ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 43 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg Report on th e a rtifa c t The Council on Library and Information Re­ sources (CLIR) has published The Evidence in Hand: Report o f the Task Force on the Artifact in Library Collections. It reports the conclu­ sions and recom m endations of the task force of scholars, academic officers, librarians, and archivists convened in 1999 to consider the academic value of original materials. Task force mem bers exam ined the tension betw een providing access and preserving the original, the ways in w hich deterioration pat­ terns o f various media threaten research value, and how repositories can minimize unaccept­ able loss. They w ere asked to develop a frame­ w ork to assist institutions w ith creating and evaluating appropriate retention policies. The report highlights preventive m aintenance and use o f surrogates as tw o key strategies for the protection o f originals. T he report is available as a free p d f at http : / / w w w .c lir.o rg /p u b s /re p o rts /p u b l0 3 / publ03.pdf. Printed copies cost $20 an d may be ordered online at the sam e URL. For m ore information, contact CLIR, 1755 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036; phone: (202) 939-4750; fax: (202) 939-4765; e-mail: N a tio n w id e survey project The Council on Library and Information Re­ sources (CLIR), the Association of Research Li­ braries (ARL), the University Libraries G roup (ULG), and the Regional Alliance for Preserva­ tion (RAP) have received funding from the In­ stitute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to support a survey of preservation activities in American colleges and universities. This two- part project will first, compile quantitative data about preservation and digitization using the ARL preservation statistics survey and other questionnaires, and second, develop qualita­ tive data by visiting 20 representative institu­ tions. The survey is intended to docum ent the current state of preservation in American aca­ demic libraries and provide direction for fu­ ture planning. It com plem ents the Heritage Health Index project, which is surveying the condition o f collections in cultural institutions o f all types. Anne Kenney, of CLIR and Cornell University, is the project director. For m ore information, contact Mary Case, ARL, 21 D upont Circle, Suite 800, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail:; URL: http://w w w CCAHA p hoto workshops The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) and the Intermuseum Con­ servation Association (ICA) will offer a three- part w orkshop series about photographic ma­ terials, “From Negative To Positive,” in April 2002 at the Rock and Roll Hall o f Fame and M useum in Cleveland, Ohio. O n April 15, Debbie Hess Norris will teach “Identification and Care o f Photographic Prints,” o n April 16, Andrew Robb will teach “Identification and Care o f Photographic Negatives,” and on April 17, Steve Puglia, Albert Albano, and Timothy Vitale will teach “Planning Your Digital Imag­ ing Project.” These w orkshops involve hands- on examination o f photographic materials, so registration is limited. Attendance at one w orkshop costs $60, two workshops are $120, and all three $170. Dis­ counts for CCAHA and ICA mem bers or tu­ ition assistance are available to help reduce the cost. For more information, contact Preser­ vation Services, CCAHA, 264 South 23rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; phone: (215) 545-0613; fax: (215) 735-9313; e-mail:; URL: http://w w w Photo electronic list In O ctober 2001, Luis Nadeau started an elec­ tronic list d ev o ted to ph o to conservation. Online discussion about conservation and res­ toration o f photographic materials— including technical provenance, authentication, dating, identification, history o f reproduction technolo­ gies o r products, and the chemical and physi­ cal treatments o f artifacts— is welcomed. (continued on page 53) Jane Hedberg is preservation program office r a t Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344 C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 53 Innovative Style an d Technology) at the Uni­ versity o f Iowa. Connie Roberts is now director of Tech­ nical Services at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. D oralyn H. R ossm an n has b e e n a p ­ pointed library systems analyst at Montana State University. Cecilia D. Stafford is now associate dean of libraries at Tulane University. Phoebe Terry is now governm ent infor­ mation librarian at the University o f Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg. Carol Thompson has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. Mary Throumoulos has joined Rollins Col­ lege as acquisitions librarian. Virginia Toliver has been prom oted to as­ sociate d ean for administration at Washington University’s Libraries and Information Technol­ ogy- Julie Voelck has been named associate dean and associate professor at the Kresge Library at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Ruth Vondracek has been nam ed head of reference and instruction in the Valley Library at O regon State University in Corvallis. Penny A. Welbourne is the n ew catalog librarian II on the Rare Book Team at Yale University. R e t i r e m e n t s Willis M. (Bill) Hubbard will retire in June 2002 as library director of Warren Wilson Col­ lege in Asheville, North Carolina. A life m em ­ ber o f ALA since 1968, H ubbard served tw o terms on the ACRL Board, chaired the Col­ lege Library Section, served on the C&RL News Editorial Board, and has b e e n a m e m b e r o f m any ACRL a n d ALA c o m m itte e s . H e h a s served as a consultant to nearly 30 colleges and u n iv e r s itie s a n d h as given programs at ACRL, ALA, CAUSE, Educom, the Coalition for Net­ w o rk e d in fo rm a tio n , Bill (W illis M.) H ubbard and other organizations. Prior to his position at Warren Wilson College, Hubbard was library director at three other pri­ vate colleges— most recently Gettysburg Col­ lege (1983-96). D e a t h s Dan Foley, 58, nonbook cataloger/metadata librarian at the University of W isconsin at Milwaukee’s (UWM) Golda Meir Library, died November 17 while teaching a class for UWM’s School o f Inform ation Studies. From 1982 to 1983, Foley w orked as an intern in the UWM Library’s cataloging d e ­ p a rtm e n t. Foley th e n accepted a professional p o s i ti o n at T u la n e U n iv e rsity ’s H o w ard - Tilton Memorial Library, later taking jobs w ith Dan FoleyMobil Exploration and Producing, the library at the Xavier University of Louisiana, the Sims Memorial Library at Southeastern Louisiana University, and the Energy and Environmental Information Re­ sources Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Foley began working as a profes­ sional at the UWM Libraries in September 2000. Jam es Edmund Maynard, associate profes­ sor in library science at The Citadel and a librarian there for 33 years, has died. George D. T erry, vice provost and d ean of libraries at the University o f South Carolina (1991-2001), died O ctober 20, 2001. Before assum ing the position o f dean, Terry served as director of the university’s McKissick Mu­ seum and adm inistrator for special projects, including developm ent o f an online library system to link the university’s nine campuses. Terry excelled in facilitating the acquisition o f notable materials for the libraries’ special collection departm ent. ■ ( “Preseivαtion News” continued from page 43) For m ore information, see h ttp ://g ro u p s. y a h o o .c o m /g ro u p /p h o to c o n s e rv a tio n . To s u b s c r ib e , s e n d a b la n k m e s s a g e to photoconservationsubscribe@ yahoogroups. com. ■ http://groups