ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 774 ACRL can d id ates for 1 9 9 8 electio n s B e a n active p a rticip a n t in ACRL- vote! V ice-P resid en t/P resid en t-Elect Jill B. F a tz e r has been the dean o f library ser­ vices at the University o f New Orleans, since 1989. From 1984 to 1989 she was the assistant director at Ohio State Uni­ versity Libraries. Previ­ ously she held reference positions at the University of Delaware and the Uni­ versity o f Texas-Austin. She was on the ALA Edu­ c a tio n A ssem b ly from 1984 to 1986. She has been active in ACRL, serv­ ing on the Board o f Di­ rectors from 1994 to 1998. J ill B. Fatzer O ther ACRL com m ittee activities include serving on the K. G. Sauer Award Committee from 1988 to 1991; the Plan­ ning Committee from 1987 to 1990; and chair o f the Task Force on Academic Libraries Out­ com es Assessment from 1996 to present; Bib­ liographic Instruction Section Committee on Education for Bibliographic Instruction, chair, 1984 to 1986; and University Libraries Section, member-at-large from 1991 to 1993. She has been a member o f the Delaware Library Asso­ ciation, College & Research Library Division’s Committee on Continuing Education; the Loui­ siana Library Association, Federal Relations Com m ittee; was the Louisiana Academ ic Li­ brary Information Network Consortium vice­ chair from 1996 to 1997 and chair from 1997 to 1998; and served on the Louisiana Board of Regents Library Task Force from 1991 to 1993. She was a m em ber o f the Special Libraries Association. Texas Chapter. She is a current member of the National Association o f State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, Commis­ sion on Information Technology. Her recent publications include “Budget stringencies as a stimulus to innovation” (J o u r n a l o f L ib rary A d m in istration , 1996) and “Paraprofessionals in the academic library: an administrator’s view (LLA B ulletin , 1990). She has a MLS from the University o f California, Berkeley. L a r r y L. H a r d e s ty has b een the co lleg e li­ brarian and professor at Austin College since 1995. From 1983 to 1995 he was director of library services and pro­ fessor at Eckerd College. He also held positions in r e f e r e n c e at D eP au w University and Kearney State C ollege. His ALA co m m itte e s e rv ic e in ­ cludes the Special Com­ m itte e on A lte rn a tiv e Sources o f Funding for Academic Libraries from 1989 to 1990. He has L arry L. H ard estyb een an ACRL member since 1978 serving on the ACRL Board o f Di­ rectors from 1987 to 1991; the Appointments Committee from 1996 to 1997; and the C ollege & R e s e a r c h L ib ra ries Editorial Board from 1990 to 1996. He chaired the College Libraries Sec­ tion from 1995 to 1996, has served on the Plan­ ning Committee from 1991 to 1994, and di­ rected the College Library Directors Mentor Program since 1991. He is also a member of the Library Administration and Management Association and the Texas Library Association. He has been active in ACRL chapters and was the Florida Chapter President from 1986 to 1987 and the Indiana Chapter P resid ent-elect in 1982. He served on the Florida Library Asso­ ciation Board o f Directors from 1988 to 1990. His recent publications include “College Library Directors Mentor Program” (T he J o u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic L ib rarian sh ip , 1997)-, “Library and Com­ puter Center Relations at Sm aller Academic Institutions” ( L ib r a r y Issu es, 1997); B i b l i o ­ g r a p h ic In stru ction in P ractice, 1993; and vari­ ous other books, CLIPNotes, articles, chapters, and reviews. He holds a B.A. and M.S. from ­ ” ­ 775 Kearney State College, a M.A.L.A. from Uni­ versity of Wisconsin-Madison; a M.S. and Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington; and a Certificate o f Public Administration from IUPUI. Board of Directors: D ir e c to r -a t-L a r g e : W illiam E. B ro w n J r ., Head, Archives & Special Collection, Univer­ sity o f Miami; C athy H e n d erso n ‚ Associate Li­ brarian, University o f Texas. D ire cto r-a t-L a rg e : B a r b a r a J e n k in s ‚ Head, Reference Department, University o f Oregon; H en ry Stewart, Dean, Library Services, Troy State University. D irector-at-L arge: P a u l E. D um ont, Direc­ tor, Technical Service, Dallas County Commu­ nity College; C harles R. Peguese, Dean, Instruc­ tion Resources, Harrisburg Area Community College. D irector-at-L arge: D a n a C. Rooks, Dean of Libraries, University o f Houston; D o n a ld G. F ran k, Assistant Director, Library & Informa­ tion Center, Georgia Institute o f Technology. D irector-at-L arge: M ary L ee Sweat, Dean of Libraries, Loyola University; J o h n S h erid an , Head Librarian, Colorado College. A frican -A m erican Studies L ib ra rian s Section (AFAS) V ice -C h a ir/C h a ir-e le ct: C a ro l R itzen Kem, Department o f Collection Management, Uni­ versity o f Florida; L ou v eller Luster, Documents Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University; M ary G. Wrighten, Multicultural Services Ref­ erence Librarian, Bowling Green State Univer­ sity. S ecretary : B e n n ie P. R obin son , Assistant Pro­ fessor, Bibliography, University of Akron; Al­ ic e R eviere Sm ith‚ Black Studies/Women Stud­ ies Librarian, Cleveland State University. M em ber-at-Large: H arry M urphy, Collection Manager, University o f Washington; A u d rey Taylor, Coordinator, Reference Services, Uni­ versity o f Houston. A nthrop o lo g y an d So cio lo g y Section (ANSS) V ice-C hair/C hair-elect: Sally Willson Weimer, Library Reference Services, University o f Cali­ fornia. M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e : I s a b e l d e l C a r m e n Q u in tan a, Cataloging Librarian, Harvard Uni­ versity, A n n a L. DeMiller, Coordinator Social Science & Humanities Service, Colorado State University. A rts Section V ice -C h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: F lo y d M. Z ula, Co­ ordinator, Acquisitions, California State Uni­ versity; Write-In C an d id ate. A sia n , A frica n , an d M iddle Eastern Section (AAMES) V i c e -C h a i r /C h a i r -e l e c t: D onald Chvatal, VTLS, Inc.; Write-In C an d id ate. M em b er-at-L arge: Mihoko Miki, Cataloger, University of California, Los Angeles; Write-In C an d id ate. Com m unity an d Ju nio r College Lib raries Section (CJCLS) V i c e - C h a i r /C h a i r - e l e c t : K a th ry n C h ilson O ’G orm an, Director, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College; Theresa S. Byrd, LRC Di­ rector, J Sargeant Reynolds Community College. S ecretary : D orothy J . Bell, Acquisitions Librar­ ian, Saint Petersburg Junior College; C ynthia K. Steinhoff, Systems & Collection Develop­ ment, Anne Arundel Community College. College Lib raries Section (CLS) V ice-C hair/C hair-elect; P eter V. D eekle, Col­ lege Librarian, Wheaton College; J o h n G .Ja ffe, D irector o f Libraries & Integrated Learning Resources, Sweet Briar College. S ecretary : C a th erin e M. Rod, Associate Librar­ ian, Grinnell College; Lynn Scott C och ran e, Dean, Marymount University. M em ber-at-Large: B illy P en n in gton , Library Director, Birmingham-Southern College Li­ brary; M ic h a e l A nn (M ickey) Z em on, Director o f Libraries, Emerson College. Education an d B e h a v io ra l Sciences Section (EBSS) V ice-C h air/C h air-elect: Ellen D. Gilbert, So­ cial Scien ces Librarian, Rutgers University; D a n e M. Ward, Coordinator for Information Literacy, Wayne State University. M em b er-at-L arg e: E llie E. M arch, Associate Librarian for Public Service, North Carolina Uni­ versity; L o r e n e R. Sisson, Education Curricu­ lum Librarian, San Jo se State University. English an d A m erican Literature Section (EALS) V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: C a th erin e A. Larson, Fine Arts/Humanities Team Leader, University o f Arizona; Steven Ellis, Electronic Text Librar­ ian, Pennsylvania State University. S e cre ta ry : L in d a Stein, Associate Librarian, 776 University of Delaware; Ju d y Fertig, Reference Librarian, Brandeis University. Member-At-Large: Carol A. McAllister, Bibli­ ographer/Information Service Librarian, College of William and Mary; J o h n Tofanelli, Resource Services Librarian, Johns Hopkins University. Extended Campus Libraries Services Section (ECLSS) Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Harvey Gover, Branch Campus Librarian, Washington State Univer­ sity at Tri-Cities; Write-in C andidate. Secretary: Trish D el Nero‚ Extension Librar­ ian, Loyola University-New Orleans; Carol M. Greene, Director of Library Services, Ashland Community College. Member-at-Large: A lexan der ( Sandy) Slade, Program Director, University of Victoria; Kay Harvey, Head Librarian, Pennsylvania State- McKeesport. Instruction Section (IS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Robert F. Rose, Asso­ ciate Director of Library Service, University of Northern Iowa; B a r b a r a M acA dam , Head, Education & Information Services, University of Michigan. Secretary: M onica Fusich, Reference Librar­ ian, California State University- Fresno; Lisa J a n i c k e H in c h liffe ‚ R eferen ce Librarian, Parkland College Library. Member-at-Large: A bigail A. Loomis, Coordi­ nator of Library User Education, University of Wisconsin; M adeline A. Copp, Reference Librar­ ian, Occidental College. Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) V ice-ch air/C h air-elect: M arifran Bustion, Head, Acquisitions Department, George Wash­ ington University; Write-In Candidate. Member-at-Large: C atherine Hansen, Librar­ ian, University of Rochester; Suping Lu, Assis­ tant Professor/Liaison Librarian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Eric Holzenberg, Li­ brarian, The Grolier Club Library; E lain e B. Smyth, Curator Rare Books, Louisiana State Uni­ versity. Member-at-Large: D an iel J . Slive, Coordina­ tor of Reader & Bibliographic Services, Brown University; Theresa A Salazar, Rare Book Li­ brarian, University of Arizona. Slavic and Eastern European Section (SEES) Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Richard Fitzsimmons, Director, Pennsylvania State University; Patri­ cia K. Thurston, Assistant Professor, Univer­ sity of Illinois. Secretary: J u lie Swann, Slavic Cataloger, Uni­ versity of Nebraska. Member-at-Large: Gordon B. Anderson, Ref­ erence Librarian & Bibliographer, University of Kansas; D arla B. Carras, Slavic Materials Cataloger, University of Pittsburgh. Science and Technology Section (STS) V ice-C hair/C hair-elect: P atricia A. Kreitz, Manager of Library and Information Services, Stanford University; George Porter, Technical Reference Librarian, California Institute of Tech­ nology. S e c r e ta r y /M e m b e r -a t -L a r g e : N orm a K obzin a, Librarian, Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, University of Califomia-Ber- keley; E dw ard G onzalez, Reference Science Li­ brarian, University of North Texas. University Libraries Section (ULS) Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: P atrick J . Mullin, As­ sociate University Librarian ‚ University of North Carolina; Ja m e s A. Estrada, University Librar­ ian & Executive Director, Fairfield University. Member-at-Large: D anielle Mihram, Univer­ sity of Southern Califomia-Los Angeles; D ebo­ rah B. D ancik, Associate Director, University of Alberta; D ennis K. Lambert, Head, Collec­ tion Development and Management, Villanova University; Susan Searing, Head, Research and Planning, University of Illinois, Urbana-Cham paign. W estern European Specialists Section (WESS) Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Jo h n M. Cullars, Bib­ liographer for the Humanities, University of Il­ linois at Chicago; R ichard H acken, European Studies Bibliographer, Brigham Young Univer­ sity. Secretary: N ancy S. Boerner, Librarian, Mod­ em European Languages, Indiana University; Sam Dunlap, Assistant Librarian, University of California-San Diego. Member-at-Large: B eau D avid Case, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University; K arl E. Fattig, con tin u ed on p a g e 815 December 1997 777 81 5 Reaching fo r the Stars: The Illustrated History o f M a n n e d Spaceflight, by Peter Bond (128 pages, November 1997), is a capsule history o f U.S. and Russian astronautics from Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard to the space shuttle and Mir. This is the trade paperback version o f the 1996 Cassell clothbound edition, so beware of duplication. However, Bond offers a British perspective on the space race that will satisfy undergraduate curiosity. $19.95. Distributed by Sterling Publishing. ISBN 0-304-34953-4. Serials M a n a g e m e n t in Academ ic Librar­ ies: A G uide to Issues a n d Practices, by Jean Walter Farrington (177 pages, August 1997), addresses the issues that serials librarians are fac­ ing and provides som e practical information for meeting future challenges. Some o f the key is­ sues discussed are access versus ownership, elec­ tronic dissemination, document delivery systems, standards for electronic data transfer, and the debate over the outsourcing o f cataloging. A good introduction to serials librarianship. $59-95. Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-27378-2. ■ Candidates continued fro m p a g e 776 M em ber-at-Large: Beau David Case, Assistant Professor, O hio State University; K a rl E. Fattig, Catalog Librarian, B ow doin College Library; Ju lie M. Still, Multimedia Instruction Librarian, Rutgers University. Professor, O hio State Uni­ v e rsity ; K a rl E. Fattig, C a ta lo g L ib rarian , B ow doin College Library; Ju lie M. Still, Multi media Instruction Librarian, Rutgers University. W o m e n ’ s Studies Section (WSS) V ice -C h a ir/C h a ir-e le ct: D olores Fidishun, Head Librarian, Pennsylvania State Great Val­ ley Library; Marlene M an off C ollection Man­ ager, Massachusetts Institute o f Technology (MIT). Secretary: Melinda F. Brown, Instructional Ser­ vices Librarian, North Carolina State Univer­ sity; Sara N. Brownmiller, Systems Librarian, University o f Oregon. M ember-at-Large: Anne L. Moore, Librarian, University o f Nebraska at Kearney; G. Marga­ ret Porter, A ssociate Librarian, University o f Notre Dam e. ■ ACRL seeks Editor for RBML Rare Books & M anuscripts Librarianship The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is seeking an editor for the rare books journal Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship [RBML). The RBML editor is responsible for the editorial content o f the journal and is assisted by an editorial board, prim arily in refereeing submissions. The editor, w h o is the chair of the RBML Editorial Board, receives submissions and sends them out to board members for their review. The editor makes the final decision on all items ap pe arin g in the journal. The position o f editor of RBML is voluntary. The editor is appointed for a three- year term and may serve a maximum of three such terms. The editor recom­ mends to the ACRL Publications Committee for their approval w h o shall be on the journal’s ed itorial board and also w ho shall be book review editor. Produc­ tion o f the journal is handled b y the production manager at ACRL Publications in C hicago, w ith whom the RBML editor works closely. A ppointm ent w ill be made by the ACRL Board o f Directors at the 19 98 ALA A nnual M eeting. The incoming editor w ill assume full responsibilities in July 1 9 9 9 after w o rkin g a year w ith the outgoing editor. A pplicants must be a member o f ALA and ACRL. A pplications for the position o f editor o f RBML should be sent to Hugh Thompson Director o f Publications ACRL, 5 0 East Huron St., C hicago, IL 60 61 1 D eadline for receipt o f ap plication s extended to M a rch 1‚ 1 9 9 8 . Finalists w ill be interview ed at the ALA A nnual M e eting in June 19 98.