ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1994/381 Alice C o rn e ll, head o f the University o f Cincinnati D e­ partm ent o f A rchives and Rare B o o k s, has been ap ­ pointed by O hio Governor G e o rg e V o in o v ic h to th e National M useum o f Afro- American History and Cul­ ture Planning Council as a representative o f the Society of American Archivists. Her term will run through Ja n u ­ ary 31, 1998. Cornell has also been ap­ pointed by G overnor V oin­ ovich to the O hio Historical Records Preserva­ tion Advisory Board. That appointm ent will run through March 31, 1996. Appointments T h o m a s P e i s c h l , d e a n o f th e lib r a ry at Mankato State university for the past 10 years, has been appointed to the newly created posi­ tion o f d ea n o f a c a ­ demic information ser­ v ic e s at N o r th e r n Michigan University in M arq u ette. T h is t e n ­ ured, full-professor p o ­ sition has responsibility for the library, the A ca­ demic Computing Ser­ vice, and the cam pu s’ e l e c t r o n i c n e tw o rk s . P eis ch l b e g a n his li­ brary career at the Uni­ versity o f Northern Colorado w here he held a series o f administrative posts from 1974 to 1979. He then spent five years at the State University of New Y ork at Potsdam College w here he was director o f the libraries and com puter services. Peischl has b een active in ACRL for m ore than 20 years. He served as chair o f the Educational and Behavioral Sciences Section (1 9 8 5 -8 6 ), on the University Libraries Section’s Steering Com­ mittee (1 9 8 6 -8 9 ), on the Academic Status Com­ mittee (1 9 8 1 -8 3 ), and on the Task Force on Organizational Members (1 9 9 0 -9 2 ). Currently, Peischl is chair o f ACRL’s Budget and Finance C o m m ittee ( 1 9 8 6 - 9 0 and 1 9 9 1 -9 5 ), a m em ber o f both the Board o f Directors and the E xecu tiv e C om m ittee, and is chair o f the Poster Ses­ s io n S u b c o m m i t t e e fo r ACRL’s S e v e n th N atio n al C onference in Pittsburgh. S u san P h illip s, assistant li­ brarian at O hio University, Chillicothe, for 12 years, has been nam ed as the new di­ r e c to r o f th e H an n ah V. M cCauley Library at O hio University, Lancaster. P a t r i c i a E . S a b o sik , editor & p u blish er o f Choice m agazine, has accepted the new posi­ tion o f vice-president, electronic texts at CMG Information Services in Wilmington, M assachu­ setts. Sabosik has held the senior m anagem ent position at Choice for the past ten years. Dur­ ing that time she published 110 issues, stabi­ lized finances, and improved the m agazine’s p ro fitab ility . She e sta b lish e d n ew rev en u e sources, designed and developed the Choice review s d atabase, appointed a subscriptions agent for Jap an , and negotiated license agree­ ments with Bow ker, the CARL Corporation, and SilverPlatter for the electronic distribution o f C hoice reviews. She has written widely on col­ lection developm ent, d ocum ent delivery, and electronic publishing. Her editorship ends with the com pletion o f volum e 31 and a successful 30th anniversary year. Prior to Choice, Sabosik held marketing and editorial positions at the H. W. Wilson Co. and Baker & Taylor. She holds an MBA in marketing and a certificate of advanced study in finance. D avid B ru c e A lb ert J r . has joined the Mon­ tana State University Libraries, Bozem an, as li­ brary systems coordinator. L u cy B a r r o n has b e e n appointed serials cataloger in W idener Library at Harvard Uni­ versity, Cambridge. M ich ele B e h r has joined the Bibliographi­ cal Center for Research, Aurora, Colorado, as m em ber services librarian. K a th ry n B o w e r s is now head o f cop y cata­ loging and database managem ent, Law School Library, Harvard University, Cambridge. People in the Hews P am S p ie g e l 382/ C&RL News Elaine K. Didier has been appointed asso­ ciate dean o f the Horace H. Rackham School o f Graduate Studies at the University o f Michi­ gan, Ann Arbor. Albert Hallenberg is now serials librarian at Pembroke State University, North Carolina. Susan Hamburger has been appointed manuscripts librarian in the Special Collections Department at Penn State University Libraries. Regan Whitelaw Harper has joined the Bibliographical Center for Research, Aurora, Colorado, as member services librarian. Mary Ann Itoga has been named head of the Original Cataloging Section in the Informa­ tion Access Services Division o f the Penn State University Libraries, University Park. Mary Beth Kendrick has been appointed head o f reserves and circulation in Hilles Li­ brary at Harvard University, Cambridge. Ruth E. Kifer is now associate director o f Learning Resources at the Alexandria campus o f Northern Virginia Community College. Katharina Klemperer has been appointed assistant director for systems development in the Harvard University Library, Cambridge. Jeffrey Kushkowski has joined the Iowa State University Library, Ames, as business ref­ erence and collections librarian. Anne Marie Lane is now the first curator o f rare books at the American Heritage Center at the University o f Wyoming, Laramie. Merri Beth Lavagnino joined the Univer­ sity o f Illinois Library, Urbana-Champaign, as library systems director. Joachim Martin has been appointed sys­ tems librarian in the Office for Information Sys­ tems at Harvard University Library, Cambridge. Dru W. Mogge has been named the first electronic services coordinator for the Associa­ tion o f Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. David Null has joined the Memorial Library staff at the University o f Wisconsin-Madison as head o f the Reference Department. Zorica Oatley has been appointed catalog librarian in Library Resource Services at Vanderbilt University, Nashville. John Ober has been appointed network re­ sources librarian with Information Systems In­ struction & Support at the University o f Califor­ nia, Berkeley. Nancy P. O’Brien is now professor o f edu­ cation and social science librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Mark Parisi has been named librarian o f the Center for Science and International Affairs Library at the Kennedy School o f Government, Harvard University, Cambridge. Kevin Risner has recently been appointed reference librarian at Carlson Library, Univer­ sity o f Toledo. Richard Saunders is now special collec­ tions librarian/cataloger at Montana State Uni­ versity Libraries, Bozeman. Susan Searing has been named associate director for public services at the University o f Wisconsin-Madison. Ted D. Smith has been appointed docu­ ments reference librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Virginia Smyers is now curatorial associ­ ate in the University Archives at Harvard Uni­ versity, Cambridge. Russell Sweet has been named evening ser­ vices librarian in the Vanderbilt University Law Library, Nashville. Retirem ents Millicent D. Abell, Yale University librarian, will retire August 31, 1994, at the end o f the academic year. Appointed in 1985, Abell was the first woman to hold the position o f Yale li­ brarian, and she is cred­ ited with m oving the catalog system into the computer age, enhanc­ ing technological ser­ vices, and helping lead the national effort to preserve some 76 mil­ lion books printed be­ fore I860. Prior to her Millicent D. Abell arrival at Y a le , she served in various positions including univer­ sity librarian at the University o f California, San Diego; associate director o f university libraries at the State University o f N ew York (SUNY) at Buffalo; and assistant director o f libraries at the University o f Washington. A graduate o f Colo­ rado College in 1956, Abell earned a master’s in personnel administration from Columbia Uni­ versity (1958), an MLS from SUNY at Albany (1965), and a master’s in political science from the University o f Colorado (1969). She is past- president o f both ACRL and ARL, and is past- chair o f the Center for Research Libraries Board. June 1994/383 She currently serves on the Executive Commit­ tee o f the Board o f Trustees o f Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc., and is a member of the Commission o f Preservation and Access. Judy Harwood, director o f undergraduate and instructional services at Southern Illinois Uni­ versity (SIU), Carbondale, since 1992, retired April 30, 1994. After finishing her B.A. in En­ glish at the University o f North Dakota and her MLS at the University o f Illinois (U o f I), Harwood worked at the libraries o f U o f I and Parkland College in Urbana. She joined the Se­ rials Department at SIU in 1969 then became head o f the Undergraduate Libraiy in 1971. The Illinois Association o f College and Research Libraries named Harwood its Illinois Academic Librarian o f the Year in 1992. Deaths C. Donald Cook, professor emeritus o f library science at the University o f Toronto (1969-89), died April 4, 1994, at the age o f 71. Cook gradu­ ated from the University o f Arizona in 1945 and subsequently earned a BLS, MLS, and DLS from Columbia University. He was with the United Nations Library in Geneva (1947-1952), Colum­ bia University School o f Library Service (1952- 57), and Columbia University Libraries (1957-69). George Masterton, former collection devel­ opment librarian at Wayne State University’s (WSU) Purdy/Kresge Library, Detroit, died re­ cently at the age o f 72. Masterton began work­ ing at WSU in 1965 as a reference librarian and retired in 1991- In 1978 he received the G. Flint Purdy Memorial Award honoring outstanding contributions to the WSU library system. A life­ time member o f ALA, Masterton earned both his B.A. and M.A. degrees from WSU, and earned a BLS from the University o f California. Frederick H. Wagman, former director o f the University o f Michigan (UM ) Library, Ann Ar­ Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, indiinduaìs, and other sources. For consideration write to: Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 5 0 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. bor, and professor emeritus o f library science, died March 19 at the age o f 81. Wagman joined UM in 1953 as director o f the University Li­ brary and professor o f library science. UM’s Undergraduate Library, built in 1958, “was largely a product o f Fred’s imagination,” ac­ cording to Robert M. Warner, dean emeritus of the UM School o f Information and Library Stud­ ies. “At that time, there were only one or two such libraries in the country. His idea to create a duplicate o f the main library, aimed at un­ dergraduates, was a pion eerin g venture.” Wagman’s library career began in 1945 when he joined the Library o f Congress as acting di­ rector o f personnel and administrative services. He later served there as assistant director o f the Reference Department, director o f the Pro­ cessing Department, deputy chief assistant li­ brarian, and director o f administration. He served as president o f ALA and the Michigan Library Association, and was named Michigan’s Librarian o f the Year in 1970. Marelia Walker, former head o f the Emory University General Libraries’ Book Order De­ partment; died March 9, 1994. Walker joined the General Libraries as an order assistant in 1936. The next year she became head o f the Circulation Department and held that position until 1954. She served as head o f the Book Order Department (now acquisitions) from 1954 to 1982. In 1980 she received the university’s Thomas Jefferson Award for Distinguished Ser­ vice to the University. After her formal retire­ ment in 1982, Walker continued to act as a bibliographic consultant to Emory’s director o f libraries until she became ill in 1986. ■ Advertiser index American Psychological 361 American Chemical Soc. 341 AMIGOS 345 Blackwell cover 2 Bowker/Reed cover 4 CD Plus Technologies 351 EBSCO 349 Gaylord 347 OCLC cover 3 PAIS 355 Roper Center 331 University o f Missouri 334 Zeller Verlag 342