ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 4 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 C L A S S I F I E D A d s Career opportunities fr o m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices are $23.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $28.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $470 to $870 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:/ / Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 fo r the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements w ill be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL News is published. Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c&rlnewsads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. PO S ITIO N S OPEN ACADEMIC RESIDENT LIBRARIAN PROGRAM, 2 002-2003. Brief Program Description: The University Library, University o f Illinois at Chicago (UIC), seeks candidates fo r its Academic Resident Librarian Program to serve one-year postgraduate appointments in the University Library system. Appointments may be renewed fo r a second year. The program, begun in 1982, features a seminar serieson library and informa­ tion science issues, library and association visits, and the opportunity to gain academ ic/research library experience in a dynamic and creative university environment. Four to six residencies will be available in various functional units of the library. Priority departmental areas for 2 00 2-2003 are the Reference Department (Main Library), the Information Services Department (Library of the Health Sciences) and the Systems Department. Minim um Qualifications: Recent completion of a master’s degree program in library and information science from an ALA-accred ited library school program (graduation date spring 2001 or later); knowl­ edge of, and interest in, academic libraries; and the ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with library staff, as well as faculty, students, and other library users. The Library and the Campus: UlC ’s colleges and professional schools offer bachelor’s degree programs in over 90 fields, master's degrees in 79 areas, and doctoral degrees in 45 specializations. The campus is located ju s t west of Chicago’s Loop. The campus has an enrollment o f 25,000 students, 35%of whom are graduate and professional students. The University Library is a mem ber of the Association o f Research Libraries (ARL), contains more than 1.8 million volumes, and has a total staff of 280; 76 are library faculty o r academic professional staff. Salary/Appointm ent Terms: Salary is comparable to beginning librarians (in 2 001-2002, beginning librarian salaries were $34,000); 12-month visiting academic appointment with 24 days' vaca­ tion ; two weeks' annual sick leave with additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; paid medical insurance (contribution based on annual salary; coverage fo r dependents may be purchased); dental and life insurance; participation in one of the retirement options of the Illinois State Universities Retirement System compulsory (8% of salary is withheld and is tax-exem pt until withdrawn); no Social Security coverage, but Medicare payment required. Appointments for2002-2003 will be effective beginning August 5,2002. F o r fullest consideration, apply by March 15, 2002, with letter of interest, supporting résumé, and names and addresses of a t least three references to: Annie Marie Ford, Personnel Librarian, The University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, Box 8198, Chi­ cago, IL 60680; e-mail: lib-per @; fax: (312) 413-0424. The Univer­ sity o f Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT BIOLOGY LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT PROFES­ SOR OF LIBRARY ADM INISTRATION. Position Available: January 31 ‚ 2002. The University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign invites nominations and applications fo r the position of Assistant Biology Librar­ ian, afull-tim e‚tenure-track faculty appointment with the rank of Assistant Professor o f Library Administration. Duties and Responsibilities: The Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 ‘ Rather than esta blish one statewide salary minim um , some state associations have adopted a formula based on variables such as comparable salaries fo r public school teachers in each commu­ nity, o r the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association fo r minim um salary information. " T h e s e recom m endations apply only to public librarians. Assistant Biology Librarian works with the Biology Librarian to support the informational needs o f life scientists. The prim ary responsibilities of the position are in the area o f services, in particular user education and reference. The successful candidate will be responsible fo r developing, implementing, and evaluating a new user education program in the Biology library. The Assistant also staffs the Biology Library’s Reference Desk in conjunction with other library staff and maintains the Biology Library’s Web site ( Environment: The University C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 55 ASSOCIATE COLLECTIONS CURATOR FOR RARE BOOKS Getty Research Institute Reporting to Head of Collection Development, Research Library, develops, manages, and interprets the collections of rare books dating from the 15th to the 21st century; performs intellectual interpretation through exhibitions, original research, publications, and public programs; utilizes scholarly background and expertise in assessing potential acquisitions for their research value, authentic­ ity, and historical condition; makes recommendations for acquisitions, negotiates contracts, and assesses large collections in collaboration with other Collection Curators; responds to reference queries concerning the collections, evaluates items requested for loans by other institutions, and recommends conservation treatments of the rare book collections. REQUIREMENTS: Master’s or Ph.D. in art history or MLS and one to two years’ suitable experience with rare book collections; reading knowledge of Latin; reading and conversational skills in French, German, Spanish, or Italian. Hiring salary starts in the low $40s. Excellent benefits package. Send cover letter and résumé to: HR Specialist Getty Research institute 1200 Getty Center Drive Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688 Or fax to: (310) 440-7647; or e-mail to: jobs@ indicating “GRI-ACC” on subject line. No phone inquiries, please. of Illinois Library a t Urbana-Champaign is one of the preem inent research collections in th e nation and the world. W ith m ore than nine million volum es a nd a tota l o f 21 m illion item s, it ranks third a m o ng a cad em ic libraries in th e U nited Sta tes and first am ong pub lic university libraries in the world. A s the intellectual heart o f the cam pus, the library is com m itted to maintaining the strongest collections and services possible and engag­ ing in research and d e ve lo pm en t a ctivities both o f w h ich su pp ort the university’s m ission o f teaching, research, and public service. Th e library currently em ploys approxim ately 100 faculty and 300 staff members. For more detailed information, please visit: http://ww The library co nsists o f m ore than 4 0 d ep artm en tal lib ra rie s th a t a re located throughout ca m p us and a dm inistrative ly organized into e igh t divisions. The B iology L ibrary is located in B urrill Hall and se rve s the S chool o f Integrative B iology and the School of M olecular and Cellular Biology. The two schools co n sist o f 60 facu lty, 1,000 u ndergraduate stud e nts, 275 graduate students, 75 a cad em ic pro fe ssio na ls, and 50 postdoctoral re­ search associates. For m ore inform ation, see: http://w w w In addition to this prim ary clientele, the B iology Library serves the basic life science needs fo r faculty and students across the cam pus. Th e collection consists o f over 128,000 volum es and num erous electronic resources and is supported by a collections budget o f $660,000. Th e staff consists o f two librarians, fo u r sta ff m em bers, and 2.5 FTE students. C lo se ly allied libraries in clude th e Agriculture, Consum er, and Environm ental (ACES) Library, th e C h em istry Library, the L ibrary o f th e H ealth S ciences, the Natural H istory S urvey Library, and the V ete rin ary M e d icin e Library. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution, or its equivalent; background in the life o r physical sciences o r a d em on ­ strated knowledge o f biological literature; experience with and enthusiasm for instruction; expe rie n ce w ith cre a ting W e b pages; e xcellen t oral and written co m m u nicatio n skills; th e a bility to w o rk well inde p en d en tly and part of a team ; the ability to w o rk well with all le vels o f users; a bility t o meet promotion and ten u re requirem ents. P referred: U n de rg ra d ua te o r a d ­ vanced deg re e in th e life scie nce s; one to th re e ye ars' p rofessional experience in p ub lic se rvice s in an a cad em ic o r sp ecia l lib ra ry setting; course w o rk in o r expe rie n ce w ith lib ra ry in struction; expe rie n ce with science reference and W e b site m anagem ent. S alary and R ank: Salary com m ensurate w ith cre d en tials and e xperience. R a nk a t the level of Assistant Professor o f Library Adm inistration, depending on the qualifica­ tions o f the cand id ate selected. Librarian s h ave fa cu lty rank and m ust dem onstrate excellence in librarianship, research, publication, a nd uni­ versity/professional/com m unity service to m eet u niversity standards for tenure and promotion. Te rm s o f Appointment: 12-month appointment; 24 w o rk d a y s ' vacation peryear; 11 paid holidays; 12 d a ys' annual sick leave (cu m u la tive up to a m axim um o f 2 40 days) plus an a dditional 13 days (noncumulative) p er ye ar if necessary; health insurance, requiring a small copaym ent, is provided to em ployees (co ve rag e fo r d ependents m ay be purchased); participation in the State U niversities R etirem ent S yste m is required upon appointm ent (8% o f m em ber’s salary is w ithheld and is tax- e xem pt until retirem ent); new ly hired unive rsity em ployees are covered b y the Medicare portion o f Social Security, and are subject to its deduction. T o Apply: Send letter o f application and com plete résumé with the names, addresses, telephone num bers, and e-m ail addresses (w here available) o f five references to: C in d y Kelly, Head, L ibrary Human Resources, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Cham paign, 1408 W . Gregory D rive, S uite 127, Urbana, IL 6 1801; phone: (217) 3 33-8168; e-m ail: m o ke lly @ E lectronic a p p lica tio ns a re accep tab le in itia lly but m ust be fo llow ed by a hard co py with signature. D eadline: T o e nsure full consideration, applications and nom inations m ust be received by January 11 ‚ 2002. Th e U niversity of Illinois is an affirm ative action, equal o pportu­ n ity em ployer. A S S IS T A N T P R O FES S O R /R E FER EN C E LIB R A R IA N . M ississippi S tate U nive rsity L ibraries se e k in novative and dyna m ic a pp lica n ts fo r a ten u re -tra ck, a ssistan t profe sso r/re fe re nce librarian p osition. T h e Uni­ ve rsity Lib raries provide its co m m u n itie s o f users an ong oing , creative, te ch n o lo g ica lly adva nce d lib ra ry program . P rim ary resp on sib ilitie s in­ clude p ro viding re feren ce se n/ice fo r sch ed uled h ours a t the referen ce/ information desk (including som e nigh ts and weekends); providing patron a ccess to in form ation using e lectron ic in dexe s/d a ta b ase s and printed so urces; p ro viding lib ra ry in stru ction as a ssign e d; m ain tain in g th e sci­ ence reference collection; serving as library liaison to the science depart­ m ents; a nd fu lfillin g o th e r tasks a ccording to individual stre ng ths and e xperience. R eports to the R eference S e rvices C oordinator. Required: M a ster’s deg re e from an ALA-accredited program ; experience in broad- b ased in form atio n access/re feren ce skills p rim arily in use o f e lectron i­ cally accessible database system s; participation in activities related to the crite ria fo r prom otion and tenure; excellent com m unication and interper­ so na l skills; stro ng se rvice o rientation; a nd an a bility and w illin gn e ss to w o rk as a team m e m b e r in an evolving library and university environment. P referred: Add itio na l d eg re es in th e scie nce s; fam ilia rity with science reference resources. Excellent benefits package. Faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities; 12-month appointm ent. Rank/Salary: Assistant Pro- 56 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Central Missouri State University Library Development Officer and Instructor of Library Services Position # 51754. Non-tenure-track faculty position. Responsible for the planning, coordinating, and implementing of fundraising activities, to include identifying, cultivating, soliciting, and tracking fundraising prospects and preparing grant proposals for Library Services. Serve as a liaison with the university development office. Work with the Friends of the Library to increase the membership and development potential of the Friends through programs, mailings, events, individual contacts, and special projects. Coordinate with appropriate staff to prepare and produce printed and electronic publications such as brochures, mailings, press releases, and Web pages in support of Library Services fundraising efforts. SKILLS NEEDED Broad knowledge of librarianship and proven skills in the area of university development; broad knowledge of the principles and practices of major gift fundraising, preferably in a university setting; understanding of capital and endowment fund development, and general understanding of planned giving; skill at gift negotiation, gift solicitation, and proven skill in goal achievement; an understanding of the environment of a public university and university libraries; an understanding of volunteer groups and appropriate operations and events; willingness to accept responsibilities and assign­ ments and to handle them thoroughly; high level of initiative, creativity, and energy and the ability to work independently; excellent oral, written, presentational, and interpersonal communication skills; strong professional ethics, discretion, and judgment. A master’s degree in Library Science is preferred but other master’s degrees will be considered. This is a 12-month position. Reports to Dean of Library Services. Assistant Professor/Instructor of Library Science Position #s 51722-LIS and 51738-MSLIT. This tenure-track position includes teaching graduate courses to prepare school librarians and other information specialists for leadership roles in the information professions and conducting research in the area of library media and/or library information technology. Courses taught may include: Management and administration of information agencies, information and society, Web site management, introduction to electronic information resources, legal and ethical issues of informa­ tion, creating Web-based resources, administration of the library media center, selection and acquisition of materials, integration and utilization of library materials into the curriculum, and information technologies for library media centers. Minimum requirements for appointment at the Assistant Professor level include a completed doctorate (ABD considered) in library science, educational technology, information science, or related field in addition to an MLS or equivalent; a record of successful teaching or school library experience at the elementary or secondary level; and knowledge of current trends in school library media programs and technology. Appointment at the Instructor level is a non-tenure-track position. Teaching faculty have a nine- month contract with additional compensation for summer teaching. Central Missouri State University (w w w .cm is located in W arrensburg, Missouri, approxim ately 50 miles southeast of Kansas City, and provides the opportunity for urban, suburban, or sm all-city living. The work environm ent is a three-year-old, $30,000,000 library facility, the James C. Kirkpatrick Library ( Salary commensurate with education and experience. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application (include position number), résumé, graduate transcripts, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Pal V. Rao Dean of Library Services Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, MO 64093 Screening begins March 1, 2002, and continues until filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EE /ADA. C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 57 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN California State University, Los Angeles Applications and nominations are invited for this position, with an anticipated starting date of July 1 ‚ 2002. California State University, Los Angeles, is one of 23 campuses of the California State University system. The university is located near the cosmopolitan center of Los Angeles. The university has an urban student body of 21,000, which has the distinction of being the most diverse in the nation, and approximately 600 faculty. As the senior administrator reporting to the University Librarian, the Associate University Librarian (AUL) coordinates major aspects of internal operations in a collaborative environment and oversees the activities of the library faculty. The AUL participates in strategic planning, development activities, program evaluation, and cooperative library programs. REQUIREMENTS • MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; • Strong and innovative record of scholarly professional achievement; • Significant and successful senior library administrative experience in a university or research library; • Strong leadership ability in a collegial environment; • Strong working knowledge of new technologies and their applications to libraries; • Strong commitment to excellence in library services; • Ability to promote library services to students and faculty; • Excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills; • Ability to interact effectively with diverse cultural and ethnic groups. Salary fo r this Administrator III position is commensurate with experience and qualifications. All rights and benefits associated with this appointment are governed by the Management Personnel Plan. APPLICATION: To apply, send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommen­ dation, and a transcript from the institution awarding the highest degree. Review of applications will begin March 1, 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Application, required documentation, and/or request for information should be addressed to: Douglas A. Davis, University Librarian John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, #A01210 California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8534 Equal opportunity/Tille IX/ADA employer. Qualified women and minorities are encouraged to apply. fessor: $ 32,000-$34,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Submit application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone num­ bers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, A dm inistrative A ssistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box5408, Mississippi State, MS39762. Appli­ cations accepted through D ecem ber7,2001 ‚ o r until suitable applicant is found. For a dditional information on the M ississippi State University community, see the u niversity’s W eb site at: http://ww w.m Mississippi S tate U niversity is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. BLUES CUR ATO R. Responsibilities: Responsible fo r supervising, o r­ ganizing, and maintaining the University’s outstanding multiformat blues collections, including archival and photographic materials. Provides both traditional and virtual services to university students and faculty and to blues scholars around the world. Maintains and preserves blues materials in multiple form ats in accordance w ith library and archival practices. Creates and m aintains access p olicies in accordance w ith copyright, license, and d onor agreements. Assists in defining collection scope and development fo r blues collections. R esponsible fo r reference and user services related to blues collections. Able to prepare discographies and mount exhibitions o f blues materials. Assists, as needed, with reference and other curatorial functions in Special Collections. Reports to the Head of Special Collections. Required Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS by date o f appointment, degree in m usic o ra related field, and/or dem on­ strated experience in a m usic library o r in w orking w ith m usic materials; excellent oral and written com m unications skills; strong com m itm ent to user-focused service and instructional ability; knowledge o f print, re­ corded, and electronic m usic sources; the ability to w o rk independently and collegially with oth e r librarians in a rapidly changing environment; knowledge of com puter applications; ability to perform physical activities associated with archival environments (e.g., ability to lift 40-pound boxes); and the ability to m eettenure requirements. Salary: $34,000. Application Deadline: Until filled o r until an adequate applicant pool is reached. Applicants should send a letter of application, résumé, and name, address, telephone, and e-mail o f three references to: Dean’s Office, J.D. Williams Library, P.O. Box 1848, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677-1848. The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title V /T itle IX/ Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The U niversity of Alabam a Libraries seeks a Business Reference Librarian to participate in the delivery o f quality business library services to the rapidly growing, nationally recognized Culverhouse College o f Commerce and Business Adm inistration. New library, com puter center, and classroom facilities enhance the opportunity for innovative uses of information technology for information service and instruction. The environment o f the Angelo Bruno Business Library offers opportunities fo r developing and expanding pro­ fessional skills. Responsibilities: The librarian in this position will provide business information services, including reference, individual and small- groupconsultation,and instruction to students and faculty in theCulvertiouse College o f C om m erce and Business Adm inistration and the general 58 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Eastern Michigan University Eastern Michigan University invites nominations and applications for the position of University Librarian. SETTING: Eastern Michigan University is a comprehensive university enrolling over 24,000 students, including 5,000 at the graduate level. Currently the university offers the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, with plans for additional doctoral programs. Located in the Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor area of southeastern Michigan, faculty and students enjoy a diverse and rich cultural and community setting, with easy access to metropolitan areas of Detroit, Toledo, and Chicago. The Bruce T. Halle Library, opened in 1998, is a state-of-the-art teaching-learning center with 280,000 square feet including 300,000 open-shelf books, 800,000 volumes in an automated storage and retrieval system, an auditorium, café, multiple electronic classrooms, 1,250 network ports, and much more. Halle Library’s staff includes 26 faculty librarians and 42 technical and support staff. RESPONSIBILITIES: As chief administrative and fiscal officer for the library, the University Librarian provides leadership in strategic planning, program of services, collection management and the development, implementation and direction of all library services. As chief academic officer for the library, the University Librarian serves as head of the library faculty, fostering collegiality and administering appointment, tenure, and promotion. As chief advocate for the library, the University Librarian represents the Library on the Dean’s Council and actively participates in development and public relations efforts. The successful candidate will be an experienced, dynamic, and creative leader committed to developing excellent library collections and delivering outstanding services to meet the needs of our community of learners. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have a master’s degree in Library & Information Sciences (ALA accredited); earned doctorate is preferred. Also required are seven years of experience with library technology, including five years of administration experience at an Assistant or Associate Director/Dean level or equivalent. Demonstrated knowledge of the professional responsibilities generally associated with faculty working in a variety of positions in a university library setting is required. Evidence of knowledge and experience in library/information services administration, program design/development and budgeting as well as experience in recruitment, development, and evaluation of library faculty and staff are necessary. Credentials necessary to qualify for appointment at rank of full professor including a record of professional publications are desirable. An understand­ ing of collective bargaining and experience with grant writing/fundraising are preferred. SALARY: Salary commensurate with education and experience, with excellent benefits. APPLICATION: Consideration of applications will begin immediately and continue until an appoint­ ment is made. Applicants should submit a letter describing their relevant qualifications and administrative experience, a detailed curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to: Posting #APAA 0207 Eastern Michigan University 202 Boone Hall Ypsilanti, Ml 48197 Eastern Michigan University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages women and members o f minority groups to consider this opportunity. University of Alabam a u se r com m unity. The individual w ill participate in the ongoing development of the Bruno Library Web site and in the enhance­ ment and delivery of reference and instructional services, with emphasis on technology-based delivery. Th e position includes some night and possibly weekend reference service hours. Th e librarian in this position w orks collegially in a team environm ent and reports to the Head of the Angelo Bruno Business Library. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an A LA-accredited program; broad knowledge of business research re­ sources, including commercial databases and free business W eb sites; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library personnel at all levels; excellent oral and written com m unication skills; com m itm ent to client-centered services; evidence o f potential to meet university require­ ments fo r promotion and tenure. Preferred: Business reference experi­ ence in an academ ic o r research library; experience in library instruction; experience using business information sources o n the Web; experience in assisting patrons with electronic business information resources; expe­ rience with com puter productivity applications; degree in business-rel ated field, prefer master’s degree; some knowledge o f government information sources. Salary/Benefits: 12-month, ten u re -tra ck appoint­ ment a t the Instructor o r Assistant Professor rank depending on qualifica­ tions. Minimum Salary: $30,000/lnstructorand $33,000/Assistant Profes­ sor. Strong benefits, substantial moving a llowance m ay be available. Library Environment: The Angelo Bruno Business Library m aintains a close partnership with the Culverhouse College o f Commerce and Busi­ ness Administration, one o f the preeminent leaders in business education in the Southeast. The modern facility housing the Bruno Business Library and the Bashinsky Computer Center opened in 1994. The Angelo Bruno Business Library offers num erous w orkstations fo r access to electronic resources and features a computerized library instruction classroom . Specialized electronic services offered include Dow Jones Interactive, C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 59 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Florida State University The Florida State University (FSU) Libraries invite applications from innovative professionals to fill three exciting career-track openings at various levels of appointment. The FSU Libraries is an ARL library with holdings of more than 2.5 million volumes, 15,000 print journal titles, access to a wide variety of electronic journals, and a consid erable number of other networked electronic resources. The univer­ sity, with a student population of over 35,000, is located in the beautiful city of Tallahassee, Florida’s capital city and a growing community. Maintaining and strengthening tbe university as one of the top research universities in the southeast is a university priority. For complete details for each position, please consult the library’s Web site at: Electronic Resources Coordinator, Position #53199 Assistant-Associate Librarian. Appointment Range: $35,659-$41,594 QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree; three to five years of relevant professional experience in acquisitions and/or electronic resources; knowledge of current standards and practices in acquisitions of electronic resources; demonstrated management and leadership skills and evidence of ability to interact collaboratively with diverse agencies and departments and with faculty and students; understanding of various units and operations in an environment focusing on user service; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to communicate clearly, knowledgeably, personably, orally, and in writing. Head, Bibliographic Access, Position #53222 Technical Services. Appointment Range: $35,659-$40,577 QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; five years of cataloging experience with at least three years' post-MLS experience cataloging materials of various types and formats in a medium to large academic library; minimum three years' supervising a cataloging unit or project; minimum two years with original cataloging experience; experience with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC, using LC classification system and subject headings; experience with cooperative cataloging ventures such as NACO, BIBCO, and/or CONSER strongly preferred. Monographic Resources Coordinator, Position #53218 Assistant-Associate Librarian. Appointment Range: $32,500-$37,000 QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree; three years’ relevant professional experience in an academic library; knowledge of current standards and practices associated with the acquisition of informational resources; working knowledge of standard office software packages; experience working with an integrated Library Management System, bibliographic records, and OCLC; demonstrated management and leadership skills and evidence of ability to interact collaboratively with diverse agencies, departments, faculty, and students; strong commitment to public service and outreach; ability to set goals and meet deadlines; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to communicate clearly, knowledgeably, and personably. Professional librarians at FSU are academic appointees who are entitled to a comprehensive benefits package. The application period for the position closes on February 18, 2002. Those wishing to be considered for any of the above positions, please submit an application letter including a complete statement of qualifications, a full résumé of education and relevant experience, and a list of three professional references to: Pamela Byrd Administrative Services Coordinator Robert Manning Strozier Library Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306 FSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, AD A-com pliant employer. An exclusive bargaining agent, the United Faculty o f Florida, represent librarians a t FSU. Under federal law, FSU m ay em ploy only individuals who are legally authorized to work in the United States as established b y providing documents specified in the Immigration Reform a nd Control A ct o f 1986. 60 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 LIBRARY DIRECTOR McHenry County College McHenry County College, a fast-growing, comprehensive community college in northwest suburban Chicago serving over 10,000 credit and noncredit students per semester, is seeking a full-time Library Director to provide leadership, coordination, and advocacy for all college library services, including direct management of the Circulation Department and library automation system. The Director is responsible for seven full-time and seven part-time staff, including three full-time faculty librarians. QUALIFICATIONS: An MLS from an ALA-accredited school, supervisory experience, and auto­ mated library system experience are required. Must have understanding of and commitment to the community coliege mission. Salary and benefits competitive. This is a 12-month administrative position. Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2002. TO APPLY: Send letter of interest, résumé, transcripts, and three references to: Nancy Loomis AVP Human Resources McHenry County College 8900 U.S. Highway 14 Crystal Lake, IL 60012 For additional information, visit our Web site at:; or call: (815) 455-8737. McHenry County College is an equal opportunity employer, comm itted to diversity in its college community. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Assumption College Assumption College seeks a full-time Systems Librarian to coordinate library technology-based services, including their development, operation, and maintenance. QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated knowledge of integrated Library Management Systems; MARC-based bibliographic formats and OCLC; relational database management and reporting using SQL or Access; Web- based and Internet resources and tools; MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum three years' experience working with library systems, preferably Voyager. TO APPLY: Please send résumé and cover letter, which must include salary requirements, to: Joan E. Newton Director of Human Resources Assumption College 500 Salisbury Street Worcester, MA 01609-1296 E-mail: Review of applications will begin January 14, 2002. Interviews will be scheduled during ALA Mid- Winter. Assumption College encourages applications from candidates o f diverse cultural backgrounds. Equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 61 DIGITAL INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Oakland University The Oakland University Library is seeking a motivated, service-oriented, and technologically proficient librarian to fill a new position created to extend our Web presence in reference, library instruction, and other digital services. The library has a highly collaborative environment where excellence in job performance, scholarship, and service are valued. We encourage recent graduates as well as experienced librarians with interests in these areas to apply. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will work with the Information Literacy Group on Web-based instruction projects to further the integration of technology into library instruction; assist the Reference Group in exploring and introducing innovative Web-based services such as real-time/interactive virtual reference; participate with the Web Team in developing the content and graphic design of the library’s Web site and in providing support for other library Web content producers; aid in the planning and implementation of other electronic initiatives including Web- based marketing and communications. Duties will also include reference, instruction, and additional responsibilities based upon the library’s needs and the successful candidate’s qualifications and interests. This is a tenure-track position which also requires the fulfillment of scholarship and service requirements for tenure and promotion. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree; and the following as evidenced by coursework, previous work experience, professional development, or extracurricular activities: Understanding and enthusiasm for the role and potential of technology for the design and delivery of services and resources; strong interest in providing reference and instruction services using multiple delivery methods and in improving teaching/learning through technology; knowledge of current and emerging technologies in digital and Web-based library services; demonstrated proficiency in Web page development and in the use of Web-authoring tools and HTML; familiarity with scripts such as Perl and Java; ability to plan, initiate, and implement effective programs, projects, or services; effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; ability to work indepen­ dently and as part of a team, and to work with diverse faculty, staff, and students; evidence of flexibility, enthusiasm, and collegiality; potential to meet library’s requirements for promotion and tenure. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Previous teaching, reference, and Web design experience in an academic library; experience with database-driven design and metadata standards; scholarly publications; participation in professional organizations. RANK, SALARY, BENEFITS: Tenure-track, eight-month academic year, bargaining-unit faculty appointment. Tenure dependent upon job performance, scholarship, and service. Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Professorial rank and salary determined by credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $35,000. Excellent fringe benefits program including TIAA-CREF and Fidelity retirement plans. GENERAL INFORMATION: Oakland University is a comprehensive, state-supported institution of approximately 15,000 students that offers a diverse set of academic programs at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels. The university is located 30 miles north of Detroit on a wooded and attractive 1,500 acre campus. For more information, see the Oakland University Library Web site ( APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Elaine K. Didier Dean, Librarian Search Committee Kresge Library Oakland University Rochester, Ml 48309-4484 E-mail inquiries to Mildred Merz, Chair of Search Committee, at:; o r fa x to: (248) 370-2474. Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Oakland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. 62 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Denver The Penrose Library is seeking applications for two non-tenure-track positions: Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian RESPONSIBILITIES Reports to the Dean and Director of Penrose Library. Plan, coordinate, and direct cataloging and processing activities in the serials unit of a medium-sized academic library. Hire, train, and supervise 4.5 FTE. Catalog serials in electronic, print, and microform formats using OCLC and Innopac/ Millennium. Maintain serial records on library’s Innopac/Millennium system and coordinate electronic licensing procedures and policies for e-serials. As facilitator of the Serials Team, serve on Policy Council, and participate in developing cataloging policy and procedures as a member of the Catalog Management Group. QUALIFICATIONS Required: MLS; two years' professional cataloging experience with strong knowledge of serials operations and new technologies affecting serials cataloging and access; one year's professional supervisory and training experience in an academic library; experience with automated library systems, preferably Innovative Interfaces; strong communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work in a team environment; flexibility in response to changing circumstances; knowledge of AACR2, USMARC, LCSH, LC classification, OCLC and CONSER guidelines. Preferred: Working knowledge of one or more foreign languages; experience with Innopac’s Millennium Serials module; basic knowledge of metadata standards (e.g. Dublin Core) and mark-up languages (e.g., HTML, XML); knowledge of electronic licensing issues. Access Services Librarian RESPONSIBILITIES The University of Denver Penrose Library is looking for an energetic, innovative Access librarian, responsible for management of access policies and services. Reporting to the Dean and Director of the library, this faculty position has the following key elements: Supervisor of department heads of Circulation, Current Periodicals/Reserves/Microform/Media, and Interlibrary Loan; 2) Support, training, and staff development for the application of information technologies in the access units, including loan modules of Innopac integrated library system, ILLiad interlibrary loan management system, and Docutek electronic reserves software, and relevant components of the library’s Web site; 3) Project m anagem ent related to access services, technologies, and space (continued on next page) Bloomberg Financial Markets, and LEXIS/N E X IS.The library supports program s in accounting, econom ics, finance, m anagem ent, marketing, information systems, and statistics. Library personnel include fou r library faculty and five support staff. Th e U niversity o f Ala bam a Libraries m ain­ tains membership in the Association of Research Libraries, th e C ente r for Research Libraries, the Coalition fo r Networked Information, SOLINET, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The libraries employ the V oya g er Integrated Library System . The U niversity Libraries occupy a place of campus leadership in the transformation of the scholarly commu­ nication system . Th e Libraries’ W eb site can be accessed at: http:// To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: V oni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, The U niversity of A labam a Libraries, Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, A L 35487-0266. Applications received by January 31 ‚ 2002, are assured of receiving consideration. Anticipated Starting Date o f June 1 ‚ 2002. Th e University o f A labam a is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. CA T A LO GER/REFERENCE/IN STR UCTIO N LIBRA RIAN. The Uni­ v ersity of W iscon sin-Stevens Point (U W SP) is seeking a C ataloger/ Reference/Instruction Librarian to: Manage serials and periodicals cata­ loging; perform original and com plex p rint and electronic m onographic and serials cataloging; serve as a resource person fo r cataloging quality control; teach in the library instruction program ; provide reference ser­ vice; and participate in faculty governance, scholarship, and service. Qualifications: ALA-accredited degree, MLS o r equivalent; second master’s (m inimum) required fo r tenure; cataloging experience on an integrated library system , m ore than tw o years preferred; diverse blend o f profes­ sional abilities and interests, including cataloging, instruction, and refer­ ence; excellent organizational abilities, com munication skills, and strong service orientation; able and w illing to provide effective instruction; work a s part o f a collegial team. Academ ic year appointment beginning Augusl 21 ‚ 2002. Tenure-track, nine-month position with faculty rank and status. (Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications.) Send letter o f interest and résumé (hard copy), official copies of transcripts, and three letters o f professional recommendation (e-mail acceptable) to: Theresa Chao, Search and Screen C om m ittee Chair, UW SP University Library, 900 Reserve Street, Stevens Point, W l 54481; e-mail: Screening o f applications begins on February 1 ‚ 2002, and w ill continue until the position is filled. UW SP is an affirmative action, equal opportunity Employer. W omen, minorities, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. CATALOGING LIBRA RIAN. Perform copy/original cataloging o f print and nonprint materials in an OCLC/Horizon environment, including retro­ spective conversion. Participate in setting policies and procedures and ir formulating/implem enting goals and objectives fo r the cataloging depart­ ment. N oncataloging duties o f catalogers include: Collection develop­ ment; occasional Reference Desk duty; supervision o f and instruction to clerical staff and student assistants. Qualifications: Required: MLS/MLIS from an ALA-accredited program; dem onstrated knowledge of LC classi­ fication, LC su bje ct headings, MARC form ats, and A AC R2; experience using autom ated library system s; cu rre nt aw areness o f national trends and developm ents in cataloging; excellent organizational and communi cation skills. T o Apply: Send letter o f interest and curriculum vitae to: Terr C am po, Long Island University, 1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 63 (continued from previous page) planning; 4) Management and implementation of access services policies, including copyright issues; and 5) Facilitator of the Access Team and member of the library’s Policy Council. QUALIFICATIONS Required: MLS and at least two years of supervisory experience in some aspect of library access services; personnel management experience and training; information technology skills and experience appropriate for the position. Strong knowledge of emerging technologies in access services. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with other library units and teams. Evidence of effective communication, both oral and written. Preferred: Experience in an academic library, administering a library service unit, and with Innopac integrated library systems. The Penrose Library Web site can be seen at: The following information is common to both positions: SALARY: Low to mid-$40 BENEFITS TIAA-CREF Pension Plan; medical, and dental plans available; tuition benefits; 22 days' vacation per year. STATUS Faculty status, non-tenure-track appointment. Participation in professional and scholarly activities including library, university, and professional committees, research, and publication is expected. DEADLINE Applications postmarked by February 15, 2002 will receive greatest consideration. Both positions will remain open until filled. TO APPLY Please submit a letter of application identifying the position for which you are applying, addressing your ability to meet qualifications, and a current resume including the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current references to: Toni Miller Office of the Dean Penrose Library University of Denver 2150 E. Evans Avenue Denver, CO 80208-2007 The University o f Denver is com m itted to enhancing the diversity o f its faculty and sta ff and encourages applications particularly from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. 11201 -8423. Long Island University (LIU) is the eighth largest private university in the United States. It is recognized fo r strength in the liberal arts and sciences, health sciences, and library and information science. The Brooklyn cam pus is located within easy access o f M anhattan. It enrolls more than 10,000 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Education, Health Professions, Nursing, Business, and Public Administration. The library, with a staff o f 39, including 19 librarians, houses 2 53 ,0 0 0 vo lum es, 1,700 p eriod ica l su bscriptio n s, and a co l­ lection o f 8 ,0 0 0 a ud io v is u a l re so urce s. It p ro vid e s 55 b ib lio g ra p h ic databases fo r e nd -u ser se archin g . LIU is an equal o p p ortun ity, a ffir­ mative action em ployer. CHIEF, MUSIC DIVISION. New York Public Library fo r the Perform ing Arts at Lincoln Center. M anages all aspects o f The Research Libraries' Music Division’s programs and services, including public service, acqui­ sitions, cataloging, metadata, conservation, exhibitions, publications, and public programm ing. Develops n ew service models, as well as access and preservation system s; participates in policy, b udget and program planning, execution, and evaluation. Incumbent will have responsibility for integrating the programs and services o f this division into our networked society via the W eb and other information m anagem ent system s. ALA- accredited ML(I)S degree and a graduate degree in m usicology o r other related discipline required. Experience adm inistering and managing a large m usic research collection and a thorough knowledge o f music- related bibliographical resources preferred. Experience in policy plan­ ning, implementation, and assessment; budgeting and personnel manage­ ment; advanced technology and electronic information management; an ability to read m usic and w orking knowledge of a t least two Western European languages. T o Apply: P lease send résumé and co ver letter, including salary requirem ents, to: The New York P ublic Library, HR Dept Code: AG-MUS, 188 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016; o r e-m ail: hrd@ An equal opportunity em ployer Only candidates selected fo r further consideration will be contacted. Visit us at: CHIEF PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Peru State College Library invites applications from service-oriented, energetic, experienced librarians prepared fo r a significant, challenging responsibility. Prim ary duties include planning and implementing user-services initiatives, sup­ porting an active inform ation-literacy program with strong electronic resources emphasis fo r on-campus and extended-learning students and faculty, supervising and providing reference and circulation services and activities, providing budget and planning expertise, and serving on college and professional committees. The successful candidate should foster team w ork, possess creative problem-solving skills, have strong organi­ zational and analytical abilities, and engage in professional-service activi­ ties. Peru State College is opening a new library in early 2003. Candidates must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited program and three o r more years of substantial professional and public service responsibility, prefer­ ably in an academic library. Web page management and subject collection development experience desirable. This is a full-time, year-round profes­ sional staff position. Salary Minim um: High 30s. (Candidates with lesser experience will be considered fo r Public Services Librarian at a salary level from $32,403. Evidence o f potential fo r promotion to Chief position expected.) Start date is negotiable. Review of a pplications w ill begin 64 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Texas Woman’s University Texas Woman’s University seeks an experienced librarian to provide leadership at its main library in Denton and three other sites in Dallas and Houston. Candidates for this position must possess an MLS from an ALA-accredited program and have a minimum of five years of successful, varied, and progressively responsible and recent administrative experience in an academic research library setting. An additional master’s degree and/or a doctoral degree is highly desirable, and candidates with the following qualifications will be given preference: Strong interpersonal and communication skills, the ability to articulate a vision for the library, experience managing complex budgets, demonstrated success in fundraising and grant activities, highly developed analytical and problemsolving abilities, and demonstrated commitment to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity. A preferred appointment date is June 1 ‚ 2002. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Interested candidates should forward a letter addressing their qualifications along with a two- to five- page statement of their understanding of the mission and goals of the library for the contemporary research university. Enclose a résumé, and a list of names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail contact information for three to five professional references. Review of applications will begin February 1 ‚ 2002, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications will be held in confidence until candidates are invited to interview. Texas Woman’s University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution and encourages nominations of and applications from minorities and other underrepresented groups. Address applications, nominations, and all other correspondence to: Carolyn Rozier P.O. Box 425617 Denton, TX 76204 For additional information about the university, the library, and this position, see: February 1 ,2 0 0 2 , and will continue until the position is filled. For an em ploym ent application, contact PSC Human Resources at: (402) 872- 2206; or: lbahensky@ Send the completed application plus a letter addressing yo ur qualifications and background, résumé, and nam es w ith addresses (including e-m ail addresses, if available) and telephone num bers o f three current references to: Lisa Bahensky, HR Director, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, N E 6 84 21 . Please visit o ur W eb site at: Peru State College is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. C H IEFTE C H N IC A L SERVICES LIB RA RIAN.The Peru State College Library seeks applications from highly motivated, versatile, senior-level candidates prepared to assum e the challenging role o f C hief Technical Services Librarian. Prim ary dutie s include adm inistration and supervi­ sion o f technical services and special collections, including acquisitions, cataloging, database maintenance, management of license agreements, serials m anagem ent, and materials processing in all form ats. W ill also im plement new sen/ice initiatives, coordinate the Nebraska State College system Innovative Interfaces integrated system on a three-year consortial rotation, provide budgetary and planning expertise, and serve on college and professional com m ittees. The successful candidate should foste r team w ork, possess creative problem-solving skills, have strong organi­ zational and analytical abilities, and engage in professional-service activi­ ties. Peru State College is opening a new library building in early 2003. Candidates must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited program and three o r more years o f substantive professional library experience (cataloging and acquisitions) preferably in an academ ic library; knowledge o f current cataloging standards and national trends in technical services; and expe­ rience in LC classification, OCLC, and an autom ated integrated library system. Innovative Interfaces experience, W eb page management, sub­ je ct collection developm ent experience, and professional involvem ent highly desirable. This is a full-tim e, year-round professional staff position. Salary M inim um : High 30s. (C andidates with lesser experience will be considered fo r Technical Services Librarian at a salary level from $31,550. Evidence o f potential fo r promotion to Chief position expected.) Start date is negotiable. Review o f applications will begin February 1 ‚ 2002, and will continue until the position is filled. For an employm ent application, contact P S C H u m a n R e s o u rc e s a t: (4 0 2 ) 8 7 2 -2 2 0 6 ; o r: lbahensky@ oakm Send the com pleted application plus a letter addressing yo ur qualifications and background, résumé, and names with addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available) and telephone num bers o f three cu rre nt references to: Lisa B ahensky, HR Director, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit our Web site at: Peru State College is committed to equal opportu­ n ity and affirmative action. C UR ATO R OF V ISU A L COLLECTIONS. Responsibilities: Respon sib le fo r organizing, cataloging, and maintaining visual materials includ­ ing still photography, moving images, and other appropriate visual mate­ rials, in the Southern M edia Archive and collateral m aterials in the Departm ent o f A rchives and S pecial Collections. A lso responsible fo r reference and user services related to visual collections. Assists, as needed, with reference and oth e r curatorial functions in Special Collec­ tions. Reports to the Head o f Special Collections. Required Qualifications: A LA-accredited MLS by date o f appointm ent; knowledge o f and experi­ e nce with photographic and film materials; knowledge o f autom ated a ccess system s fo r m anuscripts and archives, including the integrated USM ARC form at; facility w ith W eb construction including W eb page design; knowledge of im age digitization and computer databases; demon­ strated effective oral and written com m unication skills, and evidence of success in interaction with colleagues; ability to perform physical activi­ tie s associated with archival environm ents (e.g., ability to lift 40-pound boxes). Creates and maintains access policies in accordance with copy­ right, license, and d onor agreem ents; the ability to m e e t tenure require­ ments. Rank and Salary: Appointm ent to this entry-level, 12-month, tenure-track position w ill be at the assistant professor level with a salary o f $34,000. App lica n ts should send a letter o f application, résumé, and name, address, telephone, and e-mail o f three references to: Dean’s Office, J.D. W illiams Library, P.O. Box 1848, University o f Mississippi, University, MS 38677-1848. The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/ Title Vl/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer. DIRECTOR O F LIBRARY. The General Theological S em inary of the Episcopal C hurch (GTS) seeks qualified applicants fo r the position of Director of the St. M ark’s Library, to take up dutie s beginning on Ju ly 1 ‚ 2002. GTS num bers approxim ately 200 students and 15faculty. T he St. Mark’s Library is the oldest and largest theological library in the Episcopal Church. It is likely to move, o v e r th e n e xt fe w years, into a new physical C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 65 DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES The University of New Mexico The University of New Mexico (UNM) seeks an innovative and dynamic leader for its next Dean of Library Services. Located in Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico and one of the fastest growing in the Southwest, UNM is a Carnegie Doctoral/Research-Extensive University and a DoEd Minority public university. UNM is the largest university in the state and serves a diverse student population with more than 30,000 students on five campuses. UNM offers nationally ranked academic programs, and exceptional research opportunities and supports a vibrant fine arts program on an architecturally unique campus. The UNM General Library, which is the state's primary academic and research facility, is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, the Greater Western Library Alliance, and the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries. It has a collection of over 2,000,000 volumes. The UNM General Library encompasses Zimmerman Library (the main library and the education, social sciences, and humanities library), Centennial Science and Engineering Library, Parish Memorial Library (business and economics), the Fine Arts Library, the Center for Southwest Research, the newly established Division of Iberian and Latin American Resources and Services and currently also houses the Center for Academic Program Support, the Center for Regional Studies, and the Spanish Colonial Research Center. The staff consists of 38 librarians who hold faculty rank as well as 126 support staff and 134 student assistants. The Law Library, the Health Sciences Library, and the branch campus libraries are administratively separate organizations. The Dean of Library Services reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and is a member of the Council of Deans. The Dean is responsible for the management of all aspects of the General Library’s programs, resources, and services and is also responsible for development, outreach, fiscal management, and personnel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Appropriate professional degree; scholarship and service credentials meriting tenure at the rank of Professor; evidence of outstanding leadership ability and a minimum of five years' senior administrative experience in an academic or major research library (ARL experience preferred). DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS A Ph.D. or other advanced degree; critical understanding of current issues and developments in scholarly publishing; experience with the provision of enhanced services utilizing traditional and technology-based modes of delivery and access; experience with long-term comprehensive planning; experience in fiscal management, human resources planning and management, and performance and outcomes assessment for libraries; knowledge of the academic environment and the role of libraries in support of teaching, learning, and scholarship; knowledge of curriculum integrated information literacy programming; a record of successful fundraising and grant awards; a record of commitment to equal opportunity and the recruitment, retention, and professional development of a culturally diverse faculty and staff; policy-level knowledge of information technology applications in academic libraries, such as distance education and information commons projects. The University of New Mexico actively seeks and encourages nominations of and applications from individuals who are members of underrepresented groups. For information regarding the confiden­ tiality of inquiries and applications, call or write to the address listed below. A complete application consists of a signed letter that expresses interest in and describes qualifications for the position, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of five professional references. For best consideration, applications should be received by January 11, 2002. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Nominations and applications should be submitted to: Dean of General Library Search Attention: Diane Maresco Scholes Hail 226 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 E-mail: Phone: (505) 277-2611; fax: (505) 277-8700 For additional information about UNM, see: The University o f N ew Mexico is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educator. 66 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN Pace University Pace University’s Edward & Doris Mortola Library ( on the Pleasantville, New York, campus invites applications fo r the following full-time professional librarian opening, available immediately: Instructional Services Librarian As part of the Instructional Services Team, the successful candidate will participate in an intensive and challenging instruction and outreach program that emphasizes the integration of digital and print resources, promotes inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and fosters the develop­ ment of autonomous lifelong learners. MAJOR DUTIES Conduct class lectures, workshops, and tutorials in a variety of settings, including state-of-the-art electronic classroom; develop instructional and training materials in print, interactive Web-based, and multimedia formats; assist with delivery of library services and information literacy instruction to offsite users; provide pedagogical and technical support for the effective uses of instructional technology; and perform all aspects of print-based and digital reference services, including shared reference desk coverage, database searching, research consultation, collection development, Web page content development, faculty liaison duties, and committee and task force assignments. Work occasional evening and weekend shifts and shuttle between Westchester locations as necessary. REQUIREMENTS Accredited MLS degree; minimum one to two years of academic library reference and/or library instructional or classroom teaching background; technical proficiency in the use of desktop presentation software and Web site editing and management tools; familiarity with information literacy concepts and programs and outcomes assessment techniques highly desirable; strong user- centered service philosophy and commitment to team-based management; dynamic, energetic, highly self-motivated individual with excellent communications and interpersonal skills. STARTING SALARY Mid-$40s, commensurate with experience, and a comprehensive benefits package. Please e-mail:; or send cover letter and résumé to: Connie Giamei, HR Services Costello House Pace University 861 Bedford Road Pleasantville, NY 10570 Affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. facility, a transition o ve r w hich its new D irector w ill have oversight. The collection includes 250,000 bound volum es and 16,000 circulation trans­ actions, with total annual library expenditure of $572,943. The current staff consists o f tw o professionals, five para-professionals, and fou r FTE student workers. The Director is responsible fo r all aspects o f adm inistra­ tion o f the library. The position may involve faculty status, so m e teaching opportunity, and physical residence in seminary housing, as determined. This position is open to lay or ordained individuals. Postgraduate degrees in library science and theology o r th e ir equivalents are expected. A good fam ilia rity with the Episcopal C hurch and the A nglican Com m union is expected, but membership therein is not required. The General Theologi­ cal Sem inary is an equal opportunity em ployer. W om en and m inority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Salary, benefits, and length o f initial appointm ent will be competitive and com m ensurate with experi­ e nce and credentials. Letters o f application, com plete résumés, and addresses o f three references should be submitted by mail in hardcopy to: T h e Dean, G eneral Theological S em inary, 175 N inth Avenue, New York, NY 10011. M aterials received by early F e brua ry2002 will receive priority consideration. ELECTRONIC ACCESS/CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Minnesota State University, M ankato. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program; recent experience o r course work in an automated cataloging environment and w ith a m ajor bibliographic utility, such as OCLC. For additional requirem ents and complete vacancy notice: http://www.lib.m vacancies.html. T o Apply: Send detailed letter addressing qualifications, vita, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Electronic Access/Cataloging Librarian Search Committee, c/o Becky Schwartzkopf ‚ M em orial Library, M L3097, M innesota State University, Mankato, P.O. Box 8419, Mankato, MN 56002-8419. A pplications received by Ja n u a ry2 2 , 2002, will receive priority consideration. A ffirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. E LEC TRO NIC SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. Elm ira College is seeking an e nthusiastic electronic services librarian to plan and maintain th e elec­ tro nic resources and e quipm ent o f the student-centered G annett-Tripp Library, provide technical support and training, manage the library W eb pages, supervise circulation activities and staff, provide reference ser­ vice, and participate in library instruction. T h is librarian coordinates the selection of books and m edia in assigned subjects, acting as liaison with faculty in the se subjects. Minim um Q ualifications: An M L S from an ALA- accredited institution; service orientation; substantial knowledge o f and experience with electronic resources, information technology, W eb pages, and com puter hardware and software. Som e evening and weekend work required. E lm ira C ollege is a sm all, residential, liberal a rts co lle ge in a pleasant community in the Finger Lakes region o f New York State (county p opulation 100,000). Enrollm ent is a t record levels with o ve r 1 ‚ 150 full­ tim e students. Fourteen percent of the student b ody graduated first o r second in th e ir high school o r prep school class. T h is is a 12-month position w ith facu lty rank (not tenure), 22 days' vacation, TIAA-CREF, sa lary com m ensurate w ith experience. S ubm it letter o f application a d ­ dressing qualifications and salary history o r expectations, résumé, and C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 67 SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Wake Forest University Wake Forest University invites applications and nominations for a Reference Librarian-Science. The Science Reference Librarian is a key member of the Information Services Team at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library and serves as the subject specialist librarian for the sciences and mathematics in the Undergraduate College and in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This position provides reference and research assistance to groups and individuals using traditional and electronic formats; shares reference desk responsibility, including evening and weekend rotations, with six other professionals; provides user instruction for students and faculty; develops appropriate instructional materials; serves as library’s liaison with faculty of undergraduate and graduate sciences; selects library materials to support undergraduate and graduate sciences of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics; provides computer training for incoming students and faculty; serves on library and university committees. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s degree in science; MLS from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated knowledge of research and reference materials in the sciences; proficiency in the use of electronic databases and Web-based information delivery; demonstrable skill in library instruction; commitment to informa­ tion literacy; excellent communication, interpersonal, organizational, analytical, and problem-solving skills; strong customer service orientation; ability to work successfully in a team environment; experience with automated library systems, standard Windows, and Internet applications. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED Master’s degree in one of the sciences; academic library experience with science emphasis or equivalent corporate experience in science. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered, including an advanced degree in science with a commitment to obtain the MLS. COMPENSATION This 12-month, professional position carries excellent benefits including tuition concession. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications, starting at $35,000. Wake Forest University is a private, liberal arts university located in beautiful Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a short drive from the Blue Ridge Mountains and four hours from the Atlantic coast beaches. Consistently ranked among the nation’s best schools, Wake Forest offers a values-based education distinguished by small classes, faculty-student interaction, and a commitment to the student’s personal as well as intellectual growth. The University includes the Undergraduate College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Babcock Graduate School of Business, School of Law, and School of Medicine. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library enjoys strong support with an operating budget over $5 million. Over one million volumes are housed in the fully automated library. A collegial organizational structure assures that the library is flexible and proactive in serving users in a changing technological environment. The library plays a lead role in the development and delivery of computer/information technology training on campus. As all of our undergraduates receive IBM laptops with standard and special software, this is a large responsibility. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications received before March 31 ‚ 2002, will be given first consideration. TO APPLY Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Staff Employment Manager Office of Human Resources Post Office Box 7424 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 For more information about Wake Forest University, visit our Web site at: Wake Forest University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 68 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L ib r a r y H e a d o f G o v e r n m e n t D o c u m e n t s & M ic r o f o r m s & H e a d o f R e f e r e n c e & I n s t r u c t io n a l S e r v ic e s Harvard College Library is seeking a creative and innovative manager, tolerant of ambiguity, who likes to work with other creative and innovative managers, to participate in the ongoing evolution of the Social Sciences Program. The Social Sciences Program (SSP) of the Harvard College Library (HCL) was organized to coordinate and consolidate collections and services in support of the social sciences. The program, still evolving, includes at this time, five functional units in four locations: an economics and political science library, numeric data services, a government documents and microforms library, a maps library, and an environmental information center. Harvard College Library is seeking a Librarian to manage the government documents and microforms unit, to lead in the development of a coordinated social science reference and instruction program, and to help define a broad vision of library services to the social sciences. Reporting to the Librarian for the Social Sciences, the Head of Reference & Instructional Services provides overall responsibility for the Government Documents and Microforms unit. Responsible for supervising reference and microform machine help services with staff of 6 full-time professional staff and 4 full-time support staff; will also supervise collection development of the Government Documents collection. Develop a program of reference and instruction for the Social Sciences, coordinating units of the Social Sciences Program (SSP) and serve as liaison to Widener Library Research and Instructional Services, Lamont and Hilles libraries and other Harvard University Libraries concerned with the Social Sciences. Contribute to and participate in the man­ agement of the Social Sciences Program. Qualifications: Master of Library Science degree from an ALA accredited institution or equivalent required. Undergraduate degree in the social sciences desirable with a graduate degree in a social science program preferred. Minimum of five years' experience working in public services with social sciences resources and/or government documents in a research library required. Demonstrated effective supervisory experience and strong interpersonal and communication skills required with a user centered service orientation. Compensation: Harvard University offers a competitive program of benefits. Appointment salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. Available: Immediately. The Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of application addressing position qualifications with a resume and with the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of three references to: Resume Processing Center Harvard University Requisition #11910 11 Holyoke Street Cambridge, MA 02138. Or apply online to HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COMMITMENT TO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 69 REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIAN Psychology Washington University in St. Louis Washington University Libraries invite applications fo rt he position named above. The librarian in this position provides reference, instructional, and collection development services to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and members of the university community. This position reports to the Head of Reference. RESPONSIBILITIES: Serves as the liaison to faculty and students in the Psychology Department and the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PNP) program; provides individual and group instruction in the use of library resources and services; provides research consultation; develops library Web-based guides and other instructional aids, promoting awareness of library resources and services; selects library materials and manages the resources budget for psychology; provides reference assistance to patrons at the Olin Library Help Desk (including some weekend and night hours) using a wide array of print and electronic resources; participates as an active member of the Reference and Subject Librarian teams and in other library committee work; performs additional tasks according to individual strengths and experiences. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; undergraduate major in psychology (a minor or substantial course work in psychology will be considered); strong commitment to reference service; a strong interest in undergraduate library services, in addition to graduate and other research services; familiarity with electronic information technologies; ability to flourish in a rapidly changing environment; ability to work and interact harmoniously with a diverse student body, faculty, and library staff; demonstrated commitment to professional growth and development. Preferred: Experience in the provision of reference services and/or collection development in an academic library; additional advanced degree. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary Range: $28,362-$34,000. TIAA-CREF, 22 vacation days, excellent benefits package. GENERAL INFORMATION: Washington University, located at the western edge of the city of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its faculty and student body. Washington University Libraries include the John M. Olin Library and 12 school and departmental libraries and hold over three million volumes and 18,000 journal subscriptions. For additional information, visit the following Web sites: Washington University: Olin Library: Olin Library Reference Services: Psychology Department: Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology: APPLICATION INFORMATION: Submit letter of application, résumé, copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and addresses (including telephone numbers) of three current references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. three letters of recommendation to: Library Search, Bryan Reddick, Dean of Faculty, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elm ira, NY 14901. Q ues­ tions? See o ur W eb page at: www .elm; o r contact: Jam es Gray, Director of Libraries, e-mail: jgray@ elm; phone:(607) 735-1865. Review o f applications begins im m ediately and w ill continue until the position is filled. ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Fairm ont State C om m unity and Technical College. The Colleges: Fairmont State College and Fairmont State Community and Technical College are undergraduate, state-sup- ported institutions with a com bined enrollm ent o f approxim ately 6,700 students. The 90-acre cam pus is located in Fairmont, W est Virginia, 90 miles south of Pittsburgh, in a region known fo r its natural scenic beauty, its rich history, and its num erous recreational opportunities. Founded in 1865, Fairm ont State College and its adm inistratively linked Fairm ont State C om m unity and Technical College offer 126 degree programs, including courses of study leading to baccalaureate degrees in business, fine arts, humanities, engineering technology, aviation technology, social 70 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 and natural sciences, health careers, and tea ch er education. Fairm ont State Community and Technical College is a comprehensive community and technical college, which w ill soon be applying fo r separate regional accreditation. It offers a w ide range o f p rogram s fo r career-technical education granting a one-year certificate as well as the associate degree after two ye ars of study. Preprofessional study is available in medicine, dentistry, law, pharmacy, architecture, engineering, and physical therapy. T w o additional cam puses are the Gaston Caperton Center, located in C larksburg, and the Robert C. Byrd National A erospace Education Center, a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to aviation technology. For additional inform ation, consult: http://w w w .fscw Duties and Re­ sponsibilities: The position reports to the Director of Library S ervices and has the prim ary responsibility fo r the library’s W eb presence; requires provision of a full range o f reference services using both p rint and electronic inform ation resources; in volves instruction and training fo r students, faculty, and staff in the effective use o f all resources; requires teaching of new technologies to students and faculty. The Library provides services to both Fairm ont State College and Fairm ont State Community and Technical C ollege. Salary: C om m ensurate with credentials and experience. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree plus a mini­ mum o f two years of successful relevant experience; additional graduate course w o rk relating to instructional technology and/or education d esir­ able; experience with HTML, other W eb developm ent software, multim e­ dia, and instructional technologies; knowledge o f com puters essential, including w orking knowledge o f W indow s-com patible hardware, so ft­ ware, operating systems; effective com munication skills; strong com m it­ ment to library services and instruction; dem onstrated ability and experi­ ence w ith providing electronic inform ation services and with W eb page construction and development. Effective Date: Upon approval. To Apply: A letter o f application and résumé with the name, address, and telephone n um ber o f three work-related references should be se nt to: Th elm a J. Hutchins, Director o f Library Services, Ruth Ann Musick Library, Fairmont State College, 1201 Locust Avenue, Fairmont, W V 26554. It is expected tha t all candidates w ill have com pleted all requirem ents fo r the MLS by D ecem ber2001. Deadline: Review of applications will begin immediately and w ill continue until the positions are filled. For full consideration, résumés should be received by Ja nu ary20,2002. Fairmont State College and Fairm ont State C om m unity and Technical College a re affirmative action, equal opportunity institutions. M inorities and women are encour­ aged to apply. C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 77 REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIAN Germanic Languages and Literatures, European Studies Washington University in St. Louis Washington University Libraries invite applications fo r the position named above. The librarian in this position provides reference, instructional, and collection development services to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and members of the University community. This position reports to the Head of Reference. RESPONSIBILITIES Serve as the library liaison to the German department and assist library patrons working in the areas of German and European Studies; provide individual and group instruction in the use of library resources and services; provide research consultation; develop library Web-based guides and other instructional aids, promoting awareness of library resources and services; select library materials and manage the resources budget for the German collections; provide reference assistance to patrons at the Olin Library Help Desk (including some weekend and night hours) using a wide array of print and electronic resources; participate as an active member of the Reference and Subject Librarian teams and in other library committee work; perform additional tasks according to individual strengths and experiences. QUALIFICATIONS Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; coursework or relevant experience in German Studies or related disciplines; excellent reading knowledge of German; strong commitment to reference services; a strong interest in undergraduate library services, in addition to graduate and other research services; familiarity with electronic information technologies; ability to flourish in a rapidly changing environment; ability to work and interact harmoniously with a diverse student body, faculty, and library staff; demonstrated commitment to professional growth and development. Preferred: Experience in the provision of reference services and/or collection development in an academic library; additional advanced degree. SALARY AND BENEFITS Salary Range: $28,362-$34,000. TIAA-CREF, 22 vacation days, excellent benefits package. GENERAL INFORMATION Washington University, located at the western edge of the city of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, and is internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its faculty and student body. Washington University Libraries include the John M. Olin Library and 12 school and departmental libraries and hold over three million volumes and 18,000 journal subscriptions. The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Washington University, renowned for its dedicated faculty, enjoys a national and international reputation for excellence. The libraries’ collections cover all areas of German literature from the Middle Ages to the present. Approximately 35,000 volumes are in the field of Germanic languages and literatures. For additional information, visit the following Web sites: Washington University: Olin Library: Olin Library Reference Services: Olin Library German Collections: German Department: European Studies Program: APPLICATION INFORMATION Submit letter of application, résumé, copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and addresses (including telephone numbers) of three current references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 72 /C&RL News ■ January 2002 OUTREACH SERVICES LIBRARIAN University of Alaska Southeast Opportunity for an energetic and knowledgeable professional with strong service orientation to plan, coordinate, promote, and evaluate the library’s information and instruction services for remote library users. Serves as liaison to Ketchikan and Sitka campuses for distance education library support. Coordinates development and maintenance of library Web site. Supervises half-time Information Services Technician. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Practical knowledge and experience with current computing and networking applications, electronic databases, automated library systems, and Web page devel­ opment; familiarity with distance education issues; experience providing reference and instruction with both print and electronic resources; demonstrated ability to be a flexible team player and leader and to work effectively with diverse library users; excellent interpersonal and written communication skills; MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to candidates with work experience in an academic library environment; experience with Web development tools, course management software, and database authentication methods; familiarity with intellectual property issues in distance education; knowledge of trends and emerging technologies in higher education, supervi­ sory experience, and a willingness to travel are also desirable. Reports to Library Director. Nine-month, tenure-track, faculty appointment with extensions to 11 or 12 months; salary and rank commensurate with qualifications and experience. See http:// for more information. TO APPLY: Send letter, résumé, UAS application form, transcripts, and contact information for three references to: University of Alaska Southeast Personnel Services 11120 Glacier Highway Juneau, AK 99801 -8675 Fax: (907) 465-6263 E-mail: Review of applications willbegin February 4, 2002, and continue until filled. UAS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educational institution. ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Eckerd Col lege. Assistant Professor rank, tenure-track, 10-month contract. College recently named by NSSE among top 25 nationally fo r outstanding quality of undergraduate education. Responsibilities: Design, maintain, and en­ hance the library’s W eb page; identify and creatively promote use of electronic resources including databases and Internet-based materials; oversee allocation, use, and e nhancem ent of hardware and software; represent the library on com puter network issues; provide general and online reference services and bibliographic instruction; and participate occasionally in the college’s general education program. Also, exciting opportunity to join in planning fo r a new building. Q ualifications: ALA- accredited MLS o r equivalent degree; fam iliarity with a variety o f elec­ tronic resources; substantial experience with W indow s and PC applica­ tion software; team player with positive outlook; creativity and excellent interpersonal skills. Anticipated Starting Date July 1 ‚ 2002. Submit vita and list of at least three references to: David W. Henderson, Acting Director of Library Services, Eckerd College Library, 4200 54th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, F L33711. Application closing date is March 1 ‚ 2002. Minority applicants are encouraged to apply. Equal opportunity employer. For additional information about Eckerd College, visit: HEAD LIBRARIAN FO R TECHNICA L SERVICES. (Search Reopened) Does being a faculty member in a vibrant, user-focused, team-managed library sound like w hat you’re looking for? A re you creative, flexible, innovative; do you have a sense o f humor? Do you have a sense of the need fo r cooperation between Technical Services and Public Services? Does a position tha t encourages and supports self-renewing learning attract you? O wens Library is looking fo r an experienced Technical Services leader who can help us migrate to a new automated system and a statewide platform. This person will lead and em pow er a wide range of support staff; provide professional guidance and mentoring for technical services; serve as an active m em ber o f the Leadership Team; and share expertise with the Collection Managem ent team to assist in decision making fo r library m aterial purchases. You w ill have an ALA-accredited MLS with a t least five years of relevant experience; knowledge o f the Superintendent of Documents, Dewey Decimal, and Library of Congress classifications system s; A nglo-Am erican cataloging rules; MARC fo r­ mats; and use o f O C L C fo r cataloging and authority work. You should be com puter-adept and software-savvy with dem onstrated experience in automated library technical services operations. You w ill have strong communication, management, interpersonal, and problem solving skills. Review o f a pplications w ill begin February 15, 2002. The position is available im mediately with 24 days o f vacation annually; 16 days o f sick leave; non-tenure-track faculty status; 12-month contract; and an annual salary com m ensurate with qualifications and increased to meet CUPA (College and University Professional Association fo r Human Resources) salary matrix. If interviewed, a presentation will be expected. F o r further information about O wens Library, check out our W eb site at: http:// www .nwm Submit a letter, résumé, unofficial tra n ­ scripts, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail ad­ dresses o f three current references to: Vicki Wainscott, C hair o f Search Committee, O wens Library, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO 64468; e-mail: vickiw@m Northwest Missouri State University is an equal opportunity employer. INFORMATIO N RESOURCES DEVELOPM ENT TEAM LEADER. Montana State University-Bozem an Libraries is accepting a pplica tions fo r a tenure-track Information Resources Development Team Leader, available July 1 ‚ 2002. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS. Salary com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Screening begins February C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 73 LIAISON LIBRARIAN FOR THE HUMANITIES Kent State University Kent State University Libraries and Media Services invite applications for the position of liaison librarian for the humanities. The position serves the specialized information needs of students and faculty in the areas of applied linguistics, literature, and languages. It also participates fully in implementing core objectives, such as: providing direct user assistance and advisory services; preparing and presenting instructional services to further the development of information literacy competencies; participating in the management of the libraries’ print and electronic collections, especially the reference collection; and promoting library user services. The position provides user-centered reference service through daily, evening, and weekend desk hours, office hours, and in response to individual inquiries. ENVIRONMENT: The Kent State University Libraries have a collection of over 2 million volumes and hold membership in the Association of Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries. Kent State University is a founding member of OCLC and of OhioLINK (, Ohio’s statewide information system. Innovative Interfaces is used for the integrated library system. SALARY AND RANK: $41,556. Faculty status, Assistant Professor rank. Tenure track. BENEFITS: Generous health benefits. Four weeks' paid vacation. Support for research activities and professional development. Tuition waiver. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; significant reference experience in an academic library; demonstrated commitment to public service; thorough knowledge of information resources in the humanities; familiarity with a broad range of electronic resources, including research databases and Internet resources; effective organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills; flexibility and initiative; ability and interest in fulfilling requirements of job performance, scholarship, and service to meet tenure and promotion requirements. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Advanced degree in relevant discipline; reading knowledge of French, German, or Spanish; library instruction experience; collection development experience; virtual reference experience; experience with Web page development; experience with assessment of library services; experience with library marketing and promotion; experience in goal setting, development, and implementation of services; evidence of research or professional achievement; knowledge of contemporary research issues in the humanities. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send a letter of application addressing the required qualifications, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Jeanne Somers, Associate Dean Libraries and Media Services Kent State University P.O. Box 5190 Kent, OH 44242-0001 Fax: (330) 672-4811 Review of applications will begin on: Monday, February 18, 2002. Kent State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from members of protected classes are encouraged. Consult the Libraries and Media Services’ Web site for more information: Imsadmin/positions/. 10,2002. For complete information: http://www.lib.m jobs.html; o r call: (406) 994-3119. ADA/EO/AA/Veterans Preference. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. Manages operations o f public Periodicals Desk. Provides reference assistance and evaluation of user needs, super­ vision and training o f three clerks and student aides. M anages collection of 2,100 subscriptions, microforms; troubleshoots equipment. Develops periodicals collection in conjunction with bibliographers and other depart­ ments; liaison with d atabase co ordinator to develop and manage elec­ tronic serials. Qualifications: Required: A LA-accredited MLS; strong public service orientation; successful experience in reference, supervi­ sion, problem solving; working knowledge of serials management, includ­ ing access, service, storage, various formats; experienced database and Internet searcher; strong com m unications and interpersonal skills. Pre­ ferred: Second master’s degree o r 30 additional graduate credits; instruc­ tional experience; fam iliarity with cu rre nt trends in serials control; knowl­ edge o f acquisitions and cataloging o f serials helpful. Experience in academ ic public service unit desirable. T o Apply: Send letter o f interest and curriculum vitae to: Terri Campo, Long Island University, 1 Univer­ sity Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201-8423. Long Island U niversity (LIU) is the e ighth la rgest private university in the United States. It is recognized for strength in the liberal arts and sciences, health sciences, and library and 74 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 Three Positions Available University of Colorado at Boulder T he U n iv ersity L ibraries invites applications fro m in n o v ativ e professionals seeking a challenging w o rk en v iro n m e n t in w h ich to strategically explore th e in terp lay of lib rarian sh ip , scholarship, a n d p ro fessio n al service. A ll p o sitio n s are ten u re-track faculty p o sitio n s re p o rtin g to th e H e a d of C entral R eference. T he C en tral Reference D ep a rtm e n t p ro v id es g eneral reference a n d in stru ctio n al services an d specializes in services a n d collections for th e social sciences a n d hu m an ities. Significant p a rts of the responsibilities of all p ositions are research a n d creative w o rk an d service in k eeping w ith th e te n u re sta n d a rd s of th e U n iversity of C olorado a t B oulder. Reference/Instruction Librarian: Undergraduate Instruction Specialist S tarting salary range: $33,000-37,000 This p o sitio n takes a lead e rsh ip ro le in th e d ev elo p m en t of course-in teg rated in stru ctio n for u n d e rg ra d u a te s, cu rric u lu m design, an d day -to -d ay co o rd in atio n of th e d e p a rtm e n t's in stru ctio n al p ro g ram s, p a rtic u la rly fo r th e c a m p u s-w id e P ro g ram for W ritin g a n d R hetoric a n d re la te d u n d e rg ra d u a te pro g ram s. A d d itio n al re s p o n si­ bilities of th e p o sitio n in clu d e collection d e v e lo p m e n t an d fu n d m a n a g e m e n t in s u p p o rt of th e research n eed s of cam p u s u n d e rg ra d u a te s. Requirements: M aster's d eg ree fro m a n A L A -accredited lib rary school b y June 2002; experience a n d / o r co u rsew o rk d e m o n s tra tin g a co m m itm en t to teac h in g a n d the library's in stru ctio n al role in u n d e rg ra d u a te education; co u rsew o rk a n d / o r experi­ ence in cu rricu lu m d esig n a n d in stru ctio n al co n ten t dev elo p m en t; d e m o n stra te d ability to w o rk in a te a m en v iro n m en t; stro n g in terp erso n al skills; effective oral an d w ritte n com m unication skills; d e m o n s tra te d p o te n tia l for research, scholarly w ork, a n d / o r professional achievem ent at th e n atio n al level. Desirable Qualifications: O ne o r m o re y ears of experience p ro v id in g tra d itio n a l a n d electronic lib rary services to u n d e rg ra d u a te s; classroom teac h in g experience; experience u sin g w eb -b ased co u rse­ w a re (e.g., W ebCT, Blackboard) a n d w eb ap p licatio n softw are (P hotoshop, Flash, D ream w eaver, etc.); academ ic b a c k g ro u n d in e d u catio n o r related field; p articip atio n in ACRL In stitu te for In fo rm atio n L iteracy Im m ersio n P rogram . Social Sciences R eference/Instruction Librarian: Instructional Technology Specialist S tarting salary range: $33,000-37,000 T his p o sitio n takes a lead e rsh ip ro le in th e d esig n a n d d ev elo p m en t of interactive online learn in g e n v iro n m en ts to s u p p o rt th e d e p a rtm e n t's in stru ctio n al p ro g ram s a n d p la y s a piv o tal role in p ro v id in g th e technical fo u n d a tio n s for th e d e p a rtm e n t's u se of w eb application softw are (P hotoshop, Flash, S hockw ave, D ream w eaver, WebCT, etc.) for ed u catio n al initiatives. A d d itio n a l responsibilities of th is p o sitio n in clu d e collection d e v elo p m en t an d fu n d m a n a g e m e n t for selected social science disciplines, in clu d in g sociology. Requirements: M aster's degree fro m an A L A -accredited lib rary school by June 2002; experience a n d / o r co u rsew o rk d e m o n stra tin g a c o m m itm en t to th e lib rary 's in stru c ­ tio n al ro le in u n d e rg ra d u a te education; d e m o n s tra te d ability to w o rk in a team en v iro n m en t; experience u sin g online co u rsew are (e.g., W ebCT, Blackboard) a n d w eb application softw are (Photoshop, Flash, D ream w eav er, etc.); in terest in th e d ev elo p ­ m e n t of new services a n d collections for th e social sciences; stro n g in te rp e rso n a l skills (co n tin u e d o n n e x t page) C&RL News ■ January 2002 ! 75 (continued from previous page) a n d public service orientation; effective oral an d w ritte n co m m u n icatio n skills; dem o n strated p o ten tial for research, scholarly w ork, a n d / o r professional achievem ent at th e n atio n al level. Desirable Qualifications: O ne or m ore years of experience p ro v id in g reference a n d in stru ctio n in an academ ic library; coursew ork a n d / o r experience in in stru ctio n al content d e v elo p m en t a n d classroom teaching; dem o n strated kn o w led g e of creative applications of in fo rm atio n technologies for ed u catio n al p u rp o ses; fam iliarity w ith w eb scripting languages; w o rk in g know ledge of digital a u d io a n d v id eo technologies; academ ic b ack g ro u n d o r d em o n strated scholarly in terest in th e social sciences. Hum anities Reference/Instruction Librarian: Spanish Language Specialist S tarting salary range: $33,000-39,000 T his p osition p articip ates in th e d esig n a n d im p lem en tatio n of instructional p ro g ram s, reference a n d in fo rm atio n services, a n d special in itiativ es a n d projects. A d d itio n al responsibilities of th e p o sitio n include d ev elo p in g a n d m an ag in g general an d special collections in all fo rm ats in s u p p o rt of th e research a n d teaching n eed s of the D ep artm en t of S panish a n d P o rtu g u ese. A d d itio n al collection d evelopm ent responsibilities in related h u m a n itie s areas m ay also be possible. Requirements: M aster's d eg ree fro m a n A LA -accredited lib rary school b y June 2002; effective oral an d w ritte n com m u n icatio n skills in b o th S panish a n d English; course­ w o rk a n d / o r experience in teach in g a n d instructional services; experience w ith In tern et technologies an d th e ir ap p licatio n s to reference an d in stru ctio n al services in th e hum anities; stro n g in terp erso n al skills; d em o n strated ability to w o rk in a team environm ent; potential for research, scholarly w o rk , a n d / o r professional achievem ent at th e n atio n al level. Desirable Qualifications: A cadem ic background or d em o n strated scholarly in terest in S panish a n d / o r L atin A m erican literatures, cultures, o r related areas; experience in p ro v id in g trad itio n al a n d electronic library services to stu d en ts a n d scho lars in the hum anities; experience w ith classroom teaching for u n d e rg ra d u a te s; experience in p ro v id in g reference services in an academ ic library; experience w ith th e d e v elo p m en t of digital services o r collections. FOR ALL APPOINTMENTS: A successful can d id a te w ith d e m o n s tra te d accom ­ plish m en ts in research a n d creative w o rk w ill be a p p o in te d as a full-tim e (12 m onth) assistan t professor on te n u re track. A successful can d id a te w ith p ro m ise in research b u t lacking a n established scholarly reco rd w ill be a p p o in te d as a senior instructor (non-tenure track) for tw o years, w ith p ro m o tio n to th e te n u re track a n d th e ran k of assistan t professor u p o n a successful review . Benefits in clu d e 22 w o rk in g days vacation; 10 p a id holidays; liberal sick leave; U niversity g ro u p h e a lth care plan; g ro u p life insurance; T IA A /C R E F re tire m e n t/a n n u ity ; a n d s u p p o rt for sch o larly /p ro fessio n al activities. T e n u re d librarians are eligible fo r sabbatical leave. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: R eview of applications a n d n o m in atio n s w ill begin im m ediately an d co n tin u e u n til th e p o sitio n s are filled. It is su g g e ste d th a t applica­ tions be on file w ith the com m ittee by F ebruary 15, 2002. Send letter of application (indicate exact title of position) th a t ad d resses professional qualifications; resum e; an d nam es, ad d resses, a n d telep h o n e n u m b ers of th ree references to Scott Seaman, Associate Director for Administrative Services, University Libraries, 184 UCB, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0184. The University of Colorado is an equal opportunity/nondiscrimination institution. 76 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 information science. The Brooklyn cam pus is located within easy access of Manhattan. It enrolls more than 10,000 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Education, Health Professions, Nursing, Business, and Public Adm inistration. Th e library, with a staff o f 39, including 19 librarians, houses 253,000 volumes, 1,700 periodical subscriptions, and a collection of 8 ,000 a udiovisual resources. It provides 55 b ibliographic databases fo r end-user searching. LIU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. PUBLIC S ER VICE/ED UCATIO N LIAISON . M ercer University, At­ lanta, is accepting applications from an energetic and creative librarian to serve as its Public Service/Education Liaison. Responsibilities include serving as liaison to the graduate program in the Tift College of Education, providing reference services, bibliographic instruction, and collection developm ent. Qualifications Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: MEd o r undergraduate degree in Education, som e experience in an academ ic o r education library. Evening and weekend hours are required. This is a 12-month faculty position. Salary is com m ensurate with educa­ tion and experience. Résumé with cover letter addressing qualifications, as well as nam es and addresses o f three references, should be se nt to: Lynette Ralph, Chair, Search Committee, Monroe F. Swilley, Jr. Library, J U OHNS N I V E H R O S P I K T IN Y S HEAD, MONOGRAPHS UNIT Eager to meet the challenges of the dynamic digital library environment at the dawn of the 21st, century, the Acquisitions Department of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library seeks to fill the position of Head, Monographs Unit/Co­ ordinator of Approval Plans. With an already exceptionally rich collection of electronic serials and databases, the library looks to move aggressively into the realm of the electronic book, as well. The successful candidate will occupy a pivotal position within a rapidly changing organization committed to meeting the increasingly complex informa­ tion needs of a diverse and far-flung user population, encompassing both traditional and nontraditional library users. While en­ suring the continuation of an outstanding tradition of service in tangible formats, the incumbent of this position will have a unique opportunity to step into the forefront of the most exciting new advances in electronic formats. The Sheridan Libraries are strongly committed to diversity. A strategic goal of the libraries is to “work toward achieving diver­ sity when recruiting new and promoting ex­ isting staff.” The libraries prize initiative, cre­ ativity, professionalism, and teamwork. For a complete job description, position quali­ fications, and to apply online visit: http://; or send résumé, indicating job # SCLA2588 on cover letter, via e-mail to: jhu@; fax to: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU Resume Processing Center P. O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 Whether applying online or via e-mail, fax, or mail, please include cover letter, résumé, and three professional references. Approxi­ mate starting salary range: $40,094-$51 ‚ 120. We offer excellent benefits, including tuition remission, in a smoke free/drug free envi­ ronment. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 3001 M e rc e r U n iv e rs ity D rive, A tla n ta , G A 3 03 41 . M e rc e r U n iv e r­ s ity is an A A /E O E /A D A e m p lo ye r. W o m e n and m in o ritie s are e n ­ courag ed to apply. PUBLIC SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. The Ron E. Lewis Library at Lam ar State C o lleg e-O ra n g e seeks a p rofessional librarian responsible for developing and interpreting information resources in a highly automated and diverse com m unity college environment. Requires a master’s degree C&RL N ew s ■ J a n u a ry 2 0 0 2 / 77 William Paterson University David and L orraine C heng Library: A ssistan t D irector for C ollections and R esource M anagem ent The Cheng Library o f William Paterson University seeks a creative, experienced and goal-oriented librarian to be part o f the management and planning team in a dynamic, state-of the-art library. Reporting to the Director of Library Services, the Assistant Director has direct responsibility for collection development activities and over­ all supervisory responsibility for a fully automated technical services unit, which includes acquisitions, catalog­ ing and processing, serials and document delivery. Collection development duties include setting collection policies, developin g and monitoring fund allocations, coordinating the selector/liaison program and collection assessment. Overall supervisory responsibilities for the unit include providing leadership in planning, imple­ menting and evaluating departmental operations and services, and setting goals and developing initiatives in the resource management areas. Other responsibilities include staff development, participation in the user edu­ cation program and coordination o f services with OCLC and PALINET. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS and five years professional library experience in pro­ gressively more responsible positions; second masters degree or ABD status or an additional five years experi­ ence or the equivalent combination o f education and experience. Experience in collection development and in either cataloging, serials or acquisitions; three years administrative experience, including supervisory experience with library professional and support staff, preferably in an academic library. Demonstrated knowledge o f online integrated library systems (preferably DRA), bibliographic utilities and experience with budget management. Outstanding analytic and problem solving skills for initiating plans and carrying out projects. Evidence of strong communication and organizational skills, and the ability to work with all personnel in a collaborative environment. This is a 12-month, tenure track appointment; second master=s degree or ABD required for tenure. This posi­ tion offers a comprehensive benefits package including tuition waiver for dependent children after one year of full-time employment. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Please forward letter o f applica­ tion, resume and names and contact information for three references to: Dr. Anne Ciliberti, Director o f Library Services, Cheng Library, William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Road, Wayne, N J 07470. William Paterson University is an equal opportunity institution committed to diversity. D avid and L orraine C heng L ibrary: System s Specialist Reporting to the Library Information Systems Librarian, the Systems Specialist provides support for the l i ­ brary's DRA system, the Library's Webpage, electronic resources and databases developed in-house. As a mem ­ ber o f the Library Information Systems team, collaborates with the Resource Management and Access and Infor­ mation Services units on database and interdepartmental projects. Uses UDMS Report Writer to develop re­ ports. Provides technical support for OCLC services; works with the Library's Web team; and recommends database and automation procedures to electronically integrate services and workflow. Participates in the User Educatio n and Collection Development Programs. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA accredited school and three years experience. D em on­ strated technical experience supporting an integrated library system (preferably DRA). Experience with MARC formats and database structures. Experience with Oracle or other database management systems and web author­ ing. Must have strong analytical and problem solving capabilities; effective communication skills and an abil­ ity to work effectively both independently and as a team member. PREFERRED: Demonstrated experience using UDMS or other report generating software; programming skills. This position is a 12-month, tenure-track appointment; second master's or ABD status required for tenure. Position offers a comprehensive benefits package including tuition waiver for dependent children after one year of full-time employment. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Please forward letter o f appli cation, resume and names and contact information for three references to Dr. Anne Ciliberti, Director o f Library Services, Cheng Library, William Paterson University, 300 Pompton Road, Wayne, NJ 07470. For more information about the Library visit: William Paterson University is an equal opportunity institution committed to diversity. 78 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Connecticut Reference Librarian and Liaison to the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Search #02A282 Under the general direction of the Head of the Research and Information Services at the University of Connecticut Libraries, serve as the libraries’ liaison to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; provide reference service, research assistance, and instruction; create print and Web-based guides and tools; develop knowledge management products and library collections in liaison subject areas. Working as a member of an area team, assist in the development and implementation of area services, policies, and procedures. Regular evening and weekend hours are required. QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: ALA-accredited MLS; background in plant sciences, animal sci­ ences, natural resources management, or related academic discipline; strong motivation and enthusiasm for reference work; experience with computer applications in libraries; the ability to work with diverse users and staff; excellent oral and written communication skills; and excellent instructional skills. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Advanced degree in plant or animal science, natural resources management, or related field; success in academic liaison work; significant contributions to the profession; and the ability to produce Web-based guides and resources. ANTICIPATED HIRING RANGE: $38,000-54,247. Humanities Bibliographer Search #02A290 The University of Connecticut Libraries seeks an individual with broad scholarly interests to join its Collection Development Team as Humanities Bibliographer. The successful candidate will work with the Sciences Bibliographer under the general direction of the Team Leader for Collection Development. Duties include: The coordination and guidance of the collection development activities of liaison librarians across the humanities; serving as the libraries’ liaison to one or more humanities programs; participation in policy development, strategic and long-range planning, and collection management decision-m aking for all aspects of the collections; and direct involve­ ment with data gathering and analysis as a perm anent m ember of the libraries’ Collections Budget Team, which sets priorities f o r the disbursem ent of a collections budget of just over five million dollars. (continued on next page) in library o r information science, knowledge o f library resources and technologies, excellent oral and written com m unication skills, and the a bility to w o rk well with diverse communities. Send letter o f application, résumé, transcripts, and three letters o f re feren ce by D e ce m b e r 14, 2001 ‚ to ensure consideration. Salary Range: $33 ,00 0-$4 2 ,0 0 0 annu­ ally with benefits. A pplications accepted until filled. A pply to: O ffice of H um an R esou rce s, L a m a r-O ra n g e , 4 10 F ro n t S tre e t, O ra n g e , TX 7 76 30 ; fa x: (4 09) 8 8 2 -3 37 4 . A ffirm a tive a ctio n , equ al o p p o rtu n ity e m ployer. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Th e Department of the Library o f the College of Staten Island o f T he City U niversity o f New York seeks candidates fo r an anticipated tenure-track position as Refer­ ence and Instruction Librarian a t the rank of Assistant Professor. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and a second graduate degree. Must have effective interpersonal, oral, and written com m unication skills. Academ ic library experience, expertise with the Internet and online reference sources, and W eb skills desired. Library instruction o r information literacy experience preferred. R esponsibilities include providing guidance and access to a variety o f resources including the Internet, online databases, and tra di­ tional print sources, and referrals to other library systems; preparing and conducting bibliographic instruction classes; assisting patrons with infor­ mation searches using electronic and print resources; preparing subject guides, pathfinders, bibliographies, handbooks, and other materials to support the information needs o f faculty and students; and providing general reference services in a team -approach environm ent with other librarians. The successful candidate will be expected to perform depart­ ment and college service and engage in an active and productive research agenda. Salary Range: $42,16 2 -$ 5 7 ,049, commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Review of applications will begin im mediately and will continue until the position is filled. Send le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, a cu rricu lu m vita e, and th e nam es, a d d re sse s, and te le p h o n e n um be rs o f a t le a s t th re e referen ces to: C hair, S earch C o m m itte e, D epa rtm e n t of the Library, T h e C o lleg e o f S ta te n Is la n d , 2 80 0 V ic to ry B ou le vard, R o om 1L- 106, S taten Island, NY 10314. For m ore inform ation a bout the library, see o u r W e b site : h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry .c s i.c u n y .e d u . E E O /A A /A D A em ployer. REFERENCE COORDINATOR. The University o f Minnesota, Morris, Briggs Library, invites applications from energetic and innovative indi­ viduals fo r the newly created position of reference coordinator. The successful candidate will plan, develop, coordinate, and evaluate refer­ ence services, integrating both remote and in-person reference service; manage the governm ent documents collection; participate in end-user instruction; share evening and weekend reference rotation; and serve on the library's adm inistrative council. R eporting to the Head o f Research and Consultation Services, this position requires an ALA-accredited MLS degree, excellent written and verbal communications skills, an ability to work effectively with people of diverse backgrounds and skills, a strong service orientation, fam iliarity with the integration o f technology with library services, a working knowledge of HTML, fam iliarity with govern­ ment documents collections, and an understanding and appreciation of the liberal arts experience. This position has an annual, renewable appoint­ ment with a salary of $31 ,000 plus benefits. Starting Date: July 1 ‚ 2002. The University of Minnesota, Morris is a small public liberal arts college with 1,900 students and over 120 faculty. It is located 150 miles northwest C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 79 (continued from previous page) QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: ALA-accredited MLS and at least two years’ collection development experience in an academic or research library; breadth of experience with scholarly literature across the liberal arts; reading knowledge of at least one modern European language; subject expertise in one or more humanities areas; ability to articulate collecting priorities and to distinguish core literature in the humanities; experience with computer applications in libraries, facility with searching, and ability to work in a continuously evolving automated environment; ability to organize work independently, to exercise individual initiative, to be flexible in a dynamic work setting, and to function in a team-based environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; and strong interpersonal skills and an ability to work successfully with faculty, staff, students, and the general public. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Advanced degree in an appropriate subject area; instruction or teaching experience; and experience with collection budget allocations. ANTICIPATED HIRING RANGE: $38,000-64,335. Complete job descriptions are available at: University benefits include 22 paid vacation days/year, 12 paid state holidays, excellent health and retirement plans, and tuition waivers. The University of Connecticut, established in 1881, is a Carnegie Research I University. Recently cited as the top public university in New England, the university is engaged in UConn 2000, an ambitious 10-year, $1 billion campus building project. The main campus, situated in Storrs on 3,100 acres of woodlands and rolling hills, is located approximately 30 miles from Hartford, the state capital, and midway between Boston and New York City. There are approximately 23,500 students systemwide. A member of the Association of Research Libraries, the libraries are technologically advanced and recognized as an exciting center of intellectual life on campus. The libraries are organized in team-based structures and are engaged in ongoing strategic programs. A dynamic organization, the libraries offer creative, service-oriented individuals an exceptional opportunity for personal growth and learning. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and name, address, and phone number of three references to: Deborah Stansbury Sunday Administrative Librarian University of Connecticut Libraries Box U-1005A, 369 Fairfield Road Storrs, CT 06269-1005 The University o f Connecticut has a strong comm itm ent to diversity. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. of Minneapolis in a rural com m unity o f 5,000 people. Applications should consist o f a co ver letter, résumé, and the nam es, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone num bers o f three references. Completed applica­ tions and questions should be addressed to: David Wuolu, Search Com­ mittee Chair, Rodney A. Briggs Library, 600 E. 4th St., Morris, MN 56267; e-mail:; phone: (320) 589-6164. Application dead­ line: M arch 1 5,2 00 2. Th e U niversity o f M innesota is com m itted to the policy that all persons shall have equal a ccess to its programs, facilities, and em ploym ent without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. M ontana Tech o f The University of Montana. Responsible fo r reference s e rvices, library instruction, collec­ tion development, and m anagem ent o f governm ent documents; partici­ pate in other duties as assigned. Required: ALA-accredited M LS o r MLIS. Details: REFERENCE LIBRA RIAN. The University o f Alabama, Rodgers S ci­ ence and Engineering Library. The University o f Ala bam a Libraries is seeking a creative and dynam ic librarian to provide information s e rvices to faculty and students in science and engineering. Responsibilities: This position involves outreach and liaison activities and builds partnerships with faculty and students to promote teaching, learning, and research. The librarian develops, delivers, and manages highly focused collections and client-centered services, both increasingly conducted in a virtual library environment, using the latest in inform ation technologies. Th e position helps clientele achieve a strong awareness of information resources and state-of-the-art information retrieval too ls and methods through library instruction and information literacy training. Key managem ent responsi­ bilities include supervision of classified staff and leadership and manage­ ment in public services areas. The position helps build a strong technologi­ cal presence, including Web-based services, and modern facilities aimed at making the library responsive to change and helping a chieve rapid delivery of services. The librarian also participates in committees, special working groups, and team s, used to develop and maintain information systems and services. The position reports to the Head o f the Science and Engineering Library. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accred­ ited program; high interest in sci-tech librarianship; knowledge o f modern practices in information services and collection development; experience with electronic databases and com puter productivity applications; ad­ vanced knowledge of Internet search methods; fam iliarity with W e b site developm ent software and technologies; ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and librarystaff; excellent oral and written communica­ tion skills; consultative com m unication style; strong com m itm ent to client-centered service; evidence of, o r potential for, professional and/or scholarly a ctivity. Preferred: Educational background o r work-related experience in the sciences o r engineering; w o rk experience in an aca­ dem ic library; knowledge o f science and engineering literature and refer­ ence sources; dem onstrated skill with W eb site developm ent tools; fam iliarity with outreach services, in structional m ethods, and distance education; dem onstrated su pervisory and m anagem ent skills. Library Environm ent: Th e Science and Engineering Library occupies a new building dedicated solely to library services and designed to accom m o­ date advanced inform ation technology. The library w as constructed in 1990 to s e rve faculty and students in engineering, the sciences, and 80 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Pittsburgh Head, Archives Service Center The Archives Service Center (ASC) is composed of the Archives of Industrial Society, United Electrical Workers/Labor Archives, the University Archives and University Records Management, and the State and Local Government Archives, among others. The ASC is composed of six faculty librarians-archivists, two staff members, student assistants, and grant-funded positions. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent) plus five to seven years of progressive adminis­ trative experience in an archives-special library setting; a Ph.D. in the social sciences or the humanities with an archival-records management emphasis is preferred; ability to communicate effectively and work with faculty, students, and library staff of diverse cultural backgrounds; good oral and written communication skills, including the demonstrated ability to write successful grant proposals; a record of appropriate publishing and professional activities and supervisory experi­ ence; knowledge of current archival control systems, including electronic record systems; and general knowledge of computer applications in an archives-records management setting. Salary commensurate with experience. Librarian, African-American Collection Responsible for development of the library’s reference and circulating collections in the fields of African-American literature, performing arts, history, civil rights, slavery, and other relevant subjects. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent); minimum of three years' relevant professional experience; demonstrated subject background knowledge in an area relevant to Africana Studies, with advanced degree preferred; knowledge of reference and collection development resources, practices, and trends, particularly those relevant to Africana Studies; ability to communicate effectively and work with faculty, students, and library staff of diverse cultural backgrounds. Supervisory experience preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Head, Hillman Public Services Responsible for management of all public service functions in the Hillman Library under the direction of the Associate University Librarian. Includes Reference, Government Documents, Buhl Social Work Collection, African-American collection, Current Periodicals, Microforms, and the Stark Listening Center. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent); minimum five to seven years of relevant and progressively responsible experience, including supervisory and public services experience (preferably in an academic library environment). Must have demonstrated knowledge of reference and research sources, issues and trends; effective supervisory skills; evidence of a strong commitment to public services; demonstrated ability to work well with a diverse user community; ability to facilitate change; demonstrated ability to work within a collegial framework; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; strong analytical and decision­ making skills. Salary commensurate with experience. Reference/Library Instruction Librarian Annual nine-month faculty librarian position. Participates in the Hillman reference department and library instruction program. Reports to the Coordinator of Library Instruction. Required: ALA- accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent); ability to teach complex concepts and conduct instruction sessions, occasionally with minimal time for preparation. Working understanding of advanced technology, including HTML and Web publishing tools. Prefer experience in academic library environment, especially in instruction or reference services. Salary: $2,500/month. To Apply: Submit letter of application and résumé with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz, Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Review of applications will begin January 2, 2002, and continue until positions are filled. Please specify position(s) of interest in cover letter. Full position announcements are available at: The University o f Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 81 ASSISTANT HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES Davidson College Library Davidson College, a highly selective liberal arts college, invites applications for a full-time librarian to serve as Assistant Head of Public Services. The successful applicant will provide leadership to the professional staff as they further develop and promote the existing successful library instruction program. The librarian will also have significant responsibilities for building the reference collection, including selection of electronic resources and assisting with Web page editing. All librarians share reference duties, including evening and weekend hours. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience in reference work and teaching and/or library instruction; experience or training in Web page development; strong commitment to service and teamwork. Preferred: Successful work experience in an undergraduate liberal arts college library; social sciences background. Second master’s desirable. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Mid-30s to mid-40s. Comprehensive benefit package includes TIAA- CREF. Twenty days vacation plus some college holidays. For more information, visit: START DATE: Position open until filled. Review of applications will begin in January. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Leland M. Park, Director Davidson College Library P.O. Box 7200 Davidson, NC 28035-7200 Founded in 1837, Davidson College, located just north of Charlotte, North Carolina, is a Presbyterian affiliated institution of 1,600 students and 155 faculty which has graduated 23 Rhodes Scholars. The college is consistently ranked among the top national liberal arts colleges in the country by U.S.News and World Report. The library is an attractive facility located in the center of the campus. Services are fully automated, and a state-of-the-art electronic classroom was constructed in summer 2001. Campus facilities are 100% wired. The 11 librarians and 16 support staff oversee a collection of one- half million volumes. The library uses SOLINET/OCLC and subscribes to NC-LIVE, JSTOR, and Project Muse. The annual budget of more than $2.5 million includes a materials budget of more than $1.2 million, supported in part by a library endowment of $6 million. Equal opportunity employer. mathematics. Th e Library serves approxim ately 250 faculty and 3,000 graduate and undergraduate students and cu rre nt holdings are about 210,000 volum es and 1,500 current periodicals, plus several thousand microforms. The staff consists of three professional librarians, four support staff, and student assistants. The University maintains membership in the Association o f Research Libraries, the Center fo r Research Libraries, the Coalition fo r Networked Information, SOLINET, and the Network o f Ala­ bama Academ ic Libraries. The Libraries em ploy the Endeavor Voyager Integrated Library System. The University Libraries o ccupy a place of campus leadership in the transformation of the scholarly communication system. The Libraries’ W eb site can be accessed at Salary/Benefits: 12-month tenure-track appointment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank depending on qualifications. Minim um salary: $30,000/lnstructorand $33,000/Assistant Professor. Strong benefits, sub­ stantial moving allowance may be available. T o Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Voni B. W yatt, Personnel Officer The U n iv e rs ity o f A la ­ bam a Libraries, Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, A L 35487-0266. Applications received by January 31 ‚ 2002, are assured of receiving consideration. The University o f Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Th e University o f Mississippi seeks appli­ cants fo r the position o f Reference Librarian. This a full-tim e, 12-month, tenure-track position. The successful candidate will be hired a t the rank of Assistant Professor. Principal Activities: R eports to the C o ordina tor for Information and Instructional Services; perform s general reference desk duties, some evenings and weekends required; bibliographic instruction in subject areas as well as teaching general library courses in conjunction with o th e r public sen/ice librarians; assigned collection developm ent and specialized reference responsibilities. O pportunity to b e part o f a team working on projects to enhance electronic services fo r library patrons. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program by date of appoint­ ment; strong service orientation; excellent oral and written com m unica­ tio ns skills; the ability to work collegially with other librarians in a rapidly changing environment; knowledge of electronic databases and computer applications, including Internet resources. Salary: $34,000. Application Process: The search will continue until the position is filled. Send le tte r of application, résumé, and nam e address, and e-mail address of three references to: Royce Kurtz, J.D. W illiam s Library, P.O. Box 1848, U n i­ v e rs ity o f M is s is s ip p i, University, MS 38677. The University o f Missis­ sippi is an EEO/AA/TitleVI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer. C & R L News Career opportunities are available online: www. ala.ora/ acrl l advert3.htm l 82 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE George Mason University George Mason University Libraries seeks highly energetic, experienced, and innovative library managers to fill the following positions: Head, Reference Department, Fenwick Library Leads a staff of nine reference/liaison librarians, including the Government Documents/Maps Librarian, who have responsibilities for reference desk and e-reference duties, specialized reference and research consultation by appointment, instruction, and collection development for assigned academic programs. Departmental staff also includes three classified staff, four Graduate Research Assistants, and one FTE student assistant. Plans and organizes the work of the department in consultation with other library administrators. Develops staff assignments and schedules, collabo­ rates with other public service department heads to ensure quality service, and promotes a spirit of teamwork and a user-centered approach to reference service throughout the libraries. Oversees the reference collection in Fenwick Library (the main research library) and coordinates reference collection development with reference managers of the other libraries and the Collection Develop­ ment and Preservation Office. Serves as liaison to designated academic program(s). Position reports to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services. New initiatives currently underway for all reference/liaison staff in the university libraries include a virtual reference service, implementation of core competencies for reference service, and imple­ mentation of an information literacy program. QUALIFICATIONS Required: ALA-accredited MLS or ALA-recognized foreign equivalent; substantial demonstrated managerial and supervisory experience in an academic research library reference setting; demonstrated decision-making, planning, and organizational abilities; excellent communication and teamwork skills; substantial knowledge of both print and electronic reference sources; knowledge of trends in contemporary reference service; strong teaching ability and mentoring/coaching skills. Preferred: Knowledge of information resources and scholarly communication in nursing/health science fields; an additional graduate degree in a health science or social science field. Head, Acquisitions and Gifts Manages centralized monographic acquisitions and gifts for the four constituent libraries of the university libraries, and also coordinates acquisitions activities with the university’s School of Law (continued on next page) Late Job Listings DIGITAL RESO URCES AND SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Kresge eLibrary a t the University of Michigan Business School seeks a dynamic forward-thinking individual with very strong technical skills to strengthen the eLibrarys information technology products and services. The University ofMichigan Business School (UMBS) is located in Ann Arbor on the Central Campus of the University. Consistently rated as one of the top ten business schools in the United States offering MBA programs, the Business School is committed to innovation and the use of advanced technologies. The Kresge eLibrary provides a wide array of print and electronic resources and this is an integral part of the information technology infrastructure of the school. For more information, visit the eLibrary's Web site at: Responsibili­ ties include, but are not limited to: A self starter to provide leadership in planning, implement­ ing, and managing information technology th a t will build the next generation business research center, with complete library services to the UMBS faculty, students, and staff when and where they need them; represent the library’s technology interests and needs to the UMBS Computing Services Department; provide technical expertise to support library staff with the integration of Web-based resources into library instruction, online tutorials, and reference services; collaborate with university libraries and other campus units on digital initiatives and university wide projects th a t impact UMBS library operations; collaborate with the eLibrarys Advanced Technologies Librarian in investigating leading-edge technologies, testing new software, and recommending and implementing appropriate systems in support of library C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 83 (continued from previous page) Library. Researches, proposes, and implements new and improved methods tor acquiring, receiving, and paying for research materials in all formats. Provides leadership for an active Gifts program, working closely with the Director of Development and the Head, Special Collections and Archives, as well as supervising the Gifts Coordinator. Develops, implements, and documents necessary workflow and quality control processes for attaining operational efficiencies and meeting objectives. Unit personnel includes five classified staff, one Graduate Research Assistant, and 1.5 FTE student assistants. Position reports to the Associate University Librarian for Resources and Collection Management Services. QUALIFICATIONS Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree or ALA-recognized foreign equivalent; significant experience in acquisitions operations in an academic library environment; experience with MARC formats, OCLC, automated library systems, and spreadsheet software; effective organizational, communi­ cation, and interpersonal skills; demonstrated supervisory experience; strong service orientation and commitment to professional growth; collegial, team-focused management philosophy and orientation. Preferred: Experience with Voyager Endeavor; familiarity with EDI and embedded order technology; familiarity with Banner system; and knowledge of other library technical services functions. APPOINTMENT AND BENEFITS (Both Positions) 12-month Professional Faculty appointment. Excellent benefits include health plan options and paid life insurance; several retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF; 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; and tuition waiver for self. Salary is competitive, commensurate with qualifications. For more information about George Mason University and its libraries, visit: APPLICATION Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and telephone numbers of three current references to: Chair, ‹Position T itle › Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL ‚, George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Review of applications for both positions will begin February 11, 2002. Affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. services; coordinate and guide th e evolution of th e library’s Web site as the front-end to a comprehensive online business library supporting the UMBS curriculum. The minimum qualifications for this position include: an MLS; minimum three years’ experience managing and implementing systems; minimum of one year supervisory experience in an academic setting; an understanding of how information is organized, accessed, and used to support the academic mission of a research university; demonstrated project management skills, including experience managing th e implementation of an integrated library system; experience with networking and systems, including OCLC, Unix, and Windows operating platforms, Web programming, and scripting languages; familiarity with emerging trends and standards in digital libraries (e. g., SGML/XML, digital conversion, and e-publishing); demonstrated ability to work effectively both independently and as a team member with strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills. Other desired qualifications include experience with the Innovative Interfaces Inc. integrated library system. To Apply: Applications will be accepted until March 1, 2002. The University of Michigan Business School, Kresge Business Administration eLibrary, K3330, Tomalee Doan, Director, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234. INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of New Orleansseeks an innovative and dynamic librarian to provide leadership for the development, implementation, and evaluation of a multilevel information literacy program. See full job announcement at: REFEREN CE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Central College invites applications for a 12-month, tenure-track Reference and Instruction Librarian at the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek an energetic, service-oriented librarian to lead in developing and delivering reference and 84 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 HEAD, ORIGINAL MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING UNIT University of Colorado at Boulder STARTING SALARY RANGE: $43,000- The University Libraries invites applications from innovative professionals seeking a challenging work environment in which to strategically explore the interplay of librarianship, scholarship, and professional service. This position is a tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Head of Cataloging. The Cataloging Department performs most of the cataloging for the University Libraries and has just reorganized as part of Technical Services reorganization. Significant parts of the responsibilities of all positions are research and creative work and service in keeping with the tenure standards of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Primary responsibilities include oversight of monographic original cataloging activities, monographic cataloging procedures, and policy for original cataloging. The Unit Head supervises five to seven faculty involved in cataloging activities. The department consists of ten faculty and 14 paraprofes sionals. The unit head participates in the Cataloging Department Management Group. The Department participates in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), including BIBCO, NACO, and SACO, and OCLC ENHANCE, and standards in use include AACR2r, LCSH, and LC classification. Cataloging is performed on OCLC and on Innovative Interfaces for inclusion in the local system. The Head of the Original Monographic Cataloging Unit reviews and revises work for BIBCO, NACO, and SACO, and OCLC ENHANCE; trains personnel as appropriate; and may perform some original cataloging. REQUIREMENTS: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school; at least five years' professional cataloging or cataloging-related experience, preferably in a research library; experi­ ence with automated systems; knowledge of MARC bibliographic and authorities formats; biblio­ graphic knowledge of at least one modern European foreign language; potential for research and scholarly/professional achievement. Desirable Qualifications: Experience with programs such as BIBCO, NACO, SACO, CONSER, and/or OCLC ENHANCE; supervisory experience; experience cataloging materials in formats other than books; experience with metadata; experience in training; evidence of research and scholarly/professional achievement. APPOINTMENT: A successful candidate with demonstrated accomplishments in research and creative work will be appointed as a full-time (12-month) assistant professor on tenure track. A successful candidate with promise in research but lacking an established scholarly record will be appointed as a senior instructor (non-tenure track) for two years, with promotion to the tenure track and the rank of assistant professor upon a successful review. Benefits include 22 working days' vacation; 10 paid holidays; liberal sick leave; University group health care plan; group life insurance; TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity; and support for scholarly/professional activities. Tenured librarians are eligible for sabbatical leave. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Review of applications and nominations will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. It is suggested that applications be on file with the committee by February 15, 2002. Send letter of application (indicate exact title of position) that addresses professional qualifications, résumé; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Scott Seaman Associate Director for Administrative Services University Libraries 184 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0184 The University o f Colorado is an equal opportunity, nondiscrimination institution. C&RL News ■ January 2002 1 85 SERIALS AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN The George Washington University APPOINTMENT RANK AND SALARY: Appointment at the rank of Librarian 11/Librarian III. Minimum Salary: $36,500/$41,600. Rank and Salary depend upon qualifications and experience. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Gelman Library is seeking a creative and enthusiastic individual to lead the Library in all aspects of serials acquisitions, including identification of vendors, licensing, acquisition, fiscal control of serials and U.S. government documents in all formats, and supervising staff. Government documents responsibilities include ensuring GPO requirements are met, coordinating the transition to an electronic environment for U.S. documents, reviewing govdocs-l, and supervising staff. The position reports to the Head, Acquisitions, and provides assistance in general department leadership, staff development, and training; serves as acting head of the Department in the absence of the Department Head; serves on Library and consortial committees as designated; coordinates with serials cataloging efforts to provide access to serials regardless of format or location; and works in a team environment with such teams as Electronic Resources and Collection Development. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of two years' post-MLS serials acquisitions in an academic research library; ability to foster teamwork among all levels of staff; evidence of a commitment to maintain knowledge of developments in serials management and ability to apply this knowledge in the planning, evaluation, and implementation of new services; experience with an integrated online library system and a major bibliographic utility; demonstrated supervisory and leadership skills, including strong and effective training and problem-solving skills; ability to work in a team environment; excellent oral and written communication skills. QUALIFICATIONS PREFERRED: Experience in negotiating contracts and licenses for electronic journals with vendors and aggregators and knowledge of copyright and its impact on electronic journals and resources; experience with Endeavor’s Voyager and OCLC; knowledge and use of MS Excel and Access; knowledge of, or experience in, government documents processing; reading knowledge of foreign language(s). Strongly preferred is post-MLS experience with electronic resources and/or U.S. government documents in an academic research library. REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS: Review of applications will begin on February 1 ‚ 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Please send current résumé and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Emma Mosby Manager, The Gelman Library Systems, Administrative Services Office The George Washington University, The Gelman Library, Room 201 2130 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20052 The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. instruction programs in a dynamic information environment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; one-to-two years’ experience in an academic library; demonstrated reference and teaching abilities; thorough knowledge of and experience with print and online resources; demonstrated skill in Web site development; advanced skills in MS Office applications; excellent organizational and interper­ sonal skills; ability to work collaboratively with library and academic department faculty, as well as campus constituents. The successful candidate will design and teach course-related and for-credit courses in information literacy; provide reference service, including some evenings and weekends; share in library Web site development and management of electronic resources; participate in collection development; serve as liaison to academic departments; oversee interlibrary loan and document delivery; collaborate with librarians and academic department faculty to integrate library resources into curriculum and to develop a comprehensive information literacy program. Send letter of application, résumé, graduate transcripts, and the names and telephone numbers of three confidential references to: Paul Naour, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Central College, 812 University Street, Pella, IA 50219. Review of applications begins February 1,2002, and continues until position is filled. Starting date is negotiable but not later than June 2002. Please visit the college Web site at: Central College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Structure Bookmarks 54 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 2 POSITIONS OPENACADEMIC RESIDENT LIBRARIAN PROGRAM, 2002-2003. Brief Program Description: The University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), seeks candidates for its Academic Resident Librarian Program to serve one-year postgraduate appointments in the University Library system. Appointments may be renewed for a second year. The program, begun in 1982, features a seminar serieson library and informa­tion science issues, library and association visits, and the opportunity to gain academic/resear Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut $34,172Delaware $22,500** C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 55 ASSOCIATE COLLECTIONS CURATOR FOR RARE BOOKSGetty Research InstituteReporting to Head of Collection Development, Research Library, develops, manages, and interprets the collections of rare books dating from the 15th to the 21st century; performs intellectual interpretation through exhibitions, original research, publications, and public programs; utilizes scholarly background and expertise in assessing potential acquisitions for their research value, authentic­ity, and historical condition; makes recommenda of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign is one of the preeminent research collections in the nation and the world. With more than nine million volumes and a total of 21 million items, it ranks third among academic libraries in the United States and first among public university libraries in the world. As the intellectual heart of the campus, the library is committed to maintaining the strongest collections and services possible and engag­ing in research and development activities both of which support the u tenure and promotion. Terms of Appointment: 12-month appointment; 24 work days' vacation peryear; 11 paid holidays; 12 days' annual sick leave (cumulative up to a maximum of 240 days) plus an additional 13 days (noncumulative) per year if necessary; health insurance, requiring a small copayment, is provided to employees (coverage for dependents may be purchased); participation in the State Universities Retirement System is required upon appointment (8% of member’s salary is withheld and is tax- exempt until 56 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLECentral Missouri State UniversityLibrary Development Officer and Instructor of Library Services Position # 51754. Non-tenure-track faculty position.Responsible for the planning, coordinating, and implementing of fundraising activities, to include identifying, cultivating, soliciting, and tracking fundraising prospects and preparing grant proposals for Library Services. Serve as a liaison with the university development office. Work with the Friends of the Library to increase the membe C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 57 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Los AngelesApplications and nominations are invited for this position, with an anticipated starting date of July 1 ‚ 2002. California State University, Los Angeles, is one of 23 campuses of the California State University system. The university is located near the cosmopolitan center of Los Angeles. The university has an urban student body of 21,000, which has the distinction of being the most diverse in the nation, and approximately 600 faculty. As fessor: $32,000-$34,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Submit application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone num­bers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box5408, Mississippi State, MS39762. Appli­cations accepted through December7,2001 ‚ or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information on the Mississippi State University community, see the univ excellent oral and written communications skills; strong commitment to user-focused service and instructional ability; knowledge of print, re­corded, and electronic music sources; the ability to work independently and collegially with other librarians in a rapidly changing environment; knowledge of computer applications; ability to perform physical activities associated with archival environments (e.g., ability to lift 40-pound boxes); and the ability to meettenure requirements. Salary: $34,000. Application 58 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANEastern Michigan UniversityEastern Michigan University invites nominations and applications for the position of University Librarian.SETTING: Eastern Michigan University is a comprehensive university enrolling over 24,000 students, including 5,000 at the graduate level. Currently the university offers the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, with plans for additional doctoral programs. Located in the Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor area of southeastern Michigan, facu University of Alabama user community. The individual will participate in the ongoing development of the Bruno Library Web site and in the enhance­ment and delivery of reference and instructional services, with emphasis on technology-based delivery. The position includes some night and possibly weekend reference service hours. The librarian in this position works collegially in a team environment and reports to the Head of the Angelo Bruno Business Library. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredite assisting patrons with electronic business information resources; expe­rience with computer productivity applications; degree in business-related field, prefer master’s degree; some knowledge of government information sources. Salary/Benefits: 12-month, tenure-track appoint­ment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank depending on qualifica­tions. Minimum Salary: $30,000/lnstructorand $33,000/Assistant Profes­sor. Strong benefits, substantial moving allowance may be available. Library Environment: The C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 59 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEFlorida State UniversityThe Florida State University (FSU) Libraries invite applications from innovative professionals to fill three exciting career-track openings at various levels of appointment. The FSU Libraries is an ARL library with holdings of more than 2.5 million volumes, 15,000 print journal titles, access to a wide variety of electronic journals, and a considerable number of other networked electronic resources. The univer­sity, with a student population of over 35,000, i 60 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 LIBRARY DIRECTORMcHenry County CollegeMcHenry County College, a fast-growing, comprehensive community college in northwest suburban Chicago serving over 10,000 credit and noncredit students per semester, is seeking a full-time Library Director to provide leadership, coordination, and advocacy for all college library services, including direct management of the Circulation Department and library automation system. The Director is responsible for seven full-time and seven part-time staff, including three full SYSTEMS LIBRARIANAssumption CollegeAssumption College seeks a full-time Systems Librarian to coordinate library technology-based services, including their development, operation, and maintenance.QUALIFICATIONS:Demonstrated knowledge of integrated Library Management Systems; MARC-based bibliographic formats and OCLC; relational database management and reporting using SQL or Access; Web- based and Internet resources and tools; MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum three years' experience working C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 61 DIGITAL INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIANOakland UniversityThe Oakland University Library is seeking a motivated, service-oriented, and technologically proficient librarian to fill a new position created to extend our Web presence in reference, library instruction, and other digital services. The library has a highly collaborative environment where excellence in job performance, scholarship, and service are valued. We encourage recent graduates as well as experienced librarians with interests in these areas to 62 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of DenverThe Penrose Library is seeking applications for two non-tenure-track positions:Serials/Electronic Resources LibrarianRESPONSIBILITIESReports to the Dean and Director of Penrose Library. Plan, coordinate, and direct cataloging and processing activities in the serials unit of a medium-sized academic library. Hire, train, and supervise 4.5 FTE. Catalog serials in electronic, print, and microform formats using OCLC and Innopac/ Millennium. Maintain serial records on li Bloomberg Financial Markets, and LEXIS/NEXIS.The library supports programs in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, information systems, and statistics. Library personnel include four library faculty and five support staff. The University of Alabama Libraries main­tains membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, SOLINET, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The libraries employ the Voyager Integr sional abilities and interests, including cataloging, instruction, and refer­ence; excellent organizational abilities, communication skills, and strong service orientation; able and willing to provide effective instruction; work as part of a collegial team. Academic year appointment beginning Augusl 21 ‚ 2002. Tenure-track, nine-month position with faculty rank and status. (Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications.) Send letter of interest and résumé (hard copy), official copies of transcr C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 63 (continued from previous page)planning; 4) Management and implementation of access services policies, including copyright issues; and 5) Facilitator of the Access Team and member of the library’s Policy Council.QUALIFICATIONSRequired: MLS and at least two years of supervisory experience in some aspect of library access services; personnel management experience and training; information technology skills and experience appropriate for the position. Strong knowledge of emerging technologies in access services 11201 -8423. Long Island University (LIU) is the eighth largest private university in the United States. It is recognized for strength in the liberal arts and sciences, health sciences, and library and information science. The Brooklyn campus is located within easy access of Manhattan. It enrolls more than 10,000 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Education, Health Professions, Nursing, Business, and Public Administra ability to read music and working knowledge of at least two Western European languages. To Apply: Please send résumé and cover letter, including salary requirements, to: The New York Public Library, HR Dept Code: AG-MUS, 188 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016; or e-mail: An equal opportunity employer Only candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted. Visit us at: PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Peru State College Library invites applications from 64 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIESTexas Woman’s UniversityTexas Woman’s University seeks an experienced librarian to provide leadership at its main libraryin Denton and three other sites in Dallas and Houston. Candidates for this position must possessan MLS from an ALA-accredited program and have a minimum of five years of successful, varied,and progressively responsible and recent administrative experience in an academic research librarysetting. An additional master’s degree and/or a doctoral degree is highly desirable February 1,2002, and will continue until the position is filled. For an employment application, contact PSC Human Resources at: (402) 872- 2206; or: Send the completed application plus a letter addressing your qualifications and background, résumé, and names with addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available) and telephone numbers of three current references to: Lisa Bahensky, HR Director, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE68421. Please visit our Web site at: www.per letter addressing your qualifications and background, résumé, and names with addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available) and telephone numbers of three current references to: Lisa Bahensky, HR Director, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit our Web site at: Peru State College is committed to equal opportu­nity and affirmative action.CURATOR OF VISUAL COLLECTIONS. Responsibilities: Responsible for organizing, cataloging, and maintaining visual materials includ­i C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 65 DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICESThe University of New MexicoThe University of New Mexico (UNM) seeks an innovative and dynamic leader for its next Dean of Library Services. Located in Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico and one of the fastest growing in the Southwest, UNM is a Carnegie Doctoral/Research-Extensive University and a DoEd Minority public university. UNM is the largest university in the state and serves a diverse student population with more than 30,000 students on five campuses. UNM offers nati 66 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIANPace UniversityPace University’s Edward & Doris Mortola Library ( on the Pleasantville, New York, campus invites applications for the following full-time professional librarian opening, available immediately:Instructional Services LibrarianAs part of the Instructional Services Team, the successful candidate will participate in an intensive and challenging instruction and outreach program that emphasizes the integration of digital and print resources, p facility, a transition over which its new Director will have oversight. The collection includes 250,000 bound volumes and 16,000 circulation trans­actions, with total annual library expenditure of $572,943. The current staff consists of two professionals, five para-professionals, and four FTE student workers. The Director is responsible for all aspects of administra­tion of the library. The position may involve faculty status, some teaching opportunity, and physical residence in seminary housing, as determi vita, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Electronic Access/Cataloging Librarian Search Committee, c/o Becky Schwartzkopf ‚ Memorial Library, ML3097, Minnesota State University, Mankato, P.O. Box 8419, Mankato, MN 56002-8419. Applications received by January22, 2002, will receive priority consideration. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Elmira College is seeking an enthusiastic electronic services librarian to plan and maintain the elec­tronic C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 67 SCIENCE REFERENCELIBRARIANWake Forest UniversityWake Forest University invites applications and nominations for a Reference Librarian-Science. The Science Reference Librarian is a key member of the Information Services Team at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library and serves as the subject specialist librarian for the sciences and mathematics in the Undergraduate College and in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.This position provides reference and research assistance to groups and individuals using tradition 68 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 Harvard College LibraryHead of Government Documents & Microforms & Head of Reference & Instructional ServicesHarvard College Library is seeking a creative and innovative manager, tolerant of ambiguity, who likes to work with other creative and innovative managers, to participate in the ongoing evolution of the Social Sciences Program.The Social Sciences Program (SSP) of the Harvard College Library (HCL) was organized to coordinate and consolidate collections and services in support of the social sciences. T C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 69 REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIANPsychology Washington University in St. LouisWashington University Libraries invite applications fort he position named above. The librarian in this position provides reference, instructional, and collection development services to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and members of the university community. This position reports to the Head of Reference.RESPONSIBILITIES: Serves as the liaison to faculty and students in the Psychology Department and the Philosophy-Neurosc three letters of recommendation to: Library Search, Bryan Reddick, Dean of Faculty, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. Ques­tions? See our Web page at:; or contact: James Gray, Director of Libraries, e-mail:; phone:(607) 735-1865. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Fairmont State Community and Technical College. The Colleges: Fairmont State College and Fairmont State Community and Technical College are undergraduate, state-sup- ported institutions with a combined enrollment of approximately 6,700 students. The 90-acre campus is located in Fairmont, West Virginia, 90 miles south of Pittsburgh, in a region known for its natural scenic beauty, its rich history, and its numerous recreational opportunities. Founded in 1865, Fairmont State College and its administratively linked Fairmont State Community and Technical College offer 126 degree programs, including courses 70 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 and natural sciences, health careers, and teacher education. Fairmont State Community and Technical College is a comprehensive community and technical college, which will soon be applying for separate regional accreditation. It offers a wide range of programs for career-technical education granting a one-year certificate as well as the associate degree after two years of study. Preprofessional study is available in medicine, dentistry, law, pharmacy, architecture, engineering, and physical therapy. Two addi mum of two years of successful relevant experience; additional graduate course work relating to instructional technology and/or education desir­able; experience with HTML, other Web development software, multime­dia, and instructional technologies; knowledge of computers essential, including working knowledge of Windows-compatible hardware, soft­ware, operating systems; effective communication skills; strong commit­ment to library services and instruction; demonstrated ability and experi­ence with providing C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 77 REFERENCE/SUBJECT LIBRARIANGermanic Languages and Literatures, European Studies Washington University in St. LouisWashington University Libraries invite applications for the position named above. The librarian in this position provides reference, instructional, and collection development services to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and members of the University community. This position reports to the Head of Reference.RESPONSIBILITIESServe as the library liaison to the German department and ass 72 /C&RL News ■ January 2002 OUTREACH SERVICES LIBRARIANUniversity of Alaska SoutheastOpportunity for an energetic and knowledgeable professional with strong service orientation to plan, coordinate, promote, and evaluate the library’s information and instruction services for remote library users. Serves as liaison to Ketchikan and Sitka campuses for distance education library support. Coordinates development and maintenance of library Web site. Supervises half-time Information Services Technician.REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Practical know ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Eckerd College. Assistant Professor rank, tenure-track, 10-month contract. College recently named by NSSE among top 25 nationally for outstanding quality of undergraduate education. Responsibilities: Design, maintain, and en­hance the library’s Web page; identify and creatively promote use of electronic resources including databases and Internet-based materials; oversee allocation, use, and enhancement of hardware and software; represent the library on computer netwo support staff; provide professional guidance and mentoring for technical services; serve as an active member of the Leadership Team; and share expertise with the Collection Management team to assist in decision making for library material purchases. You will have an ALA-accredited MLS with at least five years of relevant experience; knowledge of the Superintendent of Documents, Dewey Decimal, and Library of Congress classifications systems; Anglo-American cataloging rules; MARC for­mats; and use of OCLC for C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 73 LIAISON LIBRARIAN FOR THE HUMANITIESKent State UniversityKent State University Libraries and Media Services invite applications for the position of liaison librarian for the humanities. The position serves the specialized information needs of students and faculty in the areas of applied linguistics, literature, and languages. It also participates fully in implementing core objectives, such as: providing direct user assistance and advisory services; preparing and presenting instructional services to further 10,2002. For complete information: jobs.html; or call: (406) 994-3119. ADA/EO/AA/Veterans Preference.PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. Manages operations of public Periodicals Desk. Provides reference assistance and evaluation of user needs, super­vision and training of three clerks and student aides. Manages collection of 2,100 subscriptions, microforms; troubleshoots equipment. Develops periodicals collection in conjunction with bibliographers and other depart­ments; liaison with da sion, problem solving; working knowledge of serials management, includ­ing access, service, storage, various formats; experienced database and Internet searcher; strong communications and interpersonal skills. Pre­ferred: Second master’s degree or 30 additional graduate credits; instruc­tional experience; familiarity with current trends in serials control; knowl­edge of acquisitions and cataloging of serials helpful. Experience in academic public service unit desirable. To Apply: Send letter of interest and 74 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 Three Positions AvailableUniversity of Colorado at BoulderThe University Libraries invites applications from innovative professionals seeking a challenging work environment in which to strategically explore the interplay of librarianship, scholarship, and professional service. All positions are tenure-track faculty positions reporting to the Head of Central Reference. The Central Reference Department provides general reference and instructional services and specializes in services and collections for the so C&RL News ■ January 2002 ! 75 (continued from previous page)and public service orientation; effective oral and written communication skills; demonstrated potential for research, scholarly work, and/or professional achievement at the national level. Desirable Qualifications: One or more years of experience providing reference and instruction in an academic library; coursework and/or experience in instructional content development and classroom teaching; demonstrated knowledge of creative applications of information technologies for educa 76 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 information science. The Brooklyn campus is located within easy access of Manhattan. It enrolls more than 10,000 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Education, Health Professions, Nursing, Business, and Public Administration. The library, with a staff of 39, including 19 librarians, houses 253,000 volumes, 1,700 periodical subscriptions, and a collection of 8,000 audiovisual resources. It provides 55 bibliographic data JUOHNSNIV EHROSPIKTINYSHEAD, MONOGRAPHS UNITEager to meet the challenges of the dynamic digital library environment at the dawn of the 21st, century, the Acquisitions Department of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library seeks to fill the position of Head, Monographs Unit/Co­ordinator of Approval Plans. With an already exceptionally rich collection of electronic serials and databases, the library looks to move aggressively into the realm of the electronic book, as well. The successful candidate will occupy a pivot 3001 Mercer University Drive, Atlanta, GA 30341. Mercer Univer­sity is an AA/EOE/ADA employer. Women and minorities are en­couraged to apply.PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Ron E. Lewis Library at Lamar State College-Orange seeks a professional librarian responsible for developing and interpreting information resources in a highly automated and diverse community college environment. Requires a master’s degree C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 77 William Paterson UniversityDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library: Assistant Director for Collections and Resource ManagementThe Cheng Library of William Paterson University seeks a creative, experienced and goal-oriented librarian to be part of the management and planning team in a dynamic, state-of the-art library. Reporting to the Director of Library Services, the Assistant Director has direct responsibility for collection development activities and over­all supervisory responsibility for a fully automated tec 78 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of ConnecticutReference Librarian and Liaison to the College of Agriculture & Natural ResourcesSearch #02A282Under the general direction of the Head of the Research and Information Services at the University of Connecticut Libraries, serve as the libraries’ liaison to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; provide reference service, research assistance, and instruction; create print and Web-based guides and tools; develop knowledge management products and library in library or information science, knowledge of library resources and technologies, excellent oral and written communication skills, and the ability to work well with diverse communities. Send letter of application, résumé, transcripts, and three letters of reference by December 14, 2001 ‚ to ensure consideration. Salary Range: $33,000-$42,000 annu­ally with benefits. Applications accepted until filled. Apply to: Office of Human Resources, Lamar-Orange, 410 Front Street, Orange, TX 77630; fax: (409) 882-337 agenda. Salary Range: $42,162-$57,049, commensurate with qualifica­tions. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Chair, Search Committee, Department of the Library, The College of Staten Island, 2800 Victory Boulevard, Room 1L- 106, Staten Island, NY 10314. For more information about the library, see our Web site: http://www.l C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 79 (continued from previous page)QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: ALA-accredited MLS and at least two years’ collection development experience in an academic or research library; breadth of experience with scholarly literature across the liberal arts; reading knowledge of at least one modern European language; subject expertise in one or more humanities areas; ability to articulate collecting priorities and to distinguish core literature in the humanities; experience with computer applications in libraries, facility wi of Minneapolis in a rural community of 5,000 people. Applications should consist of a cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of three references. Completed applica­tions and questions should be addressed to: David Wuolu, Search Com­mittee Chair, Rodney A. Briggs Library, 600 E. 4th St., Morris, MN 56267; e-mail:; phone: (320) 589-6164. Application dead­line: March 15,2002. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons s state-of-the-art information retrieval tools and methods through library instruction and information literacy training. Key management responsi­bilities include supervision of classified staff and leadership and manage­ment in public services areas. The position helps build a strong technologi­cal presence, including Web-based services, and modern facilities aimed at making the library responsive to change and helping achieve rapid delivery of services. The librarian also participates in committees, special 80 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of PittsburghHead, Archives Service CenterThe Archives Service Center (ASC) is composed of the Archives of Industrial Society, United Electrical Workers/Labor Archives, the University Archives and University Records Management, and the State and Local Government Archives, among others. The ASC is composed of six faculty librarians-archivists, two staff members, student assistants, and grant-funded positions. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent) plus five C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 81 ASSISTANT HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICESDavidson College LibraryDavidson College, a highly selective liberal arts college, invites applications for a full-time librarian to serve as Assistant Head of Public Services. The successful applicant will provide leadership to the professional staff as they further develop and promote the existing successful library instruction program. The librarian will also have significant responsibilities for building the reference collection, including selection of electronic resourc mathematics. The Library serves approximately 250 faculty and 3,000 graduate and undergraduate students and current holdings are about 210,000 volumes and 1,500 current periodicals, plus several thousand microforms. The staff consists of three professional librarians, four support staff, and student assistants. The University maintains membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, SOLINET, and the Network of Ala­bama Academic REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Mississippi seeks appli­cants for the position of Reference Librarian. This a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track position. The successful candidate will be hired at the rank of Assistant Professor. Principal Activities: Reports to the Coordinator for Information and Instructional Services; performs general reference desk duties, some evenings and weekends required; bibliographic instruction in subject areas as well as teaching general library courses in conjunction with C&RL News Career opportunities are available online: www. ala.ora/acrlladvert3.html 82 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University Libraries seeks highly energetic, experienced, and innovative library managers to fill the following positions:Head, Reference Department, Fenwick LibraryLeads a staff of nine reference/liaison librarians, including the Government Documents/Maps Librarian, who have responsibilities for reference desk and e-reference duties, specialized reference and research consultation by appointment, instruction, and collection development for assigned Late Job ListingsDIGITAL RESOURCES AND SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Kresge eLibrary at the University of Michigan Business School seeks a dynamic forward-thinking individual with very strong technical skills to strengthen the eLibrarys information technology products and services. The University ofMichigan Business School (UMBS) is located in Ann Arbor on the Central Campus of the University. Consistently rated as one of the top ten business schools in the United States offering MBA programs, the Business School is c C&RL News ■ January 2002 / 83 (continued from previous page)Library. Researches, proposes, and implements new and improved methods tor acquiring, receiving, and paying for research materials in all formats. Provides leadership for an active Gifts program, working closely with the Director of Development and the Head, Special Collections and Archives, as well as supervising the Gifts Coordinator. Develops, implements, and documents necessary workflow and quality control processes for attaining operational efficiencies and meeting objecti services; coordinate and guide the evolution of the library’s Web site as the front-end to a comprehensive online business library supporting the UMBS curriculum. The minimum qualifications for this position include: an MLS; minimum three years’ experience managing and implementing systems; minimum of one year supervisory experience in an academic setting; an understanding of how information is organized, accessed, and used to support the academic mission of a research university; demonstrated project manag 84 / C&RL News ■ January 2002 HEAD, ORIGINAL MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING UNITUniversity of Colorado at BoulderSTARTING SALARY RANGE: $43,000-The University Libraries invites applications from innovative professionals seeking a challenging work environment in which to strategically explore the interplay of librarianship, scholarship, and professional service. This position is a tenure-track faculty position reporting to the Head of Cataloging. The Cataloging Department performs most of the cataloging for the University Libraries and has just C&RL News ■ January 2002 1 85 SERIALS AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIANThe George Washington UniversityAPPOINTMENT RANK AND SALARY: Appointment at the rank of Librarian 11/Librarian III. Minimum Salary: $36,500/$41,600. Rank and Salary depend upon qualifications and experience.RESPONSIBILITIES: The Gelman Library is seeking a creative and enthusiastic individual to lead the Library in all aspects of serials acquisitions, including identification of vendors, licensing, acquisition, fiscal control of serials and U.S. government documents instruction programs in a dynamic information environment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; one-to-two years’ experience in an academic library; demonstrated reference and teaching abilities; thorough knowledge of and experience with print and online resources; demonstrated skill in Web site development; advanced skills in MS Office applications; excellent organizational and interper­sonal skills; ability to work collaboratively with library and academic department faculty, as well as campus constituents