ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 7 6 /C & R L N ew s N ew s from W ashington Budget im passe stalls legislation The federal budget impasse betw een the Con­ gressional majority and the Clinton adminis­ tration has meant a halt to work on most other pieces o f library-related legislation. The Sen­ ate-House conference committee negotiations on the renewal of the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) as a reinvented Li­ brary Services and Technology Act (LSTA) has been postponed during the budget standoff. Just before a type of end-of-year “recess,” some congressional staffers reported that there was general agreement among conferees on S. 652, the Telecommunications Act of 1995. Other reports stated that some Republicans remained skeptical and could not yet agree to a potential final version of the bill. Amidst the highly charged political atmosphere, this is becoming increasingly difficult, even though this legislation had been developed in a rela­ tively bipartisan manner. ALA has been advised that the Snowe-Rock- efeller-Kerrey-Exon provision, w hich m an­ dates a type of affordable telecommunications rates for K– 12 schools and libraries, was kept substantially intact in the final version. Unfor­ tunately, library advocates remain gravely con­ cerned that the “family online em pow erm ent’’ (or the “cyber-censorhip” provision) was kept. This provision would still make mere “display” or “indecent” material over online services a criminal offense— a feature that could seriously threaten libraries as providers and publishers o f online information. ALA in D.C. offers toll-free num ber ALA members outside the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area can now use a toll-free 800 num ber to contact the ALA Washington Of­ fice and the Office of Information Technol­ ogy Policy (OITP). The num ber is (800) 941- 8478. The new service is part of ALA’s expan­ sion of its W ashington p resence to better implement ALA Goal 2000, w hich promotes the public’s participation in a free and open information society. The 800 num ber complements new voice mail and after-hours phone service installed with the recent move of the Washington Of­ fice and OITP to expanded facilities.— Lynn Bradley, deputy director, ALA/Wasbington ■ Jo Burgess, h ead o f C ollection C on servation at Indiana U niversity, d em on strates b o o k re­ pairin g du rin g P reservation A w areness Week. The p oster (left) pu blicizes th e event. February 1996/ 77 F i n a lly ! Upgraded CIP Records At the time o f publication! Available for Approval and New Titles Books from B L A C K W E L L NORTH AM E RICA Where Innovation is a Tradition 1-800-547-6426 TECHSERV@BNAMF.BLACKWELL.COM mailto:TECHSERV@BNAMF.BLACKWELL.COM