D:\SUNEEL\C.R.L.N\VOL 55\DECEMBER\000\1.pdf 746/C&RL News New Publications G eo rg e M. Eberha rt The All Music Book of Hit Singles, compiled by Dave McAleer (431 pages, Sep­ tember 1994), is the only book to show both U.S. and U.K. chart listings side by side for every month from 1954 to 1993. M cA leer’s unique system o f compari­ son considers not only a record’s weekly chart posi­ tions, but also the number o f weeks it spent on the Top 10 and Top 20, its weeks at Number 1, and its perfor­ mance on other major charts. Putting 40 years o f pop and rock into perspective, the book also includes trivia, anecdotes, 175 photographs, a list o f the top 100 U.S. and U.K. singles artists o f all time (the Beatles number 2 in the U.S. but number 3 in the U.K.!), and special fea­ tures on hits that never made the Top 20. $22.95. Miller Freeman Books, 6600 Silacci Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. ISBN 0-87930-330-1. T h e A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n Guide to Information Access, edited by Sandy Whiteley (533 pages, September 1994), describes information resources in both print and electronic form for high school research­ ers, undergraduates, and independent schol­ ars. The main part o f the book is made up o f 36 topical chapters, from agriculture to writ­ ing. The introductory chap­ ters are a minicourse on the major electronic sources o f information: online services, bulletin boards, the Internet, CD-ROM, the bibliographic utilities, and online library catalogs. T ra d itio n a l sources, such as govern­ m ent p u b lication s and newspapers, are also re­ viewed as are places where information can be found. Each o f the topical chapters lists reference books, CD- ROM and online sources, periodicals, governm ent publications and agencies, associations, libraries, LC subject headings, and re­ search centers relevant to the subject. This excellent hand­ book is a logical place to begin research in unfamiliar topics and is essential for undergraduate reference col­ lections. $35.00. Random House, 201 E. 50th St., N ew York, N Y 10022. ISBN 0-679- 43060-1. Lib raries an d the Inter­ net/N REN : Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges, by Charles R. McClure, William E. Moen, and Joe Ryan (516 pages, May 1994), entifies factors that will affect libraries’ involve­ ent in national networking policies. O f par­ icular interest is chapter 2, which looks at how wo technologically advanced university librar­ s (Carnegie Mellon and the University o f outhern California) have met the challenges f an electronically networked environment. ther chapters examine the economics o f net­ orked information, the Federal Depository Li­ rary Program and the NREN, and library edu­ ation and the NREN. $35.00. Mecklermedia, 1 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 06880. ISBN -88736-824-7. pen System s, C lien t/Server, a n d Y our ibrary, by Gary Lee Phillips and Stuart W. iller (15 pages, revised ed., May 1994), de­ scribes in nontechnical terms the identifying char­ acteristics o f an open sys­ tem and a client/server ap­ plication and includes a brief look at the communi­ cation standards needed for this environment. A list of questions and answers are based on actual questions posed to Ameritech Library Services staff. Free from Ameritech Library Services, 1007 Church St., Evanston, IL 60201. SALALM an d the A rea Studies Community, ed­ ited by David Block (235 pages, 1994), contains papers id m t t ie S o O w b c 1 0 O L M December 1994/ 747 presented at the 37th Seminar on the Ac­ quisition o f Latin American Library Materials, held in Texas in 1992. Topics include area stud­ ies in the 21st century, Miami and the Cuban Revolution, people in the history o f the Latin American book trade, approval plans, and cata­ loging backlogs. $45.00 (plus $2.50 handling). SALALM Secretariat, General Library, Univer­ sity o f N ew Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131- 1466. ISBN 0-917617-39-8. The S e x u a l H a ra ssm e n t of W om en in th e W o r k p la c e , 1600 to 1993, by Kerry Segrave (273 pages, July 1994), looks at ha­ rassment in a variety o f occupations from in­ dentured servants and slaves to Tailhook and the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings. This book provides some insight into societal reac­ tion to sexual harassment over the years, al­ though it offers no solutions. A well-docu­ mented survey o f a problem that is by no means new. $32.50 (plus $2.00 handling). McFarland & Co., Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-7864-0007-2. The Social Art: Lan g u a g e an d Its U ses, by Ronald Macaulay (241 pages, March 1994), covers such topics as how a child acquires lan­ guage skills, the magic power o f words, re­ gional dialects, conversation, language and thought, and pidgin and creole languages. The chapters are short, entertaining, and prime can­ didates for supplementary reading in under­ graduate language courses. $25.00. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., N ew York, N Y 10016. ISBN 0-19-508382-2. T a y lo r’s M aster G u id e to G a rd e n in g , edited by Rita Buchanan and Roger Holmes (624 pages, October 1994), is a one-volume reference book for gardeners, a compendium o f authoritative information and advice to con­ sult on planning, designing, and planting a home garden. More than 3,000 trees, shrubs, and flowers are described and illustrated in 300 line drawings and 1,300 stunning color plates. Descriptions focus more on gardening concerns than botanical features. In chapters on the on­ going care o f the garden, environmentally sound practices and organic pest controls are recommended. There are excellent sections on making the most o f small spaces, gardening for wildlife, and improving your soil. $60.00. Houghton Mifflin Co., 215 Park Ave. South, New York, N Y 10003. ISBN 0-395-64995-1. Trade, Industrial, an d Professional Peri­ o d ic a ls o f th e U n ite d States, edited by Kathleen L. Endres (467 pages, June 1994), of­ fers historical profiles o f 66 specialized busi­ ness periodicals, among them Oil & Gas Jour­ nal, Farm Journal, Restaurants & Institutions, Industry Week, and Aviation Week & Space Technology. O f particular interest are profiles o f the Chronicle o f Higher Education and Li­ brary Journal. Each entry describes the journal’s editorial policies, personnel, bibliographic in­ formation, and historical data. $99.50. Green­ w ood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881-5007. ISBN 0-313-28042-8. ■ ALA a p p ro v es G o a l 2 0 0 0 ALA’s Executive Board approved at its fall meeting “ALA Goal 2000: a Five-Year Plan to Position the Association for the In­ formation Age.” The plan was developed and submitted by ALA Executive Director Elizabeth Martinez. Martinez said the goal is to have the as­ sociation as closely identified with the public’s right to a free and open informa­ tion society— intellectual participation— as it is with intellectual freedom. Some recommendations include expand­ ing the ALA Washington Office to increase its ability to follow and influence national issues and legislation; establishing an Of­ fice o f Information Technology; and creat­ ing an independent charitable foundation called the Fund for America’s Libraries. ALA Goal 2000 calls for a five-year the­ matic cycle for major ALA initiatives and ac­ tivities that would provide a framework for activities o f the association’s divisions and units and maximize use o f A IA resources. Martinez also proposed a dues increase and establishment o f the Fund for America’s Libraries to support implementation o f ALA Goal 2000. The dues increase, the first in ten years, would be devoted to expansion o f the Washington Office and establishment o f an Office for Information Technology. The ALA Goal 2000 and the Fund for Am erica’s Libraries documents are now posted on the ALA Gopher under the menu item V: About ALA’s Executive Board. To access the documents route your gopher client to gopher.mic.edu. ■