ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ October 2001 / 935 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg A L A P re se rv a tio n P o lic y The ALA Council approved a revision of ALA’s Preservation Policy during the Annual Con­ ference in June 2001. The Planning, Policy and Research Committee of the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) of the As­ sociation for Library Collections and Techni­ cal Services (ALCTS) drafted the revision, so­ licited com m ents from ALA m em bers, and subm itted the docum ent for approval. The revision expands the policy to cover new m edia and delivery m ethods, particu­ larly the Internet. ALA’s policy is based on the prem ise that every person should have “access to information at the time need ed and in a usable form at.” The policy affirms that preservation of information resources is a core activity of libraries and librarians, and sup­ ports preservation of all types of m edia and formats. It addresses standards, usability, lon­ gevity, and durability of library collection m e­ dia, preservation of digital information, p u b ­ lic ed u c atio n on p reserv atio n o f prim ary source docum ents, a n d federal legislative policy. The new policy is available at h ttp :// w w w l. N TFER e m e rg e n c y w h e e l The National Task Force on Emergency Re­ sponse (NTFER) has reprinted its Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel. These round, sliding-window charts provide easy-to-use in­ form ation for dealing with em ergencies that threaten cultural collections. Side 1 of the w heel is devoted to response action steps arranged un d er nine headings: disaster alert (if you have advanced warning), safety first, getting started off-site, stabilization of the building and environment, documentation, re­ trieval and protection, dam age assessment, salvage priorities, and historic buildings. Side 2 is devoted to salvage steps arranged by m edium : b o oks a n d paper, electronic records, textiles, furniture, œ ra m ic s/sto n e/ metal, organic materials, natural history speci­ mens, framed artworks, and photographs. The information conveyed on the wheels may be viewed at http://www.fema.gOv/r-n-r/ers_wl.htm# and htm. The w heels cost $10.95 each, with a dis­ counted price of $6.95 each for nonprofit or­ ganizations or governm ent agencies. There are also discounts on purchases of ten or more. For m ore information, contact Cindy Olsen, National Task Force on Emergency Re­ sponse, 1730 K. St., N.W., Suite 566, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20006; phone: (888) 979-2233; fax: (202) 634-1435; e-mail: colsen@heritagepreservation.oig; Web: h ttp ://w w w .heritagepreservation. org/ programs/wheell .htm. The New Library Scene The New Library Scene, the official journal of the Library Binding Institute (LBI), is back in publication after a yearlong hiatus. LBI has m ade som e editorial changes and the revived publication will be shorter than its predeces­ sor, concentrating o n new developm ents, quality of techniques and materials, and the overall value of library binding to preserva­ tion of books. W erner Rebsamen, professor em eritus of the Rochester Institute of Tech­ nology, will serve as technical advisor. The first issue of the revised serial is volum e 20, num ber 1 (sum m er 2001). N E D C C 's P re se rv a tio n 101 The Northeast Docum ent Conservation Center (NEDCC) conducted “Preservation 101: An Internet Course on Paper Preservation” for the second time in June and July 2001. Offered to 250 participants this time, the online course provided eight introductory lessons linked to a glossary and a bibliography, plus a bulletin board for communication among the instruc­ tor and participants. The lessons are titled “What is Paper Preservation?”, “Introducing Archives,” “Environmental Damage to Collections,” “So­ lutions to Collections Care, “Housekeeping,” “Emergency Preparedness,” “Care of Photo­ graphs,” “Preservation Planning.” Now that the interactive course is concluded, NEDCC has made the lesson texts available to everyone at http://w w w ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer at Harvard University, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344 http://www.fema.gOv/r-n-r/ers_wl.htm%23 mailto:colsen@heritagepreservation.oig http://www.heritagepreservation