ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 813 New Publications G e o rg e M . E b e rh a rt The A u th o rita tiv e G u id e to W e b Search Engines, b y S u s a n M a z e , D a v id Moxley, and D onna J . Smith ( 1 7 8 p a g e s , S e p t e m b e r 1997), summarizes the values and drawbacks o f seven W eb search eng in es and explains how they w ork in terms fa­ miliar to m ost librarians. The authors provide exam ples o f how to obtain the b est re­ sults in the least am ount o f time with each. $49.95. Neal- Schuman Publishers. ISBN 1- 5 5 5 7 0 - 3 0 7 - 0 . A ls o b y N e a l- S c h u m a n is W e b m a s te r , by Lisa Champelli and Howard Rosenbaum (182 pages plus CD-ROM, August 1997), w hich offers gu idance on designing a library W eb site, dealing with intellectual free­ dom and accep tab le use policies, and training. $175.00. ISBN 1-55570-307-0. Blacks in C olon ial A m e ric a , by O scar Reiss (293 pages, N ovem ber 1997), is o n e o f the few books to focu s o n slavery and racism in 17th- and 18th-century America. Reiss covers the his­ torical d ev e lo p m e n t o f slav ery and h o w it evolved into the co n ce p t o f b lack slavery only; slavery in Africa, the passage by ship to America, and the slave’s life in various colon ies; African- American freed m en in p e a c e and w ar; and opposition to slavery by both blacks and whites. Rich in d etail a n d d o c u m e n ta tio n . $ 4 5 .0 0 . McFarland & Com pany. ISBN 0-7864-0339-X . The Business P ho n e B o o k USA for 1998 (20th ed,, O cto b er 1997), form erly called the N a tio n a l D ire c to ry o f A d d re s s e s a n d T elephone N u m b e r s , has for th e first time been issued in two volum es— on e an alpha­ betical w hite pages, and the second , a yellow pages directory arranged by type o f business or organization. T oll-free num bers, e-m ail ad­ dresses, and W eb site locations are given w hen known. O ther n ew features include expan ded listings for Canadian com panies, a table o f c o n ­ tents for the su b ject volum e, and such new cat­ egories as autom obile dealers, labor unions, and weekly new spapers. Save you rself num erous 411 telep h o n e charges by consulting th ese vol­ umes first. $148.00. Omnigraphics. ISBN 0-7808- 0293-4. The C o m p le te G u id e to P e r f o r m a n c e S t a n ­ d a rd s fo r L ib ra ry P e r­ s o n n e l , b y C a r o l F. G o o d so n (2 1 6 pag es, Ju ly 1997), m ay help to prevent th e tensions involved in job re v ie w s , m e rit in c r e a s e s , prom otions, and accusations o f favoritism. G ood son rec­ om m ends clearly d efining jo b responsibilities and du­ ties so that em p lo y er and em p loyee agree on a set o f consistent standards that can b e used to appraise jo b perform ance effectively. Sam ple perform ance standards are provided for different types o f professional and support staff. $4 9 -9 5 . N ea l-S ch u m a n P u b lis h e rs . ISB N 1- 55570-262-7. The C u ltu ra l Encyclopedia o f B a s e b a ll, by Jo n ath an Fraser Light (888 pages, N ovem­ b e r 1997), details the lore, historical minutiae, and social significance o f America’s national pas­ time (first called that in the 1890s). This en cy­ clop ed ia is n o bland recitation o f batting aver­ ages. Em ploym ent attorney Light spent seven years tracking dow n elusive baseball inform a­ tion and rearranging it into con v en ien t categ o ­ ries. Even p eo p le w ho are not particularly keen o n sports will en joy brow sing in this hom age to A m erican p op culture. W here else could you find, for exam ple, the time and place o f the first actio n p h otog rap h o f a b a seb a ll game? (1863, at Fort Pulaski, G eorg ia.) O r w hat did disgruntled Dodger Darryl Strawberry say w hen told o f the N ovem ber 1993 fires in his h om e town? ( “Let L.A. burn. I d o n ’t live there any­ m o re.”) O r w hat classical com p o ser w rote a m usical sco re celebrating the 1907 Giants vs. Cubs game? (Charles Ives.) Perhaps a referen ce b o o k like this is w hat Casey Stengel had in mind w hen h e captioned his portrait w hich now appears at the entran ce to the National B a se ­ ball Library in C ooperstow n, New York: ‘Y o u could look it up.” If you don’t look in the right place at first, you can use the 55-page index to narrow down the relevant pages. A steal at $75.00. McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-0311-X. George M. Eberhart is associate editor of A m erican Libraries 8 1 4 P i c k e t t ’ s C h a r g e in H i s t o r y a n d M e m o r y , by Carol R eard on (285 pag es, N o­ v em b er 1 997), is less a descrip tion o f the C on ­ fed erate assault on the third day o f the B attle o f G etty sbu rg th an a c o m ­ p lete re a s se s sm e n t o f h o w P ick ett’s Charge— despite, or b e c a u se of, the scarcity and con flictin g nature o f eyew it­ n ess testim ony— c am e to b e s ee n as the “high w ater mark o f the C o n fed eracy ” and e n ­ d ow ed w ith the qualities o f a ro m a n tic m y th b y b o th N orth and South, e sp ecially V irgin ia. R eard on e x p lo re s h o w the myth evolved in the past 130 years, from v eter­ a n s ’ reu n ion s and p ostw ar s q u a b b l i n g o v e r t h e g e n e r a l s h i p o f L e e a n d L on gstreet to T e d T u r n e r’s m o n u m e n t a l 1 9 9 3 film “G etty sbu rg.” A lthough participants in the as­ sault b em o a n ed the fact that the truth w ould never b e know n, Reardon has co m e clo ser than any o th er sch o la r in d iscernin g the le g e n d ’s im pact o n Civil W ar attitudes and research . $29.95. University o f North Carolina Press. ISB 0 -8 0 7 8 -2 3 7 9 -1 . P ro m o tin g P re s e rv a tio n A w a re n e s s i Libraries: A S o u rceb o o f o r A c a d e m ic , P u b lic School, a n d Special Col lections, edited by Je a n n M. D rew es and Ju lie A. Pag (3 6 8 pages, Ju ly 1997), o f fers practical approaches an c ase studies o f preservatio ed u cation in libraries. A rep resentative sam pling o f ar ticles includes: “Preservatio Awareness for Student W ork ers: Adding a Q uiz to th A g e n d a ” b y A n t h o n y J A m odeo; “T h e W orld W id W eb as a P reservation R e sou rce” by M ichael G. M oor and Je a n n e M. D rew es; an “Integrating Preservation In form ation into B asic Library Skills” by Sara W il liams Trapolin. A ppendices provide bibliogra phies, a video-graphy, and tips on designin effective graphics for displays and handouts $75.00. G reenw ood Press. ISBN 0-313-30206-5 N n k , ­ e e ­ d n ­ ­ n ­ e . e ­ e d ­ ­ ­ g . . 81 5 Reaching fo r the Stars: The Illustrated History o f M a n n e d Spaceflight, by Peter Bond (128 pages, November 1997), is a capsule history o f U.S. and Russian astronautics from Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard to the space shuttle and Mir. This is the trade paperback version o f the 1996 Cassell clothbound edition, so beware of duplication. However, Bond offers a British perspective on the space race that will satisfy undergraduate curiosity. $19.95. Distributed by Sterling Publishing. ISBN 0-304-34953-4. Serials M a n a g e m e n t in Academ ic Librar­ ies: A G uide to Issues a n d Practices, by Jean Walter Farrington (177 pages, August 1997), addresses the issues that serials librarians are fac­ ing and provides som e practical information for meeting future challenges. Some o f the key is­ sues discussed are access versus ownership, elec­ tronic dissemination, document delivery systems, standards for electronic data transfer, and the debate over the outsourcing o f cataloging. A good introduction to serials librarianship. $59-95. Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-27378-2. ■ Candidates continued fro m p a g e 776 M em ber-at-Large: Beau David Case, Assistant Professor, O hio State University; K a rl E. Fattig, Catalog Librarian, B ow doin College Library; Ju lie M. Still, Multimedia Instruction Librarian, Rutgers University. Professor, O hio State Uni­ v e rsity ; K a rl E. Fattig, C a ta lo g L ib rarian , B ow doin College Library; Ju lie M. Still, Multi media Instruction Librarian, Rutgers University. W o m e n ’ s Studies Section (WSS) V ice -C h a ir/C h a ir-e le ct: D olores Fidishun, Head Librarian, Pennsylvania State Great Val­ ley Library; Marlene M an off C ollection Man­ ager, Massachusetts Institute o f Technology (MIT). Secretary: Melinda F. Brown, Instructional Ser­ vices Librarian, North Carolina State Univer­ sity; Sara N. Brownmiller, Systems Librarian, University o f Oregon. M ember-at-Large: Anne L. Moore, Librarian, University o f Nebraska at Kearney; G. Marga­ ret Porter, A ssociate Librarian, University o f Notre Dam e. ■ ACRL seeks Editor for RBML Rare Books & M anuscripts Librarianship The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is seeking an editor for the rare books journal Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship [RBML). The RBML editor is responsible for the editorial content o f the journal and is assisted by an editorial board, prim arily in refereeing submissions. The editor, w h o is the chair of the RBML Editorial Board, receives submissions and sends them out to board members for their review. The editor makes the final decision on all items ap pe arin g in the journal. The position o f editor of RBML is voluntary. The editor is appointed for a three- year term and may serve a maximum of three such terms. The editor recom­ mends to the ACRL Publications Committee for their approval w h o shall be on the journal’s ed itorial board and also w ho shall be book review editor. Produc­ tion o f the journal is handled b y the production manager at ACRL Publications in C hicago, w ith whom the RBML editor works closely. A ppointm ent w ill be made by the ACRL Board o f Directors at the 19 98 ALA A nnual M eeting. The incoming editor w ill assume full responsibilities in July 1 9 9 9 after w o rkin g a year w ith the outgoing editor. A pplicants must be a member o f ALA and ACRL. A pplications for the position o f editor o f RBML should be sent to Hugh Thompson Director o f Publications ACRL, 5 0 East Huron St., C hicago, IL 60 61 1 D eadline for receipt o f ap plication s extended to M a rch 1‚ 1 9 9 8 . Finalists w ill be interview ed at the ALA A nnual M e eting in June 19 98.