ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1985 / 639 new re a d in g room s, a d d itio n a l open stacks, a traveling exhibit of Motley designs. Motley is the climate-controlled storage areas, a new security corporate name used by three British costume de­ system, and improved access for the handicapped. signers who have dominated the field of Shake­ • The Rochester Institute of Technology, New spearean costum e design in E ngland since the York, has received a pledge of $225,000 tow ard the 1920s. The firm has designed costumes for produc­ construction of a new library wing from the Frank tions at the Shakespeare M em orial T h eater at M. B arnard Foundation. The new wing of the Stratford-on-Avon, the Old Vic Theater in Lon­ Wallace Memorial Library will house the Bernard don, and the National Opera. The firm is named C. Middleton Book Collection, one of the finest col­ for the brightly patterned clothing worn by court lections on bookbinding, as well as R IT’s Melbert jesters in the works of Shakespeare. A national ad­ B. Cary Jr. Graphic Arts Collection. The enlarged visory committee is being convened to plan the ex­ space will allow the library to display materials hibit. and hold special binding and graphics exhibitions • The State University of New York at Buffalo on an expanded scale. Law Library has received a grant of $13,600 from • The University of Illinois, U rbana, has re­ the Western New York Library Resources Council ceived a planning grant of $26,878 from the Na­ for a serials project. The prim ary purpose of the tional Endow m ent for the Humanities. The grant project is to complete and make corrections in the supports an international planning conference for Union List of Serials database. ■ ■ PEOPLE Profiles J oan L. Chambers has been named director of li­ braries at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, effective October 1. Chambers was most recently university lib ra ria n at the University of C ali­ fornia, Riverside, where she has served since 1981. H er p rev io u s p o si­ tions have included as­ sistant university librar­ ian for public services at the University of C ali­ fo rn ia , San D iego (1979-1981), and gov­ ernm ent publications li­ brarian at the University Joan L. Chambersof N e v a d a , Reno (1 9 7 0 -1 9 7 8 ). In 1978-1979 Chambers was selected by the Council on Library Resources as an academic library m an­ agement intern at Duke University in D urham , North Carolina. Currently the chair of ACRL’s Professional Liai­ son Committee, Chambers is also on the University Libraries Section Nominating Committee for the 1986 elections, the L ibrary Adm inistration and Management Association’s Non-Library Manage­ ment Associations Task Force, and the Reference and Adult Services Division’s Interlibrary Loan C o m m ittee. In 1977-1978 she served as ALA C hapter Councilor. Cham bers holds a m aster’s degree in systems m anagement from the University of Southern Cali­ fornia (1985) and an MLS from the University of California, Berkeley (1970). She has an undergrad­ uate degree in English from th e University of Northern Colorado. Pearl Berger, acting dean of Yeshiva Univer­ sity Libraries since early 1985, has been appointed dean of libraries. Berger joined Yeshiva in 1980 as head of technical services, and later served as head librarian at the Pollack Undergraduate Library and head of the Main Center libraries. While there she directed the integration of four separate card catalogs at the Pollack Library, worked to reopen the university’s archives, and supervised the publi­ cation of a catalogue describing the Yeshiva Got- tesman Library’s collection of Hebrew incunabula. A graduate of Brooklyn College, Berger studied at Yeshiva University’s Bernard Revel G raduate School and received an MLS from Columbia Uni­ versity. She is currently president of the Research and Special Libraries Section of the Association of Jewish Libraries, associate editor of the journal Ju- 640 / C&R L News daica Librarianship, and serves on the Administra tive Services Committee of METRO, the New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Agency. W i l l i a m L . C o r y a has been appointed assistant director for technical services at Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, Indiana. Corya holds a bachelor’s degree in foreign language and educa tion from Purdue and an MLS from Indiana Uni versity. In 1965 he joined the Purdue staff as assis t a n t e n g in e e rin g l i b r a r i a n a n d c o n c u r r e n tly directed the Industrial and Technical Information Service which provides information to business and industry in Indiana. In 1972 he was promoted to head of the library’s Systems D epartm ent, then in 1976 was made head of the Catalog D epartm ent and interim coordina tor for technical services. Louis E. M a r t i n has been named director of the Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, Missouri, effec tive October 1. Martin was most recently univer sity librarian at Cornell University from 1979 to 1985, and served as li brarian of H arvard Col lege from 1972 to 1979. F ro m 1968 to 1972 M artin was associate ex ecutive director of the Association of Research L ibraries in W ashin g to n , D .C . His p ro fes sio n al c a re e r also i n cludes positions at the University of Rochester, Louis E. MartinO a k la n d U n iv e rsity , a n d th e U n iv e rsity of Detroit, as well as many consultancies. Martin received his bachelor’s degree in English in 1951 and a master’s degree in English in 1954, both from the University of Detroit. He also holds an MLS from the University of Michigan in 1960. L e s l i e R . M o r r is has been named director of li braries at Niagara University, Niagara Falls, effec tive October 15. Morris held the position of direc to r of th e l i b r a r y a t Xavier University, New O rleans, from 1976 to 1985. Morris holds a bache lo r ’s degree from G e neva College, a master’s degree from Duquesne University, and an MLS from the University of S o u th e rn M ississippi. After serving as a cata loger at St. Francis Col lege in Pennsylvania, he Leslie R. Morrisbecame head cataloger at East Stroudsburg University and later head of technical services at the State University of New York, College at Fredonia. In addition to teaching cataloging at the library schools at the University of Southern Mississippi and Louisiana State Univer sity, Morris has served as visiting professor in the li brary school of the University of South Carolina. His publications include the Interlibrary Loan Policies Directory, published by the American Li brary Association in 1984, and articles in College & Research Libraries, American Libraries, R Q, and the Journal of Library Administration. R o b e r t A. S e a l has been named director of li braries at the University of Texas at El Paso, effec tive October 14. F o r th e p a s t fo u r years he has been direc tor of library public ser vices at the University of O k la h o m a , N o rm a n . He was director for ad m inistrative services at th e U niversity of V ir ginia from 1976 to 1981, and held several o ther p o sitio n s a t V irg in ia from 1972 to 1976. Seal holds a bachelor’s d eg ree in a stro n o m y Robert A. Sealfrom Northwestern Uni v e rsity a n d an MLS from the University of Denver. He has published two books on the literature of astronomy and has w ritten an article on academic branch libraries th at will appear in the 1986 vol ume of Advances in Librarianship. He has served on the ACRL Publications in Librarianship Edito rial Board since 1982, and was president of the Oklahoma C hapter of the Western Conservation Congress in 1983-1984. D o n a l d L. U n g a r e l l i , director of the Schwartz M em orial L ib ra ry a t Long Island U niversity’s C.W . Post Campus for the past 15 years, has been named to the new post of director of university li braries at Long Island University. He will be re sponsible for all th e lib ra rie s of L I U ’s m u lti campus system. Ungarelli is a nationally recognized expert on in suring libraries and holds a doctorate in library management from Simmons College. He is also a graduate of L IU -C .W . Post and holds an MLS from its Palmer School of Library and Information Science. Three years ago Ungarelli established a network th a t made the holdings of the Schwarz Library ac cessible to students at LIU ’s Brentwood, Rockland, and S o utham pton campuses. He is proceeding w ith a study th at will bring the libraries in Brook lyn and Westchester into the new system. December 1985 / 641 Ungarelli joined the C .W . Post staff in 1961 as head of the Public Service Division and was suces sively assistant librarian, head librarian, and direc tor of the library, a post he assumed in 1970. People in th e News M a r i o n P a r i s , P h.D . candidate in the School of L ib rary and Inform ation Science at In d ian a Uni versity, has been aw arded first place in the 1986 doctoral stu d e n t dissertation com petition spon sored by the Association of L ibrary and In fo rm a tion Science Education. The a w a rd will be p re sented at the association’s annual conference in Chicago in January. T he dissertation is titled “F ac tors Related to L ibrary School Closings: Four Case Studies.” L u c i a J . R a t h e r , director of cataloging at the L ibrary of Congress, has received ALA’s M argaret M ann C itation in Cataloging and Classification. The aw ard is given by the Cataloging and Classifi cation Section of th e Resources and Technical Ser vices Division for outstanding professional achieve m ent in cataloging or classification. Appointm ents (A ppointm ent notices are tak en from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) D i a n e B . A b a z a r n i a has been appointed head of circulation at C h a m p la in College, B urlington, Vermont. V i c t o r i a A d a m i t i s has joined th e staff of the Conservation D ep artm en t at Stanford University. R o s i e L . A l b r i t t o n has been nam ed assistant to the director for special projects at the University of Missouri, Columbia. P a u l i n e A r a n a s has been prom oted to head of public services at the University of Southern C ali fornia L aw L ibrary, Los Angeles. J o a n n e D . C. A r m s t r o n g has been appointed reference lib ra ria n at th e C o lu m b ia University L aw L ibrary, New York. C y n t h i a B a g b y has been appointed head of in terlibrary loan at C olum bia University, New York. J a m e s A. B a l d w i n has been appointed acquisi tions lib rarian at In d ian a University-Purdue Uni versity, Indianapolis. A l l a B a r a b t a r l o has been appointed rare book cataloger at the University of Missouri, Colum bia. S t e v e n M . B a r k a n has been appointed assistant librarian for public services at the University of Texas T arlton L aw L ibrary, Austin. S u z a n n e B a r r e t t is now L e a rn in g Resource C en ter co o rd in ato r at W illiam Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri. L o r i B a r t h is now head of the M anagem ent L ibrary at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. M a r s h a B a u m has been appointed assistant ref erence lib ra ria n at th e University of M innesota L aw L ibrary, Minneapolis. S u s a n B e c k has been appointed hum anities ref erence lib r a r ia n at th e U niversity of Missouri- Kansas City. A p r i l B e n n i n g t o n has been appointed science librarian at Southern Illinois University, E d w ard s ville. P a u l B i r c h has been appointed public services librarian at Ohio N orthern University’s Jay P. T ag gart L aw L ibrary, Ada. L e s l i e B l e i l ahs been appointed serials/mono graph cataloger at W estern Michigan University, Kalamazoo. L o u i s a B o w e n has been appointed university a r chivist and manuscripts curator at Southern Illi nois University, Edwardsville. J a m e s C . B o y l e s has been appointed reference librarian and visual arts specialist at the State Uni versity of New York at Purchase. R o b e r t L . B y r d has been n a m e d c u r a to r of m anuscripts at Duke University, D u rh a m , North Carolina. M a r i l y n R . C a r b o n e l l has been nam ed assis ta n t director for public services and collection de velopm ent at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. J o a n E . C a r e y has been appointed reference li b ra ria n at Brandeis University, W alth am , Massa chusetts. D o l l y C h a o is now a lib ra ry co n su ltan t for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & C o., San Francisco. L i n d a C h e l m o w has been appointed senior ref erence librarian at Brandeis University, W altham . F r a n c i s c a C o has been appointed science/tech nology cataloger at M emphis State University, Memphis, Tennessee. J a m e s W. C o b l e has been appointed systems li b rarian at Duke University, D u rh a m , North C aro lina. C a t h l e e n C o n r o y has been appointed serials li b rarian in the H arv ard L aw School Library. J a n i c e C o n t i n i is the new online training and services coordinator of the Pacific Southwest Re gional Medical L ib rary Service, University of C ali fornia, Los Angeles. M a r g a r e t E d m o n s o n has been appointed infor m ation specialist at the H ealth Sciences L ibrary at the University of M aryland at Baltimore. J o n E l d r e d g e is now chief of collections and in form ation resources at the University of New Mex ico Medical Center L ibrary, Albuquerque. M i c h a e l F i n k e l m a n has been appointed music cataloger at Southern Illinois University, C arb o n dale. E l i z a b e t h G. F r a s e r has been appointed c a ta loger in the H arvard College Library. M a r y F r e i l i c h has been appointed serials c a ta loger at Memphis State University, Tennessee. 642 / C&RL News T ara L ynn F u l t o n has been appointed assistant interlibrary loan and reference librarian at North western University, Evanston, Illinois. R o n a l d A . G a g n o n is the new coordinator of technical services and automated systems at North Shore Community College, Beverly, Massachu setts. Jo h n R ic h a r d G a use is now a reference librar ian at Florida State University, Tallahassee. P a u l G e o r g e has been appointed reference li brarian at the University of Southern California Law Library, Los Angeles. E il e e n D . H ardy has been appointed acquisi tions librarian at Wellesley College, Massachu setts. D ebra H assig has been named reference librar ian at the Lehman Library/Documents Service Center at Columbia University, New York. B a r b a r a H e n i g m a n has been appointed auto mated systems maintenance intern at the Univer sity of Illinois, Urbana. M i c h a e l J. H ig g in s has been appointed cata loger at the New York Law School Library, New York. G e n e v a H o l l id a y has been appointed clinical medical librarian at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. C h a r l e s D . H u r t has been named director of the Graduate Library School at the University of Arizona. S u s a n S. H u s t o n has been appointed catalog management cataloger at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos. E l iz a b e t h I c e n h o w e r is a new cataloger at the University of California, Los Angeles, Biomedical Library. J. T h o m as Je n n in g s has been appointed head of the Social Work Library, Hunter College, New York. Z u z a n a Jirkovsky has been appointed a librar ian at the Rutgers University Library of Science and Medicine, New Brunswick, New Jersey. L a u r e l Jizba has been appointed head of origi nal cataloging at Michigan State University, East Lansing. R ic h a r d M . Jost has been appointed collection development librarian at George Washington Uni versity’s Jacob Burns Law Library, Washington, D.C. C h a r l e s A . J u l ia n has been appointed head li brarian at West Virginia Northern Community College, Wheeling. B il l K e l l e r is now head of special collections at George Washington University, W ashington, D.C. P a u l K rause has been named reference/biblio graphic instruction librarian at Lewis Clark State College, Lewiston, Idaho. James K y e d has joined the staff of the Rutgers University Library of Science and Medicine, New Brunswick, New Jersey. P hy l l is L an sin g is now information specialist at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. H enry J. L a t t im o r e is the new evening librar ian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. Jo h n R . M . L a w r e n c e has joined the reference department at the University of California at Los Angeles. C a r o l L e a d e n h a m is now a cataloger at the Stanford University Libaries. Jo h n M . L u n d q u i s t has been appointed chief of the New York Public Library’s Oriental Division. T o m M c G in n has been appointed support ser vices librarian at Northwestern University, Evan ston. E mma J ea n M c K in in has joined the faculty of the School of Library and Informational Science at the University of Missouri, Columbia. E lisa M c K n i g h t has been appointed reference librarian at Suffolk University in Boston, Massa chusetts. Sa n d r a M e il a n i M o h l has been appointed busi ness librarian at the University of Miami, Coral Gables. L u r ie M eyer is now circulation/periodicals li brarian at Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mis souri. C a r o ly n W. M yers has been appointed coordi nator of Serials Records at Duke University, Dur ham, North Carolina. A la n R . N o u r ie is now associate university li brarian for public services and collection develop ment at Illinois State University, Normal. C h a r l e s A . P e a r c e has been appointed evening reference librarian at the Mississippi College Law Library, Jackson. P h o e b e P h i l l i p s is now catalog librarian at Florida State University, Tallahassee. C a r o l P o g l it s c h has been appointed assistant dental librarian at the University of Missouri, Kan sas City. Jo h n P. P o pk o has been named assistant director for technical services at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. V era R e d l is now science librarian at Hunter College, New York. L o u is J. R e i t h has been appointed rare books cataloger in the Division of Special Collections at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. S u z a n n e R e m u sa t is now a reference librarian at Florida State University, Tallahassee. B a r b a r a R o b i n s o n is the new curator of the Boeckmann Latin American and Iberian Research Center at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Ja n e R o d g e r s has been appointed reference li brarian/bibliographer at the Rare Book and Manu script Library of Columbia University, New York. T h e r e s a R yan is now ORION user services li brarian at the University of California, Los An geles. A l a n R ic h a r d s Sa m u e l s has joined the faculty Use the Right Tool for the Right Job When you need the features and capabilities that only EMBASE can provide, make EMBASE the database o f choice for b io m edical searching. • Your best source o f international information, EMBASE provides access to a large b o d y of specialized literature on drugs, toxicity, environmental and occupational health, forensic science and basic sciences. • A unique approach to EMBASE scope and coverage results in a broader range of periodical titles represented in the database — over 4,000 journals published in 110 countries. • MALIMET, EMTAGS and EMCLAS — thesauri and classification systems providing sophisticated, high precision tools for formulating e xp ed ien t search strategies. Let EMBASE do the job for you today. Send additional information on □ EMBASE and □ User Aids □ Training Programs □ Access Name_____________________________________________________ A ddress____________________________________________________ Return to.- North Am erican Database Department, Elsevier Sci ence Publishers, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., N ew York, N ew York 10017 or Elsevier Science Publishers, PO. Box 1527,1000 BM Amsterdam, The Netherlands 8/85 E M B A S E ™ a trade name of Elsevier Science Publishers BV/Excerpta Medicá 644 / C&RL News of the School of Library and Informational Sci ence, University of Missouri, Columbia. B e t h S a n d o r e has been appointed assistant au tomated systems librarian at the University of Illi nois, Urbana. C a t h e r i n e S e a g o has been appointed rare book cataloger at the University of Missouri, Columbia. J o h a n n a h S h e r r e r has been appointed head of reference at Duke University, D u rh a m , N orth Carolina. M a r t h a S h ir k y has been appointed rare book cataloger at the University of Missouri, Columbia. B a r b a r a S h u p e has been appointed reference li brarian at Nassau Community College, Garden City, New York. H e l e n H . S p a l d i n g has been appointed cata loger at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. E d w a r d St a r k e y is now head of public services at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indian apolis. D i a n a S t e p h e n s has been appointed online spe cialist for the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service at the University of California, Los Angeles, Biomedical Library. S u s a n C o o k S u m m e r has been appointed cata loger for original monographs cataloging, at Co lumbia University, New York. J a m e s H . S w e e t l a n d has been appointed assis tan t professor at the School of Library and Infor mation Science at the University of Wisconsin, Mil waukee. A n n a S y l v e s t e r has been appointed cataloger at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. R e b e c c a E l l i s T h o m p s o n has been appointed law serials cataloger at the University of Oregon School of Law Library, Eugene. S h a w n T o n n e r has been promoted to circulati Nebraska Chapter proceedings The College and University Section of the N ebraska L ib rary Association (ACRL’s N e braska Chapter) has published the proceedings of its Spring 1985 Meeting at the Metropolitan Technical Community College, South C am pus, Om aha, April 26,1985. Included in the 13 published papers are: Carol A. Singer, “Period ical Current Awareness Services for Faculty”; Janet C. Lu, “How to Sell Your Library: A Salesperson’s Approach to Promoting Library Services”; Gerald A. Rudolph, “Towards a De finitive Listing of World W ar I Posters”; and Joseph A. S t a r r a t t , R o b e rt P. N ash, an d Thomas A. Tollman, “W hat Do They W ant from Us: Changes in Job Ads in Recent Years.” The 215-page volume is entitled Competen cies for Librarians and is edited by Valerie I. Krzywkowski. It m ay be o rd ered th ro u g h ERIC. on departm ent head, Florida State University, Tallahassee. W i l l i a m R . V a r g a has been appointed refer ence librarian at the Library of Congress Law Li brary, Washington, D .C. A n s a E . V a r g h e s e has been appointed science li brarian at W ichita State University, Kansas. S a r a h W a t s t e i n is now head of reference at H unter College, New York. S u s a n J. WEBRECK has been appointed to the fac ulty of the University of Michigan School of Li brary Science, Ann Arbor. J a n e W i t h e e is now preservation librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. C a r o l y n W o o d s has been appointed reference librarian at Nassau Community College, Garden City, New York. B l a n c h e W o o l l s has been named chairperson of the D epartm ent of Library Science at the Uni versity of Pittsburgh. J e r o m e Y a v a r k o v s k y is now director of the New York State Library, Albany. T e r r y Z i n s e r has been appointed director of the OCLC Pacific Network (PACNET). Retirements K a t h l e e n C h e a p e , assistant law librarian at the University of North Carolina, retired recently after 29 years of service. J ay E. D a i l y , professor of library and informa tion science at the University of Pittsburgh School of Library and Information Science, retired Sep tember 1 after 20 years of service. Sy l v i a E w e n retired recently as head librarian a t th e S ta te U n iv ersity of N ew York a t F a r mingdale. S i d n e y E. M a t t h e w s , assistant director of li brary services at Southern Illinois University, re tired August 31 after 21 years of service. Deaths A r t A n t o n y , chemistry librarian at the Univer sity of California at Santa Barbara from 1974 to 1980, died recently after a long illness. S r . F r a n z L a n g , director of libraries at Barry University since 1970, died July 22 after a long ill ness. B r u c e L a n g d o n , former director of libraries at Cleveland State University, died September 4 after a long illness. He had also served as director of the Wilson Library at the University of Minnesota, chief of the Social Science Division at Columbia University Libraries, director of the Palos Verdes Library District, and various positions at the Li brary of Congress. His MLS was from the Univer sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Langdon had been at Cleveland State less than a year before he was placed on perm anent disability after suffering a severe stroke last April. Announcing Index to Scientific Book Contents ™ (ISBC™) Finally!… • chapter-level access to multi-authored scientific books • access by author • access by editor access by chapter subject • access by book subject • access by author’s organizational affiliation • meets your need for current awareness, bibliographic verification, retrospective searching (published quarterly and cumulated annually) Write or call for your FREE sample issue. i S i ® Institute for Scientific Information® A t t n : Customer Services Department 3501 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 U.S.A. Toll-free: (800) 523-1850, ext. 1371 In Pennsylvania and outside U.S.A.: (215) 386-0100, ext. 1371 Cable: SCINFO, Telex 84-5305 European Office: 132 High St., Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1DP, United Kingdom Phone: 44-895-70016, Telex: 933693 UKISI 646 / C&RL News F r a n c e s C. M o r t o n , senior descriptive cata- loger for Persian and Turkish at the Library of Congress since 1979, died on October 14 of a heart attack. Morton was a 1986 candidate for vice­ chair/chair-elect of ACRL’s Asian and African Sec­ tion. She had also worked at the Indiana University Libraries in 1977-1979 as Near Eastern cataloger, and was actively involved with the Committee for Iranian Refugees. Her monograph, Uniform Titles for Constitutions of Asia and Africa will be pub­ lished in January by ALA’s Resources and Techni­ cal Services Division. JOAN P u r s e l l , librarian in the government pub­ lications departm ent at the University of Califor­ nia at Santa Barbara, died October 13 after a long illness. J u d i t h S t a n l e y , bibliographer at the University of California at Irvine library from 1974 to 1979, died June 28 after a long illness. J o h n V o n n e s , librarian at C entral Technical Community College, Hastings, Nebraska, died re­ cently of a heart attack. ■ ■ THE SIACSEDLIDSAF Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising D ep’t, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN ARCHIVIST. The United States District Court for the District of New Jersey is planning to issue one or more publications on the 200 years of its history when celebrating the bicentennial of the Judiciary Act of 1789. There are numerous records of important events in the Court’s history, both in its own files and elsewhere. The Court seeks to hire a professional archivist to work with these records. Previous archival experience and training is required. Historical writing experience is preferred. M.A. in American History or related field is preferred; B.A. required. ALA-accredited MLS is preferred, preferably with archives concentration at that level. Compensation and duration of project will be discussed with applicant. Responses, with resume, should be sent to Hon. John W. Bissell, United States District Court, Federal Post Office Building, Newark, New Jersey 07102. ASSISTANT ARCHIVIST/LIBRARIAN, McNeese University. To help process archival collections, assist in oral history project, make presentations to local organizations, assist in general reference activ­ ities. Must have experience in archival administration, either through actual work or certification in archival administration, either an ALA- accredited MLS or Masters in history. Some experience in oral his­ tory interviewing and basic knowledge of preservation/conservation techniques is desirable. Twelve month appointment with academic rank. Flex scheduling possible to allow individual development. Mini­ mum salary $17,500. Deadline for application is December 15. Send resume, names of 3 references to: Richard H. Reid, Director of Li­ brary Services, McNeese University, Lake Charles, LA 70609. McNeese University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR CENTRAL PUBLIC SERVICES, University of Arizona, (re-opened). The assistant univer­ sity librarian has administrative responsibility for 6 public service de­ partments (central reference, document, loan, library instruction, maps, and media) and is a member of the administrative group. Cen­ tral services employs 21 professional librarians and more than 40 classified staff. The library serves a university community of 36,000 students and faculty. The annual acquisition budget exceeds $3.4 million, and more than 90,000 volumes are added to the collection annually. Required: ALA-accredited degree and significant and in­ creasingly responsible managerial experience in a research library, some of which must have been in a supervisory or administrative po­ sition in public services. Experience coordinating a large staff will be given special consideration. Demonstrated success with written and oral communication, familiarity with library/faculty liaison, library ori­ entation and training program, computer assisted reference service, collection development work, and planning and budgeting are desir­ able. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academic profes­ sional status, are voting members of the faculty, have 22 days paid vacation, 12 days leave and 10 holidays. A standard package of fringe benefits is available. Salary: $41,000 per year minimum (a higher salary can be negotiated dependent upon experience). Posi­ tion available immediately. A letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references should be sent to W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. Applica­ tions received prior to February 15,1986, will be given first consider­ ation. The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR. Under the di­ rection of the Head of Reference, plans, coordinates, and evaluates the library’s bibliographic instruction program. In addition, works with eight reference librarians in providing general reference service and freshman library orientation. Other responsibilities include refer­ ence consultation service, online searching, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and collection development in the subject areas of history, lan­ guage, and political science. Qualifications: ALA/MLS, two years successful public service experience required. Demonstrated ability to plan, develop, coordinate, and evaluate bibliographic instruction program; excellent oral and written communication skills; and ability to work effectively with the public and co-workers highly desirable. Experience in online searching and microcomputer application, and experience in media design and production desirable. Master’s in relevant subject field preferable. Faculty status, tenure-track ap- 1.pdf 2.pdf CRLN_46_12_646.pdf