ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 70 in 1970 as compared with the 92 short- and long-term institutes funded in 1969. ■ ■ ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS TO ALA COUNCIL SEATS At the close of the Friday Council session at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference a petition with nearly two hundred signatures was put in the hands of Ruth Warncke, deputy executive director of ALA, placing ten additional nominees on the ballot in opposition to selected candidates previously submitted by the Nominating Committee. The names put forth to oppose the ACRL nominees are Richard Dean Galloway, against Miss Page Ackerman and Roy L. Kidman, and Junius Morris, against Miss Jonnie E. Givens and Warren J. Haas. The names of the new candidates and their opposition will appear on the ballot in groups of three; other nominees will appear in groups of two. The position within the group will be determined by lot. The remaining eight write-in candidates are Gordon McShean, Donald L. Davisson, Sidney Jackson, Eric Moon, Oliver Kirkpatrick, Leo E. Fichtelberg, Bruce D. Bajema, and Nina Syd­ ney Ladof. ■ ■ O T T O H A R R A S S O W I T Z L ib r a r y A g e n c y W IE S B A D E N • G E R M A N Y • P O B 3 4 9 D irect se rv ice on all p u b lication s fr o m th e G erm a n lan gu age a r e a : F e d e r a l R ep u b lic o f G erm an y — G erm an D e m o c r a tic R e p u b lic — A ustria— S w itzerlan d B o o k s — S erials— P erio d ic a ls O rders a n d in q u iries a r e in vited on b o th n ew a n d ou t-of-p rin t m a teria l P lease req u est in fo rm a tio n a b o u t our a p p r o v a l p la n a n d b la n k et o r d e r serv ice F arm in g ton P lan ag en t f o r b o th p arts o f G erm an y OTTO H A R R A SSO W ITZ The Invisible Product … SERVICE A n invisible, intangib le product goes into every shipment we send out. That product is Service … and it costs you nothing extra. O u r clien te le can 't see it, but they ce rtain ly are aware that they are receiving it! W e 're proud of the rapid, efficient manner in which we handle your book requirements. O u r huge inventory, stocked in our own warehouses … our trained per­ sonnel … our progressive m anage­ ment … these are the ingredients that make up our most desirable product— S E R V IC E ! S en d f o r o u r b r o c h u r e a n d term s. Taylor-Carlisle BOOKSELLERS to INDUSTRY and the A C A D EM IC WORLD MAIN O FF IC E N e w Y o r k : 115 East 23rd Street N ew York, N .Y . 10010 F l o r i d a : Winter Park Mall Winter Park, Florida 32789 T e x a s : Houston (opening soon) M a r y l a n d : M . S .C . , Baltimore