ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 338 / October 1983 ACRL Chapters Thirty-three regional and state ACRL chapters now cover thirty-seven states and one Canadian province, and provide opportunities for local par­ ticipation for nearly 7,000 A CRL members who live in those areas. An Arizona Chapter and a Colo­ rado Chapter were approved by the A CRL Board of Directors this past year. ACRL members or other interested librarians who are not currently members of an A CRL chap­ ter may contact the chapter chair in the appropri­ ate region. ACRL CHAPTERS Arizona C hapter President: Shirley Wicklund, Pima Community College Library, 2202 W . Anklam Road, Tucson, AZ 85705. C alifornia C hapter Chair: Ruth Hafter, D irector, Ruben Salazar L ibrary, Sonoma State University, 1801 E . Cotati Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. C olorad o C hapter C hair: Tony M offeit, University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, CO 81001. D elaw are Valley C hapter President: John Hall, Drexel School of Library and Information Science, 33rd and Lancaster Ave­ nues, Philadelphia, PA 19104. F lorida C hapter Chair: Peter P. Malanchuk, Chairman, D epart­ ment of Reference and Bibliography, University Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, F L 32611. G eorgia C hapter C h air: W endell B arb ou r, G eorgia Southern College Library, Statesboro, GA 30460. Illinois C hapter President: John Caldwell, Director, Augustana College, 35th Street and 7th Avenue, Bock Island, IL 61201. Indiana C h ap ter President: Judy Koor, Coordinator of Library Instruction, Alexander M. Bracken Library, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Io w a C h ap ter President: Patricia H. Foley, Business Library, Phillips Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. October 1983 / 339 Kansas C hapter Chair: Dale R. Schrag, Curator of Special Col­ lections, W ichita State University Library, W i­ chita, KS 67208. Louisiana C hapter Chair: Sybil A. Boudreaux, Earl K. Long L i­ braries, University of New Orleans, Lake Front, New Orleans, LA 70148. M aryland C hapter Chair: Robert J. Merikangas, Head, Reference Services, Hornbake Library, University of Mary­ land, College Park, MD 20742. Michigan C h ap ter President: Margaret E . Auer, Director of L i­ braries, University of D etroit, 4001 W . McNichols Road, Detroit, MI 48221. Minnesota C hapter Chair: Jack King, Director, Hamline University Library, St. Paul, MN 55104. Mississippi C hapter Chair: Joseph J. Mika, Assistant Dean, School of L ib rary Service, University of Southern Missis­ sippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. Missouri C hapter Chair: Bonnie M acEw an, W ard Edwards L i­ brary, Central Missouri State University, Warrens- burg, MO 64093. N ebraska C hapter Chair: Vivian A. Peterson, Link Library, Con­ cordia Teachers College, 800 North Columbia Av­ enue, Seward, NE 68434. New England C hapter President: Anne Carey Edmonds, L ib rarian , Williston Memorial Library, Mount Holyoke Col­ lege, South Hadley, MA 01075. New Jersey C h ap ter President: Caroline M. Coughlin, Associate D i­ rector, Drew University L ib rary, Madison, NJ 07940. New York C hapter, Eastern President: C hristine Bulson, M ilne L ib ra ry , State University of New York-Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 13820. New York C hapter, G reater M etropolitan Area Chair: Sarah Barbara W atstein, Social Science Documents, Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York University, New York, NY 10012. New York (W estern)/O ntario C hapter President: Sylvia P. Newman, Roberts Library, University of Toronto, 130 St. George Street, To­ ronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A5. North Carolina C hapter Chair: Eugene Huguelet, Director of Library Services, Randall L ib rary, University of North Carolina at W ilmington, Wilmington, NC 28406. 340 / October 1983 Ohio C hapter Chair: Edward Starkey, Roesch Library, Uni­ versity of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469. O klahom a C hapter President: Stanley H. Benson, Director, Mabee Learning Center, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK 74801. Oregon C hapter President: Vicki Kreimeyer, Lewis and Clark College Library, Portland, OR 97219. South Carolina C hapter Chair: Patricia Ridgeway, Dacus Library, W in­ throp College, 810 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29733. South D akota C hapter Chair: Bob D. Carmack, I.D . Weeks Library, U niversity of South D a k o ta , V erm illio n , SD 57069. Tennessee C hapter C h air: W illiam R. M ott, L ib rary D irecto r, Warden Memorial Library, Martin College, Pu­ laski, TN 38478. Texas C hapter C h air: Edw ard R. Johnson, D irecto r of L i­ braries, A.M. Willis Library, North Texas State University, Denton, TX 76203. Virginia C hapter Chair: Martha Le Stourgeon, Director, Long- wood College, Farmville, VA 23901. W ashington State C hapter President: C arla Rickerson, Head L ibrarian, Pacific Northwest Collection, Suzzallo Library, FM -25, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Wisconsin C hapter Chair: Kurt B. Rothe, D irector of Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, W I 54302. ■ ■ News from the eflid ACQUISITIONS •The E s s e x I n s t i t u t e , Salem, Massachusetts, has acquired the largest and most comprehensive collection ever assembled of books and manuscripts by and about novelist N ath an iel H aw thorne (1804-1864). This collection of over 8,000 books, pamphlets, periodicals, prints, photographs, and manuscripts was gathered over a period of 30 years by C .E . Frazer Clark of Bloomfield Hills, Michi­ gan, editor of the N athaniel H aw thorn e Journal. Included are rare first editions, limited editions, popular modern editions, books inscribed by the author or owned by him, and Hawthorne’s very rare first book, Fanshaw e, published anonymously in 1828. Another treasure is a large glass-plate pho­ tographic negative of the novelist taken by Civil W ar photographer Matthew Brady. • O h i o S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , Columbus, has ac­ quired the Jack London Collection assembled by George H. Tweney, of Seattle. Among its 900 items are 237 book printings of London’s writings and 111 issues of various magazines containing first ap­ pearances of his stories. Of the 73 first editions and variants, 14 are signed, presentation or association copies, and many are complete with very rare dust jackets. The collection also has 83 bibliographies, biographies and critical works; over 230 pam ­ phlets, broadsides, or other ephem eral pieces; many photographs; and additional materials, in­ cluding a typescript of Ja c k L on don : A B ibliogra­ phy, compiled by Hensley C. Woodbridge, John London, and Tweney. It was the Tweney Collec­ tion, gathered over a period of 50 years, that served as the basis for many of the entries in that bibliog­ raphy. •The U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s has been given a private collection of books on Chinese library ad­ ministration once owned by Alfred Kaimang Chiu, the first librarian of the Harvard-Yenching Library at Harvard University, 1931-1965. The books, 240 volumes in Chinese, 170 volumes in English, as well as manuscripts, pamphlets, and copies of es­ says on Chinese econom ics, w ere donated by Chiu’s widow. GRANTS • C o r n e l l U n i v e r s i t y ’s Martin P. Catherwood Library of Industrial and Labor Relations has re­ ceived an HEA Title II-C grant of $240,000 to con­ vert all its catalog records to m achine-readable form and add them to the RLIN and O C LC data­ bases.