ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research Libraries News INDEX TO VOL. 5 3 ( 1 9 9 2 ) C om piled b y E ldon W. Tam blyn Portland State U niversity, O regon A AACR2, new s note, 567 Abbott, Lisa T., photo., 128 “Academic library public relations: using internal publications to sp read the new s,” Bean, 91 Academic o r Research Librarian o f the Year Award, Baker & Taylor, 1992, 184, 528; 1993, 527 “Academic reference service over electronic m ail,” Bristow, 631-37 “Access technology in academ ic li­ braries,” Lynch, 243-44 “A ccreditation advisors,” 449 AIDS, new s note, 438 Acquisitions, 60-61, 126-27, 212, 275- 77, 343-44, 415, 473-74, ’540-41, 602-3, 673, 732-33 Acquisitions (by author, subject, o r ti­ tle): Aboriginal justice, 344; Ad- dam s, Charles, 603; Adomeit, Ruth E. (children’s books), 212; Affleck, Thos. (agriculture), 415; Africa (Laurence), 733; Agriculture (Af­ fleck), 415; Architecture (Howe), 541; A uerbach (H erbert S.) Coll., 540-41; A utographs, 344; Automo­ biles (Clark), 275; Barbarian Press, 474; Beckwith-Fox family, 673; Boethius, 603; Botany, 602-3; Bris­ tol p h o en ix, 540; Brooke-Rose, Christine, 415; Brown, H ugh N. (PR), 61; Carter family (Va.), 343; Cartoons, editorial, 603; Cather, Willa, 344; Cheney, Nan, 474; Cher­ o k ee Nation, 6 l; Chicago gay & les­ bian new spapers (microfilm), 474; Children’s books, 733 (Adomeit, 212; Sugarman Award, 415); Clark, H enry A., Jr. (autom obiles), 275; Clerk’s Press, 732-33; Commins, Saxe, 603; Crime broadsides (Reni- FILING is w ord-by-word. ABBREVIATIONS: Standard abbreviations are used ex cep t in titles. Names o f som e organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are also abbreviated and are alpha­ betized as if spelled out. Special abbreviations: appt. appointm ent f. foundation port. portrait prof. profile prog. program SPECIAL USAGES: More than o n e reference p er pag e is indicated in p aren­ theses. U nder th e heading “Acquisitions (by author, subject, o r title)" p aren­ theses m ay enclose do n o rs’ nam es (for subjects) o r subjects (for nam ed col­ lections). er, 19th c.), 415; D e structura ora- tionis, 344; Dickinson, Emily, 540; Douglas, Fenner (organ hist.), 276; Douglas, Stephen A., 6 l; Drama, l6th-18th c., 415; Editorial car­ toons, 603; Elliott-Davies Coll. (Pa­ cific NW Americana), 733; Farm diary (W ood), 276-77; Fasting girls, 127; Firestorm, East Bay, Calif., 541; Fitzgerald, Robt., 343; Flanigan (Alexander), H ym nology Coll., 540; Fore-edge p ainted books, 344; Fowles, John, 126; Gay & lesbian new spapers (microfilm), 474; Ger­ many, 541; Gissing, Geo., 415; Grant, Ulysses S., 61; Hardwick, Elizabeth, 344; H obhouse, Janet, 673; H om osexual new sp ap ers (mi­ crofilm), 474; H ow e, Jo h n H., 541; Huxley, Aldous, 276; Hymnology (Flanigan), 540; Illustrated books, 603; Jap an ese lit., 276; Judaica, 733; Justice, aboriginal, 344; Kant, Im­ m anuel, 126; Kornitzer, Bela, 61; Laurence, Margaret (Africa), 733; Law, rare books, 342; Lewis & Clark (1807), 344; Lincoln, Abraham, 6 l; Lish, G ordon, 275-76; London, Jack, 540; Lowell, Robt., 344; Mali- seet p e o p le (Paul), 276; MSS, 212; Massell, Sam, 126; Melville, Moby D ic k eds., 673; M ichener, Jam es A., 603; Microfilm (Chicago gay & les­ bian new spapers), 474; Mosher, Chas. A., 6 l; Music, arrangem ents, 540; Natl. W om en’s Political Cau­ cus, 6 l; Nazareth Coll. Lib., 673; Near East, 733; O dets, Clifford, 344; Organ hist. (Douglas), 276; Orwell, Geo., 1984 MS., 673; Outcault, Richard F., 474; Pacific NW Ameri­ cana (Elliott-Davies), 733; Paul, Pe­ ter (Maliseet peo p le), 276; Penny­ royal Press, 126-27; Pforzheim er Coll., 415; Photos., East Bay fire­ storm, 541; Plays, l6th-18th c., 415; Poland, hist., 474; Poles in Ameri­ ca, hist., 474; Polish-language books, 474; Polish lit., 474; PR (Brown), 6 l; Rare books, 212 (law, 342; 16th c., 344); Renier crime broadsides (19th c.), 415; Robin­ son, Earl, 733; Russia, 541; Shake­ speare, folio (1623), 126; Shaw, G. B. (Albert), 60-6l, 212; Sinclair, Up­ ton, 276; Smith (Sylvia) Archives, 6 l; Spain, Civil War, 733; Széchényi family ports., 603; Timberlake, Clare H., 126; Tourel, Jennie, 415; Villard, H enry S., 473-74; W edg­ w ood, Josiah, 473; Welk, Law­ rence, 540; Wells, H. G., 733; Welt- ner, Chas., 126; Welty, Eudora, 733; Wilbur, Crane, 474; Witelo, Optics, 344; W om en’s studies (Ms. F. for W om en), 733; W ood, Dave (farm diary), 276-77; Wright, Jam es Ar­ lington, 673; “Yellow kid,” 474; The Young w o m a n ’s g u id e to vir­ tu e . . . , 127 Acquisitions (by institution): Ameri­ can U., 342; Amherst Coll., 540; At­ lanta Hist. Soc., 126; Baker Coll., 673; Birmingham Mus. o f Art, 473; Boston U., 126, 415, 473-74; Brown U., 60-61, 212, 673; Chicago Hist. Soc., 474; Col. Williamsburg F., 343; D artm outh Coll., 673; Drew U., 6 l; Folger Shakespeare, 602-3; Ford (Henry) Mus., 275; Geo. Wash. U., 415; H arvard Law School, 415; H untington, 540, 673; Ind. U., 212, 275-76, 344, 415; Ind. U.-Purdue U. o f Indianapolis, 6 l; Kent State U., 344; LC, 733; McMas­ ter U., 733; NYPL, 541, 603; N. D. State U., 540; Oberlin Coll., 61, 276, 733; O hio State U., 415, 603; Princeton U., 603; Radcliffe Coll., 61; R edw ood Lib. & A thenaeum, 603; Reformed Theology Seminary, 540; Roger Williams U., 540; Rose­ m o n t Coll., 733; Rutgers U., 673; Southern 111. U., 6 l; Syracuse U., 344, 474; Tex. A&M U., 415; U. o f Akron, 61; U. o f B. C., 474; UC (Berkeley, 540-41; Santa Cruz, 344); UI, U-C, 733; U. o f Manitoba, 344; U. o f M ich.-Dearborn, 276; U. of Minn., 541, 673; U. o f Neb.-Lincoln, 126-27, 344; U. o f N. B., 276; U. of Pittsburgh, 474; U. o f Southern Cal- Index to volume 53, 1992 /1-1 1-2 / C&RL News if., 474; UT, Austin, 126, 344, 415, 603; U. o f Toledo, 732-33; U. of Tulsa, 61; U. o f Va„ 212; U. of Wash., 733; U. o f Wis.-EC, 276-77; Vanderbilt U., 127; Wash. U., 603; Whitman Coll., 733; Yale U., 343 Adams, Charles Marshall, deceased, 350 Adams, Mignon, “The role o f aca­ demic libraries in teaching and learning,” 442-45 Advances in preservation a n d access, new s note, 502-3 Africana Librarians Council, news note, 567 Airth, Elizabeth J., retired, 737 Albritton, Rosie L., “Doctoral Disserta­ tion Fellowship aw arded” & port., 279 Aleksandrovich, Vladimir, Grand Duke, port., 541 Alire, Camila A., “WHCLIS teleconfer­ ence stimulates action plan for Col­ orado,” 105 Alldredge, Noreen S., “Coalition for Networked Information: the second year,” (part 1, 10-11; part 2, 98-99); “Network navigating and naviga­ tors,” 399-400 Allen, Beverly E., new s note, 131-32 Altschiller, Donald, “Read any good (suggestion) books lately?” 92-93 Alvin, David, photo., 274 Alvin, Glenda, photo., 280 Amer. Antiquarian Soc., new s note, 567 AAHE, “Information literacy topic at AAHE spring meeting,” 126 ALA, “April 15 deadline for library/ boo k fellows,” 274 ALA, ASCLA, new s note, 275 ALA, Black Caucus, “Culture keepers: enlightening & empowering com­ munities,” 638-39 ALA, “Call for America’s Libraries,” new s note, 212 ALA, Code o f ethics, news note, 567 ALA, Council, news note, 501 ALA, “Help available for locating copyright holders,” 125 ALA, IRC/IRRT, “Guidelines for inter­ national visits available,” 60 ALA, IRC/IRRT, JCIE, news note, 630 ALA, “Journey to Transylvania: the 1991 ALA colloquium on library science,” 172-75, comment, 324 ALA, “Media tips:” (“how to get speaking opportunities,” 127; “speaking successfully,” 182; “what to do w hen the media calls and som e quotes your audience will love," 326-27) ALA, new s note, 374-75 ALA, OIF, response to letter to the ed. “Rust support evil?” (52:738), comments, 207, 265 ALA, “Products available for Black history m onth,” 60-6l ALA, PIO, “National Library Week— making it hap p en ,” 88-89 ALA, “Reaching out to the media,” 259 ALA, W ashington Office, new s note, 501-2 ALA, “Your responsibilities as a me­ dia spokesperson,” 408 “ALA candidates share their plans for the future,” 249-54 “ALA seeks libraries for Arthurian ex­ hibits,” 503 Ameritech, new s note, 209 Anders, Mary Edna, news note, 542 Anderson, Susan, photo., 280 Andersson, Ellen, retired, 133 Annenberg/CPB project, new s note, 440 “Annual Conference: meetings for all m inds,” ACRL, 328-35, 412, 517-22, 575-77 Antonetti, Martin, Nijhoff award, 389 Appointments, 63-65, 132-33, 217-18, 282-84, 346-48, 416-18, 475-78, 543- 44, 604-7, 674-76, 734-37 “Are standards appropriate?” Pierson, 453 Art Libraries Soc. o f N. America, “D ocumentation o f performance art,” 246-48 ALCTS, “New AV guide available,” 278 ACRL, ASC, “Model statement for the screening and appointm ent o f aca­ demic librarians using a search committee,” 642-45; “Standards for faculty status for college and uni­ versity librarians,” 317-18, com­ ment, 453 ACRL, APGTF, “Guidelines for the preparation o f policies on library access,” draft, 709-18 ACRL, “And the w inners a r e . . . ,” 465-67 ACRL, Annual Conference, 1992, 328-35, 412, 517-22, 575-77, 655 ACRL, Annual Report, 1991-92, 647- 64 ACRL, BIS, BIS Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Publication o f the Year Award, 1993, 532 ACRL, BIS, “BIS members: turn in survey,” 270 ACRL, BIS, Miriam Dudley Biblio­ graphic Instruction Librarian o f the Year Award, 1992, 279-80; 1993, 527-28 ACRL, BIS, news note, 502 ACRL, BIS, TFSOPE, new s note, 695 ACRL, BIS, Teaching methods comm., new s note, 565 ACRL, Board o f Directors, “High­ lights” (Jan., 176-78; Ju n e & p h o ­ tos., 524-25); photo. & roster, 1991-92, 661 ACRL, Budget & Finance Comm., “Fi­ nancial report,” 662-64 ACRL, “Candidates for ALA Council,” 255-57 ACRL, “Candidates for 1992 elec­ tions,” 18-20 ACRL, Dep. Exec. Director, photo., 382 ACRL, EBSS, BIEC, “Information re­ trieval and evaluation skills for e d ­ ucation students,” 583-88 ACRL, EBSS, new s notes, 696 (2) ACRL, Exec. Director, “Letter from the executive director” & port., 652-53; photo., 382 ACRL, ECLSS, “Bylaws,” 262-65 ACRL, “Guidelines for the prepara­ tion o f policies o n library access,” draft, 709-18 ACRL, H ugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 1992, 279; 1993, 528 ACRL, ILAB, “Information literacy ex­ perts sought,” 207; “Need help with your information literacy program?” 718 ACRL, Midwinter Meetings, 1992, 13; 1993, 721-27 ACRL, “Mission,” 648 ACRL, “M ousepad” & photo., 375 ACRL, National Conference, 1992, 27-53, 100-101, 186-87, 203, 376-85, 455-60, 591 ACRL, National Conference, 1992 (“An invitation to Salt Lake City . . . , ” 27-53; “A potpourri of practical ideas,” 455-60; “Proceed­ ings now available!” 591; “Research and academic librarians: a global view,” 203; “Salt Lake City—culture and entertainm ent,” 100-101; “Salt Lake City—restaurants and clubs to enjoy,” 186-87; “Spring and diversi­ ty in the air at ACRL conference,” 376-85) ACRL, “New ACRL publications,” 318 ACRL, “New BI book published,” 274 ACRL, “New titles from ACRL in 1992, ” 660 ACRL, “New w om en’s studies book published,” 375 ACRL, “Official ACRL documents,” 107 ACRL, Past-President, photo., 382 ACRL, President, “Media tips: how to get speaking opportunities,” 127; “Message” & port., 649-50; “Noth­ ing ventured, no one gained” (52:640-41), comment, 207; p h o ­ tos., 379, 382, 528; “Recruiting the best and the brightest” & port., 320-23 ACRL, PEC, “Education for profes­ sional academic librarianship,” 590- 91 ACRL, REDC, “Let ACRL’s Racial & Ethnic Diversity Committee know about your activities,” 104 ACRL, RBMS, Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab Am erican Book Prices Current Awards, 1992, 281; 1993, 531-32 ACRL, RBMS, “33rd RBMS preconfer­ ence to be in Santa Cruz,” 310 ACRL, “Recruitment o p en for two ACRL editorships,” 183 ACRL, STS, “Call for sci/tech ab­ stracts,” 254 ACRL, STS, Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, 1993, 311, 532 ACRL, STS, FSTLRC, news note, 629 ACRL, TFWHCLIS, “Using White House Conference recom m enda­ tions,” 22, 25 ACRL, “The time to lead,” 256-57 ACRL, Vice-President, “Message from the vice-president” & port., 651; photo., 382 ACRL, WESS, Martinus Nijhoff Inter­ national West European Specialist Study Grant, 1992, 389; 1993, 529- 31 ACRL, WSS, “Compiles list o f publish­ ing opportunities,” 274; new s note, 696 ACRL, “The year in review," 654-60 “ACRL approval plans,” 448 “ACRL awards for 1993,” 527-32 “ACRL Board actions” (Jan., 176-78; Ju n e & photos., 524-25) ACRL chapters. See Chapter topics “ACRL chapters provide forum for electronic information discussions,” Junion-Metz, 16-17, comment & re­ sponse, 265 “ACRL discontinues telephone job­ line,” 440 “ACRL discussion groups,” 332 “ACRL honors outstanding contribu­ tions to academic librarianship,” 279-81 “ACRL journals,” 659 “ACRL m eetings in D enver,” 721-27 “ACRL m eetings in San Francisco,” 330-35 “ACRL m em bership statistics,” 650 “ACRL p resident’s program & recep­ tion,” 328 “ACRL program s in San Francisco,” 328-29 “ACRL publications,” 318 ACRL p u blications in librarianship, “Recruitment o p en ,” 183 “ACRL publishes statistics,” 273 “ACRL seeks nom inees for office,” 256-57 “ACRL staff,” 653 “ACRL thanks colleagues,” 385 “ACRL w ants you!” 592-95 ARL, new s note, 504 Atkinson (H ugh C.) Memorial Award, ACRL, 1992, 279; 1993, 528 Auburn U., new s notes, 439-40, 504 Auer, Margaret E., appt., 604; news note, 475 Avram, Henriette D., new s note & port., 132 Awards, 184, 279-81, 311, 346, 375, 389, 438, 440, 527-32, 568-70, 596, 656-57 B Bailey, Robert G., deceased, 134 Bain, George W., “W hat if w e view ed library instruction like driver ed?” 581-82 Baker, Anne Marie, new s note, 604 Baker, Betsy K., “Nam ed Dudley Bib­ liographic Instruction Librarian" & port., 279-80 Baker, Therese D., “Request forms for ex tended cam pus library ser­ vices,” 260-61 Baker & Taylor, Academic o r Re­ search Librarian o f th e Year Award, 1992, 184, 528; 1993, 527 Bales, Ted, acknow ledgm ent, 236 Balinsky, D eborah Perkal, deceased, 608 Balsino, Vita, photo., 528 “B anned Books W eek,” new s note, 503-4 Barker, Richard T., deceased, 134 Barnes, Roy E., retired, 478 Barry, Jam es W., deceased, 218 Bartley, Linda K., new s note & port., 416 Basu, Patricia Lyons, appt., 605 Bates, John, “Private treasures in a public library,” 541 Baumgartner, Robert W., retired, 676 Bean, Gladys Hyde, deceased, 134 Bean, Rick, “Academic library public relations: using internal publica­ tions to spread the new s,” 91 Beaubien, Anne K., “Media tips: how to get speaking opportunities,” 127; “Message from the president” & port., 649-50; “Nothing ventured, n o on e gained” (52:640-41), com ­ ment, 207; photos., 379, 382, 524- 25, 528, 6 6 l; “Recruiting the best and the brightest” & port., 320-23 Begg, Karin E., photos., 524-25, 66l Benefiel, Candace R., “Fun, friends, an d g ood p.r.: celebrating National Library W eek in an academ ic li­ brary,” 85-87, 89 Bentley, Stella, port., 28 Berea Coll., new s note, 437-38 Bergman, Sherrie S., appt. & port., 282; port., 28 Berry, Jo h n W., prof. & port., 131 Beverage, John, retired, 418-19 “Beyond the boo k review,” T hom p­ son, 646 Bibliothèque de France, “The très grande bibliothèque an d the library o f the future,” 394-96 BN, “Tow ard a Bibliothèque Nation­ ale des Arts,” 247-48 Biggs, Mary, letter to the ed., 265 Birdwhistell, Terry, new s note, 63 BIS Bibliographic Instruction Publica­ tion o f the Year Award, ACRL, BIS, 1993, 532 “BIS mem bers: turn in survey,” ACRL, BIS, 270 Bishop, David F., appt. & port., 416-17 Bishop, Dorcas M., deceased, 65 BCALA, “Culture keepers: enlighten­ ing & em pow ering com m unities,” 638-39 Bodling, Kurt A., Rev., appt., 282 Boissé, Joseph, photos., 35, 379, 382; port., 28 Bolt, Nancy, new s note, 132 Bond, Julian, “About the cover,” 371 (photo., cover, no. 6); port., 32 Bonk, Joyce J., retired, 544 Book reviews, 57. See also New p u b ­ lications “Books are for use: Ranganathan cen ­ tennial year,” Sharma, 502 Booth, Robert, deceased, 545 Borgman, Christine L., new s note, 604 Borko, Harold, retired, 478 Boston Coll., “Reference roving at Boston College,” 634-37; “W hen are library records confidential?” 129, clarification, 276 Boucher, Virginia, retired, 284 Bourdon, Cathleen, photo., 382 Bowles, Garrett, new s note, 345 Bowling G reen State U., new s note, 210 Bowman, Martha, photo., 35 Bozeman, Patricia, letter to th e ed., 104 Bradley, Kate, letter to the ed., 20 Bratton, Phyllis Ann K., letter to the ed., 411 Bregman, Adeane, “Reference roving at Boston College,” 634-37 Breyfogle, Robert, retired, 607 BYU, new s note, 310 Bristow, Ann, “Academic reference service over electronic mail,” 631-37 Brown, Barbara, “Preservation new s” (52:649), correction, 6 Brown, Barbara, “Preservation new s,” 106 Brown, Claire, retired, 133 Buchanan, Paul, prof. & port., 215 Buck, Anne M., prof. & port., 63 Bucknell U., “Beyond the b o o k re­ view,” 646 Burckel, Nicholas C., “Electronic dis­ sem ination o f full-text journal arti­ cles,” 322-23 Butcher, Karyle S., “User statistics for CD-ROM selection and m anage­ m ent,” 505-6 Butler, Evelyn, deceased, 419 Butler, Meredith, new s note, 63 Byrne, Sherry, “Preserving the na­ tion’s intellectual heritage: a syn­ thesis," 313-15 C Caldwell, Jo h n C., retired & port., 607 CEMA, “Collecting prim ary materials o f m ajor ethnic groups,” 157-59 “Call for America’s Libraries,” ALA, new s note, 212 “Call for sci/tech abstracts,” ACRL, STS, 254 “Candidates for ALA Council,” ACRL, 255-57 “Candidates for 1992 elections," ACRL, 18-20 Cardell, Victor, new s note, 345 “A career in BI: d ead en d o r stepping stone?” Newby, 178 Cargill, Jean, new s note, 278 Carpenter, Catherine, retired, 133 Carter, Catherine, retired, 348 Carvaho d e Miranda, A., port., 203 Casorso, Tracy M., “Research materi­ als:, now only keystrokes aw ay” & photo., 128 “Cassettes o f Annual Conference pro­ grams available,” 522 Chadwyck-Healy, new s note & p h o ­ to., 275 C hapter topics, 16-17 (com m ent & re­ sponse, 265) C hapter topics (“ACRL chapters pro­ vide forum for electronic informa­ tion discussions,” Junion-Metz, l6- 17, com m ent & response, 265) Chariot, “Motherly care,” 234 (photo., cover, no. 4) Chisholm, Clarence Edward, d e ­ ceased & port., 676; port., 29 Chisholm, D. Hugh, retired, 419 Choice, new s note, 629 Christensen, Beth, new s note, 345 Christiansen, Dorothy, prof., 131 Christie, Manson & W oods, Rare Books a n d Manuscripts Librarian- ship Aw ard, 1993, 532 Church, Virginia, retired, 284 Ciarfella, Bobbi, letter to the ed., 411 CUNY, “Gay studies center estab­ lished,” 210 Clarifications, 6, 276, 520 Clarke, Robert, appt. & port., 417 Cleveland State U., “The Cologne- Cleveland librarian exchange,” 390- 93; new s note, 210 CNI, “Network navigating and navi­ gators,” 399-400; new s note, 309 “Coalition for Netw orked Informa­ tion: the second year,” Kirk, part 1, 10-11; part 2, 98-99 Cobb, David, appt., 282 Cochran, Richard M., appt., 734 Cochrane, Lynn Scott, appt. & port., 543; “Using White H ouse Confer­ en ce recom m endations,” 22, 25 COLLDV-L, new s note, 565 “Collecting primary materials o f ma­ jor ethnic groups," Dowell, 157-59 C&RL news, “Feature your collection on a C&RL news cover,” 106, 570; “In th e new s,” 4, 84, 156, 236, 308, 372, 436, 500, 564, 628, 692; “June 2 deadline for classified ads,” 311; listserv new s note, 567; “Put C&RL news o n your mailing list,” 101, 175, 408; “Share your library’s new s,” 447; “Share your opinion with C&RL news readers,” 14, 97, 174; “Statement of ow nership and m anagem ent,” 667; “Witty sugges­ tion boo k com m ents sought,” 93 “ C&RL news: breath o f fresh air,” Woodall, 535 “ C&RL news guidelines for submis­ sion o f articles o r colum ns,” 26 “C&RL news reporters n e ed ed ,” 41, 91, 187 “C&RL news staff m em ber has a w in­ Index to volume 53,1992 /1-3 ning idea,” 89 “The college library as guinea pig,” Hayes, 572-74 “The Cologne-Cleveland librarian ex­ change,” Peters, 390-93 Columbia U., new s notes, 314, 565 Comaromi, Jo h n P., deceased, 218 Community College Learning Re­ sources Achievement Awards, EB- SCO, 1992, 280-81; 1993, 528-29 Condron, Lyn, “Make the most of your student assistants,” 5-6 Conference circuit, 246-48, 322-23, 376-85, 394-96, 399-400, 402-3, 455- 60, 638-39, 640, 707-8 Conference circuit (“Culture keep­ ers,” Delacroix, 638-39; “Docum en­ tation o f perform ance art,” Murphy, 246-48; “Earlham’s BI enhances teaching and learning,” Hardesty, 402-3; “Electronic dissemination of full-text journal articles,” Burckel, 322-23; “Network navigating and navigators,” Alldredge, 399-400; “New Delhi, India, hosts librarians from around the world,” Ford, 640; “A potpourri o f practical ideas from ACRL’s 6th National Conference,” 455-60; “Shifting paradigms for li­ brarians,” Hubbard, 707-8; “Spring and diversity in the air at ACRL conference,” 376-85; “Toward a Bibliothèque Nationale des Arts,” McKee, 247-48; “The Très grande bibliothèque and the library o f the future,” Oberg, 394-96) Cook, J ean G., retired & port., 218 “Coping with repetitive-motion inju­ ries in a large academic library,” Eissinger, 161-62, comment, 412 CPB, new s note, 440 Corrections, 6, 276, 520 Crampon, Jea n E., letter to the ed., 412 Crawford, Susan, news note, 475 Crismond, Linda, new s note & port., 373; new s notes, 437, 501; photo., 376 Cronin, Blaise, new s note, 63 Crooks, Jam es E., “UC tries First- Search,” 464 Crowe, William A., new s note, 604 Cruzat, Gwendolyn S., retired, 607 “Culture keepers: enlightening & em ­ pow ering communities,” Delacroix, 638-39 Cunningham, Joseph C., retired, 544 Curtis, Peter Harris, new s note & port., 542 D da Conturbia, Sandra, “Fun, friends, an d goo d p.r.: celebrating National Library W eek in an academic li­ brary,” 85-87, 89 Dana (John Cotton) Library Public Relations Award, Wilson (H. W.) Co., 1992, 568-70 & cover; 1993, 438, 570, 596 Davis, Joyce, appt. & port., 543 Davis, Mary Ellen K., “In the News," 4, 84, 156, 236, 308, 372, 436, 500, 564, 628, 692 Davy, Ed, retired, 676 “Death o f the book greatly exaggerat­ ed,” Young, 452-53, comment, 535 Deaths, 65, 134, 218, 284, 350, 419, 545, 608, 676, 737 d e Klerk, Ann, “Electronic publishing and netw orking ’92,” 181-82; letter to the ed., 535-37 Delacroix, Sheila, “Culture keepers: enlightening & em pow ering com­ munities,” 638-39 DeLauche, J ean E., port., 29 Dennis, Rodney, retired, 133 DePaul U., “Academic library public relations: using internal publica­ tions to spread the new s,” 91; news note & photo., 696 Diablo Valley Coll., Jo h n Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 568-70 Dillon, Dennis, “The future o f refer­ ence IV: a response,” 513-14 Dilmore, Don, appt., 675 Di Trolio, Trudi, “Using a checklist for library staff orientation and training,” 695 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, ISI, 1992, 279; 1993, 529 “D ocum ent delivery and on-dem and publishing: implications for refer­ ence service,” Eaton, 508-10, re­ sponses, 512-14 “D ocum entation o f perform ance art,” Murphy, 246-48 Dornin, May, deceased, 350 Dowell, Connie V., “Collecting pri­ mary materials o f major ethnic groups,” 157-59 Downing, Arthur, appt., 475-76 Doyle, Marion, deceased, 218 Doyle, Robert P., “Journey to Transyl­ vania: the 1991 ALA colloquium on library science,” 172-75, comment, 324 Drake, Miriam A., “Named w inner of Atkinson aw ard” & port., 279 Dubin, Eileen, photos., 524-25, 661 Dudley (Miriam) Bibliographic In­ struction Librarian o f the Year Award, M ountainside Pub. Co., 1992, 279-80; 1993, 527-28 Duffett, G orman L .,appt., 605 Dumont, Paul E., “Gets award for leadership in com m unity colleges” & port., 280-81 Dunlap, Abbot Fidelis James, de­ ceased, 350 Dunlap, Ellen S., appt. & port., 476 E “Earlham’s BI enhances teaching and learning,” Hardesty, 402-3 East, Mona, deceased, 737 Eaton, Nancy L., “The future o f refer­ ence IV: docum ent delivery and on-dem and publishing: implica­ tions for reference service,” 508-10 Eberhart, George M., “New publica­ tions,” 54-56, 108-12, 205-6, 271-72, 340-41, 409-10, 470-72, 599-601, 670- 71, 730-31- See also Ĭìook reviews Eberhart, G eorge M., “Publications” (52:656), comment, 20 Eberhart, G eorge M., The whole li­ brary handbook, rev. of, 57 EBSCO, Community College Learning Resources Achievement Awards, 1992, 280-81; 1993, 528-29 EBSCO, new s note, 501 Eckerd Coll., “Earlham’s BI enhances teaching an d learning,” 402-3 Eckert, Robert, retired, 65 “Education for professional academic librarianship,” ACRL, PEC, 590-91 “ERIC holds focus groups,” 273 EDUCOM, “Shifting paradigm s for li­ brarians,” 707-8 Ei, new s note, 309-10 Elbaz, Sohair, appt. & port., 543 Elder, Nancy, “The future o f refer­ ence IV: a response,” 512-13 “Electronic dissemination o f full-text journal articles,” Burckel, 322-23 “Electronic publishing and netw ork­ ing ’92,” de Klerk, 181-82 Elsbemd, Mary Ellen, port., 29 “Emory University Libraries’ Environ­ mental Action Force,” Wagner, 579- 80 Erickson, Alan, retired, 133 Erickson, Ture, retired, 348 Essinger, Richard A., “Coping with re­ petitive-motion injuries in a large academic library,” 161-62, com­ m ent, 412 Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, ACRL, STS, 1993, 311, 532 Euster, J o anne R., appt. & port., 476 Evans, Sally Romer, retired, 607 Exchanges, 390-93, 630 F Farber, Evan Ira, new s note, 542; photos., 35, 403, 524-25, 661 Faxon, news note, 501 “Feature your collection on a C&RL news cover,” 106, 570 Feller, Siegfried, retired, 133-34 Ferran, “Vista d e S. Francisco,” 306 (photo., cover, no. 5) Ferrell, Mary Sue, photo., 525 “A few words on our type,” Morris, & response, 324 Field, Phyllis, news note & photo., 694 “First multicultural library interns nam ed,” SUNY, U. at Albany, 60 “Food for thought,” Gater (52:711), com m ent, 104 “Food not only possible break for readers,” Viera, 104 Ford, Barbara J., “New Delhi, India, hosts librarians from around the w orld,” 640; photos., 382, 524, 661 Forro, Denise, “Patron access to on- order an d in-process titles,” 702-8 Fox, James, appt. & port., 417 Frank, Dennis, letter to the ed., 411 Franklin, Hardy, “ALA candidates share their plans for the future” & port., 249 Friends o f Libraries USA, new s note, 374-75 Frost, Jo h n Eldridge, deceased, 608 Fulbright Scholar Program, news note, 274 “Fun, friends, and good p.r.: celebrat­ ing National Library W eek in an ac­ adem ic library,” Benefiel, 85-87, 89 “The future o f reference IV:” (“docum ent delivery and on- dem and publishing: implications for reference service,” Eaton, 508- 10; “a response,” Dillon, 513-14; “a response,” Elder, 512-13) G Garrison, Guy, new s note, 604; re­ tired & port., 348-49 Gaskell, Carolyn, “Optical local area netw ork at Walla Walla College,” 112 Gater, Helen L., “Food for thought” (52:711), com m ent, 104 “Gay studies center established,” CUNY, 210 Geraci, Diane, “Optical scanning in an academ ic library,” 698-701 “Get som e better looking librarians (and o th er suggestions from stu­ dents),” 467 Goldberg, Cynthia, new s note, 674 Goldberg, Marty, letter to th e ed., 412 Goldsmith, Benjamin, “Private trea­ sures in a public library,” 541 “G ood acting secret o f successful BI,” Jacobson, 441, comment, 639 Gotwals, Jo an I., new s note, 674 Grants, 62, 127-30, 214, 277, 342-43, 413, 414-15, 473, 539-40, 602, 672- 73, 696, 732 Grants (by grantee): Adams State Coll., 672; Adrian Coll., 672; ALA, 62; Amer. School o f Classical Stud­ ies, 62; Amer. U., 342; Amherst Coll., 127; Ariz. State U., 277; Bard Coll., 127; Broadcast Pioneers, 62; Brown U., 473; CRL (omission: 5 M 4 4 , 465, 780, 990); Columbia U., 214, 414; CIC, 214; Cornell U., 732; DePaul U., 127-30, 696; Dra- benstott, Karen, 414; Drexel U., 414; D uke U., 62, 539; Eckerd Coll., 539; Emory U., 130; Folger Shakespeare, 62, 130, 539; Hahne­ m ann U., 672; Harvard U., 62, 277; H olston Academic, 732; Hoover Inst., 277; Ind. U., 214, 342 (3), 732; Jo h n Carter Brown, 130; KSU, 414 (2); Laramie Co. Community Coll., 672; Lib. o f Mich. F., 602; Lin­ coln U., 62; McMaster U., 62; Mont. State U., 539; NYPL, 602; NYS N ew spaper Project, 62; Niagara U., 214; NCSU, 130, 539; NEDCC, 672; N orthern III. U., 473; Oberlin Coll., 214; Pa. State U., 214, 342; Re­ d eem er Coll., 414; Reed Coll., 672; RLG, 214, 342-43; Rice U., 277, 732; Rutgers U., 473; St. Bonaventure U., 130; St. Jo h n ’s Coll., 672; St. Jo h n ’s U., 62, 343; San Jacinto Coif. Central, 62; Smithsonian Inst., 602; SMU, 343; Stanford U., 414; State U. Colleges, Buffalo, 342; U. of Ala., 672-73; U. o f Ark., Little Rock, 130; U. o f Calgary, 732; UC (Irvine, 473; Santa Barbara, 130; Santa Cruz, 414); UI, U-C, 130; U. o f Ind., 130; U. o f Iowa, 539; U. o f Ky., 214; U. o f Manitoba, 62, 214, 473; U. o f Md. Health Sciences, 277; U. o f Mich., 414; U. o f Mont., 214; U. o f Nev. System, 62; UNC (Ashe­ ville, 62; Chapel Hill, 277, 539, 602, 673); U. o f N. D., 732; U. o f Or., 602; UT (Arlington, 343; Austin, 414-15, 539); U. of Victoria, 415; U. o f Va., 539-40; U. o f Wash., 602; U. o f W aterloo, 62; Warner, Amy, 4l4; W hitman Coll., 130, 277, 673; York U., 602 Grants (by grantor): Abell-Hanger F., 343; Abrams (Talbert & Leota) F., 602; Adrian Coll. Class o f ’92, 672; AT&T, 696; Bremer (O tto) F., 732; Bruton (David Jr.) Charitable Trust, 343; Cafritz (Morris & Gwendolyn) F., 130; Canada, 214, 732 (Q uebec, 732); Canadian Council o f Ar­ chives, 415, 473; CSSHRC, 62 (2), 414, 732; CLR, 214, 539; Eckhardt- G ramatté F., 214; Educational F., 277; Ferris (Booth) F., 214; Fiedler, Alice, 414; Fondren F., 62; G ood­ man, Leonard S., 342; Grainger, Wm. Wallace, 130; Haag, Donald M., 214; Hale, H. D. & Joyce, 414; Harris, D orothy V., 342; Hewlett (Wm. & Flora) F., 214; HEA, 62, 130, 214, 342, 343, 413, 473, 539-40 (4), 602, 732; H obby F„ 277; H oughton Mifflin, 62; Humana, 214; 111. SL, 473; IBM, 673; Inti. Council for Canadian Studies, 732; Jap an F., 473; Japan W. E. C. Fund, 214; Joint Comm, on Soviet Studies Lib. Backlog Prog., 342; Jonsson F., 130; Josey (John H. & Carolyn Cobb) Endowm ent Fund, 672-73; Kodansha, Ltd., 602; LSCA, 130, 672; Littauer (Lucius N.) F., 277; Luce (Henry) F., 277, 602, 732; McBirney, Ruth, 673; Mellön (An­ drew W.) F., 414, 539; Mitchell, Ruth C., 342; M urdock (M. J.) Char­ itable Trust, 672; NEH, 62 (2), 127- 30 (2), 214, 277, 342-43, 414-15, 473, 539, 672, 732 (2); NHPRC, 62; NIH, 414; NLM, 277, 672; NY N ewspapers F., 62; Ont. Council of Archives, 602; Or. Community F., 672; O ttenheim er Bros. F., 130; Richardson (Sid) F., 343; Rosen­ berg, Claude & Louise, 414; Santa Cruz Co. families, 414; Shanahan, Ilabelle, 277; Smithson (James) Soc., 602; SSHRC(C), 62 (2), 414, 732; State U. Colleges, Buffalo, USG, 342; Summerlee F., 343; Tais- hoff, Lawrence B., 62; Tex. Envi­ ronm ental Ctr., 732; Toshiba Inti., 473; Union Pacific F., 672; USDE, 62, 130, 343, 414 (3), 672; Westing- house Canada, 62 “Grants aw arded to research libraries to provide national access to re­ sources,” Loeb, 413 Greenfield, Melissa, photo., 280 Griffith, Belver, retired, 349 Griscom, Richard, new s note, 345 Güereña, Sal, new s note, 734 “Guidelines for international visits available,” ALA, IRC/IRRT, 60 “Guidelines for the preparation o f policies on library access,” ACRL, draft, 709-18 Gunnison-W iseman, Deirdre, retired, 134 G upta, Usha, “Is FirstSearch really at­ tractive?” 461-64 Gyeszly, Suzanne D., “Librarians meet in B udapest,” 374 H Hall, Anthony, retired, 65 Hall, Blaine H., “Salt Lake City— culture and entertainm ent,” 100- 101; “Salt Lake City—restaurants an d clubs to enjoy,” 186-87 Hanson, Roger K., port., 29 Hardesty, Larry, “Earlham’s BI en­ hances teaching and learning,” 402-3 Harper, Penney, “Spellcheckers must b e checked,” 567 Harvard U., KSG, “Read any g ood (suggestion) books lately?” 92-93 Harvard U., new s note, 209 H arwood, Judith, new s note & port., 345 Hastreiter, Jamie, “Earlham’s BI e n ­ hances teaching and learning,” 402-3 Hause, Aaron, deceased, 218 Havlik, Robert J., retired & port., 544- 45 Hay, Fred, new s note, 278 Hayes, Sherman, “The college library as guinea pig,” 572-74 Heckart, Ronald J., K. G. Saur Award, 346 H edberg, Jane, “Preservation new s,” 200, 269, 339, 407, 469, 536, 598, 668-69, 729 Helm, Margie May, deceased, 350 Helms, Frank, new s note, 734 “Help available for locating copyright holders,” ALA, 125 H enderson, Carol C., “W ashington hotline,” 24-25, 189-90, 267-69 (com m ent, 453), 337, 405, 468-74, 534, 597-603, 666-69, 728 H enderson, David, “Earlham’s BI e n ­ hances teaching and learning,” 402-3 Henderson, Donald C., Jr., retired, 349 Herring, Mark, appt., 675 Hesslein, Shirley, deceased, 545 Hinojosa, Susana, “Racial & ethnic di­ versity: information exchange,” 270, 338, 537, 669 Hinshaw, Marilyn, new s note, 734 Hogan, Sarah T., retired, 737 Holley, Edward G., new s note & port., 345 Holloway, Joaquin, news note, 734 Homes, Nellie M., deceased, 676 Horrell, Jeffrey, prof., 215 “H ow NREN can m eet th e needs of academ ic libraries,” W and, 705-6 Hubbard, Willis M., “Shifting para­ digms for librarians,” 707-8 H ugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL, 1992, 279; 1993, 528 Hunter, Lora, photo., 280 Hyltoft, John, retired, 607-8 I “The im portance o f acting,” Winne- grad, 639 “In the News,” Davis, 4, 84, 156, 236, 308, 372, 436, 500, 564, 628, 692 Ind., new s note, 694 Ind. State U., new s note, 629 Ind. U., “Academic reference service over electronic mail,” 631-37; news note, 59-60 INFORMA, new s note, 274-75 INFORMA 1992, new s note, 440 “Information literacy experts sought,” ACRL, ILAB, 207 “Information literacy topic a t AAHE spring m eeting,” 126 “Information retrieval an d evaluation skills for education students,” ACRL, EBSS, BIEC, 583-88 Innovations, 91, 260-61 Innovations (“Academic library p u b ­ lic relations,” Bean, 91; “Request forms for extended cam pus library services,” Baker, 260-61) ISI, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1992, 279; 1993, 529 ISI, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1992, 346; 1993, 531 IFLA, “New Delhi, India, hosts librari­ ans from around the w orld,” 640; new s note, 210 ISOE, new s note, 309-10 Irvine, Betty Jo, new s note, 278 “Is FirstSearch really attractive?” 4 6 l- 64 “Issues raised by extended cam pus services librarians,” Lessin, 14-15 J Jacobson, Trudi E., “G ood acting se­ cret o f successful BI,” 441, com­ ment, 639 Jenkins, Althea H., “Letter from the executive director” & port., 652-53; photos., 376, 382, 524-25, 66l Jerm ann, Peter, new s note & photo., 475 Job, Amy, new s note, 345-46 Index to volume 53,1992 /1-5 1-6 / C&RL News John Cotton Dana Library Public Re­ lations Award, Wilson (H. W.) Co., 1992, 568-70 & cover; 1993, 438, 570, 596 Johnson, Eric, Samuel Lazerow Fel­ lowship, 346 Johnson, Guela, retired, 545 Johnson, Ralph, retired, 65 Jordan, Anne, retired, 284 “Journey to Transylvania: the 1991 ALA colloquium on library sci­ ence,” 172-75, comment, 324 Julian, Charles A., appt., 734-35 Junion-Metz, Gail, “ACRL chapters provide forum for electronic infor­ mation discussions,” 16-17, com­ ment & response, 265 K K. G. Saur Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1992, 346; 1993, 532 Kaatrude, Peter B., appt. & port., 543 Karlson, Marjorie, retired, 218 Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Awards, ACRL, RBMS, 1992, 281; 1993, 531-32 Kathman, Michael, “The college li­ brary as guinea pig,” 572-74 Kelly, Donna, photo., 280 Kent State U., news note, 565 Kilton, Thomas D., news note, 4l6 Kirk, Thomas G., ACRL vice- president & port., 465-66; “Coali­ tion for Networked Information: the second year” (part 1, 10-11; part 2, 98-99); “Kirk and Wittkopf share their visions for ACRL” & port., 194-99); “Network navigating and navigators,” 399-400; “Periodi­ cals in college libraries: are the challenges of rising subscription costs being met?” 94-97; photo., 525; port., 28 Knight, Helen, retired, 349 Koch, David, appt. & port., 346-47 Kolb, Emery & Ellsworth, photo., cover, no. 8 Koyama, Janice, news note, 215 Kozlova, Ludmila, port., 203 Kreitz, Patricia A., “Recruitment & re­ tention in your own backyard,” 237-40, comments, 411 Kreitzburg, M. J., letter to the ed., 104 Krumboltz, John, port., 517 “Kudos and complaints on Dead Sea Scrolls coverage,” Bozeman, 104 “Kudos for new C&RL news format,” Ciarfella, Goldberg, Poole, 411-12 “Kudos for Selth," Kreitzburg, 104 “Kudos for Washington hotline,” Scott, 453 L LaBorie, Timothy, news note, 734 LaGrange, Johanne, “Fun, friends, and good p.r.: celebrating National Library Week in an academic li­ brary,” 85-87, 89 Landis, Linda, news note, 215-17 Laney, Elizabeth, retired, 349 Lange, Marta, deceased & port., 545 Larson, Jeffry, letter to the ed., 265 Lasater, Mary Charles, news note, 604 Laswell, Reg, retired, 349 LaVerdi, Adelaide, retired, 349 Lazerow (Samuel) Fellowship, ISI, 1992, 346; 1993, 531 Leab (Katharine Kyes & Daniel J.) Am erican Book Prices Current Awards, ACRL, RBMS, 1992, 281; 1993, 531-32 Le Coeur, Louis, “Fête du sacre et couronnem ent. . . , ” 434 (photo., cover, no. 7) Lee, Hwa-Wei, news note, 674; news note & photo., 694 Lee, Sul H., news note, 63 Lessin, Barton M., “Issues raised by extended campus services librari­ ans,” 14-15 Letters, 20, 104, 207, 265, 324, 411- 12, 453, 535-37, 639 Levinson, Anne E., response to letter to the ed. “Rust support evil?” (52:738), comments, 207, 265 “Librarians meet in Budapest,” Gyesz- ly, 374 “Librarians’ role on accreditation teams,” de Klerk, 535-37 “Librarianship too attractive?” Frank, 411 LAMA, PRS, John Cotton Dana Li­ brary Public Relations Award, 1992, 568-70 & cover; 1993, 438, 570, 596 LC, news notes, 373, 504 LOEX, news note, 629 Lichtenfels, Dave, photo., 280 Lobsien, Bessie Siemens, letter to the ed., 324 Loeb, Linda, “Grants awarded to re­ search libraries to provide national access to resources,” 413 La.SU, news notes, 373-74, 438 Lyman, Peter, news note, 278 Lynch, Frances, news note, 604 Lynch, Mary Jo, “Access technology in academic libraries,” 243-44 M McCallum, Brenda, deceased, 737 McCook (Heim), Kathleen de la Peña, “ALA candidates share their plans for the future” & port., 249- 51 McCoy, Jacquelyn A., ACRL president & port., 465; “Message from the vice-president” & port., 651; pho­ tos., 382, 524-25, 66l McDonald, Joseph, appt., 735 McKee, Cheryl Spiese, “Toward a Bibliothèque Nationale des Arts,” 247-48 McNair, Jeanene, deceased, 608 MacNeal Hospital HSRC, John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 568-70 “Make the most of your student as­ sistants,” Condron, 5-6 “Making the most o f your serials bud­ get,” Morton, 630 Malone, Deborah, news note, 734 Mangla, P. B., port., 203 Manning, Leslie A., “Financial report” & port., 662-64; photos., 524, 66l Marden, Mary Jane, photo., 280 Margolis, Bernard A., “ALA candi­ dates share their plans for the fu­ ture” & port., 252 Maricopa Community Coll. District, news note, 60 Marshall, John David, news note, 416 Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant, ACRL, WESS, 1992, 389; 1993, 529- 31 Massill, S. W., port., 203 Massman, Virgil F., letter to the ed. & response (52:738), comments, 207, 265 “Media tips:” (“how to get speaking opportunities,” Beaubien, 127; “speaking successfully,” ALA, 182; “what to do when the media calls and some quotes your audience will love,” ALA, 326-27) Mento, Barbara, “Reference roving at Boston College,” 634-37 Meszaros, Imre, prof. & port., 215 Metz, Ray E., “ACRL chapters provide forum for electronic information discussions,” 16-17, comment & re­ sponse, 265; photos., 524-25, 66l Michalak, Sarah, news note, 674 “Michigan Research Libraries Triangle formed,” 504 Mich. State U., “Patron access to on- order and in-process titles,” 702-8 Micuda, Vladimir, retired, 349 Middendorf, Gertrude Coddington Davis, deceased, 608 Miller, Mary Celine, retired, 737 Miller, Peggy, retired, 419 Miller, William, news note, 132 Minor, Marti A., photo., 128 Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Librarian o f the Year Award, Mountainside Pub. Co., 1992, 279- 80; 1993, 527-28 Mitchell, Joan, news note, 132 “Model statement for the screening and appointment o f academic li­ brarians using a search committee,” ACRL, ASC, 642-45 Moffett, William A., news note & port., 416 Morgan, Eric L, photo., 128 Morris, Leslie R., letter to the ed. & response, 324 Morton, Donald, “Making the most of your serials budget,” 630 Mosher, Paul H., news note, 674 “Motherly care,” Chariot, 234 (photo., cover, no. 4) Mount Holyoke Coll., news note & photo., 311 Mountainside Pub. Co., Miriam Dud­ ley Bibliographic Instruction Librar­ ian of the Year Award, 1992, TI9- 80; 1993, 527-28 “Moved to tears,” Lobsien, 324 Mudrick, Kristine, news note, 734 Murphy, Paula, “Documentation of performance art,” 246-48 Myers, Marcia J., appt. & port., 605 N Narbeth, Thomas G., deceased, 608 NEH, news note, 375 Natl. Lib. Week, news notes, 438-39, 567 “National Library Week—making it happen,” Wallace, 88-89 NREN, “How NREN can meet the needs o f academic libraries,” 705-6 “Need help with your information lit­ eracy program?” Rader, 718-19 “Need to talk to someone about ac­ creditation?” 448 “Network navigating and navigators,” Alldredge, 399-400 “New AV guide available,” ALCTS, 278 “New BI book published by ACRL,” 274 “New Delhi, India, hosts librarians from around the world,” Ford, 640 “New publications,” Eberhart, 54-56, 108-12, 205-6, 271-72, 340-41, 409- 10, 470-72, 599-601, 670-71, 730-31. See also Book reviews La.SU NYPL, new s note, 440; “Private trea­ sures in a public library,” 541 Newby, Jill, “A career in BI: dead end o r stepping stone?” 178 News from the field, 59-62, 125-30, 209-14, 273-75, 309-11, 373-75, 437- 40, 501-4, 565-67, 628-30, 694-96 Ng’ang’a, James, port., 203 NCSU, “Research materials: now only keystrokes aw ay,” 128; “Ten things you can do to help in the scholarly com m unication crisis,” 582 “Nothing ventured, n o one gained,” Beaubien (52:640-41), comment, 207 Nowell, Fay, deceased, 284 O Oberg, Larry R., “The Très grande bibliothèque and the library of the future,” 394-96 Oberly (Eunice Rockwell) Award, ACRL, STS, 1993, 311, 532 “The objects o f his devotion,” Selth (52:712-15), com m ent, 104 Ochs, Michael, new s note, 346 OCLC, “Is FirstSearch really attrac­ tive?” 461-64; new s notes, 210, 565; “UC tries FirstSearch,” 464 Off-Campus Library Services Confer­ ence, new s note, 567 Ohio U., new s note, 694 Olivier, Evelyn Riché, “Public rela­ tions w inners celebrate collections, catalogs, services, and m ore,” 568- 70 “Optical local area netw ork at Walla Walla College,” Gaskell, 112 “Optical scanning in an academic li­ brary,” Willett, 698-701 “O r too difficult to achieve?” Bratton, 411 Or. State U., “Training newly ap­ pointed reference librarians,” 8-9; “User statistics for CD-ROM selec­ tion an d m anagem ent,” 505-6 O w en, Amy, “W elcome to Utah” & port., 30 P Pantuhoff, Oleg O., “Private treasures in a public library,” 541 Pantzer, Katharine, retired, 134 Papers solicited, 60 , 438, 567 (2), 629 (2) Parish, David W., retired, 349 Park, Joe, deceased, 284 Pasadena City Coll. (Calif.), news note, 374 Patrick, Sally M., “Utah Library Asso­ ciation annual conference wel­ com es ACRL,” 102-3 “Patron access to on-order and in- process titles,” Ten Have, 702-8 Peischl, Thom as M., photo., 525 Penniman, W. David, ports., 32, 377 Pa.LA, new s note, 209-10 People, 63-65, 131-34, 215-18 People in the new s, 63, 131-32, 215- 17, 278-84, 345-50, 416-19, 475-78, 542-45, 604-8, 674-76, 734-37 “Periodicals in college libraries: are th e challenges o f rising subscrip­ tion costs being met?” Kirk, 94-97 Perry, Emma Bradford, appt., 605 Peru, new s note, 59-60 Peters, Klaus, “The Cologne- Cleveland librarian exchange” & photo., 390-93 Peterson, Trudy H., new s note, 674 Phillips, Susan, new s note, 734 Phipps, Shelley E., photos., 524-25, 66l Pierson, Robert M., letter to the ed., 453 Pinckard, Mara, port., 29 Pollard, William C., retired, 676 Pollock, Luella (Becky), deceased, 350 Poole, Jay Martin, letter to the ed., 412 Popa, Opritsa D., “Journey to Tran­ sylvania: the 1991 ALA colloquium on library science,” 172-75, com­ ment, 324 Popko, John, new s note, 674 Popular Culture Assn., new s note, 438 “A potpourri o f practical ideas from ACRL’s 6th National Conference,” 455-60 “Preparing to b e a science librarian in college,” Wallin, 171 “Preservation new s,” Brown (52:649), correction, 6 “Preservation new s,” Brown, 106; H edberg, 200, 269, 339, 407, 469, 536, 598, 668-69, 729 “Preserving the nation’s intellectual heritage: a synthesis,” Byrne, 313- 15 Prim, Reggie, acknow ledgm ent, 236; “C&RL news staff m em ber has a winning idea,” 89 Pritchard, Sarah M., appt. & port., 476 PALNI, new s note, 694 “Private treasures in a public library,” Goldsmith, 541 “Products available for Black history m onth,” ALA, 60-6l Profiles, 63, 131, 215 “Promoting careers in library an d in­ formation science,” Vaughters, 386- 89 “Public relations w inners celebrate collections, catalogs, services, and m ore,” Olivier, 568-70 “Publications,” Eberhart (52:656), com m ent, 20 “Publications,” Eberhart, 54-56, 108- 12, 205-6, 271-72, 340-41, 409-10, 470-72, 599-601, 670-71, 730-31. See also Book reviews “Put C&RL news o n your mailing list,” 101, 175, 408 Q Quick, Richard C., retired, 349 R “Racial & ethnic diversity: informa­ tion exchange,” Hinojosa, 270, 338, 537, 669 Rader, H annelore B., “The Cologne- Cleveland librarian exchange” & photo., 390-93; “N eed h elp with your information literacy program?” 718-19; “We m ust be a part o f in­ ternational librarianship,” 242-44 Ranganathan, S. R., centennial year & port., 502 Rare books & m anuscripts librarian- ship, “Recruitment o p e n ,” 183 Rare Books a n d M anuscripts Librari­ anship Award, Christie, Manson & Woods, 1993, 532 Rather, Lucia Johnson, new s note, 542 “RBMS preconference to b e in Santa Cruz,” ACRL, 310 “Reaching out to the m edia,” ALA, 259 “Read any good (suggestion) books lately?” Altschiller, 92-93 “Recruiting the best and the bright­ est” & port., Beaubien, 320-23 “Recruitment & retention in your o w n backyard,” Kreitz, 237-40, comments, 411 “Recruitment o p e n for tw o ACRL edi­ torships,” 183 “Reference roving at Boston College,” Bregman, 634-37 “Reflections on m y recruitment,” Ta- vill, 388 Reichel, Mary, appt. & port., 605 Reid, Thom as G., Jr., letter to the ed., 207, com m ent, 265 “Repetitive-motion injuries,” Cram­ pon, 412 “Request forms for extended cam pus library services,” Baker, 260-61 “Research and academ ic librarians: a global view ” & ports., Sharma, 203 Research forum, 94-97 Research forum (“Periodicals in col­ lege libraries,” Kirk, 94-97) RLG, new s note, 696 “Research materials: now only key­ strokes away,” Casorso, 128 “Rethinking the librarian’s role on ac­ crediting team s,” Wolff, 450-51, com m ent, 535-37 Retirements, 65, 133-34, 218, 284, 348-50, 418-19, 478, 544-45, 607-8, 676, 737 Rettig, James, rev. (The whole library handbook), 57 “Revitalize library exhibits,” UCLA, URL, 125 Rhine, Leonard, “Using a checklist for library staff orientation an d train­ ing,” 695 Ricks, Thom as W., “Coping with re­ petitive-motion injuries in a large academic library,” 161-62, com ­ m ent, 412; “What, exactly, is carpal tunnel syndrome?” 164-65, com­ ment, 412 RMG Consultants, new s note, 629 Rodgers, Frank, new s note, 132 “The role o f academ ic libraries in teaching and learning,” Adams, 442-45 Rosary Coll., new s note, 630 Rosenthal, Joseph A., new s note, 132; retired, 134 Rothe, Kurt, new s note, 734 Rudolph, Ellen, retired, 478 “Rust d ebate continues," Reid, 207, com m ent, 265 “Rust su pport evil?” Massman & re­ sponse (52:738), comments, 207, 265 Rutgers U., new s note & drawing, 59; new s notes, 310, 374 Ryan, Mary, retired, 65 S Saffo, Paul, photo., 376; port., 32 Sager, Rochelle, photos., 524-25, 661 St. Petersburg Jr. Coll., “Collection developm ent program recognized” & photo., 280 Salisbury, Lutishoor, “Is FirstSearch really attractive?" 461-64 “Salt Lake City—culture and enter­ tainm ent,” Hall, 100-101 “Salt Lake City—restaurants and clubs to enjoy,” Hall, 186-87 Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, ISI, 1992, 346; 1993, 531 Sanders, Kathy, “University o f Arkan­ Index to volume 53,1992 / 1-7 1-8/ C &RL News sas at Little Rock institutes student library fee,” 439 Saur (K. G.) Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1992, 346; 1993, 532 Savage, Daniel A., new s note, 674 Schaeffer, Reiner H. “Swiss,” Lt. Col., retired, 737 Scherdin, Mary Jane, appt. & port., 675 Schick, Frank L., deceased, 284 Schimmel, Herbert D., letter to the ed., 104 Schoonover, Phyllis J., retired, 419 Scors, Taisa, deceased, 608 Scott, Mark, letter to th e ed., 453 Scott, Shirley R., “User statistics for CD-ROM selection an d m anage­ m ent,” 505-6 Seal, Robert, new s note, 674 Segal, Judith, appt., 735 Selth, Jeff, “The objects o f his d ev o ­ tion” (52:712-15), com m ent, 104 Sessions, Judith A., “ALA candidates share their plans for the future” & port., 252-54; appt., 282 “Share your library’s new s,” C&RL news, 447 “Share your netw orking stories,” 399 “Share your opinion with C&RL news readers,” 14, 97, 174 Sharma, R. N., “Books are for use: Ranganathan centennial year,” 502; “Research an d academ ic librarians: a global view” & ports., 203 Sheehan, Jelka, retired, 134 Sheehy, Carolyn, new s note, 475 “Shifting paradigm s for librarians,” H ubbard, 707-8 Shipps, Tony, retired, 478 Shishido, Tsuyuko, new s note, 542 Simmons, Howard, interview & port., 442-45 Sims, Roberta Laulicht, “Beyond the boo k review ,” 646 Smith, Alice Reviere, “The Cologne- Cleveland librarian exchange” & photo., 390-93 Smith, K. W ayne, new s note, 542 Smith, W ilbur Jordan, deceased, 419 SPIE, new s note, 309-10 Southern Methodist U., new s note, 210 Speiden, R. Virginia, deceased, 134 “Spellcheckers m ust b e checked,” Harper, 567 Spiegel, Pam, acknow ledgm ent, 236 “Spring an d diversity in the air at ACRL conference,” 376-85 Stam, David H., new s note, 674 “Standards for faculty status for col­ lege an d university librarians,” ACRL, ASC, 317-18, comment, 453 Stanford U., Leab award, 281; new s note, 209 Starratt, Jay, appt. & port., 347 State, Mary Ellen, retired, 349 SUNY (Binghamton, “Optical scan­ ning in an academic library,” 698- 701; Buffalo, new s note, 310-11; U. at Albany, new s note, 60) Stetson U., new s note & photo., 273- 74 Stevens, N orman D., “ALA candidates share their plans for the future” & port., 251-52 Stillwell, Stephen J., Jr., new s note, 674 Stimpson, Catharine R., photo., 377; port., 32 Stoffle, Carla, “ACRL honors the best in academic and research librarian- ship” & port., 184; photo., 528 Strauch, Katina P., new s note, 542-43 Sullivan, Peggy, “Nam ed ALA execu­ tive director” & port., 437 Summit, Roger K., new s note, 132 Swank, Kristine, new s note, 475 Sweet, Don, “University o f Arkansas at Little Rock institutes student li­ brary fee,” 439 Symons, Ann, “ALA candidates share their plans for the future” & port., 254 T Tabb, Winston, prof. & port., 131 Taiwan, Natl. Central Lib., new s note, 210-12 Tamblyn, Eldon W., acknow ledg­ ment, 84 Tatian, Carol, new s note, 345 Tavill, Kay, “Reflections on my re­ cruitment,” 388 Taylor, Colin, port., 203 “Ten things you can d o to help in the scholarly com m unication cri­ sis,” NCSU, 582 T en Have, Elizabeth, “Patron access to on-order a n d in-process titles,” 702-8 Tex. A&M U., “Coping with repeti­ tive-motion injuries in a large aca­ dem ic library,” 161-62, com m ent, 412; “Fun, friends, an d good p.r.: celebrating National Library W eek in an academ ic library,” 85-89 Tex. Tech, new s note, 273 Tex. W om an’s U., “Make th e m ost of your student assistants,” 5-6 “Think before you Post-it™,” 125 Thomas, Bruce E., retired, 65 Thomas, Mary Ellen, retired, 65 Thomas, Robert D., new s note, 63 Thom pson, Donald, deceased, 419 Thom pson, D ot S., “Beyond the b o o k review ,” 646 Timberlake, Clare H., port., 126 “The time to lead,” ACRL, 256-57 “Tips for librarians planning for ac­ creditation visits,” 447 Tolson, Stephanie D., appt., 347 “Tow ard a Bibliothèque Nationale des Arts,” McKee, 247-48 “Training newly appointed reference librarians,” Wogam an, 8-9 Traylor, Bill, “University o f Arkansas at Little Rock institutes student li­ brary fee,” 439 “The Très grande bibliothèque and the library o f the future,” Oberg, 394-96 Trout, Frank, retired, 134 “Tw o million reasons to celebrate,” UC, SB, cover, no. 9 U USIA, “April 15 deadline for library/ b ook fellows,” 274 U. of Alta., Leab award, 281 U. o f Ariz., new s notes, 375, 440 U. o f Ark., Fayetteville, “Is FirstSearch really attractive?” 461-64 “University o f Arkansas a t Little Rock institutes student library fee,” Sweet, 439 UC, new s note, 209 (LA URL, new s note, 125; Riverside [news note, 695-96; “The objects o f his devo­ tion” (52:712-15), com m ent, 104]; San Diego, new s note, 125; Santa Barbara [“Collecting prim ary materi­ als o f m ajor ethnic groups,” 157-59; Jo h n Cotton Dana Award, 568-70 (Book o f hours, photo., cover, no. 9)]) “UC tries FirstSearch,” Crooks, 464 U. o f Central Fla., “About the cover,” 626 (photo., cover, no. 10) UC, Denver, “A bout the cover,” 690 (photo., cover, no. 11) U. o f Del., new s note, 375 U. o f Fla., HSC, “Using a checklist for library staff orientation and train­ ing,” 695 UI (Chicago, new s note, 504; U-C [news note, 438; “W hen are library records confidential?” 129, clarifica­ tion, 276]) U. o f Kan., n ew s note, 438 U. o f Md., Leab Award, 281 (Coll. Park, new s note, 210) U. o f Mass. Medical Ctr., “Making the m ost o f your serials budget,” 630 U. o f Mich., new s notes, 309, 694 UNC, Charlotte, new s note, 59 U. o f Notre Dame, new s note, 694 U. o f Pittsburgh, new s note, 210 U. o f S. C., new s note, 210 U. o f Southern Calif., new s note, 210- 12 U. o f Tenn., Martin, new s note, 309 UT, Austin, “The future o f reference IV,” 508-14; new s note, 59 U. o f Toronto, Leab award, 281 U. o f Va., Leab award, 281 U. o f Wash., new s notes, 311, 375 “User statistics for CD-ROM selection and m anagem ent,” Butcher, 505-6 Usher, Caroline, letter to the ed., 207 “Using a checklist for library staff ori­ entation and training,” Rhine, 695 “Using W hite H ouse Conference rec­ om m endations,” W and, 22, 25 Utah Lib. Assn., “Conference runs concurrently with ACRL National Conference,” 33 “Utah Library Association annual con­ ference w elcom es ACRL,” Patrick, 102-3 V Valauskas, Edward, photo., 173 Vanderbilt U., new s note, 438 Van D eventer, Barbara, “Preserving th e nation’s intellectual heritage: a synthesis,” 313-15 Vaughters, Sharon, “Promoting ca­ reers in library an d information sci­ en ce,” 386-89 Vazakas, Susan M., “W here are all the science librarians?” 166-71 Veatch, Van, retired, 134 Viera, Ann, letter to the ed., 104 “Vista de S. Francisco,” Ferran, 306 (photo., cover, no. 5) w ,x W agner, Elaine, “Emory University Li­ braries’ Environmental Action Force,” 579-80 Walla Walla Coll., “Optical local area netw ork at Walla Walla College,” 112 Wallace, Linda K., “National Library W eek—m aking it h ap p en ,” 88-89 Wallin, Camille Clark, “Preparing to be a science librarian in college,” 171; “W here are all the science li­ brarians?” 166-71 W and, Patricia A., “How NREN can m eet the needs o f academ ic librar­ ies,” 705-6; “Using White H ouse Conference recom m endations,” 22, 25; ed., “WHCLIS teleconference stimulates action plan for Colora­ do,” 105 “War is not exciting,” Bradley, 20 “Washington hotline,” H enderson, 24-25, 189-90, 267-69 (comment, 453), 337, 405, 468-74, 534, 597- 603, 666-69, 728 The way I see it (52:711), comment, 104 The way I see it, 242-44, 320-23, 450- 51 (comment, 535-37), 581-82, 705- 6 The w ay I see it (“Food for thought," Gater [52:711], com m ent, 104) The way I see it (“How NREN can meet the needs o f academic librar­ ies,” Wand, 705-6; “Recruiting the best and the brightest,” Beaubien, 320-23; “Rethinking the librarian’s role on accrediting teams,” Wolff, 450-51, comment, 535-37; “We must be a part o f international li- brarianship,” Rader, 242-44; “What if w e view ed library instruction like driver ed?” Bain, 581-82) “We m ust be a part o f international librarianship,” Rader, 242-44 Weiss, Bernice, retired, 218 “Welcome to Utah” & port., Owen, 30 Welk, Lawrence, port., 540 Wells, Margaret, appt., 605 W estern Ky. U., “Request forms for extended cam pus library services,” 260-61 W estern Ky. U., W om en’s Studies Conf., “Call for papers,” 60 WLN, new s note, 309 “What, exactly, is carpal tunnel syn­ drome?” Ricks, 164-65, comment, 412 “W hat if w e view ed library instruc­ tion like driver ed?” Bain, 581-82 “W hen are library records confiden­ tial?” UI, U-C, 129, clarification, 276 “W here are all the science librarians?" Vazakas, 166-71 “W here are the jobs?” Usher, 207 White, Kris A., new s note, 604 WHCLIS, “Using White H ouse Con­ ference recom m endations,” 22, 25; “WHCLIS teleconference stimulates action plan for Colorado,” 105 “WHCLIS teleconference stimulates action plan for Colorado,” Alire, 105 The whole library handbook, Eber­ hart, rev. of, 57 Whole person catalog 2, new s note, 275 Willett, Perry, “Optical scanning in an academic library,” 698-701 Williams, Delmus, appt., 347 Wilson, Betsy, appt. & port., 282-83 Wilson, Carolyn T., new s note, 416 Wilson (H. W.) Co., Jo h n Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1992, 568-70 & cover; 1993, 438, 570, 596 W innegrad, Mark H., letter to the ed., 639 Wittkopf, Barbara J., “Kirk and Witt- ko p f share their visions for ACRL” & port., 194-99; photos., 524-25, 66l “Witty suggestion b ook comments sought,” C&RL news, 93 Wogaman, Mariol R., “Training newly appointed reference librarians,” 8-9 Wolff, Ralph A., “Rethinking the li­ brarian’s role on accrediting team s,” 450-51, comment, 535-37 W om en’s studies collection develop­ m en t policies, ACRL, 375 W ood, Richard J., news note, 674 Woodall, Nancy C., letter to the ed., 535 Y Yandle, Anne, retired, 349-50 Yates, Stanley, retired, 65 Young, Phillip H., “Death o f the boo k greatly exaggerated,” 452-53, comment, 535 “Your responsibilities as a media spokesperson,” ALA, 408 Z Zager, Daniel, new s note, 282 C H O I C E ETHNIC STUDIES REVIEWS SERIES CHOICE announces a new series of The first titles in the new series: bibliographies that identifies schol­ African and African American arly books covering a number of Studies; 146 pages; 754 titles; $22.00ethnic groups. Latino Studies; 100 pages; The Ethnic Studies Reviews series 531 titles; $20.00 has been designed to facilitate col­ Native American Studies;lection development in several mul­ 54 pages; 278 titles; $15.00ticultural areas, to provide current bibliographies on particular ethnic Plus $2.00 postage and handling for groups, and to facilitate research each title ordered. and reference. Forthcoming: The bibliographies will benefit fac­ Asian and Asian American Studies, ulty and students, as well as librari­ in 1993 ans, by providing a readable list of books published in the last three or Order one or all of these bibliogra­ four years accompanied by a full phies directly from: review, plus an author and title index. Finding a recent publication CHOICE on or about a particular ethnic 100 Riverview Center group and developing a course or Middletown, CT 06457reading list can be accomplished easily with these new CHOICE bib­ liographies. Each bibliography addresses a par­ ticular American ethnic group and is compiled from favorable reviews previously published in CHOICE. The titles cross all disciplines and represent a selected view of the best scholarly titles published on one of these multcultural areas.