ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 181 RETIREMENTS W i l l i a m Je n n i n g s C h a l k e r , coordinator o f r e a d e r s e r v ice s , C arl S. S w ish e r L ibrary, Ja c k s o n v i l l e U n i v e r s i t y , F lorida, retired April 30. E l l a -B e l l e S. G r o v e s , chairman, depart­ ment o f periodicals, LOM A L i n d a UNIVERSITY, California, has retired. E l i z a b e t h H a m e r Ke g a n , assistant librar­ ian o f C ongress for American and library studies, L i b r a r y o f C o n g r e s s , W a sh in g to n , D C ., re ­ tired M a rch 17. GORDON A . R o w e l l , c h ie f librarian and pro­ fessor, K i n g s b o r o u g h C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e o f t h e C i t y U n i v e r s i t y o f N e w Y o r k , Brooklyn, retired on Septem ber 1, 1977. DEATHS L e e C . P E T R A S E K , a s s is t a n t h e a d o f th e a c q u i s i t i o n d e p a r t m e n t , U N IV E R S IT Y OF CALIFO RN IA, B e rk e le y , d ie d M a rch 15. ■■ Publications NOTICES • In order to make the Department o f C o m ­ m erce annual U.S. Industrial O utlook m ore ac­ cessible and useful, Penton/IPC Research has d e ­ veloped an SIC O rd er Index. The index is available in the form o f a sixteen- page booklet. The price is $2 from Penton/IPC Research, 614 Superior Ave. W est, C leveland, O H 44113. • A new e x p o s itio n o f U niversal Serials & Book Exchange (USBE) processes and operations in the form o f a c o o r d in a t e d c a sse tte ta p e - p h otograp h ic slide p re se n ta tio n has b een an­ nounced. Contact: USBE, 335 V St., NE, W ash­ ington, D C 20018; (202) 529-2555. • The W inter 1978 issue o f University Publish­ ing‚ a new quarterly devoted to the publications o f the nearly 100 university presses in America, has been published. T he them es o f this issue, under the guest editorship o f Leonard Michaels, are “T he Body” and “ M usic.” University Publishing‚ a quarterly, is distrib­ uted by su bscription and through book stores. Single copies are $1. Subscriptions: Individuals, $4 a year, $10 three years (Foreign, $5 a year, $12 three years); In stitu tion s, $6 a year, $15 three years (Foreign, $7 a year, $17 three years). F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n c o n c e r n in g e d ito ria l policies, consult Leonard Michaels, Professor o f English, University o f California, Berkeley, CA 94720, or William M cC lung, Sponsoring Editor, U n iv ersity o f C a liforn ia Press, B e rk e le y , CA 94720. • The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Inc., has announced the publication o f Plant Bibliography. Issue no. 1, January 1978, consists o f an annotated bibliography on desert gardening— desert plants and their cultivation. A second issue in publication is on vegetable cookery, and two m ore are being com pleted on the gesneriads (African violets and their relatives) and orchids. The council hopes that each Plant Bibliography will be an invaluable aid to librar­ ians, researchers, and others needing specialized bibliographic information in the fields o f botany and horticulture. It is priced at $2.50, which includes postage and handling, and may b e o r d e r e d from the council in care o f the M orton Arboretum, Lisle, IL 60532. • The Colorado C ouncil o f Medical Librarians, has announced the publication o f the second edi­ tion o f the C C M L Union List o f Serials. There are approxim ately 125 new titles added to the 1977 list o f some 1,700 health science titles. The holdings included are from twenty-eight Colorado health sciences libraries (excluding the University o f C olorado Medical C enter and Colorado State U niversity Libraries). T he cost is $27 and the publication may be ordered from Joel Greenblat, Treasurer, C olorado C ouncil o f M edical Librar­ ians, U C M C Denison Library, 4200 E. 9th Ave., D enver, C O 80262. Checks may be made out to the C olorado Council M edical Librarians. • The newly published Collection Analysis in R e s ea r c h L ib r a r ie s : A n I n te r im R e p o r t on a Self-Study P rocess contains five papers on the status o f the C ollection Analysis Project (CAP) o f the Association o f Research Libraries, Office o f University Library Management Studies. The pa­ pers, first presen ted at the A R L m em bersh ip meeting on O ctob er 1977, w ere brought together in this publication to provide an overall view o f the CAP procedure, which university research li­ braries can use to analyze collection, acqusition, reten tion , re so u rce sharing, and preservation practices. C A P is supported by a grant from the Andrew W . Mellon Foundation. The papers discuss major issues confronting re­ search libraries in d e v e lo p in g and maintaining collections, the operation o f the CAP procedure, and the status o f pilot tests at the Massachusetts Institute o f T echnology, Arizona State University, and the University o f California at Berkeley. C o lle c t io n A n a ly s is in R e s ea r c h L ib r a r ie s 182 (twenty-seven pages) is available for $5, prepay­ m ent r e q u ir e d , from O ffic e o f M an a g em en t Studies, Association o f Research Libraries, 1527 N ew H am pshire A v e ., N W , W ashington, D C 20036. • Some 100,000 on-line reference searches per year are perform ed in California libraries and in­ formation agencies, as reported in the Study o f O n lin e B ib lio g r a p h ic D a ta B a se S er v ic e s in California‚ by Gretchen S. Savage. The report is available from the California Library Authority for Systems and Services (CLASS). The author interviewed 61 o f the over 200 us­ ers, vend ors, and brok ers en g a ged in on -lin e services in California and from the collected data prepared recommendations for on-line reference support services CLASS might provide to librar­ ies. T he report includes general inform ation on services and detailed information on number o f searches perform ed, data bases and vendors used, search characteristics, e q u ip m e n t, e n d users, funding, and training. Price o f the report is $8 to CLASS members, $10 to n on m em bers. Please in clu d e sales tax where applicable. Payment must accompany or­ der. Mail to: C LASS, 1415 Koll C ircle, # 1 0 1 , San Jose, CA 95112. • Ward Ritchie— book designer, topographer, and poet— has a new book published by the Santa Susana P ress o f C a lifo rn ia State U n iv e rsity , Northridge Libraries, entitled A Bowl o f Quince. This new limited edition (199 copies) is illustrated LAD Announces Preconference The Buildings and E qu ipm ent Section o f the L ibrary A d m in istra tio n D iv isio n an ­ nounces a preconference institute to be held prior to the 1978 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. “ Energy and the Library” is the title o f the institute that will b e held in the Palmer House Hotel on June 23-24, 1978. The purpose o f this preconference is to in­ troduce librarians to the concepts o f energy conservation and to illustrate the success and p rob lem s o f bu ildin gs already d esign ed to save energy. A num ber o f library buildings from different geographical regions will be critically exam ined by librarians and archi­ tects; and m odels, photographs, and sp eci­ fications o f those projects and others will be on exhibit. The preconference is planned to be relevant to all sizes and types o f libraries and to the design o f new buildings as well as the renova­ tion o f existing buildings. For information and a registration brochure, contact the Library Administration Division headquarters at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780, ext.266 or 267. by Irving Block. Signed copies may be obtained by forwarding a check for $30 to “ Library Publi­ cations” c/o Norman E. Tanis, California State University, Northridge Libraries, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, C A 91330. • The Library o f Congress announces the pub­ lication o f the first two volum es o f Letters o f D el­ egates to C ongress, 1774-1789‚ a comprehensive documentary project designed to fill a conspicu­ ous gap in the know ledge o f the American R evo­ lution. V olum es 1 and 2 are the first o f som e twenty-five volum es expected to appear during the next fifteen years as the project, made possi­ ble by a generous grant from the Ford Founda­ tion, continues. The new work will supersede the eight-volume edition o f L etters o f M em bers o f the Continental C ongress prepared by Edm und C. Burnett m ore than forty years ago. In announcing the Ford Foundation grant for su p p ort late in 1970, fo u n d a tio n p re s id e n t M cG eorge Bundy said, “ By making more widely available basic research materials on a crucial chapter in Am erican history, this p ro je ct will facilitate humanistic scholarship.” Letters o f Delegates to C ongress‚ 1774-1789 is available b y mail from the S uperin ten d en t o f D ocum ents, U.S. G overnm ent Printing Office, W ash in gton , D C 20402 (S tock nos. 03 0-00 0- 00076-5 and 030-000-00077-3), or in person from the Information Counter, ground floor, Library o f C on g ress B uilding. V o lu m e 1, A ugust 1 7 7 4 - August 1775, is 751 pages and sells for $8.50. V olum e 2, S e p te m b e r -D e c e m b e r 1775, is 585 pages and sells for $9.00. Future volumes will be announced as they are published. • Marian Clarke’s David W atkinsons Library is about the Watkinson Librarv, which was trans­ ferred to the Trinity C ollege Library, Hartford, C o n n e cticu t, in 1952. T h e original c o lle ctio n comprised approximately 130,000 volumes, which has been augmented by ov er 18,000 since the transfer. The endow m ent for the collection has also increased since that time by $300,000. A few copies o f the book remain at $15, postage paid, from Ralph S. Em erick, Librarian, Trinity C o l­ lege Library, Hartford, C T 06106. Also available on request is O ne Hundred Gifts to The Watkin­ son L ibrary, 1952-1977. • Selected books, articles, bibliographies, and other research tools relevant to research on an array o f w om en studies topics are com piled in WOM ENSTUDY: Guides f o r Research. This se­ ries o f twelve guides provides initial access to the pertinent social science and humanities literature. Guides to the following topics are included: black w om en, crim e and prison, family, film, health and sexualities, language, marriage, prostitution, radicalism and revolution, rape, sex roles, and working class wom en. Books listed are annotated, every entry bears its Library o f C ongress call num ber, and appropriate card catalog su bject headings appear on each guide. Subject, author, 183 and title indexes p rovid e easy access to the e n ­ tries. It is available for $2 (to defray printing and m ailin g c o sts) from D o n n e lle y L ib ra ry , Lake Forest C ollege, Lake Forest, IL 60045. • A s t e e r in g c o m m it t e e a p p o in t e d b y the American Council o f Learned Societies in 1975 to undertake a study o f the problem s o f East Asian libraries has issued its report and r e co m m e n ­ dations in East A sian L ib ra ries: P rob lem s and P ro sp ects (1977). A cco rd in g to the report, the study— w h ich was a c c o m p lish e d w ith fu n d in g from the Ford F ou n dation — revealed that “ in­ stitutional autonom y and duplication o f acquisi­ tions [am ong East Asian libraries] must b e re ­ placed by coordination o f purchases and sharing o f resources to a far greater degree than in the past.” The report calls for “ developm ent o f a national East Asian library system con sisten t with and geared to the general American research library network which is gradually ev olv in g .” The three imperatives for success in such a system, the re­ port submits, are (1) maintenance and continued grow th o f the East Asian library collection s o f major research universities; (2) creation o f m ore regional consortia and national pools, with incor­ poration o f East Asian materials into those al­ ready in e x iste n ce ; and (3) d e v e lo p m e n t o f a com prehensive bibliographic data base. T he re­ port concludes by recom m end ing establishment o f a com m ittee o f scholars and librarians to ov er­ see im plem entation o f these o b je c t iv e s .— HUL Notes. RECEIVED (Selected items will b e review ed in future is­ sues o f College and Research L ibraries.) Book theft and library security systems, 1978-79 / by A l i c e B a h r . — W h ite Plains, N .Y . : Knowledge Industry Publications, 1977. 128p. $24.50. (LC 77-25284) (ISBN 0-914236-14-8) C opyright handbook / D O N A LD F. JOHNSTON. — N ew York : R. R. Bowker C o ., 1978. 309p. $14.95. (LC 77-27449) (ISBN 0-8352-0951-2) D ictionary o f A m erican library biography / edito­ rial board, G e o r g e S. B obin ski, Jesse Hauk Shera, Bohdan S. W ynar ; edited by BOHDAN S. W y n a r . — Littleton, C olo. : Libraries U n­ lim ite d , 1978. 596p . $ 6 5 .0 0 (L C 77 -28791) (ISBN 0-87287-180-0) L ib r a r ie s and th e a r ts a n d h u m a n ities / b y C h a r l e s G . B o l t e . — S yracu se, N .Y . : Gaylord Professional Publications, 1978. 239p. (LC 77-12926) (ISBN 0-91579-413-6) M ic ro fo rm lib ra ria n sh ip / S. J. T E A G U E . — L ondon ; Boston : Butterworths, 1977. 117p. $8.50. (LC 76-44504) (ISBN 0-408-70799-2) N ational lib r a r y and in fo rm a tio n s e r v ic e s : a h a n d b o o k f o r p la n n e r s / e d it e d b y C . V. Pe n n a , D . J. F o s k e t t , P. H . Se w e l l . — L ondon ; Boston : Butterworths, 1977. 231p. $16.95. (LC 76-54296) (ISBN 0-408-70818-2) The new managerial grid : strategic insights into a p r o v e n sy ste m f o r in c r e a s in g o r g a n iza tio n p ro d u c tiv ity and individual e ffe c tiv e n e s s — plus a revealing exam ination o f how y o u r man­ agerial style can a ffect y o u r mental and physi­ cal health / R O R E R T R . BLAK E, JANE SRYG­ LEY M o u t o n . — (2d ed .) — Houston : G u lf Pub. C o ., cl978 . 329p. $12.95. (LC 77-84465) (ISBN 0-87201-473-8) O n-line inform ation retrieva l : an in trod u ctory manual to principles and practice / BERNARD H o u g h t o n a n d Jo h n C o n v e y . — London : C. Bingley ; Hamden, Conn. ; Linnet Books, 1977. 160p. $ 1 0 .0 0 . (L C 7 7 -2 1 8 5 8 ) (IS B N 0-208-01660-0) The O x fo rd University Press and the spread o f learning, 1478-1978 : an illustrated history / by N i c o l a s B a r k e r : w ith a p r e fa c e by Charles Ryskamp. — Oxford (Eng.) : Claren­ don Press, 1978. $25.00. (L C 77-30541) The search f o r a scientific profession : library sci­ e n ce education in the U.S. and Canada / by L. H o u s e r a n d A l v i n M . S c h r a d e r . — M e tu c h e n , N .J. : S c a r e c r o w P ress, 1977, c l9 7 8 . 180p. (L C 77 -175 63) (ISB N 0-8108- 1062-X) Use o f s o c ia l s c ie n c e li te r a t u r e / e d it o r , N. R ORERTS. / L ondon ; Boston : Butterworths, 1977. 3 2 6 p . $ 1 9 .9 5 . (L C 7 6 -1 6 5 4 8 ) (IS B N 0-408-10602-6) ■■ 184 Harvard and RLG This statem ent fr o m D ouglas W . Bryant, university librarian‚ H arvard University, re­ cently appeared in H U L Notes. A reluctant decision, hut on e unanimously supported by those at Harvard University who have been chiefly concerned with RLG, was reported in a letter o f A pril 4, 1978, from President Bok o f Harvard to James E. Skip­ p e r, p re s id e n t o f T h e R e search L ibraries Group: I am writing to inform you that Harvard Uni­ versity no longer finds it possible to partici­ pate a c tiv e ly in T h e R e se a rch L ib ra rie s G ro u p , In c ., and has u n d e r con sid e ra tio n withdrawal as a m em ber. W e take this action only after my colleagues and I have deliberated long and searchingly. W hile we continue to believe that collabora­ tion among research libraries is important, we have now com e reluctantly to the view that our continued active participation from this p oin t is not the m ost e ffe c t iv e c o u rse for either Harvard or RLG. Five years ago, when the Rosenthal study was undertaken to ex­ plore the basis for establishing this consortium o f fou r research lib ra rie s, the sim ilarities am ong them seem ed to be greater than, in our opinion, they have proved to be. Since then, the institutional im peratives operating within each o f the four libraries have led to differing perceptions o f individual needs and priorities. It is clear that the developm ent o f the Harvard libraries m ust n ow take first p rio r ity in th e use o f o u r re so u r c e s. M oreover, the com plexities in the organiza­ tion, adm in istration , and financing o f the nearly on e hundred libraries that com prise the Harvard University Library system nave m ade our p articip a tion in R L G singularly difficult. Though it has been con clu d ed that active participation in RLG is no longer desirable, President Bok’ s letter com m ends the progress that has been made by the organization to­ ward several goals; endorses the recom m en­ dations made in the chapter, “The Major R e­ search Libraries: Stren gthen ing a National Heritage” in the February 17, 1978, report, Research Universities and the National Inter­ est, issued by the F ord Foundation; and em ­ phasizes Harvard’ s interest in continued c o o p ­ eration with RLG and other research libraries and in maintenance o f close communications. I should like to express my appreciation to all m embers o f the university library staff who have been involved in RLG activities. If the experiment had been unsuccessful after only halfhearted participation by Harvard, the out­ com e would have been regrettable indeed. As it is, the Harvard Library can take pride in hav­ ing made an honest and strenuous effort. Classified Advertising NOTICE R espondents to adve rtise rs o ffe rin g fa c u lty " r a n k ” and "s ta tu s ” are advised tha t these term s are a m b igu o us and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as co n ­ ditions of em ploym ent. S a l a r y r a n g e s m u s t b e i n c l u d e d . Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. and should reach that office before the second of the m onth pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk o f copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1 .8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2 .2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. FOR SALE CH IN A — General Collection— reasonable. All topics. 1 .000 vols. plus. RUSSIA AND THE COM INTERN— Superb collection of books in western languages. Over 1.000 vols. Write M. Frazin. ERAC. Box 110. Farmington, CT 06032. LC Catalog (1 8 9 8 -1 9 4 2 ) $75 0.; NUC: Cum. Auth. List; 1 9 6 3 - 67— $350.; LC Cat. and NUC Auth. Lists; 1 9 4 2 -6 2 — $800. Mrs. D. K. Yedlin. Washington University School of M edicine Library, 458 0 Scott. St. Louis. M 0 63110. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-lib ra ria n s locate title s o r su b je ct, plus 1 5 0 .0 0 0 in de xe d stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tlan tic, A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone; 6 09 /344-1943. YOUR L IN K W IT H T H E U N fo r a ll p rin te d a nd m ic ro fic h e editions— complete series to single titles. We are specialists in the fie ld and p rovide d o cu m e n ta tio n services tailored to lib ra rie s' specific needs. Let us help you. UNIFO Publishers, Ltd.. P.O. Box 89, White Plains. NY 10602; (914) 592-8710. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS (travel, architecture, Indians, landscape, celebrities, transportation). Lehr. Box 617, New York. NY 10028. POSITION WANTED M.A. in History; M.A. in International Relations; M.L.S. (accredited): Ph.D. in Asian Languages and Literature. Working experience in academ ic libraries. Teaching experience in universities. Working knowledge of Japanese. Chinese, and French. U.S. citizen. Write to; Wen-kai Kung, 9244 Sand Point Way. N.E., Seattle, WA 98115. POSITIONS OPEN CATALOG EDITOR. Coordinates catalog m ain ten an ce a ctivities under supervision of head of Automated Processing Department. Responsible for designing and im plem enting manual system for a u ­ thority control o f all new and some retrospective names and sub­ jects. Assists in planning the future status of the catalog. (Auto­ mated Processing catalogs approxim ately 90% of all new mono­ graphic titles and is responsible for overall catalog maintenance.) Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school required. Prefer previous experience with AACR, nam e and subject authority work, a research library catalog, and OCLC or other automated cataloging support systems. This position is ac­ companied by faculty rank. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. $11 .50 0 — $ 13,500. Group health and accident insurance, TIAA/CREF. 12-month appointm ent. One-m onth vaca­ tion. Send resume by June 30. 1978. to Donald R. Hunt. Library Director, University of Tennessee/Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 3 7916. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action/Title IX employer.