ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1 9 9 2 / 5 2 7 ACRL Awards fo r 1 9 9 3 Honoring accomplishments a n d supporting professional development T h e A ssociation o f College an d Research Libraries aw ards program recognizes sp e ­ cial achievem ents and outstanding publications an d fosters professional d ev elo p m en t in aca­ dem ic an d research librarianship. Is so m eo n e you k n o w deserving o f special recognition for their contributions to academ ic a n d research librarianship? T ake a m o m en t to n o m in a te th ese outstan d in g individuals so th ey can get th e recognition th ey deserve. Please review th e req u irem en ts fo r e a c h a w a rd a n d n o te th o se for w hich yo u o r a colleague are eli­ gible. G e n e ra l submission procedures N om inations include docum entation (a letter) that indicates: 1) your name, address, and phone num ber, plus the nam e, address, an d p h one n u m b er of the perso n you are nom inating; 2) narrative supporting the nom ination (keeping in m ind the aw ard criteria); 3) a current vita. Individuals m ay n o m in ate them selves or others. U nless otherw ise indicated se n d n om i­ n a tio n s a n d a p p lic a tio n s to: (N am e o f the Award), ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 l 1. S ta ff Contact: For a com plete list of previ­ ous recipients o r if you have questions o r n eed help in com piling a nom ination contact: Mary C. Taylor, (800) 545-2433, ext. 2515, (312) 280- 2515, o r ACHIEVEM ENT/DISTINGUISHED SERVICE A cadem ic o r Research L ibrarian o f th e Y e a r A w a r d This aw ard recognizes an individual m em ber o f the library profession w h o is m aking an o u t­ standing national or international contribution to academ ic o r research librarianship an d li­ brary developm ent. Award: $3,000 d o n ated by B aker & Taylor. Criteria: N om inees sh o u ld h av e d e m o n ­ strated achievem ent in such areas as: 1. S ervice to th e o rg a n iz e d p ro fe s s io n through ACRL an d related organizations. 2. Significant a n d influential research on academ ic o r research library service. 3. Publication o f a b o d y o f scholarly a n d /o r theoretical w riting contributing to academ ic or research library developm ent. 4. Planning and im plem enting a library p ro ­ gram o f su ch ex em p lary q uality th at it has served as a m odel for others. Subm ission procedure: Send eight copies of the nom inating package (see general subm is­ sion p rocedure above). Deadline: D ecem ber 1, 1992. Previous recipients: Carla Stoffle (1992), Ri­ chard D eG ennaro (1991), Patricia Battin (1990). M iria m D ud le y B ibliographic Librarian A w a rd This aw ard recognizes an individual librarian w h o has m ade an especially significant contri­ bution to th e advancem ent of bibliographic in­ struction in a college o r research institution. T he aw ard honors Miriam Dudley, w hose pio­ neering efforts in the field o f bibliographic in­ struction led to the form ation o f the ACRL Bib­ liographic Instruction Section. A w ard: $1,000 c a sh d o n a te d b y M o u n ­ tainside Publishing C om pany o n b ehalf of its publication, Research Strategies: A Jo u rn a l o f Library Concepts a n d Instruction. T he aw ard is adm inistered by the Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Section o f ACRL. Criteria: Nominees should have achieved dis­ tinction in one or more of the following areas: 1. Planning an d im plem entation o f an aca­ dem ic bibliographic instruction program that has served as a m odel for o ther program s na­ tionally o r regionally. 2. P roduction o f a b o d y o f research and publication that has a dem onstrable im pact on the concepts an d m ethods o f teaching an d in­ form ation-seeking strategies in a college or re­ search institution. 3. Sustained participation in organizations, at the national o r regional level, devoted to the prom otion an d en h an cem en t of academ ic bib­ liographic instruction. 4. Prom otion, developm ent, an d integration 5 2 8 / C&RL N ew s Carla Stoffle receives the 1992 Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award from Vita Balsino (o f Baker & Taylor) and ACRE President Anne Beaubien at the ALA Annual Conference. of education for bibliographic instruction in ALA-accredited library schools or professional continuing education programs that have served as models for other courses and programs. Submission pro­ cedure: Send nomi­ nating package (see general submission p ro ced u re above) to: M ary E llen Litzinger, In stru c­ tio n a l S p ecialist, Pennsylvania State University, Pattee Li­ b ra ry , U n iv ersity Park, PA 16802. Call Mary Ellen if you have questions or need assistance in c o m p ilin g th is nomination. Phone: (814) 865-3064. Note: Nominees will be judged on an individual basis; this award cannot be given to a pair or group of persons. Deadline: December 1, 1992. Previous recipients. Betsy K. Baker (1992), Carla Stoffle (1991), Joan Ormondroyd (1990). Hugh C. Atkinson M em orial A w ard This award honors the life and accomplishments of Hugh C. Atkinson, one of the major innova­ tors in modern librarianship, and recognizes outstanding achievement (including risk-taking) by academic librarians that has contributed sig­ nificantly to improvements in the area of li­ brary automation, library management, and/or library development or research. Award: $2,000 cash and a citation. This award is funded by an endowment created by divisional, individual, and vendor contributions given in memory of Hugh C. Atkinson. Addi­ tional funds are sought to bring the endow ­ ment to at least $100,000. Send your tax-deduct­ ible contributions to: Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60 6 ll. The award is jointly sponsored by the ACRL, the Association for Library Collec­ tions and Technical Services (ALCTS), the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA), and the Library and Information Tech­ nology Association (LITA), four divisions of the American Library Association. Eligibility: The nominee must be a librarian employed in a university, college, or commu­ nity college library in the year prior to applica­ tion for the award and must have a minimum of five years of professional experience in an academic library. Criteria: Nominees must have demonstrated a c h ie v e m e n t (in ­ cluding risk-taking) that has contributed significantly to im­ provem ents in the area of library auto­ mation, library man­ agement, and/or li­ brary development or research. Submission pro­ cedure: See general subm ission proce­ dures above. D ea d lin e: D e ­ cember 1, 1992. Previous recipi­ ents: Miriam Drake (1992), Donald E. Riggs (1991), Russell Shank (1990). EBSCO Community College Learning Resources/Library Achievement Awards These two annual awards recognize significant achievement in the areas of: 1) programs and 2) leadership. Award: $500 cash for each award plus cita­ tions for each award winner are donated by EBSCO Subscription Services. Eligibility: Individuals or groups from two- year institutions, as well as the two-year insti­ tutions them selves, are eligible to receive awards. Nominations will be kept on file for three consecutive years. Criteria: Nominees for the program awards should demonstrate significant achievement in development of a unique and innovative learn­ ing resources/library program. Nominees for the leadership award should demonstrate sig­ nificant achievement in advocacy of learning resources/library programs or services or lead­ ership in professional organizations that are associated with the mission of community, jun­ ior, or technical colleges. Submission procedure: Nominations should consist of the application form, a narrative let­ ter describing achievements, and any support­ ing attachments. Send four copies of the nomi­ nations to: Paul E. DuMont, Director of Tech­ nical Services, Dallas County Community College District, District Service Center, 4343 N. High­ way 67, Mesquite, TX 75150-2095; (214) 324-7785. Publications ow Available From ACRL A s s o c ia tio n O f C o l l e g e & Research L i b r a r i e s N Recruiting the Academic Li­ brary Director: A Companion to the Search Committee Hand­ book by Sharon Rogers and Ruth Person Recruiting the Academic Library Di­ rector and the Search Committee Handbook together offer practical advice for successfully recruiting and hiring the right director for your library. These two volumes take you through the entire recruit­ ment process including position analysis, comprising the search committee, identifying qualifica­ tions, recruiting a good candidate pool, identifying the top candidates, interview and campus visits, and the appointment. The Search Com­ mittee Handbook was prepared and published by the American Association for Higher Education under the direction of an advisory committee on which Sharon Rogers served. The publications are avail­ able from ACRL only as a two volume set. $18.65; ACRL member $15.35 0-8389-7484-8,1991 Practical ideas for managing your library's programs and services are contained in ACRL's College Li­ brary Information Packets (CLIP Notes). Each CLIP Note provides data and sample documents from college and small university librar­ ies that will assist you in establish­ ing or refining services and opera­ tions. Audiovisual Policies in College Libraries CLIP Note #14 Kristine Brancolini, comp. $21.95; ACRL member $18.65,152 p. 0-8389-7495-3,1991 Management Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Approach by Nancy Van House, Beth Weil, and Charles McClure This easy-to-use set of output mea­ sures is designed to assist you in measuring the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of academic li­ brary activities. No specialized training or knowledge of statistics is needed. The manual is also avail­ able with database software pack­ age to make data collection even easier. The software will run on any IBM-compatible microcomputer with at least 640K of RAM memory and DOS 3.1 or higher. $32.00,140p. 0-8389-0529-3,1990; $75.00 with self-running database, 0-8389-0542-0,1991 College Library Newsletters CLIP Note #13 Patricia Smith Butcher and Susan McCarthy Campbell, comp. $18.64; ACRL member $15.35,154p. 0-8389-7445-7,1990 Performance Appraisal in Academic Libraries CLIP Note #12 Barbara Williams Jenkins, comp., with the assistance of Mary L. Smalls $18.64; ACRL member $15.35,128p. 0-8389-7444-9,1990 Collection Development Policies For College Libraries CLIP Note #11 Theresa Taborsky, comp. $26.35; ACRL member $21.94,175p. 0-8389-7295-0,1989 Annual Reports for College Libraries CLIP Note #10 Kenneth Oberembt, comp. $21.95; ACRL member $18.75,135p. 0-8389-7219-5,1988 Friends of College Libraries CLIP Note #9 Ronnelle Thompson, comp. $18.75; ACRL member $15.50,134p. 0-8389-7171-7,1987 Periodicals in College Libraries CLIP Note #8 Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, comp. $18.75; ACRL member $15.45,116p. 0-8389-7143-1,1987 Managing Student Workers in College Libraries CLIP Note #7 Michael D. Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman, comp. $18.75; ACRL member $15.45,182p. 0-8389-7097-4,1986 Mission Statements for College Libraries CLIP Note #5 Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, comp. $21.95; ACRL member $16.50,107p. 0-8389-6944-5,1985 Special Collections This series of thesauri was devel­ oped for use in MARC field 755. Each thesaurus provides standard terms for retrieval of materials by their physical evidence of printing and publishing practices of their provenance. Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging (2nd ed.) $21.95; ACRL member $18.65 0-8389-7516-X, 1991 Paper Terms $8.95; ACRL member $7.50, 52p. 0-8389-7427-9,1990 Type Evidence $8.95; ACRL member $7.5 0 ,19p. 0-8389-7428-7,1990 Binding Terms $11.50; ACRL member $9.50,37p. 0-8389-7210-1,1988 Printing & Publishing Evidence $8.95; ACRL member $7.5 0 ,28p. 0-8389-7108-3,1986 Provenance Evidence $10.50; ACRL member $8.50, 24p. 0-8389-7239-X, 1988 Collection Development NEW! Women's Studies Collection Development Policies WSS Collection Development and Bibliography Committee This unique tool identifies issues and provides models of existing policies. Complete policy state­ ments from 16 university libraries illustrate the range of issues and provide a variety of models. The RLG Conspectus; Women's Studies supplemental guideline, included as an appendix, identifies issues unique to Women's Studies and describes materials and sources. $35.95; ACRL member $29.95,122p. 0-8389-7596-8,1992 Books for College Libraries III This set covers more than 50,000 titles chosen to represent a core collection of books for four-year college and university libraries. BCL3 is also available on machine- readable tape. Contact ACRL for details. $550. 6v.set. 0-8389-3353-X, 1988 Directory of Curriculum Materials Center, 1990 Donald Osier, Carol Wright, Janet Lawrence, Mary Ellen Collins, Beth Anderson, comp. This directory includes 272 institu­ tions and covers purpose, hours, staffing, budget, service, and hold­ ings. $39.54; ACRL member $32.94,240p. 0-8389-7439-2,1991 Building Women's Studies Collections: A Resource Guide Joan Ariel, editor This is no. 8 in the Bibliographical Essay Series published by Choice. Order from Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. $12.00,48p. 0914492071,1987 English and American Litera­ ture: Sources and Strategies for Collection Development Publications in Librarianship: No. 45 William McPheron, editor $32.00,272p. 0-8389-0476-9,1987 Richard Garnett: The Scholar and Librarian Publications in Librarianship: No. 46 Barbara McCrimmin $30.00,211p. 0-8389-0508-0,1989 State Education Documents: A State-by-State Directory for Their Acquisition and Use EBSS Education-Related Government Publications Subcommittee This directory provides the means to access the large variety of state education documents available from government agencies. $21.95; ACRL member $18.65, 54p. 0-8389-7327-2,1989 Western European Studies: Current Research Trends & Li­ brary Resources Eva Sartori, Ceres Birkhead, John Cullars, John Dillon, Thomas Kilton, editors Eleven research papers offer thoughtful synthesis, personal in­ sight and information useful for anyone dealing with recent scholar­ ship in Western European studies. $32.95; ACRL member $29.65,120p. 0-8389-7461-9,1990 Women's Studies in Western Europe: A Resource Guide Stephen Lehmann and Eva Sartori, editors $19.85; ACRL member $16.50,129p. 0-8389-7037-0,1986 Bibliographic Instruction Forthcoming Learning to Teach: Workshops on Instruction Practical materials to use in creat­ ing in-house staff workshops to develop or enhance teaching skills. ISBN: 0-8389-7627-1 New! The Evolving Educational Mission of the Library Betsy Baker & Mary Ellen Litzinger, editors This book identifies strategic issues which challenge the development of instructional programs in aca­ demic libraries and suggests roles for librarians in the educational processes of their parent institu­ tions. Academic librarians, library school educators, and higher edu­ cation faculty and administrators will want this book. $29.95; ACRL member $19.95,202p. 0-8389-7584-4,1992 Read This First: An Owner's Guide to the New Model Statement of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction Carolyn Dusenbury, Monica Fusicn, Kathleen Kenny, and Beth Woodard, editors $19.75; ACRL member $16.45 0-8389-7548-8,1991 Library Instruction Clearing­ houses 1989: A Directory Theresa Mensching, comp. $5.95; ACRL member $4.95,15p. 0-8389-7402-3,1989 Back to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory of Information Sources Ross Atkinson, editor $16.50; ACRL member $13.25, 76p. 0-8389-6587-3,1983 Forthcoming Academic Libraries Achieving Excellence in Higher Education: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries ISBN: 0-8389-7622-0 NEW! ACRL University Library Statistics, 1990-91 Library Research Center, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, comp. This edition provides data on over 100 participating libraries. The cat­ egories of library data collected include: collections, personnel, ex- penditures, and interlibrary loan.he institutional data elements reported include degrees offered, enrollment size, and faculty size. $69.95; ACRL member $39.95, 80p. 0-8389-7587-9 ACRL/Historically Black Colleges & Universities Library Statistics, 1988-89 Robert E. Molyneux, comp. $35.95; ACRL member $25.95 0-8389-7547-X, 1991 ACRL University Library Statistics, 1988-89 Denise Bedford, comp. $49.95; ACRL member $29.95, 79p. 0-8389-7446-5,1990 Statistics & Research ACRL University Library Statistics, 1987-88 Robert E. Molyneux, comp. $49.95; ACRL member $29.95, 79p. 0-8389-7288-8,1989 ACRL Academic Library Statistics, 1978/79—1987/88 (Diskettes) $65.95; ACRL member $53.95 0-8389-7311-C, 1989 Library Statistics of Colleges & Universities, 1985; National Summaries, State Summaries, Institutional Tables Data on 3,000 academic libraries from the 1985 HEGIS study con­ ducted by the Center for Education Statistics $33.50; ACRL member $26.45,140p. 0-8389-7147-4,1987 Academic Libraries: Research Perspectives Publications in Librarianship: No. 47 Mary Jo Lynch and Arthur P. Young, editors $27.50; 256p. 0-8389-0532-3,1990 Building on the First Century: Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries Jan Fennell, editor $32.85; ACRL member $24.25,320p. 0-8389-7289-6,1989 Energies for Transition: Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries Danuta A. Nitecki, editor $32.85; ACRL member $24.25, 248p. 0-8389-6976-3,1986 News & Reviews Choice Book review journal of the Associ­ ation of College and Research Li­ braries (ACRL). Eleven issues per year (July/August combined). ISSN: 0009-4978. Available by sub­ scription only, $148/year domestic rate; $165/year foreign rate; single issues $15.00. Also available as: Choice-Reviews-on-Cards Reviews from each monthly issue of Choice printed on 3x5 cards. Available to Choice subscribers only for $225/year domestic rate; $245/year foreign rate, sample box $25.00. Order either Choice product from: Circulation Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Mid­ dletown, CT 06457, (203) 347-6933. Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship A journal of theory and practice covering all aspects of special col­ lections librarianship. Two issues/ year. ISSN: 0884-450X. $25.00 U.S.; $30.00 for institutions in the U.S.; $35.00 for Canada and Mexico; $45.00 overseas; single issues $15.00. College and Research Libraries Official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Six bimonthly issues per year. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of membership. Also available on subscription, $45/year; single is­ sues $8.50. ISSN: 0010-0870. College and Research Libraries News Official news magazine of the As­ sociation of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year (July/August combined). Sent to ACRL members as perquisite of membership. Also available on sub­ scription, $20/year; single issues $4.50. ISSN: 0099-0086. College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News, Index for Volumes 41-50 (1980-89) $29.95; ACRL member $25.95 0-8389-7487-2,1991 Ordering Information 1. Fill in your shipping and billing addresses. 2. Check the items you wish to order. Indicate a quantity and sub-total. Add appropriate han­ dling charges. 3. Select a method of payment. ACRL pays post­ age and handling charges for prepaid orders (check, m oney order, credit card). 4. Mail the order form to: American Library Association Order Department 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 For faster, more personal service, call toll-free 1-800-545-2433, Press 7. Terms of Business. Institutions and individuals may order on account, plus postage and han­ dling. Prepayment should accom pany individ­ uals' orders of $30 or less. Shipping and handling charges will be added to all orders. All prices are payable in U.S. funds, net 30 days. First price is list price. Discounts. ALA personal and organizational members are eligible to receive a ten percent (10%) discount on ACRL m aterials (except sub­ scription items). To receive the discount, give your membership number, and deduct the dis­ count when preparing your orders. ACRL per­ sonal and organizational members receive 10- 30% discount on non-subscription ACRL m ateri­ als. Look for the ACRL member price in this booklet. Price 0-8389- Title □ $27.50 0532-3-992A Academic Lib. Research □ $69.95/39.95 7587-9-992A ACRL Stats 90/91 □ $49.95/29.95 7446-5-992A ACRL Stats 1988/89 □ $49.95/29.95 7288-8-992A ACRL Stats 1987/88 □ $65.95/53.95 7311-C-992A ACRL Stats 78/79-87/88 (Diskettes) □ $21.95/18.75 7219-5-992A Annual Reports □ $21.95/18.65 7495-3-992A A-V Policies □ $16.50/13.25 6587-3-992A Back to the Books □ $11.50/9.50 7210-1-992A Binding Terms □ $550 3353-X-992A Books for College Lib. □ $32.85/24.25 7289-6-992A Building on 1st Century □ $26.35/21.94 7295-0-992A Collection Dev. Policies □ $18.64/15.35 7445-7-992A College Lib. Newsletters □ $29.95/25.95 7487-2-992A C&RL and C&RL News Index v. 41-50 □ $39.54/32.94 7439-2-992A Dir. of Curriculum Centers □ $32.85/24.25 6976-3-992A Energies for Transition □ $32.00 0476-9-992A English & American Lit. □ $29.95/19.95 7584-4-992A Evolving Educational Mission □ $18.75/15.50 7171-7-992A Friends of College Lib. □ $21.95/18.65 7516-X-992A Genre Terms □ $35.95/25.95 7547-X-992A HBCU Stats 88/89 □ $5.95/4.95 7402-3-992A Lib. Instruc. Clear. 1989 □ $33.50/26.45 7147-4-992A Library Statistics 1985 □ $18.75/15.45 7097-4-992A Managing Student Work. □ $32.00 0529-3-992A Measuring Acad. Lib. Perf. □ $75.00 0542-0-992A Measuring., (disk & book) □ $21.95/16.50 6944-5-992A Mission Statements □ $8.95/7.50 7427-9-992A Paper Terms □ $18.64/15.35 7444-9-992A Performance Appraisal □ $18.75/15.45 7143-1-992A Periodicals in College Lib. □ $8.95/7.50 7108-3-992A Printing & Pub. Evidence □ $10.50/8.50 7239-X-992A Provenance Evidence □ $19.75/16.45 7548-8-992A Read This First □ $18.65/15.35 7484-8-992A Recruiting Acad. Lib. Dir. □ $30.00 0508-0-992A Richard Garnett □ $21.95/18.65 7327-2-992A State Education Doc. □ $8.95/7.50 7428-7-992A Type Evidence □ $32.95/29.65 7461-9-992A Western European Studies □ $19.85/16.50 7037-0-992A Women's Studies in West. Europe □ $35.95/29.95 7596-8-992A Women's Studies Collection Dev. Policies ACRL Approval Plans ACRL publications provide practical ideas, tools and methods for: management, bibliographic instruction, special collections, collection development, statistics & research. The convenient and cost-cutting ACRL approval or­ der plan provides automatic priority shipping of ACRL's new books at a 20% discount to ACRL mem­ bers (10% to non-members). There are two approval plan categories from which to choose: Plan P guarantees that you will automatically be sent all new ACRL publications including CLIP Notes. ACRL publishes approximately 5 to 6 new titles each year. Plan PC is exclusively for titles in the CLIP Notes (College Library Information Packets) series. CLIP Notes collect data and sample documents from ac­ ademic libraries to assist librarians in establishing or refining services and operations. Easy to enroll. Call or write Mary C. Taylor, ACRL program officer, indicating the category you have chosen. (ACRL/ALA, Approval Plan, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611; 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2515). A ssociation O f C o l l e g e & Research LI B R A R I E s Deadline: D ecem ber 1, 1992. Previous recipients. Leadership or Comm u­ nity Service: Paul E. DuM ont (1992); Jam es O. W allace (1991); Charles R. P eg u ese (1990). Program D evelopm ent: T he Library Collection D evelopm ent Com m ittee at St. P etersburg (FL) Junior College (1992); Jim m ie Anne N ourse and Rudy W idm an (1991); T he C ooperative C ollection D e v e lo p m e n t C om m ittee o f th e C hem eketa C ooperative Regional Library Ser­ vices (1990). PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A N D RESEARCH Doctoral Dissertation Fellow ship This award fosters research in academic librarian- ship by encouraging and assisting doctoral stu­ dents in the field with their dissertation research. Award-. $1,000 cash an d citation do n ated by the Institute for Scientific Information. Eligibility: The recipient o f the fellowship must m eet the following qualifications: 1. Be an active doctoral student in the aca­ demic librarianship area in a degree-granting institution. 2. Have com pleted all coursew ork. 3. Have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution. 4. A recipient o f the fellowship may not re­ ceive it a second time. 5. Applicant n e e d not be an ACRL member. Criteria: The proposal will be judged primarily on merit w ith em phasis on the following: 1. Potential significance o f the research to the field of academ ic librarianship. (No attem pt will be m ade to define academ ic librarianship but the subject should be consistent w ith to p ­ ics usually published in College & Research Li­ braries o r presented at ACRL meetings.) 2. Validity of the m ethodology an d proposed m ethods o f analysis. 3. Originality and creativity. 4. Clarity and com pleteness o f the proposal. 5. P resentation o f a convincing p lan for completion in a reasonable am ount of time. 6. Evidence o f a continuing interest in schol­ arship such as a previous publication record. Subm ission procedure: Q ualified students w ho w ish to be considered for the fellowship may apply by subm itting a brief (ten pages or less double-spaced) proposal that includes: 1. Description o f the research, including sig­ nificance an d methodology. 2. Schedule for completion. 3. B udget and budget justification for items for w hich su p p o rt is sought. (Must b e items for w hich n o o ther support is available.) Examples o f acceptable budget items are printing, com puter time, fees to subjects, sta­ tistical consulting, photography, art w ork, typ­ ing, and professional travel. 4. Name o f dissertation advisor and com­ mittee mem bers. 5. Cover letter from dissertation advisor e n ­ dorsing the proposal. An up-to-date curriculum vitae should ac­ com pany the proposal. Because o f limits im­ p o sed by timing considerations, applications m ay b e m ade for research un d er way; e.g., a student w h o begins research in the fall may apply for support for expenses incurred from th e fall until the time the aw ard is made. Deadline: D ecem ber 1, 1992. M a r tinus N ijh o ff In te rn a tio n a l W est European Specialist Study G ra n t This grant supports research on W estern Euro­ p ean studies, librarianship, or the b ook trade. A w a r d A m axim um of 10,000 D utch guil­ ders (o r U.S. dollar equivalent) d o n a te d by Martinus Nijhoff International, a subscription agent an d b ook dealer w ith headquarters in The N etherlands. This study grant covers air travel to and from Europe, transportation in Europe, an d lodging an d b o ard for n o more than 14 consecutive days. Funds may not be u se d for salaries, research -related supplies, publication costs, conference fees, o r eq u ip ­ m ent purchases. Criteria: The primary criterion for awarding th e grant is the significance and utility o f the p ro p o sed project as a contribution to the study of the acquisition, organization, or use of li­ brary m aterials from o r relating to W estern Europe. C urrent o r historical subjects may be treated. T he aw ard jury will review proposals w ith the following in mind: 1. W hat is the w ork to b e accomplished? T he proposal should be as explicit as possible ab o u t the current state o f know ledge in the area an d w h at will be achieved by the success­ ful com pletion o f the study. 2. W hat is the n eed for an d value of the p ro p o sed research? The proposal should pro­ vide persuasive evidence that the study is of practical use or scholarly value to the w ider com m unity served by the grant. 3. W hat is the m ethodology for carrying out the proposed work? The research design should Septem ber 1 9 9 2 / 5 2 9 Tops among ARL librarians! Social SciSearch® with Abstracts. It’s no wonder that the librarians from the Association for Research Libraries rank Social SciSearch with Abstracts as the top multidisciplinary social sciences online database.* Not only does it feature fully searchable author abstracts, it provides the most current bibliographic data available...from three months to a year sooner than any other database! It’s multidisciplinary too, so you’ll retrieve complete information on every item related to your matter where in the journal literature it was published. And because only ISI’s online files offer cited reference searching, you’ll uncover important information that you simply would not find using any other online source. Social SciSearch with Abstracts...The First Choice for online information. Available on BRS, DATA-STAR, DIALOG and DIMDI. * (ONLINE, March 1992, p. 26) Septem ber 1 9 9 2 /5 3 1 be as specific as possible and dem onstrate w hy the European com ponent is essential. 4. Is the w ork accom plishable within the time frame proposed? If the study extends b e­ yond the 14-day limit of the grant, the pro­ posal should specify how the additional w ork will be com pleted and funded. 5. Are the applicant’s qualifications sufficient to carry out the study? Subm ission procedure. Send six (6) copies of the application, w hich includes: 1. A proposal, five (5) pages or less, typed double-spaced. 2. A tentative travel itinerary not to exceed 14 days, including the p ro p o sed countries and institutions to be visited and the preferred p e­ riod o f study/travel. 3. A travel b u d g e t, in clu d in g e stim ated round-trip coach airfare, transportation in Eu­ rope, lodging expenses, and meal costs. 4. A current curriculum vitae. Obligations o f the Grantee: The recipient’s detailed expense statem ent, w ith original re­ ceipts, is due to ACRL within tw o m onths of the trip’s termination. The grantee is required to submit a report to ACRL within six m onths of no less that 4,000 w ords on the research resulting from the study trip. It is assum ed that in most cases this report will be suitable for publication; if so, ACRL is given the first right of refusal. The grantee should subm it an ab­ stract of the report for publication in the WESS Newsletter. In addition, the grantee m ay be asked to participate in a WESS general discus­ sion group, advise the aw ard jury, or counsel new grantees. Recipients are encouraged, but not required, to join WESS and becom e involved in its activities. Deadline: D ecem ber 1, 1992. Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Acquisitions or Technical Services in an Academic or Research Library This aw ard fosters advances in acquisitions or technical services by providing librarians a fel­ lowship for travel or writing in those fields. Research projects in collection developm ent or the compilation of bibliographies will not be supported by this fellowship. Award-. $1,000 cash and a citation donated by the Institute for Scientific Information. Criteria: The proposals will b e judged w ith an em phasis o n the following: 1. Potential significance o f the project to acquisitions or technical services work. 2. Originality and creativity. 3. Clarity and com pleteness o f the proposal. 4. Evidence o f an interest in scholarship, such as a previous publication record. Subm ission p ro ced u re Brief proposals (five pages o r less, double-spaced) should include the following: 1. Description o f research, travel, or writing project. 2. Schedule for project. 3. Estimate of expenses (e.g., professional travel, com puter time, photocopying, typing.) 4. Recipients of the fellowship will be asked to subm it a brief report of the results of their research. 5.An up-to-date curriculum vitae should accom pany proposal. Deadline: D ecem ber 1, 1992. PUBLICATIONS OR ARTICLES K a th a rin e Kyes Leab a n d D aniel J. Leab, A m erican B ook Prices Current, Exhibition C atalogue A w a rd s These aw ards recognize outstanding catalogs published by American o r Canadian institutions in conjunction w ith exhibitions o f books an d / or manuscripts. Award: A printed citation to the w inning institutions organizing the exhibitions. Kather­ ine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, A m erican Book Prices Current, established an endow m ent to fund the awards. Eligibility: Catalogs published by American or Canadian institutions in conjunction w ith an exhibition of books a n d /o r manuscripts w hich has taken place or w hich is in progress before August 31, 1992, are eligible. Catalogs must be p u b lish ed b etw een S eptem ber 1, 1991, and August 31, 1992. The entries will be divided into three budget categories— expensive, m od­ erately ex p en siv e, an d in expensive— b ased u p o n the production costs as outlined in the entry form. Catalogs may be o f varying formats, styles, an d scope, but each must represent an exhibition w hich has taken place. Catalogs may be intended for various types o f audiences: e.g., scholars, students, general public. Catalogs may have various purposes: e.g., publicity, dissemi­ nation o f information about a collection, attrac­ tion of donations, comm em oration o f a special occasion, etc. Criteria: Catalogs will b e judged on the level o f accuracy and consistency o f presentation, 5 3 2 / C&RL N e w s their clarity, quality o f design, an d usefulness to th e intended audience. Subm ission procedure-. Four (4) copies of the catalog m ust be subm itted w ith an entry form (available from the chair of the com m it­ tee) to the chair: Marvin J. Taylor, Special Col­ lections, Columbia University, H ealth Sciences Library, 701 W. 168th Street, N ew York, NY 10032. All catalog subm issions will becom e the property o f RBMS. If you have any questions, call Marvin Taylor at (212) 305-7931. D eadline: Septem ber 30, 1992. K .G . S aur A w a r d fo r Best A rticle in C ollege & Research Libraries This recognizes the m ost outstanding article p u b lis h e d in College & R esearch L ibraries (C&RL) during the preceding volum e year. Award: A citation an d $500 cash to each author d o n ated by K.G. Saur. Eligibility: Articles published in C&RL dur­ ing the preceding volum e year. Criteria: The w inning article will be selected o n the basis o f originality, timeliness, relevance to ACRL areas of interest a n d concern, an d quality o f writing. Submission procedure. Articles for C&RL may be submitted to: Gloriana St. Clair, Assistant Dean for Access Services, E506 Pattee Library, Pennsylva­ nia State University, University Park, PA 16802. R are Books & M anuscripts L ib rarianship A w a rd This award stimulates the contribution of articles of superior quality to the ACRL journal Rare Books a n d Manuscripts Librarianship (RBML). Award: $1,000 cash to each author an d a citation d o n ated by Christie, M anson & Woods. Eligibility. Article published in RBML d u r­ ing the tw o preceding volum e years. Criteria: The w inning article will be selected o n the basis of significance, originality, timeli­ ness, thoroughness, and pertinence to issues relating to the. theory and practice of special collections librarianship. O ther criteria will in­ clude clarity of thought and expression. Subm ission procedure. Articles for RBML may b e subm itted to: Alice D. Schreyer, Uni­ versity o f Chicago Library, Chicago, IL 60637. BIS B ibliographic Instruction Publication o f th e Y e a r A w a rd T h is a w a r d r e c o g n i z e s a n o u t s t a n d i n g p u b l i c a t i o n r e l a t e d to b ib l io g r a p h ic i n ­ s t r u c ti o n p u b lish e d in a given year. Award: A citation p re s e n te d by the BIS Awards Committee. Criteria: Publications are judged on the b a ­ sis o f relevance to th e field o f bibliographic instruction in academ ic or research libraries, originality, timeliness, an d quality of writing. Eligibility. Publications include journal ar­ ticles, books, a n d b o o k chapters. Subm itted p u b lic a tio n s m ay b e a u th o r e d b y o n e o r m ore individuals, a g ro u p , organization, or com m ittee. BIS publications are no t eligible for co n sid eratio n for th e aw ard. Publication year is d efin ed as S eptem ber th ro u g h August o f the y ear p reced in g th e y ear th e aw ard is given. Subm ission procedure: Submit a tw o-page sum mary, a copy of the publication, an d nom i­ nation form (available from the committee chair) to: K aren William, C omm ittee Chair, Central Reference Library, University o f Arizona, Tuc­ son, AZ 85719; (602) 621-4865. D ea d lin e D ecem ber 1, 1992. O b e rly A w a r d fo r B ib lio g ra p h y in A gricultural Sciences T he O berly A w ard w as estab lish ed in 1923 in m em ory o f Eunice R ockw ood O berly. This biennial aw ard is given in o dd-num bered years for the b est E nglish-language bibliography in th e field o f agriculture o r related science. A w ard: A cash aw ard an d citation cur­ rently fu n d e d b y the U.S. A gricultural Infor­ m ation N etw ork, the A gway F oundation, As­ sociates o f th e N ational A gricultural Library, th e C ouncil o n B otanical a n d H orticultural Libraries, an d th e Cargill Inform ation Center. Eligibility: English-language bibliographies in th e field o f agriculture or a related science com piled during th e tw o-year p erio d p re c e d ­ ing the year in w hich the aw ard is m ade. C riteria: B ib lio g ra p h ie s s u b m itte d fo r aw ard co n sid eratio n are ju d g ed o n accuracy, scope, usefulness, format, an d special features: explanatory introductions, annotations, an d in­ dexes. Subm ission procedure: N om inations m ay b e m ade in th e form o f a letter an d sho u ld p o in t o u t th e reaso n s the biblio g rap h y sho u ld b e co n sid ered for th e aw ard. A co p y o f the biblio g rap h y sh o u ld acco m p an y th e no m in a­ tion. Send nom inations to: O berly Jury Chair, Amy L. Paster, Pennsylvania State University, E205 P a tte e L ibrary, U n iv e rs ity P ark , PA 16802. Deadline: D ecem ber 1, 1992. ■ D efinitive Resources inFilmFromK.G.Saur… International Film Index Edited by Alan G oble This is the most exhaustive film directory and director's filmography ever compiled. It lists 90% of all American, European, and Australasian feature films ever made — more than 2 3 2 ,0 0 0 film titles, and includes shorts, animated features, documentaries, serials and even TV films, spanning the entire era o f moving pictures. Arranged alphabetically, the Director's entries list dates of birth and death; country of birth and filmmaking; and a complete chronology of films with dates and alterna­ tive titles. Title entries contain year of release, director, country of film finance, type of film and alternative title. Supplementary indexes of directors by country, and a massive bibliography further augment the value of this work. 1991 / 0 - 8 6 2 9 1 - 6 3 2 - 2 /1 ,6 0 0 pag e s /$ 3 3 5 Pre-Cinema History An Annotated Bibliography Dr. Hermann Hecht and Anne Hecht The Camera Obscura outlined by Da Vinci, the M a g ic k Lantern devised in the 17th century, the Thaumatrope and the Phénakistoscope— these are some of the optical inventions which led to the emergence of film. They represent a fraction of the 4 ,5 0 0 entries contained in Pre-Cinema History, a w o rld w id e bibliogra­ phy of moving picture representations spanning six centuries. Arranged in chronological order, each notable object or occasion is described and set in its historical context. Full bibliographic references with contents For Fastest Service summaries and quotations from the original article and Call Toll-Free contemporary press clippings are also provided. 1 9 9 2 /C . 8 0 0 p a g e s /$ 1 8 0 T . 1-8 0 0 -5 2 1 -8 1 1 0 121 Chanlon Rd. • New Providence, NJ 07974 • A Reed Reference Publishing Company