ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1983 / 445 counter. Contact: Effie Knight, Adm inistrative Assistant, L ibrary Administrators Development Program, College of L ibrary and Inform ation Services, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742. 2 0 - 2 3 — M icrocom puters: 13 th ASIS M id-Y ear Meeting, “The Micro Revolution: Implications for the Inform ation A ge,” Indiana University, Bloomington. Topics to be discussed include: in­ form ation generation, social aspects, technologi­ cal developments, and inform ation access. Con­ tact: ASIS, 10 10 16th St., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 659-3644. ■ ■ THESCISS LEIAAD FDS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE ELSEVIER ANTIQUARIAN DEPARTMENT. Periodicals and rare books on Life- and Earth Sciences. Over 1 million volumes on stock. Catalogues available on demand. Please write to: Lippijn- straat 4, 1055 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN (search re-opened) Re­ quirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Minimum of 2 years of profes­ sional experience, preferably in an engineering or science/techno­ logy library. Desired qualifications: educational background or experience in engineering or science helpful. Exposure to or back­ ground in automated library procedures; supervisory experience or aptitude; experience in bibliographic instruction to large classes; ability to deal effectively with faculty and students; computer-based searching and reference experience helpful. Shares in management and operation of the Siegesmund Engineering Library. Active partic­ ipation in planning and implementation of new services and proce­ dures and development of policies. Direct responsibility for circula­ tion and technical services including training and supervision of staff and students. Conducts bibliographic instruction and assists with li­ brary orientation tours. Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank commensurate with education and experience. Promotion and ten­ ure require meeting standards of excellence in librarianship, publish­ ing, research, and service. 12 month appointment with annual vaca­ tion of 22 days. Group Life, Major Medical and disability insurance are in effect as are TIAA-CREF and Social Security. Salary: $15,000 and up depending upon qualifications. Application deadline: Janu­ ary 30, 1984. Send resume and list of references to: Thomas L. Ha­ worth, Personnel Officer, Libraries, Stewart Center, Purdue Univer­ sity, West Lafayette, IN 47907. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT HEAD ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN in the Brown University Library. Responsible for the management of processes related to the purchase of monographic library materials and assists with the management of the Acquisitions Department. Require­ ments: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school; reading knowledge of two foreign languages (one Germanic and one Ro­ mance) and familiarity with one additional language; 3 years of tech­ nical services experience in an academic library, including acquisi­ tions and bibliographic searching; experience with library and business automated systems and networks. Appointment range: $17,853-$23,016, based upon experience. Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume and names of three refer­ ences by December 31, 1983, to: Gloria Hagberg, Brown University Library, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT TO THE HEAD, ORIGINAL MONOGRAPHS CATA­ LOGING. Primary responsibility for assisting the head of the depart­ ment in general administrative and supervisory duties, including training and revising staff doing original cataloging. Incumbent par­ ticipates in formulation and communication of cataloging policy and procedure and in the development and maintenance of the catalog­ ing manual. May perform some original cataloging. Incumbent has a catalog editing responsibility, including editing problems outside the department and may also work on general bibliographic projects. The Original Monographs Cataloging Department provides original (and selected LC) cataloging for all separately classed monographs in the system with the exception of Law, Health Sciences, and East Asian vernacular. The staff of the unit consists of the full-time equiva­ lent of 16 catalogers and 3 supporting staff. In addition to an accred­ ited MLS, requirements are a thorough command of cataloging tech­ niques and principles as demonstrated through several years of substantial cataloging experience in a large research or academic library; reading knowledge of at least 2 foreign languges; ability to work effectively with professional and supporting staff. Preference will be given to candidates with previous administrative and/or su­ pervisory experience. Experience with automated cataloging desir­ able. Salary ranges: Librarian II: $20,500-$26,650; Librarian III: $23,500-$34,075. Submit resume, listing salary requirements and 3 references, to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applica­ tions is January 13, 1984. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT VETERINARY MEDICAL LIBRARIAN (re post) The Flower Veterinary Library at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University is seeking applicants for the position of Assistant Veterinary Medical Librarian. Responsibilities include: providing general medical reference services; conducting comput­ erized bibliographic database searches (NLM, BRS, DIALOG); as­ sisting in user education and orientation programs; coordinating inter-library loan activities; assisting with collection management and technical processing; maintaining card catalogs; and special proj­ ects. Qualifications include MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; health or life science background preferred; public services experience in a bio-medical library and knowledge of online litera­ ture searching desirable. Strong communication and interpersonal skills required. Salary $15,600 + , depending on qualifications and experience. Closing date for applications: December 30,1983. Posi­ tion available: February 1, 1984. Send resume and letter of applica­ tion, to: Carolyn A. Pyhtila, Personnel Director, Cornell University Li- 446 / C &RL News braries, 235 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. (Librarian I). Land grant university li­ brary serving over 9,000 students; member of Tri-College University (North Dakota State University, Moorhead State University, Concor­ dia College); participant in Minnesota State University System’s on­ line catalog. Under the general direction of the library director, and in consultation with department heads, plan, coordinate, evaluate, and implement automation in the library; liaison with campus computer center, online catalog system, and North Dakota technology consor­ tium. Qualifications: proficiency in a computer language (COBOL preferred); basic knowledge of OCLC; coursework in library automa­ tion; ability to communicate effectively and to work well with col­ leagues. Preferred: masters degree in library or information science; experience with a microcomputer; basic technical knowledge of computer terminals; knowledge of computerized database search­ ing. Salary and benefits include: $15,500 + , TIAA/CREF, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Submit letter of application, resume, and three current references to: Personnel Office, North Dakota State Univer­ sity, Fargo, ND 58105. Application deadline: February 1, 1984. NDSU is an equal opportunity institution. BIOLOGY LIBRARIAN at the University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library System (GLS). Salary minimum: $20,000. ALA- accredited M LS; 2 years of academic or research library experience, including administrative and supervisory experience; ability to com­ municate effectively; subject background in the literature of biologi­ cal sciences; advanced degree or equivalent experience in botany, zoology or related fields; reference experience and foreign lan­ guage knowledge are desirable. Responsible for directing the pro­ gram of service, collection development and administration of the Bi­ ology Library and staff (3 FTE) including provision of reference instructional service, management, assessment and development of the research collection, allocation of resources, establishment of pol­ icies, coordination with the GLS and other major biology collections on campus. Continuing professional development shall also be demonstrated. Call or send for complete position description. Letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references should be sent to: Sandra Pfahler, Assistant Director, Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, Wl 53706, (608) 262-3521. Application deadline: January 31,1984. An EEO/AA em­ ployer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN at the Brown University Library. Responsi­ ble for original cataloging of Slavic language books and microforms in a broad range of subjects, and Western language materials in the field of linguistics. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school; two years relevant professional experi­ ence; academic background in Slavic languages or linguistics; strong knowledge of Russian with a working knowledge of related Slavic languages; knowledge of AACR2, LC rule interpretations, and the MARC format; familiarity with OCLC or RLIN; ability to communi­ cate effectively. Appointment range: $17,853-$23,016, based upon experience. Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by December 31, 1983, to Gloria Hagberg, Brown University, Box A, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opportunity, affirmative, action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN C a taloging and Records Maintenance (CRM) Division. Responsibilities include catalog maintenance and authority work; original and complex copy cataloging in assigned subject areas; special projects; and some public service duties. Must be able to work in an automated dynamic environment with chang­ ing responsibilities in line with further reorganization of CRM Division. Requirements: MLS from A LA-accredited library school and two (2) years cataloging experience in an academic library. Essential: dem­ onstrated knowledge of LC classification, AACR2 and earlier cata­ loging rules, LCRI, LCSH, online catalogs, computer systems, cata­ loging databases, and at least one (1) foreign language. Highly desirable: advanced study in a subject discipline, library science or computer science. Participates in research. Twelve-month, tenure- track faculty appointment. Salary minimum: $15,000. Rank: instruc­ tor or assistant professor. Application deadline: Decem ber 31, 1983 Submit resume including three (3) references to: Fred M. Peterson, University Librarian, Milner Library, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61761. Equal opportunity, affirmative action university. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Full-time, permanent position available im­ mediately. Responsibilities: Catalog Librarian is responsible for over- GENERAL EDITOR AND INDEXERS/SEARCHERS Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Columbia University Libraries The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals is expanding its activities under the auspices of the J. Paul Getty Trust, and we are seeking candidates for one General Editor and five Indexer/Searcher positions. General Editor. Under the general direction of the Avery Librarian, this position has primary responsibil­ ity for developing and implementing policies for the Index within the context of the Research Libraries Infor­ mation Network (RLIN) and the Art History Information Program of the J. Paul Getty Trust. This position has administrative responsibility for 5.5 FTE professional indexers/searchers and 2 FTE clerical assistants; planning and implementing change in an evolving technological environment; ongoing documentation of policies and procedures; making budgetary recommendations, establishing priorities, and monitoring ex­ penditures, productivity and performance. In addition to an accredited MLS, qualifications are administra­ tive ability as demonstrated by successful relevant management experience, both in personnel supervision and in organization of procedures; knowledge of indexing, cataloging, and automated systems; knowl­ edge of the field of architecture and architectural history; working knowledge of one or more European languages. Salary ranges: Librarian II: $21,500-$27,950; Librarian III: $24,500-$35,525. Deadline for applications is January 1 3 ,1 9 8 4 . Indexers/Searchers. Four full- and one part-time positions to contribute to an expanded A very Index to Architectural Periodials. Each incumbent will spend approximately 50% to 75% of the time indexing articles to be entered in the Avery Index Data Base and the rest of the time assisting readers with searches of the database. In addition to an accredited MLS, qualifications are indexing, cataloging, and/or database searching experience and working knowledge of one or more European languages. Knowledge of the field of architecture and architectural history highly desirable. Salary ranges: Librarian II: $20,000-$26,000; Librarian III: $23,000-$33,350. Deadline for applications is February 1 7 ,1 9 8 4 . Submit resume, specifying position applying for and listing salary requirements and 3 references, to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. December 1983 / 447 all cataloging of library collection, processing all acquisitions, order­ ing LC cards, typing original catalog cards and filing into catalog. In addition, catalog librarian will assume reference duties, provide as­ sistance with card catalog and all indexes and files, and help with refiling library materials as needed. Will supervise one cataloging clerical and various volunteers. Requirements: accredited MLS, ex­ perience with cataloging local history materials preferred. Must have familiarity with AACRI and II, ability to do original cataloging, catalog revision, and LC card processing. Minimum salary: $12,000. Appli­ cation procedure: application and resumes should be sent to: Lu­ cinda Manning, Head Librarian, Long Island Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201, by December 31, 1983. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, position available July 1984 due to retire­ ment. Seeking a librarian with interest in diversified job content and implementation of automation. Responsible for providing original cataloging for a wide range of materials and media. Participates in planning for automation of library service. Works in liaison with se­ lected academic departments, providing bibliographic instruction and collection development assistance. Works in public service on a regular schedule. May supervise support staff and students. Salary dependent on experience and qualifications, $16,000 minimum. The position requires an ALA-accredited MLS, evidence of scholarly ability, knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, MARC, reading knowledge of foreign language(s), ability to communicate clearly orally and in writ­ ing, ability to organize work, ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff, flexibility in adjusting to changing job content, and willingness to contribute to a colleg¡ally oriented staff environ­ ment. Faculty status, non-tenure track, 12-month appointment, one month vacation, liberal fringe benefits. Preference given to appli­ cants with second master’s degree and background in business, natural sciences, or engineering. Minority candidates are encour­ aged to apply. Send letter of application, current vita, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional refer­ ences, to: Dorothy Cieslicki, Librarian, Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER, CATALOG MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT. This position has primary responsibility for performing cataloging, cata­ log editing, and authority work, including analysis, distribution, and resolution of problems, and for performing complex RLIN editing and inputting. Other duties include training and revising work of two full-time and several part-time staff members, supervising the depart­ ment in the absence of the Head, and performing auxiliary catalog­ ing duties. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are a knowledge of two modern European languages, one of which must be a Romance language; ability to work well with others; aptitude for analytical and detail work as demonstrated through previous rele­ vant experience and/or superior performance in a formal course in cataloging; previous experience with machine-readable biblio­ graphic data base(s) and/or formal course work in computer sci­ ence; and a broad subject background. Relevant supervisory expe­ rience desirable. We are seeking a beginning librarian for this position. Salary ranges: Librarian I: $18,000-$23,400; Librarian II: $20,000-$26,000. Submit resume, listing 3 references and salary requirements, to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Li­ braries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is December 30, 1983. An affirmative action, equal op­ portunity employer. CATALOGER (Librarian II). Land grant university library serving over 9,000 students; member of Tri-College University (North Da­ kota State University, Moorhead State University, Concordia Col­ lege); participant in Minnesota State University System’s online cata­ log. Responsible for original cataloging of monographs and AV materials. Activities include inputting current and retrospective rec­ ords into OCLC for a union online catalog. Reports to Head of Cata­ log Department. Requirements include: degree from accredited MLS program; two to four years of progressive cataloging experi­ ence; thorough knowledge of AACR2 and LC classification; experi­ ence with OCLC; working knowledge of at least one Western Euro­ pean foreign language, preferably German. Salary and benefits include: $17,784 + , depending on qualifications; TIAA/CREF and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Position available immediately. Submit letter of application, resume, and three current references to: Personnel Office, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105. Application deadline: February 1, 1984. NDSU is an equal opportunity institu­ tion. CATALOGER (SERIALS). Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites application for the position of Serials Cataloger, a faculty ap­ pointment in a rapidly-growing university library. Trinity is strongly committed to excellence in the liberal arts tradition at the bachelor’s and master’s degree levels. Primary responsibilities include catalog­ ing of all serials titles, and cataloging monographs in one foreign lan­ guage. Responsible for supervising one classified staff member to process serials. Required qualifications include the MLS from ALA- accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2, particulary as re­ lated to serials; knowledge of Library of Congress classification sys­ tems and subject headings; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language; familiarity with OCLC or other in-house automated system; initiative, creativity, and strong communication skills; and the ability to function effectively in a complex organization. Desirable qualifications include experience in serials acquisitions or serials cat­ aloging in an academic library, and an additional graduate degree. Instructor or Assistant Professor rank with tenure track. Salary mini­ mum of $17,000, higher depending on experience or other qualifica­ tions. TIAA/CREF and liberal fringe benefits. Send letter of applica­ tion, detailed resume, and names of three references by January 20, 1984, to: Richard Hume Werking, Director of Libraries, Trinity Uni­ versity, 715 Stadium Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Trinity University of San Antonio, Texas, invites appli­ cation for the position of Monographs Cataloger, a faculty appoint­ ment in a rapidly-growing university library. Trinity is strongly com­ mitted to excellence in the liberal arts tradition at the bachelor’s and master’s degree levels. Primary responsibilities include cataloging all English-language monographs requiring original cataloging, and some foreign-language monographs. May have some responsibility for the daily operations of OCLC, including supervision and training of OCLC operators. Required qualifications include the MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2; knowledge of Library of Congress classification system and subject headings; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language; knowledge of the OCLC System; initiative, creativity, and strong communication skills; and the ability to function effectively in a complex organization. Desirable qualifications include cataloging experience in an aca­ demic library and an additional graduate degree. Instructor or Assis­ tant Professor rank with tenure track. Salary minimum of $17,000, higher depending on experience or other qualifications. TIAA/CREF and liberal fringe benefits. Send letter of application, detailed re­ sume, and names of three references by January 20,1984, to: Rich­ ard Hume Werking, Director of Libraries, Trinity University, 715 Sta­ dium Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. BERKELEY Head, Science Libraries Administer 14 life and physical science branch li­ braries in the General Library system, UC Berkeley, with responsibility for personnel and fiscal manage­ ment including a $1 million acquisition budget. Su­ pervise public service, technical processing, and collection development. Responsible for develop­ ment of automated programs, faculty relations, and outside funding sources. Requires MLS degree, extensive and increas­ ingly responsible experience in a scientific, biomed­ ical, or engineering academic library, and demon­ strated effective m anagement skills. Experience with library instructional programs, computer litera­ ture searching, automated catalog processing, and experience in collective bargaining highly desir­ able. Full job description mailed on request. Appoint­ ment will be made in the $30,648-$39,672 per an­ num salary range depending on qualifications. This is a relisting. Previous applicants need not re-apply. Starting date 1 February 1984 or as soon thereafter as possible. To apply send resume, including names and addresses of three professional refer­ ences, by 31 Decem ber 1983, to: William E. Wenz Library Personnel Officer Room 447 General Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 448 / C &RL News CATALOGER to participate in adding the holdings of North Ameri­ can libraries to the international Eighteenth-Century Short-Title Cata­ logue database. Qualifications: MLS; advanced degree in History or English with relevant specialization desirable; computer cataloging experience also desirable. Available January 1, 1984. 1.75 year term position. Salary: $13,500-$16,000, depending upon qualifica­ tions. Preference will be given to applications received before De­ cember 31, 1983. Send applications to: Judith Singleton, ESTC/NA, College of Arts and Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5111. LSU is an equal opportunity employer. HEAD, FIELD COLLECTING AND ORAL HISTORY. Provides leadership in acquiring collections and conducting oral histories per-. taining to Arizona and the Southwest; assists in the organization, ar­ chival treatment and use of collections; participates in library govern­ ance; reports to the University Librarian. This newly created one-person department works closely with the staff of the Arizona Collections. Minimum qualifications: graduate degree (preferably in HEAD, SERIALS ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT Columbia University Libraries (Search reopened) Under the general direction of the Chief of the Support Division, this position has responsibility for adm inistering a centralized serials acquisitions function for the Columbia library system. The posi­ tion has responsibility for 16 full-time staff members; coordinating routines and w orkflow ; planning and implementing change in an evolving technological environment; establishing priorities; resolving prob­ lems relating to the ordering, receipt, and payment of serial materials; and developing a thorough knowledge of publishing and sources of supply. In addition to an accredited MLS, qualifications are administrative ability as demonstrated by suc­ cessful relevant management experience, both in personnel supervision and in organization of proce­ dures; a substantial knowledge of serials; the ability to work with staff in other library units and outside vendors; effective writing and speaking skills; evi­ dence of professional creativity and initiative; famil­ iarity with computer-assisted technical processing in a large research library; and the ability to work with a broad range of languages, with preferential consideration being given to applicants with a working knowledge of French or German. Prefer­ ential consideration will also be given to applicants with relevant acquisition and/or bibliographic expe­ rience. S alary ranges: L ib ra ria n II: $23,500-$30,550; Librarian III: $26,500-$38,425. Submit resume, listing 3 references and salary re­ quirements, to: Box 35, Butler Library Columbia University Libraries 535 West 114th Street New York, NY 10027 Deadline for applications is January 2 0 ,1 9 8 4 . An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Arizona or Southwest History); experience in field collecting and oral history; demonstrated communication and interpersonal skills. Ar­ chival experience preferred. Salary range: $18,000-$21,000, de­ pending on qualifications. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent refer­ ences, to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, by December 31, 1983. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE/INFORMATION SERVICES AND COL­ LECTION DEVELOPMENT. Administers a department of 16 pro­ fessionals and 31 support staff responsible for reference service, col­ lection develo p m en t, user educa tio n , com p uter searching, inter-library loans, government documents, copy service, and four branch libraries. Current projects include a Collection Analysis Proj­ ect, implementation of a library skills workbook, and assisting in the implementation of an online catalog, circulation,and acquisitions system. Requires ALA-accredited MLS; substantial professional ex­ perience (5 + years) in a major academic or research library; refer­ ence experience required; proven supervisory capability; leader­ ship ability with strong interpersonal skills; excellent oral and written communication skills. Salary from upper $20’s depending upon qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits including choice of retirement programs. The University of Houston-University Park Li­ braries have 1.4 million volumes, a materials budget of $2 million, and a staff of 59 professionals and 180 support staff. The Library is a member of ARL. To ensure consideration applications must be re­ ceived by January 31, 1984. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant to the Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. Equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Responsible for actively pur­ suing the continued development and expansion of the Libraries’ Special Collections. Participates in public relations, fund raising, spe­ cial events, and grant proposals related to the Collections. Requires ALA-accredited MLS or minimum of 5 years experience in book trade, archives or special collections administration. Additional grad­ uate degree strongly preferred. Salary upper $20’s or above de­ pending on qualifications. Excellent benefits including choice of re­ tirement programs. The University of Houston-University Park Libraries have 1.4 million volumes, a materials budget of $2 million, and a staff of 59 professionals and 180 support staff. To ensure con­ sideration applications must be received by January 15,1984. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant to the Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. Equal oppor­ tunity employer. INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN LAW LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Assistant Law Librarian, supervises all aspects of the work and services of the international and foreign law collections; provides in depth reference service and assistance in identifying, lo­ cating, and using research source materials for all library users. Se­ lects and participates in the selection of materials for the international and foreign law collections. Trains and supervises support staff as necessary. Prepares specialized bibliographies and guides to the collections as required, and in conjunction with the Law Biblio­ graphic Control Department, develops solutions to bibliographic control problems. Qualifications: MLS; law degree of recognized standing (relevant experience may be substituted for one degree); excellent reading knowledge of French or German and excellent reading, speaking, and writing ability in English; substantial amount of recent successful administrative experience. Preference will be given to applicants: who have significant related law library experi­ ence; who have done substantial amount of advanced graduate work relating to international law and international organizations; who have knowledge of and experience using international and for­ eign book selection tools; and who have knowledge of the structure and publication systems of international governmental organiza­ tions. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Sub­ mit resume, listing salary requirements and 3 references, to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is January 10,1984. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MUSIC LIBRARIAN (Librarian III). In charge of departmental library containing over 18,000 volumes and 11,000 sound recordings, re­ ports to both Librarian and Music Department Chairman; responsi­ ble for collection development, acquisition of all music materials, cat­ aloging of scores, original cataloging of books, supervision of sound recording cataloging, and maintenance of departmental catalogs; provides reference and instructional services; prepares exhibits; su­ pervises one para-professional library assistant and shares supervi­ sion of eighteen student assistants; prepares budget and adminis­ ters allotment for materials, supplies, facilities and equipment; supervises sound equipment for the Music Department. Qualifica­ tions: strong background in music history, preferably acquired by a bachelors and/or master’s degree in music. Master’s degree in li­ brary science from an ALA-accredited library school. Basic reading knowledge of at least two of the following: French, German, Italian. 3 December 1983 / 449 to 5 years’ professional experience in a music library, preferably a large collection. Available: July 1, 1984. Interviews: January 1984. Please send resume by December 31,1983, to: Carolynn E. Jones, Personnel Director, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. Salary range: $19,720-$26,845. Wellesley College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MUSIC LIBRARIAN, The University of Iowa Rita Benton Music Li­ brary. Responsible for general administration of library, including ref­ erence, collection development, and supervision of 2 full-time and 10 part-time assistants. Library serves active faculty of 50 and more than 600 students. Qualifications: ALA-accredited graduate degree; successful professional level supervisory and/or administrative ex­ perience of not less than 2 years; a working knowledge of one Ger­ manic and one Romance language; a graduate degree in music; a broad knowledge of music literature and scholarship and an under­ standing of the needs of all areas of music instruction and research; and the ability to work knowledgeably and harmoniously with users and staff. Preference will be given to candidates with an earned doc­ torate in musicology, familiarity in additional languages, a record of scholarship demonstrated by publication, and a record of participa­ tion in professional music and library organizations. Appointment to be made at Librarian III level; salary competitive and based on quali­ fications and experience: minimum $28,500. Generous benefits. Screening of applicants will begin 2 January 1984 and position will be filled as soon as possible after that date. Interested and qualified applicants apply to: University Librarian, The University of Iowa Li­ braries, Iowa City, IA 52242. The University of Iowa is an equal op­ portunity, affirmative action employer. PROCESSING CENTER LIBRARIAN. Shiftman Medical Library non-tenure track position immediately available for Librarian of the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES-TWIN CITIES Director of the Bio-Medical Library (Search extended) The Bio-Medical Library supports the teaching, research, and service programs of the Health Sciences on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota. These programs span the full array of health sciences disciplines and include strong outreach and service activities. The Bio-Medical Library has a total operating budget of more than $1,000,000, approximately one-half of which is devoted to acquisition. It has a staff of 42 FTE, including 11 professionals. It has a collection of over 300,000 cataloged volumes and receives approximately 4,000 serials. The Bio-Medical Library is located in the health sciences complex on the University’s Minneapolis cam ­ pus and is physically consolidated, with the exception of the Natural History Library. The Bio-Medical Li­ brary includes a learning resources center, a major history of medicine collection, and its own processing unit. It participates in the RLIN cataloging system and utilizes its own, locally-developed serials and acquisi­ tion systems. It has extremely strong database searching and information delivery programs. The Bio-Medical Library participates in a number of national, regional, and state-wide cooperative medi­ cal library programs, including the Greater Midwest Regional Medical Library Network, the Minnesota Council of Health Science Libraries, and the RLG Medical and Health Sciences Program Committee. Rec­ ognized as one of the outstanding bio-medical libraries in the country, the University of Minnesota Bio- Medical Library has been a national leader in cooperative developments, information services, audio­ visual applications, and interlibrary cooperation. It has one of the strongest collections among bio-medical libraries in the country. These emphases are expected to continue in the future, with particular priority on continued collection strengths, electronic information delivery, network participation, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and closer interaction with the health sciences academic programs. The Director of the Bio-Medical Library reports to the University Librarian and participates in University Libraries-wide planning and program development together with the other directors of the major University Libraries departments: Central Administrative Services, Central Technical Services, Institute of Technology Libraries, St. Paul Campus Libraries, Walter Library, and Wilson Library. The Bio-Medical Library Director is an ex-officio member of the Bio-Medical Library Committee, which meets regularly to advise regarding the programmatic directions of the Bio-Medical Library. Applicants for this position must have a minimum of five years experience in one or more bio-medical libraries, demonstrated successful management experience, an MLS or appropriate equivalent academic preparation. In addition, applicants should have demonstrated skills in administration, planning and inter­ personal relations. They should have sophisticated knowledge of the library services requirements of the health sciences and be able to work effectively with faculty, students, academic administrators, library col­ leagues and staff. Highly desirable are: an academic background in a health-sciences related field; Medi­ cal Library Association certification; leadership potential in the areas of library automation, networking, con­ tinuing education and outreach activities, and electronic inform ation delivery; know ledge of and participation in research projects; scholarly publishing and presentations. This is an academic administrative position. Salary is negotiable, with a minimum of $45,000. Applica­ tions must be postmarked by March 3 1 ,1 9 8 4 . Nominations must be received by March 1,1984. Please send letter of application, vita, and the names of four references, to: Robert W right, University Libraries Personnel Officer, 499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. 450 / C &RL News Detroit Cooperative Cataloging Center. The Center provides cata­ loging services to fifteen local health sciences libraries and maintains archival tapes in preparation for online system. Responsibilities in­ clude (i) OCLC and original cataloging of 9,000-11,000 titles per fis­ cal year, (ii) monitoring workflow to maintain established perform­ ance levels, (iii) supervising one full-time support staff member, (iv) preparing workload and budget reports, (v) Membership and Exec­ utive Committee meeting preparation/participation and (vi) maintain­ ing communications with the membership. Required: fifth year li­ brary science degree from an accredited library science program. At least two years paraprofessional experience in OCLC monographic cataloging. Familiarity with MeSH and audiovisual cataloging desir­ able. Health science library experience preferred, with ability to work with active network of health science library members. Salary: $15,000-$17,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan, social security, subsi­ dized health, hospital, dental and life insurance. The University is an equal opportunity employer. Write to: James F. Williams, II, Associ­ ate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, 5344 Gullen Mall, Detroit, Ml 48202, by December 31,1983. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, entry level. Franklin and Marshall Col­ lege, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Responsibilities include reference desk duty (with some evening and weekend hours), bibliographic in­ struction, inter-library loan, and database searching. Other duties: assisting with collection development, liaison work with 3 academic departments. Qualfications: MLS from an accredited library school and some academic library experience. Background in the social or natural sciences is desirable, but not essential. Salary: open. Send resume, 3 letters of recommendation and transcripts, to: C. Paul Vin­ cent, Chair, Search Committee, Shadek-Fackenthal Library, Frank­ lin and Marshall College, Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604, by 31 De­ cember 1983. EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplo­ macy, Tufts University, serving 250 graduate students and faculty in the areas of international law, diplomacy, international economic de­ velopment, and political systems and thought. Responsibilities: gen­ eral reference duties, searching computerized data sources, instruc­ tion in the use of the Library, planning exhibits. Assists the Librarian in reference collection development and writing library publications. Qualifications: MLS from accredited ALA school or equivalent; one- two years reference experience in an academic library; subject background in international relations, area studies or political sci­ ence. Salary: according to qualifications, minimum salary $17,500. To apply: send resume, including names and addresses of refer­ ences, to: William G. Brown, Assistant Dean for Administration, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. Search closes January 1, 1984. Tufts University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE INFORMATION SPECIALIST. A member of the staff of the Engineering and Science Library of Carnegie-Mellon University Libraries serving the faculty and students of the Carnegie Institute of Technology and the Mellon College of Science. Responsibilities in­ clude general and specialized reference services utilizing printed and online sources; faculty liaison and collection development; and library instruction. CMU is seeking an innovative and creative librar­ ian with a desire to share in the development of the application of computing technologies in libraries. The Libraries use central com­ puting systems extensively, particularly text processing and elec­ tronic mail. The Integrated Library System has been installed and the online catalog will be operational this spring. An interactive Library Communication System is being developed as part of the Univer­ sity’s plans for expanding computing resources and services on campus. Qualifications: MLS(ALA); effective reference and instruc­ tional skills; knowledge of collection development techniques; knowledge and/or experience in online database searching; and ef­ fective interpersonal verbal and written skills. Preference will be given to candidates with a degree or significant course work in engi­ neering, physical or natural science, and/or experience working with scientific and engineering information in an academic environment. Salary: dependent upon qualifications and experience, minimum of $15,000. Send letter of application, resume and the names of three references to: Pat Smith, Personnel Department, Carnegie-Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, by Decem­ ber 30, 1983. Interviews will be conducted at ALA Midwinter. Posi­ tion open January 1,1984. CMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN MIT Libraries Under the general direction of the Assistant Director for Administration, plans for and coordinates the utilization of new technologies to enhance library operations and services with the long range goal of an integrated online library system linked with national and regional networks. Prepares documentation for recommendations including feasibility studies, cost-benefit studies and statistical analyses. In consultation with departmental managers and staff, prepares specifications for vendor-based systems and plans and oversees the implementation of systems decisions including both the acquisition and integration of new systems and the enhancement of existing systems. Monitors network and vendor documentation. Monitors the security and integrity of the Libraries’ data bases and programs. Oversees and directs staff assigned to systems projects. Serves as a resource to the Libraries administration on long range planning for automation. Maintains current awareness of developments in relevant technologies, bibliographic utilities and networks as they apply to library operations and maintains effective relationships with appropriate staff within the Institute, other university libraries and with vendors of library systems. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a minimum of five years of professional library experience are required, combining at least 2 years experience in automated systems and technol­ ogy with experience in either public or technical services in a research library. Final candidates must also demonstrate well developed interpersonal skills, the ability to analyze and solve complex problems and a substantive knowledge of the MARC format and its applications to automation. Interested individuals should send resumes including the names of 3 references by Decem ber 31, 1983, to: Search Committee for Systems Librarian The Libraries, Room 14S-216 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Salary range: $20,800-$34,100. Starting salary dependent upon qualifications. MIT is an equal opportunity employer with an affirmative action plan and welcomes applications from qualified women and minority candidates. Decem ber 1983 / 451 action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND SUPERVISOR OF ON­ LINE DATABASE SEARCHING, (reopened). Responsibilities: pri­ marily coordinate and continue active development of online data­ base searching program to include searching, training, promoting, evaluating, selecting materials and equipment and records-keeping; provide daily reference services in centralized reference depart­ ment; teach effective library use in scientific and technical literature; participate in collection development and liaison responsibilities. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited master's degree; two years academic li­ brary and extensive online database searching; demonstrated abil­ ity to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students. Desired: undergraduate degree in the sciences. Advanced science subject degree may be considered in lieu of academic library experi­ ence. Salary: $17,160-$20,040. Twelvemonth tenure track appoint­ ment. Faculty rank. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications. TIAA/CREF, usual benefits, vacation of 22 working days/year. Kan­ sas State University is a land-grant institution located in North Central Kansas with an enrollment of approximately 19,000 students. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses and telephone num­ bers of three relevant references, to: Ann Scott, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhat­ tan, KS 66506. Application deadline: January 2,1984. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Re­ sponsible for the Library’s collection development in assigned sci­ ence disciplines, including approval plans, firm orders, gifts and seri­ als. Provides service at the Reference Desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Participates in an active program of li­ brary instruction and computerized database searching in the disci­ plines of selection responsibility. Requires a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school and an undergraduate degree in a science discipline or professional library experience in science refer­ ence. Salary $15,500-$19,500 depending on qualifications. Excel­ lent benefits including choice of retirement programs. The University of Houston-University Park Libraries have 1.4 million volumes, a ma­ terials budget of $2 million, and a staff of 59 professionals and 180 support staff. To ensure consideration applications must be received by January 15, 1984. Send letter of application, names of 3 refer­ ences, and resume, to: Dana Rooks, Assistant to the Director for Ad­ ministration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Hous­ ton, TX 77004. Equal opportunity employer. SERIALS CATALOGER. See Cataloger (Serials). Trinity University. SERIALS LIBRARIAN, position available July 1984 due to retire­ ment. Seeking a librarian with interest in diversified job content and implementation of automation. Responsible for organization and management of serials record, including acquisition, cataloging/ classification of new/changed titles, union lists, binding, and prepa­ ration for automation. Works in liaison with selected academic de­ partments, providing bibliographic instruction and collection devel­ opment assistance. Works in public service on a regular schedule. Two years of recent experience required. Supervises one support staff member and one student assistant. Salary dependent on expe­ rience and qualifications, $18,000 minimum. The position requires an ALA-accredited MLS, evidence of scholarly ability, knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, MARC, reading knowledge of foreign language(s), ability to communicate clearly orally and in writing, ability to organize work, ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff, flexi­ bility in adjusting to changing job content, and willingness to contrib­ ute to a collegially oriented staff environment. Faculty status, non­ tenure track, 12-month appointment, one month vacation, liberal fringe benefits. Preference given to applicants with second master’s degree and background in business, natural sciences, or engineer­ ing. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Send letter of ap­ plication, current vita, and names, addresses, and telephone num­ bers of three professional references, to: Dorothy Cieslicki, Librarian, Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. LATE JOB LISTINGS HEAD, FIELD COLLECTING AND ORAL HISTORY. Provides leadership in acquiring collections and conducting oral histories pertaining to Arizona and the Southwest; assists in the organization, archival treatment and use of collections; participates in library governance; reports to the University Librarian. This newly created one-person department works closely with the staff of the Arizona Collections. Minimum qualifications: graduate degree (preferably in Arizona or Southwest History); experience in field collecting and oral history; demonstrated communication and interpersonal skills. Archival experience preferred. Salary range: $18,000-$2ł,000, depending on qualifications. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references, to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, by December 31, 1983. ASU is a committed equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Supervises the Serials Cataloging Section of the Serials Department which includes the following functions: serials cataloging; name and series authority work for headings encountered in serials cataloging; volume holdings record management. In consultation with the Department Head responsible for development of procedures and review and goal setting for the Section. Hires, supervises and evaluates the staff. Serves as liaison to Catalog Department. MLS from an accredited library school; working knowledge of two foreign languages, preferably French and German; broad educational background. Two years of increasingly independent serials cataloging experience, using an automated system preferred. Demonstrated supervisory abilities. Appointment range: $18,000-$20,500. Send letter of application and resume, including list of references, to: Lance Query, Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by January 15, 1984, will be considered. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN (reopened). Position available January 1, 1984. Plymouth State College Library is seeking experienced applicants to direct and 452 / C &RL News extend the library’s bibliographic instruction program. Other duties and responsibilities include reference work, online searching, and some evening and weekend work. The position also serves as liaison to several academic departments, assisting collection development and providing library support for individual classes. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, reference experience in academic library, strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred: second master’s, teaching experience, online searching experience. Salary: $15,000-$18,000. 12-month tenure track appointment with faculty rank. Please send letter of application, resume, and three current references, to: Search Committee, Plymouth State College, Box E, Library, Plymouth, NH 03264. Application deadline is December 30, 1983. Plymouth State College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CURATOR OF HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY and CURATOR OF ARTS (two positions). Rosenbach Museum and Library, with holdings of rare books and manuscripts in English and American literature, history of the Americas, history of books and printing, and book illustration, and a collection of 18th and 19th century fine and decorative arts. Responsible for cataloging, exhibitions, publications, promotion of scholarly use and public knowledge of collections, and conservation planning. Master’s degree in relevant subject required; at least two years work experience and knowledge of automation systems desired. Starting: by January 1, 1984. $15,000-$16,000 plus benefits. Send resume and names of three references, to: Ellen S. Dunlap, Director, Rosenbach Museum and Library, 2010 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103. EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Head of the Reference Department, responsible for general reference service at the main reference desk including evening and weekend rotation, bibliographic instruction, searching computerized data sources, maintenance of the reference collection. Participates in collection development and the work of Library committees. Wessell Library is the main Tufts University Library, with collections in the humanities, social sciences, biological and earth sciences. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited institution, reading knowledge of at least one modern European language, academic background in biological, health and earth sciences or business, economics, sociology. Salary dependent upon qualifications, minimum $17,000. Send resume and names and addresses of 3 references, to: Myra V. Siegenthaler, Coordinator of Public Services, Wessell Library, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, before January 1, 1984. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Specialist in business and economics assigned to the Social Science Center/Bobst Library. Principal duties include reference assistance, book selection, orientation and database searching. Required: accredited MLS, degree in business or related subject area preferred. Subject master’s required for tenure. 2 years experience in an academic or special business library. Familiarity with government documents. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Other benefits include tuition remission, TIAA/CREF, 5 weeks annual vacation. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references by January 13, 1984, to: Connie Colter, Personnel Officer, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. New York University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. AFRICAN STUDIES SPECIALIST, Assistant, Associate, or Librarian. The African Studies Collection comprises some 70,000 volumes. It is a nationally known resource for teaching and research for the whole of Africa south of the Sahara. The African Studies Area Specialist selects all materials in the field of African studies, maintains a collection development policy and evaluates collections, manages the materials budget, assists in developing Decem ber 1983 / 453 external funding sources including grants and special donors, maintains cooperative programs including gifts and exchange agreements, provides advanced reference/bibliographical service. She/he teaches "Introduction to the Bibliography of Africa south of the Sahara," a required course for the African Studies minor. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master*s degree in library science; academic background in African Studies; post-MLS library experience, preferably in collection development and/or public services in an academic library; reading knowledge of French and a bibliographical knowledge of German and Portugeuse. Preferred: field experience in Africa; higher degree with an African studies major or minor; experience in bibliographic instruction; reading knowledge of Swahili, Hausa, Arabic, or Dutch. Must meet the responsibilities and requirements of a tenure track position. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Salary floors will be observed: assistant $15,800; associate $18,500; librarian $22,250. Vacation of 22 working days, liberal sick-leave; Blue Cross-Blue Shield major medical and dental insurance; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF annuity plan. Apply to: Anne Rimmer, Personnel Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, IN 47405. Telephone: (812) 335-3403. Closing date for applications: not earlier than January 15, 1984. Indiana University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES in library of 4-year liberal arts college in New York City area. Has overall responsibilities for technical services policies and activities, including acquisitions, cataloging, serials, processing, general planning for automation, and staff supervision. Some collection development and reference responsibilities. Required: master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; background in technical services, including administrative and OCLC experience. Preferred: professional activity relating to library automation, second master’s degree in an academic discipline, and reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Salary from $25,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Faculty status and liberal fringe benefits including TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of 3 references by January 16, 1984, to: Richard Silver, Affirmative Action Officer, SUNY College at Purchase, Purchase, NY 10577. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN AND ASSOCIATE DEAN OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Salary range: $34,860-$42,120 (a 6 .0% raise is anticipated on January 1, 1984.) Responsibilities: administers the operations and services of the University Library. Reports to the Dean of Information Services and acts as his associate for library matters. Plans and directs the implementation of the library budget. Administers the library personnel process. Provides leadership for planning and evaluating policies and procedures which support the University’s educational goals. Qualifications: graduate degree from an ALA-accredited school of library/information science (candidates with academic attainment beyond the MLS will be given preference). Substantial (e.g. 10 years), varied and increasingly responsible operational and managerial library-related experience is required; preferably in a university or four- year college library. General familiarity with the use of automated systems in both public and technical services, and detailed involvement with automation planning and decision-making in one of them. Demonstrated ability to lead and motivate people. Strong communication skills. Evidence of continuous professional growth and contributions (e.g. grants, publications). The Library: The University Library, containing over 600,000 volumes, is an integral part of the Information Services Unit at CSU, Chico. The Library has a public access online catalog and is the pilot site in the state university system for this automation activity. Information Services includes the Library, Instructional Media Center, and Computer Center and provides a unified academic support service for the University. Also, Information 454 / C &RL News Services operates an integrated regional service network for an area of 33,000 square miles and has recently added a satellite earth station. The Library serves a student body of 14,000 students. Chico is 90 miles north of Sacramento and 165 miles northeast of San Francisco. It is in the Sacramento Valley at the edge of the Sierras. Nearby mountains, lakes, rivers and a national park afford excellent opportunities for summer and winter recreation. Send a letter of application, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current professional references, and complete record of education and experience, to: William A. Jones, Chair, University Librarian Search Committee, The Meriam Library, California State University, Chico, CA 95929-0290. Closing date for applications: January 15, 1984. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MUSIC LIBRARIAN, University of the Pacific, (search reopened). Faculty appointment involving some responsibility in three areas of professional competence: cataloging, collection development, and reference/bibliographic instruction. Major responsibilities: selection, cataloging materials for music collection; reference service and bibliographic instruction; liaison with music faculty; coordinate and supervise music listening center; assist in design of music area ($250,000 grant) in new library ($6.5 million total project). Requirements: MLS from accredited program, plus MA or MM in musicology or music theory (minimum undergraduate major). Prefer 2-3 years in academic library working with music materials and facilities; automated cataloging and other computer experience; one or more foreign languages; supervisory experience. Tenure-track appointment at Instructor or Assistant Professor rank. $17,000-$20,000. One month vacation, TIAA/CREF, broad benefits. Unique opportunity for leadership and professional growth assisting in design of music component for new main campus library. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three current references by Jan. 31, 1984, to: Hiram L. Davis, Director of Libraries, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211. Preliminary interviews at ALA Midwinter 1984. An AA/E0 employer. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position opened January 1984. General reference service, including bibliographic instruction and online searching. Tenure track position with appointment at Instructor or Assistant Professor rank depending on q u a l i f s . and experience. Accredited MLS. Second master1s highly desirable. Appointment range $15,000-$18,000. Send resume and names of 3 references by December 30, 1983, to: Reina Hart, Reference Librarian, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. UNH is an AA/EE0. JOBLINE NEWS Those job-seekers who have called the JOBLINE number, (312) 944-6795, in the past few months only to reach a busy signal or no answer, will be glad to know that our equipment has been replaced with a new machine that can handle the rigorous 7-day, 24-hour routine assigned to it. The recording will be no longer than six minutes, usually less. If many jobs are listed on one week’s recording they may be slightly abbreviated, but most of the time there will be enough time to hear the entire position description. Advertisers who wish to find out more about the ACRL JOBLINE may call (312) 944-6780, ext.286. New Reference Books Published and Distributed by Gale Call or Write for Our Complete Catalog Political Dissent: An In te rn a tio n a l Guide. National Faculty Directory 1984. 14th ed 1sted. Covers some 1,000 p o litic a l o p p o si­ Id e n tifie s and locates nearly 600,000 in d i­ tion movements, w hether violent, te rro rist, viduals w ith fa c u lty status at nearly 3,300 g u e rilla , o r no n -vio le n t, o p p o sitio n trade ju n io r colleges, colleges, and universities u n io n m o v e m e n ts , and h u m a n rig h ts in the U.S., and 156 selected Canadian groups. Details include international a ffilia ­ in stitu tio n s. 3 vols. $350.00/set. (SO) tion, leadership, background and history, and p o litic a l objectives. Covers develop­ National Directory of Newsletters and ments th ro u g h 1982. $90.00. (SO) Reporting Services. 2nd ed. Parts 5-8 Provides details on over 3,000 newsletters. In fo rm a tio n is accessible by subject, title Yearbook of International Organizations. o r p ublish er. Total coverage in parts 1-8 20th ed. Vol. 1, Main Volume. D ire cto ry of w ill be over 6,000 u n d u p lica te d entries. nearly 20,000 in terna tional o rgan izations, Parts 5-8, $110.00/set. Parts 1-8, $220.00/ governm ental as well as non-governm entat set o rg a n iz a tio n s , a s s o c ia tio n s , and c o m ­ (SO) m ittees th a t are in te rn a tio n a l in th e ir aims, m e m b e rs h ip s , o ffic e r s , and fin a n c ia l Africa South of the Sahara, 1983-84. support. $168.00. (SO) Vol. 2, Geographic 13th ed. Standard source providing p o liti­ Volume. C o u n try by c o u n try arrangem ent cal, social, and e cono m ic data on each of secretariats and m em berships. $168.00. nation of the area. Also covers regional (SO ) Vol. 3, S ubject Volume. O rganiza­ organ izations, to p ic s of c u rre n t interest, tio n s are classified by su b je ct and region. research in stitutes, and more. $130.00. $98.00. (SO) (SO) Online Bibliographic Databases. 3rd ed. Sources of the History of Asia and Oceania S p e c ia liz e d d ire c to ry o f b ib lio g ra p h ic in the Netherlands. Vol. 4, Part 2, Sources da ta b a se s o ffe re d by o n lin e s u p p lie rs 1796-1949. Second part o f this guide p ro ­ th ro u g h o u t the w orld. Provides essential vides a survey o f docum ents, m anuscripts, details on 179 b ib lio g ra p h ic databases in maps, and to p o g ra p h ica l re p ro d u ctio n s m any subjects, such as m edicine, educa­ fo r the h is to ry of Asia and Oceania, extant tio n , business, music, language, nuclear in the N etherlands. Entries g iv e fu ll b ib lio ­ sciences, and more. $90.00. (SO) g ra p h ic d e s c rip tio n s plus a n n o ta tio n s . $105.00. Annual Register 1982: A Record o f World Events. Essential w ork of h is to ric a l refer­ ence as well as a guide to cu rre n t events. (SO) These title s are available at G ale’s A rtic le s c h ro n ic le the leading events of 5% S tanding O rder discount. the year co n ce rn in g every co u n try, the UN A ll Gale books are sent on 60-day and o th e r in te rn a tio n a l o rg a n iz a tio n s , approval. social and e cono m ic trends, and m ajor Deduct 5% if you send check w ith order. developm ents in all fields. $75.00. (SO) Custom ers outside the U.S. and Canada add 10%. International Consultants Directory. 3rd ed. Ready-reference source of inform ation Gale Research Co. on 2,500 c o n su lta n ts in over 100 co u n trie s Book Tow er • D etroit, Ml 48226 o f the w orld. A rranged by c o u n try , city, then area o f in te rn a tio n a l co n su lta n cy, To ord e r by phone: 1-800-521-0707 such as accountants, lawyers, and manage­ tollfree In Canada, M ichigan, Alaska, ment consultants. 3 vols. $175.00/set. (SO) and Hawaii: 1-313-961-2242. G a l e R e s e a r c h C o .