ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 3 4 / C&RL N e w s W ashington Hotline H earin g held on LC fee legislation O n July 22 the Senate Com- mittee o n Rules and Admin- istration held a hearing on S. 2748, the Library of Congress Fund Act of 1992. Librarian of Congress Jam es Billington said the bill was n eeded to perm it LC to m eet needs for specialized products and ser- vices w hich go beyond the library’s tax-supported basic functions. Patricia Glass Schuman, immediate past-president of ALA, said the leg­ islation, while including som e ALA suggestions, still has problem areas. The placem ent o f “elec­ tronic access to the contents of the collections” in the specialized full-cost-recovery category intensifies the problem o f w here to draw the line betw een core and fee-based services. An­ other problem is w hether core services will be frozen in time rather than evolving. Her testi­ m ony w as based on a resolution passed by the ALA Council on July 1 in San Francisco. Lee Anne George, G eorge W ashington University Library, spoke about the dem and for fee-based services in libraries based on her ow n library’s experience and as immediate past-chair o f the Fee-based Information Service Centers in Aca­ dem ic Libraries, an ACRL discussion group. Barbara Markuson o f INCOLSA, w ho chaired an ALA task force o n LC’s earlier licensing pro­ posal, urged Congress to pass the legislation prom ptly and to resist any attempts to place further restrictions on the library. LC has since offered to reopen discussions with the library community, and ALA has agreed to continue to w ork w ith LC officials and other library groups to improve the legislation. NCLIS holds open forum on NREN The U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science on July 20-21 held an open forum on library and information services’ roles in the National Research and Education Net­ work. The findings will be m ade available to the Office o f Science and Technology Policy prior to its D ecem ber report to Congress on Carol C. Henderson is deputy executive director, ALA W ashington Office, NUALAWASH&CUA Carol C. Henderson several NREN policy issues specified in the High-Perfor­ m ance Computing Act. ALA w itn e s s E la in e A lb rig h t, U n iv e rs ity o f Maine and ALA Committee pn Legislation Ad Hoc Sub­ committee on Telecom mu­ n ications chair, cited th e n e e d fo r low -cost, u ser- friendly access to the net­ w o r k f o r li b r a r i e s a n d schools in every part o f the c o u n try . P a tric ia W and, ACRL, said that the library and education communities, including the De­ partm ent o f Education, must have a voice in NREN developm ent. Jack Sulzer, speaking for GODORT, discussed the role that the nation’s 1,400 depository libraries could play in the developm ent o f the NREN. O ther w itnesses from academic and research entities included Richard Dougherty, University o f Michigan; Dan Mulhollan, Acting D eputy Librarian of Congress; Paul Evan Peters, Coalition for N etw orked In­ formation; and D uane Webster, Association of Research Libraries. G PO W IN D O /G a te w a y bills have lib ra ry support O n July 23 the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and the Committee on House Administration held a joint hearing on S. 2813, the GPO Gateway to Governm ent Act, and HR 2772, the GPO WINDO Act. The tw o similar bills w ould establish an elec­ tronic gateway at the G overnm ent Printing Of­ fice to w hich users could connect via com puter netw orks to gain access to dozens of databases containing federal governm ent inform ation. Senate Committee Chairman Wendell Ford (D- Ky.) concluded the standing-room-only hear­ ing by stating his intention to move the legisla­ tion this session. ALA Immediate Past-President Patricia Glass Schuman urged speedy passage of the legisla­ tion. Public printer Robert H ouk stated that the bills w ere an idea w hose time has come. Wit­ nesses from academ ic institutions included Ri­ chard West, University o f California, for the Coalition for N etw orked Inform ation; Brian Kahin, Harvard University; and William Graves, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. ■