215 Resources (at-large); Suanne W. Muehlner, direc­ tor of the Colby College Library (at-large); and Julie Carroll Virgo, ACRL executive director, serving without vote. Those with suggestions for this study group should write Page Ackerman at 310 20th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90402; (213) 393-2376. ■ ■ New Technology • B a k e r & T a y l o r will introduce their L IB ­ RIS II automated acquisitions system at the ALA Philadelphia Conference. The system has been fìeld-tested at 30 libraries and is now fully opera­ tional. L IB R IS II features: pre-order online searching; electronic ordering; complete record editing and updating; open order control and du­ plicate order checking; fund accounting; auto­ matic receiving; and management reports. It also provides access and interface with all Baker & Taylor distribution centers. Central to the system is a database of approximately 600,000 title rec­ ords, including current LC cataloging data. For more information, contact Baker & Taylor, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. • B a t t e l l e , Columbus, Ohio, now offers a screen-oriented data entry and editing feature on its BASIS Data Management System. The new capability (called SCREEN) can be used to record information for library catalogs using formatted terminal screens. SC R E E N requires no pro­ gramming effort because each screen is defined in the BASIS data definition language. It can be used with D EC VT100 and VT52 and HP2600 terminals, and soon will be available for IBM 3101 and 3270 terminals. • M achine-M ediated Learning is a new quar­ terly journal that will be published by Crane, Russak & Company, beginning in September. Its major focus will be on the scientific, technologi­ cal, and management aspects of the application of machines to instruction and training. Subscrip­ tions will be $86 annually for institutions and $45 for individuals, plus postage and handling. • M a x w e l l L i b r a r y S y s t e m s , Cam bridge, Massachusetts, has developed software that ena­ bles the Radio Shack TRS80 computer to be used as a terminal for access to OCLC. The software uses translation tables to perm it the T R S80 keyboard to perform all the special commands required for access to OCLC. Information found in the database can be transferred to the mi­ crocomputer’s memory and saved on floppy or hard disks for later use. Libraries using this sys- LIBRARY AUTOMATION HANDBOOK By DENNIS REYNOLDS. L ib ra ry a u to m a ­ tion is an issue of great im p o rta n c e in the 8 0 s - a n d this invaluable book provides the ne c e s s a ry background and fra m e w o rk for understanding the m an y c o m p le x itie s in­ volved. It presents an integrate d approach to au tom a tio n w ith in the lib ra ry setting, discussing such key areas as the c h a r a c ­ ter of lib ra ry automation; techn ical s e r ­ vices s u p p o rt sy stem s ; public services su p p o rt s y s te m s ; COM catalogs in the lib ra ry ; au tom ate d circu la tio n system s; autom ation and resource sharing; im p le ­ menting au tom ated reference services; d e cisio n-m akin g and lib ra ry automation. ISBN 0-8352-1489-3. approx. 304 pp. To be published October, 1982. $35.00 tent. LEARNING THE LIBRARY: Concepts and Methods for Effective Bibliographie Instruction By ANNE K. BEAUBIEN, SHARON A. HOGAN, and MARY W. GEORGE, There is tod ay a strong and growing interest in bibliographic in s tru c tio n (BI) to educate lib ra ry patrons in how to use the lib ra ry and its resources m ost effectively. This book is a complete description of an academic bibliographic in s tru c tio n p ro ­ gram, offering a comprehensive e x a m in a ­ tion of the concepts, techniques, and applications of BI. It is also a ste p -b y-ste p and " h o w - t o ” guide to designing a s u c ­ cessful in s tru c tio n program. Also useful for public and secondary school libraries. ISBN 0 - 8 3 5 2 - 1 5 0 5 - 9 . a p p r o x . 2 5 6 pp. July 1982. $35.00 THEORIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC EDUCATION Designs for Teaching B y C E R IS E O B E R M A N a n d K A T IN A S T R A U C H . A c o m p a n i o n v o l u m e to LEARNING THE LIBRARY, this volume ap­ plies educational the ory to bibliographic in structio n and explores the educational princip le s tha t underlie the teaching m e th ­ od. As such, it is the f ir s t w o rk to bridge the gap between the ory and the a r t of teaching, w hic h is the key to u n d e rs ta n d ­ ing the s tr u c tu re of inform ation gathering. The focus is on the m ajo r philosophies and thought on bibliographic instructio n, rather than on the p a rtic u la rs of specific programs. ISBN 0 - 8 3 5 2 - 1 5 0 6 - 7 . a p p r o x . 240 pp. Ju ly 1982. $35.00 Library science doesn’t stand still... neither does Bowker! P ric e s a r e a p p lic a b le in th e U .S . a n d C a n a d a ; 1 0% h ig h e r in o t h e r W e s te rn H e m is p h e r e c o u n tr ie s . A ll in v o ic e s a r e p a y a b le in U .S . d o lla rs . A p p li­ c a b le s a le s ta x m u s t b e in c lu d e d . S h ip p in g a n d h a n d lin g w ill b e a d d e d . R.R. BOWKER COMPANY, Order Dept., P.O. Box 1807, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 216 tem will not have to wait for OCLC to send an archival tape of their holdings for use with other automated systems. For further information, con­ tact Maxwell Library Systems, Suite 206, 186 Alewife Brook Parkway, Cambridge, MA 02138. • O C LC, I n c ., Dublin, Ohio, will participate with the Library of Congress, the Research Li­ braries Group, and the Washington Libraiy Net­ work in the design of a telecommunication pro­ tocol that would permit exchange of bibliographic data from one system to another (reported in this column last month). OCLC will provide review, recommendations, and technical consultation in the design of a telecommunications protocol that will eventually be used to link a variety of net­ works. The April issue of Action f o r L ibraries, pub­ lished by the Bibliographical C en ter for R e­ search, provides some interesting information on the OCLC database. The number of records has now surpassed 8 million, with an average of 13.1 holdings per record. Approximately 85% of the records in the database are for monographs. Of the 6.6 million monographic holdings (as of July 1981), about 1.7 million have a publication date more recent than 1975, another 1.2 million have a date between 1971 and 1975, and another 1.7 million have a date betw een 1951 and 1970. Some 25% of all the records are LC MARC rec­ ords, while the others are member inputs. • S u p e r i n d e x , I n c ., Boca Raton, Florida, has selected over fifty major research-oriented or­ ganizations to participate in the testing of a new scientific database called Superindex. The index, created by nine publishers of scientific reference books, consists of indexes to some 650 reference titles, including handbooks and manuals. Among libraries participating in the test are the Univer­ sity of Texas, the Library of Congress, MIT, and Stanford. • S y s t e m s C o n t r o l has developed an auto­ mated cataloging system that features interactive maintenance of complete MARC bibliographic records and retrieval by 10 keys, including full and truncated author, title and su bject. The database accepts records via OCLC archive tapes, online transfer, and interactive entry. For further information, contact Systems Control, 1801 Page Mill Road, PO Box 10025, Palo Alto, CA 94303. • The U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a , Sa n t a C r u z , has converted its 60-volume set of computer- produced catalogs that filled twelve feet of shelf space into 490 sheets of microfiche. The library had been using computer printouts since 1966, within one year of its opening. Microfiche sup­ plements of new acquisitions will be produced every two weeks and will be combined with the basic catalog once a year. The library estimates that by converting to microfiche it has saved ap­ proximately $70,000 in the first year alone. ■ ■ Publications RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future is­ sues of C ollege & R esearch L ib r a r ie s .) • The first volume of a new library publica­ tion, Advances in Library Administration and O rganization, edited by Gerard B. M cCabe, Bernard Kreissman, and W. Carl Jackson (Jai Press, 1982, $34.50), includes articles on the fol­ lowing topics: personnel issues, Archibald Cary Coolidge and the Harvard University Library, li­ brary automation, the microforms facility at the Golda M eir Library of the U niversity of W isconsin-Milwaukee, RLIN and O C LC (two comparison studies), and faculty status and par­ ticipative governance in academic libraries. • An analysis of the position of the library and the librarian in American higher education is given in Orvin Lee Shiflett’s Origins o f American Academic Librarianship ‚ available from Ablex Publishing (1981, $22.50). The book is “historical in the sense that that author strongly feels that the present status of academic librarians is not really a modem problem, but one that derives di­ rectly from the evolution of higher education and American librarianship.” • A discussion of Zero Base Budgeting and a brief comparison with other budgeting systems is provided in Part I of Ching-chih Chen’s Zero- Base Budgeting in Library Management: A Man­ ual fo r Librarians (Oryx Press, 1980, $27.50). An introduction to the ZBB process, a discussion of the disadvantages and advantages of the system, and further enumeration on the key factors in successful ZBB relating its implementation to li­ braries are also included in Part I. Part II of the hardcover provides seven actual ZBB prepara­ tions from diverse types of libraries, and a glos­ sary and bibliography are provided at the end. • The International Handbook o f Contempo­ rary Developments in Librarianship, edited by Miles M. Jackson (Greenwood Press, 1981, $65), was conceived in 1977 as a project that would present an overview of the major developments and most significant trends in librarianship since 1945. The 619-page hardcover is organized by re­ gion (Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania, Europe, North America, Mexico, and the Carib­ bean) and by country within each region. Sixty­ five countries are represented in 34 chapters. • The American Library Association has pub­ lished Charles McCarthy: Librarianship and Re-