ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 50 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young Trudi Bellardo Hahn, manager o f User Edu­ cation Services at the University of Maryland (UM), College Park, and adjunct professor in the College of Information Studies, has been chosen president-elect of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Prior to h e r p o s itio n a t UM, Hahn held positions at the Maryland State De­ partment of Education, the Special Libraries As­ sociation, the Catholic University of America, Trudi Bellardo Hahn an d the University of Kentucky. She has also been a consultant for the National Center for Biotechnology Infor­ mation, the World Bank, and other govern­ m ent and private organizations. University of Illinois Graduate School o f Li­ brary and Information Science faculty m em ­ bers P. Bryan Heidorn and Carole Palmer have received m ore than $475,000 from the N ational Science F oundation for research being conducted as part of a project with the Illinois Natural History Survey. The project, “An Internet Environm ent for BioDiversity Survey Collaboration and Verification," will develop software that those collecting field data for ecology and biodiversity studies can use in the field. E. J . Josey, emeritus professor of library and in fo rm atio n scien ce at the U niversity o f Pittsburgh’s (UP) School o f Information Sci­ ences, has received the honorary doctorate o f hum ane letters degree from Clarion Uni­ versity. Josey joined UP in 1986 and taught the initial Libraries in Society course for the D epartm ent o f Library and Information Sci­ ence. He retired in 1995. Josey has four other honorary degrees, as well as num erous pro­ fessional, academic, and comm unity honors. He w as president o f ALA (1984-85) and a m em ber o f its council for 30 years, receiving its Joseph W. Lippincott Award. Josey has authored more than 400 articles and has writ­ ten or edited 12 books on information sci­ ences. Paula T. Kaufman, university librarian and professor o f library administration at the Uni­ versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), has been elected president o f the Association o f R esearch Libraries (ARL). Prior to being nam ed university librar­ ian at UIUC in 1999, Kaufman w as dean of libraries at the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, for 11 years. She also held several positions at C olum bia U niversity, in clu d in g acting vice president and university Paula T. Kaufman librarian. Her experience also includes w ork in the private sector, dur­ ing which she co-founded an information in­ dustry service firm. She was elected to the ARL Board in 1997 and is currently chairing the Copyright Group. Kaufman serves on boards for the Center for Research Libraries, the Council on Library and Information Resources, the Re­ search Libraries Group, and the Southeastern Library Network, Inc. She chairs the Directors G roup of the Committee on Institutional Co­ operation. Norma Kobzina, head of information ser­ vices at the University o f California at Berke­ ley, has received the Librarians Association of the University of California Berkeley (LAUC- B) D istinguished Librarian Award. Honora F. Nerz, h ead of the Burlington Tex­ tiles Library and Engineering Services at North Carolina State, and Suzanne T. Weiner, head o f collection m anagem ent at the North Caro­ lina State University, have b een nam ed re- Ed . n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r p e rs o n n e l new s is c o n sid e re d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w r ite to A n n -C h riste Young, p ro d u c tio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@; fa x :(3 1 2 ) 280-2520. C&RL News ■ January 2002 1 51 c i p i e n t s o f th e 2001 American So­ ciety for Engineer­ ing Education An­ n u al C o n feren ce Best Overall Paper award. They w on the award, which includes a $3,000 cash prize, for their submission “Infor­ mation Competen­ cies: A Strategic H o n o ra F. N e rz and A pproach” (avail­ Suzanne T. W einer a b le a t h t t p : / / w w w .a s e e .o r g /c o n f e r e n c e s /a n n u a l2 0 0 1 / bestpapers.cfm. Carlen Ruschoff, director o f technical ser­ vices at the University of Maryland, College Park, has b een elected to a three-year term as a Board M em ber o f PALINET, a multitype library netw ork dedicated to the support of resource sharing an d technology initiatives throughout Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, an d West Virginia. Iliana L. Sonntag Blay, San D iego State University librarian emerita, is the recipient of the José Toribio Medina Award, presented by the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM). Sonntag Blay’s book, Twentieth Century Poetry fro m Spanish A m erica, in d e x e s p o e tr y fro m Mexico, Central America, an d South America (with th e exception of Brazil) from turn of the century M odernism o to the present. The aw ard (a certificate and honorarium of $250) is m ade annually in recognition o f outstand­ ing contributions by SALALM m em bers to Latin American Studies. Arthur P. Young, d ean o f university librar­ ies at N orthern Illinois University, received the Illinois Library A ssociation’s 2001 Aca­ demic Librarian of the Year Award. A p p o i n t m e n t s David H. Carlson has been nam ed dean of library affairs at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Carlson had b een director o f librar­ ies at Bridgewater State College in Bridgewater, M a s sa c h u se tts, sin c e 1994. His experience at B rid g e w a te r in c lu d e s tw o years as acting as­ sistant vice president for academ ic inform ation resources (1995-97). He David H. Carlson was executive director of the Triangle Research Libraries N etw ork in C hapel Hill, North Carolina (1991-94). He w as director o f the Office o f Library Systems, university Libraries, at the University o f Lou­ isville, K entucky (1987-91). From 1984 to 1987, Carlson w as a systems analyst at the University Library of th e University o f Rhode Island. J o Cates has b een appointed director o f the Columbia College Chicago Library. She as­ sum es this position follow ing four years at Ernst and Young in Chicago, w here she served as regional research m anager at the Center for Business Knowledge. She has directed the T ransportation Library at N orthw estern Uni­ versity an d w as the h ead o f reference at the Lamont Library o f H arvard College and di­ rector o f the library at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Florida. Cates is the author of Journalism: A Guide to Reference Literature and num erous articles and reviews. Lise M. Dyckman has been appointed library director at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Ronald H. Epp has b een app o in ted director o f the Harry A. B. an d G ertrude C. Shapiro Library at Southern New Ham pshire Univer­ sity. He h ad b een director o f libraries at the University o f Hartford since 1993 an d devel­ o p e d ALiNUS, an online database o f more than 600 academic library newsletters. He held diverse positions w ith the Council o n C on­ necticut Academic Library Directors. In 1991, ALA published Collection development in col­ lege libraries, w hich he co-edited w ith Joanne Schneider an d William H annaford Jr. From 1985 to 1989, Epp w as m anaging editor of Choice. 52 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 M a rily n S m ith B r e g o li has b een nam ed di­ rector of the Annenberg Library of Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Pre­ viously, Bregoli served as director o f the Regina Library at Rivier College in Nashua, New Hampshire, and librarian o f the G radu­ ate School of Social Work at Simmons Col­ lege in Boston, Massachusetts. C la r e n c e T o o m e r has been appointed dean of library and learning services and professor in the School of Education at Livingston Col­ lege in Salisbury, North Carolina. He was dean of library and learning resources at Chicago State University (1998-2000). Toomer has been an active m em ber o f ALA for 19 years, serving on several committees in ACRL and the Black Caucus of ALA. He served as chair of the Col­ lege and University section of the North Caro­ lina Library Association (1997-1999). K itti C a n e p i is now the resource m an­ agem ent librarian for Florida Gulf Coast Uni­ versity in Ft. Myers. A m y C o o p e r is now special collections librarian at the University o f Iowa. A n d r e w C o r r ig a n is now assistant dean of collections and inform ation services at Tulane University. C a th e r in e C o r te ly o u is now w orking in the Institute o f Transportation Studies’ Tech­ nology Transfer Program at the University of California at Berkeley. Advertiser index Academic Press 23 American Theological 42 Library Association Annual Reviews 49 Archival Products 8 EBSCO 9 Elsevier Science 18, 47 Endeavor Information Sys. 10 Excelsior College 4 Faxon/Row ecom 31 LexisNexis Cover 2 Linda Hall Library 1-14 OCLC 14 Optical Society of America 1 Pow ell’s Books 17 ScienceDirect Cover 3 SWETS/Blackwell 27 West G roup Cover 4 M argo W a r n e r C u rl is now coordinator o f cooperative collection developm ent for CONSORT Colleges. J u lie t D e m e t e r is now an archivist in the Bancroft Library at the University of Califor­ nia at Berkeley. J u d y F o x has been prom oted to associate dean for access bibliographies and administra­ tive services at Washington University’s Librar­ ies and Information Technology. Lia H illm a n is now an archivist in the Bancroft Library at the University o f Califor­ nia at Berkeley. B. J. J o h n s t o n has been prom oted to as­ sociate dean for collections and departm en­ tal libraries at W ashington University’s Librar­ ies and Information Technology. D a n a j u r i e w has been appointed assis­ tant professor in the Kresge Library at O ak­ land University in Rochester, Michigan. M ary K o n k e l is now technical services librarian at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. V ic k i L itz in g e r has b een appointed co­ ordinator of library access services at Lyndon State College in Vermont. B rad M a tth ies is the new reference li­ brarian at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. D o r o t h y A u c h te r M a y s has b e e n ap ­ p o in ted h ead of public services at Rollins College’s Olin Library. J e a n M c K e n z ie , engineering library as­ sistant head/reference librarian at the Univer­ sity of California at Berkeley, has also b een nam ed acting h ead o f the Astronomy-Math- Statistics Library until August 1, 2002. K a th r y n M o n tg o m e r y has b e e n nam ed digital services librarian at Tulane University. M arilyn O c h o a is the new humanities and social sciences referen ce librarian in the George A. Smathers Libraries at the Univer­ sity of Florida. A fe w o r k i P a u lo s has joined the reference departm ent of the University o f Michigan’s Harlan H atcher Graduate Library as African Studies librarian. T r a cy P a y n e is now access services li­ brarian at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. D a n ie l P e n n e ll has b een nam ed Slavic bibliographer at the University o f Pittsburgh. E r ic k a A. R ab er has b een appointed in­ structional librarian for TWIST (Teaching With C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 53 Innovative Style an d Technology) at the Uni­ versity o f Iowa. Connie Roberts is now director of Tech­ nical Services at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. D oralyn H. R ossm an n has b e e n a p ­ pointed library systems analyst at Montana State University. Cecilia D. Stafford is now associate dean of libraries at Tulane University. Phoebe Terry is now governm ent infor­ mation librarian at the University o f Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg. Carol Thompson has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. Mary Throumoulos has joined Rollins Col­ lege as acquisitions librarian. Virginia Toliver has been prom oted to as­ sociate d ean for administration at Washington University’s Libraries and Information Technol­ ogy- Julie Voelck has been named associate dean and associate professor at the Kresge Library at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Ruth Vondracek has been nam ed head of reference and instruction in the Valley Library at O regon State University in Corvallis. Penny A. Welbourne is the n ew catalog librarian II on the Rare Book Team at Yale University. R e t i r e m e n t s Willis M. (Bill) Hubbard will retire in June 2002 as library director of Warren Wilson Col­ lege in Asheville, North Carolina. A life m em ­ ber o f ALA since 1968, H ubbard served tw o terms on the ACRL Board, chaired the Col­ lege Library Section, served on the C&RL News Editorial Board, and has b e e n a m e m b e r o f m any ACRL a n d ALA c o m m itte e s . H e h a s served as a consultant to nearly 30 colleges and u n iv e r s itie s a n d h as given programs at ACRL, ALA, CAUSE, Educom, the Coalition for Net­ w o rk e d in fo rm a tio n , Bill (W illis M.) H ubbard and other organizations. Prior to his position at Warren Wilson College, Hubbard was library director at three other pri­ vate colleges— most recently Gettysburg Col­ lege (1983-96). D e a t h s Dan Foley, 58, nonbook cataloger/metadata librarian at the University of W isconsin at Milwaukee’s (UWM) Golda Meir Library, died November 17 while teaching a class for UWM’s School o f Inform ation Studies. From 1982 to 1983, Foley w orked as an intern in the UWM Library’s cataloging d e ­ p a rtm e n t. Foley th e n accepted a professional p o s i ti o n at T u la n e U n iv e rsity ’s H o w ard - Tilton Memorial Library, later taking jobs w ith Dan FoleyMobil Exploration and Producing, the library at the Xavier University of Louisiana, the Sims Memorial Library at Southeastern Louisiana University, and the Energy and Environmental Information Re­ sources Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Foley began working as a profes­ sional at the UWM Libraries in September 2000. Jam es Edmund Maynard, associate profes­ sor in library science at The Citadel and a librarian there for 33 years, has died. George D. T erry, vice provost and d ean of libraries at the University o f South Carolina (1991-2001), died O ctober 20, 2001. Before assum ing the position o f dean, Terry served as director of the university’s McKissick Mu­ seum and adm inistrator for special projects, including developm ent o f an online library system to link the university’s nine campuses. Terry excelled in facilitating the acquisition o f notable materials for the libraries’ special collection departm ent. ■ ( “Preseivαtion News” continued from page 43) For m ore information, see h ttp ://g ro u p s. y a h o o .c o m /g ro u p /p h o to c o n s e rv a tio n . To s u b s c r ib e , s e n d a b la n k m e s s a g e to photoconservationsubscribe@ yahoogroups. com. ■ http://groups