ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 3 6 / C&RL N e w s rv w UC San Diego develops staff training p ro gram Julie Page, preservation li­ brarian, and G eorge Soete, associate university librarian for collections, have devel­ Prese op ed a new staff preserva­ tion orientation program at N e the University o f California, San Diego. The program fo­ cuses o n the responsibilities Jane of library staff for preserva­ tion of the collections and builds basic skills. In addi­ tion to the training, responsibility for appropri­ ate han d lin g o f library m aterials has b e e n incorporated in all library staff job descriptions. Slightly modified training sessions have b een g iv e n to lib ra ry c u s to d ia n s a n d p h y sic a l p la n t a d m in is tra to rs a n d are p la n n e d for cam pus police. Page an d Soete have found the program particularly effective and are avail­ able at (619) 534-1234 to answ er questions about it. Schrock provides fre e preservation inform ation Nancy Carlson Schrock, an independent con­ servator and consultant in W inchester, Massa­ chusetts, may now be contacted on Thursdays and Fridays to answ er librarians’ preservation questions free-of-charge. The p hone num ber for this Preservation Information Hotline, funded by Gaylord Bros., is 1-800-428-3631. CPA supports EROMM Project The Commission on Preservation and Access has b een recognized by the Bibliotheque Na­ tional as an official partner in the preparatory phase of a pilot project to create EROMM, a machine-readable European register of micro­ film masters. During the pilot phase, data from J a n e Hedberg prepares this co lu m n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Comm ission on Preservation a n d Access. Subm issions f o r this co lu m n m a y be m a d e via: Internet: JHEDBERG@LUCY. WELLESLEY. EDU; f a x : ( 6 l 7) 283-3640; p h o n e :(6 1 7) 283-2103; o r m a il to: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 1 0 6 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275. Subm ission dea d lin e is th e 15th o f the m o n th a n d precedes p u b lica tio n by approxim ately six weeks. H the British Library (G reat Britain), th e B ibliothèque N a tio n a le ( F r a n c e ), th e Biblioteca Nacional (Portu­ ation gal), a n d th e S taats-u n d U n i v e r s i t ä t s b i b l i o t h e k G ottingen (Germ any) will s b e u s e d to c r e a t e a UNIMARC-based file. This file is expected to be com­ patible w ith the minimum d ata req u irem en ts for an edberg internation-al register of mi­ croform m asters currently u n d e r d ev e lo p m e n t. T he EROMM project was initiated by the 12-mem- b er Commission of the European Communities, w hich will supply 60 percent of the first year’s funding. The CPA will supply the rem aining 40 percent, using funds from its Mellon Founda­ tion grant for international activities. NEDCC receives NEH g ra n t The Field Service Program o f the N ortheast D ocum ent Conservation C enter in Andover, Massachusetts, has received an $889,000 grant from the Division o f Preservation and Access o f the National Endow m ent for the H umani­ ties. The grant will support several new Field Service Program initiatives including a series o f preservation training w orkshops and a pro­ gram to provide information and training in statew ide preservation planning. In addition, the grant will provide support for existing Field Service Program activities in the New England and the Mid-Atlantic states. T hese activities include subsidized preservation surveys, p ro ­ vision o f a free telep h o n e reference service to answ er questions ab o u t preservation, con­ servation, an d disasters, an d publications o f technical leaflets. For m ore inform ation co n ­ tact: Karen Motylewski, Director o f Field Ser­ vice, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; (508) 470-1010. Ed: note: Publication of the A m erican Asso­ ciation o f Law Libraries' Special Committee on Preservation Needs o f Law Libraries: Report a n d Recommendations, which was announced in the May issue o f this column, will probably take place som etime in the fall. For additional infor­ m ation about this report, see the spring issue (v.84:no.2) of the Law Library Journal. ■