ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 71 News From the Field A C Q U IS IT IO N S • The records of over fifty years of research and development in the field of industrial engi­ neering are highlighted in the Lillian Moller Gil­ breth papers which have been received by the P urdue U niversity libraries as additions to the Gilbreth Library of Management. Created in the course of her active career, the recent acquisition consists mainly of correspondence, certificates, di­ plomas, photographs, and memorabilia, and in­ cludes some published and near-print material. The items were produced during the period en­ compassing 1910 to 1972, with the major por­ tion of the items pertaining to her activities for the period spanning 1940 to 1968. • An outstanding collection of sixteenth cen­ tury Hebrew literature has been given to the U ni­ versity of California’s Bancroft Library on the Berkeley campus. The thirty-nine titles from presses in Italy, Turkey, Greece, Poland, and Ger­ many are all important Hebrew texts in first or early editions, and will be valuable for use in courses and research in Near Eastern Studies. The collection is the gift of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gol­ dyne of San Francisco, given in honor of Rabbi William Z. Dalin and Dr. Alfred J. Goldyne. About twenty-four presses are represented, from the proto-typographer of Constantinople, David ben Nahmias, to Isaac ben Aaron of Pro­ stitz, in Cracow, and more than half the titles have not been reprinted since 1700. The books, now in the Bancroft Library’s rare books collec­ tion, were printed between 1505 and 1609. As ex­ amples of the spread of Hebrew printing through­ out both western and eastern Europe during the Renaissance, they will also be of great use in the School of Librarianship’s courses in the history of printing. • University librarian Rupert C. Woodward has announced the recent gift of the papers and dispatches of Frederick R. Kuh to the George W ashington U niversity library. Mr. Kuh, noted foreign correspondent for United Press, the Chicago Sun-Times, and the London Daily Herald, served in London from 1933 to 1951, and it is with this period th at his diary and papers mainly deal, with the years just prior to and during World W ar II being of primary interest today. The gift was conveyed to George W ash­ ington by Mrs. Kuh. G R A N TS • A Council on Library Resources grant of $5,138 is to help Governors State U niversity in Park Forest South, Illinois, test the effective­ ness of the National Technical Information Ser­ vice’s ( N T IS) Selective Dissemination of Micro­ fiche (SD M ) service in a university setting. Through its Learning Resources Center, the uni­ versity will conduct a nine-month pilot project aimed at matching the interests of its faculty and administrators with NTIS’s rich supply of infor­ mation and research documents. During this peri­ od, Governors State is expected to receive 8,135 NTIS documents on microfiche covering 130 cat­ egories and subcategories and to make and dis­ tribute an estimated total of 23,660 microfiche copies to faculty and administrators whose stated interests coincide with these subcategories. The National Technical Information Service was established to simplify and improve public ac­ cess to Department of Commerce publications and to data files and scientific and technical re­ ports produced by federal agencies and their contractors. • The College Entrance Examination Board’s Office of L ibrary Independent Study and Guidance Projects has received a three-year $150,000 grant by the Council on Library Re­ sources. The grant is in keeping with the coun­ cil’s previously expressed desire to assist the pub­ lic libraries of the country to cope with the chal­ lenge of independent study for college credit. In serving as a national coordinator, the office will assist individual libraries with specific problems, stage workshops for librarians, act as a national clearinghouse on projects, publish a manual and other training publications for librarians, develop promotional materials for libraries, and provide evaluative and research services. In addition to the council’s and CEEB’s involvement in the Of­ fice of Library Independent Study Projects, the National Endowment for the Humanities ( N E H ) and the U.S. Office of Education are financially supporting the three-year program. • The Southwestern L ibrary Interstate Cooperative E ndeavor (SLICE) has received $50,000 from its original sponsor, the Council on Library Resources, in the form of a new two-year grant. The funds will enable the six-state SLICE (Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Arizona) to further its development of a systematic regional plan for increasing and stimulating the sharing of library resources, ser­ vices, and expertise within the region. In addition to its $25,000 annual funding from CLR over the next two years, the SLICE office has been assured of $4,000 per year from each of the six state li­ brary agencies. Each state agency contributed 72 $2,000 to SLICE in 1972, with the funds ear­ marked for a continuing education program for librarians in the Southwest. • Western Michigan U niversity an­ nounces the receipt of a grant of $3,000 from the H. W. Wilson Foundation for two $1,500 scholarships to be awarded for master’s degree study in the School of Librarianship during the 1973–74 academic year. These awards will be made to two students who demonstrate high aca­ demic achievement in their undergraduate work and professional promise for future work as a librarian. Interested applicants should write to Dr. Jean Lowrie, Director, School of Librarian­ ship, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49001. M EETIN G S Apr il 29–M ay 3, 1973: Port-of-Spain, Trin­ idad, West Indies will be the site of the Eighteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of La­ tin American Lirrary Materials, April 29– May 3, 1973. The Library Association of Trini­ dad and Tobago and the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, will be cohosts for the seminar. Registration in the Eighteenth Seminar is $15.00 for members of SALALM and $25.00 for nonmembers. The conference coordinator is Ms. Irma Hannays, Librarian, Industrial De­ velopment Corporation, Salvatori Building, P.O. Box 949, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Information on the content of the program and working pa­ pers may be procured from Donald F. Wisdom, Serial Division, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, DC 20540. For other information, refer to the Executive Secretary, Ms. Marietta Daniels Shepard, Organization of American States, Washington, DC 20006. Consult the November News for further details. May 3–4, 1973; Changing Patterns in In­ formation Retrieval will be the theme of the tenth annual National Information Retrieval Colloquium, to be held May 3 and 4, 1973, at the Independence Mall Holiday Inn, 400 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19106. Chairwoman of the tenth NIRC is Carol Fe­ nichel, Auerbach Associates. For program and registration information, contact Susan Nick­ leach, P.O. Box 15847, Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215) 561-4100. The December News con­ tains further details. May 3–4; Library Orientation. The Third Annual Conference on Library Orientation for Academic Libraries will be held on Thursday and Friday, May 3 and 4, 1973, at Eastern Michigan University. The program will have a workshop format with group discussions of topics such as; beginning a new program, developing faculty co­ operation, designing new methods and materials, and evaluating library instruction. Librarians, administrators, faculty and students are encouraged to attend. For further informa­ tion, contact; Sul H. Lee, Acting Director of the Library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197. May 4-5; Archivists. The Mid-Atlantic Re­ gional Archives Conference will hold its second conference and membership meeting on May 4 and 5, 1973, in Baltimore, Maryland. For further information contact Mary Boccaccio, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740. M ay 10–12: The fourth annual seminar on Management Concepts for Librarians, spon­ sored by the graduate School of Business Ad­ ministration and Washington University li­ braries will be held May 10, 11, 12, 1973, at Bromwoods, the residential conference center of Washington University, located sixty miles southwest of the St. Louis Metropolitan area. Registration is limited to thirty-five on a first- come first-served basis. The $145 fee covers all instructional costs, materials, meals, and lodging while at Bromwoods. For information please tele­ phone William H. Kurth, Washington University Librarian, 314-863-0100, extension 4523 or Mrs, Marilyn Pryor, The School of Continuing Educa­ tion, Washington University, extension 4261. Consult the January News for further details. May 18–19, 1973; The Midwest Academic Librarians Conference (M ALC) will hold its eighteenth annual meeting on May 18 and 19 at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. The theme for the conference is, “The Library’s Role in the Teaching Process,” and will include discussion meetings on the college and university settings for AV materials, archives, museums, coopera­ tional activities, etc. Conference local arrangements chairman is Mr. Oivind Hovde, Librarian, Luther College, Decorah, IA 52101. Consult the March News for further information. May 18-19: N ew E ngland College L i­ brarians. The annual meeting of the New E n­ gland College Librarians will be co-sponsored this year by Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island and Bryant College, Smithfield, Rhode Island. This organization (or nonorganiza­ tion) which has no formal structure or member­ ship, has existed since 1904 and meets every spring, usually at a college which has a new li­ brary building. The meeting is open to all who may wish to attend, subject only to the payment of the registration fee. Speaker for the Friday evening dinner program will be Daniel Gore, li­ brarian director of Macalester College. Professor A. J. Anderson of the Simmons College School of 73 Library Science will coordinate the Saturday morning session to be planned around trends in li­ brary operations, e.g. participatory management and staff development. For information about registration and more details about the program, please write to: Mr. Joseph H. Doherty, Director, Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College, Providence, RI 02918. May 20-23: Research in Reading and Communication. The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science will hold a three-day Institute at Allerton Park, the universi­ ty’s conference center near Monticello, Illinois. It is the purpose of the institute to focus attention upon the implications of new research and trends in adult reading studies, in approaches to reada­ bility, in ways to combat illiteracy in adults and youth, in developmental values in reading, in content analysis, as well as on w hat new research is needed today in these fields. Additional infor­ mation, announcements, and application blanks may be obtained by writing or telephoning: Leonard E. Sigler, Institute Supervisor (OS-72), I I 6 Illini Hall, Champaign, IL 61820. Tele­ phone: (217) 333-0298. May 2 1–June 1: Art and Museum L ibrar­ ianship. Sensitive to the need for courses in art librarianship, a need emphasized by art histor­ ians, museum administrators, and librarians, the School of Library Science at Syracuse University will present a seminar in art and museum librar­ ianship. The seminar will be of particular value to students of library science and art history. Museum staff members and art historians will find it an opportunity for current, systematic study of the field. Current issues and projected trends in the field will be discussed. The seminar in art and museum librarianship will be offered by the University Division of Sum­ mer Sessions and has been designated LSC 620, Advanced Topics: Art and Music Librarianship. Students may earn three hours of credit or may participate on a noncredit basis. Enrollment will be limited to thirty. Tuition will be $99 per credit hour, regardless of whether the course is taken on a credit or noncredit basis. June 16–22: The Canadian L ibrary Asso­ ciation will hold its twenty-eighth Annual Con­ ference, June 16-22, 1973, at Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. The theme will be “The Canadian Librarian to­ day: at beginning—mid—top career.” June 21–23: I nformation Networks. As a preconference to the American Library Associa­ tion’s Annual Conference in Las Vegas, the Uni­ versity Libraries Section of ACRL will sponsor an institute on “The University Library’s Role in Information Networks.” The institute will include descriptions and demonstrations of operational systems (OCLC, BALLOTS, MINITEX, TIE, and M ARLIN) and will consider factors leading to the success or failure of networks. Wallace Ol­ sen, National Agricultural Library, will discuss the jurisdictional and organizational constraints on networks; Hugh Atkinson, Ohio State Univer­ sity, will discuss financial, procedural, and per­ sonnel constraints. Other speakers will consider the future prospects for state and national sys­ tems. The cost of the three-day institute is $60 for ALA members, $70 for non-ALA members, and $30 for library school students. Registration materials and further details may be obtained from the ACRL Office, American Library Asso­ ciation, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Jun e 21–23: Pacific Coast Collections. The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ACRL will present a preconference in Los An­ geles on “Pacific Coast Research Collections.” Representatives from California libraries will dis­ cuss their special collections and answer ques­ tions about their research materials. Other speak­ ers will present talks on the southern California book trade, California book clubs, and cultural thieves. Robert L. Collison will discuss the train­ ing of manuscript and special collections librar­ ians. Panels will consider collections for the study of ethnic groups and the handling of new types of special collections ( slides, film research, and oral history). The fee for ALA members is $80 if paid by May 15, $90 if paid after May 15. The fee for non-ALA members is $100. Registra­ tion materials and further information may be obtained from the ACRL Office, American Li­ brary Association, 50 E. Huron S t, Chicago, IL 60611. J une 24: Middle Management. “The Library as Organization: A View from the Middle” is the title of a workshop to be held on Sunday, June 24, 1973 as part of the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. The workshop, sponsored jointly by the Junior Members Round Table, the Library Education Division, and the Staff Devel­ opment Committee of the Library Administration Division’s Personnel Administration Section, will present an overview of middle management and provide information and ideas to assist the partic­ ipants in developing and refining management expertise. Featured speaker will be Dr. Ray­ mond Lutz, head of the Institute of Manage­ ment and Administrative Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas. Other speakers are Mrs. El­ la Yates, assistant director of the Atlanta Public Library; Richard Boss, director of the Univer­ sity of Tennessee libraries; and Anthony Greco, assistant director of the University of California at Los Angeles libraries. The program is free to anyone registered for the ALA Conference. Ad­ vance registration for the workshop is required and attendance will be limited to 200. To reg- 74 NTIS Library Reference F National il Te e chnical s I nfo 1 rma 9 tion 4 Servic 3 e • – U.S. 1 Dep 9 artment 7 of 2 Commerce A N ew In -H o u se R e tr ie v a l System C o verin g O ver 1,000,000 U.S. G overn m en t R & D R e p o rts Is s u ed T o T h e P u b lic B y O ver 2 2 5 F e d e r a l A gen cies In cooperation with NTIS, Princeton M icrofilm Corporation and M icro­ form s International Marketing Corporation (the exclusive microform publishers of Pergamon Press International Research Journals) are making available now for the firs t tim e the NTIS Library Reference Files 1943-1972. • Guaranteed Annual Updating Service • Report/Accession Number Files 1943-1971 w Available • Cumulative Subject Indexes 1943-1971 mplete • Cumulative Personal Author, Corporate Author, r The First Time and Contract Number Indexes 1964-1971 Libraries may order either 16mm reels or cartridges, or 35mm reels—positive or negative m icrofilm . (For microfiche, please inq uire.) No Co Fo 75 NT IS Library Reference Files Report/ A c cession N u m ber F ile s ( A lp h a b e tic a l-N u m e r ic a l Seq u en ce) 1 PB (Department of Commerce Publications Board) $1,250.00 • 1943-1963 Bibliographical Data in Library Card Catalog Format • 1964-1971 Abstracts and Bibliographical Data July 1964-December 1967 $ 195.00 2 AD , (Ar med Services Technical 8 1 7 968-June 1969 $ 200.00 Information Agency—now DDC) $1,250.00 • 1964-1971 Abstracts and Bibliographical Data 3 N July 1969-December 1971 $ 380.00 * No Cumulative Indexes for these periods are (National Aeronautics and available in printed form. Space A dm inistration) $1,250.00 The microfilm contains over 4,000,000 more • 1964-1971 Abstracts and Bibliographical Data 3 index or descriptor entries than are available in the printed Indexes. A - Z (Atomic Energy Commission and Cumulative Personal Author, 225 Other Federal Agencies) $ 750.00 Corporate Author and Contract • 1964-1971 Abstracts and Bibliographical Data Number Indexes 1964-1971 9 In d ex F ile s July 1964-December 1967 $ 175.00 Cumulative Subject Indexes 1 5 1 19 0 1 68- June 1969 $ 150.00 1943-1971* 1969-1971 (Annual Indexes) $ 175.00 1943-1958 and 1959-June 1964 $2,950.00 COMPLETE FILES Total Price $ • Over 2,000,000 entries covering over 500,000 Updating File Reports Annual Subscription $ 2 0 0 .00 IMPORTANT NOTE A descriptive brochure, giving typical examples of the contents • All items are available separately.of each reference file will be sent free on request. • Deduct 5% when sending cash with order. • A FREE 5-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION (1972-1976) A NEW MICROFORM SERVICE PUBLISHED JOINTLY BYto the guaranteed Annual Index Updating Serv­ ice will be supplied to purchasers of the Com­ Microforms International Princpleetteo Fnile sM whico rplaocfe itlhmeir orCdeors rwith porpaaymtioentn Marketing Corporation A Library befSerovreice DCeomcempanbeyr 31, 1972. Libraries desiring to spread payment over a 3-5 year period are Fairview Park Alexander Road Princeton,invited New Jeto rsewritey 0 o8r5 teleph40 one for arrangements Elmsford, New York 10523 to meet their budgetary needs. 914-592-9141 800-257-9502 (Toll Free) 6 8,725.00 76 Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Politica S This c dist ie ingu n ish c ed e series contains over 340 monographs covering a wide range of topics in history and political science. It is an invaluable source not only for scholars in history and political science, bu also for those concerned with sociology, economy, and law. Johnson Reprint Corporation A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers New York and London 111 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10003 l t Now Available in Reprint Published February 1973 SERIES 1-9.1882-1891 Each of these nine series contain a number of monographs focusing on a particular theme in American history. There are seventy-two monographs in all. SERIES 1, 1882/1883. Local Institutions UNBO UND/$40.00 SERIES 2, 1884. Institutions and Economics UNBO UND/$35.00 SERIES 3, 1885. Maryland, Virginia and Washington U N B O U N D /$31.00 SERIES 4, 1886. Municipal Government and Land Tenure U N B O U N D /$34.00 SERIES 5, 1887. Municipal Government, History and Politics U N B O U N D /$36.00 SERIES 6, 1888. History of Cooperation in the United States UNBO UND/$28.00 SERIES 7, 1889. Social Science, Municipal and Federal Government U N B O U N D /$31.00 SERIES 8, 1890. History, Politics and Education U N B O U N D /$31.00 SERIES 9, 1891. Education, History and Politics U N B O U N D /$31.00 SERIES 10-18.1892-1900 / AVAILABLE MARCH SERIES 19-73.1901-1955 (1956) / AVAILABLE MAY COMPLETE SET SERIES 1 -73 Baltimore, Md. 1883-1955 (Partly in the original edition) UNBOUND SET/$1,760.00 Prices of individual series and monographs are available upon request. For complete listings and information write to Paul Negri. 77 ister, send name, title, and institutional address to Office for Library Personnel Resources, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. J uly 11–13; Pharmacy Librarians. The Li­ brarians Section will meet with the Teachers Seminar of the American Associations of Col­ leges of Pharmacy at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, Geor­ gia. Contact D r. Albert Jowdy, University of Georgia School of Pharmacy for reservation forms. J uly 15–27: Administrative D evelopment. The School of Library and Information Ser­ vices, University of Maryland, is planning the seventh annual Library Administrators De­ velopment Program to be held July 15-27, 1973. Dr. John Rizzo, professor of management at Western Michigan University, will serve as the director. Consult the December News for more complete information. July 16–18; E ducational Media and Tech­ nology. The editor of the Carnegie Commission Report on Higher Education and the man respon­ sible for Minnesota’s unified learning resources concept will be the keynoters for University of Wisconsin—Stout’s eighth Annual Educational Media and Technology Conference. Scheduled to speak is Verne A. Stadtman, editor of the report entitled “The Fourth Revolution; Instructional Technology in Higher Education.” The report is considered to be one of the most significant docu­ ments on higher education published in the last decade. Luther Brown, dean of Learning Re­ sources at St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, Minnesota, will discuss “Total Media: Concept? Construct? or Destruct?” Additional information may be obtained by writing to D. P. Barnard, Dean of Learning Re­ sources at Stout. Exhibits may be arranged through Mrs. Valerie Hansen, Administrative As­ sistant, Learning Resources, University of Wis­ consin—Stout, Menomonie, WI 54751. Oc t. 21–25: ASIS. The thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science ( ASIS) will be held at the Los Angeles Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California. H. W. (Bill) Jones, ASIS-73 Conference Chairman, has announced that the general theme of this meeting will be “Information: Benefits and Costs,” and will feature short, “10-minute” technical papers, formal debates, panel sessions, and Special Inter­ est Group (SIG ) activities. Also featured will be exhibitors who will display and demonstrate the latest products of the information industry, in­ cluding equipment, systems, services, and sup­ plies. For further information on the ASIS-73 Conference, contact H. W. Jones, Northrop Corporation, Aircraft Division, Hawthorne, CA 90250, or Robert McAfee, Jr., ASIS Head­ quarters, 1140 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washing­ ton, DC 20036. M IS C E L L A N Y • The American Library Association and the American Association of Publishers have revised and reissued the F reedom to Read Statement, a document hammered together in the midst of the Joseph R. McCarthy era, to bring it up to date to serve in the present phase of the war for freedom of communica­ tions. The satement is now available as an at­ tractively colored, accordion-fold poster for dis­ play in libraries, book stores, schools, offices, and any other place concerned with intellectual freedom. It is available from the Office for In ­ tellectual Freedom of the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Prices are 10¢ per single copy; $2.00 per 25; $3.00 per 50; and $5.00 per 100 copies. • The head catalogers of the three provincial British Columbia universities, have obtained a grant under the Canadian federal Local Initia­ tives Program (LIP) to complete a General Index of the LC Classification Schedules. The work, comprising one of the recommenda­ tions of the Ottawa Conference on National Cataloging Standards of May 1970, was orig­ inally begun by the libraries of University of British Columbia and University of Victoria. The LIP completion of it will take from Feb­ ruary 5 to May 31. By thus merging the indices of the individual schedules, library users will be provided with a subject approach for general browsing in the stacks. It will complement the subject approach obtainable through the LC subject headings list, which, although undoubtedly the best in exis­ tence, suffers from a certain measure of rigidity. It will also serve as a useful tool for the smaller institution which must entrust its cataloging to a single nonspecialized cataloging librarian. Li­ brarians are asked to report known errors in the present indexes of the individual schedules to J. McRee Elrod, Catalogue Divisions, University of British Columbia Library, Vancouver 8, B.C., Canada. • A joint committee of the D allas Public Library and the D allas County Community College D istrict has been formed for the pur­ pose of considering cooperative efforts between the library and the district to broaden the li­ brary’s potential for serving as an information and assistance center for citizens seeking higher education opportunities. The committee will study and propose ways in which the colleges of the DCCCD can work with the units of the DPL to provide education opportunities in the librar­ ies and on campuses in the area. 78 • The School of Librarianship of the U niver­ sity o f California, Berkeley has announced a new degree program leading to one of three Certificates in Bibliography. Library Automation and Information Science, or in Library Manage­ ment. The certificates will be awarded on the ba­ sis of completion of an approved program of thirty quarter units, or approximately a year’s full-time study, beyond the studies for the Mas­ ter of Library Science degree. Admission to the program requires possession of a M.L.S. or equivalent first professional degree from a pro­ gram accredited by the Committee on Accred­ itation of the American Library Association, or an equivalent combination of education and ex­ perience. Three quarters in academic residence at Berkeley are required. Of the thirty quarter units required for the degree, up to fifteen may be in courses in departments other than librarian­ ship; up to ten may be in upper-division level courses. There are no language requirements, qualifying examinations or final comprehensive examination. No thesis is required; but research culminating in work equivalent to a thesis will be encouraged. The certificate program should be of interest both to professional librarians wanting to increase and update their knowledge of the field, and to new graduates of the first pro­ fessional degree program who wish to prepare themselves more thoroughly than can be done in a single year for specialized work requiring ad­ vanced knowledge of the technological, mana­ gerial, and theoretical problems and possibilities of library and information service. • The Society of American Archivists Committee on Techniques for the Control and Description of Archives, has volunteered to pre­ pare a bibliography of published guides to manu­ script repositories and archives in the United States and Canada. The purposes of this project are to provide manuscript curators, archivists, and historians with a helpful reference tool and to provide the committee with a basic list for a sur­ vey of current trends and practices in published repository guides. To assist in the project; (1 ) Send bibliograph­ ical data on any repository guide with limited dis­ tribution, (2) notice of the impending publication of such guides, and (3 ) information on any sim­ ilar project or special list of repository guides, to Ms. Sara Fuller, Ohio Historical Society, Ohio Historical Center, Columbus, OH 43211. • The Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Ser­ vice (WILS), an interlibrary loan custom-service network established by the Council of Wisconsin Librarians, Inc. (COW L) to share library re­ sources among the academic institutions, both public and private, has been established at the University of Wisconsin— Madison Memorial Li­ brary. As such, it will be engaged in loan of books, and photocopy of periodical articles. The WILS Office has been funded for the 1972–73 fiscal year by the forty-seven participating aca­ demic libraries, which have contributed an amount based upon a percentage of their annual library book budgets, with some modification based on projected use of WILS. The service provided by WILS includes ex­ panded and expedited interlibrary loan. Faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students who have information needs that cannot be met by their own library are assisted by having their requests transmitted via TWX or mail to the WILS Office. Project personnel locate and retrieve the material from any of the thirteen “libraries of record” on the Madison Campus, photocopy or charge out the material and prepare it for delivery within forty-eight hours. Books are sent by United Parcel and photocopy by first class mail each day. W ith expeditious handling of requests as a ma­ jor consideration, the WILS Office is presently connected by TWX with four participating librar­ ies. Two others will receive this equipment short­ ly. If sufficient funding becomes a reality, in­ stallation of TWX in all WILS participating li­ braries will receive the highest priority. • A visiting scholar program honoring the late Dr. Ralph R. Shaw, former dean and pro­ fessor emeritus of library service at Rutgers University, has been established by the Board of Governors of the State University. The program will enrich the study of library and information science at Rutgers by attract­ ing visiting scholars to lecture and promote knowledge of librarianship through a dissemi­ nation of varied ideas, viewpoints, and perspec­ tives. Establishment of the program came at the request of the faculty of the Rutgers Graduate School of Library Service who wished to honor Dr. Shaw for his contributions to library educa­ tion and for his insistence upon academic ex­ cellence. Dr. Thomas Mott, dean of the school, said a committee of librarians, library educators and publishing executives will be organized to assist the school in soliciting funds for support of the program, which will be financed entirely from private, individual, and corporate sources. The dean said friends and colleagues of Dr. Shaw who wish to make a tax-deductible con­ tribution may send a check to the Ralph R. Shaw Visiting Scholar Program Fund, Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers University, 189 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ 08903. P U B L IC A T IO N S The Research and Development Department of Colorado State University libraries has recent- 79 Two of the World’s Greatest Orchid Books Now Available in Full-Color Facsimile John Lindley SERTUM ORCHIDACEUM A Wreath o f the Most Beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers London, 1838. 50 full-page colored orchid plates, each accompanied by one leaf o f descriptive text Large folio ( 36 x 53 c m .) Just Published James Bateman THE ORCHIDACEAE OF MEXICO AND GUATEMALA London, [1837– 1843]. 40 full colored orchid plates, each accompanied by a leaf o f descriptive text Large folio (3 6 x 53 cm .) Available September 1973 Highly valued by horticulturists, orchid- lovers, and book collectors alike, these two rare and beautiful volumes are now available in splendid full-color facsimile for the first time. The most advanced modern tech­ niques have been used in the production of these facsimile editions to render every shade and hue of the magnificent flowers with the same loving care and accuracy with which they were depicted by the original artists some 150 years ago. Both books are being published in a strictly limited edition of 1000 hand- numbered copies each for worldwide distribution. SPECIAL OFFER Effective Until September 3 0 ,1 9 7 3 John Lindley SERTUM ORCHIDACEUM / $ 195.00 Price after September 30 / $210.00 James Bateman THE ORCHIDACEAE OF MEXICO AND GUATEMALA / $ 165.00 Price after September 30 / $180.00 Both books purchased together / $320.00 Price after September 30 / $345.00 Subscribers to both books will be billed one half o f the above sum upon delivery o f each volume. A detailed color brochure is available upon request. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd. 85 O.Z. Voorburgwal, Amsterdam Johnson Reprint Corporation A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers 111 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y, 10003 80 ly published a “Serials Book Catalog” of Colora­ do State University libraries. This computer gen­ erated listing of cataloged serials contained in CSU libraries is intended to provide one source for most of the serials holdings information need­ ed by users of the library. The catalog may be or­ dered from David W. Lupton, Publications Chairman, Colorado State University Libraries, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. The cost is $5.00 per copy. • The Medical Library Center of New York has published the revised and enlarged 1972 edi­ tion of the Union Catalog of Medical Periodicals. Compiled originally as a locator for interlibrary loans among libraries in the New York Metropol­ itan Area, UCMP is also a reference tool for cata­ logers and acquisitions librarians. For each peri­ odical and serial entry the bibliographic informa­ tion includes full title, place of publication, first year and frequency of publication, and explana­ tory notes. New 1972 publications are included as of July 31, 1972. The Union Catalog of Med­ ical Periodicals 1972 is bound in two volumes in buckram. The price for medical schools, large hospitals, and academic libraries is $75.00. Orders should be sent to The Medical Library Center of New York, 17 East 102 Street, New York, NY 10029. • The Association of Research Libraries has begun issuing “ARL Management Supplement” from its Office of University Library Management Studies. Each issue will be devoted to a central theme, and will contain news of activities, pro­ grams, research studies and on-going projects. It is hoped that the supplements will provide a me­ dium for the exchange of ideas, a directory of ac­ tivities, and a digest of important developments in the field. Questions concerning the supple­ ment should be addressed to Duane Webster, Office of University Library Management Stud­ ies, ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. The first supplement reviews planning processes and capabilities in academic and research librar­ ies. • A national quarterly journal for administra­ tors and faculty of community colleges in the United States will make its debut in April 1973. The journal. Community College Review, is being published by the Department of Adult and Community College Education at North Carolina State University, Box 5504, Raleigh, NC 27607. Thrust of the Review will be to provide a forum for indepth discussion of issues in community col­ lege education, to apply research findings to the solution of problems related to community col­ lege education and to disseminate the results of critical thinking and research findings to those persons interested in the field. • Dean Margaret E. Chisholm of the School of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, announces the publication of the fourth monograph in the School’s Student Con­ tribution Series. Fundamentals of Documenta­ tion, edited by T. D. Wilson and Esther Her­ man, is a collection of students’ papers with in­ troductory chapters by Mr. Wilson based on a course which he gave at the school during the fall term 1970–71. Mr. Wilson presents material on the underlying philosophy of the course and includes outlines of lectures with reading lists and analyses of the students’ reports; the re­ mainder of the work contains student essays on the documentation of various subject fields— Air Pollution, Communicating by Satellite, Crystallography, Demography, Evolution, Hu­ man Nutrition, Mechanical Engineering, Orni­ thology, and Sociology of Education. This book is distributed by the Student Supply Store (University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742) at $8.75 a copy. • Ralph Ellsworth’s eighth book, “Academic Library Buildings,” has been published by the Colorado Associated University Press which has headquarters in Boulder. Published with the sup­ port of the Educational Facilities Laboratories and the Council on Library Resources, “Academ­ ic Library Buildings’’ consists of more than 500 pages and contains 1,500 photographs and library plans. Price of the book is $10. • More than 1,250 research efforts, books and monographs in preparation, and innovative ac­ tivities involving some 2,364 key personnel throughout the world were reported in LIST 1973; Library and Information Science Today. Dr. Paul Wasserman, Director of the Univer­ sity of Maryland-based project, has issued a call for new project data to be included in the fourth annual edition, L IST 1974. The widespread interest and participation in this in­ ternational registry of research and innovation in librarianship, documentation and information sci­ ence has established L IST as the key “current awareness” tool for activities under way in gov­ ernmental and academic institutions, industrial and research organizations, international associa­ tions, foundations, societies, etc. Questionnaires are currently being distributed to personnel in order to identify ongoing projects. All those who require questionnaires and whose effort has not been identified in earlier editions should request them from L IS T 1974, School of Library and In­ formation Services, University of Maryland, Col­ lege Park, Maryland 20742. For additional infor­ 81 mation on the recently published L IS T 1973, contact the publisher, Science Associates/ International, Inc., 23 East 26th Street, New York, NY 10010. • A limited quantity of the recently published report Order Division Automated System (MARC Development Office, Library of Congress, 1972), is now available for distribution. Single copies may be obtained free on request to the Central Services Division, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, DC 20540. The report is a summary descrip­ tion of the Order Division Automated System as it is now operating at the Library. The system automates the preparation and printing of regu­ lar and new continuation orders, establishes and maintains a permanent computer file of all or­ ders placed, and establishes and maintains vari­ ous computer files containing data to assist in order preparation and placement as well as pro­ viding supplemental information for Order Di­ vision reports. ■ ■ News From the Sections AGRICULTURAL AND including visits to some of their facilities, such as BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES the Experimental Farm, Greenhouse, Whole- SECTION body Counter, and the Biology Building. This tour is not exclusively for ABSS members—any ACRL/ABSS sponsored tour: Members have ALA member may attend, and 100 persons can been invited to visit the National Environmental be accommodated. Send reservations to Miss Research Center and the Desert Research Insti­ Elsie Bergland, Colorado State University Librar­ tute, both at the University of Nevada, Las Veg­ ies, Ft. Collins, CO 80521 by June 15. Cost will as. Departure will be by bus from and return to be nominal. Further information will be available the convention center. Staff scientists will brief at the Local Tours Desk in the Convention Cen­ members on the activities of the research centers, ter. ■ ■ Additional ACRL Nominees for Offices 1973 / 74 ANTHROPOLOGY SECTION Robert E. Pfeiffer, Head, Graduate Social Sci­ Chairman ence Libraries, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720Hans E. Panofsky, Curator, Africana, North­ Member-at-Large (One-year)western University Library, Evanston, IL 60201 Ruby V. Martz, Subject Specialist, Learning Antonio Rodriguez-Buckingham, Associate Li­ Resources Center, Waubonsee Community Col­brarian, Peabody Museum Library, Harvard Uni­ lege, Sugar Grove, IL 60554versity, Cambridge, MA 02138 Mrs. Carol V. Ruppe, Reference Librarian, Vice-Chairman Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Lee Ash, Library Consultant, 31 Alden Rd., Tempe, AZ 85281 New Haven, CT 06515 Member-at-Large (Two-year) Mrs. Elizabeth Krakauer, Librarian, Goddard Mrs. Marilyn L. Haas, Reference Librarian, College Library, Plainfield, VT 05667 State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, Secretary NY 14214 Barton M. Clark, Undergraduate Librarian, Rinehart S. Potts, Assistant Professor, Depart­ University of Nebraska Library, Lincoln, NE ment of Library Science, Glassboro State College, 68503 Glassboro, NJ 08028 ■ ■ INFACTtm College Catalogs ACRL Membership on 35 mm Microfilm Completely indexed and updated quarterly. February 28, 1973 13,038 Eliminates “lost” catalogs. Saves expensive collecting, purging, storing and refiling. February 29, 1972 12,547 (301) 654-9133 ACADEMIC INFORMATION METHODS February 28, 1971 12,796 7758 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20014