ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 2 4 / C&RL N e w s ACRL Board actions, June 1 9 9 2 Highlights o f the A n n u a l Conference meetings o f the ACRL Board o f Directors T he ACRL Board of Directors spent a major portion o f its m eeting time grappling with the effect o f the recession on ACRL’s progr b ased budgets. Declining advertising revenues, increasing costs, and interest in new programs an d services have placed ACRL in a situation that mirrors many of the academ ic libraries it serves. To ensure that ACRL rem ains financially healthy, the ACRL Board of Directors looked for ways to generate n ew revenues in future years and for w ays to trim FYI 993 budgetary requests and yet provide for the continuation of ACRL programs. To balance the budget the B oard an d staff took the following steps: re­ duced staff positions from 12FTE to 8.5 FTE in the last year; w ith the advice o f the m em ber­ ship reduced program funding for chapters, committees, an d sections; cut the budgets of its publications— C&RL News, College & Research Libraries, m onographs, Chapter Topics, Rare Books a n d M anuscripts Librarianship, and sec­ tion newsletters; an d cut back on the B oard’s am ACRL B oard 1 9 9 1 -9 2 : B ack row : Ray E. Metz, Barbara J. W ittkopf, R o c h e lle Sager, E ile e n D u b in , Evan Ira Farber, S h e lle y E. P h ip p s. F ront row : L eslie A. M an n in g, Barbara J. Ford, J a c q u e ly n McCoy, A n n e K. B e a u b ien , A lthea J e n k in s, K arin E. Begg. N ot s h o w n : Linda P h illip s. meeting and travel costs. O ther highlights of their m eetings follow: P resen ted W illiam A. M offett w ith a resolu­ tion com m ending him for his dedication and com m itm ent to the library profession. This w as m ost recently exhibited in his courageous act of opening to scholars the H untington Library’s collection of p h o to g ra p h s of th e D ead Sea Scrolls.- A ccep ted th e fin a l rep o rt fr o m th e W hite H o u se C o n feren ce Task F orce (chaired by Patricia A. W and) w hich assigned continuing oversight o f the WHCLIS im plem entation to the ACRL G overnm ent Relations Committee. The B oard also a ccep ted rep o rts fro m th e P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e lo p m e n t T a sk F o r c e (chaired by Meridith Butler) and the O rgani­ z a tio n a l M em b ers Task F orce (chaired by Maxine Reneker) and referred them respectively to the Professional Education Committee and the M em bership Committee. The Professional D evelopm ent Task Force report affirmed the im portance of professional developm ent and encouraged ACRL to continue providing o p ­ portunities for academ ic librarians. The report o f the Organizational Members Task Force rec­ om m ended that additional benefits and recog­ nition o f organizations mem bers be developed in conjunction with ALA m e m b e rs h ip services. A p p roved th e e s ­ t a b l i s h m e n t o f tw o n e w awards— th e B ib lio g ra p h ic I n s tr u c t io n S e c ­ tion’s “Innovation in B ib lio g ra p h ic I n ­ s t r u c ti o n A w a rd ” and the E ducation and Behavioral Sci­ e n c e s S e c ti o n ’s “Distinguished Edu­ cation an d Behav- Septem ber 1 9 9 2 / 5 2 5 ioral Sciences Librarian Award.” The BIS aw ard will recognize librarians w h o have d eveloped an d im plem ented innovative approaches to BI. The EBSS aw ard will h o n o r a distinguished li brarian w h o has m ade an outstanding contri bution as an education o r behavioral sciences librarian through accom plishm ents and service to the profession. Both o f these aw ards will be forw arded to the ALA Awards Committee for final approval. A p p oin ted tw o ed itors u p o n th e reco m m en d a t io n o f t h e P u b lic a t io n s C o m m itte e . Stephen Wiberley, University of Illinois at Chi cago, w as app o in ted beginning in 1993 to a five-year term as the editor o f ACRL’s m o n o graphic series P ublications in Librarianship. Sidney E. Berger, University o f California, Riv erside, w as ap pointed to a three-year term b e ginning in 1993 as the editor of ACRL’s bian n u a l s c h o l a r ly jo u r n a l R a r e B o o k s a n d M anuscripts Librarianship. E n d orsed r e so lu tio n s fr o m th e S cien ce an d T e c h n o lo g y S ectio n a n d th e G o v ern m en t R elation s C om m ittee against copyright and use royalties for the ERIC Databases. A greed to h o ld a p r io r ity -se ttin g s e s s io n on Friday afternoon during the 1993 Midwin ter Meeting in Denver. E n d orsed a r e so lu tio n to lim it th e p o liti c iz a tio n o f ACRL’s e le c t io n p r o c e s s . The resolution reads: W hereas, ACRL believes that no ACRL candidate should have an advantage ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ over o ther candidates because o f his or her greater access to fis­ cal o r h u m a n r e ­ sources, ACRL elec­ tion results sh o u ld r e f le c t in d iv id u a l and informed choices b a s e d o n ly o n a candidate’s integrity, experience, contribu­ tions, and leadership qualities. Therefore, ACRL candidates are asked to observe the fo llo w in g : C a n d i­ d a te s are e n c o u r ­ ag ed to participate in th e M id w in te r C a n d id a te s’ forum ACRL B oard 1992—93: B ack row : Ray E. Metz, M ary Sue Ferrell, E ileen D u b in , R o c h e lle Sager, Barbara J. W ittk op f, Evan Ira Farber, S h e lle y E. P h ip p s. F ron t row : T h o m a s M. P e isc h l, A n n e K. B e a u b ien , T o m Kirk, J a c q u e ly n M cCoy, A lthea J e n k in s , K arin E. Begg. N ot pictured: Linda P h illip s . and to provide text according to standard guide­ lines for official election publications giving the candidate’s vita an d position o n issues; can­ d id a te s a n d th e ir s u p p o r te r s a re d is c o u r­ aged from distributing print or nonprint m ate­ rials announcing or supporting their candid­ acy; candidates an d their supporters are dis­ couraged from engaging in any organized effort to prom ote o r en h an ce the candidacy o f an individual. A p p roved a r e so lu tio n in h o n o r o f Evan I. Farber for his 41 years o f service to academ ­ ic lib rarian sh ip a n d 34 years o f service to ACRL o n the occasion o f his 70th birthday and to bestow u p o n Farber a n ew m iddle name, Evan Instruction Farber, in recognition o f his countless contributions to bibliographic instruc­ tion over the years. D o n a te d 50 s u b s c r ip tio n s o f C ollege a n d R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s to A frican u n iv e r sity lib raries through the American Association for the A dvancem ent of Science’s (AAAS) Sub-Sa­ haran Africa Journal D istribution Program. Un­ der this program over 3,500 subscriptions reach African institutions that do no t have easy ac­ cess to current literature. A p p r o v e d t h e M o d e l S ta t e m e n t f o r th e S c re e n in g a n d A p p o in tm e n t o f A c a d e m ic L ib r a r ia n s U sin g a S e a rc h C o m m ittee p re ­ pared by ACRL’s Academic Status Committee an d replacing the statem ent that ap peared in the Septem ber 1977 issue o f C&RL News. (Ed. note: This statem ent will appear in a fo rth c o m ­ ing issue q/'C&RL News J ■