ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1983 / 427 BI Liaison Update One of the most effective ways that academic li­ brarians can promote the library’s vital potential for improving quality teaching is by publishing ar­ ticles in the professional journals that teaching fac­ ulty and administrators read. The Bibliographic Instruction Liaison Project has compiled short lists of suggested readings in nine subject areas, and also distributes a general bibliography of appropriate articles selected to il­ lustrate how academic libraries are currently par­ ticipating in the educational process. The general bibliography includes: David Y. Allen, “Students need help in learning how to use the library,” Chronicle o f Higher Edu­ cation, June 9, 1982, p .56. Evan Ira F arber, “The Importance of Teaching Use of the Library,” Library Issues: Briefings fo r Faculty and Administrators 2 (November 1981) :3. Evan Ira F arber, “Teaching the Use of the L i­ brary: Part II, Implementation,” Library Issues: Briefings fo r Faculty and Administrators 2 (Janu­ ary 1982): 3 -4 . Alan E. Guskin, Carla J. Stoffle & Joseph A. Boissé, “The Academic Library as a Teaching L i­ brary: A Role for the 1980’s,” Library Trends 28 (Fall 1979) :281—96. Nancy E. Gwinn, “The Faculty-Library Con­ nection,” Change 10 (September 1978): 19-21. Penelope S. Jeffrey, “Needed: The Teacher- Librarian Team ,” English Journal 71 (September 1982):50-52. Beverly Lynch & Karen S. Seibert, “The In ­ volvement of the Librarian in the Total Educa­ tional Process,” L ib rary Trends 29 (Summer 1980): 127-38. Stacy E. Palmer, “Teaching students to do re­ search: Professors get help from lib ra ria n s,” Chronicle o f Higher Education, May 18, 1983, pp.27-28. Carla J. Stoffle, “The Library’s Role in Facilitat­ ing Quality Teaching,” New Directions fo r Teach­ ing and Learning 5 (1981) :67—78. Academic librarians who are interested in work­ ing more closely with teaching faculty and in devis­ ing library skills units that could be integrated into courses are encouraged to look over these articles and photocopy them for distribution to receptive faculty members and university administrators. Copies of the readings lists in subject areas (lan­ guages and literature, history, sociology, psychol­ ogy, fine arts, business, political science, education and the sciences) can be obtained by writing to me in care of L O E X , Eastern Michigan University L i­ brary, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Please also contact me if you are publishing an article that could be in­ cluded on the above list, or if you find a suitable ar­ ticle while scanning professional literature of higher education. — Carolyn Kirkendall. ■ ■