ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1983 / 343 .P E O P L E . PROFILES S u s a n J . C o t é has been named director of uni­ versity libraries at Case Western Reserve Univer­ sity, Cleveland, effective January 1, 1984. Coté, who is now associate di­ rector of the Massachu­ setts Institute of T ech ­ nology L ib r a r ie s , was chosen after a national sea rch fo llo w in g th e death in February 1982 of the previous director, James V. Jones. Coté has a bachelor’s from Regis College, an M L S from Sim m ons C o lle g e , and a J . D . from Suffolk University Susan J. C oté L a w S ch o o l. She has previously held positions as head of the Collection Development D epart­ ment at Boston University’s Mugar Memorial L i­ brary and assistant university librarian for techni­ cal services at Boston College Libraries. At Case Coté will be responsible for library auto­ mation and the development of a technical services management system. E d w a r d J . J e n n e r i c h , chair of the Department of L ib rary, Inform ation and Media Sciences at Baylor University, has been named dean of the School of Library Science and Instructional Tech­ nology at Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, effective July 1. Jennerich had been at Baylor since 1974 serving as chair of the Department of Library Science until 1982. Prior to that he served as administrative in­ tern for the associate provost of the University of P ittsb u rg h (1 9 7 3 ), lib r a r ia n at W estinghouse Ju n io r -S e n io r H igh S c h o o l, P ittsb u rg h (1970-1974), and evening librarian at Fairleigh D ickinson U niversity, B u th erfo rd , New Jersey (1967-1970). Active in A C R L , Jennerich served as a member of the 1984 Nominating Committee for the College Library Section. He was also a member of the O f­ fice of Library Personnel Resources Advisory Com ­ m ittee (1 9 80-1982) and the L ib rary Education Committee of the American Association of School Librarians (1979-1983). Jennerich is also a mem­ ber of the Executive Board of the American Associ­ ation of University Administrators, and serves as chair of the International Liaison Committee and as their representative to the Fulbright Fellows Ad­ ministrator Exchange Program. Jennerich has written articles for many profes­ sional journals, including In dian a L ibraries and L ibrary Education. He earned his bachelor’s de­ gree in 1967 from Trenton State College, an MLS from Drexel University in 1970 and a P h .D . in higher education administration and library sci­ ence from the University of Pittsburgh in 1974. R u t h J . P a t r i c k , a specialist in automated li­ brary operations, became dean of library services at the University of Montana on August 1. She suc­ ceeds Earle C. Thom p­ son, who held the posi­ tion for 18 years. Patrick has been assis­ tant director of library o p e ra tio n s at W a y n e S ta te U n iv e rsity , D e ­ troit, since 1978. From 1976 to 1978 she was a senior project analyst in the E d u ca tio n System D iv isio n of A pplied M anagement Sciences, S ilv e r S p rin g , M a ry ­ Ruth J. Patrick la n d , w h ere she c o ­ directed a study of li­ brary cooperatives, networks, and demonstration projects for the U.S. Department of Education. She was coordinator of continuing education at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse Univer­ sity, from 1974 to 1976. Patrick served on the editorial board of the Jo u r­ nal o f L ibrary A utom ation in 1975-1977. She is ac­ tive in professional societies and has been a consul­ tan t on lib rary planning for the University of California. Currently she is chair of the National Council on Quality Continuing Library Educa­ tion, a member of ALA’s Standing Committee on Library Education, and the recipient of a Council on Library Resources grant to study the impact of microcomputers in academic research libraries. Patrick holds an M LS (1967) and a Ph.D . in li­ brary science (1972) from the University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. 344 / O ctober 1983 K a t h a r in e M a r t i n e z , head of access and sup­ port services at Columbia University’s Avery Ar­ chitectural and Fine Arts Library, has been named chief librarian of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum L i­ brary, New York, a branch of the Smithsonian In­ stitution, effective August 1. Martinez, who holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware (1971) and a master’s from Indiana University (1974), is a Ph.D. candi­ date at George Washington University. Her recent scholarly works include a number of presentations on the Philadelphia engraver, John Sartain. She was associated with the library of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American Art and National Portrait Gallery from 1974 to 1981, first as assistant librarian in charge of public ser­ vices. In 1980 she was appointed librarian. Martinez was president of the Art Libraries Soci­ ety of North America from 1978-1979 and an exec­ utive board member. She has served as a consultant for Moore College, G.K. Hall, and the Museum of Temporary Art in Washington. W i l l i a m C. P r i g g e , professor of library and communications media at Chicago State Univer­ sity, has been appointed dean of library and learn­ ing resources at that institution. An eight-year vet­ eran at Chicago State, Prigge served for over a year as acting dean of library and learning resources. Prigge obtained his doctorate in audiovisual communications and general education from Indi­ ana University, his MLS from the University of Wisconsin, and an undergraduate degree from Lakeland College. He previously served as presi­ dent of the Illinois and Indiana Association for Ed­ ucational Communications and Technology. He is a former member of the Board of Directors of the national Association for Educational Communica­ tions and Technology. W i l l i a m J o h n s t o n T u b r s has been named li­ brarian of Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, succeeding Betty Wasson who retired in June. Tubbs holds a bachelor’s degree in mathe­ matics from Davis and Elkin College in West Vir­ ginia, an MLS from Columbia, and a master of di­ vinity degree from P rinceton T heological Seminary. Since 1966 Tubbs has been at Wesleyan Univer­ sity, Middletown, Connecticut, serving there as head cataloging librarian, head of technical ser­ vices, and assistant librarian. T h e o d o r e W . W e l c h , assistant university li­ brarian for development at Northwestern Univer­ October 1983 / 345 sity, has been named director of libraries at North­ ern Illinois University, D eK alb , effective Au­ gust 1. Welch has been at N orthw estern since 1969, first as assistant university librarian for public services and since 1975 as assistant univer­ sity librarian for devel­ opment. In 1981 he was given a join t app oint­ ment as executive direc­ tor of the Center for the Study of U .S .-Japan Re­ T h eodore W. W elch lations. W elch’s past employ­ ment also includes chief of information systems at the UN Centre for Regional Development, Na­ goya, Japan (1967-1969), independent cataloger at the Library of Congress (1965-1967), and lec­ turer in Japanese for the Program of African and Asian Languages at Northwestern (1976-1983). He was also associate dean of the summer program at Birkbeck College of the University of London (1976) and consultant with the UN Office of T ech­ nical Cooperation where he advised the govern­ ments of Iran, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indone­ sia, Sin gap ore, T a iw a n , and the Philippines regarding technical information and documenta­ tion. Welch earned his bachelor’s degree in 1963 from the University of Southern California, an MLS from the University of C alifornia at Berkeley (1965), and a Ph.D . in library and information sci­ ence from the University of Tokyo in 1976. An active life member of ALA, Welch has served on the ALA International Relations Committee (1976-1979), the 50 East Huron Fund Committee ( 1 9 8 1 - ), R A S D ’s Stan d ard s C o m m ittee ( 1 9 7 1 -1 9 7 2 ), and as ch a ir of A C R L ’s Asian- African Section (1972-1973). His many publica­ tions include T oshokan : Libraries in Jap an ese Soci­ ety (1976), Japan Connections (co-author, 1983), and Jap an ese and U.S. L ibraries at the Turning Point (co-editor, 1977). PEOPLE IN THE NEWS J e a n C. P e l l e t i e r e , director of libraries at Un­ ion College, Schenectady, New York, has been ap­ pointed Rockefeller Research Scholar in the Col­ lege of Public Affairs and Policy at SUNY-Albany. The appointment is accompanied by a cash award and tuition waver for the doctoral program, which she will undertake on sabbatical leave. C h a r l e s H . D a v i s , dean and professor of library and in fo rm atio n scien ce at the U niversity of Illinois-Urbana, has been named an honorary con­ sultant for the National Science Council of the R e p u b lic of C h in a in Taipei, Taiwan. Davis’s appointment will be for two years and will in ­ volve critical reviews of research proposals sub­ mitted to the Council, and the ev alu ation of the results of research projects sponsored by it. Davis, who is currently president of the Ameri­ Charles H. Davis can Society for Inform a­ tion Science, delivered the keynote speech at the First Asian Pacific Con­ ference on Library Science that took place in T a i­ pei on March 14. He spoke on the subject of modern technology in library and information science. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, A CRL, 50 E . Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.) J u d i t h A n i l o s k y has joined the staff of the Life Sciences Library at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. C h r i s t i n e A r c h a m r a u l t is now catalog librar­ ian at W estern New England College Law L i­ brary, Springfield, Massachusetts. M i c h i k o B a r m a n is a new catalog librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. J o h n W . B e r r y has been appointed acting assis­ tant director for public services at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. M a r y B i g g s has been appointed head of infor­ mation services of the Bowling Green State Univer­ sity Libraries, Ohio. P e t e r H . B r i d g e has been appointed chief of the Exchange and Gift Division at the Library of Con­ gress. C h a r m ia n C h e n g has been appointed Chinese cataloger, at Princeton University’s Gest Oriental Library. W e s C o c h r a n has been appointed associate law librarian at the University of Washington’s G al­ lagher Law Library, Seattle. J a m e s P . C o l e has been named assistant chief of the Copyright Licensing Division at the Library of Congress. P a u l C o l e m a n has been appointed reference li­ brarian for Zollars Memorial Library, Phillips Uni­ versity, Enid, Oklahoma. W i l l i a m P . C o n n i f f has been appointed assis­ 346 / October 1983 tant professor in the Department of Library Sci­ ence at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of L i­ brary and Information Science. B r u c e E . C o n n o l l y has been promoted to di­ rector of the Scholes Library of Ceramics at the New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred Uni­ versity, Alfred, New York. J o s e p h C o n s o l i has been appointed general ref­ erence and microforms librarian at Princeton Uni­ versity Library. C h r i s t i n e C o r c o s is the new acquisitions librar­ ian at the University of Oklahoma Law Library, Norman. J o h n C u l l a r s has been appointed bibliographer for the humanities at the University of Illinois at Chicago. J e a n D ic k s o n has been appointed monographic cataloger at Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. M a r k D im u n a t io n has been appointed librarian for services and operations in the Department of Special Collections, Stanford University. B e v e r l y D o r r a h has been appointed business/ science librarian at Bowling Green State Univer­ sity Libraries, Ohio. H . P a u l D o v e J r . has been appointed director of the library at Francis Marion College, Florence, South Carolina. E l i z a b e t h D . E is e n h o o d has been appointed reference librarian at the Odegaard Undergradu­ ate Library, University of Washington, Seattle. C h a r l e s F in e m a n has been appointed humani­ ties bibliographer at Northwestern University L i­ brary, Evanston. B a r b a r a T . G e i s e y is now head of technical ser­ vices at the Dawes Memorial Library, Marietta College, Ohio. G a r y G o t t has been appointed assistant law li­ brarian for technical services at the University of Texas Tarlton Law Library, Austin. P e t e r G o t t l i e b has joined the staff of the Spe­ cial Collections Department at Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park. B o n n i e G r a t c h has been appointed coordinator of library user education and education librarian at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. L e s l i e K . G r e e r has been appointed music li­ brarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. St e p h e n S. H a h n h a s b e e n a p p o in te d p u b li c s e r ­ v ic e s l i b r a r i a n a t G o u c h e r C o l l e g e , B a l t i m o r e , M a r y l a n d . L a r r y H a r d e s t y has been named director of li­ brary services at Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida. M a r j o r i e H a s s e n has been appointed music lis­ tening librarian at Princeton University, New Jer­ sey. M a r y E l l e n H e i m has been appointed as an as­ sistant librarian in the Undergraduate Library, State University of New York at Buffalo. F r a n c i n e H e n d e r s o n is now interim head of collection management at the Robert W. Wood­ ruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta. J o h n H e n n e m a n J r . has been appointed history bibliographer at Princeton University Library. W i l l i a m H o o k is the new associate divinity li­ brarian at Vanderbilt University, Nashville. J o a n S. H o w l a n d has been appointed associate librarian for public services in the Harvard Law School Library. N a n c y C a r o l H u t c h i n s has been appointed head of the Swain Hall Library, Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. L o r r a i n e J e a n is a new reference librarian at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. E l i z a b e t h L a n g J e d l i c k a has been appointed cataloging librarian at Goucher College, B alti­ more, Maryland. K a t h l e e n M . J o h n s o n has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in Harvard University’s Baker L i­ brary. R o b e r t T h o m a s K in g is now head of the Oral History Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. G r e g o r y E . K o s t e r has been named director of the Law Library at the City University of New York Law School, Queens College, Flushing. J o n L a n h a m has been appointed assistant librar­ ian of the Lamont Library, Harvard University. G o r d o n L a w is now management and eco­ nomics librarian at Purdue University’s Krannert Library, West Lafayette, Indiana. N in a K r iz L e n e m a n has been appointed deputy chief of the Sales Section of the United Nations Publishing Division, New York. For the past six years she was curator of UN and Specialized Agen­ cies Collections at the Dag Hammarskjöld Library. R o s e a n n N e d o f f L e n t is a new reference librar­ ian at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. R ic h a r d L in d e m a n n is the new reference archi­ vist at the Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta. D a v id M c D o n a l d has been appointed head of the Systems Unit at the University of Michigan L i­ braries, Ann Arbor. R o b e r t M c D o n a l d has been appointed head of the Catalog Automation Unit for Monograph Cat­ aloging at the University of Michigan Libraries, Ann Arbor. T h o m a s M c N a l l y is now coordinator of biblio­ graphic instruction at the Graduate Library Refer­ ence Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. M i c h e l e M a r r a m is the new reference librarian in the Baker Library, Harvard University. R o b e r t M i d d l e k a u f f has been named director of the Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botan­ ical Gardens, San Marino, California. W il m a M i l l e r has been appointed Halls of Resi­ dence lib ra ria n at In d ian a U niversity, Bloomington. D o r o t h y R . M o n t g o m e r y has been appointed circulation librarian at Western Illinois University, October 1983 / 349 Macomb. M a r t h a T u c k e r M u r d o c h has been appointed head of the Mathematics Research Library, Uni­ versity of Washington, Seattle. J a m e s N e a l has been named head of the Refer­ ence and Instructional Services Division, Pennsyl­ vania State University, University Park. S u sa n N e u m e i s t e r is a new catalog librarian at the State University of New York at Buffalo. J u d i t h C. N im s has been appointed director of the Lucien Howe Library of Ophthalmology, Mas­ sachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston. M i c h a e l P a r t i n g t o n has been appointed col­ lection development librarian at the Freiberger L i­ brary, Case Western Reserve University Libraries, Cleveland. G r a ce P e r e z has joined the In te rlib ra ry L o a n D e p a rtm e n t of the Pennsylvania State U niversity L ib ra rie s, U niversity Park. R u t h P r a l l e has been appointed O CLC sys­ tems specialist at the Bibliographical Center for Research, Denver. L a n c e Q u e r y has been appointed director of li­ brary research and analysis at Northwestern Uni­ versity, Evanston. K r i s t i n e R i n e l l a has been appointed media/re­ serve services librarian at Indiana University, Bloomington. D o n a l d H . Sh i v e l y is now head of the East Asi­ atic Library, University of California, Berkeley. K a r e n S t a b l e r has been appointed head of ref­ erence at Tulane University Libraries, New Or­ leans. M a r g a r e t F . St e i g has returned to the Gradu­ ate School of Library Service at the University of Alabama as associate professor. D e n n is J . S t o n e has been named librarian at the University of Connecticut School of Law Library, West Hartford. M e l i s s a M . S u r b e r is now acquisitions/serials li­ brarian at the University of South Carolina Law Library, Columbia. R u t h W . T u c k e r has been appointed associate librarian in the Music Library at the University of California, Berkeley. D a v i d T u r i e l has been named head of technical services at the Polytechnic Institute of New York, Brooklyn. J ohn C . T yson has been appointed actin g assis­ ta n t to the d ire cto r for p lann ing, ad m in istration an d d e v e lo p m e n t, N o rth e rn Illinois U n iversity , D eK alb . C a t h e r i n e W e l l s has been appointed head of the Periodicals Department at Freiberger Library, Case Western Beserve University, Cleveland. C h r i s t i n e W h i t t i n g t o n is a new reference li­ brarian at Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park. V a n e e s a W i l l i a m s has been appointed librarian for library development programs at Emory Uni­ versity, Atlanta. P a u l Y oung has been appointed bibliographer at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. D a n i e l Z a g e r has joined the staff of the Music Library, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. T h o m a s R . ZoG h as been appointed temporary science librarian at Colgate University, Hamilton, New York. RETIREMENTS L o is F a r r e l l , co-w in n er of the A C R L - administered Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural Sciences in 1983, retired this fall as head of the Natural Resources L i­ brary at the University of California, Berkeley. G a b r i e l l a N e m e t h , librarian at Case Western Reserve University’s Freiberger Library, Cleve­ land, retired in August. J . M i t c h e l l R e a m e s , professor and director of the library at Francis Marion College, Florence, South Carolina, for 13 years, retired in June. M a r y L . W h i t e m a n , acquisitions librarian at the University of Texas at Tyler, retired on August 31 after 25 years of service in Texas public educa­ tion. DEATHS C h a r l e s J . B o o r k m a n , library director at Cali­ fornia State University, Long Beach, for 27 years, died on August 1. Boorkman was a 1933 graduate of the Univer­ sity of Illin o is who joined the library pro­ fession in 1938, working with the National Youth A dm in istration in Maine until 1942. With the Sp ecial Services Fifth Army Command and the U.S. Navy until 1945, Boorkm an then became science lib rar­ ian at San Jose State Col­ Charles J. Boorkman lege after the war. He moved to Los Angeles State College in 1948 to organize the library there until he was selected to head the library at the new State College campus in Long Beach in 1949. Beginning with a temporary structure accom­ modating only 48 students, Boorkman presided over the rapid expansion of a collection that totaled 614,000 volumes at his retirement in May 1976. W i l l i a m E. C a r t e r , chief of the Hispanic Divi­ sion of the Library of Congress since 1979, died in Bethesda, Maryland, on August 14. L e o n a r d S m i t h , science bibliographer at the University of California, Santa Cruz, since 1966, died in an automobile accident on August 7. ■ ■