ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1 9 9 1 / 393 • P E O P L E • Profiles C a m i l a A l i r e has been named dean and direc­ tor o f the Auraria Library at the University o f Colorado at Denver. Alire, w ho succeeds Patricia Senn Breivik, was assis­ tant director for Library Services at the Auraria Library. She has served the library in several capacities since 1989. She h o ld s an E d .D . from the University o f Northern C olorado in Greeley and has worked in higher education in C o lo ra d o since 1978. She was director o f the L e a rn in g R e s o u r c e Camila Alire Center for Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs from 1984 to 1989. Prior to that, she was a faculty m em ber at the University o f Denver. S t e p h e n J . A n d r i o l e has join ed the Drexel University faculty as a professor in the College o f Information Studies. H e is also head o f the col­ lege’s new Research Center for Multidisciplinary Information Systems Engineering, where he di­ rects and conducts research in requirements analy­ sis, prototyping, user-computer interface technol­ ogy, and system evaluation. Andriole was the George Mason Institute Professor o f Information Technology at G eorge Mason University in Vir­ ginia, where he also served as the chairman o f the Department o f Information Systems and Systems Engineering. H e has also been director o f the D efense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Cybernetics Technology Office. The founder and ch ief scientist o f International Information Sys­ tems, Inc., he received his M.A. and Ph.D. in quantitative international relations from the Uni­ versity o f Maryland in 1973 and 1974. H e is the most recent recipient o f the A F C E A Educational Foundation Award for E xcellence in D efense Education and Training. R o b e r t E . D u g a n has been named associate university librarian for administration and planning at the Joseph M. Lauinger Library o f Georgetown University. Dugan was state librarian for Delaware from 1989-90. Previously, he was a research asso­ ciate with the U.S. National Commission on Li­ braries and Information Science (1988-89) and was head o f planning and development with the Massachusetts Board o f Library Commissioners (1985-88). In addition, he has held several posi­ tions at public libraries in Massachusetts and has published several articles. H e has a master’s in public administration from Suffolk University (1982) and an MLS from Simmons College (1975). D a v i d F . K o h l has been named dean and uni­ versity librarian at the University o f Cincinnati. He com es to Ohio this month from the University o f Colorado, where he was head o f Norlin Library. Kohl, who joined the University o f Colorado in 1986 as assistant director for public services, as­ sisted in Colorado’s implementation o f a statewide electronic information system. H e was previously involved in development o f the online catalog at the University o f Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, where he was undergraduate librarian and assistant director for undergraduate libraries and instruc­ tional services from 1980-86. In 1983, he became the first library faculty mem ber to receive the University o f Illinois A M O C O Special Award. The award, granted by the University o f Illinois office o f the vice chancellor for academic affairs, was for creating an outstanding program o f undergraduate instruction. Kohl earned a B.A., cum laude, with a major in history from Carleton College in North- field, Minnesota. H e received master’s and d o c­ toral degrees from the University o f Chicago D i­ vinity School and an MLS in library science from U C. H e also did coursework in statistics and busi­ ness administration at Washington State University in Pullman, where he served five years as social sci­ ences reference librarian and three years as head o f central circulation for the main campus library. 394 C&RL News / M a k y S t a n l e y has been appointed library devel­ opment officer at the University o f Waterloo in Ontario. Her most recent position was Fundraising Supervisor with the Kidney Foundation o f Canada, Toronto and District Chapter. In her new position she will be responsible for the library’s develop­ ment and public relations activities. She will pro­ mote an increased awareness o f the programs and needs o f the library within the university commu­ nity and among alumni, friends, foundations, cor­ porations, government, and the community in order to encourage and secure financial support from these constituencies. She also chairs the Li­ brary Development Committee and serves as the library’s liaison with the University Development Office. People in the news B e t t y J o I r v i n e , head o f the Fine Arts Library at Indiana University, is the new vice president/ president elect o f ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Soci­ ety o f North America). She will serve as president beginning in 1992. Other new members o f the ARLIS/NA Executive Board are: B a r b a r a P o l o w y , Rochester Institute o f Technology, secretary; T h o m a s J a c o b y , University o f Connecticut at Storrs, northeast regional representative; H e n r y P i s c i o t t a , Carnegie Mellon University, midwest regional representative; and P h i l i p R e e s , Univer­ sity o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill, south re­ gional representative. D o r o t h y M c G a r r y , head o f the Cataloging Division at the University o f California, Los Ange­ les, has been selected to receive the Special Libraiy Association’s prestigious John Cotton Dana Award at the SLA annual meeting in San Antonio this month. The award is given in recognition o f excep­ tional contributions to special librarianship. McGarry has been active at the division, chapter, and association levels o f SLA. She is SLA’s repre­ sentative to the ALA/ALCTS/CCS Committee on Cataloging. D o n L . R o b e r t s is the new president o f the Music Libraiy Association. Roberts has been head music librarian at Northwestern University Library since 1969. He is currently treasurer o f the Interna­ tional Association o f Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centers and is a member o f the association’s board o f directors and council. J u d i t h S e r e r n i c k , Associate Professor o f Li­ brary and Information Science at Indiana Univer­ sity, has been chosen to receive the President’s Award for outstanding teaching. One o f the highest honors which can be bestowed upon a faculty member at Indiana University, the award is based on nominations received from throughout the uni­ versity which are supported by the input o f stu­ dents, alumni, and faculty colleagues o f the nomi­ nee. H e r b e r t S. W h i t e o f Indiana University’s School o f Library and Information Science has been designated Distinguished Professor in recog­ nition o f his outstanding achievements in his pro­ fession. White, a graduate o f Syracuse University School o f Information Studies, joined IU in 1975 as Director o f the Research Center for Library and Information Science and served as dean o f the school from 1980 to 1990. Prior to coming to Indiana, he spent 25 years in administrative roles in the government and industrial information sectors, including posts with IBM, NASA, and the Institute for Scientific Information. The author o f numerous publications, he has served as president o f both the Special Libraries Association and the American Society for Information Science. He received the American Libraiy Association’s Dewey Medal in 1987. The rank o f Distinguished Professor is re­ served for professors who have achieved national and international status in their disciplines. In most years, fewer than four faculty members in the entire Indiana University system are designated Distinguished Professors. White is the second fac­ ulty member from the School o f Library and Infor­ mation Science to receive this honor. David Kaser was named Distinguished Professor at IU in 1986. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from libraiy newsletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) C h r i s t i n a B e l l i n g e r is now cataloging team manager in the Technical Services Department at the University o f New Hampshire in Durham. M i e c z y s l a w B u c z k o s k i has been appointed monographic cataloger and Slavic bibliographer at the University o f Colorado at Boulder. V i v i a n C h o u has been appointed head o f the Monographic Cataloging Unit at Temple Univer­ sity in Philadelphia. W i l l i s ( B i l l ) C u n n i n g h a m has assumed his duties as assistant social sciences librarian in the Oklahoma State University Libraries. C a r l a J . D e w e y has been appointed cataloger June 1991 / 395 o f Latin American materials at the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Or­ leans, Louisiana. D a n i l o H . F i g u e r e d o is now the director o f the George Talbott Library at Bloomfield College in Bloomfield, New Jersey. C a r o l W . G i l l has two half-time appointments at the University o f Texas at Austin: assistant life science librarian and assistant engineering librar­ ian. J a i n e H e n r i has been named art librarian in the Fine Arts Library at the University o f Texas at Austin. M a r g a r e t J e r r i d o has been named head o f the Urban Archives Center at Temple University in Philadelphia. M a r k K i b b e y has assumed the position o f asso­ ciate director o f libraries for Library Systems at the University o f Washington, Seattle. M a r i a S. K u h n has been appointed assistant bibliographer for the humanities at the Howard- Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans. L a u r a L a n e has been appointed coordinator o f the Science Libraries at Temple University, Phila­ delphia. M a r y L a y m a n has been appointed half-time corporate associate librarian at the University o f California, San Diego, where she will continue as half-time librarian at the UCSD Supercomputer Center. K a r i L u c a s has been promoted to head o f the Undergraduate Library at the University o f Cali­ fornia, San Diego. T im M e Adam has accepted the position o f head o f acquisitions at the University o f California, Irv­ ine. L e o n C . M i l l e r has been appointed manu­ scripts librarian at the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans. S u s a n M i l s t e i n has been appointed cataloger in the Fine Arts Library o f Harvard University. M a r i a O l d a l has been appointed cataloger at the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City. J e n n i f e r F . P a u s t e n b a u g h has assumed her duties as Patent and Economic Development Li­ brarian in the Oklahoma State University Librar­ ies. A l i c e P e r e z has joined the Research Services Department o f the University o f California, San Diego, Library as reference services librarian. C h a r l e s E . P e r r y has been named library di­ rector at East Central University in Ada, Okla­ homa. P e t e r M . R a i n e y is the new director o f admini­ stration o f Baker Library at Harvard University. E d m u n d F . S a n t a V i c c a has been appointed head o f Reference Services at Hayden Library, Arizona State University in Tempe. Ira Louise Saul has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian for the Health Sciences Li­ brary and Information Center at the University o f Washington, Seattle. L o u i s e S a y l o r has been named interim univer­ sity librarian at Eastern Washington University, Cheney. J a n i c e G . S c h u s t e r is now head o f Public Serv­ ices at Phillips Memorial Library at Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island. H a r r i e t S e l k o w i t z has been named the associ­ ate director o f libraries for Technical Services at the University o f Washington, Seattle. M a r y L . ( M i m i ) S t e i n b e b g has been promoted to head o f the Database Management Unit in the Central Library System o f Temple University, Philadelphia. M a r i o n T a y l o r has been appointed preserva­ tion review librarian in the Preservation Depart­ ment o f the College Library at Harvard University. C a t h y W e n g is the new head o f the Serials Cataloging Unit at Temple University in Philadel­ phia. M o l l y W h i t e has been promoted to head li­ brarian o f the Physics-Mathematics-Astronomy Li­ brary at the University o f Texas at Austin. Retirements C h a r l e s H . B a u m a n n has retired after a long and productive assignment as university librarian at the Kennedy Library o f Eastern Washington Uni­ versity. In addition to his campus achievements, he continuously promoted cooperation with the re­ gion’s libraries. Eastern Washington University and the Washington State University Libraries operate a shared online public access catalog which provides access to the collections o f both universi­ ties. Baumann helped to create the Spokane C oop­ erative Library System, a cooperative circulation system, the Spokane Area Com bined List o f Peri­ odicals, and the ongoing newspaper indexing proj­ ect now being carried forward by several major libraries throughout Washington. Throughout his career, Baumann has partici­ pated in professional, scholarly, and civic organiza­ tions and activities. His book The Influence o f Angus Snead Macdonald and The Snead Book Stack on Modem Library Architecture was pub­ lished in 1972. In recent years, he has served on ac­ creditation teams for the Northwest Association. Baumann’s background includes a B.S. in educa­ tion and mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis, an MLS from the Pratt Institute Library School in Brooklyn, and a doctorate in library science from the University o f Illinois, 396 / C &RL News which he earned while he was on the staff o f the University o f W yom ing Library (1954-1969), where he served as documents librarian, acquisi­ tions librarian, and assistant director. J e r r y D o n e n , the recently retired director o f the Instructional Media Center at Eastern Wash­ ington University in Cheney, literally sailed o ff into a new life. He and his wife took their 44-foot sailboat to Hawaii via Los Angeles before flying on to Hong Kong, where Jerry has a three-year con­ tract as a media librarian at the University o f Sci­ ence and Technology. C a t h y G o r d o n has retired from the University o f California at Berkeley Library after almost 22 years o f service, during which she held varied and numerous responsible positions in reference, tech­ nical services, selection, faculty liaison, biblio­ graphic instruction, and management. Since 1986 she had been head o f the Serials Department ACRL seeks data compilation proposals ACRL is soliciting proposals for compilation o f the data collected for the forthcoming ACRL University Library Statistics 1990-91. Compil­ ers will be responsible for inputting the data collected by ACRL, checking data for consis­ tency, querying respondents to resolve incon­ sistencies, and preparing final camera-ready pages for publication. The publication will be m o d e le d on the ARL Library Statistics 1990-91. Contact A C R L Statistics, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; or call (800) 545-2433 ext. 2525 or fax: (312) 440-9374 to receive a request for proposals. Deadline for submission o f proposals is July 14, 1991. A d v e r tis e r in d e x A m ig o s......................................................... 379 B a lle n .....................................................cover 4 Book H o u s e ................................................ 353 EBS Book S e rvice ...................................... 358 I S I ................................................................. 369 Knogo Corp.................................................. 373 P a is ............................................................... 374 P re d ica sts.............................................cover 3 S a u r ....................................................... cover 2 H.W. W ils o n ................................................ 383 during its greatest changes, implementing IN N O - PAC for acquisitions and check-in o f serials, and initiating UCB’s decentralization o f serials man­ agement. A n n T . H i n c k l e y , head o f the Reference D e­ partment at the U CLA University Research Li­ brary, is retiring from the university after 27 years. H a n s P a n o f s k y has announced his intention to retire as curator o f the Melville J. Herskovits Li­ brary o f African Studies at Northwestern as o f January 31. For over 30 years Panofsky has di­ rected the development o f the African research collection at Northwestern, creating the most complete general Africana library in the world. His interest in Africa goes back to student days at the London School o f Economics where, as a displaced person, he met many other displaced students, including Africans who were to return home and play leading roles in the struggles for independence and national development. After immigrating to the U . S. and taking an MLS at Columbia, Panofsky began his professional career as reference librarian at the New York State School o f Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell. Panofsky has served as chair o f both A C R L’s Asian and African Section and Anthropology Section. J o a n I . T r a c y has retired from full-time service after 23 years at Eastern Washington University in Cheney. For most o f that time she was the assistant university librarian for Technical Services. She created and edited successive editions o f The Spokane Area Combined List o f Periodicals and published many articles as well as a book, Library Automation fo r Library Technicians: An Overview (1986). Her travels have included two international exchanges, as a lecturer at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic in England and as a cataloger at the University o f Queensland in Australia. She is pres­ ently involved in a domestic exchange, working part-time in the Reference Department at EWU. Deaths J e a n L . C r a u s w a y , retired catalog librarian at Gelman Library o f Washington University in Washington, D.C., has died o f cancer. She had been undergoing treatment for several years. She retired as serials cataloger in 1989 after 22 years with Gelman Library. She had been associated with the New York Public Library from 1949 through 1966 as a librarian and senior librarian, after receiv­ ing degrees in history and library science from Hunter College and the Pratt Institute, respec­ tively.