ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 0 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 College & Research Libraries news Archaeology and evolution What happens when you clean your office by Denise Beaubien Bennett T o celebrate the arrival of som e n ew of flee furniture, the inhabitants of the Elec­ tronic Formats Unit in the M arston Scie Library at the University of Florida cleaned the entire area. We w ere fortunate to have Student Assistant Allan, w h o doubles as com ­ p u ter geek an d neatnik, o n th e payroll dur­ ing o u r cleanup. T hose of us w h o have survived the tech ­ nical revolution in libraries tend to react w ith bem usem ent w h en w e encounter relics while cleaning o u r offices. But Allan is in his early 20s, and he reacted w ith wonder, am azement, and reverence as he d u g through the layers o f accum ulated treasures. Allan u n e a rth e d a H ypercard package, circa 1990. “I d o n ’t k n o w w h at this is, but it looks pretty cool!” I explained how Apple developed th e program to hyperlink discrete “cards” w ithin a “stack,” years before the Web exploded. Next cam e a stack of floppy/C D mailers, m ade o f corrugated cardboard. Allan ask ed if he could toss them . I said that w e u se d them frequently back in the g o o d old days, w h en w e m ailed floppies a ro u n d an d h ad to return o u td a te d CD-ROMs to th e p ublishers. H e lo o k ed puzzled, an d I ex p lain ed that librar­ ies subscribed to CDs for years before the jew el case w as invented. Allan’s eyes filled w ith pity. Faculty m em ­ b e r Jo h n added, “Yes, an d th e first CDs w ere m ade o f w ood!” nce T hen cam e the prize— a b o x w ith a DOS 3.30 m anual an d an accom panying 5.25" dis­ kette. “I k n ew these existed, b u t I’ve never seen or to uched on e before!” Allan especially ap p reciated seeing “IBM” splashed over the m anual a n d diskette. H e k n ew that DOS was originally d e v elo p e d by Microsoft for IBM, bu t h e w as unaccustom ed to seeing IBM re­ ceive the to p billing. Allan m o u rn ed that he lacked access to a 5.25" floppy drive. In addition to th e DOS m anual, Allan was surprised to see the n u m b er o f o lder soft­ w are packages that contained p rinted m an u ­ als. We explained that p eo p le did (an d m any still do) prefer to consult p rin ted manuals, an d also that old diskettes d id n ’t have enough room to store m anuals as w ell as program s. P erhaps I sh o u ld feel em barrassm ent over the length of time it took us to clean o u t the office. But I’m h ap p y w e saved the arch aeo ­ logical dig for Allan, w h o truly appreciated handling the relics an d learning about the evolution o f the technology from physical pieces to n etw o rk ed resources. He regarded the process as a history lesson. Allan’s reactions will serve to rem ind m e of the perspective of the current generation of students. They handle CDs and floppies, but they expect all library resources to be n et­ w orked and W eb-based. And the next time o n e of your netw orked services crashes, spare a moment of thought for the days w hen w e had to reload crashed programs from floppies. ■ About the author Denise Beaubien Bennett is reference librarian, engineering selector, a nd online coordinator a t the M arston Science Library a t the University o f Florida, e -m