ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 4 4 /C&RL News ■ M a y 2001 Joni Robertsand I n t e r n e t R e v i e w s Carol Drost, editors C y b e rA tla s. Access: h t t p : / / c y b e r a t l a s . . Internet technology permeates almost every area of daily life. Researchers want data, statistics, and survey information about this booming in­ dustry. Established in 1996, CyberAtlas pulls to­ gether information about the Internet from a va­ riety of Web-based resources. Rather than conducting its ow n research, CyberAtlas gathers Internet-related surveys and data from governmental, educational, commer­ cial, and independent organizations and pre­ sents this information in two major groups: “Big Picture” and “Markets.” “Big Picture” in­ cludes the subcategories o f statistics toolbox, dem ographics, geographies, hardw are, and traffic patterns. “Markets” covers advertising, B-to-B (business-to-business communications), broadband, education, finance, healthcare, professional, retailing, small business, travel, and wireless. New articles are added daily, and older ar­ ticles are archived (dating back to October 1998). Examples o f article to p ic s in c lu d e th e m ost highly visited sites on the Web, dot com c areer trends, n u m b e rs o f w ire d c la s s ro o m s in th e United States, and the la te s t in w ir e le s s technology. A free text search with Boolean operators allows the user to search the entire CyberAtlas site. Each article summarizes the original study or sur­ vey presented and provides a link to the source o f the information. Articles can be e-mailed or reformatted for printing. Although CyberAtlas does have guidelines for the types of information it will present on the site, it does not com m ent on the validity or thoroughness of the survey m ethods used by the original producer of the information. Users o f the site may w ant to visit the original source o f the information to find out w hat m ethods of data collection and analysis were u se d to p ro d u c e the results p re se n te d by CyberAtlas. While this resource comes from the com ­ mercial sector, all of the information presented is free. The site is not commercial-free, though; ads for software and hardware appear through­ o u t C y b e rA tla s, w h ic h is o w n e d b y . CyberAtlas does not include in­ formation on specific products and services. This site will prove to b e helpful for any­ one doing research on the Internet, its use, and future Internet technologies. It w ould be particularly useful to students in business, mar­ keting, education, com puter science, journal­ ism, political science, and the health sciences.— Dorαlyn H. Edwards, University o f Wyoming, doralyn@uuryo. edi i IF IC : I n t e r n a t io n a l Fo o d In f o r ­ mation Council Foundation. Access: The International Food Information Coun­ cil Foundation (IFIC) is a nonprofit organiza­ tion founded in 1985 to make scientific re­ search reports in the field of food safety and h e alth m ore easily understood by edu­ ca to rs, jo u rn a lists, and others w ho pro­ vide inform ation to consumers. Its focus is primarily on U.S. issu es, b u t it also works with indepen­ dent food organiza­ tions in other countries. The food, beverage, and agricultural industries support IFIC. The site is organized into sections such as “W hat’s N ew ,” “Food Safety an d Nutrition Information,” “Information for Reporters,” and “Inform ation for Educators.” There is also a link to IFIC’s bim onthly publication, Food Insight. The site is easily searchable using Boolean operators an d presents information from 1993 to 2001, b ut som e of the inform a­ tion o n timely topics seem s to b e dated. Joni R. Roberts is associate university librarian fo r public services and collection developm ent a t W illa m e tte University,, and Carol A. Drost is associate university librarian fo r technical services at Willamette University, e-mail: http://cyberatlas C&RL News ■ M ay 2001 / 545 The strength of the site is the suggested guidelines for critically evaluating information about food and health. These guidelines ap­ pear throughout the site, but are covered in­ depth in “Information for Reporters.” O ne in­ formative article offers a guide to understand­ ing and interpreting scientific papers and in­ cludes a description of the methodologies and key definitions. Journalism and communica­ tion students, or others concerned with evalu­ ating information may find these pages useful. The inform ation provided for educators is limited, including a small num ber of sample lesson plans and articles. The rest of the page lists Food Insight reprints and other materials that m ay b e purchased from IFIC. “Food Safety and Nutrition Inform ation” is bro k en dow n into subjects ranging from biotechnology and food to health tips. The m any articles in this section tend to vary in depth and quality; som e have authors and references and others do not. Most are too shallow for an undergraduate research p a ­ per, b ut the general public may find them useful. All the articles support the use of bio­ technology in agriculture. No m ention is made of the opposing arguments. With the exception of the evaluation in­ formation, the site is perhaps too superficial to b e of m uch use to college students. By trying to m ake the information m ore u n d er­ standable for the general public, IFIC has w atered do w n its usefulness for academic papers. Nevertheless, the site m ay provide students w ith a starting point for research. — CarolMcCulley, Linfield College, cmccull@ Editors’ note: IFIC informs us that they will soon b e releasing a revised version of their site at o p e n s e c r e t s . o r g . Access.- h ttp ://w w w . This site is maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics, which describes itself as “a non-partisan, nonprofit research group . . . that tracks m oney in politics,” mostly at the federal level. It accepts no money from busi­ nesses or labor unions. Its aim is “creating a more educated voter, an involved citizenry, and a more responsive government.” The site offers a tour, quickly introducing a user to the kinds of information available and giving examples of how to analyze the data. Nearly all the data originates from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and is clearly pre­ sented in easy-to-read tables, graphs, and logi­ cally organized links. The fundamental prob­ lem with any site relying on FEC data is that m uch cam paign financing is controlled by groups using legal loopholes, such as issue advertising, to avoid putting any information on the public record. The site’s information is arranged in four broad categories: “W ho’s Giving," “W ho’s Get­ ting,” “Get Local,” and “News and Issues.” “W ho’s Giving” profiles 121 industries, labor unions, and single-issue groups. Each profile contains a summary of donations going back to 1990, a list of top contributors, and a list of all recipients. It is also possible to look up individual donors, companies, PACs, and soft- money contributors. The database includes all donations of $200 or more reported to FEC. “Who’s Getting” covers the presidential race, congressional races, Congress itself, congres­ sional committees, and political parties. Pro­ files o f individual politicians list contributions by geographical area, sector, industries or in­ terest groups, PACs, and individuals. Each m em ber o f Congress has a link to descriptions o f legislation he or she sponsored. Each con­ gressional committee’s jurisdiction, member­ ship, and the top contributors to each mem­ ber are provided. “Get Local” provides access to data aπanged geographically. Again, the data describes w ho gives and w ho gets at the fed­ eral level. O ne can look at the data from a statewide perspective dow n to contributions listed by zip code. Many of the state profiles contain links to other sites with state-level in­ formation on campaign finance. “News and Issues” includes descriptions of current hot topics, such as prescription drugs, with lists of contributions made by interested parties, for example the pharmaceutical industry. Professors, upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in such fields as political sci­ ence, journalism, and law w ould find the in­ formation at valuable. An earlier version of this site was previ­ ously re v ie w e d by D oralyn H. Edw ards, “Internet Reviews,” C&RL News 59 (1998): 709-— Sarah Cogan, Eastern Michigan Univer­ sity Library, ■