ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1 9 9 4 /7 3 1 ACRL candidates for 1 9 9 5 elections Be sure to vote in the election this spring T he listing for each of the candidates in­cludes their title and institution. Vice-President/President-Elect Bessie K. Hahn, University Librarian, Brandeis University; William Miller, Director of Librar­ ies, Florida Atlantic University. Board of Directors Director-at-Large: Carol M. Pfeiffer, Associ­ ate University Librarian, University of Virginia; Aline Soules, Director, Kresge Business Admin­ istration Library, University of Michigan. Director-at-Large: Linda S. Muroi, Library In­ struction Coordinator & Reference Librarian, San Diego State University; Stanton F. Biddle, Pro­ fessor/Administrative Services Librarian, Baruch College, City University of New York. Afro-American Studies Librarians V ice-C hair/C hair-Elect: Rochelle Redmond Ballard, Reference Librarian, University of Cen­ tral Florida; Mary G. Wrighten, Multicultural Services Librarian, Bowling Green State Uni­ versity. Secretary: Anita Grant, Head, Circulation De­ partment, Ohio University, Athens; Sylvia Y. Curtis, Associate Librarian (Black Studies and Dance), University of California, Santa Barbara. Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Fred J. Hay, Librar­ ian, W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection, Appa­ lachian State University; J anita A. Jobe, Gov­ ernment Publications Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno. Secretary: J . Christina Smith, Anthropology/ Sociology Bibliographer, Boston University; Isabel del Carmen Quintana, Cataloging Librar­ ian, Harvard University. Member-at-Large: Ann L. Wood, Reference Librari, an University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Lynne M. Schmelz, Librarian of the Tozzer Li­ brary, Harvard University. Arts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy L. Stokes, Per­ forming Arts Bibliographer, University of Ak­ ron. Secretary : Roland C. Hansen, Readers’ Services Librarian, The School of the Art Institute of Chi­ cago; Kimberly Hale, Acquisitions/Serials Librar­ ian, Columbia College, Chicago. A sian , African and Middle Eastern Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: David L. Easterbrook, Curator, Melville J. Herskovits Library of Afri­ can Studies, Northwestern University; David Nelson, Head, Cataloging, Texas A&M Univer­ sity. Secretary: Clare B. Dunkle, Monographs Cata­ loger, Trinity University; Gregory A. Finnegan, Humanities and Social Sciences Reference-Bib­ liographer, Dartmouth College. Member-at-Large: John A. Eilts, Library Ser­ vices Officer/Middle East Specialist, The Re­ search Libraries Group, Inc; Karl Kahler, East Asian Bibliographer and Head of East Asian Technical Services, University of Pennsylvania. Bibliographic Instruction Section V ice-C hair/C hair-Elect: Loanne L. Snaυely, Head, Arts Library, Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity; Elizabeth Park, Acting Head, Reference Department, University of Memphis. Secretary: Susan G. Miller, New Haven, Con­ necticut; Diane M. Zabel, Social Science Refer­ ence Librarian, Pennsylvania State University. Member-at-Large: Craig Gibson, Head, Library User Education, Washington State University Library; Alphonse N. Vinh, Reference Librarian, University of the South. College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Pamela Snelson, As­ sistant Director for Automation and Public Services, 7 32/C&RL News Drew University; Elizabeth W. Kaschins, Senior Reference Librarian and Professor, Luther College. Secretary: Eugene S. Mitchell, Director of Li­ brary Services, Alvernia College; Peter V. Deekle, College Librarian, Wheaton College. Member-at-Large: Jonathan D. Lauer, Direc­ tor, Murray Learning Resources Center, Mes­ siah College; Catherine M. Rod, Associate Li­ brarian, Grinnell College. Com munity an d Junior College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Douglas K. Lehman, Director, Library Technical Services, Miami- Dade Community College; Alice Beverley Gass, Dean of Learning Resources, Guilford Techni­ cal Community College. Secretary: MaryAnn Laun, Technical Services Librarian, Pasadena City College; Mary Dolυen, Director of Library Services, Diablo Valley Col­ lege. Education and B ehavioral Sciences Section V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: Allison G. Kaplan, Cataloger, Education Resource Center, and Co­ ordinator of the School Library Media Special­ ist Program, University o f Delaware, Newark; Mary Beth Minick, Coordinator of Reference Services and Education Librarian, Indiana Uni­ versity-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Secretary: Rolland H. McGiυerin, Head, Teach­ ing Materials, Microforms, and Media Depart­ ment, Indiana State University; Mary M. Gilles, Business Subject Specialist, Washington State University. M ember-at-Large: Gail F. Latta, Psychology/ Sociology Subject Specialist and Liaison Librar­ ian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Margaret K. Cook, Reference Librarian, West Virginia Uni­ versity. English and A m erican Literature Section V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Charles Perry Willett, Subject Specialist for English and American Lit­ erature, Comparative Literature, Theater and Drama, and Philosophy, Indiana University. Secretary: Betty H. Day, Humanities Bibliog­ rapher, University o f Maryland at College Park; Robert W. Melton, Publications Coordinator and Bibliographer for English, American and Com­ parative Literature, Film, Theater and Commu­ nication Studies, University of Kansas. M e m b e r - a t-L a r g e : S u s a n n a B a rtm a n n Pathak, Resource Services Librarian for English, German, Comparative Literatures & Film Stud­ ies, and Coordinator, Electronic Text & Imag­ ing Center, Johns Hopkins University; William A. Wortman, Humanities Librarian, Miami Uni­ versity, Ohio. Extended Cam pus Lib rary Services Section V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: Thomas E. Abbott, Dean o f Learning Resources and University De­ velopment, University o f Maine at Augusta; Mem Catania, Librarian, University of Central Florida, Brevard Campus. Secretary: Jack E. Fritts, Assistant University Librarian for Public Services and Automation, National-Louis University; A nne M. Casey, Off- Campus Librarian, Central Michigan University. M ember-at-Large: A nn Taylor Blauer, Head of Informational Services, Baldwin County, Uni­ versity of South Alabama; Robert G. Murdoch, Associate Director for Public & Technical Ser­ vices, Utah State University. L a w an d Political Science Section V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Catherine Doyle, Ac­ cess Services Librarian, Christopher Newport University. Secretary: Brian B. Carpenter, Patent Librar­ ian, Documents/Microtext Reference, Texas A&M University. Member-at-Large: Laura M. Bartolo, Informa­ tion Services Librarian, Kent State University. Rare Books an d M anuscripts (RBMS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nora J. Quinlan, Rare Book Cataloger, University of Miami; Susan M. Allen, Director of Libraries and Media Services, Kalamazoo College. Secretary: Stephen R. Tabor, Senior Bibliogra­ pher, ESTC, University of California, Riverside; Deborah J. Leslie, Rare Book/Systems Librarian, Library Company o f Philadelphia. Member-at-Large: Elaine B. Smyth, Head, Rare Book Collections, Louisiana State University; Henry F. Raine, Head of Technical Services/ System Manager, Folger Shakespeare Library. Science an d Technology Section V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: Julia Zimmerman, Associate Director for Operations, Georgia In­ stitute of Technology; Amy L. Paster, Life Sci­ ences Reference Librarian/Science Cataloger, Pennsylvania State University. D ecem ber 1 9 9 4 /7 3 3 S ecretary: M ary J . M arklan d ‚ Head o f Refer­ ence, University of Massachusetts Medical Cen­ ter; S a ra S h atford Layne, Head, Cataloging Di­ vision, Science & Engineering Library, University o f California, Los Angeles. Slavic an d East European Section Vice-C hair/C hair-Elect: C athy M. Zeljak, Ref­ erence Librarian/Slavic, East European, and East Asian Subject Specialist, George Washington University; A llan Urbanic, Librarian for Slavic Collections, University of California, Berkeley. Member-at-Large: J o a n n a K. Dyla‚ Slavic Cata­ log Librarian, University of California, Berke­ ley; A len a L. Aissing, Germanic and Slavic Stud­ ies Librarian, University of Florida. U niversity Libraries Section V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: D o n a ld G. F r a n k ‚ Head o f the Cabot Science Library and Coordi­ nator o f Science/Technology Libraries, Harvard University; K en t H. H endrickson, Dean o f Li­ braries, University o f Nebraska-Lincoln. S ecretary: M ary H. M unroe, Head, Collection Development Department, Georgia State Uni­ versity; K a ren Williams, Social Sciences Team Leader, University of Arizona. D irector-at-Large: J a m e s A. E strada, Director, H.B. Trecker Library and Assistant Director for Regional Campus Libraries, University of Con­ necticut; J o h n M. H aar, Assistant Director for C ollections, Central and Science Libraries, Vanderbilt University. D irector-at-L arge: E m m a B. Perry, Dean of Libraries, Southern University; B ird ie O. Weir, Director, J . F. Drake Memorial Learning Re­ sources Center, Alabama A&M University. W estern European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D ia n a A. Chlebek, As­ sociate Professor o f Bibliography in Fine Arts, Languages, and Literature, University o f Akron; Kurt F. D e B elder, Assistant Curator, Western European Literatures & Languages, New York University. Secretary: G ail Hueting, Assistant Modern Lan­ guages Librarian, University o f Illinois at Ur­ bana-Champaign; F red W. Jen kin s, Catalogue Specialist/Rare Book Librarian, University o f Dayton. M ember-at-Large: C harles D. Sporn ick, Chief Coordinator, Collection Management, Emory University; J u l ie Still, User Education Librarian, Trenton State College. (Candidates cont. on page 742) (Policy cont. from page 730) nected with the work o f other very different, even remote, groups o f people. Staff learned about the issues of other departments and di­ visions and began to see the interconnected­ ness— often invisible— that exists in the library. The process o f taking the draft policy to other divisions and departments fed the knowledge loop in both directions and the policy became stronger (and more sensible!) because o f wide participation and discussion. The final draft, reviewed by the Administra­ tive Committee and the Management Council— which consists o f all the department heads, the AULs, and the university librarian— has been added to the P olicies a n d P roced u res M a n u a l to serve as a guideline for the borrowing staff and service staff throughout the library. Review by bodies at higher levels helped to ensure that this policy is consistent with other service policies in the library and revealed the work of the Interlibrary Loan Department to some who had little contact with it. It's that w a y becau se … The experience of articulating, formulating, and setting policy with the staff called upon to im­ plement it was refreshing both because o f the energetic contributions of the staff and because it allowed us to work together and with many other staff members in the library. The result­ ing policy is more meaningful because it was built in this way and certainly has the enthusi­ astic support o f those who will use it. Beyond that, staff was, to use a hackneyed but valuable word, empowered by the experi­ ence of crafting a significant, librarywide doc­ ument. Their opinions w ere very important— I would say crucial— to the building o f a practi­ cal and coherent policy. The importance their opinions were accorded was shown by the AUL for public services and by the interest the doc­ ument generated in other departments and di­ visions. Many in the library, possibly for the first time, saw the work o f this group. As a consequence, staff members take a great deal o f pride in the policy and feel that th ey d o matter and that their opinions count enough to affect formal library policy. Clearly, there are some types o f policies that cannot and should not be written with the wide participation that this experience suggests, but I am certain that, more often than not, more policies can and should include the expertise and opinion of paraprofessional staff members. ■ 73 4 /C&RL News Improved access to vital biographic details! AMWS 1995-96 puts vital information right up front in every entry (such as current position and specialty) and includes more fa x numbers plus new e-mail addresses for scientists online. Here’s what the latest edition has to offer Authoritative, current information supplied by the entrants themselves: research credentials…education… careers…past and current projects…honors and awards, including lists of Nobel and other major scientific prizes superconductors by state, or by province. Once you have entrants’ names, you have their biographical details in the main listing. Unbeatable references — and recommendations! 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The about-to-be published 19th edition of AMWS will have the latest background details on over 126,000 top members o f the American and Canadian scientific communities who’ve made their mark on everything from chemistry and medicine to physics and astronomy. ...positions held in leading academic institutions, government, major corporations, or leading-edge companies…and more! Listings by 191 specialties: The convenient discipline index volume helps you and your patrons find scientists listed under specialties from biotechnology to R.R.BOWKER A R eed R e fe r e n c e P u b lis h in g C o m p a n y 121 Chanlon Road New Providence, NJ 0 7 9 7 4