ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 82 Personnel PROFILES Richard W. Boss, former associate director of libraries at the University of Utah, has re­ placed Mr. William H. Jesse as Director of Li­ braries at th e University of Tennessee, Knox­ ville. Mr. Jesse died suddenly on July 1, 1970. Mr. Boss had extensive experience in long- range planning at the University of Utah, which should stand him in good stead at Ten­ nessee. At the University of Utah he partici­ pated in the planning and construction of a new library and established the technical ser­ vices division as a separate organizational en­ tity. One of the features of this building is the dial-access information retrieval system. In Utah he actively worked with professional as­ sociations, serving on the ACRL Committee on Library Surveys in 1967 and the Statistic Co­ ordinating Committee in 1969, among others. He also served as President of the Bibliographic Center for Research a t Denver in 1970. He holds a B.A. in political science from the University of Utah and an M.A. in library sci­ ence from the University of Washington, where he is a doctoral candidate; he also held a Coun­ cil on Library Resources Fellowship for 1970. In his own words, he finds himself at an in­ stitution with a “strong library orientation” on the part of faculty and administration and a staff that is “outstanding in its commitment.” On September 1, 1970, Mrs. Glenora E d­ wards Rossell became director of the Hillman Library system at the University of Pittsburgh, replacing Dr. C. W al­ ter Stone. Mrs. Ros­ sell’s background is exceptionally well bal­ anced for the diverse administrative prob­ lems offered by her new position. She has previously served as the assistant director, technical services and administrative plan­ ning; assistant direc­ tor, humanities and social sciences; and acting director from Mrs. RossellJanuary to June of 1970. I t was during her appointment as acting director th at the university senate approved faculty status for li­ brarians. Mrs. Rossell has an M.L.S. from Columbia and has done further graduate work at Pitts­ burgh. She has also taught library science courses at both Pittsburgh and Carnegie Insti­ tute of Technology Schools of Library Science. APPOINTMENTS L es E rik B. Achey is now a cataloger at the library of Mansfield State College, Mansfield, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Gunvanti G. Asher has joined the staff of th e Holy Family College library, Philadel­ phia, Pennsylvania, as technical services librari­ an. Rubye Ballard is now black studies librari­ an in the library of the University of Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara. Robert H. Berry, Jr., is the new assistant librarian for reference in the library of Penn­ sylvania State University, Behrend Campus, Erie. Dorothy Beste has been appointed cata­ loger in the library of Temple University Health Sciences-School of Pharmacy and Den­ tistry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Carole A. Breslin has assumed the position of cataloger in the library of Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. E arl W. Burdette has assumed the position of assistant coordinator of information systems in the information systems office, administrative department, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Barbara Case has joined the staff of the University of California, Santa Barbara library as cataloger. Mrs. Shirley L. Chang has taken up duties as assistant reference librarian in the Pennsyl­ vania State University libraries, University Park. Mrs. Josephine Charles has been named reference librarian at Beaver College library, Glenside, Pennsylvania. John Mackenzie Cory is the new director of the library, New York Public Library. Richard W. Couper has received appoint­ ment to the position of the New York Public Li­ brary’s first full-time president. Robert Crittenden has been appointed in­ terlibrary loan librarian, University of Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara library. Mrs. Adrienne R. W. D ahlke is th e new assistant librarian in the library of Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia. 83 Mrs. Helen R. Daiuta has accepted the po­ sition of assistant cataloger in the library of Lincoln University, Lincoln University, Penn­ sylvania. Diana L. Davis has received appointment to the position of librarian, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology library, Butte. Mrs. Claire C. Dudley is a new staff mem­ ber of the Peirce Junior College Library, Phil­ adelphia, working as cataloger. Mrs. Joan E. J. Eisenacher has taken up duties of librarian I in the library of Communi­ ty College of Philadelphia. Mrs. Betty M. E isler is now instructor of library technology at Community College of Philadelphia. D r. Gilbert R. E nglerth has accepted ap­ pointment to the position of head librarian in the library of Eastern Baptist Theological Sem­ inary, Philadelphia. Robert H. Erb is now cataloger in the li­ brary of Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsyl­ vania. Paul G. F eehan is the new acting head of the circulation library at the Otto G. Richter Li­ brary, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Flori­ da. Gordon F retwell is now associate director for public services at the University of Massa­ chusetts, Amherst, library. Mary Gerber has been named acquisition- catalog librarian, Gardner-Harvey Library, Middletown Campus of Miami University, Mid­ dletown, Ohio. Mrs. Bonita Craft Grant is on the staff of the library of Rutgers University School of Law, Camden, New Jersey, as documents li­ brarian. F red Hearth is Oil Spill Information Center librarian, Sciences-Engineering library, Univer­ sity of California, Santa Barbara. Tom H igdon has joined the staff of the li­ brary, Sir George Williams University, Mon­ treal, Quebec, Canada, as head of reference. E dwin S. Holmgren has assumed duties as chief of branch libraries for the New York Pub­ lic Library. Madhusudan G. Kapadia has assumed the position of assistant acquisitions librarian at Trenton State College library, Trenton, New Jersey. Mrs. Sushila M. Kapadia has been named assistant acquisitions librarian in the library of the New Jersey College of Dentistry and Medi­ cine, Jersey City. Jane Louise Kaufman has been named lab­ oratory librarian a t Villanova University library, Villanova, Pennsylvania. Richard Kempton is the new bibliographic searcher and subject specialist for the Universi­ ty of California, Santa Barbara, library. Margaret Kvetan has been named head of the circulation department, Sir George Williams University library, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. John E. Lockwood has been elected to the newly created post of chairman of the board of the New York Public Library. Mrs. Charlotte K. Lucas has accepted ap­ pointment to the position of head librarian in the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Barbara McCormick has accepted the posi­ tion of field representative in the manuscript department of Syracuse University’s George Arents Research Library. Madelyn Carole McD ade has taken up duties as assistant reference librarian, Dickin­ son College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Ruth Caroline McNaught is on the staff of the library, Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture, Doylestown, Pennsyl­ vania, as cataloger. D orothy L ouise Maxwell is now assistant librarian in the Kutztown State College Li­ brary, Kutztown, Pennsylvania. D oris Miller has been named cataloger in the library of the University of California, San­ ta Barbara. Mrs. Sue S. Mogilner has joined the staff of the Temple University biology department as librarian. Lisa Mullenneaux is now romance lan­ guages cataloger of the Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity libraries, University Park. Rita E laine N eri has joined the staff of Wesleyan University’s Olin Library, Middle- town, Connecticut, as catalog librarian. Thomas Patterson has received appoint­ ment to the position of social sciences librarian, University libraries, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Dr. Morgan H. Pritchett is the new as­ sistant librarian, collections department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Lynn Marie Probost has accepted the posi­ tion of reference librarian for the Central Pied­ mont Community College library, Charlotte, North Carolina. Richard Quay has been named social sci­ ences librarian (School of Education) for the Miami University libraries, Oxford, Ohio. Mrs. Louise Barbara Rees is on the staff of the University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt Li­ brary as search assistant. Mary Lue Regular has taken up duties as assistant cataloger in the library of New York City Community College. Pamela Matson Reierson has assumed the position of circulation and social science librari­ an at Normandale State Junior College, Bloom­ ington, Minnesota. Mrs. D oris Jean Rickards is now library as­ sistant in the Drexel University library, Phila­ delphia, Pennsylvania. 84 George W. Rosner has been appointed as­ sociate director for archives and special collec­ tions a t th e University of Miami’s Otto G. Rich­ ter Library. Ruth Salisbury is the new head of the rare book department, George Arents Research Li­ brary, Syracuse University. Mrs. Susan G. Schroeder has joined the staff of the Glassboro State College library, Glassboro, New Jersey, as cataloger. Allen Sevigny, formerly executive director of the Central New York Reference & Resources Council, is now library services program officer, U.S. Office of Education, Region V, Chicago, Illinois. Rev. James Charles Sharp has been ap­ pointed assistant to library director at Seton Hall University library, South Orange, New Jersey. Mrs. Ruth Caroline Shatto has assumed the position of head of reference for the Frost­ burg State College library, Frostburg, Mary­ land. F redlyn Toltzis has been named cataloger in the Rucks County Community College li­ brary, Newton, Pennsylvania. Janet Uden is on th e staff of the library at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, as acquisitions librarian. Robert Van D en Berg has been appointed head of acquisitions in th e library of Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Quebec, Can­ ada. Robert J. Vigeant has been named head of technical services with th e rank of assistant pro­ fessor, at W ashington and Lee University’s Cy­ rus Hall McCormick Library, Lexington, Vir­ ginia. Regina Teresa W allen has joined the staff of the Biddle Law Library, University of Penn­ sylvania, as cataloger. Mrs. Patricia M. W alsh has been named serials librarian a t St. John’s University, New York. Mrs. Mary L. L. W alters has taken up duties as assistant acquisitions librarian in the library of Lincoln University, Lincoln Universi­ ty, Pennsylvania. Virginia W eiser is now a reference librarian in the Sciences-Engineering Library of the Uni­ versity of California, Santa Barbara. Mrs. Sue W allenius W elch is now assist­ ant cataloger for the College of William and Mary library, Williamsburg, Virginia. Mrs. N orma Yueh, formerly acquisitions li­ brarian, is now associate librarian, William Pat­ erson College of New Jersey, Wayne, New Jer­ sey. F ay Zipkowitz, formerly senior cataloger at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, li­ brary, is now head of the information process­ ing department. C s o o h G 3 S C t p P B C t e s W i 5 v Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra nk" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The, range should provide the applicant with, an indication of the salary the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications will be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. lassified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, hould be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that ffice before the tenth of the month preceding publication f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be eld for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE OVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS mailed to you within days. SuDocs price plus postage. Capital Documents ervice, Box 4922, Washington 20008. OUT OF PRINT WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reason­ able prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. OLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Gran­ ger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4t h St.. New York, N.Y. 10003. BUILDING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS is one of our special­ ies. Foreign books and periodicals, current and out of rint. A lbert J. Phiebig, Inc., Box 352, White Plains, N.Y. 10602. PERIODICALS ERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought and sold. Microcard reprints. J. S. Canner, 49-65 Lansdowne St., oston, Mass. 02215. WANTED OLOR PLATE BOOKS. Botanical, sporting, natural his­ ory, atlases, ornithology, costumes, views, landscapes, tc. Especially wanted Audubon, Cat esby, Gould, Hud­ on River portfolio, Ackermann Publications, florals, etc. e will consider incomplete books & volumes outwardly n bad condition—the plates being of main importance. Also, Black and White illustrated books such as Piranesi, Bartlett, Allom, etc. J. N. Bartfield Books, Inc., 45 West 7†h Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. POSITIONS WANTED LIBRARIAN, BA, MA, MLS. 9 years' experience (3 uni­ ersity, 6 special) seeks library position at a college or