ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 1 4 / C&RL N e w s Columbia University has re c e iv e d a $150,000 g ran t from the A ndrew W. Mellon Foundation to fund a three- year extension o f its Mellon Preservation A dm inistration Internship Program. The pro­ gram, initiated in 1982, trains qualified administrators to fill preservation positions in re­ search libraries through the country. D rexel U niversity's Col­ lege o f Inform ation Studies received $118,400 from the U.S. D epartm ent o f Education to fund eight doctoral fellowships in the 1992-1993 academ ic year. Kansas Slate University (KSU) received an additional $600,000 from a Florida w om an to expand the developm ent of a n ew engineer­ ing library. The m oney will allow KSU’s Col­ lege o f Engineering to create an undergradu­ ate library. In Septem ber Alice Fiedler o f St. Petersburg, Florida, gave $1.4 million to estab­ lish the engineering library. Kansas State U niversity w ill receive $ 2 million from H. D. “J o e ” an d Joyce Vanier Hale o f O verland Park to help expand and renovate it’s Farrell Library. T he Hales com m itted the gift anonym ously last N ovem ber before a ref­ erendum that com m itted $5 million in student fees to a p roposed $27 million library expan­ sion an d renovation project. Students passed the referendum w ith 97% approval. “K-State Stu­ dents aggressively sought private financial par­ ticipation, an d our com m itm ent is in direct re­ sponse to their challenge. Joyce and I are thrilled to join this partnership because every great university is built around a great library,” said H. D. Hale, w h o is chairm an and chief execu­ tive officer o f ADM Milling Co. of Leawood, a subsidiary o f the Archer Daniels Midland Co. o f Decatur, Illinois. Joyce Vanier Hale is vice- president o f Star A Land and Cattle Co. and co-ow ner o f Cedar Creek Ranch near Manhat­ tan, Kansas. Three of the couple’s six children are Kansas State University graduates. Redeemer College's chief librarian, Daniel A. Savage, received a $1,500 Social Sciences G ra n ts and Acquisitions and H um anities Research Council of Canada aw ard an d a $500 d ev elo p m en t g ran t from th e C anadian Library Association to fund research o n “Leadership for E x c e lle n c e in C a n a d ia n University Libraries: Crite­ ria for Success.” S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity 's G raduate School of Busi­ ness received a major gift to establish a high-tech re­ search facility w ithin the Jackson Library. N am ed after its donors, Claude and Louise Rosenberg, both Stanford alumni, the R osenberg C orporate Research Center will occupy most of the first floor of the three-story library and will contain th e library’s entire ref­ erence area. The library w as com bined w ith the Business School’s com puting services into a single D epartm ent o f Information Resources last year. The University of California a t Santa Cruz received and m atched donations from six prom i­ nent Santa Cruz county families to establish a $24,000 endow m ent. The endow m ent will sup­ p o rt purchase of research materials for UCSC’s Asian American holdings. The U niversity o f M ichigan's School o f Inform ation and Library Studies (SILS) has re­ ceived over $300,000 in grants and fellowships. F acu lty m e m b e r Amy W a rn e r re c e iv e d a $140,060 grant from the National Institutes of Health to explore and identify regular linguis­ tic patterns in M edline subject term inology. Karen D rabenstott received a U.S. D epartm ent o f Education grant o f $95,500 to test a new subject access design in which search trees con­ trol system responses and determ ine appropri­ ate subject searching approaches and user qu e­ ries. Search trees may prove effective for subject searching online catalogs. The SILS received $80,800 from the U.S. D epartm ent of Educa­ tion to fund six doctoral fellow ships in the 1992-93 academ ic year. The H arry Ransom Humanities Research C en ter o f the University of Texas at Austin has b een aw arded a $228,869 Preservation grant J u n e 1 9 9 2 / 4 1 5 from th e N ational E n dow m ent o f th e H um ani­ ties to c o n d u ct a tw o-year study o f th e mass deacidification o f p a p e r in archive a n d m an u ­ script collections. A bout 350 linear feet o f the center’s 20th-century literary archives an d m anu­ scripts collections will receive treatm en t at the diethyl zinc (DEZ) mass deacidification pilot plant operated by Akzo Chemical in D eer Park, Texas. The University o f Victoria Archives received a backlog red u ctio n grant from the C anadian Council o f Archives to m ake the inform ation in the School o f Music Concert T ape Archives avail­ able in th e form o f a m icro co m p u ter database and p rin ted finding aid. T he archives contain recordings o f faculty concerts, stu d en t recitals, guest recitals, scholarly pap ers, a n d sym posia sponsored by the School of Music betw een 1968 and th e present. A cq u isitio n s M e zzo -s o p ra n o Jennie Tourel's papers have b e e n d o n a te d to th e T w entieth Century Archives in th e D ep artm en t o f Special Collec­ tions at B o s to n U n iv e r sity . T ourel, w h o died in 1973, w as k n o w n for h e r art so n g in terp re­ tations, particularly French a n d Russian songs. She perform ed w ith the O péra C om ique in Paris, the N ew Y ork M etro p o litan O p e ra , a n d th e N ew Y ork P hilharm onic u n d e r th e d irection o Arturo T oscanini. T ourel w as a close friend o f Leonard Bernstein. Children's books submitted fo r consider­ ation for the Sugarm an C hildren’s B ook A ward w ill b e d o n a t e d to G e o r g e W a s h i n g t o n U n iv e r sity ’s (GWU) G elm an’s Library. T he b i­ ennial Sugarm an A w ard is a regional aw ard that re c o g n iz e s q u a lity c h ild re n ’s literatu re. T h e b ooks will b e h o u se d in the ch ild ren ’s b o o k section a n d u se d as a circulating reso u rce for GWU stu d en ts a n d area teachers. The Renier Collection o f 19th-Century En­ glish Crime B roadsides has b e e n acq u ired by the H arvard Law S c h o o l Library. D ating from 1812-1868, th e 110 b ro ad sid es graphically d e ­ scribe m urders a n d o th e r sensational crim es o f the period; m o st contain accounts o f th e ex­ ecutions an d dying w o rd s o f th e accused. Many o f the bro ad sid es w ere p rin ted b y local print­ ers for lim ited sale to th e throngs o f spectators w h o a tte n d e d th e executions o f criminals. The Renier Collection contains m any items for w hich n o o th e r co p ies are recorded. The broadsides, m any b earin g w o o d cu ts an d m oralizing verse, su p p le m e n t th e N ew gate C alendar an d court reports o f no to rio u s crimes. Victorian novelist G eorge Gissing's m anu­ scripts, letters, an d first editions c o n tain ed in the Pforzheim er Collection have b e e n acquired by the Lilly Library at Indiana University. Gissing is best know n as the author o f New Grub Street (1891), Charles Dickens, A Study (1898), and The Private Papers o f H enry Ryecraft (1903). D ram a titles from the 16th-18th centuries w ere given to O h io State U n iv e r sity (OSU) Libraries’ Rare B ook a n d M anuscript Division. T he collection o f o v er 400 titles in 363 vol­ um es contains n in e te e n 17th-century quartos o f plays b y S hakespeare; plays b y o th e r p rom i­ n e n t dram atists o f th e p erio d (B eaum ont an d F le t c h e r , C o n g r e v e , C r o w n e , D a v e n a n t, D ryden, Fielding, an d Shirley); a n d c o n te m p o ­ rary so u rce m aterials (H o lin sh ed ’s Chronicles (1577), th e D ouai-R heim s B ible (1582-1610), an d G rafton’s Chronicle (1569)- T he boo k s w ere d o n ated b y th e family o f th e late Stanley J. Kahrl o f th e OSU’s D ep artm en t o f English. Papers o f Thomas Affleck, a prom inent 19th-century ag ricu ltu ralist a n d w riter, h av e b e e n d o n a te d by his descen d an t, W. J. “Ja c k ” B ow en o f H o u sto n to the Sterling C. Evans Li­ brary at T exas A&M University. A ffle c k ’s S o u th ­ ern R u ra l A lm a n a c a n d P la n ta tio n a n d Gar­ d e n C a len d a r is o n e o f his b est-k n o w n w orks. T he Affleck P apers consists o f letters, scientific w ritin g s, p e rs o n a l c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , p h o to ­ graphs, a n d a scra p b o o k o f new s clippings, circulars, pam phlets, a n d o th er ephem era. They also contain the work of Mary Hunt Affleck, a promi­ nent early Texas poet and literary figure. The H a rry Ransom Humanities Research C enter at th e U n iv e r sity o f T ex a s a t A u stin has acq u ired th e literary archive o f British nov­ elist a n d critic Christine B rooke-R ose (1 9 2 6 - ). In clu d ed in the collection are over 1,000 letters from friends an d colleagues including A nthony Burgess, U m berto Eco, a n d A ngus Wilson. T he p a p e rs also co n ta in a u to g ra p h m anuscripts, n o teb o o k s, p re-p u b licatio n m aterials, a n d p u b ­ lished editions of B rooke-R ose’s w ork. ■