D:\SUNEEL\C.R.L.N\VOL 55\DECEMBER\000 7 5 2 / C&RL N ew s THEIECASFDLDSI AS Deadlines: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents m ust reach the AC RL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of th e issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $7.10 per line for institutions that are AC R L m em bers, $9.00 for others. Late job notices are $17.25 per line fo r institutions th a t are ACRL mem bers, $20.50 fo r others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to th e ir m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $320 to $610 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo r the October issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s fa c­ ulty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL N ew s classified ads are now accessible on the Internet through the gopher server a t the University of Illinois at C hicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approxi­ m ately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL N ew s is published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et locate the University of Illinois at C hicago in the menu of all servers m aintained on gopher a t the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, connect your favorite gopher client directly to host "gopher.uic.edu 70". S elect "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&R L NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL WewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Am eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: U21808@ U IC VM .uic.edu. Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with A LA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality of opportunity fo r all library em ploy­ ees or applicants fo r em ploym ent, regardless o f race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or m ental handicap, individual life­ style, o r national origin.” By advertising through ALA se r­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. PO SITIO NS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD. Watson Library. Uni­ versity of Kansas Libraries. This new position will administer lending, closed reserve, stacks management and collection maintenance, current periodicals, m icroform s, photocopying, and central fines office operations in Watson Library, and provide systemwide coordi­ nation of circulation sen/ices. This is a 12-month, tenure-track ap­ pointment. A full position description is available. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; substantial supervisory experience in an academic or research library; strong commitment to meeting the needs of library users; effective oral and written communication skills; strong interpersonal and public relations skills; sensitivity to a multicultural environment; strong analytical, planning, and organiza­ tional skills; substantial recent public service experience within a large academic or research library. Preferred: Experience with man­ agement issues in automated library systems; experience coordinat- ■ Assistant Director of Libraries ■ Collections and Document Delivery This position provides opportunity to assess Library collections and user resource needs for teaching, learning and research in an urban, commuter university. Duties include initiating and coordinating the implementation of collec­ tion policies, evaluation o f collections in all for­ mats to meet curricular and research needs; collaboration with bibliographers; assisting the Director in planning the use o f new technologies to enhance document delivery and access to electronic and non-electronic information resources. MLS from an ALA-accredited pro­ gram required; additional Master’s or Doctorate preferred; at least five years’ progressively responsible experience in an academic library, including experience in collection development and management; vision o f library services for purposes of long-range planning required. Salary mid to high 40’s; benefits competitive. Send resume, cover letter, and names, addresses and phone numbers of at least three references to: Patricia Payne, c/o Healey Library, UMass-Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125-3393. Application review will begin December 5,1994 and will continue until the position is filled. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title K employer. University of Massachusetts Boston ing library services across several library units; experience with automated library systems, particularly circulation and related func­ tions; experience in management of large library collections and lending operations; current awareness of library trends, management issues, and technologies related to m aterials access and user services; familianty with current library practices in building security and in the handling and safekeeping of materials; experience in departmental budget preparation and resource management; famil­ iarity with large university records and accounting systems. Annual salary: $30,000-$36.000, dependent upon qualifications. Excellent benefits. To apply, submit latter of application, resume, undergradu­ ate and graduate transcripts (photocopies accepted), and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean for Personnel, U n iversity o f Kansas Libraries, 502 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applica­ tions must be postmarked by February 15,1995. An EO/AA employer. ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN Interested in new and innovative ways of providing access to information? The University of Vermont Libraries invites applications for the position of Access Services Librarian. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Collection Manage­ ment Services, the Access Services Librarian will be responsible for managing the overall operations of the Access Services Group, which consists of the Bailey/Howe Library's circulation, reserve, periodi­ cals, stack maintenance, interlibrary loan, and document delivery operations, We are seeking a person who would like to develop a new unit, merging circulation and interlibrary loan, and who can think creatively about using technology to provide materials for patrons. Will serve as a member of the Collection Management Team which includes faculty and staff responsible for access services, collection development, acquisitions, cataloging, end processing, and preser- mailto:U21808@UICVM.uic.edu December 1994/ 753 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY With the objective o f developing a comprehensive security program to safeguard the collections, buildings, staff and patrons, the Harvard College Library is creating a key new management position, Director of Security and Public Safety. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Administrative Services and working closely with the Associate Director for Administration and Programs in the University Library, The Director of Security and Public Safety has managerial line responsibility for the Widener Library Security Departm ent and College Library-wide responsibility for leadership of the related programs. In addition the incumbent will act as an information resource and maintain a communication netw ork throughout the Harvard libraries. The Director is responsible for developing, evaluating and updating policies, programs, guidelines and procedures to provide a safe and secure environment within the Library including safeguarding collections against theft and vandalism, and ensuring staff and patron safety. The Director will work closely with units o f the College Library in a con­ sultative way, serving both as a catalyst for improved security programs and an informa­ tion resource. The Director will maintain an effective relationship with the University Library, the Faculty Librarians, the University Police and the University General Counsel’s Office to plan and im plem ent a comprehensive security and safety program. Qualifications: Applicants should have progressively responsible public safety, law enforcement o r comparable experience preferably within an academic environm ent including three to five years managerial responsibility. Applicants should dem onstrate proven management skill, effective communication and the ability to relate sensitively to members of the campus community. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable and experienced in a wide range of security issues including elec­ tronic security systems, theft deterrence, problem patrons, emergency preparedness, disaster recovery, and staff safety. Experience with development and presentation of training programs and with security matters unique to libraries preferred. The Harvard College Library consists of the central collections of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (7.3 mil. vol.) with a staff o f 416. Available: asap Compensation: Appointment salary depending on qualifications, mid 40’s. Major benefits include one m onth’s vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; dental insurance; life insurance; disability benefits; University-funded retirem ent income plan; tax-deferred annuity options; staff tuition assistance; child care scholarships. Interested candidates may send a letter o f interest, resume and the names of three references to: Hazel C. Stamps, Director o f Personnel Services, Harvard College Library, Widener 188, Cambridge, MA 02138. Harvard University upholds a commitment to Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. 754/C&RL News Contributes to the university in the areas of educational mission, scholarship and creative activities, and service. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or international equivalent; two years professional public services experience in an academic library with access services, interlibrary loan or circulation. Experience managing full-time staff and students. Knowledge of current technolo­ gies and services, including electronic requesting and delivery tech­ nologies, com mercial document delivery services, electronic re­ serves, and copyright compliance. Familiarity with electronic and print bibliographic sources. Ability to organize work effectively. Demon­ strated evidence of problem -solving skills. Flexibility and ability to w ork harm oniously with colleagues. M ust have a com mitm ent to team-based management, effective oral and written communication skills, the ability to work in a dem anding and rapidly changing environment, and a public service orientation. Evidence of innovation in providing library service and an understanding of the variety of access needs of all academic library users. Preferred qualifications: Management experience, experience in both interlibrary loan and circulation, experience providing reference service, experience with NOTIS, systems training or experience. Desired starting date of March 1 ‚ 1995, is open to negotiation. Campus and environs: The University of Vermont (UVM) enrolls approximately 9,600 undergraduate, gradu­ ate, and medical students. It is located in Burlington, a metropolitan area of 135,000 people situated on the shores of Lake Champlain between the Adirondack and Green Mountains. The area offers a wide range of cultural and recreational opportunities. Rank and salary: Library Assistant or Associate Professor, depending upon qualifica­ tions, non-tenure-track, 12-month appointment. Minimum salary: $28,000 for Library Assistant Professor, $34,500 for Library Associate Professor. Benefits: Excellent fringe benefits include TIAA/CREF (or alternative plans), 22 days of annual leave, and tuition remission for 15 credit hours per year. Application: Send letter of application, professional resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Birdie MacLennan, Search Committee Chair, Bailey/Howe Library, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405-0036. Review of applications will begin upon receipt and continue until an appointment is made. Applications received prior to December 21, 1994, will receive first consideration. The library encourages applications from women and people of diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. UVM is an EO/AA employer. ANTIQUARIAN AND SCHOLARLY BOOKSELLER CATALOGER. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., Union, New Jersey is seeking a qualified individual to produce annotated bookseller’s catalogs. Requirements: Excellent writing skills, ability to use reference works, and proficiency with Aldus Pagemaker. Minimum salary $25,000. Position now avail­ able. Send letter of application and current resume to: Gregory F. Talbot, The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 965 Jefferson Ave., Union, NJ 07083. ASSISTANT HEAD, SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRA­ PHY LIBRARY. University of California, San Diego. Rank: Assistant Librarian l-Associate Librarian IV, $28,668-$41,160. Shares respon­ sibility with the head of the library for the provision of information services to SIO faculty, staff, and graduate students and the develop­ ment of new or expanded electronic library services. Supervises technical services (5.5 FTE staff and student assistants) and circula­ tion services (1.8 FTE staff and student assistants). Provides out­ reach and reference services. Instructs users in online, CD-ROM, and Internet information resources and develops instructional material with an emphasis on electronic delivery to faculty and graduate students. Takes active role in collection assessment projects. UCSD librarians are expected to participate in librarywide planning and to be active professionally. Qualifications: Required: MLS, strong micro­ computer skills, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work well with faculty, evidence of strong organizational and leadership skills with potential for assuming a supervisory position, knowledge of issues and trends related to automated library services and their implications for public and technical services. Preferred: Science degree, relevant academic library experience, supervisory experience. Appointment at the higher rank requires substantial rel Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $23,846 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 •Ratherthan establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state evant association for minimum salary information. ♦Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. December 1994/ 755 experience and superior qualifications. UCSD is an equal oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer, and specifically seeks candidates who can make contributions in an environment of cultural and ethnic diversity. Consideration of applications will begin on February 1 ‚ 1995, and continue until the position is filled. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references to: Janet Tait, Academic Personnel Coordinator, Library Personnel Office, 0175H-5, Univer­ sity of California, San Diego. 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093. BIBLIOGRAPHER. Two positions. Reporting to Coordinator of Col­ lection Development, responsible for selecting approval plan, firm order, serials, and gift materials in social science or humanities disciplines; monitoring materials budget in areas of responsibility and making allocation recommendations; performing collection analy­ ses and recommending new course proposals, accreditation reports, and other requests for collection development information. Liaison to academic departments. BGSU Libraries and Learning Resources holds 1.8 million volumes at a Ph.D.-granting university of 17,000 undergraduate and 2,500 graduate students. BGSU LLR leads in campus efforts to promote a culturally diverse environment through programs, exhibits, and the appointment of a multicultural services librarian. BGSU Libraries is part of an emerging, statewide, online catalog and materials-sharing network, OhioLINK. BGSU is a short commute to/from Toledo. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; excellent oral and written communication skills; demonstrated knowledge and skills in using electronic resources and bibliographic utilities; famil­ iarity with social science or humanities bibliography and review literature; subject background for or knowledge of social science or humanities collection development. Preferred: Business/economics background and/or background in foreign languages (reading knowl­ edge of German, Russian, French, or Spanish), literature, and the arts. Salary competitive. Assistant Professor. 12-month tenure-track appointment. Full faculty privileges including participation in library and university governance. Research and publication required for tenure. BGSU actively encourages minorities, women, handicapped, and veterans to apply, and is an AA/EOE. Review of applications begins February 15, 1995, and will continue until position is filled. Send application letter, resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Bibliographer Screening Committee, Jerome Library, Dean’s Office 204, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. BUSINESS LIBRARIAN. University Library, California State Univer­ sity, Long Beach. Tenure-track position available July 1 ‚ 1995. The Business Librarian will provide course instruction and develop instructional materials, will develop the library’s collections and services for assigned business disciplines, will work in a cooperative centralized reference environment which requires evening and weekend hours, will be active in library and university committees, and will participate in professional activities and research, including publica­ tion. Librarians have full faculty status and are represented by the California Faculty Association. Agraduate degree from an ALA-accred­ ited institution or equivalent professional library degree is required. Appointment and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience ($37,560-$65,868). Review of candidates will begin De­ cember 15,1994. CSULB recruiters will be available to provide information 756/C&RL News at ALA Midwinter. For further information, contact the University Library, California State University, Long Beach, (310) 985-7839. COORDINATOR, ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES. Scott Memorial Library of Thomas Jefferson University seeks applicants for the position of Coordinator, Electronic Information Services. Under the direction of the Associate Director for Public Services, the successful candidate will plan and coordinate the delivery of a wide variety of electronic information services by combining traditional skills with those required to make the transition to the electronic library of the future. The coordinator will manage dissemination of electronic bibliographic services from the campuswide information system (JEFFLINE), the library Optinet LAN, and database vendors. Coordi­ nator serves as chair of a working group charged with making content decisions on electronic resources delivered via JEFFLINE. In addi­ tion, the successful candidate will provide a dynamic combination of services, including searching, reference, and consulting. This is an excellent opportunity to work with a team of information and systems specialists committed to migrating to a multimedia, client-server Unix environment within the next year. Position requirements are: An ALA- accredited MLS; two to three years of professional experience, prefer­ ably in a health care setting; strong skills in searching and reference, as well as a working knowledge of the Internet. Desired qualifications: Experience with the Internet and client-server technology; experience with bibliographic management software. Minimum salary: $31,000. Thomas Jefferson University is an academic health center consisting of a medical college, college of allied health sciences, college of graduate studies, and hospital. Scott Memorial Library is a department of the Academic Information Sen/ices and Research (AISR), division which also includes Medical Media Services and the Office of Academic Computing. AISR has a staff of 64 FTE and an annual operating budget of $4 million. The university offers an excellent benefits package including tuition reimbursement. Qualified applicants should send resume and the names of three references to: Deborah Dole, Business Manager, Scott Memorial Library, Thomas Jefferson Univer­ sity, 1020 Walnut St. ‚ Philadelphia, PA 19107-5587. We are committed to a smoke-free environment. Equal opportunity employer. CURATOR OF PRINTED BOOK COLLECTIONS, University of Penn­ sylvania Libraries. Position summary: Reporting to the Director of December 1994/757 Special Collections, the Curator of Printed Book Collections has general responsibility for the administration, management, and con­ servation of the printed book collections in the Department of Special Collections. The Curator oversees and coordinates technical services procedures and activities; the maintenance of catalogs, files, and records; and the conservation and deployment of the collections. Collection security and bibliographic control are central to the posi­ tion. Qualifications: MLS or the equivalent in theory and practice required. Graduated degree in the humanities required, doctorate preferred. Reading knowledge of one modern European and one classical language required. Experience with early printed books necessary. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Demon­ strated ability to work well with a diverse population. Salary and classification: Appointment as Librarian II requires minimum of two to three years experience; salary $28,800-$37,600. Apppointment as Librarian ill requires four to five years of professional experience salary $31,900-$40,600. Send cover letter, resume, and names and numbers of three references to: Rubin I. Fisher, Library Personnel Administrator, Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, 3420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206. Applications received by December 31,1994, will receive first consideration. The University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES, Berea College. Responsible for administration of college library and supervision of campuswide computing facilities and services. Plan­ ning for continuous improvement and efficient use of information technology, and advancing the key role of the library in undergraduate instruction, are among major responsibilities. Other duties include staff selection, review, and development; policy formulation; budgeting and financial control; program development; and extensive interaction with other campus departments and off-campus agencies. Provides leadership for an able staff (currently 14 professionals and 8 parapro­ fessional and support persons). Holds senior faculty rank, serves on institutional curriculum committee, and reports to the Academic Vice- President. Fundamental qualifications include master’s degree in library or computer science (both preferred), thorough understanding of both academic libraries and computer services, and at least five years of significant administrative experience. Professional vision, current knowledge of electronic technologies, and effective interpersonal and communication skills, strong orientation toward service, and a collegial management style required. Commitment to the special purposes of the college is essential. Salary competitive, but not less than $55,000. In keeping with the college’s nonsectarian Christian tradition and its emphasis on the worth and dignity of all persons, Berea encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names and phone numbers of 758/C&RL News three references by January 1,1995, to: DIRS Search Committee, c/o Judy Kallam, Hutchins Library, Berea College, Berea, KY 40404. Position is currently open; beginning date negotiable. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICES. Position: Mankato State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Library Services and Information Technol­ ogy. Responsibilities: The Director is responsible for the develop­ ment, implementation, and direction of all aspects of library services in order to meet scholarly and intellectual needs of the university community and its service area. The Director serves as the chief personnel, budget, and development officer and represents the library and the university to its various constituencies. The Director also seeks ways to enhance the library’s mission as a center for accessing appropriate electronic information resources. Qualifica­ tions: Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution, an earned doctorate, and a minimum of five years of experience in academic library administration at a comprehensive university. The successful candidate must have practical knowledge and experience in electronic library technology and emerging com­ puter innovations in library sciences; knowledge of personnel man­ agement policies, practices, and principles, and knowledge of budget building and administration; knowledge of literature in higher educa­ tion, leadership, and administration. Strong writing, speaking, and listening skills; strong problem-solving skills; strong mediation and interpersonal skills; and a proven ability to utilize current innovations in information technology are also required. Preference will be given to candidates who possess a record of scholarly achievement, and active participation in professional organizations. Applications will be reviewed beginning January 12, 1995. Position available on or after July 1, 1995. Salary is commensurate with qualifications; excellent benefits package. Application procedures: Interested can­ didates should send a letter indicating their interest, a curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three references to: Director of Library Services and Information Technology Search, Attention: Gaber Abou Elenein, MSU #14, P.O. Box 8400, Mankato State University, Mankato, MN 56002-8400. An affirmative action, equal opportunity university. December 1994/ 759 DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. The University of North Texas Libraries seeks an Assistant Government Documents Librarian. The Govern­ ment Documents Department includes U.S. and Texas State docu­ ments as well as the libraries’ legal and map collection. This position is responsible for Texas documents, coordination of department's online technical sen/ices activities, reference, bibliographic instruc­ tion, faculty liaison activities, staff training and supervision, manage­ ment of department in absence of the Documents Librarian, and the promotion of the collection within the community. Requirements Include an advanced degree from an ALA-accredited program; at least two years professional experience in government documents; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, and MARC formats; experience with OCLC, microcomputer applications, CD-ROMs,and the Internet. Strong interpersonal and communication skills required. Appointment at the rank of Librarian II, with a minimum annual salary of $24,600. Standard benefits and no state income tax. UNT is a state-assisted, comprehen­ sive doctorate granting institution located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, has a student population of over 26,000, and has library collections of over 1.6 million volumes. This position is available January 1995 and the application deadline is December 31, 1994. Applicants should send a letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references to: Melody Kelly, Documents Librarian, University of North Texas Libraries, Box 5188, Denton, TX 76203-0188. UNT is an AA/EO employer and encourages applications from women and minorities and provides reasonable accommodation to the unknown disabilities of applicants and employees. ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN (Librarian 3 )-# 5 3 3 .12-month tenure-track position. Responsibilities include maintenance of hard­ ware and software for online search systems and CD-ROMs in cooperation with the college computer center; supervision of the Electronic Learning Facility (training, supplies, staffing, reference); preparation of instructional guides and documentation for search systems and CD-ROMs; training of students, faculty, staff, and librarians in use of electronic information including Internet, CD- ROMs, OCLC, DIALOG, and other databases; participation in general reference service and user education program. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Experience with electronic reference information, CD-ROMS, Internet, DIALOG, and NEXIS. Prefer recent graduate with vendor training, experience in a LAN environment and technical processing desirable. Some evenings and weekend hours. Start: January, 1995. Salary: $33,737 -$38,799. Ramapo College of New Jersey, a four-year, barrier-free, undergraduate institution approxi­ mately 25 miles from New York City, is committed to “global education” for students and faculty. Ramapo College is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from minorities, women, persons with disabili­ ties, and veterans are especially welcome. On-site preschool child care is available. Since its beginnings, Ramapo College has had a multicultural and international mission. Please tell us how your background, interest, and experience can contribute to this mission, as well as to the specific position for which you are applying. We will start to review resumes as soon as possible. Give position number on envelope and letter. Send two resumes and names of three references to: Pauline M. Rothstein, Director, Library, Ramapo College of New 760/C&RL News Jersey, Dept. 35,505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ 07430. “The College of Choice for a Global Education." EEO/affirmative action. ETHNIC/MULTICULTURAL STUDIES LIBRARIAN. California State University, Long Beach. Provides a full range of professional services to students and instructional faculty in a highly automated general reference environment: instruction, collection development, refer­ ence and consultation. Appointment will be made at the Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian rank ($37,560-$65,868). A detailed position description and application materials are available from the University Library and Learning Resources Administrative Office, California State University, Long Beach, (310) 985-7839. An equal opportunity, affirmative action, title IX employer. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LIBRARIAN. The University of New Mexico General Library is seeking applicants for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level. Requirements: Master’s degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited program. At least one year relevant post-MLS experience with govern­ ment publications and information. Reference experience in an academic or large research library. Experience with electronic infor­ mation sources such as the Internet, CD-ROMs, and online vendor sen/ices. Strong commitment to public service. Demonstrated ability to work effectively, independently, and cooperatively with a culturally diverse academic community and public clientele. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred qualifications: Experience working with GPO/MARCIVE MARC records. Familiarity with biblio­ graphic utilities, OPACs, word processing, spreadsheets, and data­ base management software. Library instruction experience. Collec­ tion development experience. Cataloging experience using AACR2. Interest in working with international documents. Interest in grant writing. Supervisory experience. Second language ability. Second master’s degree in a subject field. Responsibilities: Provides reference and information services in person and by telephone to the public. Reference service includes evening and weekend hours. Coordinates the department's library instruction program. Develops guides. Assists in outreach activities. Works effectively in a team environment. Participates in the development of department policy and procedures. Other duties as assigned in the areas of collection development, cataloging and other technical processing activities, and/or supervision. As a tenure-track faculty member (regular, 12- month, full-time), the incumbent will comply with the policies of the UNM Faculty Handbook, including research, publication, and service to the profession and community. Salary: Negotiable from $30,000, based on qualifications. Reports to the Director of Government Information. Application: Submit a resume (including addresses and telephone numbers for at least three references) and a letter describ­ ing the strengths you would bring to this position to: Rita Critchfield, Personnel Office, University of New Mexico General Library, Albu­ querque, NM 87131-1466. A full position description will be provided on request. Deadline: Complete applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., MST, January 6,1995. The University of New Mexico is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/MICROTEXT CENTER AND POLITICAL SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER. University of Rochester Library. Manages center operations: plans, implements, and evaluates center’s services and materials processing; supervises one librarian and 2.5 library assistants; develops and coordinates reference services for U.S. and New York State depository documents, newspapers, and microform collections; provides leadership for government information access; implements plans for automating documents processing. Builds strong client-centered relationship with political science faculty and students, including electronic data resources assistance. Evaluates and builds political science and documents collections. Works closely with heads of other special libraries. Serves on librarywide Electronic December 1994/ 761 Resources Team. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; undergradu­ ate/graduate work in social science, preferably political science. Two years academic public service experience, including experience with documents and supervision; in-depth knowledge of CD-ROM products, online services, internet access, and new technology instruction. Dem­ onstrated analytical, organizational, planning, and leadership skills. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. University of Rochester is a private institution with membership in OCLC, RLG, ARL, CRL; 62 percent federal and full New York State depository collections. Political Science Department ranked among country’s top 15. Salary dependent upon experience and qualifications— minimum $30,000 plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and three references’ names and addresses to: Search Committee/Documents Librarian, Director’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Phone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 273-1032. Applications review begins November 23, 1994. EOE/MF. HEAD OF CIRCULATION AND COORDINATOR OF USER SER­ VICES. Position and responsibilities: Reports to the Director of Library Services. Job responsibilities are divided into three major compo­ nents: Management of the Circulation area of Reed Library (circula­ tion, stack maintenance, reserves), coordinating and facilitating communication among the activities of other user services areas (reference, library instruction, interlibrary loan, music), and coordinat­ ing collection development activities. Some service at the information desk is required. There are five full-time librarians, and five full-time classified professionals (support staff) plus student assistants within the user services areas. Qualifications required: Master's degree in 762/C&RL News library and information studies from an ALA-accredited program and a second master’s degree (or equivalent); significant experience in an academic library, with at five years of supervision with increasing responsibility; commitment to a collegial management style, with the ability to communicate and relate effectively with others, using excellent oral and written communications skills; demonstrated ana­ lytical and planning skills; thorough knowledge of user services functions and issues in an academic library. The ideal candidate will have a vision of the future which includes the virtual library, and the skills to help bring it about. The college and the library: Located in beautiful Chautauqua County, the location of the original Chautauqua Institution, and near Lake Erie, the State University of New York College at Fredonia is currently listed among the top 20 percent of “America’s Best Colleges” in U.S. News and World Report. The Daniel A. Reed Library, designed by I. M. Pei, has recently completed a $7 million building addition and renovation project. The library is man­ aged using a collegial administrative style. Benefits: Tenure-track appointment will be made at a rank of Associate Librarian (minimum salary: $34,918) for calendar year appointment. Excellent fringe benefits including academic status and health and retirement plans. By December 1 ‚ 1994, send letter of application and curriculum vitae with the names of three current references to: Search Committee C, Reed Library, SUNY C ollege at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 14063. References will be kept confidential and will not be contacted until initial screening is complete. For questions or further information call (716) 673-3199. The College at Fredonia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply for this important position. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Skidmore College, a strong liberal arts college located in Saratoga Springs, New York, seeks a Head of Technical Services. This is a non-tenure-track, 10-month faculty position at one of the professorial ranks. All faculty are expected to show evidence of professional accomplishment and service to receive continuing appointment. The position reports to the College Librarian. Position responsibilities include administration of Acquisitions and Cataloging (7 FTE); planning for computer applica­ tions necessary to administer technical service functions; and library preservation policies and activities. The Head of Technical Services also is responsible for assisting with long-range planning and policy development as part of the library’s senior management staff. Skidmore College is in the process of a major expansion to and renovation of its library (scheduled to be completed July 1995), which will result in state-of-the-art facilities. The successful candidate can expect to work in a progressive environment in a college committed to the library’s central role in liberal arts education. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS and at least five years progressively responsible experience in cataloging and/or acquisitions in an academic library. In-depth knowledge of automated acquisitions and/or cataloging procedures and systems. Excellent communication and organizational skills. Preferred: Additional graduate work in library science or other subject area, experience with Dynix system, supervisory and budget man­ agement experience. Knowledge of U.S. and foreign book trade, understanding of emerging technology in acquisitions such as elec­ tronic data interchange, and experience with acquisitions budgeting will be sought in candidates with acquisitions background. Experi­ ence with music cataloging or government documents conversion projects will be sought in candidates with cataloging background. Position to begin July 1, 1995. Consideration of applications will begin January 1995 and continue until position is filled. Please send a current vita and the names of three references to: Peggy Seiden, College Librarian, Scribner Library, S kid m o re C ollege, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. People with diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. December 1994 / 763 S P ta RIN nford U CIP nivers A ity L Libr G arie O s VERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN Librarian $3,449—$4,530/month or Senior Librarian $4,024-$5/222/month tanford University is seeking a librarian to provide intellectual and programmatic leadership in the area of govem ment information, with special emphasis on emerging models of govemment information publication and dissemination in electronic formats. Key responsibilities include collection development for international documents; acquisition and delivery of numeric machine-readable data sets from government agencies and coordi­ nation of computing support needed to utilize govemment data in machine-readable for­ mats; reference and instruction; and liaison with technical services departments within the Stanford University Libraries. The Principal Documents Librarian will serve as temporary administrative head of the Jonsson Library of Govemment Documents until that unit becomes part of the new Social Sciences Resource Center in 1 9 9 8 . Qualifications: M .L.S. or equivalent in training and experience; advanced degree in the social sciences highly desirable; substantial knowledge of and experience with government documents in an academic library setting; knowledge of intergovernmental organization resources highly desirable; substantial knowledge of electronic information resources and demonstrated experience with a variety of govemment data in machine-readable formats; 3 - 5 years of increasingly responsible professional supervisory experience; demonstrated pfenning and management skills; experience with or understanding of technical processes necessary to acquire and make available government documents; working knowledge of at least one Western European foreign language highly desirable; demonstrated capacity to work effectively and collegially with library staff, as well as faculty and students; and evidence of ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Barbara Celone, Head of Social Sciences Resource Group, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 9 4 3 0 5 - 3 0 9 6 . Stanford University has an institutional commitment to the principal of diversity. In that spirit, we welcome applications from all individuals. LIBRARY ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE DE­ PARTMENT. Clement C. Maxwell Library. Instruct faculty, students, and staff of the college in the use of electronic and traditional resources; give bibliography instruction to students; responsible for collection development for the reference; serve as liaison librarian to assigned academic department. MLS from ALA-accredited library pro­ gram; knowledge of electronic and network-based information re­ sources and technologies; strong interpersonal skills to work with faculty, students, and colleagues in a team approach; good oral and written communication skills. Salary: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Deadline for complete application file: Open and continuing; review of complete application files will begin December 19, 1994. (Letter of intent, resume, and the names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three professional references should be submitted for a complete file.) Address all inquiries to: Office of Human F Boyden Hall, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA 02325. Bridgewater State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer which actively seeks to increase the diversity of its workforce. LIBRARIAN I, BIBLIOGRAPHER. The University of Maryland Col­ lege Park Libraries invites applications for the position: Librarian I, Bibliographer, Collection Management & Special Collections Divi­ sion. Responsibilities: To Provide direct support for campus curricula, teaching and research in developing library collections in: History, Philosophy, Religion, and the History and Philosophy of Science. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; formulation and application of collection policies; monitoring of expen- 764/C&RL News December 1994 / 765 ditures; developing and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade, and with other library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Master’s degree in Library Science. Graduate degree in History required. Working knowledge of one of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Experience: Required: Minimum three years experience in collection development. Preferred: Collection development experience in an ARL Library, including collection analysis, collection development policy formulation and application; work experience in dealing with the book trade; demonstrated ability to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions, ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, particularly campus faculty, and ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Salary: Salary commensurate with experience. Excel­ lent benefits. For full consideration submit resume and names and addresses of three references by December 23,1994. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Person­ nel Librarian, Library Personnel Services, McKeldin Library, Univer­ sity of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Mi­ norities are encouraged to apply. 766/C&RL News REFERENCE/TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Seattle Pa cific University. Responsibilities: General reference service, with evening and weekend rotation required; working with electronic and traditional reference resources; technical services and general cata loging processes, including original cataloging of print and nonprin materials; revision of OCLC input; assisting with special projects. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of and experienc with using traditional and electronic academic reference resources, online services, Internet, MARC formats, AACR2, LCSH, automated cataloging systems (preferably DRA); excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Professional position and salary ($23,500 $26,000) depend upon experience and qualifications. Seattle Pacifi University is an evangelical Christian university in the Wesleyan tradition, serving more than 3,500 undergraduate and graduate students in the liberal arts and professional studies. Women and minority persons are encouraged to apply. Send resume and lette listing three or more references to: Gary R. Fick, University Librarian, SPU Library, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA 98119. Phone: (206) 281-2414. Closing date: January 3, 1995. RESEARCH LIBRARY RESIDENCY PROGRAM, University of Michi gan (three positions are available). The program provides recen library school graduates with advanced training and practical expe rience in an academic research library. We seek highly motivated persons in the final year of library school or those who graduated afte August 1993. The residency must be the candidate’s first full-time, professional position. Candidates must be available for a two-yea appointment beginning August 1995. Program components consis of a work assignment, a formal series of seminars with senior staff an leaders in the library field, and a peer support group. Annual salary is $28,000. Deadline for applications is February 15, 1995. Fo application information, contact: Program Coordinator, Research ­ ­ t e - c r ­ t ­ r r t d r Library Residency Program, 818 Hatcher South, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205; (313) 764-9356. The Univer­ sity of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Raymond H. Fogler Library. The University of Maine is seeking an innovative and talented librarian to join its Science and Engineering Center staff. Located within the Raymond H. Fogler Library, the center has a staff of three professionals, one clerk, and student assistants. Duties include collection development, reference and geographic information ser­ vices, computer literature searching, user education, and faculty outreach. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated knowledge of collection development, reference service, computer literature searching, and user education through professional experience; excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred: Degree in an engineering discipline; experience with patent and trademark searching; Internet experience; experience in a full-service, aca­ demic science library. Benefits: Twelve-month contract (July 1-June 30), continuing-appointment-track, 20 working days annual leave, TIAA/CREF, life and health insurance. Salary range: $26,000-$28,000, commensurate with experience. To ap p ly: Send co ve r le tte r a d d re ssin g p o sitio n re q u ire m e n ts, resum e, and nam es of th re e re fe re n ce s to: Jam es E. B ird , C h air, S earch C o m m it­ tee, 5729 F og ler L ib ra ry, U n iv e rs ity of M aine, O ron o, ME 044 69-5729. A p p lic a tio n s w ill be acce p te d u ntil a s u ita b le c a n d id a te is found. U n iv e rs ity of M aine, th e land grant univer­ sity and sea grant college for the state of Maine, is the flagship campus for the UM system and offers a full range of programs in engineering, life sciences and agriculture, and physical sciences. Fogler has a staff of 21 professionals, an integrated library automa­ tion system, and an annual acquisitions budget of approximately $2.2 million. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. December 1994/ 767 768 / C&RL News December 1994/ 769 770/ C&RL News Late Job Listings HEAD OF LIBRARY SYSTEMS. Loyola University Chicago seeks a dedicated, imaginative professional for the position of Head of Library Systems. Loyola is an urban university consisting of six libraries, including Law and medical libraries. Library Systems supports a number of applications, including the NOTIS Library Management System/Multiple Database Access System, a Meridian CD-ROM network, Novell local area networks, and McGill’s NET3270. Patrons may access the Internet through library workstations which support Mosaic and Gopher. Responsibilities of the Head of Library Systems fall into four main categories: project planning; installation and implementation; management of daily operations; and staff training. Library Systems works closely and cooperatively with all library and some university departments, especially Information Technologies. Serves as LIB1 contact with NOTIS Systems Inc. Supervises one full-time network administrator and three student assistants. Coordi­ nates team of departmental systems support staff. Required: Four years experience with automated systems. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills essential; demonstrated organizational and project planning skills necessary. Preferred: An ALA-accredited MLS. Experience with NOTIS in an academic library setting. Knowl­ edge of Novell software and CD-ROM networks. Creative and flexible individual who can achieve results with limited resources while maintaining a sense of humor. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Base salary from $45,000. Benefits include 20 days vacation, individual and family tuition benefits, university contribu­ tions to TIAA/CREF, selection of other retirement plan options, dental insurance, and choice of medical plans. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Edward A. Warro, Associate University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Application screening will begin January 31,1995, December 1994 / 771 and continue until position is filled. Loyola University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. REFERENCE/INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN (Head of Reference). Weber State University Library is seeking an experienced, dynamic individual to serve as Reference/Information Services Librarian (Head of Reference) at an innovative, client-focused academic library. The position provides leadership and direction for reference and information services programs, which include reference, government publications, and online searching services. Oversees the development and manage­ ment of the general reference and government publications collections, provides reference desk services, library tours, and other informal learning opportunities. Coordinates the selection and development of general network-based resources. Supervises one professional staff position and evaluates the reference service of library faculty and staff. As a member of the Library Council, the R&IS Librarian works closely with the University Librarian and other council members to plan, implement, and coordinate library programs and policies. The position reports to the University Librarian. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program and evidence of increasingly responsible experience in coordinating references service at a comparable academic library. The successful candidate needs to work effectively as a member of a team in a collegial, changing environment and possess expert knowledge of print and electronic reference sources and government publications. Seeking candidates who are innovative, flexible, experienced in providing leadership in the application of new technologies enhancing user serves; demonstrate a commitment to providing quality public service and ongoing staff training; have excellent communication, time manage­ ment, organizational, and personnel management skills; and have a strong record of active professional involvement in state, regional, or national organizations. Salary: 772/C&RL News This is a nine-month, tenure-track, faculty appointment. Rank and salary are based on relevant experience and education background. Minimum salary: $33,500, and includes an excellent benefits package with retirement benefits paid by the university. Application: Send current resume containing the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references and a letter of application addressing the strengths you would bring to the position to: Joan Hubbard, University Librarian, c/o Human Resource Department, Weber State University, Ogden, UT 84408-1016. Screening begins January 15,1995. Weber State University opposes unlawful discrimination and supports affirmative action. The university has a strong commitment to the principles of diversity. In that spirit, we are interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people. December 1994 / 773 LIBRARIAN II, HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN, PRO 80. Reporting to the Science Reference Coordinator, is responsible for collection development in the health sciences, with a budget exceeding $500,000. Other duties include provision of science reference, instruction, database searching primarily in the health sciences. Works with other health science librarians in meeting the information needs of students and faculty in three health science colleges: Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Nursing. Required: Membership in AHIP, ALA-accredited MLS, minimum three years profes­ sional experience in a health-related library environment, strong collection develop­ ment experience, excellent communications skills. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Applica­ tions to: Library Human Resources, E 108 Libraries, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1048, by January 15,1994, for priority consideration. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. New York University Libraries. Plan, develop, coordinate, and evaluate library’s educational programs and user needs, including orientation, bibliographic instruction, and user publication series. Develop electronic and multimedia materials for library instruction. Serve in reference. Requires three years public service experience in an academic library; knowledge of bibliographic instruction and training techniques; experience with electronic information 774/C&RL News retrieval, Internet, and other networked resources; strong service orientation; excellent analytic, organization, and oral and written communication skills; familiar­ ity with surveys, evaluation techniques, statistical methods, and experience with instructional technology, multimedia software, production techniques and desktop publishing. Minimum salary: $34,000. Positions requires ALA accredited MLS, subject Master’s required for tenure, and offer faculty status, attractive benefits package including five weeks annual vacation. Salary commensurate with experience and background. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by December 31, 1994, to: Alice Deich, Director, Library Personnel, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, N Y 10012. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES. Subject specialist for the physical sciences. Duties include reference assistance with both print and electronic media, bibliographic instruction, management and selection of research materials, and liaison with faculty and students. Develop collection in chemistry, physics, astronomy, and undergraduate mathematics and computer science. Requires two years relevant public service experience; graduate work in the physical sciences; experience with electronic information retrieval, Internet, and other networked resources; excellent oral and written communication skills; strong service orientation. Knowledge of literature and trends in scientific publishing; familiarity with biblio­ graphic instruction recommended. Minimum salary: $31,000. Positions requires ALA accredited MLS, subject Master’s required for tenure, and offer faculty status, attractive benefits package including five weeks annual vacation. Salary commensu­ rate with experience and background. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by December 31, 1994, to: Alice Deich, Director, Library Personnel, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, N Y 10012. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. COMPUTER SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Carnegie Mellon University. The Carnegie Mellon University Engineering & Science (E&S) Library contains one of the leading computer science/robotics collections in the country. E&S serves the Carnegie Insti­ tute of Technology, the Mellon College of Science, the School of Computer Science, and several scientific research centers. Carnegie Mellon is also the site of the Defense Department’s Software Engineering Institute and an NSF Supercomputing Center. The successful candidate will work in a highly automated environment and provide input into the application of new information technologies for science library services. The Computer Science Librarian reports to the Head, E&S Library, and is responsible for: general and specialized reference services utilizing print and electronic resources; faculty liaison and collection development in the areas of Computer Science, Robotics, and Electrical and Computer Engineering; supervision of the Computer Science Specialist, students, and support activities; database coordinator duties; and library instruction. All librarians are expected to demonstrate continued professional devel­ opment and to serve on University Libraries committees. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; effective reference and instructional skills; knowledge of collection development techniques; experience with online database searching; effec­ tive interpersonal, verbal, and written skills; and team orientation. Preferred: Degree or significant course work in computer science; two or more years of reference experience working with scientific and engineering information; and supervisory experience. Salary: $24,000 minimum, commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, Head, Administrative Services, 4825 Frew Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. Application review will begin February 1, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. Carnegie Mellon is an AA/ EOE and encourages applications from women and men of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. % or• ry> ? w You d o n ’t have to. N o lo nger w ill y o u r staff have to process, catalog, o r prepare b ooks for th e sh elf u n d e r tig h t bu d g et c o n stra in ts an d sh rin k in g resources. J u s t o n e call to Baker & Taylor a n d w e’ll do it all. O ur librarians are ex p e rien ce d w ith p roviding cataloging a n d processing to m e et y o u r exa ct req uirem ents an d w e can d o it for less th a n it costs to do it yourself. Today th e re’s a b u zzw ord for i t - “ou tso u rcin g .” But at Baker & Taylor it’s n o t n ew a n d it’s n o t a buzzw ord­ w e’ve bee n pro v id in g shelf-ready b o o k s for alm ost 3 0 years. In fact, o u r cu stom ers th in k of u s as c o lleag u e s-n o t ju s t a boo k supplier. So, w h y worry? Call Baker & Taylor. F o r m ore details ab o u t o u r selection, ac q u isitio n an d te ch n ica l services, please call Info rm atio n Services at 1-800-775-1800. Structure Bookmarks 752/ C&RL News Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices a ■ Assistant Director of Libraries ■ Collections and Document DeliveryThis position provides opportunity to assess Library collections and user resource needs for teaching, learning and research in an urban, commuter university. Duties include initiating and coordinating the implementation of collec­tion policies, evaluation of collections in all for­mats to meet curricular and research needs; collaboration with bibliographers; assisting the Director in planning the use of new technologies to enhance documen automated library systems, particularly circulation and related func­tions; experience in management of large library collections and lending operations; current awareness of library trends, management issues, and technologies related to materials access and user services; familianty with current library practices in building security and in the handling and safekeeping of materials; experience in departmental budget preparation and resource management; famil­iarity with large university records and account December 1994/ 753 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY AND PUBLIC SAFETYWith the objective of developing a comprehensive security program to safeguard the collections, buildings, staff and patrons, the Harvard College Library is creating a key new management position, Director of Security and Public Safety. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Administrative Services and working closely with the Associate Director for Administration and Programs in the University Library, The Director of Security and Public Safety has managerial line re 754/C&RL News Contributes to the university in the areas of educational mission, scholarship and creative activities, and service. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or international equivalent; two years professional public services experience in an academic library with access services, interlibrary loan or circulation. Experience managing full-time staff and students. Knowledge of current technolo­gies and services, including electronic requesting and delivery tech­nologies, commercial document delivery serv ANTIQUARIAN AND SCHOLARLY BOOKSELLER CATALOGER.The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., Union, New Jersey is seeking a qualifiedindividual to produce annotated bookseller’s catalogs. Requirements: Excellent writing skills, ability to use reference works, and proficiencywith Aldus Pagemaker. Minimum salary $25,000. Position now avail­able. Send letter of application and current resume to: Gregory F. Talbot,The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 965 Jefferson Ave., Union, NJ 07083.ASSISTANT HEAD, SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRA­PHY sociation for minimum salary information.♦Salary minimums for public librarians only.#Option for local formula. December 1994/ 755 experience and superior qualifications. UCSD is an equal oppor­tunity, affirmative action employer, and specifically seeks candidates who can make contributions in an environment of cultural and ethnic diversity. Consideration of applications will begin on February 1 ‚ 1995, and continue until the position is filled. Submit a letter of application, enclosing a resume and a list of references to: Janet Tait, Academic Personnel Coordinator, Library Personnel Office, 0175H-5, Univer­sity of California, San Di humanities collection development. Preferred: Business/economics background and/or background in foreign languages (reading knowl­edge of German, Russian, French, or Spanish), literature, and the arts. Salary competitive. Assistant Professor. 12-month tenure-track appointment. Full faculty privileges including participation in library and university governance. Research and publication required for tenure. BGSU actively encourages minorities, women, handicapped, and veterans to apply, and is an AA/EOE. Revi 756/C&RL News at ALA Midwinter. For further information, contact the University Library, California State University, Long Beach, (310) 985-7839.COORDINATOR, ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES. Scott Memorial Library of Thomas Jefferson University seeks applicants for the position of Coordinator, Electronic Information Services. Under the direction of the Associate Director for Public Services, the successful candidate will plan and coordinate the delivery of a wide variety of electronic information services by combining t accredited MLS; two to three years of professional experience, prefer­ably in a health care setting; strong skills in searching and reference, as well as a working knowledge of the Internet. Desired qualifications: Experience with the Internet and client-server technology; experience with bibliographic management software. Minimum salary: $31,000. Thomas Jefferson University is an academic health center consisting of a medical college, college of allied health sciences, college of graduate studies, and hosp December 1994/757 Special Collections, the Curator of Printed Book Collections has general responsibility for the administration, management, and con­servation of the printed book collections in the Department of Special Collections. The Curator oversees and coordinates technical services procedures and activities; the maintenance of catalogs, files, and records; and the conservation and deployment of the collections. Collection security and bibliographic control are central to the posi­tion. Qualifications: MLS or the equiv technology, and advancing the key role of the library in undergraduate instruction, are among major responsibilities. Other duties include staff selection, review, and development; policy formulation; budgeting and financial control; program development; and extensive interaction with other campus departments and off-campus agencies. Provides leadership for an able staff (currently 14 professionals and 8 parapro­fessional and support persons). Holds senior faculty rank, serves on institutional curriculum co 758/C&RL News three references by January 1,1995, to: DIRS Search Committee, c/o Judy Kallam, Hutchins Library, Berea College, Berea, KY 40404. Position is currently open; beginning date negotiable.DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICES. Position: Mankato State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Library Services and Information Technol­ogy. Responsibilities: The Director is responsible for the develop­ment, implementation, and direction of all aspects of library services i and experience in electronic library technology and emerging com­puter innovations in library sciences; knowledge of personnel man­agement policies, practices, and principles, and knowledge of budget building and administration; knowledge of literature in higher educa­tion, leadership, and administration. Strong writing, speaking, and listening skills; strong problem-solving skills; strong mediation and interpersonal skills; and a proven ability to utilize current innovations in information technology are a December 1994/ 759 DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. The University of North Texas Libraries seeks an Assistant Government Documents Librarian. The Govern­ment Documents Department includes U.S. and Texas State docu­ments as well as the libraries’ legal and map collection. This position is responsible for Texas documents, coordination of department's online technical sen/ices activities, reference, bibliographic instruc­tion, faculty liaison activities, staff training and supervision, manage­ment of department in absence of the Documents ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN (Librarian 3)-#533.12-month tenure-track position. Responsibilities include maintenance of hard­ware and software for online search systems and CD-ROMs in cooperation with the college computer center; supervision of the Electronic Learning Facility (training, supplies, staffing, reference); preparation of instructional guides and documentation for search systems and CD-ROMs; training of students, faculty, staff, and librarians in use of electronic information including Internet 760/C&RL News Jersey, Dept. 35,505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ 07430. “The College of Choice for a Global Education." EEO/affirmative action.ETHNIC/MULTICULTURAL STUDIES LIBRARIAN. California State University, Long Beach. Provides a full range of professional services to students and instructional faculty in a highly automated general reference environment: instruction, collection development, refer­ence and consultation. Appointment will be made at the Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian rank ($37,560-$65,868). A and information services in person and by telephone to the public. Reference service includes evening and weekend hours. Coordinates the department's library instruction program. Develops guides. Assists in outreach activities. Works effectively in a team environment. Participates in the development of department policy and procedures. Other duties as assigned in the areas of collection development, cataloging and other technical processing activities, and/or supervision. As a tenure-track faculty member ( December 1994/ 761 Resources Team. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; undergradu­ate/graduate work in social science, preferably political science. Twoyears academic public service experience, including experience withdocuments and supervision; in-depth knowledge of CD-ROM products, online services, internet access, and new technology instruction. Dem­onstrated analytical, organizational, planning, and leadership skills.Strong communication and interpersonal skills. University of Rochesteris a private institution with membersh Rochester, NY 14627. Phone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 273-1032. Applications review begins November 23, 1994. EOE/MF.HEAD OF CIRCULATION AND COORDINATOR OF USER SER­VICES. Position and responsibilities: Reports to the Director of Library Services. Job responsibilities are divided into three major compo­nents: Management of the Circulation area of Reed Library (circula­tion, stack maintenance, reserves), coordinating and facilitating communication among the activities of other user services areas (reference 762/C&RL News library and information studies from an ALA-accredited program and a second master’s degree (or equivalent); significant experience in an academic library, with at five years of supervision with increasing responsibility; commitment to a collegial management style, with the ability to communicate and relate effectively with others, using excellent oral and written communications skills; demonstrated ana­lytical and planning skills; thorough knowledge of user services functions and issues in an academic libr faculty position at one of the professorial ranks. All faculty are expected to show evidence of professional accomplishment and service to receive continuing appointment. The position reports to the College Librarian. Position responsibilities include administration of Acquisitions and Cataloging (7 FTE); planning for computer applica­tions necessary to administer technical service functions; and library preservation policies and activities. The Head of Technical Services also is responsible for assisting w December 1994 / 763 SPtaRINnford UCIPniversAity L LibrGarieOsVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIANLibrarian $3,449—$4,530/month or Senior Librarian $4,024-$5/222/monthtanford University is seeking a librarian to provide intellectual and programmatic leadership in the area of govemment information, with special emphasis on emerging models of govemment information publication and dissemination in electronic formats.Key responsibilities include collection development for international documents; acquisition and delivery of numeric machine LIBRARY ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE DE­PARTMENT. Clement C. Maxwell Library. Instruct faculty, students, and staff of the college in the use of electronic and traditional resources; give bibliography instruction to students; responsible for collection development for the reference; serve as liaison librarian to assigned academic department. MLS from ALA-accredited library pro­gram; knowledge of electronic and network-based information re­sources and technologies; strong interpersonal skills to for a complete file.) Address all inquiries to: Office of Human F Boyden Hall, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA 02325. Bridgewater State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer which actively seeks to increase the diversity of its workforce.LIBRARIAN I, BIBLIOGRAPHER. The University of Maryland Col­lege Park Libraries invites applications for the position: Librarian I, Bibliographer, Collection Management & Special Collections Divi­sion. Responsibilities: To Provide direct sup 764/C&RL News December 1994 / 765 ditures; developing and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade, and with other library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Master’s degree in Library Science. Graduate degree in History required. Working knowledge of one of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Experience: Required: Minimum three years experience in collection development. Pre to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions, ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, particularly campus faculty, and ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Salary: Salary commensurate with experience. Excel­lent benefits. For full consideration submit resume and names and addresses of three references by December 23,1994. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Person­nel Librarian, Library Personne 766/C&RL News REFERENCE/TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Seattle Pacific University. Responsibilities: General reference service, withevening and weekend rotation required; working with electronic andtraditional reference resources; technical services and general cataloging processes, including original cataloging of print and nonprinmaterials; revision of OCLC input; assisting with special projects.Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of and experiencwith using traditional and electronic academic reference resourc Library Residency Program, 818 Hatcher South, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205; (313) 764-9356. The Univer­sity of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer.SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Raymond H. Fogler Library. The University of Maine is seeking an innovative and talented librarian to join its Science and Engineering Center staff. Located within the Raymond H. Fogler Library, the center has a staff of three professionals, one clerk, and student assistants. Duties i December 1994/ 767 768 / C&RL News December 1994/ 769 770/ C&RL News Late Job ListingsHEAD OF LIBRARY SYSTEMS. Loyola University Chicago seeks a dedicated, imaginative professional for the position of Head of Library Systems. Loyola is an urban university consisting of six libraries, including Law and medical libraries. Library Systems supports a number of applications, including the NOTIS Library Management System/Multiple Database Access System, a Meridian CD-ROM network, Novell local area networks, and McGill’s NET3270. Patrons may access the Internet through library work December 1994 / 771 and continue until position is filled. Loyola University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer.REFERENCE/INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN (Head of Reference). Weber State University Library is seeking an experienced, dynamic individual to serve as Reference/Information Services Librarian (Head of Reference) at an innovative, client-focused academic library. The position provides leadership and direction for reference and information services programs, which include reference, gover 772/C&RL News This is a nine-month, tenure-track, faculty appointment. Rank and salary are based on relevant experience and education background. Minimum salary: $33,500, and includes an excellent benefits package with retirement benefits paid by the university. Application: Send current resume containing the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references and a letter of application addressing the strengths you would bring to the position to: Joan Hubbard, University Librarian, c/o Human Resource Department, Web December 1994 / 773 LIBRARIAN II, HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN, PRO 80. Reporting to the Science Reference Coordinator, is responsible for collection development in the health sciences, with a budget exceeding $500,000. Other duties include provision of science reference, instruction, database searching primarily in the health sciences. Works with other health science librarians in meeting the information needs of students and faculty in three health science colleges: Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Nursing. Required: Membe 774/C&RL News retrieval, Internet, and other networked resources; strong service orientation; excellent analytic, organization, and oral and written communication skills; familiar­ity with surveys, evaluation techniques, statistical methods, and experience with instructional technology, multimedia software, production techniques and desktop publishing. Minimum salary: $34,000. Positions requires ALA accredited MLS, subject Master’s required for tenure, and offer faculty status, attractive benefits package including five %or•ry> ? w You don’t have to. No longer will your staff have to process, catalog, or prepare books for the shelf under tight budget constraints and shrinking resources. Just one call to Baker & Taylor and we’ll do it all. Our librarians are experienced with providing cataloging and processing to meet your exact requirements and we can do it for less than it costs to do it yourself. Today there’s a buzzword for it-“outsourcing.” But at Baker & Taylor it’s not new and it’s not a buzzword­we’ve been providing shelf-ready