ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 354 / October 1983 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 1940– 1982 226 is­ sues. Also C&RL News, 1970-1982. Make offer to: David K. Max­ field, 2217 Manchester Rd., Ann Arbor, M I 48104. ELSEVIER ANTIQUARIAN DEPARTMENT. Periodicals and rare books on Life- and Earth Sciences. Over 1 million volumes on stock. Catalogues available on demand. Please write to: Lippijn- straat 4, 1055 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. POSITIONS OPEN ARCHITECTURE LIBRARIAN. ARL library, responsible for organi­ zation and administration of collections and services in the Architec­ ture Library. School of Architecture within the College of Engineering has faculty of 15 and 380 students in a 5-year bachelor’s program. Supervises one library assistant and several student assistants. Graduate degree from ALA-accredited program required with at least a bachelor’s degree in Architecture, Art, or related field. At least one year professional experience in an Architecture-related library. Supervisory experience desirable. Minimum salary $18,000. Send resume to: Peggy Weissert, Library Personnel Officer, University Li­ braries, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. ARTS/HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LI­ BRARIAN (search re-opened). Provides vital collection develop­ ment liaison with departments in the arts and humanities. Position demands bibliographic skills, ability to communicate effectively with faculty and students, and includes line responsibility for service at the centralized reference desk on a limited schedule, including some nights, weekends, and holidays. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Second graduate degree in an appropri­ ate academic subject area strongly preferred. Minimum one year ex­ perience in reference services area of a medium to large academic library; collection development experience strongly preferred. Knowledge of one or more modern European languages desirable. Salary: $19,000, negotiable, depending upon qualifications and ex­ perience. Letter of application, resume, and the names of three refer­ ences must be received at the University of Southwestern Louisiana by October 31,1983, or until position is filled, and should be directed to: D. L. Saporito, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70504. U.S.L. is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. October 1983 / 355 A S S IS T A N T G ENER AL/N U R SIN G LIB R AR IA N . Entry level posi tion requiring masters from an ALA-accredited library school with coursew ork in m edical librarianship. Duties involve working in small college environm ent plus cross-town duties in developing on-site li­ brary and AV services for nursing school students and faculty at re­ gional hospital. Public service and cataloging skills essential. Know l­ e dge of OCLC and DIALOG (i.e., Medline) required. AV background useful. Non-voting faculty status and rank. 12-month contract. Salary com m ensurate with qualifications, $14,00 0 -$ 16 ,0 00 . Reports to li­ brary director. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of ap­ plication, resume, credentials file with at least three current letters of reference, to: Aldo Panerio, Vice-President for Academ ic Affairs, Hu­ ron College, Huron, SD 57350. AA/EOE. A S S IS T A N T LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES to supervise and coordinate all public service units, develop budgets and related services, assist in collection developm ent, serve on Reference Desk and foster faculty liaison. Must have MLS from ALA-accredited li­ brary school; at least five years of pertinent experience in an aca­ dem ic library with increasing levels of responsibility, including expe­ rience with com puter-assisted reference service; tw o years of college level training in a foreign language; and evidence of good com m unication skills, both written and verbal. Second masters de­ gree or Ph.D desirable; some college level training in one or more sciences, or business adm inistration also desirable. Salary will be based on training and experience, but minimum of $27 ,258/annual. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference, to: Charles H. Baumann, University Librarian, Eastern Washington Uni­ versity, Cheney, WA 99004, by N ovem ber 1 . 1983. EWU is an affirm­ ative action, equal opportunity em ployer and subject to all provisions of executive order 11246. A S S IS T A N T REFERENCE LIB RA R IA N -IN TE R N (9 month, non tenure track appointm ent, renewable up to 4 years). Available Janu­ ary 1 ‚ 1984. Performs general reference service and shares respon­ s ib ility fo r b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n a nd o n lin e b ib lio g ra p h ic searching. Assists in ILL verification and reference collection devel­ opment. ALA/M LS required (earned by Dec. 31 . 1983). Preference given to recent library school graduates with training and/or experi­ ence in online searching and/or an academ ic background in the nat­ ural sciences. Minimum salary $12,500, with standard benefits. A p ­ plication deadline is N ovem ber 10,1983, or until suitable applicant is hired. Send resume, academ ic credentials, and three current letters of recom m endation, to: Clark Hallman, Reference Librarian, South Dakota State University Library, Box 2115, Brookings, SD 57007. An AA/EEO employer. A SS O C IA TE DEAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Policy and pro gram m anagem ent in five m ajor service com ponents of the Adelphi University Libraries; reference and research support, circulation, fine and perform ing arts, social work, and science. Nine professional and 22 supporting staff m em bers are in these units. Additional areas of reference specialization include business and banking, educa­ tion, nursing, and governm ent docum ents. The Associate Dean is responsible for program developm ent, m arketing, and service deliv­ ery, service evaluation, and collection developm ent in reference, and for service coordination and oversight in circulation, course re­ serves, and interlibrary loan. This is a non-faculty, non-tenure track position. Salary: $25,000 minimum. A d e lp h i’s collections num ber 500.000 volumes in addition to substantial holdings in m icroform s and non-print media. The online catalog is in service, with retrospec­ tive conversion scheduled for com pletion next June. Circulation, re­ serve processing, non-print materials booking, and acquisitions are all com puterized and in production. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; seven years of increasingly responsi­ ble reference experience in a mid-size or large academ ic library, in­ cluding experience with program s of bibliographic instruction, data­ base searching, public information, and publication; appropriate m anagerial experience and dem onstrated skill in motivating, devel­ oping, and working harm oniously with library faculty and staff. Send letter of application and resume, to: Jerom e Yavarkovsky, Dean of Libraries, Adelphi University, G arden City, NY 11530. An equal o p ­ portunity, affirmative action employer. A S S O C IA T E D IR E C TO R OF LIB R A R IE S FOR TE C H N IC A L PR O CESSING . Administrative responsibility for all technical ser­ vices in a major Texas academ ic library of over one million volumes, including the coordination of the acquisition and processing of over 85.000 new materials annually. Participation as m em ber of Library Adm inistrative Council in overall library planning, budgeting, grant solicitation, and policy form ulation and implem entation. Planning for incorporation of latest technology into acquisition, bibliographic con­ trol, and processing of library materials. Presently OCLC member. Supervision of Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Processing, with fifteen librarians and 25 + support staff. Requires ALA m aster’s degree and a m inimum of five years experience in a large academ ic library with successful record of increasing adm inistrative responsibility. Additional degree preferred. Demonstrated ability to com m unicate effectively with various levels of university staff, and a know ledge of autom ated systems. Minimum salary: $30,000 (12 mo.) Excellent benefits, with TIAA/CREF option. Application deadline: N ovem ber 15, 1983. Available immediately; starting date negotiable. Send let­ ter, resume, names of 3-5 references to: Virginia Andrews, Chair- Search Committee, Texas Tech University, Library, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Texas Tech University is a m ulti-disciplinary university with 23,000 students in Lubbock, a com m unity of 180,000. EOE/AA. C A TA LO G LIBR AR IA N . Performs original cataloging and classifi­ cation of print and non-print materials. Also responsible for some cat­ alog m aintenance and for assisting paraprofessionals with difficult copy cataloging. May advise and evaluate a paraprofessional who is in charge of a m ajor clerical function within the departm ent. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. An additional graduate de­ gree is desired and is required for tenure. Must be familiar with AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, and OCLC. Cata­ loging experience and knowledge of Western European languages a nd c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s is d e s ira b le . A p p o in tm e n t range, $ 17 ,00 0 -$ 20 ,0 00 for 12 months, depending on qualifications. Ten­ ure eligible. TIAA/CREF, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Starting data ASAP after January 1 ‚ 1984. Finalists will be invited for expense paid inter­ view. Wichita State University is an urban institution with an enroll­ m ent of 17,000. Librarians at Wichita State enjoy faculty rank, privi­ leges, and responsibilities. Send letter of application and resume by Novem ber 15, to: A.T. Birrell, Head, C ataloging Department, Li­ brary, Box 68, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208. Wichita State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. C A TA LO G LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Library is seek­ ing a professional librarian responsible for the original cataloging of m onographs and serials in Chinese, Japanese and other Far East­ ern languages. Other responsibilities include the original OCLC cata­ loging of Western language materials on Far Eastern languages and cultures; serving on a catalog information desk; active participation in establishing policies and procedures for the Catalog Department; participation in planning for an online catalog; training and supervis­ ing student assistants with Chinese and Japanese language skills who do copy cataloging. The University of Arizona is a large aca­ dem ic library with a materials budget of more than $3 million. Re­ quirem ents: A L A -a ccre d ite d degree; w orking expe rie nce with AACR2, LC classification and LCSH; experience with OCLC or a similar utility; undergraduate degree in Chinese or Japanese and working know ledge in the other language. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona are voting m em bers of the faculty, earn 22 days paid vacation each year, 12 days of sick leave, and have a stan­ dard package of holidays and other benefits. The salary range is $ 16 ,50 0 -$ 22 ,0 00 . Deadline for application is N ovem ber 30, 1983. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three refer­ ences to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The University is an EEO/AA employer. C A TA LO G E R S. Search extended. Two positions for experienced catalogers under Head of the Catalog Department. 1) Cataloger/Re- trospective Conversion Coordinator. Coordinates and supervises current OCLC retrospective conversion activities, including reclassi­ fication and online authority conversion. Original cataloging of m on­ ographs in English and other Western European languages. Re­ quires minimum of three years’ post-MLS cataloging experience, including application and use of OCLC cataloging system. Supervi­ sory ability in an environm ent requiring an effective com bination of productivity and quality control. Minimum $19,000. 2) Cataloger. Original cataloging of m onographs using OCLC and LC. Assists with authority control and catalog maintenance. Requires minimum of two years’ post-MLS cataloging experience using an automated cat­ aloging system. Science background preferred. Minimum $15,000. Both positions require know ledge of AACR, AACR2, LCSH and LC classification, accredited MLS, working know ledge of one foreign language, and a willingness to w ork evenings and weekends. Fac­ ulty status, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, South Carolina State Retirement. Send resume with statement of salary history, and addresses and telephone num bers of three professional references to Elizabeth Lange, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Thomas C ooper Li­ brary, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, by O cto­ ber 31 ‚ 1983. An AA/EEO employer. C O O R D IN A TO R , IN FO R M A TIO N SERVICES. D epauw University is seeking an experienced and innovative public services librarian to w ork with faculty and students to expand reference and information services in its main and branch libraries. Responsibilities include m anagem ent of the reference departm ent (3 FTE’s, 2 professional) and the continued developm ent of reference/inform ation services, online searching, interlibrary loan, bibliographic instruction, and col­ lection developm ent. The position will also coordinate the library’s departm ental liaison/information specialist program , in which each professional on the library staff works with several academ ic depart­ ments to assist with collection developm ent and provide library sup­ port for individual classes. Required: an ALA-accredited MLS; sub­ stantial professional experience (5 + years) in public/inform ation services; proven reference and supervisory capability; leadership ability with strong interpersonal and com m unication skills; dem on­ strated com petence in assessing needs and designing and im ple­ m enting services; and online searching experience. Desirable quali­ fic a tio n s in c lu d e a s c ie n c e a c a d e m ic b a c k g ro u n d or stro n g experience with scientific information sources and collection devel­ opm ent experience. The position is available January 2, 1984, and 356 / October 1983 offers faculty rank and status, $22,000, and excellent fringe benefits. Send a letter of application, a resume, and the names of three to five references to: Jana Bradley, Director of Libraries, P.O. Box 137, De- Pauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Deadline for applications: N ovem ber 1, 1983. An affirmative action, equal opportunity em ­ ployer. D IRECTOR OF LIB R AR IES, Cleveland State University. Position available for Director of Libraries at state-supported, urban university of seven colleges, which offers undergraduate and graduate degree p ro g ra m s to a p p ro xim a te ly 20,0 00 students. Q u alificatio ns re­ quired: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program ; 10 years of library experience, with evidence of increasing administrative re­ sponsibility; know ledge of current developm ents in library capabili­ ties, including automation and resource sharing; strong leadership and m anagem ent skills, with ability to establish and maintain effec­ tive public and professional relationships. Desirable: Doctorate in Li­ brary Science or advanced degree in another academ ic field; ad­ m inistrative e xpe rie nce in m edium or large a ca d e m ic library. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: D ire c tin g a te a c h in g a nd re se a rch lib ra ry of 500,000 volumes, with 23 professional librarians and over 35 sup­ port staff. Salary: Com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. A minimum salary of $45,000 is anticipated. Renewable annual con­ tract, starting July 1, 1984. Application Procedure: Send nom ina­ tions or resumes along with names, addresses and telephone num ­ bers of three (3) persons familiar with cand id ate ’s qualifications to: G eorgia E. Lesh-Laurie, Chairperson of Library Director Search Committee, Cleveland State University, 1983 E. 24th Street, Cleve­ land, OH 44115. Telephone: (216) 687-3595. Equal O pportunity Employer, M/F/H. D IR EC TO R OF LIB RAR Y, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. MLS and five years of successful library service required. Preference given to persons with doctorates and experience in administration. C om pensation com petitive with similar institutions and is dependent on qualifications and experience. Starting date August 1, 1984. Send letters of application and resumes by N ovem ber 1, 1983, to Provost Denton R. Coker, C am pus Box 8358, Stetson University, DeLand, FL 32720. G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S L IB R A R IA N . The G overnm e nt D ocum ents Librarian is responsible for adm inistering the G overn­ m ent D ocum ents Collection and the Maps and M icroform s C ollec­ tion. In addition to supervising support staff, this position is responsi­ ble fo r c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t, fa c u lty liaison , b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction, and general reference service. Minimum Qualification: MLS from an ALA-accredited school and a b achelor’s degree of subject emphasis in the sciences or social sciences. A working know ledge and experience of 3 - 5 years in a large academ ic or p ub ­ lic library docum ents departm ent. Some experience in dealing with autom ated library systems. Know ledge of one m odern European language or Latin. G ood rapport with the public, and good com m un­ ication skills. Desirable Qualification: a second masters degree in a related field. M ore than 5 years experience w orking with Federal D ocum ents and Texas State Documents. A reading know ledge of Spanish, and som e e xpe rie nce with the OCLC system. Salary: $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 5 ,9 4 4 depending upon qualifications and experience. Available: February 1 ‚ 1984. A pplicants should send a resume, offi­ cial transcripts of all degrees, and the names and addresses of three references before Novem ber 18, 1983, to: Dean Covington, Chair, G overnm ent Docum ents Librarian Search Committee, North Texas State U nive rsity Libraries, Box 5188, N. T. Station, Denton, TX 76203. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD, SERIA LS C A TA LO G ING C O O R D IN A TO R , University of M innesota Libraries-Twin Cities, Central Technical Services D epart­ ment, Catalog Division. This m iddle m anagem ent position is one of 17 professional positions in the Catalog Division and reports to the Division Head. Responsibilities: manages, organizes and co ordi­ nates Serials C ataloging Unit. Supervises, trains, and evaluates staff; m onitors workflow; develops operations procedures; and acts as a liaison between the Catalog Division and other library units co nce rn ­ ing serials cataloging. Original cataloging and classification of serials and analytics; revising serials cataloging w ork by staff; and resolving com plex bibliographic problems. Qualifications: Requirem ents in­ clude ALA-accredited MLS, dem onstrated m anagerial ability and com m unication skills, at least 3 years professional experience that includes substantive serials cataloging, thorough know ledge of AACR2, DDC and/or LC classification, and LC subject headings, and experience in online cataloging systems as well as supervisory experience. Desirable qualifications include experience in a large academ ic research library, reading know ledge of European lan­ guages, and autom ated serials cataloging/m anagem ent. A p po int­ ment: The position is in the academ ic professional series at the Assis­ tant Librarian rank. A ppointm ent salary is based on experience at a minimum of $24,000. Application deadline (postmark) is Novem ber 4, 1983. Applicants should send a letter of application with detailed resume and names of three references to: Robert L. Wright, Person­ nel and Staff Developm ent Officer, University Libraries, 499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. The Uni­ versity of M innesota is an equal opportunity educator and em ployer and specifically invites and encourages applications from wom en and minorities. HEAD LIBR A R IA N . Salary from $27,500 for fiscal year. Masters plus w ork on doctorate. 3 years library experience plus 3 years su­ pervisory/adm inistrative experience required. Send vita and 3 refer­ ences by Nov. 4, to: Sherrill Watts, South G eorgia College, Douglas, GA 31533. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF C A TA LO G IN G , Health Sciences Library, C olum bia Uni­ versity. The Health Sciences Library serves the Schools of M edicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health; the Presbyterian Hospital; and other affiliated health care and research p ro g ra m s in the Colum bia-Presbyterian M edical Center. The Library has a staff of over 40, a collection a pproaching 400,000 volumes, approxim ately 3,100 current journal subscriptions, a large m edia center, a separate special collections section, and annual acquisitions expenditures of approxim ately $500,000. Technical services operations are auto­ mated: acquisitions and cataloging through RLIN, and serials con­ trol th ro u g h PHILSO M . This position, re p o rtin g to the Assistant Health Sciences Librarian for Access and Technical Services, m an­ ages all cataloging activities in the Health Sciences Library. Respon­ sibilities include planning and implem entation of cataloging and other bibliographic control policies and procedures; supervision of one professional and 3 support staff; coordination of bibliographic control policies with the University Libraries; participation in planning overall Health Sciences Library services and operations. Duties in­ clude perform ing some original cataloging and resolving difficult cat­ aloging problems. The cataloging unit processes co py cataloging and provides original cataloging for books (including rare books), serials and audiovisuals. In addition to an accredited MLS, require­ ments are: m inimum of 4 years of cataloging experience in an aca­ dem ic or research library; thorough com m and of current cataloging principles and practices; experience with an online technical service system; evidence of initiative, problem -solving ability and good oral and written com m unication skills. Preference will be given to ca nd i­ dates with experience in cataloging bio-m edical materials, know l­ edge of LC classification and MeSH, and a w orking know ledge of at least 2 m odern foreign languages. Salary ranges are: Librarian II: $ 2 1 ,5 00 -$ 2 7,9 50 ; Librarian III: $ 2 4 ,5 0 0 -$ 35 ,5 25 . Excellent fringe benefits include free tuition and assistance with university housing. Subm it resume, listing 3 references and salary requirem ents, to: Box 35, Butler Library, C olum bia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is N ovem ber 18, 1983. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE. To be filled between January 1 and July 1 ‚ 1984. Responsible for m anaging and providing leadership for a ref­ erence departm ent consisting of 9 professionals plus support staff. Areas of responsibilities inclu de reference services, co m p u te r searching, library instruction, faculty liaison, interlibrary loan and governm ent docum ents. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited li­ brary school. An additional graduate degree is desired and required for tenure. Must have four years of reference experience, be service oriented and com m itted to m anaging, developing, and prom oting services. Ability to w ork and com m unicate effectively with students, fa cu lty and librarians. Salary and benefits: a p p o in tm e n t range, $22 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 , depending on qualifications. Tenure-track ap­ pointment. TIAA-CREF, Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Send letter of appli­ cation and resume by N ovem ber 15,1983, to: Jam es C. Eller, Asso­ ciate Dean for Library Services, W ichita State University, Box 68, Wichita, KS 67208. Finalists will be invited for an expense paid inter­ view. Wichita State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em ­ ployer. REFER E N C E/B U S IN ESS L IB R A R IA N . The Auraria Library, lo­ cated in dow ntow n Denver and serving the University of C olorado at Denver, M etropolitan State C ollege and the Denver Auraria C om m u­ nity College, seeks a reference/business librarian to coordinate an active and progressive library business program . The position will su pp ort the cam pus business curriculum through collection devel­ opm ent, specialized reference work, com puter assisted research and specialized library instruction. General reference work, teaching in a library instruction program , participation in staff developm ent ac­ tivities and com m ittee assignm ents will be expected. Some evening and weekend w ork required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited mas­ ters degree is required. A cadem ic b ackground or experience in the business field is strongly preferred. Reference, online bibliographic searching, familiarity with governm ent docum ents, teaching experi­ ence and strong com m unication skills are desired. Salary: $14,500 m inimum, negotiable depending on background and experience. Faculty status, 12-month contract, tuition benefits, 22 vacation days and TIAA/CREF. Deadline for receipt of all application materials is O ctober 21, 1983. Send letter of application, vita, and names and telephone num bers of three references, to: David Alexander, Search Com m ittee Chair, Auraria Library, Lawrence at 11 th St., Denver, CO 80204. AA/EEO employer. REFER E N C E/C O LLE C TIO N D EV ELO PM EN T LIB R A R IA N , En gineering Library. The incum bent will have prim ary responsibility for collection m anagem ent and reference services in the Engineering Library, which has a collection of 174,000 volumes; 950,000 techni­ cal reports; and 1300 current serials. The Engineering Library sup­ October 1983 / 357 ports the research and instructional program s of the 8 departm ents of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Applied Physics a nd N ucle ar E n gineering; C hem ical E ngineering and A p p lie d Chemistry; Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics; C om ­ puter Science; Electrical Engineering; Industrial Engineering and O p eratio n s Research; M echanical E n gin ee rin g; and the H enry Krum b School of Mines. The Library also serves related departm ents in the College and the G raduate School of Arts and Sciences. The incum bent works with the Science and Engineering Division’s 3 other reference and collection developm ent librarians to provide ref­ erence and instructional services and to m anage and develop the collections in the physical sciences, natural sciences and engineer­ ing. The Division’s collections total 500,000 volumes, with 5,000 pe­ riodical subscriptions received annually. In the Engineering Library, the incum bent is responsible for the provision of reference services such as library orientation program s, instruction in library utilization, design of publications, and online data base services, as well as for training student and support staff in basic reference service. C ollec­ tion m anagem ent responsibilities include form ulating, justifying and m onitoring budgets, selecting and deselecting material, and identi­ fying changes in the research and instructional program s as they re­ late to the Libraries’ collections. The incum bent will participate in m aking and evaluating collection developm ent policies and plan­ ning reference service for the entire Science Division, and will be su­ pervised directly by the Head, Reference and Collection D evelop­ ment, Science and Engineering Division. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirem ents are; previous relevant reference and data base experience and training, the ability to com m unicate and w ork effec­ tively with faculty and students, a know ledge of scientific com m uni­ cation, and an innovative approach to collection developm ent and the prom otion of com puter-based operations and services. Prefer­ ence will be given to applicants with a subject b ackground in engi­ neering or com puter science, experience in collection developm ent, or previous experience in engineering or technical libraries. Salary ra n g e s a re ; L ib ra ria n I: $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 - $ 2 3 ,4 0 0 ; L ib ra ria n II; $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 26 ,0 00 . Excellent benefits include free tuition and assist­ ance with university housing. Subm it resume, including 3 references and salary requirements, to: Box 35, Butler Library, C olum bia Uni­ versity, 535 West 1 14th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is N ovem ber 11, 1983. An equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action employer. R EFER E N C E L IB R A R IA N /IN F O R M A T IO N S P E C IA L IS T . De Pauw University is seeking an innovative public services librarian to participate in the developm ent of expanded information services. Responsibilities will include providing both traditional and outreach reference and information services, online searching, and user in­ struction. The position also serves as an information specialist to sev­ eral academ ic departm ents, assisting with collection developm ent and providing library support for individual classes. Required: an A LA-accredited MLS, reference experience in an academ ic library, experience with online searching, and strong interpersonal and com m unication skills. A second masters degree or a strong subject speciality is highly desirable. The position is available January 2, 1984, and offers faculty rank and status, $16,000, and excellent fringe benefits. Send a letter of application, a resume, and the names o fth re e to fiv e references to: Jana Bradley, Director of Libraries, P.O. Box 137, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Deadline for applications: N ovem ber 1 ‚ 1983. An affirmative action, equal o p p o r­ tunity employer. REFERENCE LIB R AR IA N , SCIENCE AND TE C H N O LO G Y . Pro vides com prehensive reference assistance in the Reference Depart­ ment, with emphasis on the sciences and engineering; assists with bibliographic instruction and com puterized literature searching for students and faculty, prepares bibliographies and guides to the liter­ ature. Serves as one of six Reference Division resource librarians in the sciences. Is responsible for reference collection developm ent in areas of subject expertise. Assists in providing service in the Auto­ m ated Information Retrieval Service; interviews patrons and deter­ mines search strategy; operates terminal in order to provide desired in fo rm a tio n to th e p a tro n . Q u a lific a tio n s : G ra d u a te o f A L A - accredited library school; academ ic b ackground in the physical sci­ ences or engineering; ability to w ork effectively with faculty, staff, and students; should possess flexibility, initiative, and organizational abil­ ities; need effective com m unication skills and a good public service attitude. Two years of post-MLS professional experience preferred, however entry-level applicants will be considered. Open: O ctober 1 ‚ 1983. Salary: $15,000 minimum for 10.5 months, negotiable. Bene­ fits include up to $70/m onth paid on health, life and disability insur­ ance package; 88% of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement plans including TIAA-CREF, tax deferred annu­ ity program available; no state or local incom e taxes; faculty rank; 14 state holidays. To apply contact Susan S. Lytle, Head, Personnel O p­ erations, University Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. An AA/EEO employer. REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N , tem porary appointm ent (to O ctober 31 ‚ 1984). Provides various reference services, bibliographic instruction and some supervisory functions for the duration of a major research grant. The incum bent will organize the technical manuals for use of su pp ort and student staff in the departm ent, and co nd uct a review of physical space utilization within the reference and periodicals rooms. D epartm ent consists of eight professionals and two support staff. MLS from an accredited library school required, including some coursew ork involving either automation of library procedures or managem ent. Interest in innovative public service delivery. G ood com m unication skills and ability to w ork effectively with colleagues and library users. Experience in bibliographic instruction strongly preferred. Library or other automation experience useful. Starting Salary: $16,000 + ‚ depending on qualifications. Send letter of a ppli­ cation and resume, including list of references, and have library school credentials, in clu d in g transcripts, fo rw a rd e d to: Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evan­ ston, IL 60201. Applications received by O ctober 21 ‚ 1983, will be considered. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SER IA LS C A TA LO G E R (annual, non-tenure track appointm ent, re­ newable up to 3 years). Available January 1 ‚ 1984. Responsible for cataloging of serials/periodicals in all subject areas; limited w ork with m onographs and retrospective conversion project. Possible assign­ m ent up to 10 hours per m onth at main information desk. ALA/M LS required. W orking know ledge of Dewey and LC classifications and AACR2 desired. Preference given to candidates with two or more years serials cataloging experience using OCLC. Minimum salary $ 1 5 ,2 0 0 .12-month appointm ent with standard benefits. Application deadline is N ovem ber 10, 1983, or until suitable applicant is hired. Send resume, academ ic credentials, and three current letters of rec­ om m endation, to: Iqbal Junaid, Catalog Librarian, South Dakota State U niversity Library, Box 2115, B rookings, SD 57007. An AA/EEO employer. SPEC IA L C O LLEC TIO N S TEC H N IC A L SERVICES C O O R D IN A ­ TO R . University of Georgia Libraries. (Salary m inimum $18,000). The Special Collections Division com prises Rare Books and M anu­ scripts, G eorgia Collection, Richard B. Řussell Memorial Library, and Records M anagem ent/University Archives. The Division ser­ vices the Libraries’ collections of prim ary research materials includ­ ing general rare books, Confederate imprints, Georgiana, historical and literary manuscripts, twentieth century political collections, and University archives. Duties: supervise the Rare Books cataloger and one support staff m em ber; coordinate the w ork of other staff m em ­ bers in processing materials and m aintaining catalogs and finding aids for the Rare Books and M anuscripts and G eorgia collections; participate in providing reference service for the collections, includ­ in g s o m e w e e k e n d a n d e v e n in g d u ty . Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A - accredited MLS; advanced subject degree preferred; experience with processing, cataloging, and indexing rare books, ephem era, manuscripts, and archives; experience with various policies and pro­ cedures of special collections librarianship, preferably in a large re­ search library; know ledge of automated cataloging and indexing techniques; know ledge of basic research and reference techniques; effective com m unication skills; ability to establish and maintain effec­ tive w orking relationships with co-workers and patrons; knowledge of basic conservation techniques. Application procedure: send letter of application by N ovem ber 15,1 98 3 , including resume and names of three references, to: Bonnie Clemens, Assistant Director for A d ­ ministrative Services, University of G eorgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R . The U n ive rsity of W isconsin-La Crosse is seeking applications from experienced li­ brarians for the position of Technical Services Coordinator, to begin January 9 ,1 9 8 4 . Primary responsibilities include planning and coor­ dinating existing and new automation activities (acquisitions, circula­ tion, and online catalog); supervision and coordination of acquisi­ tions; coordination of cataloging, serials and m icroform services; planning and implem entation of new services and assisting on an oc­ casional basis at public services desk. The professional librarians are organized as a departm ent of the faculty. Applicants must be pre­ pared to participate in collegial governance affairs of the library de­ partm ent. ALA-accredited libary degree and a minimum of five years experience in an academ ic library required. Knowledge, skills, and experience in library acquisitions and cataloging as well as applica­ tions of com puter technology and supervision necessary. Additional graduate w ork desirable. Salary from $25,000 depending on qualifi­ cations and experience, for academ ic year tenure track faculty posi­ tion. Deadline for submission of applications, N ovem ber 11 ‚ 1983. Send resume, names of three professional references and cred en ­ tials to: Edwin Hill, D epartm ent Chairperson, M urphy Library, Uni­ versity of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wl 54601. UW-La Crosse is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 358 / October 1983 LATE JOB LISTINGS BIOMEDICAL COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN, Dartmouth College Library. Dartmouth College Library is seeking qualified candidates for the newly created position of collection development librarian for the Dana Biomedical Library which serves the Dartmouth College Medical School, the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, and the Dartmouth College Department of Biomedical Sciences. Under the direction of the biomedical librarian, is responsible for collection development and maintenance of the collections in the life sciences and the medical sciences, and coordinates technical services activities in Dana Biomedical Library with the centralized technical services of the Dartmouth College Library System. Supervises the work of the serials assistant, participates in the provision of reference service. Qualifications: ALA/MLS, 2 years experience in a health sciences library, academic background in the biological sciences, familiarity with the medical sciences literature, knowledge of computer-based systems (OCLC, RLIN, NLM). Salary and rank commensurate with background and experience, $15,500 minimum. Send resume and names of 3 references by November 30, 1983, to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Services, 115 Baker St., Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, NH 03755. Dartmouth College is an AA/EEO/M/F employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER, HUMANITIES. Yale University Library. Responsible for the development and management of the library's collections in German languages and literature, including Netherlands and Scandinavian, Classical languages and literature, and other humanities disciplines. Requires graduate degree in German languages and literature; additional graduate work or degree desirable in other assigned subject areas. MLS degree or equivalent work and educational experience. Fluency in German and a working knowlege of Latin required. Greek and Hebrew desirable. Broad knowledge of the humanities. Salary from $20,000. Send resume listing three references by November 15, to: Diane Turner, Yale University Library, Box 1603 A, Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. An AA/EEO employer. ART, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND MUSIC LIBRARIAN. Position available: February 1, 1984. Requirements: requires minimum of an ALA-accredited masters degree in library science. Undergraduate major or minor degree in Art History, Archaeology, or Musicology required. A second masters is preferred. Also required are three years' reference experience in an academic library or in a reference position working with art or music library materials and working knowledge of French, German, or Italian. Experience in collection development, computer searching and library instruction preferred. Must have ability to supervise other staff. Excellent communication skills and strong service orientation are essential. Duties and Responsibilities: responsible for administration of the Art, Archaeology and Music Library, a subject divisional library located within the main library. Supervises the services of the Recorded Sound Collection and Library Services for the Disabled. Staff includes three support staff and student assistants. AAM Library materials include valuable art books, musical scores, recordings and audio equipment. Plans, implements, and evaluates services of the AAM Library in coordination with departmental programs. Responsible for collection development in art, art history, archaeology, anthropology and music. Provides reference services to library users, participates in the library instruction program, conducts data base searching in the disciplines of selection responsibility, and serves as library representative to these departments. Benefits: excellent benefits package including health, dental, life and disability insurance; tax-deferred annuity program available; educational assistance program. Library Information: the University of Missouri-Columbia Library, an ARL library, serves a student body of 24,000 and a faculty of 2,600 with a collection of October 1983 / 359 over two million volumes and over 2.4 million microforms. An online catalog, to serve the four campuses of the University, is being developed. General Information: founded in 1839 as the first state university west of the Mississippi, the University of Missouri now has four campuses. The Columbia campus has 19 schools and colleges, and is located midway between Kansas City and St. Louis. Application Deadline: December 1, 1983. Minimum Salary: $16,000+ depending on qualifications. Send letter of application, names of three references and resume to Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 Ellis Library, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201. An equal employment institution. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school and experience with OCLC, AACR2 and LC classification. Responsible for all processing and cataloging of print and non-print materials in a department which includes 3 full time clerical staff plus student staff. One evening a week and occasional weekend duty. Salary $14,500-$15,500‚ commensurate with training and experience. Faculty status, 12 month contract, liberal benefits. Available immediately. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and three recent letters of reference postmarked by November 15, 1983, to: Elmer E. Rodgers, Head Librarian, Missouri Southern State College Library, Newman & Duquesne Roads, Joplin, MO 64801. AA-EOE. BIOMEDICAL LIBRARIAN. UCLA invites applications for Head of the Biomedical Library. This library serves the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health, Nursing, and related institutes, the Life Sciences Division and the University Hospital and Clinics. It is headquarters for the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service. The collection includes 400,000 volumes and 6,900 serial titles. The head will administer the library and PSMRLS, including a full time staff of 50. Qualifications include demonstrated competence in administering a complex organization; capability of working with academic, library and government groups and individuals; understanding of concepts and trends in health services; knowledge of biomedical library services. An MLS from an accredited school is desirable. This position reports to UCLA's University Librarian and has the rank of Associate University Librarian. Salary $39,700 to $59,600. Send letter of application, resume and names of at least three references by December 31, 1983, to: Rita A. Scherrei, Director, Administrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024. UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages all qualified persons to apply. UCLA libraries are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers. This position is exempt from the bargaining unit. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR_OF PAIS. Responsible for the management of all PAIS activities: planning; policy recommendations; communications with Board, staff and members: personnel, financial and product management; purchasing; marketing and membership services. Qualifications: MLS degree in library or information science; management experience with emphasis on personnel and marketing management; experience in periodicals publishing; communication skills; experience with computerized publishing techniques for indexes; experience with online information retrieval systems. Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) is a nonprofit educational corporation, publishing the PAIS Bulletin and PAIS Foreign Language Index, which are also available for online searching through various vendors. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Resume to: Wilhelm Bartenbach, Executive Director, Public Affairs Information Service, 11 West 40 Street, New York, NY 10018. Deadline: October 25, 1983. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 360 / October 1983 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsible for direction of reference, search services and loan services sections (16 FTE). Coordinates active library user education program. Qualifications: MLS and five years of successful experience in one or more areas of academic library public service including two years of supervision. Experience with a variety of computer bibliographic search systems essential. Salary up to $27,600 to start, depending on experience. Send resume and three references, to: Sherrilynne Fuller, Associate Director, Norris Medical Library, USC Health Sciences Campus, 2025 Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are specifically encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT HEAD, ORIGINAL CATALOGING (search extended). Applicant responsible for training and supervision of non-professional staff, for original cataloging of book and non-book materials according to AACR2, Library of Congress classification and subject headings, and OCLC systems requirements, and for maintenance of public catalogs. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Second masters degree desirable, preferably in sciences. Cataloging experience in an academic library and sound reading knowledge of one or more European languages are strongly preferred. Non-tenure tack appointment with faculty rank, status and benefits. Approximate starting salary $18,000. Letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of recommendation will be accepted through November 15, 1983, or until position is filled, and should be directed to: Donald L. Saporito, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70504. USL is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN FOR SPECIAL FORMATS, CENTRAL TECHNICAL SERVICES. Available: November 1, 1983. Provide original cataloging of cartographic materials, films, sound and video recordings, other non-print materials and possibly machine readable data files. Revise copy and preliminary cataloging and provide technical assistance to paraprofessionals and nonparaprofessionals. Handle complex cataloging problems and coordinate cataloging activities with other sections in Central Technical Services. MLS required. Minimum three years in an academic/research library, two of which were in original cataloging. Supervisory experience preferred. Knowledge of MARC formats. AACRl/2, OCLC/RLIN required. Knowledge of German/French preferred. $18,144 minimum based upon 1982/83 academic salary schedule. Appointment dependent upon qualifications. Faculty status, calendar year appointment, TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation. Submit resumes and three sources for current references by November 1, 1983, to: Shirley W. Bolles (APP. 71), Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MANUSCRIPT CURATOR for active university manuscript collection. Duties include arrangement and description of collections, preparation of finding aids, and day-by-day supervision of research room and student workers. Minimum qualifications: MA in American history; professional archival training and/or substantial experience in manuscript work; ability to deal effectively with the public. Preferred: demonstrated competence in North Carolina and/or Southern history and government; publication or editorial experience; master's degree from ALA-accredited library school. Available immediately. Salary: $16,000 minimum, 12-month appointment; faculty rank and fringe benefits. Send letter of application with resume, and names of three references, to: Elizabeth Smith, Faculty Personnel Committee, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27834. Applications must be postmarked on or before November 26, 1983. East Carolina University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. October 1983 / 361 AGRICULTURE LIBRARIAN. A permanent position available immediately. The Agriculture Librarian is responsible for the administration of the Agriculture Library and for the direction of its staff. The Librarian utilizes a materials budget of approximately $60,000 to develop research quality collections in the fields of agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, plant pathology, forestry, horticulture, dairy science, and agronomy, and assures that reference, cataloging and online services are provided to meet the library needs of the faculty, students, and allied personnel in the areas served. The Librarian continues a strong working relationship with the faculty and administration of the College of Agriculture and engages in instructional and promotional activities for the library. Required: a Masters degree in Library Science from an accredited ALA Library school or its equivalent. A minimum of 5 years of successful professional experience of increasing responsibility in an academic, research or special library, including experience in public services and significant supervisory and administrtive experience. Must be familiar with the literature and with the needs of researchers in agricultural and/or biological sciences. Also must be familiar with automated information systems and services. Applicant must have a record of publication and professional involvement consistent with appointment with tenure. Preferred: experience with collection development, reference, cataloging, and bibliographic instruction. Experience in an agricultural and/or biological sciences library. Librarians have faculty rank. Rank for this position is Associate Professor or Professor depending upon qualifications. Librarians must meet general university requirements for promotion and tenure (research, publication and university/ community/ professional service). Salary $25,000 upward, depending on qualifications and scholarly credentials. Send complete resume with names and addresses of five references, to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, 127 Library, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-8169. For maximum consideration, applications and nominations should be received no later than November 1 ‚ 1983. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MEDIA SPECIALIST. Supervises and promotes audio-visual services on the Rio Grande Campus (Austin) and evening/extension campuses. Maintains liaison with audio-visual services and television studio on other campuses. Advises on budget and program needs. Supervises three media technicians. Scripts and produces in-house media programming. Stron service orientation required. Qualifications: masters in educational technology and/or masters in library science (ALA-accredited) with emphasis on audiovisual services. Two years experience in related position in education with experience as teacher, AV librarian, or instructional developer in college environment preferred. Details on request. Salary range: $18,424-$23,009 (professional classification). Excellent enefits. Apply with letter, resume, and names of three references by November 11, 1983, to: Personnel Services, Austin Community College, P.O. Box 2285, Austin, TX 78768. An AA/EE0 employer. HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS. Senior assistant librarian rank, tenure-track, minimum starting salary of $18,000 for 12 months, excellent benefits. Acquisitions staff of 5.5 FTE handles an annual budget of more than $500,000, using an automated system. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school; minimum of 3 years post-MLS experience in college or university library, including one year in managerial capacity; knowledge of bibliographic/book trade resources; familiarity with automated systems. Given the minimum requirements (above), weight will be given to professional experience in technical service, particularly in acquisitions, to direct experience with automated systems, to working knowledge of foreign languages, and to graduate study beyond the MLS. 362 / October 1983 To be considered, application, resume, and 3 recent letters of reference must be received by October 17. Full job description will be sent upon request. Send all correspondence to: Office of Faculty and Staff Relations, 4th Floor, Administration Building, SUNY College at Brockport, Brockport, NY 14420. SUNY is an EEO, AA employer. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for administration of monographs, serials, and AV acquisitions department for state-supported university of 7,000 students with materials budget exceeding $400,000. Supervise clerical and student assistants. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 1-2 years experience in acquisitions in an academic library preferred; knowledge of the book rule, approval plans, and automated library systems; ability to work effectively with diverse faculty and library staff; supervisory skills; broad intellectual background and sound judgment; second master's degree desirable. Salary commensurate with education and experience; $15,500-$17,500. Faculty status, 3-year contract. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references, to: Director's Office, Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 49855. Deadline: December 1. Begin as soon as possible. An AA/E0 employer. ARCHIVES AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. To set up an archive collection. Some Reference Desk duty also required. Qualifications: MLS, ALA-accredited library school, minimum of 2 years catalog or archive experience. Salary: open. Deadline: November 15, 1983. Contact: Library Director, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC 28301. CATALOGERS (2). Must be familiar with 0CLC, AACR2, Dewey and LC. To catalog and process monographic and AV materials. Qualifications: MLS, ALA-accredited library school. Minimum of 2 years catalog experience required. One foreign language helpful. Salary: open. Deadline: November 15. Contact: Library Director, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC 28301. THE OBERLIN CONFERENCE ON THEFT On September 19-20, 1983, at Oberlin College, Ohio, 38 librarians, curators, booksellers, attorneys, and law enforcement agents participated in a unique conference that, in an ideal world, should never have taken place— the Oberlin Conference on Theft. Funded largely by a grant from the H.W. Wilson Company, the conference was modeled on last year's Conference on Deaccessioning held at Brown University. William A. Moffett, the Oberlin College librarian who two years ago apprehended the most active book thief in American history (James Richard Shinn)‚ and Elisabeth Woodburn, president of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA)‚ were co-chairs of the conference. Because of the increasing number of rare and unique items that are stolen from academic and special collections and bought unknowingly by antiquarian bookdealers‚ conference participants shared stories, ideas, concerns, and suggestions for raising the consciousness of librarians and other professionals in university administration, law enforcement agencies, law firms, and the book trade. All too often the attitude has been that "it won't happen here, and if it does there is not much anyone can do about it.” October 1983 / 363 But it soon became clear that there are many steps that a library can take to secure its collections, minimize the likelihood of a major theft, and increase the chances of successfully recovering stolen items. The majority of library thefts are perpetrated by students or faculty who do not wish to be inconvenienced by checking out or photocopying a book or journal article in the core collection. Several conference participants pointed out ways of deterring this kind of theft: setting up an electronic detection system that is subtly obvious without being too obtrusive (like 3M's Tattle-Tape); using security guards or surveillance systems that give a thief the impression of being watched; locking windows; alarming the perimeters; and blocking access to the stacks from odd entry points like the roof or underground steam tunnels. Determined thieves like Shinn are a minority. However, they may well be clever enough to sidestep any security precautions a library has taken. What should a library do when it has discovered a theft? Oberlin Confer­ ence participants unanimously agreed that a major theft should be reported immediately to a) campus police, b) local antiquarian booksellers, c) Bookline Alert: Missing Books and Manuscripts (BAMBAM)‚ a national database to alert the national book trade to stolen items, and d) the ABAA. Reporting a theft is a deterrent to future thefts and is a critical factor in the recovery of the stolen items. On the other hand, placing an embargo on all information about a theft does nothing to solve the crime, facilitates the sale of the stolen items, and can be very embarrassing for an institution if word leaks out from unofficial sources. Depending on the magnitude of the crime and other jurisdictional matters‚ other local and federal law enforcement agencies may be called in. Now that the FBI has been educated about the significance of rare books and manuscripts thanks to their involvement in the Shinn case, local bureaus may be willing to spend considerable time in recovering an institution's property. Many of the conference speakers stressed the importance of educating local police officials, university administrators, and relevant legal counsel on the value of culturally precious and unique materials before a theft occurs. They will then take action more readily should a crisis develop. Another critical area of discussion at the Oberlin Conference centered around the marks of ownership placed on rare materials. In order to recover stolen materials, proof of ownership must be demonstrated. If marks of owner­ ship have been expertly removed, a librarian must be able to show the probabil­ ity of their once having existed on the items in question. Accurate cataloging and acquisition records must also be presented that can uniquely identify par­ ticular items and show that indeed they are the library's property. Guidelines for the security and marking of special materials may be found in the March 1982 C&RL News‚ pp. 90-93. The Conference ended with discussion on the establishment of a National Security Office that would act as a clearinghouse of information about stolen library/archival property, keep a national registry of library markings to make it easier to identify the location of owner institutions, publicize the modes of operation used by professional book thieves, and advise institutions on security information and legislation. The proceedings of the Oberlin Conference on Theft will be published next year in a format that is yet to be determined. C&RL News will announce its availability at that time. All Gale R eferen ce Books A re Sent on 6 0 -D a y Approval Encyclopedia of Associations M a rtin C o n n o rs. A b o u t 750pp. 4 cumulative indexes. Gale, 1983-84. ISBN ... A Guide to National and International 0-8103-1696-X. Sub., $150.00. (SO) (Part O r g a n iz a tio n s , In c lu d in g : T ra d e‚ 1 in print)Business, and Commercial; Agricultural and Commodity; Legal, Governmental, C o n s u lt t h is new d ire c to ry fo r Public Administration, and Military; detailed descriptions and complete Scientific, Engineering and Technical; con tact inform ation on today's high Educational; Cultural; Social Welfare; technology communications systems Health and Medical; Public Affairs; and services. Covering the entire F r a te r n a l, F o r e ig n I n t e r e s t , N a ­ t i o n a l i t y , a n d E th n ic ; R e lig io u s; g a m u t o f m odern te le c o m m u n i­ Veteran, Heriditary‚ and Patriotic; c a tio n s , the th ree-p art work will Hobby and Aυocational; Athletic and d e s c rib e 8 00 o r g a n iz a tio n s and Sports; Labor Unions, Associations, provide 500 glossary terms. a n d F e d e r a t i o n s ; C h a m b e r s o f Commerce; a n d Greek L e tte r a nd Encyclopedia of Medical Related Organizations. 18th ed. Edited Organizations and Agenciesby Denise Akey. The 1984 edition of the No. 1 guide to sources for current facts, ... A Subject Guide to Medical Societies, figures, and opinions. Gale, 1983. Professional and Voluntary Associ­ a t i o n s , F o u n d a t i o n s , R e s e a r c h Vol. 1, N a ti o n a l Organizations o f Institutes, Federal and State Agencies, the U.S. The basic volume provides Medical and Allied Health Schools, over 17,750 full descriptions of active Information Centers, Data Base Ser­ groups. 1,936pp. in 2 parts. IS B N 0- v ic e s , a n d R e l a t e d H e a l t h Care 8103-1687-0. $170.00/set. (SO) O r g a n iz a tio n s . 1st ed. E d ite d by Anthony T. Kruzas. 768pp. Name index. Vol. 2, Geographic a n d Executive Subject cross index. Gale, 1983. ISBN Index. Both indexes give addresses 0-8103-0347-7. $125.00. (SO) and phone numbers. 1,064pp. IS B N Fu rnishes current inform ation on 0-8103-1688-9. $150.00. (SO) some 10,000 m ajor public and private V o l. 3, N e w A s s o c i a t i o n s a n d agencies in medicine and related Projects. Inter-ed. supp. IS B N 0-8103- fields th a t are concerned with in ­ 0130-X. Sub., $165.00. (SO) f o r m a t i o n , f u n d in g , r e s e a r c h , education, planning, advocacy, and service. The descriptive entries are Telecommunications Systems arranged in 78 chapters covering and Services Directory specific areas of modern health care ...An International Descriptive Guide and medicine. to N e w a n d E s t a b l i s h e d T e l e ­ communications Organizations, S y s ­ tems, and Services, Covering Voice and (SO) T hese titles are av ailable at D a ta C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ‚ T e le c o n ­ G ale’s 5% Stand ing Order discount. ferencing, Electronic Mail, Local Area Deduct 5% i f you send check with Networks, Satellite Services, Videotex and Teletext, Interactive Cable Tele­ order. Customers outside the U .S. v i s i o n , T r a n s a c t i o n a l S e r v i c e s , and C anad a add 10%. Telegram, Telex, Facsimile, and Others, I n c l u d i n g R e l a t e d C o n s u l t a n t s ‚ A s s o c ia tio n s, Research I n s titu te s , Publishers and Information Services, GALE Research Co. Book Tower • Detroit, MI 48226 and Regulatory Bodies, with a Detailed G l o s s a r y o f T e r m s , A c r o n y m s ‚ Standards, and Issues in the Field. 1st To order by phone: 1 -8 0 0 -5 2 1 -0 7 0 7 ed. published in 3 softbound parts. tollfree. In C anada, Michigan, Alaska, Edited by Joh n Schmittroth, Jr., and and Hawaii: 1-313-961-2242. NEW BOOKS FROM GALE