Lower Mis­ sissippi Valley Collections, LSU, (504) 388-6551. Successful fu n draising b y p aren ts … The Parents F und P honothon at Rutgers raised $151,411 to su p p o rt the libraries. The m oney, th e l a r g e s t a m o u n t e v e r r a i s e d b y th e Phonothon, will be u sed to su p p o rt the b ook acquisitions fund. . . . a n d staff The staff at Pasadena (California) City College (PCC) donated $310,000 tow ard the n ew cam­ pus library currently u n d er construction. “Two separate staff campaigns have been conducted,” said Dr. G rover G oyne, dean o f Institutional A dvancem ent at PCC. “In the first cam paign 42 staff m em bers pledged $5,000 each.” The sec­ o n d cam paign included a challenge grant from the Berger Foundation in w hich they w ould m atch funds if $100,000 w ere raised; 100 staff m em bers p ledged $1,000 each. B etw een staff contributions an d foundation a n d corporate gifts, over $1.5 million has b een raised for the new library. 7 5 ,0 0 0 callers s a y YES “T here’s no greater thing than libraries. I couldn’t live w ithout them . I go there all the time and I am never disappointed,” w as a sentim ent given by one o f the over 75,000 callers w ho regis­ tered their support for libraries in the “Call for A merica’s Libraries” cam paign sp o n so red by ALA and the Friends of Libraries USA. Names an d addresses of supporters w ere collected an d will be p resen ted to Congress an d m ade available to local libraries to use as a Librarians meet in Budapest The fourth international conference on New Inform ation T echnology (NIT) w as h eld in Budapest, Hungary, D ecem ber 2-4, 1991. The purpose o f the conferences is to equalize in­ formation sharing opportunities aim ed at in­ formation professionals from both developing and developed countries, to establish a global information network on NIT subjects, and to un­ derstand the worldwide infotmation advances. O ver 230 registered participants, represent­ ing the United States an d 16 developing and developed countries from Eastern an d West­ ern E uropean regions, participated in the two- and-a-half-day conference that w as hosted and c o -sp o n so red in B udapest by th e N ational Szechenyi Library o f H ungary. It w as su p ­ p o rted by m any U nited States governm ental agencies as w ell as by several library organi­ zations and organized by Dr. Ching-chih Chen, professor an d associate d ean o f th e G raduate School of Library a n d Information Science at Simmons College, Boston. The conference concentrated o n the fol­ lowing topics: n ew technologies, perspectives, and disciplines; new technologies and hum ani­ ties; CD-ROM publishing; library autom ation: the Eastern European cases; digital visual in­ form ation age; neural netw orks: experience and potentials; new information technology in academ ic libraries; n ew inform ation tech­ nology and users’ perspective; technology and biom edical inform ation access; com m unicat­ ing, sharing, an d training; databases— inter­ national perspectives; classification, indexing, an d union catalog; CD-ROM product reviews an d CD-ROM use. The official conference lan­ guage w as English; how ever, sim ultaneous translations into H ungarian w ere available for all sessions. T he conference sh o w ed the latest NIT de­ velopm ents internationally an d established an excellent inform ation netw ork am ong partici­ pants from th e developing an d d ev elo p e d countries. Librarians are looking forw ard to the next NIT conference to b e held in Hong Kong at the en d o f August 1992. Copies o f Proceedings o f N IT ’91 and N IT CD-ROM can b e ord ered from MicroUse In­ formation, 1400 C om m onw ealth Ave., N ew ­ to n , MA 02165; fax: (6 1 7 ) 527-0421 — S u z a n n e D. Gyeszly, collection developm ent coordinator f o r social sciences a n d preserva­ tion, Sterling C. E vans Library, Texas A&M University ■