ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1988 / 705 PU BLIC A TIO N S • The ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, 1988, by Mary Jo Lynch and M argaret Myers (52 pages, September 1988), is the fourth biannual survey of salaries paid to incumbents in seven positions com­ m only found in U.S. academ ic and public li­ braries. Responses are stratified by size and type of library and by geographic area. W here the three previous surveys in this series presented only the high, low, and m ean salaries paid for positions re­ ported, the 1988 edition also gives the first quartile, median, and third quartile for salaries paid. Other changes include the exclusion of several positions for which the num ber of respondents was very low in previous years, and the exclusion of scheduled salaries. Copies may be ordered for $30 from ALA Publishing Services, O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H u­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISRN 0-8389- 3366-1. • The Audiovisual M aterial Glossary, by Nancy B. Olson (41 pages, July 1988), defines unfam iliar A-V terms and resolves many inconsistencies in ter­ minology th at may be encountered by those who use audiovisual materials. Endorsed by the RTSD Audiovisual Committee, the book includes terms describing maps, music, sound recordings, motion pictures and videorecordings, graphic materials, computer files, three-dimensional materials, and m icro fo rm s. H ave you ever w o n d e re d w h a t filmslips, orthophotos, puppet films, or terrestrial remote-sensing images are? How do you really de­ fine realia? This book will tell you. Copies are available for $8.50 (prepaid unless you are an OCLC member) from the OCLC Online Com­ puter Library Center, Dept. 630, Box ONB, Co­ lumbus, OH 43265. ISBN 1-55653-026-9. • Books f o r College Libraries, Third Edition (six volumes, September 1988) is the most authoritative academic library collection development and eval­ uation tool available today, w ith more than 50,000 titles in all fields of study. Containing a high per­ centage of new material (30 % -50 % for most sec­ tions) , the new edition was fully updated w ith the help of more than 500 college faculty and collection development librarians in the U.S. and Canada. The titles chosen represent a core collection of books for four-year college libraries. Individual en­ tries contain full cataloging and classification in­ formation and are arranged in Library of Congress call num ber sequence. Entries carried over from the previous edition are flagged. Orders for the full set received prior to December 31 will be eligible for a discounted price of $425 (no additional ALA membership discount applies); after January 1 the price will rise to $500. The individual volumes are as follows: Vol. 1, Humanities; vol. 2, Language and Literature; vol. 3, History; vol. 4, Social Sci­ ences; vol.5, Psychology, Science, Technology, and Bibliography; vol. 6, Index. O rder from ALA Publishing, O rder D ept., 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-3353-X. Books fo r College Libraries is also available on­ line and on magnetic tape. The tape copy is for­ m atted in an easy-to-read record construction for efficient data processing. Requests for the tape and online versions should be addressed to: BCL3, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 06457. • Going International, by L inda Eileen Wil- liamson (74 pages, September 1988), presents all the practical details of setting up an international job exchange in the library and information science field. Various chapters address how to locate a job exchange position or partner, final arrangements for departure, obtaining passports, the financial implications of working abroad, health care con­ siderations, arrangements for exchanging homes and cars w ith job exchange partners, and consider­ ations for accom panying family members. The guide was prepared under the auspices of the ALA International Relations Com m ittee/International Relations Round Table’s Committee on In tern a­ tional Exchange of L ibrarians and Inform ation Professionals. Copies may be ordered for $15 from ALA Publishing, O rder D ept., 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-7268-3. • The Hispanic Resource D irectory, by Alan E dw ard Schorr (347 pages, October 1988), in ­ cludes extensive information on 951 local, regional and national Hispanic organizations, associations, research centers, academ ic program s, fo u n d a­ tions, chambers of commerce, museums, govern­ m ent agencies, and other groups in the United States. These groups provide one or more of the fol­ io wing services: advocacy, cultural, economic, ed­ ucational, legal, library and information, health, political, religious, research, scholarship, and so­ cial services. Access is through a series of 15 in­ dexes. There are also nine appendices th at serve as directories of postsecondary educational institu­ tions w ith significant Hispanic enrollment; His- November 1988 / 707 panic publishers and book distributors; hum an rights and equal opportunity programs; minority and small business programs; m igrant education and health; bilingual education; and U.S. His­ panic Em ploym ent Program managers. Extensive social, political and economic statistical data about the U.S. Hispanic population is found in the final appendix. Copies may be ordered for $37.50 (plus $2.50 shipping) from the Denali Press, P.O . Box 021535, Juneau, AK 99802-1535. ISBN 0-938737- 15-5. • H um anities in America: A R eport to the Presi­ dent, the Congress, and the American People, by Lynne V. Cheney (47 pages, September 1988), is a congressionally m andated report th at takes a criti­ cal look at American culture. The booklet focuses on and makes recom mendations for colleges and universities, commercial and public television, and cultural institutions. A free copy may be obtained by w ritin g or calling H u m a n itie s in A m e r ic a , Room 406, National E ndow m ent for the H um ani­ ties, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20506; (202) 786-0438. • L ibrary o f Congress Subject Headings: Signifi­ cant Changes, 1 9 7 4 - 1 9 8 8 , com piled by Teresa Hensley B urgett and C atherine W. Roberts (74 pages, September 1988), contains nearly 3,500 en­ tries and includes subdivision changes as well as significant changes to subject headings. All li­ braries using LCSH should find this work useful in bringing subject cataloging up-to-date through re- con and reclass projects as well as regular catalog m aintenance. T he cost is $15. C ontact: Soldier Creek Press, P.O . D raw er U, Lake Crystal, MN 56055. ISBN 0-936996-33-1. • L ibrary School Closings: Four Case Studies, by Marion Paris (176 pages, 1988), describes the de­ mise of four ALA-accredited MLS program s, two public and two private, which are labeled, for the sake of confidentiality, Alpha, Beta, G am m a, and Delta. Although the four closings resulted from de­ cisions unique to each university’s circumstances, the author’s research identified common predispos­ ing factors and patterns. Battles for pedagogical turf were instrum ental in the closings, and the evi­ dence suggests th a t ALA accreditation does not alone guarantee the future of a library education program at an institution w here adm inistrators want to elim inate it. Copies are available for $20 from Scarecrow Press, P.O . Box 4167, M etuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2130-3. • Planning in O C L C M em ber Libraries, edited by M .E .L . Jacob (133 pages, July 1988), reports the extent to which libraries plan their future and explores how plans are developed. In 1987 a ques­ tionnaire on planning activities was distributed by the O C LC Office of L ibrary Planning in conjunc­ tion w ith the O CLC Users Council Planning Com ­ m ittee. Analyses and sum m aries of m ore th a n 2,200 questionnaires and the planning documents of 236 libraries form the book’s foundation. Copies may be ordered for $16.50 (prepaid unless you are an O CLC member) from the OCLC Online Com ­ puter L ibrary Center, Dept. 630, Box ONB, Co­ lumbus, OH 43265. ISBN 1-55653-051-X. • A Union List o f G DR (German Dem ocratic Re- public) Periodical, M agazine and N ew spaper H old­ ings in Libraries in the United K ingdom and the Re­ public o f Ireland: Part 1, H um anities and Social Sci­ ences, by Mike Dennis (25 pages, 1988), locates the holdings of 132 GDR titles by year and issue in 100 libraries. The list costs £1.50 (checks payable to J.M. Dennis) and is available from J.M . Dennis, School of Humanities and C ultural Studies, The Polytechnic W olverham pton, Castle View, D u d­ ley, West Midlands, England. Statem ent of ownership and m anagem ent College & Research Libraries News is published 11 tim es a y e a r (m o n th ly , c o m b in in g J u ­ ly/August), by the American Library Association, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. Ameri­ can L ib ra ry A ssociation, o w n er; G eorge M. E b e rh a rt, editor. Second-class postage p aid at Chicago, Illinois. P rin ted in U.S.A. As a non­ profit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 423.12 DMM), the purposes, func­ tion, and non-profit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax p u r­ poses, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and nature of circulation (“Average” figures denote the num ber of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; “Actual” figures denote num ber of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date.) To­ tal num ber of copies printed: Average, 13,691; Actual, 13,900. Sales through dealers and carri­ ers, street vendors and counter sales: not applica­ ble. Mail subscriptions: Average, 11,233; Actual, 11,261. Total paid circulation: Average, 11,233; Actual, 11,261. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other m eans, samples, com plim entary, and other free copies: Average, 27; Actual, 27. Total distribution: Average, 11,260; A ctual, 11,288. Copies not distributed: Office use, left over, unac­ counted, spoiled after printed: Average, 2,431; Actual, 2,612. Returns from news agents: not ap­ plicable. Total (sum of previous entries): Average, 13,691; Actual, 13,900. Statem ent of O wnership, M anagem ent, and C ir­ culation (PS form 3526, Decem ber 1987) for 1988 filed w ith the United States Postal Service, Post­ m aster in Chicago, Illinois, O ctober 11, 1988.