ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 7 28/C&RL News NCSU entrepreneurs aim high By Jin n ie Y. Davis T-shirt sales turn into cash f o r the libraries’ u n d e rfu n d e d program s a R ecent budget cuts at the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries focused great deal o f attention on the need for sup­ port of collections purchases. Generating less publicity were behind-the-scenes needs such as the NCSU Libraries’ inadequate funding for preservation efforts and for staff development activities. Three library staff members— Nancy Gibbs (chair o f the Preservation Committee), Carmen Wijeyasingha (vice-president o f the library’s staff association), and Annis Barbee (staff association president)— seized the ini­ tiative to carry out a fundraising schem e for these two projects. The three entrepreneurs gained the support o f the library administration to create and sell A n n is B a rb e e , N an cy Gibbs, an d C a rm e n W ijey a s in g h a w e a r th e t-s h irts th e y d e v e lo p e d . library souvenirs, with the proceeds going to the Preservation Fund and the Staff Develop­ ment Fund, which were attempting to reach endowment level. In fall 1993, with support from the Friends o f the Library, they received seed m oney w hich they agreed to repay through sales profits. Within two months they had produced five lines of sale items: t-shirts in three different colors, a mug, and a canvas bag, all based on the libraries’ colorful logo. By timing their sales during the pre-Christ­ mas season and at the Friends o f the Library ’s annual book sale, the staff members quickly exceeded their sales expectations. Based on continued demand for current and new prod­ ucts, they will diversify their product line with the addition of sweatshirts, a cardboard sun­ shade, and another t-shirt. Gibbs and Wijeyasingha attribute their suc­ cess to using a very attractive logo on quality merchandise. They also explain: “We adver­ tised in a variety o f ways, kept our stock sup­ plies small, and had tremendous response from the library community. We hope to con­ tinue this trend in the future with additional items, and we hope to exceed our fundraising goals.” With marketing savvy, they bolstered sales efforts by promotional tactics such as running photographs and order forms in the library newsletter, setting up a display of their wares in a library exhibit case, and obtaining permission from the university to set up a kiosk on the campus Brickyard, as well as in the branch libraries, in the spring. The two funds benefiting from these sales are certainly worthy of the effort. According to Gibbs, “Existing funds for preservation are ­ limited and, with this effort, we are able to (NCSU cont. on page 750) Jinnie Y. Davis is assistant director for planning and research, North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh; e-mail: D ecem ber 1994 / 729