ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 165 News from the Field A CQUISITIONS • T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f A r i z o n a L i h r a r y has acquired the Pierre L ecom te du Nouy C o lle c­ tion. The gift by M adame L ecom te du N ouy o f the great F rench biop hysicist’s library includes scarce, original editions o f the works o f contem ­ porary scientists and thinkers, editions o f his own works, his m anuscripts, and many volum es in­ scribed to him. Included in the collection, and especially appropriate for Arizona, are his p e r­ sonal memorabilia including many artifacts o f the N av ajo and H o p i In d ia n s su ch as ba sk ets, plaques, and rugs. The collection o f rare books includes first and important editions o f books by such names in the history o f science as Bacon, Darwin, Descartes, Lavoisier, Pascal, Renan, Voltaire, and others, to­ taling som e eighty titles. This acquisition sup­ plements the Special C ollections’ rapidly growing history o f science collection. In addition to the classical works, there are 100 additional volum es all presented and inscribed to L ecom te du N ouy by his scientific colleagues. In­ cluded are works by Remy C olin, Robert Milli­ kan, Jean Rostand, and Albert Einstein. C om p let­ ing the book collection are copies o f Lecom te du N ouy’s own voluminous works, which range from early plays through his scientific writing to the famous culminating work o f his career, Human Destiny. His manuscripts are a significant part o f the collection. There are manuscripts o f his youthful plays and short stories, extensive holdings o f his w r itin g in m a n u s c rip t, his e x p e r im e n ta l notebooks, and the manuscripts o f his scientific and philosophical books. Also, there are personal and professional co rre sp o n d e n ce , photographs, scrapbooks, reprints o f his articles, and ep hem ­ era. Special C ollections plans an exhibit and catalog com m em orating the addition o f this im portant collection. • T he G e o r g i a So u t h e r n C o l l e g e L i­ brary, Statesboro, announces the gift to the li­ brary o f over 200 letters describing military and civilian activities o f two m em bers o f New York’s C one family. The letters w ere given to the library b y K a th le e n K n o p p H a w v e r o f E d g e w a te r , F lorid a, in m e m o ry o f her m o th e r, K athleen C o n e K n o p p . K a th le e n H a w v e r ’ s son , G r e g Hawver, attended G eorgia Southern C ollege. T h e first grou p o f letters are from S p e n ce r Houghton C one, a prom inent Baptist minister in the early nineteenth century w ho did much to reconcile the northern and southern factions o f the denomination. Prior to his ministerial activities, S. H. C one was a noted actor and a play­ w right w h o also saw action during the W ar o f 1812. The library has ov er sixty-three o f S. H. C o n e ’s letters— most written during the p eriod 1810-14. T h ese letters are mainly love letters written to C on e’ s future wife, but they also in­ clude information on everyday life o f the period and are valuable as social history. T he secon d group o f letters, 102 in all, are from a son o f S. H . C o n e , S p e n c e r W a lla ce C o n e , to his w ife . S. W . C o n e se r v e d w ith M cC lellan’s army at the beginning o f the Civil W ar and raised his ow n regim ent, the Clinton Guard, 61st N ew York Volunteers. H e was com ­ missioned a colonel and rose to the rank o f gen­ eral. T he letters discuss military engagem ents, troop strengths, and day-to-day com pany affairs. • The Scarsdale Friends M eeting o f Scarsdale, N ew York, presented to the Library o f UNION T h e o l o g i c a l Se m i n a r y in New York City a gift o f som e fifty ite m s, m ostly se v e n te e n th - century, relating to the history and piety o f the Friends, or Quakers. This gift, originally p re ­ sented in 1973, has been fully cataloged and is n o w av a ila b le to r e s e a r c h e r s . T h e S carsda le Friends M eetin g C olle ctio n is housed together with the M cAlpin C ollection, a library o f about 18,000 titles, chiefly o f the seventeenth century and related to British history and theology. A supplementary volum e to the printed catalog o f the M cAlpin C ollection is in advanced stages o f p la n n in g . T h e o r ig in a l fiv e -v o lu m e M cA lp in Catalogue ended publication in 1930. • A gift o f $10,000 has been received by the H a r v a r d C o l l e g e Library from the family and friends o f the late John Bonk, form er Toronto representative o f the Harvard Ukrainian Studies Fund. T he gift will support the establishment o f two John Bonk M em orial Funds for Ukrainian E m igre B ooks: the B onk F un d for E u rop ean Emigre Ucrainica, to be applied toward the pur­ chase o f Ukrainian-language books published in Galicia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany, and other European centers o f Ukrainian emigration betw een 1918 and 1950; and the Bonk Fund for American Ucrainica, for the purchase o f Ukrai­ nian books p ublish ed in the U .S. and Canada since the end o f the nineteenth century. In addition to the gift o f m oney, Halyna Bonk has d onated to H arvard som e 800 v olum es in Ukrainian em igre literature from her late hus­ band’s personal library. The Bonk Funds are the first to b e established in the C ollege Library under the Harvard Ukrain­ ian Studies Program as part o f a larger campaign to raise a $100,000 endow m ent for the purchase and processing o f Ukrainian books.— HUL Notes. 166 • The private library o f Stuart A. Gallacher, alumnus o f the University o f Utah and professor emeritus at Michigan State University, was re­ cently given to the Marriott Library, U N IV E R ­ SITY OF U T A H , by his w id ow , F loren ce G al­ lacher, a Friend o f the Libraries. Consisting o f over 600 hardbound books, the collection includes a com prehensive folklore li­ brary as well as a number of valuable and rare editions, such as La Fleur des P roverbes Français by M . D . D u p le s is (P aris, 1851), M a tin e es Senoises ou Proverbes Français (Paris, 1789), A Compleat Collection o f English P roverbs by Rev. J. Ray (L o n d o n , 1768), and D ictio n n a ire des P roverbes Français by Pierre de la M esangére (Paris, 1823). • M erle U. Fox, senior assistant librarian at D uBois cam pus, P e n n s y l v a n i a St a t e U n i ­ v e r s i t y , is pleased to announce two invaluable gifts o f materials in fisheries and wildlife. These library gifts will strongly support resident instruc­ tion and the two-year course in wildlife technol­ ogy. The collection’s value is increased because m any item s w e r e o r ig in a lly not for sale and others are now out o f print and not available. The Paul A. Handwerk C ollection is a gift from Paul A. Handwerk, a form er staff m em ber o f the U.S. Dept, of Interior, Fish and W ildlife Service. The David D. W anless C ollection is the gift from the estate o f a form er wildlife instructor at Du Bois campus. T he c h ie f purpose o f the com pilation o f the Paul A. Handwerk C ollection is to provide stu­ d en ts and faculty with a c o n v e n ie n t and au­ thoritative guide to literature for fisheries and wildlife. The list is rather selective, but many kinds o f public documents are represented. Not all series, reports, e tc., are com p lete, but the missing numbers will b e added as the material becom es available. The extensive, David D. Wanless Collection is especially valuable because it will help the cam ­ pus support its unique two-year associate degree in wildlife technology in the university. The 749 cataloged items include notes and proceedings o f m eetin gs, sym posia, and annual c o n fe r e n ce s ; books on many species o f wildlife and fisheries; manuals; handbooks; agricultural and conservation yearbooks; materials on outdoor recreation, birds, trees, plants, animals, hu nting, forestry, and forest fires; as w ell as state and federal d o cu ­ ments. Since Mr. Wanless had studied the ecol­ ogy o f the eastern wild turkey and did research in the field, there is a thorough coverage o f this sub­ ject. His second area o f interest was fisheries; and again there are irreplaceable items on this topic. There are numerous subject bibliographies and other suggested lists for reading and building the collection. • T he K e n t S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y L ibrary has acquired the papers o f the noted editor and publisher, Charles W esley Slack. The collection of over 750 letters and docum ents was presented to the libraries by Slack’s great grandson, Paul C. Kitchin, emeritus professor o f political science at Kent State. Charles W . Slack was born in 1825 and died in 1885. H e began his career as a journalist with the Boston Journal and w orked in various printing and publishing enterprises before acquiring the w eek ly B oston C o m m o n w ea lth . H e rem a in ed editor and publisher o f the Commonwealth until his death. Slack was active in a variety o f literary, political, religious, and charitable organizations and m ovements on the city, state, and national level. H e was prom inent in the free soil and an­ tislavery m ovem ents, a leader in the Unitarian Church, a m em ber o f the M echanic A pprentices’ Library Association, the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, the Boston Art Club, the Massachusetts Press Association, and many other organizations. H e was elected to the Massachu­ setts State Legislature in 1855 and again in 1861. President Grant appointed him collector o f inter­ nal revenue for the third district o f Massachusetts in 1869, and he also held other political positions. M any o f C h a rles W . S la ck ’ s a c tiv itie s are docum ented in the collection now at Kent State. Among his correspondents represented in the co l­ lection are Charles Francis Adams, Henry Ward Beecher, Salmon P. Chase, G eorge W . Curtis, Richard Henry Dana, Jr., F rederick Douglass, Ralph W aldo Emerson, James T. Fields, William L loyd G arrison, Joshua R. G id d in g s, H orace G r e e le y , E d w ard E v e r e t t H a le, T h om as W entw orth H igginson , C harles E liot N orton , W e n d e ll P h illip s, C h a rle s S u m n er, B ayard Taylor, Henry David Thoreau, T heodore Tilton, and B. F. Wade. • A com prehensive collection o f material deal­ ing with African art is now available for study at the U n i v e r s i t y o f A l b e r t a s Faculty o f Li­ brary Science. M ore than 1,200 books and pam phlets p u b ­ lished in North America, Europe, and Africa are in the collection, which is located in Rutherford (South) Library. Approximately 5,000 photographs and slides, many o f which pertain to various social and reli­ gious cerem onies, are also in the special collec­ tion. A ccording to the faculty, the collection serves as a tool for teaching acquisition, cataloging, and classification o f special materials. It also provides research m aterial fo r scholars and o th ers in ­ terested in African studies. • T h e library o f th e U N IV E R S I T Y O F C a l i f o r n i a , Sa n t a B a r b a r a , has been given a bib lio g ra p h y and index to the ch em istry o f amidines and imidates, which was prepared by the late R obert D e W o lfe o f the chem istry d e ­ partment. The extensive bibliography, covering articles from before 1900 up through 1977, is ac­ companied by a very detailed punched card index. 167 A search m ay b e p e r fo r m e d by au th or, m olecular structural features, m ethod o f synthe­ sis, or chem ical reactions involved, and by ap­ p r o p r ia t e in t e r s e c tio n s o f th e s e fa ce ts . T h e amidines and imidates constitute a large class o f com poun ds that are o f theoretical and practical interest in organic chem istry. In addition, many amidines have been found to be o f pharmaceuti­ cal significance. D e W o l fe a b s tr a c te d r e s e a r c h p a p e rs on am idines and their d eriv a tiv es, im id ic esters, imine-anhydrides, and non-arom atic heterocyclic com pounds that incorporate am idine o r imidate functional groupings into the ring systems. His untimely death p reven ted the com pletion o f the books, which w ere to be based upon his detailed library research. The collection and card indexes will b e made available to re search ers by the depa rtm en t o f special collections o f the university library. Ar­ thur A n to n y , c h e m is tr y librarian in th e Sciences-E ngin eerin g Library, will be happy to an sw er in q u irie s and to h e lp users w ith this unique bibliographic tool. • T w o e n g in e e r s w ith th e In te rn a tio n a l Boundary and W ater C om m ission (IB W C ) have p re s e n te d sign ifica n t c o lle c t io n s o f w ater r e sources information about Texas and California to the U n i v e r s i t y o f T e x a s a t E l Pa s o . Archival collections are being established in the names of the donors, John J. Vandertulip, c h ie f plann ing e n g in e e r, and D e lb e r t D. M cN e a ly, principal engineer, supervising, for the U.S. Sec­ tion o f the IB W C . The Vandertulip C ollection is unique, both for its com pleteness and for its coverage o f a period when Texas began formally to face and study its short- and long-range water problem s, according to Ray Daguerre, form er IB W C official now with the UT El Paso Library. The 406 docum ents on Texas water resources include all 211 Texas W ater D evelopm en t Board reports o f the 1965-76, all Texas W ater Plan basic reports, all River Basin Plans, initial reports on Current River Systems Simulations, publications relating to Texas water resources, general water resources and water p olicy publications, hydrol­ ogy publications, and Texas W ater Com m ission publications. • The library o f the M IS SO U R I B O T A N IC A L G a r d e n , S t. L o u i s , has recently acquired the bryological library o f William C am pbell Steere, p residen t em eritus o f the N ew York Botanical Garden. The library, which contains over 1,000 168 volumes and more than 5,000 papers, pamphlets, and reprints, is particularly strong in nineteenth­ and twentieth-century literature on the systemat­ ics o f mosses and liverworts. Once this collection is integrated with the bryological literature al­ ready present in the M .B .G . collections, the li­ brary will have available for researchers an esti­ mated 90 percent o f the significant bryological literature from 1750 to the present. • Edward Gordon Craig was called everything from the “ spoilt child o f artistic Europe” to an important influence on Stanislavsky, developer o f the highly influential “ method theory” o f acting. Twelve years after his death, a large collection o f Craig s books, w ood engravings, memorabilia, correspondence, and photographs has been d o ­ nated to the N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y Li­ brary by Mrs. Virgil Hokanson o f Indiana, sister o f John W esley Swanson, a personal friend o f Craig. Swanson, a 1927 NU graduate and former Uni­ versity o f Illinois faculty member, began his col­ lection in 1950, sixteen years before Craig’s death Library Automation, State o f the Art III to Be Held The Library and Information Technology A ssociation (form erly IS A D ) o f A LA an­ nounces a preconference institute on library automation— state o f the art to be held prior to the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in June. This 1978 precon feren ce will be the third in an every-five-years series o f state-of- the-art assessments. The previous two were held in San Francisco in 1967 and Las Vegas in 1973. The institute will be a forum for assessing the past accomplishments o f library automa­ tion and for examining the future. The speak­ ers will be librarians w ho have been inti­ mately involved with the various aspects o f li­ brary automation and who are hands-on veter­ ans o f the information age. To name a few— Ron M iller (CLASS), Allen Kent (Univ. o f Pittsburgh), “ M itch” Freedm an (Colum bia Univ.), Bill Mathews (NCLIS), Carl Spaulding (CLR), and Henriette Avram (LC). To name som e topics— netw orking, data bases, m i­ crographics and C O M , automation and the user, automation and the library adm inis­ trator, and advances in electronics. The dates are June 22-23, 1978; the place is the Hilton Hotel; and the cost is $55 to LITA members, $70 to ALA members, $85 to non- ALA members. For more information and a registration brochure, contact LITA H ead­ quarters, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. at age ninety-four. Since then, it has grown to in­ clude first editions o f Craig’ s book The Art o f the Theatre in six o f its ten languages; complete sets o f the limited copies o f the three magazines he published: Scene, The Mask, A Journal o f the Art o f the Theatre, and The Marionette‚ other books by Craig, including biographical works on his mother, actress Ellen Terry, and British actor Henry Irving, with whom Craig worked; photo­ graphs, bookplates, prints, engravings, and book illustrations. The collection is one o f the largest o f Craig’s w orks in the w o rld , a cco rd in g to R. Russell Maylone, curator o f special collections. Maylone currently is cataloging the hundreds o f items in the Craig collection. Craig’s major contributions to theater were his ideas o f stage design and how p eople visually perceived the theater, Maylone said. Craig wrote that he wanted to create a new world on the stage, rather than follow the standard practice o f scene designers at the time to make “ an imper­ fect, but historically accurate copy o f the world. ” W hile his ideas w ere not widely accepted in England, they had significant impact in the thea­ ter world on the Continent. In Italy, he estab­ lished a theater school and the “ Arena Goldoni” theater, as well as the “ W ood Engravers o f San L eonardo” group. H e also published another magazine, The Mask, which was a collection o f his own writings on the theater, woodcuts, and fold-out plates o f historical theater plans. He eventually settled in V en ce, an artistic community in Southern France, and devoted his time to illustrating and writing. A lso in clu d e d in S w an son’ s c o lle c t io n are m em orabilia and letters o f H enry Irving and Ellen Terry. AWARDS • T h e C o u n c i l o n L i b r a r y Re s o u r c e s , Inc. (CLR), has selected three outstanding librar­ ians to participate in the Academic Library Man­ agement Intern Program for 1978-79. They are Joan L. Chambers, head, Government Publica­ tions Department, University o f Nevada, Reno, Library; Sandra S. C olem an, head, R eference Department, University o f New Mexico General Library; and Sara C. Heitshu, assistant head, Book Purchasing and Business Operations, Uni­ versity o f Michigan Library. As in past years, each intern will spend the 1978-79 academic year working closely with the director and top administrative staff o f one o f the country’s great academic libraries selected for its recognized administrative excellence. This year’s host institutions are Duke University, Stanford University, and the University o f Connecticut. Under the program , interns will receive an amount equal to the normal basic salary and ben­ efits (up to $20,000) that were paid by their em ployers 169 during academic year 1977-78. Interns were chosen in a two-step process. F ol­ lowing a review o f the applications by a screening committee, a selection com m ittee invited seven candidates to the C L R office in Washington for personal interviews. Louis B. W right, director em eritu s o f the F o lg e r S hakespeare L ibrary, chaired both comm ittees. M em bers o f the screen­ ing comm ittee w ere Charles D. Churchwell, uni­ versity librarian, Brown University; John Y. Cole, executive director, C enter for the Book, Library o f Congress; Beverly P. Lynch, university librar­ ian, U niversity o f Illin o is at C h ica g o C ir cle ; Stephen A. McCarthy, former executive director, Association o f Research Libraries; and Virginia P. W hitney, form er library director, Rutgers Uni­ versity. Making the final selection s w ere W illiam S. D ix, un iversity librarian e m e ritu s, P rin ceton University; Frederick Wagman, director o f librar­ ies, University o f Michigan; Robert Vosper, pro­ fessor o f library science, University o f California, Los Angeles; Duane W e b ste r and Suzanne O. Frankie, Association o f Research Libraries; and Foster E. M orhhardt, form er C L R senior p ro ­ gram officer. The Council on Library Resources, Inc., is a private, operating foundation. Through directly adm inistered projects as well as grants to and contracts with other organizations, it attempts to assist in finding solutions for the problems facing libraries, particularly those o f academic and re­ search libraries. C L R was established in 1956 by the Ford Foundation and continues to receive support from it as well as from other foundations. Assignments and biographical information for the 1978-79 class o f academ ic library manage­ ment interns are as follows: Joan L. Cham bers, head, Governm ent Publica­ tions Department, University o f Nevada, Reno, Library, will intern with Connie Dunlap, Duke University library direc­ tor. Chambers received a B.A. from the Univer­ sity o f Northern C olor­ ado (1958). A fte r b e ­ com ing acquainted with libraries as a te a ch e r­ librarian in v arious C a lifo rn ia sc h o o l d is ­ tricts, she receiv ed an M .L .S . from the U ni­ versity o f California at Berkeley (1970). Cham ­ b e rs was the in t e r li­ brary loan and r e fe r ­ Joan L. Chambers e n c e librarian at the University o f Nevada, Reno, Library prior to as­ suming her present position. She was the first li­ brary faculty m em ber to be elected to the faculty sen ate (1976) and was s u b s e q u e n tly e le c te d chairperson. Sandra S. C olem an , head, R e feren ce D ep art­ m ent, U niversity o f N ew M ex ico G eneral L i­ brary, will spend her year working with David W eber, director o f the Stanford University Li­ braries. Coleman was a 1966 graduated o f E c ­ k erd C o lle g e in St. P e te r sb u r g , F lo rid a , and received an M .L .S. in 1970 from Indiana U n iversity. H er w ork e x p e r ie n c e has b e e n primarily in the Univer­ sity o f N e w M e x ic o School o f Law Library w here she served as a c a ta lo g e r, te ch n ica l Sandra S. Coleman services librarian, pu b­ lic services librarian, acting law librarian, and as­ sistant librarian for p u b lic services. In August 1976 she m oved to the general library to her cur­ rent position. Sara C. Heitshu, assistant head, Book Purchasing and Business Operations, University o f Michigan Library, will move to the University o f C onnecti­ cut to intern w ith li­ brary d ir e c t o r John M cD onald. Heitshu, a 1965 g radu ate o f St. L a w r e n c e U n iv e rsity , r e ce iv e d an A . M .L .S . from the University o f M ichigan in 1969. She remained at M ichigan, se rv in g as a b i b li o ­ graphic searcher and as­ sistant head o f the B ib­ lio g ra p h ic S ea rch in g Section before reaching her present position in 1973. Sara C. Heitshu GRANTS • The National H om e Library Foundation has awarded a grant o f $30,000 to the LIBRARY OF C o n g r e s s and the Jo h n F . K e n n e d y C e n t e r f o r t h e Pe r f o r m i n g A r t s for their jointly sponsored performing arts library at the center. T he grant will enable the sponsors to acquire books and audiovisual materials on music, opera, drama, dance, and other aspects o f the perform ­ ing arts for the library, now under construction according to plans by architect Philip Johnson on the top floor o f the K ennedy Center. The library, announced in February 1977 by Daniel J. Boorstin, librarian o f C ongress, and Roger L. Stevens, chairman o f the center, will have research, reference, information, and archi­ val functions. In addition to the reference collectiυn 170 o f books and periodicals in the reading room, there will b e viewing facilities for film and televi­ sion, soundproof rooms for recordings and tapes, and rotating exhibits. Through a com puter link with the Library o f Congress, scholars and artists working at the ce n ­ ter will have access to books in the field o f per­ forming arts already cataloged by the Library and ultimately to manuscripts, films, prints, posters, musical record ings, and o th e r material in the buildings on Capitol Hill. The center library will b e ready for use early in 1979. The National H om e Library Foundation, based in W ashington, is adm in istered by a b o a d o f trustees, o f which Leonard H. Marks is presi­ dent, and executive director Anne Allen. In pur­ suit o f its objectives— all related to the wider dis­ se m in ation o f in fo rm a tio n th ro u g h lib r a r ie s , printed materials, and audiovisual aids, radio and te le v isio n , and o t h e r te ch n o lo g ic a l im p r o v e ­ m ents— it has aided a nu m ber o f libraries and cu ltu ral o r g a n iz a tio n s in W a sh in g to n and throughout the country. • C a l i f o r n i a St a t e U n i v e r s i t y a t LONG B e a c h (CSULB) has becom e the recipient of a major federal grant, according to Library D i­ Adelaide B. Lockhart W e r e c o r d th e p assin g o f A d e la id e B. L o ck h a rt, d ir e c t o r o f lib ra ry s e r v ice s at Dartmouth College. W id ely known in profes­ sional circles throughout N ew England, she was president o f the N ew England Library Association in 1970-71. On the national level, she was a past m em ber o f the council o f the American Library Association and served the association in a variety o f special capacities, including membership on its budget com m it­ tee. Among her particular professional concerns were personnel administration and training for librarianship, as well as the utilization o f mi­ croforms in libraries. She was for many years a m e m b e r o f o r co n su lta n t to th e M i­ cropublishing Projects C om m ittee, Resources and T e ch n ic a l S e r v ic e s D iv is io n , o f the American Library Association. In 1976, at a luncheon held at the Museum o f F ine Arts in B oston , Sim m ons C o lle g e School o f Library Science Alumni Association p re se n te d its annual A lum ni A ch ie v e m e n t Award to Miss Lockhart, citing “ her contribu­ tions to librarianship in general as an active m em ber and officer o f professional organiza­ tions and fo r h e r d istin g u ish e d c a r e e r in academic librarianship and administration.” rector P eter Spyers-D uran. T he library grant, part o f the Antirecession Public Works Em ploy­ ment Act o f 1976, Title II, Round II, amounts to over $206,000 and is on e o f the largest o f this kind in the California State University and C ol­ lege System. T he receip t o f this grant and accom panying funds will give the C SU LB Library the opportu­ nity to com plete im portant projects. These p roj­ ects are: 1. K W IC: T o d evelop and im plem ent a c o m ­ puterized key word in context (K W IC) index to 22,000 title collection o f California State publica­ tions. T he duration o f the p ro je c t will b e six months, during w hich time d ocum ents will be machine-readable coded and com puter K W IC in­ dexes produced. The regular library staff will be able to maintain the index after the initial d e ­ velopm ent period. 2. Catalog backlogs: This project will overcom e a backlog in cataloging o f books and microfilm by putting the editing o f the card catalog on a cur­ rent basis. 3. Shelf reading and im provem ent o f the edito­ rial quality o f the catalog: This project is intended to catch up on a back log o f main card catalog maintenance problem s and to allow the library to keep pace with the daily workload. 4. Com plete the coverage o f materials for the theft d etection system: This p roject will install electronic theft detection targets in 400,000 li­ brary items in order to prevent unauthorized re­ moval o f library books. This project is exepcted to last six months. These projects will provide substantial increase in the service level o f the CSU LB Library to its users. • A grant of $25,000 has been awarded to the F o l g e r Sh a k e s p e a r e L i b r a r y , Washington, D .C ., by the H en ry L uce Foundation o f New York City. The grant was made in partial support o f the purchase o f the Reformation C ollection, which the Folger acquired in early 1977. In announcing the grant, Folger director O. B. Hardison, Jr., expressed appreciation to founda­ tion president Henry Luce III and to the other Luce trustees. O ther major funds for the purchase o f the co l­ lection have b e e n c o n trib u te d b y the Crystal Trust by an anonymous Friend o f the Library and by the National E ndow m ent for the Humanities and the library’s annual acquisitions benefit. • D r e w U n i v e r s i t y has r e c e iv e d an $18,845 grant "from the C ouncil on Library Re­ sources to participate in the A cadem ic Library Developm ent Program (ALDP). D rew is only the third U.S. institution o f higher learning to secure such an award. T he A L D P involves a tw o-staged self-study survey designed to focus on a library’s problems and assets. The program was begun in 1975 to help m id-sized academ ic libraries analyze how 171 t h e y w e r e m e e t i n g c a m p u s a n d c o m m u n it y needs. At D r e w , L ib ra ry D ir e c t o r A rth u r E . Jones and his staff h o p e to pin p oin t sp ecific n eed s and increase library use w hile planning for an addi­ tion to the R ose M em orial Library. T he program , w hich began last S e p te m b e r, is e x p e cte d to b e co m p le te d b y this July. Jaia H e y m a n o f M illin g t o n , w h o s e r v e s as r e fe r e n c e /g o v e r n m e n t d o c u m e n t s librarian , is chairing the study; D u an e W e b ste r, d ire cto r o f the O ffice o f M anagem ent Studies o f the A ssocia­ tion o f Research Libraries, is p ro je c t coordinator. G uidance is b e in g p ro v id e d b y an advisory c o m ­ m ittee co m p o se d o f librarians from other institu­ tions; representatives from D r e w ’ s trustees, fac­ ulty, administration, and student bod y; and re p ­ resentatives from a ccre d itin g and o th e r p ro fe s ­ sional associations. • T he C o u n c i l o n L i b r a r y R e s o u r c e s , Inc. (C L R ) aw a rd ed grants totalin g $ 1 ,3 0 6 ,8 5 4 d u rin g fiscal y ear 1977 (July 1, 19 76-J u n e .30, 1977) a cco rd in g to th e c o u n c il’ s re ce n tly p u b ­ lished 21st A nnual R ep ort. This fiscal year was the last year o f total su p­ p o r t o f th e c o u n c il b y t h e F o r d F o u n d a tio n , w h ich e sta b lish e d C L R as a p riv a te o p e ra tin g foundation in 1956. D u rin g the year, it was an­ n ou nced that, in addition to continuin g support from the F ord F oundation, C L R w ould also re­ ceive funding totaling $1.5 m illion from the A n ­ d rew W . M ellon F oun dation and the C arnegie Corporation o f N e w York. T h ese grants will fur­ ther the co u n cil’ s program o f w ork d irected to ­ ward finding solutions to p rob lem s facing libraries in general and academ ic and research libraries in particular. C ontinuing recen t trends, the largest portion o f C L R funds (39 p e rce n t) aw arded in fiscal year 1977 supported activities co n c e r n e d with the d e ­ velopm en t o f a nationw ide library system. T h ese in clu d e n e tw ork d e v e lo p m e n t , library ap p lica­ tions o f c o m p u t e r t e c h n o lo g y , fo r m u la tio n o f standards, and o th e r co op erativ e endeavors. N otable am ong these awards w e re a $122,000 grant to the O h io C o lle g e Library C en ter for a study o f its future govern an ce and organization and a $326,925 m atching grant from C L R and the National E n d ow m en t for the H um anities toward c o n t in u e d d e v e l o p m e n t o f th e U n iv e r s it y o f C h ic a g o ’ s L ib ra ry D ata M a n a g e m e n t S y stem . Support also con tin u ed during the year for such coo p e ra tiv e p rogram s as C O N S E R , C O M A R C , and m eetings o f the Library o f C ongress N etw ork A dvisory C om m ittee and N etw ork Technical A r­ chitecture G roup. Programs that focus on im provin g academ ic li­ brary serv ices to u n derg rad u ates c o n su m e d 16 p ercen t o f C L R funds for fiscal year 1977. F our institutions re ce iv e d grants from the join t C L R / N E H C olle g e Library Program fund and another thirteen w e re chosen to ex plore ways o f better in tegrating the library into the educational process th rou g h C L R ’ s L ib r a r y S e r v ic e E n h a n c e m e n t Program. As in past years, a m ajor p ortion o f C L R grants w as d e v o t e d to p r o g r a m s o f p r o fe s s io n a l d e ­ v e lo p m e n t for individual librarians through the coun cil’ s A cad em ic Library M anagem ent Intern­ ships, Fellow ships, and A d vanced Study grants. A n ew award in this area supports the N ew E ng­ land A cad em ic Librarians’ W riting Seminar; the w ork o f its m em bers has b eg u n to appear in the Journal o f A cadem ic L ibrarianship. O t h e r m a jo r grants d u r in g fiscal y ear 1977 w ere to the International F ederation o f Library A ssociations and In stitu tion s’ (IF L A ) O ffice for Universal B ibliographic C on trol and to two uni­ versities w h ose libraries are cond uctin g an inter­ nal assessm ent o f o b je c t iv e s , p r o c e d u r e s , and services as part o f the co u n cil’s A cad em ic Library D e v e lo p m e n t Program. T h e co u n cil’ s 21st A n n u al R ep ort is available at no charge to interested individuals. Send a self- addressed mailing label to Annual Report, C o u n ­ cil on L ibrary R e so u rce s, O n e D u p o n t C ircle , Suite 620, W ashington, D C 20036. 174 • W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y has been awarded a $19,500 grant from the National Agricultural L ibrary, U .S . D ep artm en t o f A g ­ riculture, to p ro v id e d e liv e ry o f d o cu m e n ts— photocopies and books— to agricultural research­ ers and program p erson n el in Idaho, O reg on , Utah, and Washington. The service will co v e r the Northwest and the Intermountain region. T here are four similar re­ gions throughout the country. A llene F. Schnaitter, d ire cto r o f libraries at W S U , and s c ie n c e and e n g in e e r in g librarian Elizabeth P. Roberts are in charge o f the p ro­ gram. Janet K. Chisman o f the libraries staff will supervise the project. “ W hen a US D A researcher in the field is in need o f a journal article, that person contacts the library o f the land grant university o f the state. If that library does not have the article, the request is referred to the regional c e n te r at the W SU S cien ce and E n g in e e rin g L ib ra ry ,” Schnaitter explained. If the item is not available at W SU , the re­ quest is forwarded to the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland, largest agricul­ tural library in the world. “ This network provides agricultural researchers in rem ote areas with rapid access to the world s literature in agriculture and the related sciences,” Schnaitter noted. MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS JU LY 11 -1 3 : T h e P alm er G raduate L ibrary School will offer a three-day institute for school media specialists and administrators on SERVICES o f a S c h o o l L i b r a r y M e d i a P r o g r a m , at the C. W . Post campus in G reenvale, N ew York. T he coordinator o f the institute is David Ray B en d er, adm in istrator, S ch o o l M edia S e rvice O ffice , D iv ision o f L ibrary D e v e lo p m e n t and Services, Maryland State Departm ent o f Educa­ tion. The institute s presenters will also include D . Philip Baker, c o o rd in a to r o f sch ool library m edia program s, Stanford C o n n e cticu t P ublic Schools, and Jane Hannigan, professor o f library service, Colum bia University. Continuing Education Opportunities Ju l y TITLE : Data Bases: Their Organization and Dissemination Systems DATE: July 3-A ugust 18 L O C A TIO N : W ashington, D .C . SPONSOR: Catholic University o f America COST: $85 per credit hour C O N TA CT: John Gilheany (202) 635-5256 TITL E : Basic O C L C Training DATE: July 3-A u gust 18 L O C A TIO N : W ashington, D .C . SPONSOR: Catholic University o f America COST: $85 per credit hour CO N TA CT: John Gilheany (202) 635-5256 TITL E : Institute on the D evelopm ent and Adm inistration o f P ro­ grams for the Preservation o f Library Materials DATE: July 10-August 4 LO C A TIO N : Washington, D .C . SPONSOR: C o lu m b ia U n iv e r s ity /U S O E Title II B COST: Free, plus $75/week stipend C O N T A CT : Richard L. Darling (212) 280-2292 TITLE : A r ch iv e s In stitu te (A rch ival Practices) D ATE: July 24-A ugust 18 LO C A TIO N : Atlanta, Ga. SPONSOR: Em ory University COST: $576 (credit); $225 (no credit) CO N TA CT: A. Venable Lawson (404) 329-6840 A u g u s t TITLE C o m m u n ity A n a lysis W o r k shop DATE August 4 -8 LO C A TIO N M adison, Wis. SPONSOR U n iv e r s ity o f W is c o n s in ­ Extension CO ST $135 C O N T A C T Jim Nelson (608) 262-3566 TITLE E xecu tive D e v e lo p m e n t P ro­ gram for L ibrary A d m in is­ trators DATE August 6 -1 2 LO C A TIO N Oxford, Ohio SPONSOR Miami University C O ST $2 95 (in c lu d e s ro o m and meals) C O N T A C T Harry F. Brooks (513) 529-4129 TITLE Institute on F ederal Library Resources DATE August 7-18 LOCATION W ashington, D .C . SPONSOR Catholic University o f America C O ST $245 CO N T A C T John Gilheany (202) 635-5256 175 H otel rooms near cam pus, as well as cam pus a c c o m m o d a tio n s , are a v a ila b le fo r th e t h r e e nights. Registration fe e for the institute is $60, including lunch for three days. F o r further inform ation w rite o r call: D ean , G raduate L ibrary S ch o o l, C . W . Post C e n te r, G reenvale, NY 11548; (516) 299-2855, ext.6. A U G U S T 6 - 1 2 : M ia m i U n iv e r s it y has a n ­ nou n ced its 1978 E x e c u t i v e D e v e l o p m e n t P r o g r a m f o r L i b r a r y A d m i n i s t r a t o r s . The program is an intensive, w eek-lon g course in the general m anagem ent o f library service. This year’s program will b e held on the Miami U ni­ versity campus at Oxford, O hio. T h e principal subjects co v e re d in this course in c lu d e : “T h e R o le s o f th e A d m in is t r a t o r ,” “ M .B .O ., " “ P lanning, L ead ersh ip , M otivation, C o m m u n ic a tio n , C h a n g e and C re a tiv ity , E m ­ p lo ye e D ev elop m en t, and Managerial Challenges A head.” T he m ethods o f instruction are carefully chosen for their im pact and participant involve­ m ent. T hese include discussion, case study, role playing, simulations, and lecture. T he cost o f the program is $295 per p erson, w hich includes tuition, all course materials, pri­ vate room , and all meals. Last year’ s enrollm ent was in excess o f seventy persons so applicants are advised to register early. T hose desiring m ore in­ formation should contact the program s director, Harry F. Brooks, School o f Business Administra­ tion, Miami University, Oxford, O H 45056; (513) 529-4129. S e p t e m b e r 1 8 - 2 1 : T h e F I D S e m i n a r o n E d u c a t i o n a n d T r a i n i n g w ill b e h e l d in Edinburgh, Scotland. A draft program is available from the C onferen ce O rganizer, c /o Aslib, 3 Bel- grave Square, L ond on, S W 1X 8PL, Great Brit­ ain, or from the U S N C F ID Secretariat, National A cad em y o f S cie n ce s, 2101 C onstitution A v e ., N W , W ashington, D C 20418. Se p t e m b e r 19-22: T he A s l i b 5 2 n d A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e w ill b e h e ld in th e A p p le t o n T o w e r , E d in b u rg h U n iv e r s ity , S cotla n d . T h e them e will b e “ Information: Presentation, Politics and P ow er.” F or program and registration form, contact C onferen ce O rganiser, Aslib, 3 Belgrave Square, L ondon, S W 1X 8PL, Great Britain. S e p t e m b e r 2 4 -2 6 : T h e A n n u a l C o n f e r ­ e n c e o f t h e N e w E n g l a n d L i b r a r y A s ­ s o c i a t i o n will b e h e ld at W e n tw o rth -b y -th e - Sea, Portsm outh, N H . F or further information, contact Nan Berg, P .O . Box 273, H olden, M A 01520; (617) 829-6545. S e p t e m b e r 2 5 - 2 8 : “ N e w T r e n d s in D ocum entation and Inform ation” is the them e o f the 3 9 t h F I D C ON GR ESS to b e held in E d in ­ burgh, Scotland. F or a prelim inary program and registration m aterials, co n ta ct C o n fe r e n c e O r ­ g a n is e r, A s lib , 3 B e lg r a v e S q u a r e , L o n d o n , S W 1X 8P L , G reat Britain, o r U S N C F ID S e c ­ retariat, N ational A c a d e m y o f S c ie n c e s, 2101 Constitution A v e ., N W , W ashington, D C 20418. MISCELLANY • T he board o f directors in late 1977 approved p lann ing fo r a m ajor ren ovation o f the library building at U N IO N T H E O L O G IC A L SEM INARY in N ew York C ity. T he o v e r one-half-m illion volum e collections o f the seminary are housed in a facility o p e n e d in 1910. A special librarian for research and planning will b e added to the staff at least through the renovation o f the facility. M ajor c o n ­ siderations in the program will b e upgrading o f the atm ospheric controls and systems, increased reader spaces, and op en stacks for the teaching collections. • T he o p e n in g o f a n ew ly establish ed Asian D an ce A rchive, containing m ore than 7,000 films and videotapes, books, manuscripts, and artifacts, w as a n n o u n c e d at a p re s s c o n f e r e n c e h e ld M onday, April 3, 1978, in the D an ce C ollection o f the N e w Y o r k P u b l i c L i b r a r y a t L i n ­ c o l n C e n t e r . T he Asian D an ce Archive will provide an important repository for the d ocu m en ­ tation and preservation o f the dance forms o f the E ast, to b e u se d b y an intern ation a l b o d y o f scholars, specialists, and perform ers. In c e r e m o n ie s in th e D a n c e C o l l e c t i o n , Richard W . C ou p er, president o f the N ew York Public Library, and G en eviev e Oswald, curator o f the D ance C ollection, acknow ledged the gener­ ous support o f the JD R 3rd Fund in the estab­ lishment o f the archive. T h ey also acknow ledged th e c o o p e r a t iv e p a r tic ip a tio n o f N H K -Jap an Broadcasting C orporation in facilitating the ac­ quisition o f films on Asian Dance. • A local e x p erim en t in sharing acquisitions A C R L/ABSS ALA Annual C onference Program Jonathan A. K ing, a ssocia te p ro fe sso r o f biology at Massachusetts Institute o f T ech n ol­ ogy and director o f M IT ’ s biology electron mi­ croscop e facility, will b e the principal speaker at the A C R L Agriculture and Biological Sci­ e n c e s S ection m e e tin g at the Annual A LA C onferen ce, June 25, 1978. Entitled “ R ecom ­ binant D N A — T he Right to K n ow ,” the 2:00- p.m . m eeting will feature an address by King follow ed by a panel discussion. The panel, in­ clu d in g fou r p e o p le fam iliar with the field, will take various p ro and co n positions regard­ ing recom binant D N A experim entation. King’ s research has focused on the genetic control o f m orphogenesis in bacterial viruses. H e has b een actively involved in advocating public participation and decision making over g e n e m anip ula tion. A g e n e ticis t, K ing has w ritten and le c tu re d on issues relevant to conducting recom binant D N A research. 176 planning may affect both reference services and budget planning at participating Philadelphia-area institutions. At a m e e tin g earlier in the year, PARLIE (Philadelphia Area R eference Librarians Information Exchange) m em bers d e cid e d that a centralized acquisitions information clearinghouse would b e a good idea. T em p le University’s Paley L ibrary, host for the m e e tin g , v o lu n te e re d to take on the jo b for a six-month trial period. W hy an acquisitions clearinghouse? E very day libraries in the Philadelphia area (and nationwide) receive publishers’ notices o f and advertisements for potentially useful reference material. M uch o f this material is, how ever, very expensive. Most librarians responsible for acquisitions decisions find themselves in a quandary: W ill the potential usefulness o f an item offset its high cost? W ill another library nearby purchase this item and allow other “ outsiders” to use it? C ouldn’t local libraries, ideally, “ p ool” their resources, so that duplicate purchases might be avoided and at the same time users’ needs b e satisfied? But how do w e all find out what other libraries are purchas­ ing, or considering for purchase? PA R L IE ’s an­ sw er is a kind o f c e n tra liz e d inform ation e x ­ change, which hopefully will cut down on rela­ tively inefficient efforts at information exchange via mail or telephone. T em ple will coordinate the records and make them available to requesting li­ braries. Details have yet to b e ironed out. Discussion o f r e co rd and r e q u e st form at at the m e e tin g leaned toward written form s, su pplem ented by New Library Organization Formed In January 1978 a new library organization, the Association o f A cadem ic Health Sciences Library Directors, was incorporated. Its pur­ pose is “ to provide a m edium for com m unica­ tion among directors o f such libraries in order to foster their com m on concerns o f planning, program and policy d evelop m ent, to extend their contacts nationally, and to p ro v id e a forum for joint action.” M em bers o f the initial b o a rd o f d ir e c t o r s are G e r a ld J. O p ­ penheim er, University o f Washington, presi­ d e n t; S am uel H itt, U n iv e r sity o f N orth Carolina, president elect; Peter Stangl, Stan­ fo rd U n iv e r s ity , se c r e ta r y and tre a su re r; G lenn L. Brudvig, U niversity o f Minnesota, and Nina W . Matheson, G eorge Washington U n iversity. T h e a ssocia tion w ill a p p ly for m e m b e r s h ip in th e C o u n c il o f A c a d e m ic Societies o f the Association o f American M ed­ ical C o lle g e s . An inform ational m e e tin g is planned to take place in conjunction with the annual meeting o f the M edical Library Associ­ ation in June 1978 in Chicago. telephone com m unication, since many major ac­ quisitions decisions must be made quickly to take advantage o f prepublication or other discounts. Inform ation regarding p urchasing decision s al­ ready m ade is ju st as valuable. Area librarians w ould like to b e able to direct users requiring, for example, the E nergy Bibliography and Index ($295 per volum e) or the International E n cyclo­ pedia o f Psychiatry, Psych ology, Psychoanalysis and N eurology ($675) to the appropriate area in­ stitution. A nother potential ou tco m e o f such a clearinghouse is shared acquisition o f m ajor refer­ ence sets. Might not one library agree with its neig h bor dow n the street to share the cost o f Newsbank ($996 p er year) or the Com bined R et­ rospective Index to Journals in Political Science ($750), History ($985), or S ociology ($550)? P A R L IE ’s efforts demonstrate its basic philoso­ phy o f “ United W e Stand … ” (and its alterna­ tive) and are, w e think, to b e applauded. Another project on next m eeting’ s discussion agenda is the implementation o f an indexing effort directed at o n e o f P hiladelphia’ s m ajor new spapers. Such cooperative efforts may offer at least a partial so­ lution to many an institution’ s budgeting or refer­ ence service headaches.— N ew sletter, Joseph XV. England Library, Philadelphia C ollege o f Phar­ maceutical Science. • Indiana Library Association executive d irec­ tor Sue Cady reports that every college and uni­ versity library in Indiana will benefit from newly enacted funding for the INDIANA COOPE R ATIV E L i b r a r y Se r v i c e s A u t h o r i t y (IN C O L S A ). The state funding in the amount o f $350,000 for fiscal year 1978-79 was appropriated by the 1978 Indiana G eneral A ssem bly for the four-year-old multitype library network. T he funds will support telecom m u nications costs, central staff, a c e n ­ tralized processing center, and an Indiana serials data base. O f IN C O L SA ’s seventy terminals linked to the O hio C ollege Library System, forty-eight are in Indiana colleges and universities. Terminal instal­ lation was facilitated by a grant to sixteen schools from the Kellog Foundation and IN C O L SA ’ s own initial grant from the Library Services and C o n ­ struction Act administered by the Indiana State Library. It is believed that IN C O L SA is one o f the first independent multitype statewide library networks to receive state funds. • Library acquisitions have becom e the fastest growing com ponent o f St a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y co s ts , th e ir lo n g -r a n g e fin an cial fo r e c a st fo r 1978-83 indicates. W ritten by vice-provost Raymond F. Bacchetti and several colleagues, the forecast was published W ednesday, February 1, in Campus Report, the un iversity’ s w e e k ly n e w sp a p e r for faculty and staff. The forecast indicates library acquisition costs now are growing 10 percent faster than inflation, which is estimated at 6 percent. By 1983 the university 177 hopes to hold the increase to 5 percent is not financially feasible to offer a periodical re­ print service without the econom ic advantage o f an on-site collection to serve as a basic resource, the board still sees a potentially valid role for a regional service that would bring a w ide range o f resources and bibliographic services within reach o f all types o f libraries. For that reason, N ELB is developing a proposal to study the feasibility o f creating a New England Bibliographic Resource Service (NEBRS) in conjunction with a regional repository currently b e in g planned for possible construction. U nder such an arrangement, it is an ticip ated that the n e w se r v ice w o u ld have a v a ila ble the su bstan tial c o lle c t io n s o f an academic library as its primary resource. I f the concept gains support from New England librarians and information specialists and attracts financial assistance from o n e o r m ore funding agencies, NEBRS will offer not only periodical reprints but also the location and delivery o f all types o f materials in a variety o f forms. The pro­ gram could serve as a link with the N E L IN E T / O C L C data base and p ro s p e c tiv e interlibrary communication system, providing access to librar­ ies without O C L C terminals. N ELB is consulting with N E L IN E T and N ew England libraries in d e v e lo p in g the N E B R S p rop osal. F urther an­ nouncements will be made as the planning pro­ gresses. ■■ more than inflation. Awareness o f the long-term trend led provost W illiam F. M iller last fall to appoint and personally head a task force on Stan­ ford library services from 1980 to 2000 A .D . • T he N ew E ngland Library Board (N E L B ) has announced a decision to phase out the N e w E n g l a n d Se r i a l s Se r v i c e (NESS) in its p re­ sent form. The action set March 24 as the cutoff date for NESS to accept new requests for p eri­ odical article reprints. All requests in process at that time are expected to b e com pleted by April 30, 1978. In its tw o-year e x isten ce as a p ilot p ro je ct, NESS has served m any libraries not having a network o f interlibrary loan resources. It has also generated a profile o f N ew England ILL practices which will b e valuable in planning future regional services. N ESS statistics w ill b e analyzed for their significance to the New England configura­ tion as well as for their relevance to the em erging plan for a national periodicals program. T he decline in requests since the last rate in­ crease in Septem ber has shown that the $7.50 m inimum set at that time is above the current level o f tolerance for all but a few special and still fewer academic libraries. The num ber o f requests was dow n by 48 percent in the last quarter o f 1977. Although the NESS experience suggests that it