ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 1 0 Preservation News J a n e H e d b e rg C a l i p r a v a i l a b l e o n W W W T h e C o n serv a tio n D e p a rt­ m en t o f the Library at the University o f California, B er­ k e le y has m o u n ted C alipr 3 .0 x p o n th e W orld W ide W eb. Calipr is the preserva­ tion n eed s assessm en t soft­ w are p ackag e originally de­ v elop ed at B erk eley in 1989, and Calipr 3 .0xp is a recently upgraded version. It is an au­ t o m a t e d e x p e r t s y s te m , which utilizes statistical sam ­ pling tech n iqu es and a survey question naire to evaluate condition, risk, and value o f c o lle c ­ tions. O n c e th ese variables have b e e n deter­ m ined, approp riate p reservation actions and priorities m ay b e set. In addition to the b asic softw are packag e, w hich can run on MS W in­ d ow s o r M ac, Calipr 3 .0 x p in clu d es a n e x ­ panded user m anual, a random nu m ber g en ­ e r a t o r fo r s a m p lin g , a n d p r in te d re p o r ts explaining recom m en ded preservation actions. T h e W eb site also provides a sam ple library floor plan and a blank survey form. Calipr 3.0xp is available for download free-of-charge at http:// B e sure to regis­ ter as a user, so you can b e notified o f e nhan ce­ ments to the product. C o r n e ll m o u n ts d ig it a l to m ic r o film p ro je c t r e p o rt T h e D epartm ent o f P reservation and C on ser­ v a tio n a t C o r n e ll U n iv e r s ity L ib ra ry h a s m ou nted its report “Digital to M icrofilm C on­ version: A D em on stration P ro ject 1994– 1 9 9 6 ,” o n the W orld W ide W eb. U sing N ational En­ d ow m ent fo r th e H um anities funds, Cornell con d u cted a tw o-year study to evalu ate the use o f high -resolu tion biton al digital im aging for p rod uction o f com p u ter output m icrofilm that is ab le to m eet a ccep ted preservation stan­ dards for quality and p erm an en ce. T h e report inclu des findings and recom m en d ations on the quality o f the resulting m icrofilm , the p ro cess used, and costs. It also inclu des a com parative assessm en t with Y ale University’s P roject O pen B o o k , w h ich investigated m icrofilm to digital con v ersion . T h e report is available at http:// w w w .lib ra ry .co rn ell.ed u / p reserv a tio n / c o m / com fin .h tm l. CCAHA NEH g r a n t T he Conservation Center for Art a n d H isto ric A rtifacts (C C A H A ) h a s r e c e iv e d a g r a n t o f $ 2 0 3 ,0 0 0 a n d a matching-funds challenge o f $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 from the N ational Endow ment for the Humani­ ties. T he m oney will b e used from Jan u ary 1998 through J u n e 2 0 0 0 to su p p o rt th e C enter’s preservation over­ view surveys and preserva­ tion w orksh op s. T h e subsi­ dized preservation surveys consist o f a one-d ay site visit and an extensive written evaluation o f the institution’s needs. T he preservation w orkshops will b e offered on three topics: handling architectural materials, m an­ aging a m old outbreak, and recovery o f paper- b ased materials d am aged by water. T h e p res­ ervation surveys will cost $ 3 0 0 .0 0 until Ju n e 30, 1998, and $ 3 50.00 thereafter, plus travel e x ­ p en ses for the surveyor. Any nonprofit institu­ tion with pap er-based hum anities collections available for pu blic use m ay b e elig ible to ap­ ply. For m ore inform ation, con tact the P reser­ vation Services O ffice, CCAHA, 2 64 South 23rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; p h o n e: (2 1 5 ) 5 4 5 - 0 6 1 3 ; f a x : ( 2 1 5 ) 7 3 5 - 9 3 1 3 ; e - m a i l:;WWW: N A R A an n o u n c e s a n n u a l c o nferen ce T h e National Archives and Records Administra­ tion (NARA) has annou nced its 13th annual pres­ ervation conference, Preserving Exhibitions: New Technologies, Standards, and Models, will b e held on March 2 6 , 1998, at the National Archives Build­ ing in W ashington, D.C. T h e co n feren ce will focus on n ew research and technologies for pre­ serving exhibitions, covering such specific top­ ics as National Standards, the curatorial planning process, the impact o f lighting levels, lighting design and monitoring, microenvironm ents in exhibit cases, and facsimile production. T he reg­ istration fee is $50.00. For m ore information, send e-mail to preseive@ or consult the W eb site at ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College;