ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Volume 44, 1983 Editor’s Note: This index is for C &RL News issues only. The 1983 index for College & Research Libraries will appear in the January issue of C &RL. COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES, A DIVISION OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. INDEX TO VOL. 4 4 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s N e w s Prepared by Eldon W. Tamblyn FIL IN G Filing is word-by-word. ABBREVIATIONS Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Names of some organizations, ALA, A C R L , L C , e tc ., are also abbreviated and are alphabetized as if spelled out. Special abbreviations: appt. — appointment f. — foundation port. — portrait prof. — profile prog. — program SPEC IA L USAGES More than one reference per page is indicated in parentheses. Under the heading “Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title)” parentheses may enclose donors’ names (for subjects) or subjects (for named collections). A “ A cad em ic lib rary approval plans: a n a tio n w id e i n q u ir y ,” R e iα e lb a ch , 3 2 8 -3 0 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year A w a rd , A C R L , 1 9 8 3 , 1 9 0 ; 1 9 8 4 , 2 8 0 -8 1 , 370 A c a d e m i c status s u r v e y , A C R L 100 Libraries Project, availability, 109 A cq u isitio n s, 1 0 , 4 6 , 8 5 , 1 1 8 , 1 5 9 , 1 9 5 -9 6 , 2 4 2 -4 3 , 2 9 7 -9 8 , 340, 384, 428 Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title): A frican O rthodox C hurch Archives, 242; A rt, Modern, 384; Austin (Stephen F .) Collection (Tex. hist.), 159; Avery Institute, 10; Axelbank (Herman) Film C o lle c tio n , 1 1 8 ; B a b itz A rch iv e (m u sic ), 2 4 2 ; B all (E liz a b e th W .) Collection (Children’s lit.), 428; Blake, Eubie, 159; British authors’ letters, 85; Buechner, Frederick , 2 4 2 - 4 3 ; Cable franchise proposals, 85; Campanology, 46; Chalmers (Jean A.) Choreographic A rchives, 1 0 ; C h arleston H .S ., 10; Children’s lit., 428; Choreography, 10; Coleman, Lonnie, 85; Craven (Avery O .) C o lle c tio n (U .S . h i s t .) , 1 5 9 ; Dinkelsbuhl, Postilla cum serm onibus evangeliorum , 298; Diplomatic hist., 159; Dugdale, T h e jukes, 384; Dunbar C o lle c tio n ( tr a v e l ), 2 4 2 ; F ie d le r , Arthur, 10; Fire marks, 242; Forestry, 8 5 ; F ra n tz , H arry W ., 159; Griffin, M artin I . J . , 4 6 ; Hanson (K enneth) A rchives of Sound R ecordings, 10; Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 340; Heston, C h a r lto n , 1 9 5 ; H o r tic u ltu r e , 1 9 5 ; Huegely Mill Collection (wheat), 242; H ypnosis (T in te r o w ), 2 9 8 ; Japanese-American studies, 46; Kaser, D a v id , 2 9 7 - 9 8 ; L a in g S ch o o l, 1 0 ; L e d e r e r , E m il, 1 0 ; L ib . a d m in istratio n , C hinese, 3 4 0 ; L ib . a r c h ite c tu re , 2 9 7 - 9 8 ; L o g g in g , 8 5 ; London (Jack) Collection (Tw eney), 3 40; Lowell, Robert, 118; Lowenstein, A llard K ., 1 5 9 ; M an n in g, H en ry E d w a rd , 4 2 8 ; M asaryk, T om as G ., 298; Matson (Harold) literary agency, 10; M edical p r a c tic e , 4 6 ; M elville, H erm an, 297; Memminger School, 10; Menninger Collection (horticulture), 195; Military hist., 159; Miller, Paul, 297; Montreal Amateur Athletic Assn., 2 9 7 ; Mus. of Sei. & In d u stry, 1 1 8 ; Mushrooms, 118; Music, 242 (2), 384; Neisser, Hans P ., 10; News networks, 2 9 7 ; Nicolson, H arold, 2 4 2 ; Oneida Community, 195; Oral hist., 10; Palfi (M ario n ) P h o to A rc h iv e , 1 1 8 ; P h o n o - ...S e e Sound re c o rd in g s ; P h o tog rap h s, 1 1 8 ; P ioneer life, 4 6 ; P ittsburgh & L ak e E rie R .R ., 3 8 4 ; P riv a te press p u b lication s, 1 9 5 - 9 6 ; Radio Canada Int’l, 46; Ramsey, Frank P ., 242; Roy, Gabrielle, 242; Russian h ist., 118; Sackville-W est, V ictoria, 2 42; Schweiker, Richard S ., 384; Seldis (Henry) Collection (modern art), 384; Sound recordings, 10, 46, See also Oral hist.; Swanson, Gloria, 10; Tex. hist., 159; Travel, 242; Trumbull, Lym an, 2 97; U.S. hist., 159; Voaden, Herm an, 2 4 3 ; W a lla c e , Irv in g , 1 1 8 ; W asson (Tina & Gordon) Etnnom ycological Collection, 118; W heat, 242; W om en’s Music Collection, 384 Acquisitions (by institution): Alfred U ., 8 5 ; B o ston U ., 1 0 ; C ase W e ste rn Reserve U ., 46; Clarem ont Colls., 118; Coll. of Charleston, 10; Columbia U ., 10; Cornell U ., 159; Em ory U ., 242, 4 2 8 ; Essex In st., 3 4 0 ; F o rd (Henry) Mus., 242; Frostburg State C oll., 159; Geo. W ash. U ., 85; H arvard U ., 118; 111. State Hist. Soc., 297; Ind. U ., 242, 428; John Jay Coll. of Criminal Justice, 384; Md. Hist. Soc., 159; N at’l Lib. of C an ad a, 4 6 , 2 4 2 ; N Y P L , 2 9 7 ; Ohio State U . , 242, 340; Okla. State U ., 297; Pa. State U ., 384; Public Archives of C an ad a, 2 9 7 ; Saint Joseph’s U ., 4 6 ; Simpson C oll., 159; Stanford U ., 118; SUNY, Albany, 10; Syracuse U ., 195, 2 4 2 ; Tex. A&M U ., 118, 3 8 4 ; U. of A riz., 118; UC (Berkeley, 10; Irvine, 195; LA , 46, 242; San Diego, 195); U. of D en ver, 2 9 7 - 9 8 ; U. of G a ., 8 5 , 1 9 5 -9 6 ; U. of Houston, 159; U. of 111., 3 40; U. of M ich., 384; UNC, Chapel Hill, 159; U. of Notre D am e, 298; U. of P itts b u rg h , 2 4 2 , 2 9 8 , 3 8 4 ; U . of Rochester, 46; U. of T ex., Austin, 10, 118; W heaton C oll., 2 4 2 -4 3 ; W ichita State U ., 298; York U ., 10, 243 Adams, Scott, deceased, 16 A frican Studies Assn. (U .S .), Helen F . Conover-D orothy B. P orter A w ard, 1984, 300 “Africana A w ard ,” ASA (U .S .), 1984, 300 Algee, Mildred Baine, deceased, 124 “All perk and no work?” U. of A riz., 88 Alley, Brian, letter to the ed ., 182 Almony, Robert, ap p t., 420 Amer. Antiquarian Soc., news note, 341 ALA, A LA N ET, 426 A LA, ASCLA, LSBPHS, “New ASCLA discussion group to m eet,” 208 A L A , I F R T , Jo h n Phillip Im m ro th Memorial Award, 1 984, 394 A LA , RTSD , Esther J. Piercy A w ard, 1 984, 334 ALA, “Standards and guidelines relating to a c a d e m ic l i b r a r i e s ,” 1 0 5 - 9 , erratum , 263 “A L A N E T ,” 426 ANSC Z 39, “Name an association,” 286 Amodeo, Anthony J ., “Helpful hints for moving or shifting collections,” 8 2 -8 3 , co m m en ts & response, 1 5 3 , 1 8 2 , 2 3 2 - 3 3 ; “ P h o to co p y in g w ith o u t (m uch) d a m a g e ,” 3 6 5 —7 0 ; “ Special c o lle ctio n s desk d u ty : p re v e n tin g dam age,” 1 7 7 -8 2 Anderl, Robert G ., prof. & p ort., 12 A ppointm ents, 1 4 - 1 6 , 4 8 - 5 0 , 8 7 - 8 9 , 1 2 2 - 2 4 , 1 6 2 - 6 3 , 1 9 9 - 2 0 1 , 2 4 7 - 4 8 , 2 9 0 -9 5 , 3 4 5 -4 9 , 3 8 9 -9 1 , 4 3 5 -3 7 “Are you a book batterer?” Foster, 117 Arnold, Frederick, retired, 163 A LISE, news note, 299 AALS, news note, 299 A C R L, Academic/Research Librarian of th e Y e a r A w a rd , 1 9 8 3 , 1 9 0 ; 1 9 8 4 , 2 8 0 -8 1 , 370 A C R L, Academic Status C om m ., “Status statements,” 283 A C R L, Annual Conference, 14 1 -5 2 A C R L, “Awards rem inder,” 370 A C R L , Bibliographic Instruction Liaison P ro je c t, “ In teg ratin g libraries into higher education,” 1 -4 , 3 6 - 3 7 ,1 1 5 - 1 6 , 155, 1 8 4 ,3 8 0 - 8 2 , 427 A C R L , B IS , C learin g h o u se C o m m ., Library instruction clearinghouses: a directory, availability, 387 A C R L , BIS, “E ditor appointed,” 432; Evaluating bibliographic instruction: a handbook (contents, pref. & introd., 2 7 1 -7 3 ; presentation, 271; publication announcem ent, 165, erratu m , 2 4 0 ); “ M iriam D udley A w ard for b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tr u c t io n ,” 2 8 8 ; “ P o stco n fe re n ce ,” 1 1 2 ; “ V olunteer editor needed,” 78 A C R L , BIS, Research C om m ., “Research opportunity,” 78 A C R L , Board of Directors, “Highlights” (Jan ., 74; June, 2 7 5 -7 6 ) A C R L , “ B u d g e t,” 1 9 8 2 - 8 3 , 7 - 9 ; 1 9 8 3 -8 4 , 4 1 4 -1 7 A C R L, Budget & Finance C om m ., “New Budget & Finance ch a ir,” 420 A C R L , C LS, “C L IP note #4 published,” 412 A C R L , C LS, “College library activities,” 1 5 8 -5 9 A C R L , C o llege L ib r a r y S tan d ard s C om m ., “College library standards,” comments invited, 350, 428 A C R L , C J C L S , “ A tte n tio n C J C L S members,” 93 A C R L , D ep u ty E x e c u tiv e D ir e c to r , “ A C R L has new D eputy E xecu tiv e D irector” & p o rt., 184; “The view from HQ” & p o rt., 79 A C R L , D o c to ra l D isse rta tio n Fellowship, 1983, 84; 1 9 8 4 , 2 8 4 - 8 6 , 370 A C R L , EBSS, Bibliographic Instruction C om m ., “Tips needed,” 283 A C R L , EB SS, “ D ocum ent a v ailab le” (m ajor issues), 130; “ Is centralizing demoralizing?” 337 A C R L , Executive Director, “Report” & p ort., 2 3 3 -3 5 A C R L , “Guidelines for extended campus library services” (4 3 :8 6 -8 8 ), comment, 37 A C R L , “ H ave you missed these publications?” 83 A C R L , “How to participate in A C R L ,” 3 9 -4 0 A C R L , “ H u m an ities p ro g ra m s for libraries: an A C R L/N EH workshop,” 2 3 5 -3 7 A C R L , M id w in ter m eetin g , 1 9 8 4 , 4 2 2 -2 4 A C R L , Miriam Dudley Award, 1984, 288 A C R L , National Conference, 1984, “Call for p a r tic ip a tio n ,” 8 0 - 8 1 ; “ E xh ib it space still a v a ila b le ,” 4 2 9 ; “ Seattle ’8 4 ,” 8 0 - 8 1 , 1 0 1 -5 , 1 5 6 -5 7 , 1 9 2 -9 3 , 2 4 0 -4 1 , 2 7 4 -7 5 , 3 3 1 -3 2 , 3 8 3 -8 4 , 409, 412 A C R L , “New from A C R L ,” 83 A C R L , 100 Libraries Project, A cadem ic status survey, availability, 109 A C R L , P re sid e n t, A nnual r e p o r t, 1 9 8 2 -8 3 , & p ort., 2 2 7 -3 2 ; “Letter” & p ort., 6 - 7 A C R L , P rogram O fficer, “ Sources of s ta tistics on a c a d e m ic l ib r a r i e s ,” 2 2 1 -2 5 ; “Update on statistics sources,” 3 7 8 -7 9 A C R L , Publications C o m m ., “ Policy statement on publication of conference papers of A CRL sections,” 2 8 2 -8 3 A C R L , RBMS, “Postconference,” 112; “Preconference papers published,” 157 A C R L, RBMS, Standards C om m ., G en re terms: a thesaurus fo r use in rare book and special collections cataloguing, availability, 300 A C R L, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for O u tstan d in g C o n trib u tio n s to Acquisitions or Technical Services in an Academic or Research Library, 1983, 84; 1984, 2 8 4 -8 6 , 370 A C R L , STS, Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award (1983, 11, 240, 284); “New STS task force,” 286 A C R L , S tan d ard s & A c c re d ita tio n C o m m ., “Procedures for reviewing and ap p ro v in g A C R L sta n d a rd s and g u id e lin e s,” 2 8 2 ; “ S tan d ard s and guidelines re la tin g to a c a d e m ic libraries,” 1 0 5 -9 , erratum , 263 A C R L, “Standards for college libraries” (1975, 3 6 :2 7 7 -7 9 , 2 9 0 -3 0 1 ), comments invited, 350, 428 A C R L , “Status seekers take note,” 109 A C R L , Tri-chapter meeting, 318, 334 A CRL candidates, 1984, 4 1 8 -2 0 A CRL chapters, 3 3 8 -4 0 “A C R L continuing education courses at midwinter conference,” 3 2 6 -2 7 “A CRL continuing education offerings at Los Angeles,” 110—12 “ A C R L has new D ep u ty E x e c u tiv e D irector” & p ort., 184 “A CRL/ISI fellowships aw arded,” 84 “A CRL/ISI fellowships for 1 9 8 4 ,” 2 8 4 -8 6 “A CRL list of materials available,” 4 0 -4 5 “A CRL members run for ALA Council,” 75, 175 “A CRL officers for 1 9 8 3 -8 4 ,” 2 7 7 -8 0 A CRL 100 Libraries Project, Academ ic status survey, availability, 109 “ A C R L petition can didates for ALA Council,” 175 “ A C R L proceedings” availab le (n a t’l conferences), 132 “A CRL seeks volunteers for offices and com m ittees,” 3 7 5 -7 8 “A CRL testifies,” 17 A C R L u n iv e rs ity lib ra ry statistics 1 9 8 1 -8 2 , availability, 166 “A C R L’s new task forces,” Stoffle, 2 9 -3 4 A R L , O M S, “ C o n s u lta n t tra in in g p rogram ,” 34 “ A R L lib ra ry fa cu ltie s and th eir meetings,” W orley, 3 2 4 -2 5 A tkinson, Ross W ., e d ., B a ck to th e books: bibliographic instruction and th e theory o f in fo rm a tio n so u rces, published, 41; prof. & p ort., 197 A w ard s, 1 1 , 8 4 , 9 0 , 1 9 0 , 2 0 1 , 2 4 0 , 2 8 0 -8 1 , 2 8 4 -8 6 , 288, 300, 334, 370, 394 “Awards rem inder,” A C R L, 370 B Back to the books: bibliographic instruc­ tion a n d th e theory o f in fo rm ation sources, Atkinson, ed., published, 41 Ball, Alice D ., retired, 90 Ball, Joyce, A C R L president & p o rt., 277; “Virgo to leave A C R L ,” 418 Baumann, Ken C ., deceased, 124 Beaubien, Anne K ., news note, 14 Benham, Frances, prof. & port., 121 Besemer, Susan P ., news note, 246 “BI evaluation program ,” M FLA , 271 “BI exhibit update,” Kirkendall, 1 1 5 -1 6 “BI liaison,” Kirkendall, 155 “BI liaison update,” Kirkendall, 3 8 0 -8 2 , 427 “ BI p oster sessions n e e d e d ,” L O E X Clearinghouse on Library Instruction, 443 “BI report,” Kirkendall, 3 6 -3 7 “Bibliographic instruction” (“Education for bibliographic instruction: a syllabi p r o j e c t ,” H o w o rth , 3 7 9 - 8 0 ; Evaluating bibliographic instruction: a h a n d b o o k , A C R L , B IS , 2 7 1 - 7 3 ; “ E xp lorin g the new technology for lib r a r y i n s tr u c tio n ,” C a rs o n , 3 3 7 ; “ Instructing patrons in O C L C in an acad em ic lib r a r y ,” D au g h erty , 3 5 ; “ L ib r a r y o rie n ta tio n for business students: a case s tu d y ,” T ern b erg , 114-15) B ibliographic in stru ction , Kirkendall (“ BI exhibit u p d a te ,” 1 1 5 - 1 6 ; “ BI lia iso n ,” 1 5 5 ; “ BI liaison u p d a te ,” 3 8 0 - 8 2 , 4 2 7 ; “ BI r e p o r t ,” 3 6 - 3 7 ; “Current BI liaison activity: can you help?” 184; “Publicizing B I ,” 1-4) Biarnar, Vilhjalmur T ., deceased, 392 Blair, John C ., J r ., news note, 14 Blake, John B ., retired, 16 Blakeley, Mary, retired, 295 Boardman, Elizabeth, retired, 295 Boissé, Joseph A ., prof. & p ort., 387 Books and society in history, Carpenter, ed ., availability, 157 Boorkman, Charles J ., deceased & p ort., 349 Boukidis, Beth, retired, 16 Bowman, M artha A ., prof. & p o rt., 86 Boyle, Dierdre, news note, 198 Breivik, Patricia Senn, news note, 246 “ B ridging the lib rary budget gap: an approach to creating fair user charges, ” Rousmaniere, 69—71 Brown, Harlan C ., deceased, 16 Brun, Christian, news note, 4 3 2 -3 5 Bull, Mary Lois, deceased, 16 Bulman, Learned, retired, 163 Burges, Doris, retired, 248 Burghardt, Russell G ., retired, 50 c Cakste, Anastasija, retired, 16 Calendar, 5 7 -5 8 , 9 2 - 9 4 ,1 3 1 - 3 3 ,1 6 7 - 6 8 , 2 0 8 - 9 , 2 5 4 - 5 5 , 3 0 5 - 6 , 3 9 8 - 4 0 0 , 4 4 3 -4 5 CSU, Long Beach, “Unlocked around the clock,” 244 “Calls for applications for fellowships for ad v a n ce d study in lib ra ry m a n a g e m e n t,” U . of C h ic a g o , G raduate Lib. School, 78 Carpenter, Kenneth E ., ed ., Books and society in history, availability, 157 C a rs o n , J a n e t , “ E x p lo rin g th e new technology for library instruction,” 337 C arter, William E ., deceased, 349 “C E courses in Los Angeles,” Macikas, 304 Cenko P riz e , H a rv a rd U k rain ian Research Inst., 1984, 286 Chapter news. See A CRL chapters “Chinese spoken here: foreign language lib r a r y o rie n ta tio n t o u r s ,” L o p e z , 2 6 5 -6 9 Choice, “New Choice assistant editor,” 429; “New nonprint editor at C hoice, ” 193 Choldin, Marianna Tax, news note, 122 C iarkow ski, E lain e F . , “ B ridging the library budget gap: an approach to creating fair user charges,” 6 9 -7 1 Cipolla, W ilm a Reid, prof. & p ort., 121 CUNY, news note, 244 “C L IP note #4 published,” A C R L , CLS, 412 Coker, C .F .W . (Fred), deceased, 296 Colby, Doris K ., deceased, 392 “The collection use survey: the Purdue University Calumet experience,” 154 C &R L , “Applications invited for C &R L editor,” 117; “Manuscripts and projects w anted,” 283; “Martell to be C &R L editor,” 378 C &R L new s, “Appointments needed ,” 8 7 ; “ Index a l e r t ,” 3 7 ; “ Jo b listin g The new computer-produced Library of Congress National Union Catalogs on Advanced Library Systems microfiche offer expanded coverage, more flexibility, more convenience and more effective searching capability than has ever been possible before. Yet the low cost makes them accessible to libraries of all types and sizes. State-Of-The-Art Efficiency For Your Library* T he new N U C Books is in index/ register format. Now you can search the comprehensive collection of current catalog records produced by the Library of Congress and some 1500 N orth Am erican libraries n o t only by name, but by title, subject and series as well. T he indexes are cumulated each m onth. A single look-up will complete a search in most cases. T he full bibliographic record can then be located in the register in seconds. T he new N U C microfiche can be used alone as a pri­ mary bibliographic source, or to comple­ m ent your other biblio- graphic tools for catalog­ ing, acquisitions, inter- library loans, biblio­ graphic verification, reference and research. Current LC Subscriptions/ Free Trial ALS can also provide current sub­ scriptions to the LC N U C U.S. Books; Audiovisual Materials; Music, Books on Music and Sound Recordings; C arto­ graphic Materials; Register of Addi­ tional Locations; LC Subject Headings; and Nam e A uthorities. ALS offers a free 30-day trial to introduce you to the benefits of a current subscription. Retrospective LC Catalogs* ALS is the only source for the com­ plete microfiche retrospective collection of the LC N U C from 1898; Subject Catalog from 1950; Audiovisual Materials from 1953; and Music, Books on Music and Sound Recordings from 1953. O ur new, low prices make it possible for more librarians to acquire the complete collection or individual segments. This year, take a giant step toward better bibliographic control. Keep your N ational U nion Catalogs on ALS microfiche. T hey’re surprisingly afford­ able. They reduce shelf space over paper catalogs by 94%. A nd they offer more efficiency than ever before. The Biggest Advance In Bibliographic Control Is Just One Small Step Away Here we are, in the midst of the Age of Information, and every­ body wants some. Economically. Quickly. Without a hassle. And here we are, at Universi ty Microfilms International, in­ troducing an answer that makes sense for you. We call it U M I Article Clearinghouse. You’ll be able to access our catalog of over 7,300 periodical titles and order copies of articles electronically. V ia the O C L C IL L Subsystem and I T T Dialcom and others to come. You can order electronically through C L A SS OnTyme II as well, and over A LA N ET in January. You’ll also have the assur­ ance that we hold the listed titles and that you’re getting articles from a licensed agent. T h ey ’ll be shipped to you within 48 hours. And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. ($4-$6 per article for deposit accounts; $8 for credit card accounts.) Our Introductory Title List is available now. Call 1-800-732-0616 (in Michigan, Alaska and Hawaii, call collect 313/761-4700) for your free copy. U M I Article Clearinghouse. Now you know all about it. Without us writing a whole dissertation. U n iv ersity M icrofilm s In tern ation al A X e r o x C o m p a n y 3 0 0 N o rth Zeeb R o a d A n n A rb o r, M ich ig an 4 8 1 0 6 Attention: Catalogers and SAMPLE ENTRY Reference Librarians! National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. 055-665 000 (AACR2: United States, N ational Tech­ t h e nT Is nical Inform ation Service.) DTIC: DOE: 9 500 429 NASA:NM CORPORATE AUTHOR 881 438 x CFSTI. AUTHORITY LIST x Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and technical Inform ation, S pring­ field VA. 006 533 000 DTIC: DOE: NASA: CO 884 952 x Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. Clearinghouse for Federal Sci­ Trace Government Agency and C orpora­ entific and Technical Inform ation, tion Name Changes Through Comprehensive x Department of Commerce, Wash­ ington, DC. Office of Technical Services, Cross References: x Department of Commerce, Wash­ ington, DC. O ffice of The P u b lica tio n • Current and Former Organization Names Board, x NTIS x OTS • NTIS 9 Digit ID Codes x O ffice of T echnical Services, W ash­ ington, DC. 004 693 000 DTIC: DOE: NASA: OK 263 110• Other Agency ID Codes x O ffice of The P u b lic a tio n s Board, W ashington, DC. 006 459 000 • AACR2 Version of Organization Names x PB x Publications Board, W ashington, DC. NTIS. • Some 35,000 Main Entries! see National Technical Inform ation Service, Springfield, VA. • More than 25,000 Cross References! OTS. see National Technical Inform ation FIRST PRESS RUN COPIES NOW Service, Springfield, VA. O ffice of T echnical S ervice, W a sh in g ­ AV AIL A B L E AT CHARTER PRICE OF ton, DC. see National Technical In fo rm a­ $ 1 5 0 PER COPY! tion Service, Springfield, VA. (Regular Price is $175 Per Copy) ORDER BEFORE PRESENT SUPPLY IS DEPLETED! ASK FOR: PB83-156034/AAI CORPORATE AUTHOR AUTHORITY LIST CALL: (703) 487-4650 WRITE: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COM MERCE N ational Technical in fo rm a tio n Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Enclose ch e ck to NTIS or C harge to: NTIS D eposit A c c o u n t, A m e rica n Ex­ press, VISA, or MasterCard. Please furnish card number, expiration date, and com plete mailing address. options for e m p lo y e rs ,” 2 6 3 ; “W hoops,” 277 “C & R L news guidelines for submission of articles or columns,” 45 “College library activities,” Kirk, 1 5 8 -5 9 “ College lib rary s ta n d a rd s,” A C R L , College L ib rary Standards C o m m ., comments invited, 350, 428 C o ll. of the A tla n tic , “ F ir e at B a r H arb or,” 3 2 1 -2 4 Collins, Mary Frances, prof. & p ort., 431 Columbia U ., news note, 2 9 9 -3 0 0 ; “Rare books school: 1 9 8 3 ,” 113 Conference on Integrated Online Library Systems, 1983, 438 “Conference on integrated systems,” 438 Conover (Helen F .)-D o ro tn y B. Porter Award, ASA (U .S .), 1984, 300 “ Consultant training p ro g ram ,” A R L, OMS, 34 Corning, Mary E ., retired, 3 9 1 -9 2 Coté, Susan J ., prof. & p ort., 343 Cottam , Keith M ., prof. & p ort., 245 “C L R invites applications for the 19 8 4 -8 5 internship program ,” 243, 300 Cowles, Josephine M ., deceased, 296 Cox, James R ., prof., 197 Crawford, Dorothy, retired, 163 Cummings, Martin M ., retired, 295, 392 “ C u rren t BI liaison activ ity : can you help?” Kirkendall, 184 Cveljo, Katherine, news note, 290 D Dartmouth C oll., news note, 197 D a u g h e rty , R o b ert A ., “ In s tru c tin g p a tro n s in O C L C in an a c a d e m ic library,” 35 Davidson, Mary W allace, prof., 431 Davis, Charles H ., news note & p ort., 345 Davison, P atricia, “Training plans at Berkeley,” 2 0 2 -3 “Deadlines approaching,” H EA, 341 Dearnaley, Carolyn, prof. & port., 387 Deaths, 16, 5 0 ,9 0 ,1 2 4 - 2 6 ,1 6 4 , 2 0 1 ,2 4 8 , 2 9 6 -9 7 , 349, 3 9 2 ,4 3 7 - 3 8 D o c to ra l D issertatio n F ello w sh ip , A C R L/ISI, 1 9 8 3 ,84; 1 9 8 4 ,2 8 4 - 8 6 ,3 7 0 Donley, Albert M ., retired, 16 D o u g h e rty , R ich a rd M ., “ N am ed Librarian of the Year” & ports., 190, 281 Downs, Robert B ., news notes, 2 4 6 -4 7 , 290 Druley, Helen, retired, 124 D uarte, Anna, retired, 124 Dubin, Eileen, prof., 246 Dudley, Claire C ., appt. & p ort., 193 Dudley, Miriam, award & port., 288 Dudley (Miriam) Award, A C R L, 1984, 288 Dudley, Norman, retired, 50 E Edelm an, Hendrik, news note, 246 “Education for bibliographic instruction: a syllabi project,” Howorth, 3 7 9 -8 0 Edwards, Willie, news note, 198 Egoff, Sheila, retired, 295 Einhorn, Nathan R ., deceased, 50 Eldredge, Jon, “A special public relations opportunity for academ ic lib raries,” 1 8 8 -9 0 Elliot, Paula, “Humanities programs for libraries, an A CRL/N EH workshop,” 2 3 5 -3 7 Ennen, Robert, deceased, 164 Esplin, David G ., deceased, 297 Esther J. Piercy A ward, A LA, RTSD, 1984, 334 Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, A CRL, STS, 1983, 11, 240, 284 Evaluating bibliographic instruction: a handbook, A C R L, BIS, contents, pref. & introd., 2 7 1 -7 3 ; presentation, 271; p u b lica tio n an n o u n ce m e n t, 1 6 5 , erratum , 240 Exchanges, 34, 225, 398, 436 “Exhibit space still available,” 429 “Exploring the new technology for library instruction,” Carson, 337 F Farley, Richard A ., retired, 124 Farrell, Lois, news photo, 284; retired, 349 Farrior, Grace Betts, retired, 90 Ferguson, Douglas, news note, 246 Ferguson, Earle C ., prof., 289 “ F in a n c ia l re strictio n s in a c a d e m ic libraries,” Jones, 2 6 9 -7 0 “ F ir e at B a r H a r b o r ,” C o ll. of the Atlantic, 3 2 1 -2 4 “First day covers,” 17 F o s te r , Jo c e ly n , “ A re you a book batterer?” 117 “ F ro m Moses to m eg ab y tes: a sh ort history of online information access,” 4 2 5 -2 6 Fry, Bernard M ., news note, 246 G “Gallaudet College to u r,” 423 Galloway, R. Dean, retired, 295 Gardner, Richard K ., prof., 86 Garner, Jane, news note, 87 Gaughan, Thomas M ., prof., 289 G en re terms: a thesaurus fo r use in rare bo ok a n d s p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s cataloguing, A CRL, RBMS, Standards C om m ., availability, 300 Gladish, Mary Louise, retired, 50 Glass, Mary Ellen, retired, 295 “ G o v ern m en t cu ts d ocu m en t c o s ts ,” GPO, 175 G P O , “ G o v ern m en t cu ts d ocu m en t costs,” 175 Grainger, William K ., retired, 295 Grants, 1 0 -1 1 , 4 6 -4 7 , 85, 1 1 8 -1 9 , 160, 1 9 6 - 9 7 , 2 4 3 - 4 4 , 2 9 8 - 9 9 , 3 4 0 - 4 1 , 3 8 4 -8 7 , 397, 4 2 8 -2 9 G rants (by grantee): Acad, of N atural S ciences of P h i l a ., 3 8 4 ; A m er. Antiquarian Soc., 10; Amer. Mus. of Natural Hist., 196; A RL, 10; Babson C oll., 85; Boston Coll., 384—86; Boston L ib . C o n so rtiu m , 1 0 - 1 1 ; C S U , Northridge, 11; Centenary Coll., 428; Centennial Coll. of Applied Arts & T e c h ., 2 9 8 ; C o rn ell U ., 2 4 3 , 3 4 0 ; Dropsie Coll. for Hebrew & Cognate Learning, 2 9 8 ; Franklin & Marshall C o ll ., 4 2 8 ; G eo rg eto w n U ., 2 4 3 ; H a rv a rd U ., 1 9 6 , 2 9 8 ; H enry Gerber-Pearl M. Hart L ib ., 386; Ind. U ., 2 9 8 ; Ind. U .-Purdue U. at F t . W a y n e , 1 9 6 ; Joh n Ja y C o ll. of Criminal Justice, 386; Johns Hopkins U ., 298; Lehigh U ., 341; Lewis & Clark Coll., 1 1 8 -1 9 ; Lib. Co. of Phila., 85; L C , 2 4 3 ; Mich. State U ., 2 4 3 ; N .Y. Acad, of Medicine, 46; N YPL, 11, 85; NYU, 243; Northwestern U ., 298; Or. Health Sciences U ., 341; Pa. State U ., 2 4 3 ; Providence P L , 11; R L G , 128, 2 4 3 - 4 4 ; Rider C o ll., 2 9 8 ; Rosemont C oll., 196; Rutgers U ., 46, 119, 341, 386; Southern 111. U ., 244, 386, 428; Southwestern U ., 11; SUNY (Albany, 160; Buffalo, 428); Tex. A&M U ., 243; T rin ity U ., 1 9 6 - 9 7 ; Tufts U ., 160; Tulane U ., 2 9 8 -9 9 ; U. of Ariz., 243; U C, Berkeley, 299; U. of Conn., 244, 428; U. of 111. (Chicago, 386; Urbana, 243, 299); U. of K an., 11, 299, 429; U. of Mich., 119, 244; U. of N ev., Reno, 2 9 9 ; U N C , C hapel H ill, 1 1 9 ; U . of Notre Dame, 11; U. of O r., 244; U. of Pittsburgh, 160; U. of Rochester, 244; U . of T e n n ., 3 8 6 - 8 7 ; U. of T e x ., A ustin, 3 4 1 ; U. of T o ro n to , 4 2 9 ; U T L A S , 1 6 0 ; V an d e rb ilt U ., 2 4 4 ; Wash. State L ib ., 160; Wash. U ., 341; Y a le U ., 47 Grants (by grantor): Allen, Fanny K ., 2 4 4 ; Amer. Production & Inventory Control S oc., 85; Bow erm an, W m ., 2 4 4 ; CSU System , L on g B each , 11; C a n a d ia n Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council, 429; Carnegie C orp ., 128; C ham plin F ., 11; Chicago Resource C tr ., 386; C L R , 46, 1 1 9 , 2 4 4 , 2 9 8 , 3 8 6 - 8 7 ; C u lp ep er (CharlesE .) F ., 428; G E F ., 243; Gray, E . Kenneth, 299; Guggenheim F ., 341; H ad ley , K ath erin e B ., 8 5 ; H E A , 2 9 8 -9 9 (4), 3 4 0 -4 1 (3), 384, 428 (2); I11. Humanities Council, 299; I11. State L ., 4 2 8 ; Kresge F . , 341; LSCA, 1 0 -1 1 , 2 4 4 , 4 2 8 ; M cC o rm ick (R o b e rt R .) C h a rita b le T ru s t, 3 8 6 ; M ellon (Andrew W .) F . , 8 5 , 1 1 9 , 2 4 3 - 4 4 ; Merck & C o ., 2 4 3 ; N EA, 11; N EH , 1 0 -1 1 (3), 85, 1 1 8 -1 9 , 160, 1 9 6 -9 7 , 2 4 3 -4 4 (2), 2 9 8 -9 9 (2), 386 (2), 429; N H PR C, 4 2 8 ; N LM , 4 6 ; N .J ., 3 86; N .J. Comm, for the Humanities, 119; N .J. Dept, of E d u c., 386; O nt., 160, 298; Penn (W m .) F ., 85; Pa. Dept, of E d u c., 160; Pew (J. Howard) Freedom Trust, 85; Pew Mem. Trust, 11, 196 (2), 298 (2), 3 8 4 -8 6 ; Pickford (Mary) F ., 243; Reynolds (Z. Smith) F ., 119; Rockefeller F ., 2 9 8 -9 9 ; Ryan, John T ., 1 1 ; Social Sciences & H u m an ities R esearch C o u n cil (C a n a d a ), 4 2 9 ; Tinker F ., 244; U .S., 341; USDE, 160, 196, 298; USOE, 47 G rav es, K aren T . , “ T h e legislative process,” 1 8 5 -8 6 Gray, Gwendolyn, retired, 50 Greenberg, Esther, news note, 48 Greener, Barbara, retired, 16 Grothey, Mina Jane, “The librarian as lib rary user: a personal c o m m e n t,” 2 3 7 -3 8 Guild, Nathaniel, “Bridging the library budget gap: an approach to creating fair user charges,” 6 9 -7 1 H Haka, Clifford H ., letter to the ed., 153 Hall, Louise McGwigan, retired, 50 Hardesty, L arry, prof. & p ort., 432 Harlan, Donna, “The view from HQ” & p ort., 79 Harm an, Marian, news note, 2 4 6 -4 7 Harrison, John A ., prof. & p ort., 86 Harrod, Ruth, retired, 124 H a rv a rd U k rain ian R esearch I n s t., Cenko Prize, 1984, 286 Hashim, Elinor M ., news note, 14 Hawkins, Jo Anne, news note, 19 8 -9 9 Helen F . C o n over-D o ro th y B. P o rter Award, ASA (U .S .), 1984, 300 “ Helpful hints for m oving or shifting c o lle c tio n s ,” A m odeo, 8 2 - 8 3 , co m m en ts & response, 1 5 3 , 1 8 2 , 2 3 2 -3 3 H en d erson , C a ro l C . , “ W ash in g to n Hotline,” 5, 127, 161, 239, 263, 287, 3 9 3 ,4 3 3 Hermann, Marguerite, retired, 201 H EA, “Deadlines approaching,” 341 H E G IS , “ H igher education sum m ary d a ta ,” 11 “ H igh er e d u ca tio n su m m ary d a t a ,” H EGIS, 11 Hirshon, Arnold, prof., 197-98 Hobson, Chester, retired, 201 Hodowanec, George V ., prof. & p ort., 2 4 5 -4 6 Hogan, Sharon, prof. & port., 432 Holicky, Bernard H ., “Tne collection use survey: the Purdue University Calumet experience,” 154 Holley, Edw ard G ., “New accreditation criteria proposed,” 7 1 -7 4 Horn, Andrew H ., deceased, 297 “How to participate in A C R L ,” 3 9 -4 0 Howard, Joseph H ., prof. & p ort., 289 H o w o rth , L is a , “ E d u c a tio n for bibliograp hic instru ction : a syllabi project,” 3 7 9 -8 0 Hubbard, Willis M ., prof. & port., 198 Huey-Stone, Theresa, “Management of the overseas library: Florida State in Florence,” 3 7 2 -7 5 “Humanities programs for libraries: an A C R L /N E H w o rk sh o p ,” E llio t, 2 3 5 -3 7 I Im m ro th (John Phillip) M em orial Award, ALA, IFR T , 1984, 394 “Index alert,” C &R L news, 37 ISI, “ACRL/ISI fellowships aw arded,” 84; “ACRL/ISI fellowships for 1 9 8 4 ,” 2 8 4 - 8 6 ; D o c to ra l D issertatio n Fellowship (1983, 84; 1 9 8 4 , 2 8 4 - 8 6 , 3 7 0 ) ; Sam uel L a z e ro w Fello w sh ip (1983, 84; 1984, 2 8 4 -8 6 , 370) “ In stru ctin g patrons in O C L C in an academic library,” Daugherty, 35 “IAIMS to be supported,” NLM , 353 “ In te g r a tin g liD raries in to higher e d u c a t io n ,” A C R L , B ib lio g ra p h ic In s tru c tio n L iaiso n P r o je c t, 1 - 4 , 3 6 -3 7 , 1 1 5 -1 6 , 155, 184, 3 8 0 -8 2 , 427 IASSIST, “Papers anyone?” 16 “Is centralizing demoralizing?” A CRL, EBSS, 337 J J . M orris Jo n e s-W o rld Book Encyclopedia-ALA Goal Award, 1982, 90; 1983, 201 Jaffe, Lee, “Training plans at Berkeley,” 2 0 2 -3 Javid, Rhua, retired, 437 Jenkins, Darrell L ., prof. & p ort., 12 Jennerich, Edw ard J ., prof., 343 “ Job listin g options for e m p lo y e rs ,” C &R L news, 263 John Phillip Immroth Memorial Award, ALA, IF R T , 1984, 394 Johnson, Robert K ., retired, 248 Jones (J. Morris) A w ard, W orld book encyclopedia, 1982, 90; 1983, 201 Jones, Kay F ., “Financial restrictions in academic libraries,” 2 6 9 -7 0 K Kaczynska, Anna Danuta, retired, 295 Kantor, James R .K ., retired, 392 Kaser, David, news note, 14 Kathman, Michael D ., letter to the ed., 153; “National invitational conference on independent scholarship,” 7 5 -7 7 Katz, Ruth M ., prof., 2 8 9 -9 0 Keckeissen, Rita, retired, 437 K en n ey, D o n a ld , “ E d u c a tio n for bibliograp hic instruction : a syllabi project,” 3 7 9 -8 0 King, David, Evaluating bibliographic i n s tr u c t io n : a h a n d b o o k , i n tr o d ., 2 7 2 -7 3 K irk, T h om as G ., “ C o llege lib ra ry activities,” 15 8 -5 9 K irk en d all, C a r o ly n , “ BI exh ib it update,” 1 1 5 -1 6 ; “BI liaison,” 155; “BI liaison u p d a te ,” 3 8 0 - 8 2 , 4 2 7 ; “ BI re p o rt,” 3 6 —37; “C urrent BI liaison a c tiv ity : ca n you h e lp ? ” 1 8 4 ; “Publicizing B I ,” 1 -4 Korey, Marie Elena, prof. & p ort., 47 Korn, Frederick, “M anagement of the overseas lib r a r y : F lo rid a S tate in Florence,” 3 7 2 -7 5 Krausse, Sylvia C ., “Public programming for academic libraries?” 413—14 Krzyminski, Cathleen J ., appt. & port., 184 Kudryk, Oleg, retired, 437 L Ladd, Dorothy P ., retired, 295 Late-breaking news, 175 Law ry, M artha, “Modern Greek names in the library catalog,” errata, 90 L a z e ro w (Sam uel) F ello w sh ip , A C R L/ISI, 1 9 8 3 ,84; 1 9 8 4 ,2 8 4 - 8 6 ,3 7 0 Lee, H w a-W ei, news note, 199 Lee, John, news note, 246 “The legislative process,” Graves, 1 8 5 -8 6 Lehnus, Donald J ., deceased, 124 Leiter, Joseph, retired, 248 Lester, Daniel W ., prof., 387 Letters, 37, 78, 153, 182, 2 3 2 -3 3 , 330 Leverenz, Paul M ., letter to the ed ., 153 “The librarian as library user: a personal com m ent,” Grothey, 2 3 7 -3 8 “ Librarians sought for exchange with F ra n ce ,” 436 LAMA, Statistics for Reference Services C om m ., “Reference transaction survey begins field-testing,” 270 L ib . Ass’n, U C R S . “ F ro m Moses to megabytes: a short history of online information access,” 4 2 5 -2 6 Lib. Co. of Phila., news note, 300 L ib ra ry instruction clea rin g h o u ses: q directory, A C R L, BIS, Clearinghouse C om m ., availability, 387 “ L ib r a r y o rie n ta tio n for business students: a case s tu d y ,” T ern b erg , 1 14-15 L ib r a r y statistics o f c o lle g e s a nd universities: summary data fo r 1979, H EGIS, published, 11 Lindsey, Jonathan A ., prof. & p ort., 289 Lindsey, Thomas K ., letter to the ed., 153 Lingenfelter, Judith, news note, 246 L O E X C learin g h o u se on L ib r a r y In s tru c tio n , “ BI p oster sessions needed,” 443 Lopez, Manuel D ., “Chinese spoken here: foreign language library orientation tours,” 2 6 5 -6 9 Low ry, Bess, deceased, 124 Lynch, Mary Jo, news note, 246 M McCoy, Richard W ., prof., 12 McGowan, Frank M ., retired, 124 McGuire, Eugene Thomas, retired, 437 Macikas, B arb ara, “ C E courses in Los Angeles,” 304 M acLam , Helen M ., appt. & p ort., 429 M cLean, Philip Taggart, deceased, 201 McNay Art Inst., news note, 2 4 4 -4 5 “ M anagement of the overseas library: F lo r id a S ta te in F l o r e n c e ,” Huey-Stone, 3 7 2 -7 5 “ M anuscripts and projects w a n te d ,” C &R L , 283 M arquardt, Steve, letter to the ed., 78 Marquis W ho’s W ho, “New who’s w ho,” 252 Marshall, Nancy, news note, 246 Martell, Charles R ., J r ., named C &R L ed. & p ort., 378; prof., 290 Martin, Susan, news note, 87 Martinez, Katharine, prof., 344 M ason, A lexan d ra, letter to the e d ., 2 3 2 -3 3 M ath ies, L o r r a in e , news n o te , 2 4 6 ; retired, 124, 295 May, James H ., prof., 4 7 -4 8 Meckler Publishing, “Papers anyone?” 16 Mellon, Constance, BIS ed., appt., 432 Metcalf, Keyes D ., deceased, 4 3 7 -3 8 Meyer, Betty J ., retired & p ort., 392 M FLA , “BI evaluation program ,” 271 Miller, R. Bruce, news note, 198-99 Miller, Richard, letter to the ed., 78 Mink, James, retired, 295 Miriam Dudley Award, A CRL, 1984, 288 Mitchell, Ann, retired, 248 “ M odern Greek names in the lib rary catalog,” Law ry, errata, 90 M orharαt, Jane R ., deceased, 297 M orris, Jacq u elyn M ., prof. & p o r t., 1 2 -1 3 Moskowitz, Michael Ann, prof., 431 N “Name an association,” ANSC Z 39, 286 NAL, news note, 47 N E H , “ H u m an ities p ro g ra m s for libraries: an A CRL/N EH workshop,” 2 3 5 - 3 7 ; “ R esearch tra v e l g ran ts available,” 397 “ N EH offers p ro g ram d evelop m en t grants,” 236 “ N ational invitational con feren ce on independent scholarship,” Kathman, 7 5 -7 7 NLM , “IAIMS to be supported,” 353 Nemeth, Gabriella, retired, 349 “New accreditation criteria proposed,” Holley, 7 1 -7 4 “New Budget & Finance ch air,” A C R L, Budget & Finance C om m ., 420 “New Choice assistant editor,” 429 “New nonprint editor at C hoice, ” 193 New tech nology, 18, 5 3 - 5 4 , 1 2 8 - 2 9 , 1 6 4 -6 5 , 2 4 9 -5 1 , 3 0 1 -2 , 394, 4 3 9 -4 0 New te ch n o lo g y (by co m p a n y or institution): Alos Micrographics C orp ., 164, 301; ALA, LITA , Video & Cable C o m m u n ica tio n s S e ctio n , 5 3 - 5 4 ; ASIS, 4 3 9 ; Andra Systems, 53; Area Business D a ta b a n k , 3 9 4 ; B ak er & T a y lo r , 3 9 4 ; Bell & H o w ell, 2 4 9 ; Bibliographic Retrieval Services, 301; BioSciences Inf. Service, 53; BNA, 249; Boley In t’l Subscription Agency, 53; B .C . Union Catalogue, 53; Brit. L ib ., 1 2 8 ; C L A S S , 1 8 ; C a p ita l System s G roup, 1 2 8 ; C arro llto n Press, 2 4 9 ; C o m p re C o m m , 4 3 9 ; C u a d ra Associates, 53; D ata Courier, 164, 301; D a ta P h a se System s, 2 4 9 ; E a s tm a n Kodak C o ., 53; EBSCO Subscription Services, 164; Faxon , 4 3 9 ; G aylord, 249; G eac, 439; General Meters C orp., 128; Highsmith C o ., 249; Inforonics, 18; Infortext Systems, 3 0 1 ; Inst, for S cien tific I n f ., 1 6 4 ; IB M , 3 0 1 ; Knowledge Industry Pubs., 439; KPG, 439; Kurzweil Computer Products, 18; McCrone (W alter C.) Associates, 251; Maxwell Lib. Systems, 128, 249; N at’l Audio-Visual Assn., 128; N CLIS, 439; NYU, 394; Northwestern U ., 2 4 9 -5 0 ; O C L C , 1 6 5 ; O m n itec D a ta , 2 5 0 ; Online Com puter Systems, 165; PL Systems, 128; Predicasts, 54; RLG , 54, 1 2 8 -2 9 ; Small Lib. Computing, 301; Software reports, 3 0 1 -2 ; SONY Video C o m m u n ica tio n s P ro d u cts , 5 4 ; S ta n d a rd C h an g e-M ak ers, 3 0 2 ; Standard Duplicating Machines C o rp ., 394; Stanford U ., 4 3 9 -4 0 ; Superindex, 3 0 2 ; Teknekron C on trols, 5 4 ; Tex. A&M U ., 1 2 9 ; T ex. C o ll. of Osteopathic Medicine, 18; U. of M an., 2 5 0 -5 1 ; U. of Tex. Health Sei. C tr., 394; UTLAS, 440; University Products, 440; W L N , 18 N YPL, news note, 47 News from the field, 1 0 -1 1 , 4 6 - 4 7 , 85, 1 1 8 - 1 9 , 1 5 9 - 6 0 , 1 9 5 - 9 7 , 2 4 2 - 4 5 , 2 9 7 -3 0 0 , 3 4 0 -4 1 , 3 8 4 -8 7 , 4 2 8 -2 9 News notes, 47, 119, 197, 244, 2 9 9 -3 0 0 , 340, 429 Nicholson, Ruth Simons, retired, 164 Nixon, Roberta, retired, 295 Nyholm, Jens, deceased & p ort., 126 o Obenhaus, Adah May, deceased, 297 “ The O berlin C onferen ce on T h e f t,” 3 6 2 -6 3 O b erly (E u n ic e R ockw ell) A w a rd , A C R L, STS, 1983, 11, 240, 284 “O C L C copyrighted,” 37 Oinas, Lisbet, retired, 437 Oliver, Sylvia, retired, 295 Ormsbv, E ric L ., prof., 121 Ortynsky, Vera, retired, 437 P Paladin, Joseph D ., retired, 248 Papers solicited, 16 Park, Joe, retired, 248 Patrick, Ruth J ., prof. & p ort., 343 Paulus, David L ., prof., 290 Pelletiere, Jean C ., news note, 345 Pa. State U ., news note, 429 People, 1 2 - 1 6 , 4 7 - 5 0 , 8 6 - 9 0 , 1 2 1 -2 6 , 1 6 2 - 6 4 , 1 9 7 - 2 0 1 , 2 4 5 - 4 8 , 2 8 9 - 9 7 , 3 4 3 -4 9 , 3 8 7 - 9 2 /4 3 1 - 3 8 People in the news, 14, 48, 87, 122, 162, 1 9 8 -9 9 , 2 4 6 -4 7 , 290, 345, 4 3 2 -3 5 Pereira, Priscilla McGuire, deceased, 16 Perrine, Richard H ., retired, 90 Pfeiffer, Robert, retired, 50 “Photocopying without (much) dam age,” Amodeo, 3 6 5 -7 0 Piercy (Esther J.) Award, ALA, RTSD, 1984, 334 Pilkington, W alter, deceased, 90 Pillsbury, Stanley, deceased, 164 Piternick, George, retired, 2 9 5 -9 6 Pitkin, Patricia A ., prof. & p ort., 290 “ P olicy sta te m e n t on p u b lica tio n of conference papers of A CRL sections,” A CRL, Publications C om m ., 2 8 2 -8 3 “Prayer of the junior faculty,” 49 Prigge, William C ., prof., 344 “Procedures for reviewing and approving A C R L stan d ard s and g u id e lin e s,” A C R L , Standards & A ccred itation C om m ., 282 Profiles, 1 2 -1 4 , 4 7 -4 8 , 86, 1 2 1 -2 2 , 162, 1 9 7 - 9 8 , 2 4 5 - 4 6 , 2 8 9 - 9 0 , 3 4 3 - 4 5 , 3 8 7 -8 9 , 4 3 1 -3 2 “ P u b lic p ro g ra m m in g for a ca d e m ic libraries?” Krausse, 413—14 Publications, 1 8 -2 1 , 55, 9 1 -9 2 , 1 2 9 -3 1 , 1 6 5 - 6 6 ,2 0 4 - 7 ,2 5 1 - 5 4 ,3 0 2 - 5 ,3 5 0 - 5 3 , 396-97 440-43 “Publicizing B I,” Kirkendall, 1-4 Q , R Raber, Nevin, retired, 437 R an dall, Ann K night, prof. & p o r t., 1 2 1 - 2 2 “Rare books school: 1 9 8 3 ,” Columbia U ., 113 Rasiel, Jay, deceased, 297 Reaman, Elaine, retired, 201, 296 Reames, J. Mitchell, retired, 349 Reeve, Phyllis, “Seattle ’8 4 ,” 409, 412 “ Reference tran sactio n survey begins field -testin g ,” LAM A, Statistics for Reference Services C om m ., 270 Reidelbach, John H ., “Academic library approval plans: a nationwide inquiry,” 3 2 8 -3 0 Rendell, Kenneth, letter to the ed., 330 Render, Sylvia Lyons, retired, 124 Renner, Charlene, prof., 14 “ Research opportunity,” A C R L , BIS, Research C om m ., 78 “Research travel grants available,” N EH, 397 Retirem ents, 16, 50, 9 0 , 124, 1 6 3 -6 4 , 201, 248, 2 9 5 -9 6 , 349, 3 9 1 -9 2 , 437 Richards, James H ., J r ., retired & p ort., 248 Robinton, Herman F ., deceased, 297 Rogers, Sharon J ., A CRL president-elect & port., 277 Roman, George J ., deceased, 248 Root, Christine, news note, 246 Rosenthal, Frederick J ., retired, 437 Ross, Annie, retired, 248 Rousmaniere, Peter F . , “Bridging the library budget gap: an approach to creating fair user charges,” 6 9-71 Russell, John R ., deceased & p ort., 50 s Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, ACRL/ISI, 1983, 84; 1984, 2 8 4 -8 6 , 370 San Diego P L , “ UCSD saves flooded newspaper archive,” 1 9 3 -9 5 Sanudo, Manuel, letter to the ed., 37 Satterlee, Marilyn, deceased, 201 Schum an, Patricia Glass, news note & p ort., 199 Scudder, Robert E ., deceased, 437 Scully, Mark F ., prof., 48 “ Seattle ’8 4 , ” 8 0 - 8 1 , 1 0 1 - 5 , 1 5 6 - 5 7 , 1 9 2 - 9 3 , 2 4 0 - 4 1 , 2 7 4 - 7 5 , 3 3 1 - 3 2 , 3 8 3 -8 4 , 409, 412 “Sex discrimination case settled,” U. of Minn., 175 Shirk, G ary M ., “ A cad em ic lib ra ry approval plans: a nationwide inquiry,” 3 2 8 -3 0 Silberberg, Elsa, retired, 90 Smart, James R ., retired, 248 Smith, Donald R ., prof. & p ort., 13 Smith, Jessie C ., news note, 162 Smith, LaM ar, retired, 392 Smith, Leonard, deceased, 349 Smith, Stewart, retired, 90 Solis, Miguel, retired, 437 Souckova, Milada, deceased, 1 2 4 -2 6 “ Sources of sta tistics on a ca d e m ic libraries,” Whiteley, 2 2 1 -2 5 . See also “U pdate,” 3 7 8 -7 9 “Special collections desk duty: preventing dam age,” Amodeo, 1 7 7 -8 2 “A special public relations opportunity for acad em ic lib ra rie s,” E ld red g e, 1 88-90 Spyers-Duran, Peter, prof. & port., 389 “Standards and guidelines relating to a c a d e m ic lib r a r i e s ,” A L A , 1 0 5 —9, erratum , 263 “Standards for college libraries,” ACRL ( 1 9 7 5 ,3 6 :2 7 7 -7 9 , 2 9 0 -3 0 1 ), comments invited, 350, 428 “Status seekers take note,” A CRL, 109 “Status statem ents,” A C R L , Academic Status C om m ., 283 Stegemeier, Henri, news note, 2 4 6 -4 7 Stepan, Jan, retired, 437 Stoffle, C a rla J . , “ A C R L presid ent’s letter” & p ort., 6 - 7 ; “A CRL president’s rep o rt, 1 9 8 2 - 8 3 ” & p o r t., 2 2 7 - 3 2 ; “A C R L’s new task forces,” 2 9 -3 4 Swanson, Patricia, news note, 48 “ A sym posium of a d ifferen t k in d ,” Watstein, 334 T T e rn b e rg , M ilton G ., “ L ib r a r y orientation for business students: a case study,” 1 1 4 -1 5 Thomas, David, retired, 296 Thomas, Martha Lou, retired, 392 Thuma, Marion G ., retired, 90 T ie fe l, V irg in ia , E v a lu a tin g bibliographic instruction: a handbook, pref., 2 7 1 -7 2 Tildesley, Rebecca E ., retired, 296 “ Tips n e e d e d ,” A C R L , E B SS, Bibliographic Instruction C om m ., 283 “Training plans at Berkeley,” Davison, 2 0 2 -3 Treier, Silvi, retired, 296 Treyz, Joseph H ., prof., 246 “Tri-chapter A CRL m eeting,” 318, 334 Truesweil, Richard W ., deceased, 248 Tubbs, William Johnston, prof., 344 u U. of Ariz., “All perk and no work?” 88 U. of B .C ., “Are you a book batterer?” 117 U C , B erk eley, “ T ra in in g plans at Berkeley,” 2 0 2 -3 “ U CSD saves flooded new spaper archive,” San Diego P L , 1 93-95 U. of Chicago, G raduate Lib. School, “Calls for applications for fellowships for ad v an ced study in lib ra ry managem ent,” 78 U. of M α., Baltimore County, news note, 119 U. of M inn., “Sex discrimination case s e tt l e d ,” 1 7 5 ; “ W estern E u ro p e a n studies symposium,” 238 UNC, Chapel Hill, news note, 429 URI, “Public programming for academic libraries?” 413—14 “Unlocked around the clock,” CSU, Long Beach, 244 “Update on statistics sources,” Whiteley, 3 7 8 -7 9 V Varnet, Harvey, prof. & port., 198 Vasco, Gerhard, retired, 296 “The view from H Q ,” Harlan, 79 V irg o , Ju lie C a r r o ll, “ E x e c u tiv e D irector’s report” & p o rt., 2 3 3 - 3 5 ; resignation & port., 418 Vizbaras, Linda, retired, 124 “Volunteer editor needed,” A CRL, BIS, 78 Vosper, Robert, retired & p ort., 296 Vrooman, George H ., deceased, 297 w Walsh, Patricia Margaret, news note & p ort., 435 “W ashington hotline,” Henderson, 5, 1 2 7 ,1 6 1 , 239, 263, 287, 393, 433 Watkins, Thomas, retired, 437 Watstein, Sarah Barbara, “A symposium of a different kind,” 334 W elch , Theodore W ., prof. & p o r t., 3 4 4 -4 5 Werking, Richard Hume, prof. & port., 162 “Western European studies symposium,” U. of Minn., 238 W ether bee, Louella Vine, prof. & port., 1 3-14 W hite, George W ., news note, 2 4 6 -4 7 W hite, John Browning, deceased, 201 Whiteley, Sandy, “Librarians sought for exchange witn F ran ce,” 436; “Sources of statistics on academ ic libraries,” 2 2 1 -2 5 ; “Update on statistics sources,” 3 7 8 -7 9 W hiteman, Mary L ., retired, 349 “Whoops,” C irR L news, 277 Winchell, Constance M ., deceased, 297 Winkler, Paul W ., retired, 296 World book encyclopedia, J. Morris Jones Award, 1982, 90; 1983, 201 Worley, Joan H ., “ARL library faculties and their meetings,” 3 2 4 -2 5 X, Y ,Z Zubrow, Marcia, news note, 246 The Journal for the Library Instruction Librarian Research A S jou t rn r al a of tegies library concepts and instruction A Q u a rterly Publication Focusing on: • T h e c oncept s u n d e r l y i n g effective library r e s e a r c h • T h e t h e o r y of l ea rn in g • T h e i ntellectual f o u n d a t i o n s of complex tools • Effective se ar ch s tr a t e g i e s • O r g a n i z a t i o n , p r e s e n t a t i o n , and e v a l u a t i o n of l ibrary i n s t r u c t i o n p r o g r a m s □ $ 2 6 a n n u a l s u b scrip tio n □ Add $ 5 fo re ig n p o s ta g e □ Sen d sam p le co p y Subscription O ffice: P.O. Box 8 3 30 • Ann Arbor, MI 4 8 1 0 7