ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Classified Advertising N O T I C E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. All advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications will be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. POSITIONS WANTED CATALOGER. Available to take the place of someone on leave for a year. 6th-year master's degree in. li­ brary science. W ide experience includes administration. Familiar with LC classification and several modern languages. Midwest preferred. W rite B-838, CRL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, collection developer (MALS, MA in Rom. Languages, 5 major European languages, currently employed by a major Western university, several years of experience in a large and medium-size academic library), wishes to relocate to a similar or related post, either as a generalist or bibliographer for Hispanica or Slavica. W rite B-839, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN desires position in an academic or special library. MLS expected A pril 1974, Brigham Young Uni­ versity. Part-time experience in serials, converting col­ lection of . 30,000 serials from kardex to computer ter­ minal. BS in Genealogy, minor in math. Available August 1974. Resume, references available. Write M. J. Vang, 590 N. 700 E. Provo, UT 84601. POSITIONS OPEN Administration MEDIA SERVICES DIRECTOR. Position open July 1974. Administers college media program (program develop­ ment, staff supervision and training, build instructional materials collection, supervise, equipment use). O p­ portunity to create own educational program in a new position. Live in a rural village in the beautiful A p­ palachian foothills ninety minutes from Pittsburgh. Fac­ ulty status. Master's Degree required. Experience in a media program at secondary or college level preferred. Salary to $12,000. Resumes to Larry Frye, Phillips Li­ brary, Bethany College, Bethany, WV 26032. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirma†ive action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, Librarian IV. MLS degree. A d­ junct courses in business, public or personnel adminis­ tration; documentation/da†a processing desirable. 3-5 years' professional experience preferably in library sys­ tems or other cooperative groups including some super­ vision. Salary $11,664-14,616. TIAA and other benefits. Appointment date open; apply to Phoebe F. Hayes, Dir., Bibliographical Center for Research, Rocky Mountain Region, Inc., 1357 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Number two administrative posi­ tion in ARL academic library of over 1,000,000 volumes. Responsibilities include professional personnel recruit­ ment, public relations, reserve services, policy file, build­ ing space and equipment, and supervision of budget. Applicants should have extensive management experience and hold an ALA-accredi†ed library school degree with a second master's or Ph.D. Salary range begins at $16,260. Send resume and references to Dr. Roscoe Rouse, Univ. Ln., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74074. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN, small, two-year branch of major university in attractive near-metropolitan area, wishes librarian for 20,000 book collection with major expansion planned. Liberal benefits; salary $9,500 for 12 months; paid vaca­ tion. Two years experience preferred but not necessary. W rite Box 617, Allendale, SC 29810. Cataloging CATALOGER: Responsible for original cataloging (both monographs and serials); supervision of paraprofessional cataloging assistants; reclassification projects in rapidly expanding library of 115,000 volumes. MLS and cataloging experience required; thorough knowledge of LC classi­ fication desired. Faculty status; salary $8,700-$9,000. Position open July I, 1974. Qualified applicants send resume with 3 letters of reference to Sandra S. Cole­ man, Actg. Law Ln., Univ. of New Mexico School of Law Library, Albuquerque, NM 87131. CATALOGER, accredited MLS, knowledge of LC classi­ fication, open at end of March, salary approximately $9,000. Apply to G. Jay Ruasch, Dir., Kansas State Uni­ versity Library, Manhattan, KS 66506. An equal op­ portunity employer. CATALOGER needed by undergraduate college library in recreation area of Western Maine. Our 60,000 volume library requires a person with knowledge of and ability to perform the full variety of technical service roles and ability to teach these skills in a newly authorized two-year technician program. Teaching load probably limited to one course each semester. MLS, fam iliarity with LC and nonbook cataloging. 12-mon†h position with 20 days' vacation, salary approximately $9,000. TIAA/CREF, usual benefits. An equal opportunity/af- firma†ive action employer. Apply by May 15 to John P. Burnham, Head Ln., University of Maine, Farmington, ME 04938. Multiple UNIVERSITY OF GUAM has the following openings avail­ able September 1974: REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (assistant professor), minimum salary $10,530; SERIALS LIBRARIAN (instructor), minimum salary $9,360; A /V PRODUCTION SPECIALIST (instructor), minimum salary $9,360. MLS and subject master's required for promotion. All positions are 2 year minimum, 9-mont h contracts which include round-trip transportation, moving allowance and housing subsidy. Apply to Floyd M. Cammack, R. F. K. Memorial Library, PO Box EK, Agana, GU 96910. WEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY'S new Cornette Library will have the following professional openings on June I: HEAD, REFERENCE, READERS' ADVISOR AND INTERLI­ BRARY LOAN SERVICES ($925 per month up); ASSIST­ ANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN, ASSISTANT REFERENCE LI­ BRARIAN (both $725 per month up, depending on qualifications). 9-mon†h contracts, I01/? months of em­ ployment guaranteed each year. Positions can be held open as late as Sept. I. W rite Mrs. Delpha G. Gard, Actg. Assoc. Ln., WTSU, Cornette Library, Canyon, TX 79016. An equal opportunity /affirm ative action employer. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA LIBRARIES has two begin­ ning level positions: CATALOGER, primary assignments to do original cataloging of materials in history, govern­ ment, and related subjects using LC classification. BIB­ LIOGRAPHER. Responsible for bibliographic searching, book selection, consultation with faculty, supervision of 92 2.5% F.T.E. non-professional staff members. Required for both positions: master's degree from ALA-accredited li­ brary school; reading knowledge of 2 or more foreign languages desirable. Beginning salary $8,500 per annum; positions available July I, 1974. Faculty status includ­ ing faculty rank, month annual vacation, free hospitaliza­ tion and life insurance, good university retirement plan. Apply with resume to Hiram L. Davis, Assoc. Dir. of Ls., 401 W. Brooks, Room 141, Norman, OK 73069. An equal opportunity employer. Case Western Reserve University Libraries, Cleveland, Ohio, an equal opportunity employer. Four professional librarians for open positions. Begin work as soon as practicable after selection. Excellent fringes. Located in outstanding cultural community. 1. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN for science and engineering library. Requires MSLS + 5 years' ex­ perience in an academic or scîence/engineering special library with emphasis on reference service or materials selection + year of supervisory experience. Salary range $11,920 to $19,050 depending on qualifications. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN for science and engineering library. Requires MSLS + 3 years' ex­ perience in a science/engineering library with service in reference, selection and information retrieval. $8,560 to $12,750 depending on qualifications. 3. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN for science and engineer­ ing library. Requires MSLS + 5 years' experience in reference and periodicals functions as related to science and engineering. $9,620 to $14,740 depending on quali­ fications. 4. RECLASSIFICATION CATALOG LIBRARIAN for hu- manities/liberal arts library. Requires MSLS + 5 years' experience in cataloging and classification functions with emphasis on the LC system and experience in original cataloging in LC. Must have appropriate supervisory ex­ perience. $9,620 to $14,740 depending on qualifications. Graduate study—if appropriate—may be substituted for a portion of. the experience requirements at the option of the Appointments Committee. Applications with vitae may be submitted to, and detailed Job Analyses are available from J. V. Jones, Dir. of Univ. Libs., Case Western Reserve University, 11161 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106. Public Services CHIEF OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Degree from ALA-ac­ credited school. Second master's desirable. A t least 5 years' professional experience, some in an administrative position. $ 12,000—$ 15,500. Send resume and references to George M. Jenks, Univ. Ln., Bucknell University, Lewis­ burg, PA 17837. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Medical school library in Midwest. Collection of 130,000 volumes, staff , over 30 people, budget $500,000. Involved in net­ working, specialty: automation. Serves medical center with over 4,000 health professionals and students. Re­ cently enlarged library quarters. Position includes super­ vision of Reference, Interlibrary Loans, Archives, Selec­ tive Dissemination of Information, and Circulation. Salary depends on background and experience, $ 10,000—$ 14,000. Requirements: College and library school degrees and at least 3 years' experience, some supervisory. Write to Estelle Brodman,. Ph.D., Ln. and Prof, of Med. Hist., Washington University School of Medicine, 4580 Scott- Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with background in education and psychology. MLS required, experience preferred. Faculty rank, 12-mon†h contract, nights and weekends. Salary range $9,000—$ 11,000 depending on qualifications and . experience. Start September 1974. Send resume to Gloria T. Greco, Ln., College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle. NY 10801. PERIODICAL/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. A 11/12 month appointment. Fifth-year LS master's required. Salary $9,000-$ 10,000 depending on experience, with good fringe benefits. W rite Dir., Le Moyne College Library, Syracuse, NY 13214. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action employer. Serials SERIALS LIBRARIAN to supervise ordering, processing and binding of all serials. MLS required, experience preferred. Faculty rank, 12-mon†h contract. Salary range $9,000-$11,000 depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Start September 1974. Send resume to Gloria T. Greco, Ln., College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY 10801. Subject Specialists ASSISTANT LIFE SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties: Super­ vising 4 branch, libraries, reference and bibliographical work, etc. Qualifications: Graduate library degree, rele­ vant experience, supervisory ability, subject knowledge of agricultural or biological sciences. Faculty status and rank, 22 working days annual vacation, group in­ surance, TIAA/CREF retirement plans in effect. Salary $9,500 or more, depending on qualifications. Currently available. Apply with , resume to Ms. Ke†herine Markee, Pers. Ln., Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD MUSIC LIBRARIAN. $10.500—12,000 depending on experience. 12-mon†h contract. Organize and ad­ minister new. library, small staff, in beautiful, rural southeast Ohio. ALA-accredited MLS plus master's in music. Resume to W. F. Rogers, Assoc. Dir., Alden Lib., Ohio Univ., Athens, OH 45701. An equal opportunity/' affirmative action employer. Technical Services TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN: Responsible for ac­ quisitions, cataloging, serials, processing, bindery, gifts and exchange functions and staff of 2 professionals, 7 staff and 10 part-time students in rapidly expanding library of 115,000 volumes. MLS and several years of progressively. responsible library experience in technical services required; administrative ability essential. Faculty rank and privileges. Salary $10,500-$12,000. Position open October I, 1974. Qualified applicants send resume with 3 letters of reference and summary statement of pro­ fessional interests to Sandra S. Coleman, Actg. Law Ln., Univ. of New Mexico, School of Law Library, A lbu­ querque, NM 87131. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, Technical Services. New position proiec†ed for July I, 1974. Require fifth-year MLS from ALA-accredited school and previous supervisory experi­ ence in an academic research library of not less than 300,000 volumes. Salary negotiable from $12,800, good fringe package. Application deadline, May 10, 1974. For detailed sheet listing qualifications, responsibilities and perquisites, contact: Andrea Conners, Chairperson, Screening Comm., New Mexico State Univ. Lib., Box 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003. NMSU is an equal oppor­ tunity employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES to supervise catalog, acquisitions, and serials department în . a library acquiring 40,000 volumes a year for a university of 14,000 students. Minimum requirements: 5 years' increasingly, responsible technical processes management, and ability to keep abreast of new de­ velopments. Salary $17,500 or more depending on quali­ fications. Apply to John W. Weatherford, Dir. of Ls., Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. Serving libraries for over 25 years for B u ild in g P r o g r a m s— R e v ie w s o f P la n s — E q u ip m e n t L a y o u ts a n d D e s ig n s LIBRARY MANAGEMENT and BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. B o x 5 8 , E v a n s to n , I llin o is 6 0 2 0 4 312/446/8862 Send for free brochures 93 S m a ll library, but BIG reference n e e d s ? A p p ly n o w for a n IS I M atching Grant. should be lim ited by the size of your library. Simply because your library is in a four-year college, com m unity college, or small non-profit research institute, doesn't mean your needs for reference services are any smaller than the large university and research libraries. But your budget probably is. To help small libraries like yours, the Institute for Scientific Information is providing dollar-for-dollar matching grants toward the purchase o f the Science Citation Index® and the new Social Sciences Citation Index.™ These grants apply to past, present and future issues and provide you 50% o f the purchase price. You are invited to apply fo r these grants if you are the librarian in a • Two or Four-year College • Veterinary, Pharmacy, or Dental School (SCI® only) • Community or Junior College • Municipal, State or Public Library (SSCI™ only) • Departmental Library • Non-profit Research Institute • Hospital (under 1,000 beds) • Library or Information Science School • Developing Nation To receive your application forms, simply till in and mail the coupon below. Save 50% toward your purchase of the Science Citation Index o r th e n e w Social Sciences Citation Index ©1974 ISI A t ISI® we d on't think the scope or quality o f your reference services Type this small Looks this big when seen through MasterLens Cataloging, research or the ordinary reading requirements of day-to-day work around your library often call for prolonged study of small print or ine details—conditions that can cause strain in even the sharpest eyes. EdnaLite MasterLens with its powerful agnifier and bright glare-free light source takes the eye- strain out of close w ork—increases accuracy and efficiency. And if MasterLens is a help to those with ordinary good vision, think what a life- saver it is to library employees and patrons who have visual handicaps! MasterLens. Just plug it in. Complete, self- contained ... useful and effective. The best way to look at things. f m Lightweight portable model. Magnifies type to double size. Same superb optical qualities as RL model. W ith its own carrying case. $140. MasterLens RL, on its own base, w ith an articulated arm th a t allows a close, clear, com­ fortable look at any part of the page w ith o u t shifting the book. Enlarges to tw ice size. Regularly $207. Now, for a limited time $179. GAYLORD GAYLORD BROS . INC LIBRARY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT • SYRACUSE. NY 13201 • STOCKTON. CA 95208 Give better service! PLACE STANDING ORDERS FOR GALE REFERENCE BOOKS Standing orders for Gale titles assure librarians that their patrons will have prompt use of new editions of important reference books while they are at their newest and best. Standing orders also contribute to the general efficiency of library operation. The skilled judgment invested in book acquisition is expended only once instead of every time a new edition appears. One purchase order does the work of many. Of course, you benefit by any prepublication offers. The books come to you on 30-day approval. And you may always cut back or cancel your standing orders at any time. Standing Order Service is available for all Gale books of a continuing nature, such as Encyclopedia of Associations, Contemporary Authors, Something about the Author, Contemporary Literary Criticism Bookman's Price index. National Faculty Directory, and many others. If you wish to know whether you have specific titles on Standing Order Service with Gale, or if you have other questions, please write to Ms. Mary Thatcher, Standing Order Manager. GALE RESEARCH COMPANY BOOK TOWER/DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4 8 2 2 6 Now! Get Europa 2-3 months faster! Newly revised editions of the Europa Year Book, World o f Learning, International Who’s Who, and other directories and reference books published by Europa Publications Ltd. are now jet-freighted from London to Detroit. A n d available through Gale’s Standing Order Service.