ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 374/C&RL News British Lib rary p u b lishes p a p e r on electronic lib raries The British Library has pub­ lished part o f its Tenth Brit­ ish Library Research Lecture (1993) as Electronic Librar­ ies and Electronic Journals. The author, Michael Lesk, considers the future o f librar­ ies, education, and publish­ ing as electronic journals become an increasingly ac­ cepted mode o f publication. He emphasizes a need to ease the transition from the current system, which provides intellectual control and a record o f scholarship, to an electronic system which provides improved access. He concludes with recommendations for components o f a low-cost, easy-to-use system for electronic dissemination o f information. Copies are available free from the British Library, Publications, Research & Development Department, 2 Sheraton Street, London W1V 4BH, England. RIT to hold se m in a r on preservation of photographs The Rochester Institute o f Technology (RIT) will hold a seminar called “Preservation o f Photo­ graphs,” August 13-18, 1994, at the George Eastman House in Rochester, N ew York. The seminar will cover the basics o f photographic preservation, including identification o f photo­ graphic processes, proper handling o f black- and-white and color photographs, selection o f enclosures and housings, storage, display, and emergency preparedness. It is intended as an introductory course for anyone with curatorial responsibility for photographs. James Reilly and Douglas Nishimura o f the Image Permanence Institute at RIT, Grant Rom er and David Wooters o f the George Eastman Hours Inter­ national Museum o f Photography and Film, and Debbie Norris o f the Winterthur Museum Con- Submissions f o r this column may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; (617) 283-2103; JHEDBERG&LUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU. Submission deadline is the 15th o f the month and precedes publication by approximately six weeks. serva tio n P rogram w ill serve as faculty. The fee for the six-d a y sem inar is $950.00. For m ore information contact: RIT/T & E Seminar R egistration , Frank E. Gannett Building, 66 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, N Y 14623-5604; (800) 724­ 2536. Pro g ram s of interest at ALA A nn u al Conference in M iam i The program “Film to File and Back Again” will consider the use o f film and digital technolo­ gies in hybrid systems. Don Willis, University Microfilms International’s director o f advanced technologies, will speak about the production o f microfilm from digital images. Meg Bellinger, president o f Preservation Resources (formerly MAPS), will speak about production o f micro­ film which can be scanned for digital storage. Bill Neale, First Image Management’s product development analyst, will speak about stan­ dards for the conversion o f microfilm to digital images. (ALCTS/LITA, Saturday, June 25, 9:30­ 11:00 a.m.) The program “Access to Digital Images: Find­ ing Your Way in the Labyrinth” will consider access to digital information. Howard Besser, Canadian Center for Architecture, will present an o v e rv ie w o f digital im aging. Thom as Hickerson, Cornell University; Marilyn Lutz, University o f Maine; and Pamela Mason, Na­ tional Agricultural Library, will describe library projects which use digital technology. (LITA/ ALCTS/PLA, Sunday, June 26, 2:00-4:00 p.m.) N ISO p u b lishes revision of stan d ard s fo r p a p e r The National Information Standards Organiza­ tion (NISO) has recently published Permanence o f Paper f o r Printed Publications and D o cu ­ ments in Libraries and Archives. This is a revi­ sion o f the 1984 standard for coated and un­ coated papers. It sets the criteria for pH, tear resistance, alkaline reserve, and lignin thresh­ old. For more information contact: The National Information Standards Organization, P.O. Box 338, Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0338. ■ Preservation News Ja n e H edberg