ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 460 / C&RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the m onth p reced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). If the second falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following M on­ day. Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space-available basis af­ ter the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for m embers, $14.00 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Telep hon e: All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten cop y of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). G uidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the m onth in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the O ctober issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Jo b announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. A pplicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. JO BLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ dem ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly: each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL m em bers and $35 for non-m embers. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL m em ­ bers and $15 for non-members. C ontact: Classified A dvertising Dep't, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T BIO LO G Y LIB R A R IA N , University of Illinois Library at U rbana-Cham paign. A faculty position available June 2 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Un­ der the direction of the Biology Librarian, the Assistant Biology Li­ brarian coordinates reference and online searching services: is re­ sponsible for bibliographic instruction: supervision of some support staff, and some original cataloging: and works closely with the Biol­ ogy Librarian in the areas of planning, collection developm ent, and in-house autom ation projects. Qualifications; Required; MLS from ALA school, or its equivalent; at least one year of professional or pre­ professional academ ic/research library experience; know ledge of the life sciences literature gained either from extensive coursew ork or professional library experience; experience in online searching; and evidence of research orientation and ability to meet university requirem ents for prom otion and tenure. Preferred; Experience in ref­ erence or bibliographic instruction; familiarity with standard personal com puter packages, such as word processors, database m anage­ m ent systems, or spreadsheets. Desired; Supervisory experience: cataloging experience. Salary, $20,000 upward. Assistant Professor level. Send letter of application with com plete resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of five references to; Al­ len G. Dries, Library Personnel M anager, U niversity of Illinois Li­ brary at U rbana-C ham paign, 127 Library, 1408 W est G regory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-8169. A pplication/nom ination deadline is July 31, 1988. AA/EEO Employer. A S S IS T A N T ENG INEERING LIB R A R IA N . Requirem ents MLS (ALA-accredited) plus a minim um of 2 years professional experi­ ence, preferably in an engineering or science library. Desired Q ualifi­ cations; Experience or interest in autom ated library procedures, com puter experience or education, and technological literacy. Data­ base searching experience helpful. Some supervision experience needed. Ability to formulate, administer, and im plem ent user e d u ca ­ tion and public relations program s utilizing various media. Experi­ ence in bibliographic instruction. Responsibilities; Shares in m an­ agem ent and operational responsibilities. Participates in planning and im plem entation of new services, procedures, and developm ent of policies. Shares responsibility for training and supervision of sup­ port staff, liaison with faculty, reference, database searching, and collection developm ent. Also responsible for supervision of Aviation Technology Library. Makes presentations to university classes and other groups on library services, resources, and facilities. Mem bers of the Library faculty must meet Purdue University requirem ents (ex­ cellence in librarianship, research and publishing, and service) for prom otion and tenure. Status and Benefits; Faculty status and re­ sponsibilities. Rank com m ensurate with education and experience. Twelve m onth appointm ent with annual vacation of 22 w orking days. Flexible benefit program s with open enrollm ents annually. G roup Life, medical and disability insurance program s are in effect as are TIAA/CREF and Social Security coverage. Salary; $20,000 and up depen ding on qualifications. Deadline; August 3 1 ,1 9 8 8 , or until po­ sition is filled. Send resume and list of references to; Thomas L. Ha­ worth, Personnel Officer, Libraries, Stewart Center, Purdue U niver­ sity, West Lafayette, IN 47907. An Equal O pportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. A S S IS T A N T E N G IN E E R IN G L IB R A R IA N . R esponsibilities in elude m a nag ing co llectio ns in sele cted e n g in e e rin g discip lin e s based on the ca n d id a te ’s ba ckground and providing reference ser­ vice in all areas of engineering. Evening/w eekend hours may be re­ quired. MLS or equivalent, academ ic preparation or dem onstrated equivalent experience in engineering or one of the physical sci­ ences, know ledge of collection developm ent principles and prac­ tices, experience with autom ated data and reference services and effective human relations and com m unication skills required. Assis­ ta n t L ib ra ria n ( $ 2 7 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 7 ,2 0 0 ) o r A s s o c ia te L ib ra ria n ($ 2 9 ,7 0 0 -$ 4 1 ,400) rank depending upon qualifications. Send com- July /A ugust 1988 / 461 plete cover letter, resume and names and addresses of three profes­ sional references to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Applica­ tions received by 9/1/88 will be assured consideration. Please cite #324-CRL on all correspondence. EOE/AA. AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN, University Libraries, Boston College. Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Automation and Technical Services and in conjunction with the Li­ brary Systems Manager, this new position plans and administers an ongoing program of staff and library user training and documenta­ tion for NOTIS and other library automation and also coordinates mi­ crocomputer equipment, applications and training for library staff, working with the University’s microcomputer staff. Participates in strategic and operational library-wide planning for automated library services and for integration of automated applications and traditional services. Supports the Library Systems Manager as needed in the smooth operation of the library’s automated systems. Position as­ sumes involvement in Boston Library Consortium cooperative pro­ grams as well as professional activity on a regional and national level. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least three years of pro­ fessional experience in a university library, preferably in positions in­ volving library automation; demonstrated planning and teaching abilities; clear writing skills; some microcomputer and library auto­ mation familiarity; superior interpersonal and communications skills including tact and a sense of humor. Salary in the low $30s depend­ ing on qualifications. Boston College offers its 14,000 students and almost 700 faculty the advantages of a strong liberal arts institution with outstanding graduate and professional programs. The new O ’Neill Library provides an attractive and intensely used environ­ ment for study and teaching. Among other technologies, the library uses the Geac, OCLC and Faxon SC-10 systems, and is currently DIRECTOR OF ELMER E. RASMUSON LIBRARY University of Alaska Fairbanks Nominations and applications are requested for the position of Director of Elmer E. Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library is housed in a modern six-level com ­ plex which contains over 1,025,000 bibliographic items in a variety of print and multi-media forms, with an annual budget of $4,317,000. It provides academic, research and classroom support services, including instructional m edia production, to the Fairbanks cam pus and other campuses of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The minim um salary for this position is $66,000. A higher salary is negotiable depending upon experience. Rasmuson Library contains world class collections specializing in Alaska and the Polar Regions, is active in the developm ent and maintenance of regional and subject-specific databases, and is moving toward fully-com puterized operations for all phases of library management. As the major research collection in the State of Alaska, the Rasmuson Library coordinates regional collection developm ent efforts. It provides leadership to the state’s libraries through continuing efforts to provide com prehensive multi-media services through state-of-the-art equipm ent and programs. The library staff consists of 20 librarians with faculty sta­ tus and 48 additional permanent staff. Institution: The University of Alaska Fairbanks is the state land grant and sea grant university with a main cam pus in Fairbanks, and branch campuses in three rural locations. Its current enrollment is approxim ately 8,300 and it em ploys 500 full time faculty. The University offers a full com plem ent of undergraduate pro­ grams and forty-two graduate programs, including ten doctoral degree granting programs. The University of Alaska Fairbanks is also the state’s major research center. Qualifications: The successful candidate must have an ALA-accredited MLS or apporopriate profes­ sional degree (earned doctorate is desirable). Applicants must have progressively responsible adm inistra­ tive experience in academ ic research libraries and have an understanding of technical, public and instruc­ tional media services. Candidates must also have: demonstrated ability to serve as a faculty member; broad know ledge of information technologies, instructional media, and automated library systems; dem on­ strated experience with the intellectual and service missions of higher education including the ability to com m unicate effectively with university officers, faculty, staff and students. Candidates will be expected to possess planning, budgetary, and management skills. A pplication: Interested candidates must submit: 1) a resume, 2) a letter of interest in the job indicating the experience, ideas and agenda that will be brought to the position, and a brief statement indicating recent relevant accom plishm ents which have earned for the individual recognition as an outstanding library ad­ ministrator with the ability to serve as a faculty member; and 3) names and telephone numbers of three references. The com pleted application and all inquiries or requests for official job description should be referred to: Francis S.L. Williamson, Chair Search Committee for Director of Rasmuson Library 311A Irving Building Institute of Arctic Biology University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775-0180 The com pleted application must be postmarked by Septem ber 1, 1988. The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and Educational Institution. 462 / C &RL News Director, University Libraries Nominations and applications are invited for the position of Director o f University Libraries for the University at Albany, State University of New York, one of four university centers within the state-wide SUNY system. The University seeks an experienced Director who will function as an officer of the University, working with the Deans and policymaking councils to articulate plans to provide superior research libraries. The successful applicant will be an active scholar and progressive leader dedicated to building strong ties with the faculty and expanding the libraries. The Director manages a staff of 135 FTE, a total budget of over $5.9 million including an annual acquisitions budget of $2.25 million, and collections of 1.2 million catalogued volumes. The library has its own computer systems development staff to support its integrated automated system (acquisitions, online catalog and circulation) and online computer based reference services. The University Libraries, a member of ARL and RLG, support a wide range of doctoral and research programs, serving a campus community of 16,000 students and 2,420 faculty and staff. University Libraries’ memberships include SUNY/OCLC network, Center for Research Libraries, and the Capital District Library Council. Responsibilities: The Director of University Libraries is responsible for the leadership and management of the Libraries and the library faculty/staff, including planning, budgeting, and management of facilities and services. He or she serves as a University representative in a variety of campus and external environments. The Director holds a rank equivalent to Dean and serves as a member of the Council of Deans, the University Senate Council on Libraries, Computing and Information Systems, and the University Policy Council. The Director is a member of the highest policymaking committees on campus and provides input for academic as well as other policy concerns in support of the University mission. Preferred Qualifications: The successful candidate will have a proven record of leadership, substantial administrative experience, and evidence of continuing scholarly participation and professional growth. Also important are familiarity with the operation of large academic or research libraries with special emphasis on the application of library technology, experience in the successful planning and renovation of library facilities, and a record of accomplishment in seeking external funding support. Graduate training, including an MLS, is desired. Position to be Filled: On or before January 1, 1989. Salary: $46,725 to 83,375 Review of Applications: To begin September 15, 1988. Each application must include a list of three references and a current résumé. Address nominations or applications to: Professor Alan Purves Chair, Search Committee for Director of Libraries c/o Office of the Associate Vice President for Information Systems and Technology Business Administration B-22 State University of New York at Albany Albany, New York 12222 T he U niversity at A lbany, State U niversity o f N ew Y ork is an E qual O pportunity/A ffirm ative A ction Em ployer. A pplications from m inorities, w om en, handicapped persons, and V iet N am era veterans are especially w elcom e. July /August 1988 / 463 installing the NOTIS system for operation in the Fall of 1989. Benefits for Boston College librarians include one month’s vacation, tuition remission and a wide range of insurance programs. To apply, send resume and names of three references to: Richard Jefferson. Em­ ployment Manager, Department of Human Resources, Boston Col­ lege, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. Applications received by July 15, 1988, will receive priority consideration. An equal opportunity, af­ firmative action employer. CATALOG L IB R A R IA N -A SSISTA N T HEAD, CATALOG DE­ PARTMENT. Cataloging professional to provide original and copy cataloging of special format materials, including maps, A-V, sound recordings, scores and microprint. Assists head of department in de­ veloping cataloging policies. Shares online and hardcopy catalog maintenance activities. Required: Master of Science in Librarianship from an ALA-accredited school and a minimum of three years pro­ gressively responsible, professional cataloging experience in an ac­ ademic library; strong background in original cataloging, LC classifi­ cation, LCSH, AACR2, OCLC formats and MARC tagging; excellent organizational and communication skills; and a record of demon­ strated abilities in cataloging of materials in special formats. Prefer­ red: Experience with an online catalog. Background in maps, media or music cataloging. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position. TIAA/CREF or state retirement. Salary $21,500 to $24,252 depend­ ing on experience. Hunter Library has an annual materials budget of approximately $750,000, processes over 10,000 volumes per year, contains over 350,000 volumes, and has a staff of 13 professionals and 27 paraprofessionals. Western Carolina University, with two other state universities, has formed the Western North Carolina Li­ brary Network, which shares an LS/2000 online catalog/circulation system. The Network’s online catalog will be implemented in 1988. Send letter of application, resume, official transcripts and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Elly Davey, Chair, Search Committee, Hunter Library, Western Carolina University, Cul- lowhee, NC 28723. Preference given to applications received by Au­ gust 15,1988. Western Carolina University is one of the sixteen sen­ ior institutions of the University of North Carolina and an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The University is located be­ tween the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains, 55 miles west of Asheville, North Carolina. CHIEF OF AC Q U ISITIO NS. The Stanford University Libraries seeks an experienced, energetic and flexible manager, comfortable with and effective in a dynamic technical services environment, to head its Acquisitions Department. As the Libraries move to imple­ ment an integrated online processing system, the Chief of Acquisi­ tions will play a key role in shaping and coordinating the process of transition. We invite applications from individuals who can demon­ strate: significant knowledge of and experience in acquisitions; su­ perior administrative and planning skills; effective interpersonal skills, including the ability to manage change in a complex environ­ ment; and evidence of creative and imaginative contributions to overall library management. The Chief of Acquisitions directs a staff of 24.5 FTE (including 2 librarians) responsible for order and receipts functions for monographs as well as for maintaining domestic and British a p p ro va l plans and gifts and exchange. Librarian ($34,000-$50,000) or Senior Librarian ($40,000-$58,000) rank de­ pending upon qualifications. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 professional references by August 15, 1988, to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Li­ braries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Cite #325-CRL on all correspon­ dence. EEO/AAE. COLLEGE ARCHIVIST/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. A newly created position with responsibility for organizing and ad­ ministering the Archives and other special collections of Williams College, founded 1793. Participates in the collegial management of the entire library. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree with archival concentration preferred; 2 -3 years experience with ar­ chives and special collections; cataloging and library automation ex­ perience; ba ckground in preservation/conservation. Salary: $24,000+ depending upon qualifications. Closing date August 15, 1988. Send resume and the names of three references to: Phyllis Cutler, College Librarian, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO/AA employer. COORDINATOR OF ILLINOIS RESEARCH AND REFERENCE CENTER, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. A fac­ ulty position available immediately. Reports to Director of Depart­ mental Library Services. Has direct responsibility for organization and management of the Research and Reference Center in the pro­ vision of quality interlibrary loan, photoduplication, and reference services to the residents of Illinois. Prepares budget requests, main­ tains required statistics, supervises and motivates staff to a high level of productivity, presents written and oral reports and participates in training of University and network staff. Maintains working relation­ ships with other units of the Library to expedite the provision of mate­ rials and services to users in Illinois outside the immediate academic community of the University. Must play an active leadership role in the ILLINET community as well as participate in appropriate meet­ ings and workshops as the representative of the University of Illinois Library. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school or equivalent degree; at least three years professional library experi­ ence, including at least two years of managerial/supervisory experi­ ence; working experience with a variety of interlibrary loan systems; experience in networks or a large interlibrary loan department; a commitment to statewide resource sharing; demonstrated facility in written and oral communication; and evidence of research orienta­ tion and ability to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Working knowledge of OCLC and automated sys­ tems; demonstrated ability to function in large, complex library orga­ nizations. Salary $26,000, upward for Assistant Professor level; and $29,000, upward for Associate Professor level, depending on qualifi­ cations and scholarly credentials. Send letter of application with complete resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num­ bers of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Man­ ager, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, 127 Li­ brary, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-8169. Application/nomination deadline is August 15, 1988. AA/EOE Employer. ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST Special Collections/Archives Rutgers University Libraries New Brunswick, New Jersey Reports to the University Archivist/Director of Special Collections. Responsible for assisting in the acquisition of University records; organizing, pre­ serving and providing access to University A r­ chives; administration of records management pro­ gram and also processin g and b ib lio g ra p h ic control for archives and manuscripts; supervision of support staff and assistants. Qualifications: MA in an academic discipline and/ or MLS from an accredited library school, 3 years archival experience, background in archival proc­ essing, records m anagem ent and bibliographic standards (AMC required). Salary: Minimum $29,974 plus excellent benefits. Submit resume and three sources for current ref­ erence no later than August 15, 1988, to: Sandra Troy (APP 136) Library Personnel Officer Rutgers University Libraries 169 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08903 R THE ST U ATE UNIV T ERS G ITY O E f NE R W JER S SEY Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. 464 / C &RL News CURATOR, SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN COLLECTION, Yale University Library. Minimum rank: Librarian III. Plans and con­ ducts the effective development of Yale Library’s Slavic and East Eu­ ropean Collection. Provides reference service. Selects material in Slavic languages. Supervises staff in acquisition and precataloging. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and/or advanced degree in Slavic Studies. Fluency in Russian and reading/writing ability in at least one other Slavic language, prefera­ bly Polish or Serbo-Croatian. Knowledge of book trade, current events and cultural histories of the area countries. Ability to work ef­ fectively with bookdealers, faculty, students and staff. Professional level experience in a research library, including experience in selec­ tion and collection development of Slavic research resources, desir­ able. Applications received by August 15, 1988, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Maureen Sullivan, Head, Library Personnel Service, Yale Univer­ sity Library, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. An EEO/AA employer. DEAN, DIVISION OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES. Community College of Philadelphia, one of the country’s leading urban commu­ nity colleges, is seeking a highly qualified energetic administrator for this position. The College is housed in a new and attractive $66 mil­ lion campus. Dean reports directly to the Vice President for Aca­ demic Affairs. This is a 12-month position with excellent fringe bene­ fits and competitive salary. Appointment is available September 1st or sooner. The Dean is responsible for the administration of the Col­ lege library, Instructional Development, the Library Technology Cur­ riculum and Media Services. Qualifications: earned Doctorate pre­ ferred, Master’s degree in Library Science required. He/she should have community college administrative experience in several or all of the following areas: Library Science and Technology, Curriculum Development, Information Science skills, computer application and Media Services. Strong management skills are required. Send re­ sume with letter of application and names of 3 references to: Person­ nel Office (Dean), Community College of Philadelphia, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. DEAN, SCHOOL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, The Catholic University of America. The Catholic University of Amer­ ica seeks to appoint a Dean of the School of Library and Information Science starting in September, 1988, if possible. This ALA- ASSISTANT DIRECTOR INFORMATION, RESEARCH, AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENT San Francisco State University San Francisco State University is a multicultural, multiethnic, coeducational, urban university of more than 1,600 faculty and 26,000 students, engaged in over 100 baccalaureate and 83 master’s degree pro­ grams. Responsibilities: A dynamic leader and academic manager is sought to head new Library division of Information, Research, and Collection Management. ALD/IRC will be responsible for identifying academic and research needs; planning, budgeting and allocating resources to meet these needs; organizing, di­ recting, and evaluating programs and services. The ALD/IRC will assume active role in implementing new OPAC and related services, to be publicly available in spring 1989. Present services include: information and reference, collection development, user education, database searching, government publications, special collections/archives. Under proposed reorganization, acquisitions, bibliographic control, produc­ tion will join the division by January 1989. Collections budget is 1.5 million. IRC staff will number 23 librari­ ans with faculty status, and 30 support staff. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program and minimum five years increasingly re­ sponsible bibliographic and public services positions in an academic or research library. Successful candi­ date will demonstrate effective managerial, interpersonal, communications skills; strong service philoso­ phy; sound grasp of library automation and its possibilities for support of teaching and research. Must be able to work collegially and productively with librarians with full faculty status as well as with students and staff of all backgrounds. Will demonstrate knowledge of issues facing academic libraries and higher educa­ tion and be willing to serve as fully active member of library’s administrative team. Desired: Second ad­ vanced degree; experience in both technical, public services; and experience in implementing an OPAC system. Rank and Salary: Administrator III, twelve month. Appointment Date: January 1989 or earlier. Hiring Range: $45,000-862,500. Appointment salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Application: Nominationsand applications with names, addresses and phone numbers of at least 3 refer­ ences to: Eloise McQuown, Assistant Director Administrative Services J. Paul Leonard Library San Francisco State University 1630 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 Applications received before August 31, 1988, will receive priority consideration. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. July /A ugust 1988 / 465 accredited School enrolls approximately 200 part- and full-time stu­ dents. It offers a graduate program which includes a Master’s de­ gree and a post-Master’s certificate as well as joint degrees in law, musicology, history, English, biology, and Greek and Latin. The pro­ gram has strengths in the following areas: academic research librari­ anship, law librarianship, medical librarianship, information technol­ ogy, m a n a g e m e n t of in fo rm a tio n system s, a n d a rc h iv a l management. Candidates should demonstrate scholarly achieve­ ment sufficient for a senior-level appointment and a broad knowl­ edge of librarianship and information science. Candidates for the po­ sition should also possess relevant administrative experience and should be recognized leaders in their fields. A successful record of grantsmanship is desirable. The Catholic University of America is the national Catholic center of higher learning and research. Its faculties and students, com posed of persons from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, are expected to respect the religious commit­ ment and mission of the University and to be supportive of its aims and ideals. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Ralph J . Rohner, Chair, Library and Information Science Dean Search Com­ mittee, c/o The Colum bus School of Law, The Catholic University of Am erica, Washington, DC 20064, as soon as possible. Review process will begin on August 1, 1988. Salary: competitive. Affirma­ tive action, equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES (Reopened) Dynamic, energetic people person wanted to revitalize media services and in­ tegrate them into the curriculum; work with faculty to utilize media in the classroom, assist in the development of instructional aids; adm in­ ister Audiovisual Department in Library; supervise two full time staff; 30 student workers. Resources include AV software production lab, audio booth, film and print darkrooms, closed circuit TV, 25 station m icrocom puter lab, two AV theaters, 16 AV carrels, viewing rooms, and terminals to access cam pus com puting center. Challenging op ­ portunity to work with committed, congenial staff. Requirements: M aster’s degree in Media, Library Science or related field; experi­ ence in audiovisual media, especially in college or university setting. Preference will be given to candidates with interest or experience in the context of a Liberal Arts College. Salary range: mid-$20s. If inter­ ested, send resume and cover letter by July 31,1988, to: Edward M . Dungan, Director of Human Resources, W ittenberg University, P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 45501. AA/EOE. DIRECTOR OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES (Search extended) Indiana University of Pennsylvania is seeking a Director of Biblio­ graphic Services. This m anagement position reports to the Associ­ ate Director for Technical Services and Systems and is responsible ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Automation & Technical Services Miami University As a m em ber of library m anagem ent w orking directly with the Dean and University Librarian, the Assis­ tant University Librarian for Autom ation will provide leadership for the form ulation and im plem entation of an evolving program of technical support and automation to meet the curricular and research needs of the users of the Miami University Libraries. The incum bent will have responsibility for the cataloging and acqui­ sitions departm ents and will organize and supervise the library’s autom ation efforts. The Assistant U niver­ sity Librarian will be responsible for providing strong leadership for the cataloging and acquisitions depart­ ment and for im plem enting needed changes in these areas as a result of automation. The incum bent will oversee the selection and implementation of systems decisions. The Assistant University Librarian will rep­ resent the Miami Libraries on cam pus and at professional activities on local, state, and national levels. The Ohio Board of Regents has recently adopted a planning docum ent on interinstitutional cooperation calling for a state-wide sharing of resources and cooperative storage; a state-wide online catalog and/or a systems linking project is currently being explored. Qualification: An A LA MLS; significant experience (at least 5 years) in systems and/or technical services in a large academ ic library; extensive know ledge of and interest in library automation; evidence of effective and innovative accom plishm ents; strong interpersonal skills; com prehensive know ledge of organizational developm ent, com m unication processes and planning; active participation in national library organizations as dem onstration of intellectual leadership and professional expertise; ability to w ork effectively within an environm ent of interaction and consultation with teaching faculty, com puter support personnel and library colleagues. C apacity to lead and manage change. Familiarity with the current body of professional library/ information theory and practice. Know ledge of needs of academ ic or scholarly library patrons. Effective skills in written and oral com m unication. Additional advanced degree desirable. The Miami University Library contains over 1.2 million volumes, has an extensive collection of go vern­ ment docum ents and microforms, and subscribes to over 6,000 periodicals. It serves 750 teaching and research faculty, 14,500 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students. The library has 32 professional librarians and 55 support staff. The library consists of the King Library (main), Science Library, A rt/A rchitec­ ture Library and a Music Library. Regional cam puses are located in Hamilton and M iddletow n and will be included on O x fo rd ’s online system. Miami University, an academ ically highly selective institution, is located in Oxford, Ohio, 35 miles north­ west of Cincinnati. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical, dental insurance, term life insurance. Public em ­ ployees retirem ent system. Salary level begins at $38,000 based on experience and qualifications. Subm it letter of application, resume, and names, telephone num bers and addresses of three professional refer­ ences to. Judith A. Sessions, Dean and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. Preliminary screening of applications will begin July 1 5 ,1 9 8 8 . Position will remain open until a candidate is appointed. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer. 466 / C&RL News for planning and evaluating day-to-day cataloging activities of faculty and support staff in the creation of bibliographic and item data for the Libraries’ union public access catalog; for planning, maintaining, and making weekly updates to the database; and for assisting in planning and implementing procedures for phasing out the card cat­ alog. The IUP Libraries are installing an online union catalog de­ signed by Carlyle Systems, Inc. Salary range for this management classification begins at $23,694; however, the starting salary will be dependent upon the qualifications of the successful candidate. Fringe benefits are excellent. An MLS from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school, a second Master’s degree, knowledge of AACR2 and Library of Congress Subject Headings, good written, oral, interper­ sonal skills, experience with the OCLC cataloging subsystem and automated library systems generally, and a minimum of five years experience working in an academic library environment are re­ quired. Three years experience in the development and quality con­ trol of an online union catalog in MARC format, enriched biblio­ graphic records, Dewey Decimal classification system, and experience with microcomputing is preferred. Training ability or ex­ perience with the implementation of an automated online union cata­ log is useful as well as experience in public or access services in an academic library. Send cover letter, resume, and names/addresses/ phone numbers of at least three references postmarked no later than August 1, 1988, to: Chair, Director of Bibliographic Services Search Committee, 203 Stapleton Library, Indiana University of Pennsyl­ vania, Indiana, PA 15705-1096. IUP is an Affirmative Action, Equal BIOLOGICAL & HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN John Cotton Dana Library Rutgers, Newark Campus (Search Re-Opened.) Reporting to the Head of Public Services, will provide biological and health sciences and/or general reference services, online database searching, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. The Dana Library serves students and faculty in the undergraduate and graduate programs, including the College of Nurs­ ing and the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited library school with strong background in the biological sci­ ences; three years reference experience with back­ ground in online database searching and biblio­ graphic instruction. Salary: Negotiable with minimum compensation for 12 month appointment at $29,974, plus excel­ lent benefits. Submit resume and three sources for current ref­ erence no later than August 1, 1988, to: Sandra Troy (APP 135) Library Personnel Officer Rutgers University Libraries 169 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (Previously announced as APP 131.) Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to ap­ ply. EDUCATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Librarian I. Dynamic, ur ban academic library seeks creative, energetic, flexible individual with strong commitment to public services. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services for general reference se rvice s,. computer-based literature searching, and library instruction with em­ phasis on the promotion of computerized resources. Manages In­ structional Materials Center in Education School and supervises IMC Library Assistant II. Reports to Assistant Director for Collection De- LIBRARY DIRECTOR The Library Director is the chief administrative of­ ficer of the library and is responsible for establishing and maintaining a range and quality of services that will support and promote the academic programs of the University and encourage optimal library use. The library has a collection of 390,000 volumes, 2,000 current periodical subscriptions, and a staff of 22 plus student employees. It offers a wide range of services and is currently completing plans to in­ stall an integrated online library information system. Qualifications: A master’s degree in library sci­ ence from an ALA-accredited school is required; an additional master’s or a doctoral degree preferred. Progressively responsible administrative experi­ ence in an academic library. Evidence of leader­ ship ability and interpersonal and communication skills. Experience with library automation preferred. Salary is negotiable based upon experience and ability. Salary range is $41,900 to $68,400. Applications and nominations, including letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references should be sent to: M. Nancy Terry, Chair Search Committee 112 Zumberge Library Grand Valley State University Allendale, Ml 49401 It is expected the person selected will be avail­ able January 1, 1989. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Applications from qualified minority and women candidates are en­ couraged. Grand Valley State University was established in 1960 and offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. Current student enrollment 8,800. The 897 acre, 21 building campus is located 12 miles west of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and 12 miles east of Lake Michigan. The University recently opened the L.V. Eberhard center, a 9-story, $29 million dol­ lar facility in downtown Grand Rapids near the Gerald R. Ford Museum. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. July/August 1988 / 467 The California Institute of Technology Library contains approximately 470,000 volumes, has extensive microfilm and technical report collections, and subscribes to 6,600 serials. It serves about 800 teaching and research faculty, 820 under­ graduates, and 1,000 graduate students. The library staff consists of 17 librarians and 38 support staff. The library is currently implementing an integrated online system. Currently the library seeks the following professionals: Catalog and Database Maintenance Librarian The position reports to the head of Cataloging and is responsible for maintenance of the online database and the card catalog. Duties include correcting data errors; resolving entry conflicts; and maintaining various bibliographic, in- process, and payment records. Other duties are supervision and monitoring of the filing and revision of cards in the card catalog and the shelf list, handling difficult cataloging problems, original cataloging, and assisting the head of cataloging in maintaining consistency of name and subject headings, and training and supervision. Applicants for the position must possess a Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited program, and at least two years of cataloging experience in an academic library. Applicants must be familiar with Library of Congress authority files, MARC formats, and bibliographic utilities. Planning and com­ munication skills and ability to achieve results are essential. The salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications with a minimum of $25,000 annually. Science Librarian The position reports to the head of the Science and Engineering Libraries and is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the math, physics, chemistry, and biology collections in the Millikan Library. Other duties include providing general reference service, collection development and faculty liaison in specific areas, online searching, and other special projects as assigned. Applicants for the job must possess a Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited program. Applicants with a related science degree or expe­ rience in a science or research area will be given special consideration. Experience in an academic science library is desired. The salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum salary of $24,000 annually. The position is available Oct. 1, 1988. To be considered for either position, please send a letter of application with resume and the names and addresses of three references to: Glenn L. Brudvig, Director of Information Resources, Millikan Library, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply. 468 / C&R L News velopment for collection development and faculty liaison responsibil­ ities with Education School and Psychology Department. Library au­ tom ation includes wide PC access, W LN-based online catalog/circulation (LUMIN) linking four University of Missouri cam­ puses, OCLC cataloging/ILL/reference, INNOVACQ acquisitions. Opportunity to gain management and public relations experience, working with solid management team of librarians. Minimum require­ ments: ALA-accredited MLS; strong oral/written communication skills; progressive attitude toward information services; ability to work with faculty, students; evidence of professional initiative. Prefer­ red: Degree in education or psychology; current supervisory, public services, collection development, online catalog, online searching experience. Salary: $20,500. Standard fringe benefits. Low cost of living in exciting city. Application review to begin July 1 and continue until position filled. Available: September 1, 1988. Send letter of ap­ plication, resume, names of three references to: Helen H. Spalding, Associate Director of Libraries, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110; (816) 276-1531. Must be a U.S. citizen or have legal right to work in the United States. ENGLISH LIBRARIAN, University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign. A faculty position available October 1,1988. Responsi­ ble for administration of English Library and for direction of its staff. With materials budget of $40,000, librarian, in cooperation with fac­ ulty, develops and maintains research collections in English, Cinema Studies, Theatre, and Speech Communication. Also ensures that ref­ erence, original cataloging, and online services are provided to meet needs of faculty, students and allied personnel in areas served. Maintains strong working relationship with faculty of departments served, library administration, Arts and Humanities Council, other re­ lated units, and engages in instructional and promotional activities of the Library. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA school, or its equivalent; undergraduate degree in English or allied fields; experi­ ence encompassing English literature and/or allied studies in an aca­ demic or research library; a minimum of three years professional ser­ vice. Supervisory and administrative experience. Ability to provide service to a diverse research-oriented clientele. Strong evidence of ability to meet university standards of research, publication, and ser­ vice. Preferred: Advanced degree in English or allied fields; experi­ ence in collection development, cataloging, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and database searching. Desired: Experience or familiarity with cinema studies, theatre, and speech communication. Familiarity with the needs of researchers in these fields, as demonstrated by aca­ demic background or professional experience. Librarians have fac­ ulty rank. Salary: $26,000 upward, Assistant Professor level, and $29,000 upward, Associate Professor level. Send letter of applica­ tion and complete resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Man­ ager, Library Personnel Office, 127 Library, University of Illinois Library, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-8169. Application/nomination deadline July 31, 1988. AA/EEO Employer. FINE ARTS BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library (Search Reopened). Re­ ports directly to the Avery Librarian. Primary responsibilities in­ volve the continued development of a strong research collection in painting, sculpture, the graphic arts, archaeology, and art his­ tory in general. Duties include overseeing all library activities in the above subject fields, such as acquisitions, in-depth reference, bib­ liographic instruction, preservation of the collection, and liaison with the faculty and students of the Department of Art History and Archaeology. The incumbent also selects and indexes articles in art historical and archaeology journals for the Avery Index to archi­ tectural literature. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: two to five years of relevant professional experience; a strong background in art history with preferential consideration to appli­ cants with an advanced degree; evidence of professional creativ­ ity and initiative; the ability to communicate and work effectively with faculty and students; and a working knowledge of one Ger­ manic and one Romance language (working know ledge of French, German and Italian is most desirable). Salary ranges are c u rre n tly: L ib ra ria n I: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 2 ,5 0 0 ; L ib ra ria n II: $27,000-$36,450. Excellent benefits include assistance with Uni­ versity housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Submit resume, listing three references to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is July 21, 1988. Please specify "Fine Arts Bibliographer” on ap­ plication. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Associate Librarian rank: $33,000-$36,000. Calendar year appointment. Position now open. Excellent benefits. Required: Accredited MLS, 5-7 years relevant experience; demonstrated leadership, management, and oral/writ­ ten communications skills. Demonstrated experience with AACR2, LC classification/LCSH, and OCLC. Must be able to do original cata­ loging of all formats. Supervises 3 professionals, 5 support staff. Pre­ ferred: public service experience; experience with integrated library systems and library applications of microcomputers. Participates in night/weekend public service desk rotation. Applications accepted until August 1, 1988. Send resume with cover letter and names of three references to: R. Delaine Baker, Affirmative Action Officer, 301C Netzer Administration Building, State University of New York College, Oneonta, NY 13820. An equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT, University of Northern Iowa. The University of Northern Iowa seeks a knowledgeable, ener­ getic and creative individual to provide leadership to the Library’s Cataloging Department. The Department Head is responsible for the management of all cataloging activities, including developing poli­ cies and procedures, maintaining quality control, solving complex cataloging problems, and coordinating activities with heads of other departments. The Department consists of two professional librarians and six support staff. The Department Head will have an active role in the implementation of the online catalog. Qualifications: ALA- accredited master’s degree in library science required; second mas­ ter’s degree preferred and required for tenure. A minimum of four years cataloging experience and extensive knowledge of AACR, MARC formats, LC classification, and LCSH required. Experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC) and an automated local library sys­ tem preferred. Organizational, supervisory, leadership, and well- developed written/oral communication skills highly desirable. The University of Northern Iowa is one of three state-supported universi­ ties governed by the Board of Regents. UNI is a comprehensive uni­ versity composed of six colleges enrolling over 11,000 students in broad curriculums at undergraduate and graduate levels. The Uni­ versity is located in Cedar Falls/Waterloo, a metropolitan area of ap­ proximately 100,000 population. Rank and salary are dependent upon qualifications and experience, with $32,000 minimum. The University provides an excellent fringe benefits package, including TIAA/CREF and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, resume and list of three refer­ ences (including addresses and telephone numbers) to: Chair of the Cataloging Department Head Search Committee, Donald O. Rod Li­ brary, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, lA 50613. Appli­ cations must be received by August 21,1988. AA/EOE. Women, mi­ norities, and members of other protected classes are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES, Institute of. Technology Libraries, University of Minnesota. Reporting to the Director of the Institute of Technology Libraries, the Access Services Head provides leader­ ship and initiative in planning, strengthening, and implementing pro­ grams and policies to enhance access services in a dynamic, in­ creasingly automated environment. Develops access service standards and monitors response to service needs. Communicates access service programs to patrons. Promotes positive image of li­ brary within the scientific and technical community of the University of Minnesota. Serves as a member of Departmental Management Council and University Library committees as appropriate. Partici­ pates in planning and implementation of automated circulation sys­ tem (NOTIS). Plans and manages space and facilities for services, staff and collections. Assume administrative responsibility for the or­ ganization, staffing, budgeting and operation of the Access Services units: Circulation/Stack Maintenance, Reserve, Photoduplication Services/Document Delivery, and Building and Collections Security. Qualifications: 1) MLS or equivalent. 2) Minimum 3 years relevant public service experience preferably in an academic research li­ brary. 3) Strong commitment to responsible and innovative service. Ability to provide leadership while working cooperatively in a de­ manding and rapidly changing environment. 4) Understanding of computer applications to access services desirable, 5) Strong com­ munication, organizational, analytical and planning skills. Library Profile: The Institute of Technology Libraries is comprised of the Sci­ ence and Engineering Library, Mathematics Library and Architec­ ture Library. Access Services is a major division within the Science and Engineering Library. It also provides services for the depart­ ments of Education, Psychology, and general library users. Taken together it maintains a collection of approximately 700,000 volumes, July /August 1988 / 469 and services 250,000 circulation transactions annually. The Access Services unit consists of 10 FTE staff and approximately 4 0 -4 5 stu­ dent assistants. An online circulation system is anticipated to be op­ erational Fall, 1989. This is a 12-month academic/professional posi­ tion with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian rank with a minimum salary of $25,000. Application deadline is September 16, 1988, with an anticipated January 1,1989, starting date. Submit let­ ter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer, University of Minne­ sota Libraries-Twin Cities Campus, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please cite UL 173 on appli­ cation. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer, and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. Note: The Immigration Reform and Con­ trol Act of 1986 requires all new employees to submit verification of identity and authorization to work in the United States at time of hire. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Indiana University Southeast, New Albany (Louisville, Kentucky, metropolitan area), one of 8 cam­ puses in Indiana University system. Head of Technical Services is responsible for all aspects of technical services operations: acquisi­ tion, serials, government publications and bibliographic control. De­ partment consists of 4 full time support staff. (Central processing per­ formed on Bloom ington campus.) Some reference desk duty. Reports directly to Director of Library Services. ALA/MLS required. At least 2 years professional experience in one or more aspects of technical services required. Also required: knowledge of OCLC, AACR2; excellent managerial, organizational, interpersonal skills; and strong service orientation. Knowledge of retrospective conver­ sion, online catalog systems (preferably NOTIS) highly desirable. Must be able to meet the responsibilities of a tenure track appoint­ ment. Salary $20,000/12 months. TIAA/CREF; liberal benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names and addresses of 3 refer­ ences to: Frances Livingston, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Box 88-2, c/o Personnel Office, Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150. Applications re­ ceived by July 20, 1988, will receive first consideration. Indiana Uni­ versity is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. HEAD, SERIALS CATALOGING DIVISION, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. Manage unit responsible for creating and maintaining serials catalog records and establishing authority records. Over 210,000 serial titles are held by the Library, approximately 80,000 of which are received currently. Responsible for the retrospective con­ version of serials records not yet in machine-readable form. MLS de­ gree, 5 years of cataloging experience (a substantial portion in seri­ als c a ta lo g in g ), c a ta lo g in g in an a u to m a te d e n viro n m e n t, supervisorial experience in a large cataloging operation and good oral and written communication skills required. Knowledge of West­ ern European languages desirable. Full job description on request. Appointment salary range $31,008 to $44,676 per annum depend­ ing on qualifications. Applications received by 12 August 1988 will receive first consideration. Send resume, including name and ad­ dress of three professional references to: Janice H. Burrows, Library Personnel Office, Room 447 Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. The University of California is an Equal Oppor­ tunity, Affirmative Action Employer. THREE POSITIONS Case Western Reserve University HEAD OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Manages the activities of the Bibliographic Ser­ vices Department, which include the cataloging and physical processing of all newly-acquired materials (monographs and serials), the coordination of all retrospective conversion activities and the maintenance of the online and manual catalogs; coordinates cataloging activities of departments which do not report di­ rectly to the Technical Services Division. Staff consists of 4 FTE professionals, 8 FTE support staff plus student assistants. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; second Master’s degree in a subject specialty pre­ ferred; 5 years increasingly responsible experience in cataloging activities in an academ ic research library; substantial managerial/supervisory experience; com mand of AACR2, LCSH, the MARC formats, OCLC or a com parable network; experience with a local online library system. Rank: Librarian III. Salary: $29,000 minimum. HEAD OF SERIALS DEPARTMENT. Manages the Serials Department activities, which include acquisi­ tions, fiscal control, check-in, record keeping and physical processing for all serials, standing orders and other continuations; provides planning for continued use of the Geac Acquisitions Subsystem for serials control; manages the serials/continuation budget; maintains liaison with public service departments, so that user needs are efficiently and effectively served; coordinates the serials record-keeping activities of University Libraries departments which do not report directly to the Technical Services Division. Staff con­ sists of 6 FTE support staff plus student assistants. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 3 years increas­ ingly responsible experience in the management of serials collections and activities; substantial m anage­ rial/supervisory experience; experience with an automated serials control system; experience in budgetary control of serials. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: $25,000 minimum. HEAD OF CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. Oversees administration of daily circulation operations in two locations, including general circulation, reserves, stack maintenance and photocopy services; provides planning for continued use of the Geac Circulation Subsystem; acts as liaison with faculty and students, especially in matters concerning circulation policy and procedures. Staff consists of 11 FTE support staff and 20 student assistants. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 2 years experience as a professional librar­ ian; experience with an integrated online system; excellent oral and written communication skills; user- oriented philosophy. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Send resume and names of three current references to: Karen K. Griffith, Personnel Librarian, Case Western Reserve University Libraries, 11161 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106, by 20 July 1988. Preliminary interviews may be conducted at ALA. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 470 / C &RL News HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT, University of Cincinnati. Re­ sponsible for the management of the centralized serials acquisitions and serials cataloging services for the University Libraries. Receives general direction from the Associate University Librarian for Access Services. Supervises a staff of 2 librarians and 9.5 FTE support staff. University Libraries consists of a main library and eleven college and departmental libraries. The Collection includes 1,250,000 volumes, 14,000 subscriptions and 1,625,000 microforms. This position offers the opportunity to bring together serials acquisitions and serials cata­ loging functions, to implement an online serials system, and to de­ sign and implement new workflow. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Demonstrated leadership, man­ agement and human relations skills. Five years experience, which includes library serials acquisitions. Successful supervisory experi­ ence. Ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Pre­ ferred: Experience with online catalogs and online serials control systems. Public service experience. Serials cataloging experience. Salary: Salary and rank is commensurate with qualifications and ex­ perience. Range $28,000-$34,000. Deadline: July 5, 1988. Send resume, with cover letter and names of three references to: Judy Wernicke, Personnel Assistant, 640 Langsam Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. University of Cincinnati is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. MEDIA LIBRARIAN (Film Library). The University of Arizona is seek­ ing a professional librarian to manage the services of its film/video unit. Responsibilities include supervision of 2.0 FTE support staff and several student assistants; coordination of an annual classic film se­ ries; reference and loan service, library instruction, collection devel­ opment and special projects identified for the unit by the Head Media Center Librarian. Applicants must possess an ALA-accredited mas­ ter’s degree, have demonstrated supervisory skills, and have knowl­ edge of non-print materials and services. Ability to communicate ef­ fectively to individuals and groups is essential. Knowledge of library automation is desired. Minimum salary is $21,500; higher salary ne­ gotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academic professional status, are eli­ gible for continuing appointment, are voting members of the faculty, and may take up to 24 days professional leave per year. They have 22 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays. A stan­ dard package of fringe benefits is available. Send a letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names of three references to: W. David Laird, Uni­ versity Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721, by August 12, 1988. The position is available November 1, 1988. The University of Arizona is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Af­ firmative Action employer. MONOGRAPHS AND HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS LIBRAR­ IAN. The Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for Monographs and Historical Col­ lections Librarian. Reporting to the Head of Acquisitions Services, this position will be responsible for coordinating collection develop­ ment for all current monographs and historical materials, including liaison with faculty and public services librarians regarding collection needs. Other responsibilities will include serving as consultant for historical information service and overseeing preservation and con- THREE REFERENCE POSITIONS Arizona State University Arizona State University, home of the new Phoenix Cardinals, is pleased to offer three outstanding career opportunities. In addition to 284 days of unmitigated sunshine, the salary for each position begins at $19,500 and is negotiable, dependent on education and experience. The successful candidates for all three positions will participate in four broad areas of responsibility: refer­ ence service, collection development, faculty liaison and specialized public service (database searching, orientation and instruction, in-depth reference in assigned subject areas). HUMANITIES REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Except for languages, the qualifications for two positions are identical. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; relevant academic background for assigned subject areas; relevant experience in an academic, large public or research library; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred: Graduate degree in relevant humanities discipline; ex­ perience and/or training in collection development and management, general reference, orientation and instruction, database searching; appropriate professional experience. For the position of REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/WESTERN EUROPEAN SUBJECT SPECIALIST FOR ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES, a strong working knowledge of French is required, and familiarity with Spanish, Italian, or a classical language is preferred. The position of REFERENCE LIBRA­ RIAN/SUBJECT SPECIALIST FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES, GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND PHILOS­ OPHY requires a strong working knowledge of German and prefers familiarity with Scandinavian lan­ guages or Dutch. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/SUBJECT SPECIALIST FOR LIFE SCIENCES AND AGRI­ CULTURE. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; academic training and/or expe­ rience using the life sciences/agriculture information sources; demonstrated written and oral communica­ tion skills; knowledge of science reference tools. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in a life science; relevant academic background and/or experience in agriculture; reference experience in an aca­ demic, research or special library; experience in collection development in an academic or research li­ brary, preferably including approval plans, collection assessment and other development and evaluation methods; experience in using DIALOG, BRS or STN. Application Deadline: Recruitment will remain open until the positions are filled, with review of applica­ tions beginning on August 15,1988. Please apply separately for each position in which interested. Send letter which addresses all stated qualifications, current resume, and names, addresses and telephone num­ bers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; (602) 965-3417. ASU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. July/August 1988 / 471 servation activities for all collections. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Highly desirable: Life sciences degree. Preference given tö candidates who also have experience in a health or science library, in collection development or acquisitions, or in a science field. Dem­ onstrated interest in history of medicine desirable. Qualities sought include excellent interpersonal and communication skills, interest in professional involvement, and a commitment to serving the informa­ tion needs of health professionals. Salary based on experience and other factors: for example, minimum $18,800; base salary with 3 years relevant experience $22,000. The Health Sciences Library has a professional staff of 24; it serves 5 professional schools and North Carolina Memorial Hospital. Send letter of application, curriculum vi­ tae, and names of 3 references to: Carol G. Jenkins, Director, Health Sciences Library, CB# 7585, University of North Carolina at Chape! Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585. To be assured of consid­ eration, applications should be received by August 31,1988. Affirm­ ative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. NONBOOK LIBRARIAN (search reopened). University of Nevada, Las Vegas, seeks energetic, creative librarian to fill new Nonbook Li­ brarian position and assume responsibility for managing, planning and implementing an expanding nonbook program. Nonbook sec­ tion is staffed by 3.5 classified employees and 10 part-time student assistants. Services include providing access to a variety of audiovi­ sual materials; operating a copy service; providing a growing faculty development center that currently includes microcomputers and grading machines; cooperating with the Computing Center in hous­ ing a computer training lab. This person will work closely with Tele- Media Services, faculty, librarians and other university community members to ensure that appropriate services, collections and equip­ ment are available; serve as an advocate for the role of nonbook ma­ terials in a university library; and address relationships between computer technologies and nonbook services. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; training and experience in use of nonbook materi­ als, sources and equipment; planning, supervisory and communica­ tion skills; two years professional experience, preferably in an academic library; ability to relate harmoniously with clients and staff; and commitment to responsive and innovative public services. Sal­ ary: $25,000-$30,000. Librarians have tenure-track positions, fac­ ulty status, 12-month appointments, 24 days per year of paid vaca­ tion, and standard fringe benefits including TIAA/CREF. No state income tax. Deadline for submission of applications is September 16, 1988. Send letter of application; resume; and names, phone numbers and addresses of three references to: Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN. Works with Department Head in managing a variety of preservation activities and projects. Responsi­ ble for operation and management of Preservation Office, one of three units within the Department. Assess preservation needs of col­ lections and develops plans to meet those needs. MLS preferred or equivalent; demonstrated interest in and commitment to library pres­ ervation; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to communicate effec­ tively both orally and in writing; ability to take initiative and work inde­ pendently. Salary Range: $21,000-$24,000. Send application and resume, including names of three references to: Lance Query, Assis­ tant University Librarian for Planning and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208. Applications will be ac­ cepted until the position is filled. AA/EOE. PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIANS. The Hedi Steinberg Library at Stern College for Women (located in mid-town Manhattan) seeks two public service librarians. Responsibilities include: reference service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, collection develop­ ment and supervision of student aides. MLS and knowledge of He­ brew required. Salary range: $19,000-$28,000 (depending on years of experience). Excellent benefits including 4 weeks vacation. TWO POSITIONS REOPENED at the New York Institute of Technology The New York Institute of Technology’s Old Westbury Campus is situated on 600 acres of wooded es­ tates and is within easy access of Manhattan. A new fully automated library building is planned for com ple­ tion in the academ ic year 1989-90. The current campus library, part of a four-branch library system, con­ tains 81,000 volumes and 1,000 journal titles. BRANCH/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. To manage collections and public services and serve as reference librarian. Duties include planning, supervision of staff of 6, bibliographic instruction, collection develop­ ment in the humanities, faculty liaison, database searching. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, substan­ tial and related academ ic library experience with strong and successful public services record; responsible administrative experience. Demonstrated ability to work with various college constituencies; excellent com ­ munication skills. Experience with automated systems, second graduate degree desirable. Salary: from $27,000 depending on qualifications. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for coordination and supervision of the Acquisitions Depart­ ment of a multibranch library system, including order and receipt of materials (books and serials), monitor­ ing budget accounts, vendor relations, gifts and exchange programs. Works closely with faculty for ongo­ ing collection developm ent. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with significant academ ic library acquisitions experience and strong supervisory skills. Knowledge of automated acquisitions control sys­ tems. Excellent com munications and interpersonal skills. Salary: from $21,000 depending on qualifica­ tions. NYIT is an EEO/AA employer. Benefits include one month vacation, generous holidays, medical and dental care, retirement plans, tuition remission for self and dependents. Review of application will begin July 1, 1988, and continue until position is filled. Will interview at ALA- New Orleans. Submit application letter, resume, names and titles of three references to: Constance Woo Director of Libraries H. Schure Library New York Institute of Technology Old Westbury, NY 11568 472 / C &RL News Please send resume and salary requirement to: Elliot Wasserman, Yeshiva University, Personnel Department, 2495 Amsterdam Av­ enue, New York, NY 10033. EOE. REFERENCE/CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. Search reopened ALA-accredited MLS degree required. Supervisory ability and com­ munication skills necessary. Interest in computerized systems de­ sired. Duties include direct reference, bibliographic instruction, ref­ erence collection development, circulation supervision, circulation policy decisions, work with automated circulation system, mainte­ nance of collection, some night and weekend work. Salary minimum $18,000, negotiable and competitive. Faculty rank, tenure track po­ sition. Send application/resume and three references to: Gwen Creswell, James Earl Carter Library, Georgia Southwestern Col­ lege, Americus, GA 31709, by July 18, 1988. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE/DATA ARCHIVE LIBRARIAN. The University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Reference/Data Archive Librarian. Principal responsibilities include providing library services relating to non-b¡bliographic textual and numeric datafiles, including administration, budgeting and account­ ing for these services; collection development; reference; referral; and liaison functions with appropriate agencies on and off campus. These machine-readable data files may include tapes acquired from the U.S. Government, the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, other archive agencies, and from individual or institutional researchers. They may be numeric files, textual-numeric, or full text and include public opinion polls and surveys, election studies, studies in economic behavior, historical surveys, and legis­ lative roll call data, as examples. Coordination of library services with other campus units (e.g. computing facilities, academic depart­ ments, and campus statistical research units) will constitute an im­ portant function. Also provides general reference services in central reference department. Requires minimum of a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; ability to communicate effectively with faculty, students, staff, and computer specialists; potential to work independently with textual and numeric data files. Prefer back­ ground in and understanding of the quantitative social sciences; ref­ erence experience in an academic or research library; experience working with textual and numeric data files; experience with micro­ computers; basic programming experience. Minimum Salary: $18,000+ for 12 months with usual fringe benefits, depending on qualifications and experience. Available: September 1, 1988. Send letter of application, names of three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 Ellis Library (CN), Univer­ sity of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201. To ensure con­ sideration, applications should be received by July 15, 1988. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and hires only U.S. citizens and lawfully authorized alien workers. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SUBJECT SPECIALIST, Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). (Search reopened.) Central Reference Services Department starting October 1, 1988. 1) Serve on the Reference/Information Desk. 2) Select materials for the gen­ eral library collection for the College of Business Administration and in Actuarial Science. (Includes collection management, assessment, and fund management.) 3) Provide user education in assigned sub­ ject area(s). 4) Liaison with faculty, staff, and students in the College of Business Administration and affiliated agencies. 5) Online search­ ing in the humanities and social sciences. Required: MLS from a pro­ gram accredited by the American Library Association; strong inter­ personal skills; demonstrated oral and written communication skills; business degree or equivalent experience. Preferred: Experience in online searching; experience in reference service; graduate degree in the social sciences or humanities; reading knowledge of one or more foreign language(s). $19,000 minimum for a 12-rnonth con­ tract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full resume plus names and current addresses/telephone numbers of three references by August 15, 1988, to: Kent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. Affirm­ ative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, HUMANITIES AND VISUAL ARTS. Progressive college library supporting programs in liberal, fine, and the performing arts seeks librarian for general reference service, with emphasis on Humanities and Visual Arts. Extensive bibliographic in­ struction and online searching activity. Library has automated cata­ log and is moving toward end-user online searching. Beside refer­ ence duties, responsibilities include collection development in humanities fields and supervision of slide collection, liaison with ap­ propriate teaching departments, and participation in college govern­ ance. Stimulating professional environment; faculty status. Require­ ments: Master’s degree from accredited library school. Preference to candidates with additional master’s degree in relevant field and/or academic library experience. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions; hiring range $21,000-$26,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Re­ view of application begins July 30,1988. Please send resume, letter of application, and names of three references to: Richard Silver, Af­ firmative Action Officer, State University of New York College at Purchase, Purchase, NY 10577. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportu­ nity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN in a library serving a multi-ethnic univer­ sity population of 12,000 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Responsibil­ ities: general reference service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, reference collection development, other related duties as assigned. Evening and weekend duty included. Required: ALA- accredited MLS. At least two years of full-time academic library expe­ rience performing general reference, bibliographic instruction, and database searching. Demonstrated professional commitment. Tem­ porary 12-24 month appointment (with possibility of reappointment) plus staff benefits at Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian rank, de­ pending upon experience and qualifications ($31,680-$34,740). Progressive professional and/or scholarly development required for reappointment. Apply by August 8, 1988. Send letter of application with resume to: Melissa Rose, Library Director, California State University, Hayward, Hayward, CA 94542. CSUH is an equal op- LIBRARY DIRECTOR Smithsonian Institution The Smithsonian Institution is seeking candidates for the position of Director of Smithsonian Libraries, Washington, D.C. This position is in the Federal civil service with salary of $64,397 to $72,500 per an­ num. Smithsonian Libraries constitute a major re­ search library complex, supporting the research, curatorial, exhibition, publication, and public ser­ vice programs of the Institution. Its collection of ap­ proximately 1,000,000 volumes, including 20,000 serial subscriptions, is available to Smithsonian and other scholars through a system of 36 library loca­ tions in the Washington metropolitan area and at Smithsonian facilities outside of Washington, D.C. Candidates should have a high degree of profes­ sional competence in library/information science; substantial experience in the administration of a re­ search library serving a large, complex organiza­ tion; and demonstrated administrative and mana­ gerial ability. Closing date for application August 31, 1988. Send Standard Form 171, Application for Federal Employment, and curriculum vitae to: Office of Personnel Administration Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 Attn: EX-04-88 (CR) For fu rthe r inform ation, telephone: V incent Roots, (202) 357-3317. An Equal Opportunity Employer. July/August 1988 / 473 portunity, affirmative action, Title IX employer. Applications from women and minorities welcomed. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Indiana University Southeast, New Al­ bany (Louisville, Kentucky, metropolitan area), one of 8 campuses in Indiana University system. Under supervision of Head of Readers Services, Reference Librarian provides reference and bibliographic instruction services; supervises interlibrary loan; coordinates online searching. ALA/MLS required. Also required: knowledge of online searching, OCLC, excellent interpersonal skills, strong service orien­ tation. Must be able to meet the requirements of a tenure track ap­ pointment. Salary $18,000/12 months. TIAA/CREF, liberal benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names and addresses of 3 references to: Nancy Totten, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Box 88-3, c/o Personnel Office, Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150. Applications re­ ceived by July 20, 1988, will be given first consideration. Indiana University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities include general refer­ ence service, introductory and subject-oriented bibliographic in­ struction, and teaching an introduction to the Library course. Some evening and weekend hours. Will be part of a staff of eleven refer­ ence librarians in a setting including the use of OCLC, and online and CD databases. NOTIS implementation in progress. May be assigned collection development and faculty liaison responsibilities depend­ ing on areas of expertise and need. ALA-accredited MLS; at least two years of professional academic library experience, including bibliographic instruction and general reference work; and demon­ strated interpersonal communication skills. Second advanced de­ gree desirable. This is a tenure-track faculty position. Reappointment and promotion dependent upon evaluation of demonstrated prog­ ress towards and achievement in meeting library and university crite­ ria based on professional competence and growth, scholarly and creative activity, and appropriate university and public service. Mini­ mum of $18,000 (Instructor) or $21,000 (Assistant Professor) for ten- month academic year. Opportunity for summer employment exists. C. M.U. is a state university with an enrollment of 17,000 students and over 650 full-time faculty. Submit letter of application specifying posi­ tion, a resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references. Applications received prior to July 15,1988, will be given priority consideration. Send to: Chairperson, Selection Com­ mittee, 207 Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Ml 48859; (517) 774-6419. CMU is an affirmative action and equal opportunity institution. REFERENCE/LIAISON LIBRARIAN, Assistant Professor (tenure- leading), Branch Services Department, starting October 1, 1988. 1. Serve on reference/information desk. 2. Select materials for library collections in assigned subject areas serving the College of Home Economics (Consumer Science and Education; Human Develop­ ment and the Family; Human Nutrition and Foodservice Manage­ ment; and Textiles, Clothing and Design); Barkley Center (Special Education and Communication Disorders); and the College of Agri­ culture (Agricultural Communications, Agricultural Economics, and Agricultural Education). 3. Conduct online searching in the social sci­ ences and humanities related to collection development assign­ ments. 4. Provide user education in assigned subject areas. 5. Pro­ vide liaison with faculty, students, and staff in assigned areas. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, excellent in­ terpersonal skills, degree in one of assigned subject areas or rele­ vant work experience. Preferred: Graduate degree in one of as­ signed subject areas, experience in online searching, reference experience, user education experience. $19,000 minimum for a 12- month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifica­ tions of the successful applicant. Apply with full resume plus names and current addresses/telephone numbers of three references by August 15,1988, to: Kent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588- 0410. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. SERIALS CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Requirements: MLS (ALA- accredited). Experience in serials cataloging, including original cata­ loging, copy cataloging and catalog maintenance; experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility; ability to work with foreign lan­ guage material. Desired Qualifications: Successful supervisory ex­ perience, including training and evaluating personnel; working knowledge of authority practices, Anglo-American catalog rules and LC rule interpretations, OCLC/MARC formats and CONSER stan­ dards; experience with an online catalog; reading knowledge of Ro­ mance languages, German and/or Russian; familiarity with Dewey Decimal classification; familiarity with ANSI/NISO serial holdings standards and with USNP newspaper cataloging standards; strong communication and interpersonal skills; good planning and organi­ zational skills. Responsibilities: Responsible for original and copy cataloging of serials in all formats; coordinates the operations of the serials cataloging unit; trains and supervises 4 clerical staff plus stu­ dent assistants; directs and revises staff cataloging and catalog maintenance activities in both manual and online environments; serves as resource person for all library faculty, professional and clerical staff in matters relating to serials cataloging and catalog maintenance policies and procedures. Status and benefits: Exempt Professional. Twelve month appointment with annual vacation of 22 days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical and disability insurance programs are in effect as are TIAA/CREF retirement and Social Security coverage. Salary $20,000 and up depending upon qualifications. Deadline: Septem­ ber 1, 1988, or until position is filled. Send resume and list of refer­ ences to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, Libraries, Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN, Cataloging Department. Senior Assistant li­ brarian rank: $23,000-$26,000. Calendar year appointment. Posi­ tion now open. Excellent benefits. Accredited MLS required; 3 -5 years experience with MARC serials format, AACR2, LC classifica- tion/LCSH, and OCLC. Member of Cataloging Department of 4 pro­ fessionals, 5 support staff. Responsible for all serials cataloging and maintenance of serials holdings list, assists with other department duties. Participates in night/weekend public service desk rotation. Applications accepted until August 1,1988. Send resume with cover letter and names of three references to: R. Delaine Baker, Affirmative Action Officer, 301C Netzer Administration Building, State Univer­ sity of New York College, Oneonia, NY 13820. An equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. SOUTHEAST ASIA RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHER (Search Ex tended). Duties include Southeast Asia reference, bibliographic in­ struction, collection assessment, compilation of research tools, and assisting the Head of Southeast Asia Collection. Master of Library Science degree from an ALA-accredited program (or foreign equiva­ lent), strong academic or experiential background in Southeast Asia Studies, excellent English oral and written communications skills, and mastery of a Southeast Asian language (preferably Indonesian/ Malaysian) required. Other Southeast Asian or appropriate Asian or European languages and academic library experience desirable. Full-time, 12-month position; salary $22,000-$25,000. Send appli­ cation letter, current vita, and three references to: Lian The-Mulliner, Head, Southeast Asia Collection, Ohio University Libraries, Ath­ ens, OH 45701-2978, by September 1, 1988. AA/EO Employer. URBAN PLANNING BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LI­ BRARIAN, Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library. Reports di­ rectly to the Avery Librarian. Primary responsibilities involve the con­ tinued development of a research collection in urban planning, housing and real estate development. Duties include overseeing all library activities in the above subject fields, such as acquisitions, in- depth reference, bibliographic instruction and preservation; coordi­ nation of these activities with related units in the Columbia University Libraries (business/economics, social science/international affairs and social work libraries); and liaison with the faculty and students of the Division of Urban Planning. The incumbent also provides gen­ eral reference service in the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library and selects and indexes articles in urban planning and real estate journals for the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: one to three years of rele­ vant professional experience; a strong background in the social sci­ ences with preferential consideration to applicants with an advanced degree; evidence of professional activity and initiative; the ability to communicate and write effectively; and working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Salary ranges are currently: Librarian I: $25,000-$32,500; Librarian II: $27,000-$36,450. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Submit resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is August 30,1988. Please specify “ Urban Planning Bibliographer” on application. An Affirmative Action, Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. 474 / C&R L News LATE JOB LISTINGS ARCHIVIST. The Hoover Institution a t Stanford University, a specialized library and archival repository and research center on 20th century social, economic, and political change, announces an opening for the position of Archivist. Responsible for the adm inistration of the Hoover Institution Archives and its archival programs, including acquisitions, arrangem ent and description of m aterials, reference and access, public programs and publications, security and preservation. Qualifications include substantial adm inistrative experience directing a major archival or m anuscript repository or other historical organization; MLS and graduate degree in modern U.S., European, or R ussian history, or th eir equivalent in training and experience; dem onstrated effective m anagem ent skills; thorough knowledge of archival theory and practices; fam iliarity with archival automation; and established professional record. Salary $40,000-$55,000. Complete vacancy listing available upon request. Send letter of application, resume, and nam es of three references to; Charles G. Palm, Associate Director, H oover In stitu tio n , Stanford, CA 94305. Application deadline: August 31, 1988. Stanford U niversity is an equal opportunity employer through affirmative action. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, Automated Systems. Serves as A ssistant Director of the CSU Pomona campus library. Provides the Director with technical and adm inistrative support in autom ated systems. Works closely with the Director and the Library D epartm ent Heads on local needs assessm ent, planning, development, and im plem entation of micro-, mini-, and mainfram e-based systems in support of library functions and programs. Carries out assignm ents in accordance w ith established priorities as determ ined by the Director and the Library adm inistrative team. Participates in overall Library planning, budget preparation and the formulation of Library policies. Recommends new programs and procedures as appropriate. H as adm inistrative responsibility for the overall operations of the Library services and facilities in the absence of the Director and assum es other duties as assigned by the Library Director. Salary: Com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Required: 1) ALA- accredited MLS degree or MS in computer/information science from an ALA- accredited library program; 2) three years post-MLS experience in library autom ation (or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired). Request detailed job description, position announcem ent and application form by sending a letter of inquiry and complete resum e to: Search Committee, C alifornia S tate P o ly te c h n ic U n iv ersity , Pom ona, CA 91768. A completed application form m ust be postm arked by October 28, 1988. EEO/AA/Title IX, Section 504 Employer. Employment a t Cal Poly Pomona is subject to federal laws th a t require you to present to the U niversity documents which verify your identity and your legal rights to work in the U nited States. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Loyola U niversity of Chicago invites applications and nominations for the position of A ssistant U niversity L ibrarian for Public Services. This position is responsible for directing and coordinating a public services program which meets the growing instructional and research needs of the university. The A ssistant U niversity L ibrarian for Public Services will be responsible for developing appropriate m eans for coordinating services and strengthening communication between the public service units of the university’s two m ain libraries, Cudahy Library on the Lake Shore Campus and Lewis Towers Library in downtown Chicago on the W ater Tower Campus. The AUL for Public Services reports to the Associate U niversity L ibrarian and participates as a senior adm inistrator in the overall m anagem ent of the library system including long-range planning, budget development, resource allocation and policy July /August 1988 / 475 development. The public services division consists of 4 departm ents w ith 15 professionals and 22 support staff w ith responsibilities for reference, circulation, governm ent documents, library instruction, in terlib rary loan, database searching, end-user support, periodicals information, library publications and audiovisual services. The university library system serves 16,000 students and 1,400 faculty. The libraries will add the m illionth volume in 1989 and have a m aterials budget of $2 m illion. The libraries have autom ated w ith NOTIS. Qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS degree; significant public service, supervisory and adm inistrative experience in an academic research library; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work effectively in a multi-campus system; knowledge of and in terest in using technology to improve services. Salary com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Base salary $37,000. L ibrarians have limited faculty statu s, are eligible for librarian sabbatical leaves after 3 years, earn 20 days of vacation and have a standard package of fringe benefits including university contributions to TIAA/CREF. Applications received by August 1, 1988, will receive first consideration, b u t applications will continue to be accepted u n til the position is filled. Qualified applicants should send le tte r of application, resum e and the names, addresses and phone num bers of three references to: Ellen J. Waite, University L ibrarian, Cudahy Library, L oyola U n iv e r sity o f C hicago, 6525 N orth Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. Loyola U niversity of Chicago is an affirmative action educator and employer. AUTOMATION PROJECT MANAGER, B aker Library, H arvard Business School. Reports to the Associate L ibrarian for A dm inistration and works closely with the Associate L ibrarian for Information Systems. Provides supervision of the activities necessary to complete the im plem entation of the integrated library software system. Identifies and solves related problems for the Library. Provides a liaison between technical support in the Division of Computer Services and th e library; provides training and technical assistance in using the system to th e library staff. Represents Baker on various ad hoc U niversity Library committees concerned w ith autom ated systems. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school or equivalent combination of advanced degree with 3-5 years related work experience. Excellent understanding of library systems. Previous experience w ith the library system IDIs TECHLIB/STACS highly desirable. Good interpersonal skills and willingness to participate as a team m em ber in a dynamic organization. L ibrarian II $24,560; L ibrarian III $30,200 (minimum b u t negotiable based on qualification and experience). Send application le tte r and resum e with names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three cu rren t references to: Em m a Bradford Perry, Associate L ibrarian for A dm inistration, B aker Library, H arvard B u sin e ss S ch ool, Boston, MA 02163. H arvard U niversity is an equal opportunity employer. BASQUE STUDIES LIBRARIAN. The U niversity of Nevada-Reno Library seeks creative, dedicated librarian w ith a strong com m itm ent to public service and fam iliarity w ith technical services to be responsible for internationally known Basque Studies Library of 20,000 volumes. D uties include promotion of the collection, collection development, reference, and other public services. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Good knowledge of the Spanish language. Strong supervisory, interpersonal and communication skills. Faculty statu s requires th a t librarians m eet faculty stan d ard s for appointm ent, promotion and tenure. Desirable qualifications: Knowledge of French and the Basque language. Fam iliarity with Iberian history and culture. Experience in grantw riting. A ppropriate professional experience, preferably in an academic or research library. Salary open, depending upon qualifications and experience (minimum $29,288). 12-month appointment; TIAA/CREF; 24 days vacation. Position available August 15, 1988. M ountains, desert, lakes, 5 hours by car from San Francisco. Send resum e and nam es and addresses of three references 476 / C &RL News to: Mary B. An sari, Head of Administrative Services, U n iv e rsity of N evada- R eno Library, Reno, NV 89557-0044. Closing date September 15,1988, or until position is filled. AA/EOE. UNR employs only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States. BUSINESS/GENERAL REFEREN CE LIBRARIAN with a Collection Management Assignment. Senior Assistant Librarian. Tenure-track position. $33,192-$43,896 for 12 months; 10-month option available with proportionate salary reduction. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree, 3 years experience as a business reference librarian in an academic, public or special library; a combination of: a) baccalaureate major or minor in business management; b) demonstrated success with database searching; c) collection management experience as a business bibliographer; d) demonstrated ability in bibliographic instruction. Demonstrated ability to work effectively, independently, and cooperatively with others. Demonstrated oral and w ritten communication skills. Preferred: MBA degree from an accredited institution and recent experience in a comparable position. Request position announcement/ description and application form by sending a letter of inquiry and complete resume to: Laura Smith, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Library Secretary, California State P olytech n ic U niversity, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768. A completed application form m ust be postmarked by September 30, 1988. EEO/AA/Title IX, Section 504 Employer. Employment at Cal Poly Pomona is subject to federal laws th at require you to present to the University documents which verify your identity and your legal right to work in the United States. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Gelman Library, George Washington University. Appointment salary minimum: (negotiable, based on qualifications and experience): $22,000. Position description: Serves as the resource person on cataloging problems and issues; performs original and difficult copy cataloging of general library m aterials including nonprint materials; develops policies and procedures in consultation with the departm ent head; trains new catalogers. In addition, the incumbent, like all librarians in the Gelman Library, will serve as subject specialist on selected academic disciplines depending on background and experience. The Gelman Library catalogs approximately 25,000 titles annually, and is an OCLC enhance library. The Cataloging and Systems departm ent consists of 6 librarians and 10 support staff. The incumbent will be a member of the Original Cataloging Unit and report to the departm ent head. Qualifications required: ALA MLS; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC formats; minimum 2 years professional cataloging experience; familiarity with LC cataloging practices and rule interpretations; good oral and w ritten communication skills. Qualifications desirable: Previous supervisory experience; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language (German and Russian preferred); experience with OCLC; and experience in cataloging serials and nonprint materials. Closing date is September 6, 1988, for this appointment. Deadline for applications: For full consideration, please send current resume and names and addresses of three references by September 6, 1988, to: Andrea W. Stewart, Executive Associate, Gelman Library, George W ashington U niversity, 2130 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20052. GWU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, University Libraries, Boston College. This position is responsible for original and complex copy cataloging of monographic materials, including nonprint items and scores, using OCLC and the integrated online system. Performs name, subject and series authority work. Serves as a resource for cataloging assistants and participates in departm ental planning. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 1-2 years cataloging experience; knowledge of LC classification, LC subject headings, AACR2, OCLC and MARC July/August 1988 / 477 formats; reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages; experience w ith in teg rated online systems highly desirable. Salary from $22,000. Boston College offers its 14,000 students and almost 700 faculty the advantages of a strong liberal a rts in stitu tio n w ith outstanding graduate and professional programs. The new O’Neill Library provides an attractive and intensely used environm ent for study and teaching. Among other technologies, the library uses the GEAC, OCLC and Faxon SC-IO systems, and is currently installing the NOTIS system for operation in the Fall of 1989. Benefits for Boston College lib rarian s include 22 days vacation, tuition rem ission and health, dental and other insurance programs. To apply, send resum e and nam es of three references to: Richard Jefferson, Employment M anager, D epartm ent of H um an Resources, B o sto n C ollege, C hestnut Hill, MA 02167. Applications received by A ugust 1, 1988, will receive priority consideration. Boston College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY, M arian College. Catholic, co-educational, four year liberal a rts and professional studies, 1,100 students. Responsibilities include planning, budgeting, policy formation and adm inistration, overall staff direction (two professionals, l .5 clerical, 30 stu d en t assistants), leadership w ith academic dep artm en ts for collection development, collaboration w ith area librarians. Reports to Academic Dean. ALA-accredited MLS and several years academic lib rary experience required. M ust possess highly developed communication and interpersonal skills and service orientation. Experience w ith library autom ation and online d ata searching. Application deadline Ju ly 20th, 1988, or u n til filled. Minimum salary of $27,000 (12 m onths) depending upon qualifications and experience. TIAA/CREF and h e alth insurance available. Send letter, resume, names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: Sister Claire Whalen, Academic Dean, M arian C ollege, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN 46222. AA/EOE. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES. M eriam Library, Inform ation Services. The California S tate University, Chico, is seeking a D irector of L ibrary Public Services. The person occupying this position serves as a m em ber of a m anagem ent team headed by the Associate Vice P resident for Inform ation Services. Inform ation Services a t Chico in teg rates th e major campus inform ation functions. It is divided into the following divisions: L ibrary Public Services, Library Collections, Computing and Telecom­ m unications, and Instructional Media. W ithin this stru ctu re trad itio n al library services are shared between a director of Library Collections, who is responsible for the development and access to the library collection, and th e director of L ibrary Public Services, who is responsible for the L ibrary’s public service program s. The Director of Library Public Services reports to the Associate Vice P resid en t for Inform ation Services and provides leadership in the form ulation and im plem entation of a strong and evolving program of public library services supporting th e university’s curricular and research needs. The Director is responsible for th e assignm ent and supervision of personnel w ithin L ibrary Public Services, which includes General Reference; Consultative Services (User Education, Online Searching, Regional Services and Inter-L ibrary Loan); and Special Resources (Government Publications, Maps, C urriculum M aterials, and Special Collections). As an im portant representative of the Library, the D irector is expected to participate in university and CSU systemwide committees and activities, as assigned. The incum bent is responsible for form ulating, adm inistering and evaluating library public services policies and operations, in preparing and justifying budget proposals, and in preparing reports and analyses for campus, systemwide and external agencies. The Director will provide collegial leadership and guidance to L ibrary Public Services personnel, promoting a workplace atm osphere conducive to job satisfaction and productivity. An aggressive leader in technological innovation 478 / C&RL News (CLSI’s alpha development site for the CL CAT online catalog, CD-ROMs, facsimili, etc.), the Meriam Library offers a high quality and diversified program of library services to an on-campus and regional user community of faculty, students, and staff. Qualifications: an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; significant administrative (at least 5 years) and public services experience in a large academic library; evidence of effective and innovative accomplishments; experience with personnel and fiscal management; excellent skills in writing, oral communications and interpersonal relations; ability to work effectively within an environment of interaction and consultation with colleagues and clients; ability to establish and m aintain cooperative working relationships with others in a unionized setting. Capacity to lead and manage change, Knowledge of the needs of academic library patrons, through work experience; personal scholarly activity; and participation in national library organizations. Successful grantsmanship, other research experience, and additional advanced degree(s) are highly desired. The CSU, Chico Library contains a million volumes in its main collection, including 400,000 government documents, has extensive microfilm and technical report collections, and subscribes to 6,200 serials. It serves a resident campus of over 800 teaching and research faculty and 15,000 students, most of whom are full-time, including m aster’s-level graduate students. The Library has a staff of more than 80, including 23 full-time librarians. The Library has had a full online catalog for five years and is currently implementing a next generation system. The city of Chico is located in Northern California at the edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, within four hours’ drive of San Francisco. Chico is a dynamic city of 65,000 which has been designated one of the 50 best locations to live in the U.S. Tree-lines boulevards and the second largest city park in the country are reminders of Chico’s history and Spanish land-grant heritage. Appointment will be made under the university’s management personnel plan at Administrator III level with compensation commensurate with qualifications, but not less than $55,000. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, telephone numbers and addresses of three professional references by September 15, 1988, to: Jam es May, Associate Vice President for Information Services, California State U niversity, Chico, Chico, CA 95929-0290. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. CSU, Chico employs only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States. HEAD, GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARY. University of Minnesota, Humanities/Social Science Libraries. The Government Publications Library is one of ten specialized units within the Reference and Information Services Division of the Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries. It is a regional depository for United States federal government documents and it also houses publications from the state of Minnesota, the United Nations, intergovernmental organizations, Canada and certain other foreign countries. Responsibilities: 1. Administer and participate in all activities of the Government Publications Library, including reference services, collection development, and m aterials processing. Oversee 5.75 full-time staff, currently consisting of 1 professional librarian, 3 library assistants III, 1 secretary, and .75 senior office assistant. 2. Serve as Regional Depository Librarian. Implement all current requirements of the U.S. Superintendent of Documents. 3. Participate in planning and policy making both for the Unit and for the Reference and Information Services Division. Serve as a member of the assembly of Division Unit Heads, which reports to the Head, Reference and Information Services Division. Required Qualifications: Applicants m ust have a m aster’s degree in Library Science; minimum of 3 years professional library experience, including work with government documents; demonstrated supervisory and administrative skills; and good oral and written communications skills. Preferred Qualifications: Supervisory experience in a large research library; knowledge of trends and issues in government July /A ugust 1988 / 479 publications; and an additional advanced degree in an academ ic discipline. A ppointm ent will be m ade a t eith er th e A ssistan t or Associate L ib rarian rank. M inim um salary will be $27,000. Send le tte r of application, resum e, an d nam es and ad d resses of th re e references, to: B a rb a ra Doyle, Personnel Officer, U n iv e r s ity o f M innesota-T w in Cities, 453 Wilson L ibrary, 309 19th Avenue South, M inneapolis, MN 55455. Applications m u st be postm arked no la te r th a n A ugust 19, 1988. Please cite job listing UL175 on application. The U niversity of M innesota is a n equal opportunity educator and employer, an d specifically invites an d encourages applications from women and m inorities. Note: The Im m igration Reform an d Control Act of 1986 requires all new employees to subm it verification of id en tity an d authorization to work in th e U nited S tates a t tim e of hire. HEAD OF GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/MICROFORMS D EPA R T­ MENT, O’Neill Library, Boston College. This position will provide creative lead ersh ip by planning an d directing an active, service oriented d e p a rtm e n t consisting of a sta ff of 1 professional, 3 clerical and 15 stu d e n t employees an d a collection of over one million microforms and a selective U.S. D epository L ibrary of 120,000 docum ents and maps. Provides reference assistance in the d ep artm en t, including some weekend, evening an d holiday hours, plans for grow th a n d direction of collections an d works w ith faculty in developing program s to encourage th e ir use. P articip ates on NOTIS au to m atio n ta sk forces an d p lan s for other uses of autom ation in th e d ep artm en t. Serves on D ep a rtm e n t H eads Comm ittee, Bibliographers Council an d o th er lib rary com m ittees. R eports to th e A ssistan t U niversity L ib ra ria n for Access Services. Q ualifications: The successful candidate will have an ALA-accredited MLS and a t le a st 3 y ears of appropriate experience in an academ ic or depository library. D em o n strated com m itm ent to public service and excellent in te rp e rso n a l and com m unication skills are required. Successful supervisory experience is strongly p referred an d practical knowledge of m icrographics and equipm ent and experience w ith docum ents collections is desirable. S alary low to mid $30s, depending upon qualifications. Boston College offers its 14,000 stu d e n ts and alm ost 700 faculty th e advantages of a strong liberal a rts in s titu tio n w ith o u tsta n d in g g ra d u a te an d professional program s. The new O’Neill L ibrary provides a n a ttra c tiv e and intensely used environm ent for study an d teaching. The lib ra ry a d m in istratio n is com m itted to developing leadership, p lan n in g and m an ag em en t skills a t all levels of th e lib rary staff. B enefits for Boston College L ib ra ria n s include 22 days vacation, tu itio n rem ission an d h ealth , d en tal and o th er in su ra n c e program s. To apply, send resum e and nam es of th ree references to: R ichard Jefferson, Em ploym ent M anager, D ep a rtm e n t of H um an Resources, B o s to n C o lleg e, C h estn u t Hill, MA 02167. Boston College is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, H ealth Sciences L ibrary. Search Reopened. The Colum bia U niversity H ealth Sciences L ib rary is developing new services an d com puter-based system s as components of Colum bia’s in te g ra te d academ ic inform ation m anagem ent system (IAIMS). We are seeking a lib ra ria n to p a rtic ip a te in developm ent and im plem entation activities. R eporting to the A ssista n t H e a lth Sciences L ib rarian for Access and Technical Services, th is section h ead ad m in isters th e operation of all HSL Technical Services, including acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, binding an d m a te ria ls processing, co n trib u tin g to design and construction of new d atab ases for IAIMS project. The in cu m b en t is responsible for in itiatin g , directing, an d coordinating a wide range of activities, including: workflow evaluation an d change to optimize c u rre n t an d fu tu re autom ation; coordination of activities w ith o th er HSL sections, w ith th e central lib rary ’s Technical Services u n its, an d w ith outside netw orks; supervision of 13 FTE staff, including two o th er lib rarian s. P a rtic ip a te s in p lan n in g th e U niversity L ib rary ’s com puter system an d in 480 / C &RL News overall HSL planning and administration. All technical services functions are automated. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirem ents are: minimum of three years of relevant experience in a large academic library or equivalent; strong interpersonal and communication skills; sound grasp of automation and of technical services principles and techniques and standards; planning and organization skills; dem onstrated ability to coordinate workflow and to train and manage staff: experience with networks, autom ated bibliographic data systems and online operations. Salary ranges are currently: Librarian II: $30,500-$41,175; Librarian III: $33,500-$48,575, Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Sënd resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 B utler Library, C olum bia U n iversity, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Aoplications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications received by August 31,1988, will receive priority. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD, RECORDS MAINTENANCE. University of Georgia Libraries, (salary minimum: $19,500.) Recent graduates may have the opportunity to participate in an intensive professional development program. Duties: The Records M aintenance Section of the Cataloging D epartm ent is comprised of the Head and eight full time support staff. The Head supervises staff in two units (Database M aintenance and Marking/MARVEL Entry) who are responsible for performing pre-cataloging name authority work for the Acquired Cataloging Section; coordinating name authority work by other staff both in the D epartm ent and in other areas of the Libraries; updating cataloging information in MARVEL (the Libraries’ in-house integrated system); preparing OCLC cards for filing and/or distribution; coordinating filing in the Libraries’ central card catalogs; building OCLC data files and m aintaining the quality of data in the L ibraries’ catalogs; cataloging Reading for Pleasure books and University of Georgia theses and dissertations; preparing newly acquired m aterials for shelving; making corrections to previously cataloged m aterials, etc. The Head of the Records Maintenance Section serves as a resource person in the areas of marking, authority control, and card catalog and online database m aintenance both within the D epartm ent and in other areas of the Libraries and reports directly to the Head of the Cataloging D epartm ent. The Cataloging D epartm ent has 13 professional and 24 support staff positions and catalogs over 50,000 books, serials, and nonbook items yearly. Some evening and/or weekend work may be required. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; minimum one year technical services experience, preferably with cataloging or database m anagem ent and in a large academic or research library; knowledge of AACR, AACR2, Library of Congress classification and subject headings, and authority control principles; fam iliarity w ith OCLC cataloging and the MARC format; ability to work with broad range of languages; effective w ritten and oral communication skills; ability to establish and m aintain effective working relationships; supervisory experience preferred; knowledge of autom ated systems (in addition to OCLC) applicable to technical services desired; strong in terest in academic librarianship desired. Application procedure: Send letter of application by August 26,1988, including resum e and names of three references to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, U n iv ersity o f G eorgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. HEAD, SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT. Tenure-track, 12-month faculty appointment. Reporting to A ssistant Director for Public Services, is responsible for organization, supervision, evaluation and training of departm ent personnel; planning/ coordinating ongoing activities and new initiatives; m anaging departm ent budget. The D epartm ent is responsible for July/August 1988 / 481 providing lib rary services for the following major subject areas: A griculture and Forestry, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Biomedical Sciences. Services include reference assistance; staffing the Science Reference Desk; instruction; access to inform ation in electronic form at (including database searching); collection development; and supervision and m aintenance of three branch libraries. Also serves as subject area librarian for one or more subject areas. ALA-accredited MLS degree. Three to five years professional experience, including supervision. Subject knowledge in an area served by departm ent. Experience related to responsibilities of reference, collection development, instruction and search in g -an d an aw areness of the application of autom ation to these services. D em onstrated interpersonal and leadership skills. Salary com m ensurate w ith experience and qualifications; m inim um $30,000. Send le tte r of application, resume, evidence of ALA-accredited MLS degree and nam es, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: R uth Ludwig, C olorado S ta te U n iv e r sity Libraries, 106 Morgan Library, F ort Collins, CO 80523, by J u ly 29,1988. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. L ibrarian II or III for B aker Library, H arv ard B usiness School. The person selected for th is position will report to the Associate L ibrarian for A dm inistration and will m anage all aspects of technical services including acquisitions, cataloging (some original cataloging), serials and binding; coordinate collection development and m anagem ent; provide assistance in planning and im plem enting autom ation; hire, train, supervise an d evaluate technical service staff of 1 or 2 professionals and 10 support staff; prepare and monitor departm ent budget; develop and review policy statem en ts and plan other activities related to technical services. R equirem ents: ALA-accredited MLS, additional advanced degree preferred w ith 5 or more years of progressive experience in an academic, special or corporate business library. Strong academic background in business, economics, or social sciences preferred; dem onstrated competence in technical services; good interpersonal skills required; excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills essential. The library has a full-time staff of over 40 FTEs w ith 14 professionals, a collection of approxim ately 540,000 volumes and 6,000 active serials w ith an annual acquisition budget of $575,000. L ib rarian II $24,560; L ib rarian III $30,200 (minimum b u t negotiable based on qualifications and experience). Send application letter and resum e w ith nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three current references to: Em m a Bradford Perry, Associate L ib rarian for A dm inistration, B aker Library, H arvard B u sin e ss S ch o o l, Boston, MA 02163. H arvard U niversity is an equal opportunity employer. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHER. Selects m aterial to support in stru ctio n and research in history and geography. Responsible for collection evaluation and acquisition fund m anagem ent and specialized bibliographic instru ctio n or other teaching. Cultivates strong working relations w ith oth er d ep artm en tal selectors. Qualifications: Advanced degree in history required; M aster s degree from an ALA-accredited school desired; Ph.D desired. Strong reading knowledge of a t least two m odern E uropean languages; com m itm ent to bibliographic instruction and/or research; selection responsibility for history m aterials in a research library preferred. Salary: $10,500-$14,500 (for .5 FTE) based on experience and qualifications. Send le tte r of application and resum e, including nam es of three references, to: Lance Query, A ssistan t U niversity L ibrarian for P lanning and A dm inistration, N o r th w e s te r n U n iv e r sity Library, Evanston, IL 60208. EEO/AA. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. The U niversity of Dubuque, U niversity of Dubuque Theological Sem inary (Presbyterian) and W artburg Theological Sem inary (L utheran) comprise the schools of theology in Dubuque and are accepting 482 / C&RL News applications for the position of Director of the STD-UD Library. Candidates should hold the MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution, dem onstrated ability to manage and direct a staff, and the willingness to serve faculty and students. A background in theology or experience in a theological library is desirable b u t not required. Salary and ran k are negotiable; range $25,000- $30,000. Inquiries should be sent to: Ralph F. Smith, W artburg T h eo lo g ica l Sem inary, 333 W artburg Place, Dubuque, IA 52001. MULTICULTURAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. U niversity of California, S anta Cruz. Assistant/Associate Librarian. Reports to Head, Reference. Responsible for providing leadership in library services for the active and growing campus m ulticultural community. Provides general social sciences/humanities reference service (12-15 hours/week on the reference desk, online searching, library instruction). May be responsible for collection development in m ulticultural studies or other subject areas. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent; dem onstrated ability to communicate with, establish ties with, and develop an intensive outreach program to the campus m ulticultural community; broad in terest in the social sciences/humanities and in working with students/faculty; ability to work a t the reference desk, provide library instruction, perform online searches. Appointment range: $25,380-$32-472. Position available Septem ber 1, 1988. Final filing date: Ju ly 31, 1988. Send narrative statem ent of qualifications, resume, nam es of three references to: K atherine Beiers, U niversity Library, U n iv ersity o f C alifornia, S an ta Cruz, CA 95064. UCSC is an EEO, AA, IRCA employer. RARE BOOKS CATALOGER for theology, scripture commentary, etc. Two- year position, possibly third. Responsible for original cataloging, authority files, reader supervision. Required: MLS from accredited program, AACR2, MARC tagging, Latin. Preferred: background in theology or classics, OCLC, 1-2 years experience, second language (Italian or French). Salary: $25,000 with benefits. Resume with 3 references by September 15, 1988, to: Ellen Gaffney, Director, S a in t J o se p h Sem inary, Dunwoodie, Yonkers, NY 10704. RARE BOOK CATALOGER. Responsible for original and derived RLIN cataloging of pre-1860 Americana. Occasional reference duties. Reports to Chief Rare Book Cataloger. Requirements: MLS, preferably w ith training in RLIN cataloging, descriptive bibliography, and rare book librarianship. The position is grant-funded through 1989 and is expected to continue pending further funding. S tarting date: September 1,1988. Salary: $18,500 minimum; good benefits. Apply to: Jam es Green, Library C om pany o f P h ila d elp h ia , 1314 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Meriam Library of California State University, Chico, is seeking an innovative librarian to perform a full range of reference and information duties. An individual is sought who can dem onstrate effectiveness and commitment to public service and can dem onstrate experience and background in the current information technologies in use in academic libraries today. These include online public catalog, CD-ROM, microcomputer- based programs and processes, or telecommunications. Assignments in specialized reference service and collection development will be made in subject areas according to library needs and the successful candidate’s experience and education. Required are excellent oral and w ritten communication skills, the ability to work effectively and cooperatively with the academic community, and an ALA/MLS. Desirable qualifications include the ability to plan and organize projects systematically and to follow through from im plem entation to completion and potential for continuing professional growth. Candidates with proven effectiveness in academic library reference work and successful experience with CD-ROM or other microcomputer-based systems will be given July /August 1988 / 483 preference. Evening and weekend work will be required. A ppointm ent will be a t the A ssistan t to Senior A ssistant L ibrarian ran k (Salary Range: $28,884- $43,896). This is a tenure-track position and offers excellent benefits. By Septem ber 1, 1988, send le tte r of application w ith 1) a complete statem en t of qualifications; 2) resum e of education and complete relevant experience; and 3) the nam es, addresses and telephone num bers of three professional references to: W illiam A. Jones, Acting Library Director for Public Services, C aliforn ia S ta te U n iv e r sity , C hico, Chico, CA 959290-0295. Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. CSU, Chico employs only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the U nited States. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS. (Search extended). L ib rarian I or II for B aker Library, H arvard Business School. Provides general reference and bibliographic assistance prim arily to H arvard Business School faculty, MBA students, HBS alum ni and other library patrons utilizing both p rinted sources and online databases. Assists in reference collection development, prepares and revises sh o rt bibliographies for publication. P articipates in short and long range p lan n in g strategy for technological changes, staffing and client services. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; strong academic background in business, economics or social sciences; 2 years relevant reference experience preferably in academic, special library and/or related business environm ent; fam iliarity w ith business reference sources and online searching required. Excellent in terp erso n al and organizational skills essential. L ib rarian I $20,600. L ib rarian II $24,560 (minimum b u t negotiable based on qualification and experience). Send application letter and resum e w ith nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three current references to: Em m a Bradford Perry, Associate L ib rarian for A dm inistration, B aker Library, H arvard B u sin e ss S ch o o l, Boston, MA 02163. H arvard U niversity is an equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE/ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, the Milton S. Eisenhow er Library, Johns Hopkins University. Science/Engineering Reference L ibrarian. Provides reference service in the fields of science and engineering. P articip ates in the library’s bibliographic instruction program and conducts com puterized lite ra tu re searches for faculty and students. A ssists in developing the Science Reference Collections. Provides reference services in the H um anities and Social Sciences including some evening and weekend hours. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Bachelor’s degree in a science preferred. A m inim um of one year or relevant science reference experience in an academic library including experience in online database searching in th e sciences and engineering. Ability to conduct sem inars and instructional program s on the use of the library and its resources. Reading knowledge of a foreign language desirable. Good w ritten and verbal communication skills. Salary dependent upon education and experience. M inim um $22,947. Please subm it le tte r of application, resum e and th ree letters of reference from individuals fam iliar w ith your professional qualifications by Ju ly 29, 1988, to: The J o h n s H op k in s U n iv e r sity , 34th and C harles Streets, Baltim ore, MD 21218, Attention: Edw ard S. Warfield, 146 G arland Hall. AA/EOE. Excellent benefits including life and h e alth insurance, and dental and tuition plans for staff member, spouse and dependent children. SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPE BIBLIOGRAPHER. This position is responsible for the development of a strong research collection of m aterials about th e Soviet LInion and E a st C entral Europe, to m eet the inform ation needs of faculty, stu d en ts and others in the Columbia community. The incum bent will coordinate collection development and will rep resen t the L ibraries a t relevant Research L ibraries Group meetings; act as liaison w ith faculty; and assist in the m anagem ent, preservation and evaluation of th e collection. Reference 484 / C &R L News responsibilities relate primarily to the Soviet Union/Eastern Europe area and include consultations by appointment, assistance 111 the use of information sources in many formats, bibliographic instruction and class lectures, database searching and preparation of publications. Requirements are: Ph.D. (or equivalent) in a subject relevant to understanding of this area of the world; excellent language skills in Russian and reading ability in one or more other Slavic languages; intimate knowledge of the history, politics, economics and cultures of the area; significant experience in acquiring Slavic research materials; excellent verbal and written communications skills; and flexibility to work effectively and creatively in a complex environment. Prior successful experience as a Slavic bibliographer may substitute for the Ph.D. An accredited MLS and additional foreign language skills are preferred. Salary ranges are currently: Librarian I: $25,000-$32,500; Librarian II: $27,000-$36,450; Librarian III: $30,000-$43,500. Excellent benefits include tuition exemption for self and family and assistance with University housing. Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. This position is available February 1, 1989. Applications received by August 31, 1988, will receive priority consideration. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. TECHNOLOGY BRANCH LIBRARIAN. Assistant/Associate Professor position, tenure-track, to begin October 1, 1988. Responsible for 3 branch libraries (Engineering/Math, Physics, and Chemistry) totalling approximately 83,000 volumes and 1,000 periodical titles. Allocate resources and establish branch plans and programs. Provide online database searching, bibliographic instruction, and in-depth reference services. Maintain close liaison with academic departments in relevant areas. ALA-accredited MLS and academic degree in physical sciences desirable, master’s preferred, or demonstrated equivalent in experience. Supervisory and administrative competence required. Experience with microcomputers, automation, and online searching highly desirable. Salary range $24,000-$33,000; faculty rank dependent on experience/qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 references by August 1, 1988, to: Diane R. Tebbetts, Associate University Librarian, Dimond Library, U niversity of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824; (603) 862-1540. Non-citizens must include current visa status. UNH is an AA/EEO Employer. TWO POSITIONS. 1) Senior Reference Librarian. Provides reference service to Museum Staff, School Faculty and students, Institute members and visiting curators. Manages circulation and ILL operation including supervision of 5 FTE. Qualifications: ALA-MLS, art history or related humanities degree, successful reference experience including work with online databases. Available 9/1/88 or as arranged, salary from $21,640 based on qualifications and experience. 2) Serials Librarian. Unit head responsible for acquisitions, cataloging, public service for collection of 1500 current titles, supervises 2.5 FTE, provides scheduled general reference service to library clientele. Qualifications: ALA-MLS, experience in a university or museum art library, foreign languages, demonstrated knowledge of art history, cataloging experience. Available 7/1/88 or as arranged, salary from $24,010 as above. Applications, with names of three references, to: J .P . Brown, Director, Ryerson & Burnham Libraries, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60603. L ibrary S ta tistics of C olleges and U n iv ersities, 1985: N ation al Sum m aries, State Sum m aries, In stitu tio n a l Tables. Statistics on 3,000 academic libraries surveyed by the Center for Educational Statistics. Contains data on collections, operating ex­ penditures, staff, and institutional indices of library operating expenditures, books and bound serials and FTE library staff. $30.00pb; ACRL member $24.00 240p. 0-8389-7147-4 1987 ACRL U n iversity Library S ta tistics 1985-86 and 1986 “100 L ibraries” S ta tistica l Survey. Data and rankings of 149 univer­ sity, college, community and junior college libraries on collections, expenditures, personnel, and interlibrary loans. $30.00pb; ACRL member $24.00 110p. 0-8389-7144-x 1987 Q uantitative C riteria for A cadem ic R esearch L ibraries, by Kendon L. Stubbs. D ata from 3,000 academic libraries answers the question, “What is an academic research library?” In tables arranged by state, each institution is ranked by a component score. $19.00pb; ACRL member $15.00 135p. 0-8389-6788-4 1 984 A ssociation o f College and R esearch L ibraries A division of the American Library Association c/o ALA Publishing Services, Order Department 50 East Huron Street • Chicago, Illinois 60611-2795 Structure Bookmarks 460 / C&RL News Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). If the second falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following Mon­day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis af­ter the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for cations; Experience or interest in automated library procedures, computer experience or education, and technological literacy. Data­base searching experience helpful. Some supervision experience needed. Ability to formulate, administer, and implement user educa­tion and public relations programs utilizing various media. Experi­ence in bibliographic instruction. Responsibilities; Shares in man­agement and operational responsibilities. Participates in planning and implementation of new services, procedures, a July /August 1988 / 461 plete cover letter, resume and names and addresses of three profes­sional references to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Applica­tions received by 9/1/88 will be assured consideration. Please cite #324-CRL on all correspondence. EOE/AA.AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN, University Libraries, Boston College. Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Automation and Technical Services and in conjunction with the Li­brary Sys services. Supports the Library Systems Manager as needed in the smooth operation of the library’s automated systems. Position as­sumes involvement in Boston Library Consortium cooperative pro­grams as well as professional activity on a regional and national level. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least three years of pro­fessional experience in a university library, preferably in positions in­volving library automation; demonstrated planning and teaching abilities; clear writing skills; some microcomp DIRECTOR OF ELMER E. RASMUSON LIBRARYUniversity of Alaska FairbanksNominations and applications are requested for the position of Director of Elmer E. Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library is housed in a modern six-level com­plex which contains over 1,025,000 bibliographic items in a variety of print and multi-media forms, with an annual budget of $4,317,000. It provides academic, research and classroom support services, including instructional media productio 462 / C&RL News Director, University LibrariesNominations and applications are invited for the position of Director of University Libraries for the University at Albany, State University of New York, one of four university centers within the state-wide SUNY system. The University seeks an experienced Director who will function as an officer of the University, working with the Deans and policymaking councils to articulate plans to provide superior research libraries. The successful applicant will be an active scholar and pr July /August 1988 / 463 installing the NOTIS system for operation in the Fall of 1989. Benefits for Boston College librarians include one month’s vacation, tuition remission and a wide range of insurance programs. To apply, send resume and names of three references to: Richard Jefferson. Em­ployment Manager, Department of Human Resources, Boston Col­lege, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. Applications received by July 15, 1988, will receive priority consideration. An equal opportunity, af­firmative action employer.CATALOG LIBRARIAN-ASSISTA and management of the Research and Reference Center in the pro­vision of quality interlibrary loan, photoduplication, and reference services to the residents of Illinois. Prepares budget requests, main­tains required statistics, supervises and motivates staff to a high level of productivity, presents written and oral reports and participates in training of University and network staff. Maintains working relation­ships with other units of the Library to expedite the provision of mate­rials and services to us 464 / C&RL News CURATOR, SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN COLLECTION, Yale University Library. Minimum rank: Librarian III. Plans and con­ducts the effective development of Yale Library’s Slavic and East Eu­ropean Collection. Provides reference service. Selects material in Slavic languages. Supervises staff in acquisition and precataloging. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and/or advanced degree in Slavic Studies. Fluency in Russian and reading/writing ability in at least one other Slavic language, prefera nity colleges, is seeking a highly qualified energetic administrator for this position. The College is housed in a new and attractive $66 mil­lion campus. Dean reports directly to the Vice President for Aca­demic Affairs. This is a 12-month position with excellent fringe bene­fits and competitive salary. Appointment is available September 1st or sooner. The Dean is responsible for the administration of the Col­lege library, Instructional Development, the Library Technology Cur­riculum and Media Services. Qu ASSISTANT DIRECTOR INFORMATION, RESEARCH, AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENTSan Francisco State UniversitySan Francisco State University is a multicultural, multiethnic, coeducational, urban university of more than 1,600 faculty and 26,000 students, engaged in over 100 baccalaureate and 83 master’s degree pro­grams.Responsibilities: A dynamic leader and academic manager is sought to head new Library division of Information, Research, and Collection Management. ALD/IRC will be responsible for identifying academic and July /August 1988 / 465 accredited School enrolls approximately 200 part- and full-time stu­dents. It offers a graduate program which includes a Master’s de­gree and a post-Master’s certificate as well as joint degrees in law, musicology, history, English, biology, and Greek and Latin. The pro­gram has strengths in the following areas: academic research librari­anship, law librarianship, medical librarianship, information technol­ogy, management of information systems, and archival management. Candidates should demonstrate scholar DIRECTOR OF AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES (Reopened) Dynamic, energetic people person wanted to revitalize media services and in­tegrate them into the curriculum; work with faculty to utilize media in the classroom, assist in the development of instructional aids; admin­ister Audiovisual Department in Library; supervise two full time staff; 30 student workers. Resources include AV software production lab, audio booth, film and print darkrooms, closed circuit TV, 25 station microcomputer lab, two AV theaters, 16 AV c ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Automation & Technical ServicesMiami UniversityAs a member of library management working directly with the Dean and University Librarian, the Assis­tant University Librarian for Automation will provide leadership for the formulation and implementation of an evolving program of technical support and automation to meet the curricular and research needs of the users of the Miami University Libraries. The incumbent will have responsibility for the cataloging and acqui­sitions depa 466 / C&RL News for planning and evaluating day-to-day cataloging activities of faculty and support staff in the creation of bibliographic and item data for the Libraries’ union public access catalog; for planning, maintaining, and making weekly updates to the database; and for assisting in planning and implementing procedures for phasing out the card cat­alog. The IUP Libraries are installing an online union catalog de­signed by Carlyle Systems, Inc. Salary range for this management classification begins at $23,694; howev Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to ap­ply.EDUCATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Librarian I. Dynamic, ur ban academic library seeks creative, energetic, flexible individual with strong commitment to public services. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services for general reference services,. computer-based literature searching, and library instruction with em­phasis on the promotion of computerized resources. Manages In­structional Materials Center in Education School and superv July/August 1988 / 467 The California Institute of Technology Library contains approximately 470,000 volumes, has extensive microfilm and technical report collections, and subscribes to 6,600 serials. It serves about 800 teaching and research faculty, 820 under­graduates, and 1,000 graduate students. The library staff consists of 17 librarians and 38 support staff. The library is currently implementing an integrated online system. Currently the library seeks the following professionals:Catalog and Database Maintenance LibrarianTh 468 / C&RL News velopment for collection development and faculty liaison responsibil­ities with Education School and Psychology Department. Library au­tomation includes wide PC access, WLN-based online catalog/circulation (LUMIN) linking four University of Missouri cam­puses, OCLC cataloging/ILL/reference, INNOVACQ acquisitions. Opportunity to gain management and public relations experience, working with solid management team of librarians. Minimum require­ments: ALA-accredited MLS; strong oral/written communication skills HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Associate Librarian rank: $33,000-$36,000. Calendar year appointment. Position now open. Excellent benefits. Required: Accredited MLS, 5-7 years relevant experience; demonstrated leadership, management, and oral/writ­ten communications skills. Demonstrated experience with AACR2, LC classification/LCSH, and OCLC. Must be able to do original cata­loging of all formats. Supervises 3 professionals, 5 support staff. Pre­ferred: public service experience; experience with integrated li July /August 1988 / 469 and services 250,000 circulation transactions annually. The Access Services unit consists of 10 FTE staff and approximately 40-45 stu­dent assistants. An online circulation system is anticipated to be op­erational Fall, 1989. This is a 12-month academic/professional posi­tion with probationary appointment at Assistant Librarian rank with a minimum salary of $25,000. Application deadline is September 16, 1988, with an anticipated January 1,1989, starting date. Submit let­ter of application, resume, and names sion, online catalog systems (preferably NOTIS) highly desirable. Must be able to meet the responsibilities of a tenure track appoint­ment. Salary $20,000/12 months. TIAA/CREF; liberal benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names and addresses of 3 refer­ences to: Frances Livingston, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Box 88-2, c/o Personnel Office, Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150. Applications re­ceived by July 20, 1988, will receive first consideration. THREE POSITIONSCase Western Reserve UniversityHEAD OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Manages the activities of the Bibliographic Ser­vices Department, which include the cataloging and physical processing of all newly-acquired materials (monographs and serials), the coordination of all retrospective conversion activities and the maintenance of the online and manual catalogs; coordinates cataloging activities of departments which do not report di­rectly to the Technical Services Division. Staff consists o 470 / C&RL News HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT, University of Cincinnati. Re­sponsible for the management of the centralized serials acquisitions and serials cataloging services for the University Libraries. Receives general direction from the Associate University Librarian for Access Services. Supervises a staff of 2 librarians and 9.5 FTE support staff. University Libraries consists of a main library and eleven college and departmental libraries. The Collection includes 1,250,000 volumes, 14,000 subscriptions and 1,625,000 mic ries; reference and loan service, library instruction, collection devel­opment and special projects identified for the unit by the Head Media Center Librarian. Applicants must possess an ALA-accredited mas­ter’s degree, have demonstrated supervisory skills, and have knowl­edge of non-print materials and services. Ability to communicate ef­fectively to individuals and groups is essential. Knowledge of library automation is desired. Minimum salary is $21,500; higher salary ne­gotiable depending on qualificati THREE REFERENCE POSITIONSArizona State UniversityArizona State University, home of the new Phoenix Cardinals, is pleased to offer three outstanding career opportunities. In addition to 284 days of unmitigated sunshine, the salary for each position begins at $19,500 and is negotiable, dependent on education and experience.The successful candidates for all three positions will participate in four broad areas of responsibility: refer­ence service, collection development, faculty liaison and specialized public July/August 1988 / 471 servation activities for all collections. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Highly desirable: Life sciences degree. Preference given tö candidates who also have experience in a health or science library, in collection development or acquisitions, or in a science field. Dem­onstrated interest in history of medicine desirable. Qualities sought include excellent interpersonal and communication skills, interest in professional involvement, and a commitment to serving the informa­tion needs of health professionals. TWO POSITIONS REOPENEDat the New York Institute of TechnologyThe New York Institute of Technology’s Old Westbury Campus is situated on 600 acres of wooded es­tates and is within easy access of Manhattan. A new fully automated library building is planned for comple­tion in the academic year 1989-90. The current campus library, part of a four-branch library system, con­tains 81,000 volumes and 1,000 journal titles.BRANCH/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. To manage collections and public services and serve as reference lib 472 / C&RL News Please send resume and salary requirement to: Elliot Wasserman, Yeshiva University, Personnel Department, 2495 Amsterdam Av­enue, New York, NY 10033. EOE.REFERENCE/CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. Search reopened ALA-accredited MLS degree required. Supervisory ability and com­munication skills necessary. Interest in computerized systems de­sired. Duties include direct reference, bibliographic instruction, ref­erence collection development, circulation supervision, circulation policy decisions, work with automated cir log and is moving toward end-user online searching. Beside refer­ence duties, responsibilities include collection development in humanities fields and supervision of slide collection, liaison with ap­propriate teaching departments, and participation in college govern­ance. Stimulating professional environment; faculty status. Require­ments: Master’s degree from accredited library school. Preference to candidates with additional master’s degree in relevant field and/or academic library experience. Salary com July/August 1988 / 473 portunity, affirmative action, Title IX employer. Applications from women and minorities welcomed.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Indiana University Southeast, New Al­bany (Louisville, Kentucky, metropolitan area), one of 8 campuses in Indiana University system. Under supervision of Head of Readers Services, Reference Librarian provides reference and bibliographic instruction services; supervises interlibrary loan; coordinates online searching. ALA/MLS required. Also required: knowledge of online searching, OCLC, exce dards; experience with an online catalog; reading knowledge of Ro­mance languages, German and/or Russian; familiarity with Dewey Decimal classification; familiarity with ANSI/NISO serial holdings standards and with USNP newspaper cataloging standards; strong communication and interpersonal skills; good planning and organi­zational skills. Responsibilities: Responsible for original and copy cataloging of serials in all formats; coordinates the operations of the serials cataloging unit; trains and supervises 474 / C&RL News LATE JOB LISTINGSARCHIVIST. The Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a specialized library and archival repository and research center on 20th century social, economic, and political change, announces an opening for the position of Archivist. Responsible for the administration of the Hoover Institution Archives and its archival programs, including acquisitions, arrangement and description of materials, reference and access, public programs and publications, security and preservation. Qualifications in July /August 1988 / 475 development. The public services division consists of 4 departments with 15 professionals and 22 support staff with responsibilities for reference, circulation, government documents, library instruction, interlibrary loan, database searching, end-user support, periodicals information, library publications and audiovisual services. The university library system serves 16,000 students and 1,400 faculty. The libraries will add the millionth volume in 1989 and have a materials budget of $2 million. The librarie 476 / C&RL News to: Mary B. An sari, Head of Administrative Services, University of Nevada- Reno Library, Reno, NV 89557-0044. Closing date September 15,1988, or until position is filled. AA/EOE. UNR employs only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States.BUSINESS/GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with a Collection Management Assignment. Senior Assistant Librarian. Tenure-track position. $33,192-$43,896 for 12 months; 10-month option available with proportionate salary reduction. Required: ALA-accredited MLS de July/August 1988 / 477 formats; reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages; experience with integrated online systems highly desirable. Salary from $22,000. Boston College offers its 14,000 students and almost 700 faculty the advantages of a strong liberal arts institution with outstanding graduate and professional programs. The new O’Neill Library provides an attractive and intensely used environment for study and teaching. Among other technologies, the library uses the GEAC, OCLC and Faxon SC-IO systems, and is currentl 478 / C&RL News (CLSI’s alpha development site for the CL CAT online catalog, CD-ROMs, facsimili, etc.), the Meriam Library offers a high quality and diversified program of library services to an on-campus and regional user community of faculty, students, and staff. Qualifications: an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; significant administrative (at least 5 years) and public services experience in a large academic library; evidence of effective and innovative accomplishments; experience with personnel and fiscal ma July /August 1988 / 479 publications; and an additional advanced degree in an academic discipline. Appointment will be made at either the Assistant or Associate Librarian rank. Minimum salary will be $27,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references, to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked no later than August 19, 1988. Please cite job listing UL175 on applicati 480 / C&RL News overall HSL planning and administration. All technical services functions are automated. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: minimum of three years of relevant experience in a large academic library or equivalent; strong interpersonal and communication skills; sound grasp of automation and of technical services principles and techniques and standards; planning and organization skills; demonstrated ability to coordinate workflow and to train and manage staff: experience with networks, automat July/August 1988 / 481 providing library services for the following major subject areas: Agriculture and Forestry, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Biomedical Sciences. Services include reference assistance; staffing the Science Reference Desk; instruction; access to information in electronic format (including database searching); collection development; and supervision and maintenance of three branch libraries. Also serves as subject area librarian for one or more subject areas. ALA-accredited MLS degree. Three to five years 482 / C&RL News applications for the position of Director of the STD-UD Library. Candidates should hold the MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution, demonstrated ability to manage and direct a staff, and the willingness to serve faculty and students. A background in theology or experience in a theological library is desirable but not required. Salary and rank are negotiable; range $25,000- $30,000. Inquiries should be sent to: Ralph F. Smith, Wartburg Theological Seminary, 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA 52001.MULTIC July /August 1988 / 483 preference. Evening and weekend work will be required. Appointment will be at the Assistant to Senior Assistant Librarian rank (Salary Range: $28,884- $43,896). This is a tenure-track position and offers excellent benefits. By September 1, 1988, send letter of application with 1) a complete statement of qualifications; 2) resume of education and complete relevant experience; and 3) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three professional references to: William A. Jones, Acting Library Director for P 484 / C&RL News responsibilities relate primarily to the Soviet Union/Eastern Europe area and include consultations by appointment, assistance 111 the use of information sources in many formats, bibliographic instruction and class lectures, database searching and preparation of publications. Requirements are: Ph.D. (or equivalent) in a subject relevant to understanding of this area of the world; excellent language skills in Russian and reading ability in one or more other Slavic languages; intimate knowledge of the history Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1985: National Summaries, State Summaries, Institutional Tables.Statistics on 3,000 academic libraries surveyed by the Center for Educational Statistics. Contains data on collections, operating ex­penditures, staff, and institutional indices of library operating expenditures, books and bound serials and FTE library staff. $30.00pb; ACRL member $24.00 240p. 0-8389-7147-4 1987ACRL University Library Statistics 1985-86 and 1986 “100 Libraries” Statistical Survey